THE rhiii'sdny, August 2, 1031 H IL L S B O R O N b l H I T O < R E D IT O M H |n the • -only Court of the Htate of O re ­ gon. for the »ou niy of W ashington, Probate Depart men . N o tire 1« hereby given bat lb « under­ signed P.ll/abetb I II't a r baa been ap- polntad A d m in istra trix of the estate of George H ille r, deceased, by the County < ourt of the Stale of Orwtfon, for Wash Ington County, am i baa qualified. A ll peraon •« having i-laima aginst said aetata are hereby iurtlfled to present tha dune, duly verified, a* by law required. to l»e undvrsig Ore I at Routt 2 Hillabor« It bin a ll month« from the date hereof b ale.I «nd f l u p u M b h td July 6. IW34. b a te of laat publication Auguat 2. 1984. E L IZ A B E T H R I U I F .l t . A d m in is tra trix lle n ry llau a r. A ttorney. 416 P acific Bldg Portland. (Jtego 2»»-4 A R G U S, Dlt»- lllttrrian, and H erm an WUliaro M illa rd r husband, John«! and M artha Johnston, bia w ife. ia A d m in is tra to r of < laran A Potta, the I- -»ale of M illa rd I Jobnaton. de- >ea-'««l defendants, for the aum <»f 8(5 86 «•oata ami disbursements and the fu rth e r sum o f 81165.50 w ith interest thereon from the 2nd «lay of Fe »ary, 1983, at »he rate of 8 per cent par annum , and fo r ’ be fu rth e r aum of 1126 00 A tto r ­ ney's h-e» w ith interest thereon from the 25th «lay of May, 1934, a t the rate of 6 per cant per annum . to rne direrted and deliver»««!, com m anding me to m ake aala of the real property herein after described, I hav•• levied upon and pursuant to «aid Execution O rder and De« ree of Hale. I w ill on Monday, the 14th day of A u g ­ ust, 1084, a ’ the E m at door of the Court House In Illllahoro, W ashington County, Oregon, at the hour of ten «»’clock ■ f -aid f the road getber w ith the tenement», h e re d ita m e n t and ap­ purtenant-«*« there»«» larlonging or In an y w p e app ertaining. (o suti fy the hereinbefore named sum* and for the coat am i exiM-naea of «ale and «aid w rit Maid sale w ill be made subj«Kt to re ­ demption m s per statute of Orttgon. D atw l at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 10th day of July. 1934. J W ( O N N E I . L , S h e r i f f o f W a sh in g ­ to n C o u n t y , O r e g o n . F l o y d I ) M->ore. A t ­ torney for P la in tiff, 615 R a ilw a y Ex- ' bangs. Portland. Oreg«»n. 21-5 H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine to tha southeast corner ©f section Corner of the north line o f sec­ redemption a*« provided by the law* of Scheekla. M ary Scheckla, his w ife, them e south th irty »»0> feet tion three ( 3 , In said township one ( l l the .State of Oregon. R«*«e Roach, Charlea K<>ach. F re d the pia e of beginnI ng Dated thia 11th «lay of July. 1934. S<-heck la. Lena Scheckle, Frank Scheck- Mouth, Range T w o (2 ) w est, running J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ I No. 2 Beginning at a point I*. Lucy Scheckla, M arie K r d rn a n, P la tt. P latt. Sm ith the want lina >f tha Donation I«and thence weat on Ha e L ine tw a n »y-thr«*e ton ('o u n ty, Oregon. Chari«»* Erdm an, Frances Herts«-hl ng r, H irn o f George W Elmer» and seventy-tw o hundredths 123.72 J A Black. E. H Tongue. Attorney« for life a n d Adolph Hertschinger. Florence Urn at. 21-6 ( IttMdfird Colum na Cloae at 12 u'rlucli W ednesday Noon «1 mirnb»-r fo rty six ( i t f which point la chain« to a post on the re« ognized line P la in tiff» . W illiam G Brust, M argaret Cr « hain« south of tha northwest between the east and I. Heuvel, John Hohenleitner. W illiam A KKAIIY M ARK ET W l II • ia hereby given that tn * u rider- ■f ««id Donation J. a ml C la im ; r u n - I »«W Elam Young Donation I.and C laim H"henlaitner. LaClede H u h e n I e i t n e r, lil'U IIY 'H Ilana«»n strain Laghom pul M O UKMULTS AT thence south 1* east and fourteen «igned ha* been by r»r»ler of the county n il.g 'hence Mouth 1* ea*t, along the W alter H uhenleitner. Mabel! Hohen- lata. |h wtwka-old. 60c each. Ml»** all ________ ______ _______ hundredths <144.14/ chains he center Judge of the State of Oregon, fo r Wash­ • < » line of «aid D onation Land (la ir n leitner, Herbert Hohenleit ner and A n na­ pedigreed from 250 to *127 large ••gg LITTLE COST eighty-three and seventy-four hundred'ha of fbe-k Creek , »hence up ' en 'e r o f Rock ington County, appointed a d m in is tra trix belle Huhenleitner, G re etin g : daum Paul Dudley, A lo h a ; m all III the northw est corner ‘ reek th irty -e ig h t and sixty hundredth* of the E state of F E. K in n e r, Deceased . I Mi .74) chains In the Nam e of the S tate o f O regon: I. Bvavertoii 24-5 N o w ,therefore, all per»«,ns interested are You an«l each of y«»u are hereby cited • , 'h e east of l.o t o n e I I I of Kohart'a Subdivision ( |8 ».'»» «-hains more or r t r e l tnaertkm , per word Io It I It pullet«, alao piano to tra d * for md Donation Land C laim , running line of «aid Donation Land C laim num ­ here(,y n o tified to pr«*»ent th eir claims and r«rquir«>d to appear in the ab«»ve |N u aervlce laaa than l i e ) ,.,w . l»x 172. thcoce e* » along the north liria of aaid ber th irty -e ig h t ( 8 8 ) ; thence north 1* duly verifiwJ to the undrraigned adm inis­ entitled court and cause in the County lb I. Hiilaboro. 23-4 p Karh nddlthuial I «»• a r t Io n . p e r I ' ’ i|) ,,f Kohart'a Hubdlvbion ««f west on such ea«t line fifteen and ten t ra tr ix w ith in ix rv.on'h* fro m the date (.«»urt Room in the County Court House word le I ll t O ll . l ItH anil fryer« for sale. heavy W ashington d Donation Land C laim , tw en ty and hundredth* (16.1<)j) chain« to pia< e of hereof at 1335 O ak street, H illsboro, Ore- in the C ity of Hillsboro, (N o service laaa than M e I breed II A Leu Phone Hiilaboro th irty hundredths (20.80) chains to the j beginning. and «ontaining th irty -th re a g'.n. ( ounty. Ortrgou, w .thin tw en ty-eig h t days I2 IU 17tf fja'ed at H d H ’xjro, O regon, thia 11th from the date of the firs t publication of tiaailare, par Una 10« •■*•> line of said Donation Land C la im ; arid severity-five hundredths W A N T E D Poultry of all Minds. W rit«. (N<» service laaa than M et thia Citation upon you in the H ill*born running them e north I’ went, along m ore o r lea*, save arid excepting there­ day of July. 1934. E l.T A K IN N E R . A d m in is tra trix of the Argus, to -w it: W ithin tw en ty-eight days W ill ra il <>r bring Friday. H alurday or th e east line of said Donation L am i from s e v e n a m i ninety-one hundredth* Count W«»r«l* Hand M may N O T H E TO < K E D IT O K H Moiiduy before noon. P ortland pro-«« Claim . eighty-lhre« and seventy-four < 17.91 i screw heretofr»re sold to Ju lia A. k * te of F. E K in n e r, Deceased. Mims from Ju ly 19, 1931, then and there to Count Your F ru flta A Mims, A ttorney» fo r A d m in is tra trix , • how cam s, if any exists, w hy an o r­ I' It Harden, Cornellua 46» f | t, the ( ouniy Court of the Stute of (Ir e i ' j r««lre«]tha (83.74l ch a in *; running thence Hatch- 22-4 der of the above entitle«! court should H enry Bldg . l'<»rtlan I at hi* home at jewel« East line of »he M«»l"mon Richard««»!» (JL2X.9) feet from an Iron pipe a t the I M I i b rt tha ri Or«' » months fr w ithin w e*t of he W illam e tte M e rid ia n ; N o rth Plains, Oregon, o r at the law of­ and w ife D. L. C. in Section l l . northeant corner of xabl claim No. 4€ ; ( A l I II •tunea Ai ile r a o li'a t h e «luta nning then« e w««t nineteen and fice of P. L. Patterson in the Well» id Tow nship 2 South of R»tnge 1 West running thence along east line of said Dattel of Ju ly, 1933. i hi n even hundr dths (19.07) chains; Huilding, Hillsboro, O regon, w ith in s it of the W illa m e tte M eridian at a Ebbert’s i lairn »outh 1* 09' east tw e n ­ I <>s I AM» I O l M l i (.<» 'he ,rtb thirt«?«n E. L. («H l I N u iin is tr a tr li of aal« i hun- months from the date of the fir s t pub­ ind f" point .4« chains N o rth o f the M«»uth- ty or.« hundred fifty -o n e and fiv e tenths 2 tp ). bun Q u a la r H r A l'etera, A tto r 13.14 i chair, ■ i«-e east tw en- lication o f thia notice, to -w it: W :th»n I it east i ..rn er o f said Section 11, ru n ­ (2161.5) feet to an iron pipe on north dredths Reward m ile* t»day. Adm inl- I« II Mku* t rl» ly anal fiv e hundred I Iti S il 2".u6) chains; • ix months from Ju ly 12. 1934. ning thence Weat p arallel w ith the batik of drainage ditch ; thence follow ­ 2 4-&P e S' ho la 1626 •r. Illllah o ro t hence i ,uth thirteen and fourteen hun- Dated a t Hillsboro, Oregon, on this South line o f aaid Section 11, 43 V* ing along the northerly hank o f aaid dre«lth* »durer, to the place of 10th day o f July. 1934. «ale. h.’avy chair,« to a stake from which point S O I K 4. I O < Rb lllT O K S drainage ditch south 71” * 0 7 ' weat one M W IM . lo g in n in g . « ontainir z tw en ty-six and I. O K I S K M A K lN t. ID lla- W ilcox. I(t tie C L A R E D O IE L , A d m in is tra to r of »he the land above to be described be­ t , u i d red fifty -fo u r and fiv e teatha (164.6) N" 4209 f ifty hundredth* ' 2». 5‘ 24p acres, more or E state • i M l)-'* * -« « ! p. L. gins; thence N o rth M.21 2 /5 chain« f««et to an iron a t angle in d itc h ; thence l » l l ( pwraonel help wl less , saving and ex« p tin g therefrom , In ’ he County Court of the State of Or« Patterson, A tto rn ey fo r A d m in is tra ­ b« «dd M»a to a «take, thence Went 1 1 .4 2 'j outh 5 4 ' 57' w w t one hundred eighty- pnd.lwna turn l«» T» I IN L II dutein bull. 16 limn however, th at certain ract of land de- v .rt, f o r t b « C o u n t y of W ashington, b« tor. 21-5 chains to a s take, thence S o u t h one and mix tenths feet to an 1I6«> Heviäni M» brr »making, R It bay Rt I H«»a 70* , 11«*« vert on r itäni in dee«i ded at. page 1**4 of Probate Departm ent 16.212 I < ha in* to a stake; thence iron pip«- gt angle in ditch bank ; thence atllching New amt i el sewing n In q u ire Used In the M attt-r of the Estate <»f G o n jir" I VM I fr« *b « <»wa fu r »ale »lume 9H. Deed Re ord* of W ashington East 11.42*4 chain* parallel w ith south 69* 18' weat tw o hundred eighty- , bin«'- for sale «»r le n t -• ” GENERAL I.A N D O F F IC E . W ashing­ 23 C«»r !• »«'hange ounty. Oregon . -laving and ex- Yamuda. Dec«ai»«ni. the South line of said Section l l to nine and tw o tenth* (2 * 9 .2 » feet to •pting therefrom , l\IN Jersey cow« for *1 le. fr««sh in however. the tra ct ton. D (.’., June 16. 1934. Notice is here­ Notice la b«-r«d»> given that the umlcr- the point of beginning, containing an iron pipe* a» angle in aaid ditch bank ; by given th a t subject to the conditions 9. Itl l ’A llt W OKK IXINI. John Mr f land described August am i Seplembcr the d«?e«l recorder! 40 Stat 1179i, and M ay 17. 1928 «45 |l « M* hulmer»«'h, cunlra« tor. 22tf sale for ..f Oregon fur lb« County of W ashing­ IH I O . I Gucrnaey belfern Northeast corner of Section 14 T . 2 bank , thence south 74* 09* west tw o fu rth e r excepting therefrom th * follow ­ S tat. 597, Public Noa. 415 and 417), ing describe«! parcel th e re o f: Being a b la n k Huger, 6 m ile* i »ui h and 2 ton. and ha- i|u a b fii*l A ll pera«»n» hav­ S. R. 1 W . of The W. M . ; thenco hundred fifty -th re e and fiv e tenths and pursuant to departm ental regula- portion o f the east half ( E '^ i of the 10. W AN'IT.IF- -Mbrelbkitroua ing < lu i i n a again-'' said eatate are ber<4»> ' b- mile« west of Illllahoro South 29.- t chains; thence W est (253 5) feet to an iron pipe a t angle Lbmation I-and Claim of Isaac B u tler tion-*. C irc u la r 12oO, the tim b er on the Iving 3 gal- u o t i ( i « * l i o p i« - . e n t the aaine to rne at 13.33 1 '3 chains to a «take, thence t n t o l l Lida wanted f'T « ’ « »»r«la N " I J l RSb-Y c -w . 6 years o il. Hi said ditch bank ; thence south 79* and w ife, in township one ( I , N o rth , follow ing lands w ill he sold Aug. 2". 41'» Y«e»n Huilding, P o rtland, Dragon, •k north of N o rth 29.84 chains to the center of Ion« m ilk A b rake , bl» «dd gr«»wili fir . «Mtlier 4 f««»l or 16-lnch, 41 weat one hundred tw en ty and nine 1934, at 10 o’clock A. M. at public auc­ Range T w o ¡2 ) west of the W illa m e tte 22 4 w ith voucher- and duly verifle«!, w ithin road on Section lin e between Sec­ deliver«*! to W i ' b l l a . « d «• b<«d A I W i . h II «rei station. ter,tha (120.9) feet to an iron pipe at M erid ian , W’a*hington County, Oregon, tion at the U . S. Land O ffic e at K u t « o f ” 0 0 O w n rr T h i* C itation is served upon you by way Aak at ul Elrnoliica at«»re N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E O N •• urt. duly appointed ad m in is trato r of "‘ * 2 ,7"th* ” >• hondred «**• 7 " “ 1 th* fa m ll> « e W r ite Im m e d la te i) lU w ln g h W rite So»» N .E. publication thereof in the H illsbo ro A r ­ Mrs Oester’a place fe e t to an Iron p ip e ; thence f ort « it- *«-♦- t k e r r « - «*a*t four pur. ha-.e m aw arded b y th e Register, v » . - i t iiiv ’ Xe «r*tate «»f John R Stephenson, de- ( o 1 'e p t OR II 6*4 SA . Oakland C ali- 23-4 Portland, Ore ( lum i,la HIv r .\ r .» L i l l i e . .„ -e d and haa duly qualified a« such (,< .»th 89 16' east th irteen hundred jiun4 rej forty-one and sixty-seven hun- b '* certific a te of »ale w ill not issue un- gus, a weekly newspaper printed and 24 ». HP furnia fify - f ur a n ! «me tenth (1354.1) feet ,lre d lh - ,< 4 1 6 7 . feet to the east lin e tH . the Purchaser ha* complied fu lly w ith published w ithin the C ity of Hillsboro. I I N acre*, all well cultlvate«1 h-aiae, In the c i r c u i t ». urt of the State of O re- adm im atrator Washington County, Oregon, and of gen­ the place of («eginning ; containing chicken h< u a. w.«*l»hcsl . all kinds <»f g"ii, f,l eventy-six and seven hundred th irty -fo u r f ru il and b«rrlea . g«**l w e ll, nice 1«»- Fred (. H a r c u r t . P la in tiff, .nd estate are her«4»y rw juired to pro- thence north, alone the east line of said the execution of the contract of sale made ami entered on the 19th day of t . andths (76.784) acres. .•«im, a' M a«r«a a d jo in in g , for ** «ent the same to me, w ith proper rouch- trait»« and am ali lemma f r sale. Isaac B u tle r Donation Land C laim , one and bond re«iuire«l »hereunder. The mon­ July. 1934. by Honorable Donald T. Tem - l ilt • a le »'«¿ether or separate N«'ta Lar»en I G W iis"i . b ifio d a n t <-r at my r«**idenee in H, Ore- P.treel No. 3 B eginning at the north- hundred fo rty-eig h t . .Addle bur*«*, lake some Oa.le b reali 11481 fe e t, thence ey deposited w ill be returned if sale pleton. Judge of the above entitled court . inti« - n d h w lre eaa tow er ?"• ''P not approved, otherw ise patent w ill N .. «• 1» hereby given that pursuant 1«. 1927 O a k S t r e e t , or at the law of- 1 •• corner of the W illia m H. B ennett west four hundred fo rty-one and sixty- i-uwa 12’» I«’ 14'». t«eted ami heavy fo r W ashington County, which order re­ f M H Rump, Hillsboro. Oregon, »"nation Land C laim num ber fo rty - -cven hundredth* m ilkers want hay. washing ma« hlne. O N I of the be-t fa rm - In W ashington ui, . , uii«.i, i»sued out « rne >r<> to appear and answer said C itatio n on o r sale. 26 Oregon. 21-6 of A I I O l ’T le l e p h o n e p o i« *, f o r iid Donation Land C laim , eighty- render«*-! in the above entitle«! c«>urt and east nine hundre«J and fifty-seven ber <»n any legal subdivision w ill be before Thursday, the 16th day of August. .'e and f ifty -fiv e hundredths (»1.65» 195 f«»rt 1-ng Hugh M«*»re. Ht 2. H a n k s . 30. cau«e on the 21 at «lay of June. 1934, in (957» feet and north 0 * 32' west nine offered separately before being included I 'd I Said Court ha* fixed Tuaaday. the D O ( s S -P I T S 24 4p in any o ffe r of a la rg e r u n it. T . 8 8 ., 'ham s to the center of the county road; near M u n ia im la ie U favor " f the above naim rf p la in tiff ami hundred th ir ty -fiv e a n d fiv e tenths N O T IC E T O ( K E D IT O R M frith day of August. 1934. in the County pups . I Mhepherd i N G l ISW Hills-’ h * 1»1'' I b e a b « » \e nam«*l defendant for In th « un’.y ( ourt of the S tate o f O re­ r u t . ».in« thence north 85* 32' went, fo l­ 19,5.5 • f«?et fro m the southwest corner R. 1 E.. Sec. 13. 8 E ’s S E l <, red and Court Room in the County C o urt House I l(« 3 « e rti Si W lowing the center of the county road, o f »aid claim and running north 0 * 32' yell. w f ir 4*" M . none o f the tim b er ., t the sum <>f >*;:.•« imi together w ith Interest gon. fu r Wa-hingt«»n County. IJ. CAMS AM » TIK I S in the C ity o f H iilaboro, W ashington .nr 4R2 , per annum In the M a tte r o f the E state o f Louise tw enty and fifty -s ix hundredths (20.56i » mb thereon at the t ten hundred th irty -fo u r and fo u r on "a ‘d subdivision to be sold fo r less at the hour of ten A. la in * to the west boundary line of ten th * (l'-34.4> feet to the south line than 81.5»' per M. T. 3 N .. IL 2 W ., County. Dreg suite the 1st day of June, 1932, and the Burch, Decease«!. -M. of said day a« the tim e and place aid W illiam H Bennett D onation Land of the Oregon E lectric R a ilw ay Com­ Sec 21. S E * 4 N E ‘ *. red f ir 470 M . w hite STO V E S— III A I LHS fu rth e r sum <>f 816.00, < oats and dl«»- Notice i» hereby given that the under- T ritt 31. f .r 2 1 M . m aple 4 M . alder 16 M ; none fo r the fin a l hearing of said petition ( lairn , running thence north 0 * 34' west buraetnenla, 'igtied ha* b«-en duly confirm ed by the pany'« rig h t o f w a y . thence north 6 5 ’ range, and of a ll «objections thereto. used H'*me ( • rnfort Ml 111 I I Y and eighty-six hundredths 10' U S E D auto parta for !•«« Main M' i «•*» Now, therefore. I did on the 3"th «lay ui»ove entitled io u r t as executrix «if the '••venty-nine west one hundred sixty-eight and . f the tim b er on said subdivision to be ('tty . W'itneas the Honorable Donald T . Tem ­ W P lla y la n d . Dreg' atf 179.86) chains to the place of begin- eight ten th * (168.81 fe e t; thence north sold for lee* than 81-50 per M fo r the Garage. 2 41» of June. 1934. duly seize and levy upon, last s i ll and testam ent of said d«rceased, aing. pleton. Judge of the County Court of ■ and. in order to pay and satisfy said and has duly qualifi«*«i as such. 89* 56' west one hundred tw en ty-six and red fir , m aple and alder, and 81.0o per the State • f Oregon, to r the County of M f. r the w hite f ir . T . 3 N .. R. 2 W .. Now, therefore, ail persona having judgm ent, 1 w ill on the 6th day «»f A u ­ nine tenth* 1126.9) feet to the ea.«t line Parcel No. 4 Beginning w here the n i l ITS 34. 29. N E » * M E»,, yellow f i r 375 M. W ashington w ith the seal of said court Estate a re hereby gust, 1984, at ten o'clock in the fo re­ ' .mill« against said • nter line o f the H iilaboro and Po rtland of F ir Street in F irst A d dition to O r- Se* affixed , this 19th day of June. 1934. BAR I L E I pear.. 5"<- , ^ r I« » D H to present t h e noon of aaid «lay, at the East d<*»r of u«»tified am i required It. a l interxects the west line of the e n c o ; thence south 0 a 4' west on said hemlock 95 M . none o f the tim b er on A tte s t: E D W . C. L U C E . County C lerk ( M F D aut«» p a ri*, w ru n 4 hand f a r m -aid subdivision to be sold fo r leas than Bishop, on the Eckhardt place, west the county court house in W ashington •ame together w ith proper vouchers Donation rent nr Land Claim of W illia m H . street line eleven hundred seven and one stuck tra iler«, f of W ashington Cn. and Clerk machinery «-ml Jackson Mt. 24tf County. Oregon, sell, at public auction therefor, to the undersigned at the law Bennett number forty-seven (4 7 1 in aec- tenth (11U7.1) fe e t, thence south 89* 81.5" per M fo r the yellow f i r and 81.00 of the County C o urt of the S tate of ttf H e r . m i Mt 126 •a l* per .M fo r the hemlock. T . 3 N ., R. 3 F IN E , large Gravenstein apple* for sale. to the high«**t bidder fo r rash in hand, «»ffivsea - f Hare. M c A le a r A Peters in the tion twenty-seven <27), township one 56' east tw o hundred n inety-tw o (292) 22-6 Sec. 13. N E * * S W ‘ * . red and yel­ Oregon, fo r W ashington County. I.- . bring container W illia m K*»bb, l(t subject to redemption as provided by the Shute Savings Bank Building in H ills - • 1 No rth. Range Tw o (2 ) w « t of the feet to the place of b e g in n in g ; con tain­ W r tiK i. I«. <>n w ith in s ii months fro m W iJlamette lllllaboro- Phone ’2726 24 law« -t the State «>f Onrgoit. a il the fol- Iw f" M eridian ; thence running ing six and th ir ty -fiv e hundredths (6.36) low f i r 900 M ; S E ’ * S W >* red and yel­ 4-ftw t. old grow th 8 4 25 16- low f ir 650 M S W »* SW’ i* red and yel­ SUM M O NS W(K hereof. lowing d w - c r i l i e d real property situate In "uth 1* east, oft the west lin e of said acres. applao f«»r »ale. Ittch "Id grow th. 86 deiivere«l F rank G ltA V K N M T E IN low f ir 740 M ; none o f the tim ber In the C ircu it Court of the S ta te o f O re ­ Dated this 12th day of Ju ly, 1934. "f W ashington. State of Donation Land C laim , to point o f P arrel No. 13— P a rt of the Isaac B u t- bring your !»«•» Peter Groasen. I(t 1. th r County h R Boa 1 on said subdivisions to be sold fo r less gon. fo r W ashington County. L I L L I A N I. M a r lx iN A L D . E xecutrix Oregon, and more p artic u la rly Ivounded 4 interoertion w ith the north boundary ler D onation Land C laim num ber fo rty - H<»s 98. Hillsboro. 24 HT.AMONFJ» oak and « "u n try «lab w .**l W a lte r W eber a n d Velm a T . W eber. than 81.5u per 11. T . 15 S.. R. I • •f the Last W ill am i T e*tam en t o f said line of the rig ht of way of the Oregon eight and de«crlbed as follows, to -w it; (4 6 ), township one (li N o rth , tout» bushels, q uality a n d P la in tiffs , 29. S W ', N E ** red f i r 950 M. S « w el any length before delivery In- P E A C H E H Im« eased Hare. M< A lear & Peters, A t ­ Fleet ric R ailw ay as described in b««»k Range T w o (2> w est: B eginning a t a Sec A ll that part of L«»t 76, Steel's A d ­ price guaranteed Hperial prices to «51 vs. Hoyt red cedar 5o M ; S E * , N E ’ * red f i r 800 W. rh I Tr«i«» torneys f«»r Executrix. 21-6 «•< sl.l* bU«e» dition to Beaverton d«racr tired as fo l­ page 268. Record* o f Deed* fo r point w hich is reached by running uth 89* 66' east nine hundred ftfty - M 3" F'lnegan’s | ’re«-h O rchard, half- divisions to I ni sold for leas than 81-25 unm arried. John R. H a y and M rs. F ir. rwk and W e«t line of Lot 76, 29 r.*is South F IR 1 T U s * WHid f" r S H E R IF F ’S B A L E O F R E A L P R O P E R T Y e r l y . f o l l o w i n g a l o n g the north lin e ©f seven 1957) i feet and north 0 ’ 32' west m ile -ooth of Buckeye Stand. Cornelius John R. H a y, his w ife . Charles V . >(•» ->» per M fo r the red f i r and 50 cents Deismen Ph of the Northw est corner thereof . b« Oregon Electric rig h t of way, to uh Ray O.N FOREC L o s t re nine hundred th ir ty -fiv e and fiv e tenths Illg a rm w at «*«»mer points the way. I»er M for the r«?d cedar. T . 13 S.. R. 6 S m ith and M rs. Charlea V . Sm ith, his 42 f thence Foist am i parallel w ith the uthwest corner of th at certain ( 9 3 5 . 5 ) feet fro m th e «©uthwest corner 1107 In the C ircuit < our» of the State of U r«* • b . 23tf Phone F'orest Grove 1614W w ife. Charles H a y and Mr». Charles N o rth line of sai I lot, 6.6o chains . ract . f land. Conveyed by Oreg.-n N u r- «•f »aid Donation Land C la im ; and ru n ­ W. Sec. 33 SW »* N E '* red f i r 36' M ; Mend G w rg e L gon. f .r the N m e.evn th Judicial Dis- (H K 4 F L and fuel «■Il 16.H» I ’ l A C ID S all k i n d * ! W Walch, none of the tim ber on ¡«aid subdivision H ay. his w ife Edw ard H a y and Mrs. thence M«»uth ami parallel w ith the -.-ry Company to Blanche M cG ill by deed ning north 89* 56' west tw o hundred N < F »reet Grove rick« fuel «»II .(•aler. 22-5p feet south Newt«»n station to be sold fo r leas than 81.5'' per M. T. Edw ard Hay. his w ife, A lye H a y and 3 tf West line <>f said L«»t 76 to the South M R J. hn*on and H ie l nite.1 State* r«*< r«l«*d in b«*»k 79. page 7, Record* n i n e t y - t w o <292) fe e t; thence south Pb«.ne 143J M r*. A lye H a y. his w ife. Pearl Weiaa I' S . R. 7. W .. Sec- 9. N E '* N W V 4 b ur iherm if. and thence N orthw esterly N a tio n al Bank of Po rtland (O reg o n ), ..f Dee*!' f r W a«hm gtun County. O re- west fiv e hundred seventeen and red f ir 625 M. red cedar 10 M . hem- ■nd Weiss, her husband. Mrs. IIOI SI S 39. along the S«»uth line of said lot to p la in tiffs . them e north four and eight hun- nine tenth* «517.9. fe e t; thence s«>uth I F I I 20 HAY AM> H o w ard H a rtm a n and H o w ard H a rt­ lin k 60 M . N W '* N W » * red f i r 715 the M »uthwest corner th e re o f; thence • i»n» house, hasen d r e d fo rty-eig h t thousandths (4.8481 5 r< 56 east tw o hundred ninety-eight Mu I lF K N «)•*!. 8lu ’ «.n M . hemlock 15 M . S W ** S W ** red f ir man, her husband. Ernest Zim m erm an SF i < IN ! utting a lfa lfa hains to the northw est corner o f « and N o rth along the W«-*l line of said a r e . hardw« ral fliMtra. «ewer, M a rtin J. Bern ard* ( *o met ini«* called six tenths (298.6) fe e t. thence W l t . h Hazel 1325 M . dead red f i r 20 M . none of and Mrs. Ernest Z im m erm an , his w ife, Hui rer Mister* » e*t lot to the place of l>eginning, con­ .t i .'i , f in .* condition, only M a rtin Bernards i am i Len a Bernards, •ract . f land conveyed by Oregon Nur* north h* 32' west five hundred seven­ Ralph Zim m erm an and M rs. Ralph tain in g 2 85 acre«. ms W G Ide hu'bam i am i w ife . John A. McGee. B. '«■ry Company to M. M> Donald by deci teen and n ine tenths (5 l7 .9 i feet to the the tim b er on said subdivisions to be Zim m erm an, his w ife. P. J. C allahan sold fo r less than 81.50 per M fo r the S i l l I |» _ < ,< > V I N r e e p ie d ' in • I'sge 6. Records of place of beginning, containing three and 23. A M itchell. A. I). P itm a n . Agnes J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing-1 and M r*. P. J. C allahan, his w ife, red f i r and red cedar. 81.00 per M fo r f .r <2. IA H M LOANS Bryant and M a rtin Bernards. Commis­ Deed* f.»r W a hington C ounty, Oregon Han |x h lte fifty -o n e hundredths (3.51) acre*. pit»«4»red I • ■ • i it 'I i.k .«•.. A t - : MF VF 5 H erb ert C. H a y and M rs. H e rb e rt C. the dead red f i r and 75 cents per M sioner* of the C ity o f O renco «»f the thence east three and seven hundred 3 year« 17 P la in tiff, Hillsboro, O re-1 ..n r B vewi Parcel No. 14- Being a p a rt of the fo r the hemlock. T. 28 S.. R. 11 W .. i The F «alerai Land t««rney f o r I.« oney tv H ay. hi* w ife, Leo A . Hay and Mrs. I H IM mil«*» n •rt h- Xo-4 ' T u a latin Valley. O re g o n ; Ellen P it­ «•i* hty-eight thousandths (3.788» chains Donation Land Claim of Isaac B u tler Sec. 25. M E** N E * * Po rt O rford cedar Io-ad I M Leo A . H ay. his w ife. Mrs. E. J. w ha* an le fund, in borni, to gon. hank man. C ity Recorder of the C ity of to the ea*t line of the »aid W illia m H. and w ife, claim num ber fo rty -e ig h t <48i, ic* farm 24p t « f Yam h ill, I'/, Over l l . ..... farm ers Bu»-'ey and E. J. Bussey, her hus­ 45 M . down Po rt O rford cedar 45 M . Orenco of the T u a la tin V a lley, O re­ Bennett and w ife Donation L an d C la im ; in township one (1 ) N o rth, Range Tw o band. M r*. George W . Sheet* and G e o n * poll has been I ne«i t.» W ashington N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S MALE gon . C ity of Orenco of the T u a la tin »hence north 1* west, along the east »2» went of the W illa m e tte M eridian, yellow f i r 55 M . red cedar 15 M , rer W. Sheets, her husband. M rs. E. E. " f the tim b er on said 24. f .r 20 M county farm e la I Valley. O re g o n ; D ate Prune Pnalucts line of said Donation Land C laim , to the and more p a rtic u la rly bounded and de­ W n shinjto n Coun- In the C ircu it < ourt of the State of O re­ M anzer and E. E. M anzer, her hus­ to be sold fo r lea* than subdivision ..«It f . r partícula pulle » for sale 6- the center I R Company, a corp«»ration ; A. L in d g re n ; point o f intersection w ith IÏIIIIT Y R gon, fo r VS n htngt«»n County. scribed a* follows, to -w it: B eginning at 8 » I.«-««n Association. band. F ra n k H ay and Mrs. F ran k ty N ational F * per M fo r the Po rt O rfo rd cedar. Rollins. H ill- John Mi - m onth- "Id Regional A g ric u ltu ra l Credit Cort»ora- line o f the Hillsboro and P o rtlan d Road ; a point on the south lin e of said D ona­ L ife Insurance Company, a i ro • f New- Yo rk H ay. his w ife , M a ry E v alin e H a y, un­ J M Per-oit. se. 2 4p b a ro Bt I ’h" tion of Mp«»kane, W ashington; A. IL thence weat, follow ing the center lin e of tion Land Claim o f Isaac B u tler and 8 00 per M fo r the down Po rt O rford corporatioa, p la in tiff, cedar, 81.l>0 per M fo r the yellow f i r m arried . M arg aret Pearl H ay. u n m ar. M a w te ll; George T W ith in g to n and *aid tra c t, to the place o f beginning. vs. w ife fourteen and fo rty -e ig h t hundredths and red cellar, and 75 cents per M fo r ried. P h illip D w ight H a y and M rs. Parcel No. 6 - Com m encing at the Henry Meltebeke. «lefendant* : (14.48i chains east of the southwest A ii'tin M ini' a* Evc.-ut«»r of the I.u -l W ill P h illip D w ig h t Hay, hi* w ife, and a ll Notice is hereby given that by v irtu e northwest corner of the D onation Land corner o f said c la im ; ru n n in g thence the red f ir . T. 30 S., R. 12 W ., Sec. ami Testam ent o f Sarah J. Mims, de« other persons and parties claim ing any 29. M W ** N W 1*. Port O rfo rd cedar 95 C laim of Isaac B u tler num ber fo rty - ” MM F.xecution, Judgm ent. Decree and c.*«sed, B en.: e H u nt a* c -e x e c u trix north 31 weat, p aralle l w ith the west rig h t, title , interest o r estate in the and T . . t « ’nc'n" l ‘ r,,,-r “ < «"•) Under eight (49) in section twenty-seven i27», line of said claim , th irty -fo u r and nine- M . down Port O rfo rd cedar 25 M , yel­ of t be Lust VV real property described in the com­ low f i r 115 M , red f ir 125 M ; none of wnship one (1 ) N o rth. Range Tw o he seal «if the above entit)«*d c«»urt in Sarah J Min.*. deee«*«.d Austin Sims, ty one hundredth* (34.91) chains; thence the tim ber on said subdivision to be plain t. Defendants. signed at 614 l*«»rter Bldg . I’*»rtland w tth- S K I K D F M M ALE 12» west of the W illa m e tte M e rid ia n ; individually and Lorna S n .:•». hi* w ife the above en titled cause on the 11th day north 89 53 east six and f ifty -fo u r «old fo r less than 88.00 per M fo r the To Dora M ay Tucker, w idow. L eila H a y, in six month) fr«»m the «late hereof. running thence south, on the weat line he re), y given, that by virtu e Notice B -rr.Ire H u n t, itoii* i«lua!iy, and Lloyd o f July, 1934. to me directed and de­ hundredths (6.54) ch a ins; thence north Port O rfo rd cedar. 84.oo per M fo r the unm arried. John R. Hay and M rs. Dat«*l and fir»t publhhed J " l * 2 *. 1934. Donation Land C laim , to , four , r and seventy-five hundredths (4.75» livered on the 11th day of July. 1934, of said of « i. F.rife«» I««»1 l»r«ler am i Dï’cree »»f C H u n t, her husband, Mercedes U ria h ! John R. H a y. his w ife, Charles V . down Port O rfo rd cedar. >1.50 per M Date of last pohp .«iiot» August 23. 1934. which i* tw enty-*even hundred chai ns; thence north 8 9 ’ 53* east seven­ Male. ts*u«al out " f and II..1. r the seel and H a l H Urdu hl. her hu*band. M ar­ and issued u|M»n and pursuant to a judg­ point S m ith and M rs. Charles V. S m ith , his fo r the yellow fir . and 81.»M ‘ per M fo r I R A N K G S M IT H . A d m inistrator. _____ sixty-seven (2767 > feet north <»f the south- t.f th * C ircuit Court - f th * M tat* of D re- jo rie H u n t. 1». F. Babcock and W m. ment and decree remiered and entered teen and seventeen hundredth* (17.17) the red fir . F R E D W . J O H N S O N . Com­ w ife. Charles H ay and M rs. Charles Frank II H ilto n , Attorney. 614 Porter n«l cause we®4 corner of said Donation I-and C laim ; chains to the east in the above en title d court M..t, f .r tlw County «»f W ashington, da'e.1 V. C la rk , defendants. lin e of the west H a y, his w ifa, Edward H ay and M rs. 22-6 <3-7 1934, i n fu n n in g thence north 89* 19 east three h a lf i W * ? i of said B u tler c la im ; thence missioner. the 3t»th day <»f Ju n *. 1984. in favor of Bldg By v irtu e o f an execution, judgment " n -he 11th day o f July. Edw ard H ay. his w ife. A lye H ay and __ ______ n tiffs and hundred fo rty -tw « and six tenths (342.6i above ______ tixn in l p la in 1 rank II Iteeve*. p la in tiff, a id agatnat order, decree and order of sale 4 ne,j favor of _ the south th irty -n in e and seventy hundredth* M rs. A lye H a y. his w ife. Pearl Weiss B O A R D O F E Q U A L IZ A T IO N against the ab«'ve name«! defendant* fo r fc<*' running thence »«»uth 1C* east one NOTIC E TO ( K E D ITO R M 1,'Mt , ‘rtik. a c«»r|H»ral»oi». «lefendant. for out of the above ent it I«-« I court in the »39.70) chain* to the southeast corner anl the 1st «lay of August, 1934. upon and against the r«M»l and personal prop- ru n n in g north 8 9 ’ 19‘ east tw enty-one Land C la im ; thence west, on the for the District of Oregon m an. her husband, Ernest Z im m e r­ Notice is hereby given th at the Board described. and com- hundred «¡çhty-tw o and ib u r te n th . , outh |ine of the rate <»f 6 per cent per annum , and In the M utter of V4 illiain II Casey J r., a judgm ent and dm-ree entered in said erty herein after m an and M rs. Ernest Z im m erm an , his of Equalizatio n of W ashington County, fo r «he fu rth e r sum «»f 8 ’»’» Att«»rn«-y * «•ourt «»n the 1st day o f August, 1934. in B a n k ru p t. No It 19214 in Bankruptcy w ife. Ralph Zim m erm an a n d Mrs. Oregon, w ill meet on Monday. August 13, f,* .- . t.. m ake .a le «»f the real pr.qw rty Notice i* hereby given to all credit«»r* favor of the above tixm el p la in tiff and R alph Zim m erm an, his w ife. P. J. 19 4. at the court house in H illsboro, in herein after de*crtl»«*l. I have levied up*” » that on th.- 26th «lay of July A D 1931. again*! the real property hereinafter C allahan and M rs. P. J. Callahan, his W ashington County, that being the sec­ and p u r*u an t t«» said F x « w u tl« » n . O r d e r W illiam II < a*ey J r <»f Hlllshor««. O rw d«*< ril»ed fo r the sum o f w ith w ife. Herbert C. H ay and M r*. H e r ­ ond M onday in August, and the tim e and am i De« ree of Male I w ill «»n Monday. gon. the bankrupt almve narn«*l. wa» interest tharaon at the rate o f H>% per bert C. H ay, hi* w ife, Leo A . H a y and place provided by law to publicly ex- ' th< 6th «lay o f Auguat, 1934. at 'h e duly ailjudit atisl bankrupt . and that the annum fn m t l>«*cember 1. 1932. plu* the M r*. Leo A. H ay, his w ife. Mrs. E. J. am ine the assessment rolls o f said coun- . feet in w idth heretofore sold fo r the f»i*>«t meeting of hi* cre«Btors w ill l»e additional »tint of 8168.08; the fu rth e r F4Mt d.«»r of the Court House In H ill* Bussey and E. J. Bussey, her hus­ Donation Land C la im ; ru n n in g thence ty fo r 1934. and correct a ll errors in County. Oregon, at boro. W ashington rig h t »f w ay of the Et©r*ric held in the County Court Room in the «urn of 8536.02 w ith interest thereon at Male and in com pliance w ith the orders. north 79’ band M rs. E. E. M an zer and E. K. l l ' west« along said north valuation and description or quantities »'clock a m. «»f »»Id County C.'urt House at Hillsboro. O re­ the rate of 10% »»er annum from Fel»- iiir«*cttons and commands ol said w rit, and Railroad Company as it is now surveyed the hour of ten M anzer. her h tband , F ra n k H ay and line of said Donation Land C laim , th irty - of land, lots or other properties, and it lay. well a» public auction to the hlghe«»l gon. «»n the U t h day «»f August. 1934. at ruary 2V. 1932. the fu rth e r sum of 826 - , n order to pay. satisfy and discharge and located across the above described M rs. F ra n k H ay. hi* w ife, M a ry E v a­ bidder f«»r caah in hand, all " f ’ he f«»l- lit a. m.. «6 which tim e »aid cr«-dit«»r* " . the fu rth e r sum of 8440.(Hi atto rn ey’s •he fu ll sunt of 877.527.21 together w ith nine and tw enty-one hundredths (39.21) tra ct of la n d ; also saving and except­ is the duty of a ll person* interested to line H ay. unm arried. M argaret Pearl lowing described real property, lying, may attend, prove th eir claim *, appoint fee- and the fu rth e r sunt of $83.28 costs interest thereon at the rate of 8% per chains, more or less, to the place of be­ ing, h« wever. all th a t certain tra c t of ap p ear at the tim e and place appointe«! H ay. unm arried. P h illip D w ig h t H a y g inning. excepting therefr«»m the rig h t and i f it shall appear to the Board of being and situ ate In Washingt«»n County. a trustee, exam ine the bankrupt, and inn! disbursements, and the costs upon annum since the 11th day of July. 1934, of w ay of the Oregon E lectric R ailw ay land described in the deed recorded at and M r*. P h illip D w ig h t H ay, hi* w ife. and the fu rth e r sum o f 87047.00, costs, Oregon, and n».»re p a rtic u la rly deseribed transact page 469 of volum e 106. deed records Equalisation that there are lands, lots or *uch other bualneas a* may th n w rit, commanding nte to make sale D e fen d an ts: other property assessed tw ice o r in the fees, to- Company one hundred < 100> feet in w idth, of W ashington County. O re g o n ; a n d as foll«»wa, t«*w lt : of the follow ing described real |»r«»i»erty disbursements and a tto rn e y s p r .'in rly c«»me before said meeting. in the N a m e o f the State o f O regon: name of a person or persona not the ether w ith interest thereon at the rate ‘•'»nUtining eight and nine hundredths N E % of M«a 84 T . I N It I C laim * must be pre*ente«l in form re­ 'itu a te in W ashington County. Oregon, " f 6 , per annum since the l l t h day o f (9.('9) acre», a* the same is described in fu rth e r excepting th erefro m the fo llo w ­ ow ner o f the same or assessed under You and each o f you are hereby com­ ing describe«! parcel th e r e o f; Being a We-d «d the W illa m e tte M eridian, ex­ Lots Tw o (2 ) and Seven quired by the Bankrupt Act ami .»worn to. to -w it: to appear and i ------ and ^'6’k 96. page 315. Records of Deeds for part of the Isaac B u tle r D onation Land o r beyond its value, or any lots, lands o r manded and required July. 1934. together w ith the costs cept Ia»te 1, 16 and the Mouth 2.38 The schedule filed dUclose* 21W .00 (7 t an«l part of Lot Three (8 ), Simms- o'h er properties not »seseed. said Board J ? * - " ,1ie f l j * l aaainst you the W ashington County, Oregon, and fu rth e r C laim No. 48. township one (1 ) N o rth , of Equalization shall m a k e ' the proper in the entitled Court and cause acre* of le d 2 in Cedar Home. assets, 82778.29 lia b ilitie s ; 8l5t».(io ex Ford am i S later sub-division in P h i'ip expenses of said sale. 1 w ill, at f nine o'clock in the forenoon of <**cepting therefrom the rig h t of w ay Range T w o (2 ) w est: B eginning at A Is«»; T h a t tra c t «»f land lying ami erupt i«»ns claimed. on or before the exp iration of 4 week* correction. beitiH a«aith **t Lot 16 In ('«alar llom e THOM. II. T O N G U E J r., Referee In A ll claims fo r reduction presented to next follow ing the date of the firs t and north <»f the Cornell Road Oregon. Date«! Bankruptcy. H illahom , the Board of Equalization must be file«! publication of this summons, the date Alao T h a t part o f the Southeast 24 July 31, 1934. in the office of the County C lerk w ith in of the firs t publication being on the 26th q u a rte r '»f Mectl«»n 34 in T . I N , «»f fifteen day* fn»m the 14th «lay of August. day o f July, 1934, and i t you fa il to ao IL 1 W of W. M . described as N O T H ): «»»' S I I K H i r F ’S S A I.K O N y. U.-egn J. E. C A R P E N T E R . Assessor of W ash­ appear and answer »aid com plaint fo r »nd personal property situate w ithin ginning point being east fourteen hun­ F arrnington Port land Road. from Ixaginning at the northeast corner of F O K K t-L O H lIR K ington County. Oregon. Hillsboro, O re ­ w ant thereof, the p la in tiffs w ill apply Waahfhgton County. Oregon, and more Parcel No. 6 Beginning at the south­ dred seventy-three a n d seven tenths the Theresa C larke 26 acre tract and In the C lreult Court of Ihe State of O re which .lo n e an oak 20 Inehe. In diam eter gon. Ju ly 14. 1934. 22-6 to the court fo r the relief prayer fo r in p artic u la rly describe«! as follows, t o - w lt : east corner of the w««t h a lf (W’ L p of (1 473.7) feet fro m the southwest corner bear* South aixty-six degr«*** th irty m in ­ the northw eal corner of tha land th e ir »aid com plaint, to -w it: g«»n, for W ashington County. the Caleb W ilkin s Donation L an d C laim of said B u tler c la im ; ru n n in g Personal Property thence ute* ( 6 6 ’ 30*) Went T h irty -s ix and on«»- fo rm e rly owned by N aom i 0 . W a l­ T h a t p la in tiff* have judgm ent and de­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T W illia m Joase and Sophia Josae, Plmin- num ber fo rty -n in e (49» ; ru n n in g thence W aterw orks Extension Ronds of the north 0 * 33' west and along the east half (3 6 'y ) links distant, and running ters, and running then««« s«»uth 809 cree adjudging and decreeing th a t they In the County Court of the State of O re­ t if f* . north, on the division line between the line of that certain tra c t devised to W thence South eighty «l«-w and tw en ty- C ity of Orenco of the T u a la tin Valley, feet to the north line o f the County are the owners in fee sim ple of the fol­ gon. fo r W ashington County. cast and west halve* o f said Donation W . W in egar by «Jeed recorded at page »Ix minutea (80* 26 ) East T w enty- m unicipal corporation of the S late of Road, thence south 79 'leg east along lowing described real property situate In the M a tte r of the Eatate of Everett Anna G artm an, Defendant. in b«*»k 127 Records of Deeds for Oregon a* follow s: N«*». 6. 7, 8. », 10, Land C laim , tw en ty-n in e and s ix ty -fiv e 631 two and aeventy-nine hundredths (22.79 the north line o f aaid road 61 fee», w ith in W ashington County, Oregon, and W W ilkinson. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant chaina to angle in ro ad; thence South l l . and 41 fo r 81000.00 each excepting hundredths (29.65) chains; running thence W ashington County. Oregon, a distance thence north 8IM.7 feet to the north more p artic u la rly bounded and described N o tice is hereby given that the under- .n ,,r r u ll.." . I ..y « . . y H , n , d « r m . t h l r . y f i . e n.l.,u ‘ p arallel w ith the south line e f of four hundred fo rty -fiv e (445.0) feet minutes bond N«». 6 up«»n which has been paid a* follow», t o - w it : line of said W a lte r* tra c t, thence order " f « 1 » I— ........... , 7 U .161 K . . t .even .n d nlnely-th ree the »urn of 8400.00 titgether w ith the said D onation Land C laim , twenty-seven to an iron p ip e ; thence east fo u r hun­ slgne«l ad m in is trato r of the above named wsat 60 feet to the place of begin­ Commencing at the Southwest cor­ the seal ’ and tw e n ty -tw o hundredth* (27.22) chains ; dred ninety-three and tw o tenths »493 2 ' estate has filed in the above entitled interest coupons attach«*! to «*nch bond " ' f “j ’nne. I l ' . t l . ' »"d l»""ed J 7;9SL „ C'’^ ner of L o t fo u r in Block fo u r of ning. the Rot h day . -------- running thence south, parallel w ith the feet to a f i r tree fo r corner fro m which Court and cause his fin a l account and N a y lo r’* A d dition to the C ity of For­ to satisfy tha hereinbefore named sums upon the Judgment and decree rendered Seventy-nine degrees and fifty -s ix m in ­ ind number«sl 18 io 3»». in«-lu-i\c report as such, and the Court ha* fixed division line of said D onation Land Claim , sn iron pipe bear* west one (1.0 ) fo o t; Real Prop erly est Grove, »aid County and H tate; and and fo r the c«»t and expense» of aala in favor of »he above name«! p la in tiffs utes (79* 66’ ) East Thirteen and fo rty - tw en ty-n in e and s ixty-five hundredths ; hence south 0 * 26' west four hundred the 18th day of August. 1934, at the Parcel No. 1 seven hundredth* (13.47) chains; thence ru n n in g thence East 100 feet ; thence and said w rit. hour o f 10 o’eltrick A. M. of said day, an«l aginst Ihe above named «lefendant, A ll of L o t number«*! one (1 ) and the (29.65) chains to the south line of «aid for y-five 1445.0» feet r » a point on the r h irty -n in e d<*grc«*N eleven m in­ N o rth 100 feet . thence Weat 100 feet ; Maid sale w ill be made subject to re­ (•ominaiidiiig ami directing me to make South •»nd the Court room o f the above en­ Land C la im : ru n n in g thence ouih line of «ne said B u tle r Donation ute* (39* l l ) West Tw en ty-eig h t and north h alf |N *<|) of Lot tw o (2 ) In D onation thence South 100 feet to the place of demption as per statute o f Oregon. titles! Court in Hillsbon». Oregon, a* the sale of »be real property herein after set eig h ty -n in e hundredth* "long the south line of said Dona- Lnn I C laim ; thence along the aouth tim e and place fo r hearing objections to (29.89) «hains; Itohmrt's Subdivision of George W . Ebert's b e g in n in g ; Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 2nd f<»rih In aeeordanee w ith said judgm ent »hence N o rth eighty degree* ami tw en- Donation Land Claim number forty-six tlon Land C laim , twenty-seven ahd tw en ­ line of said B u tler claim west four hun- said fin a l account, and fo r the fin a l and fo r a fu rth e r judgm ent and decree d *y o f July, 1934 and »3«. 1934. at at iKMin of 6th day of of August. H„ (, „ jx(y hum lredth* (26 »•«>) chains County. Oregon, excepting therefro m that four and five tenths ,4 .5 ) acres, ns the '.Y d ' i i 's mid w ife D onation Land Claim 22-6 'a id real pr«»pert> be quieted against ail (he East door of Ihe county court house |(> ( ,u> p|at.e (>f beginn| nK containing one «ertain parcel of land described as fol- same is p artic u larly d«*acrihed in ,»««ok N o . ,«). t o w n s h i p one ( l i t N o rth. Range m in istrator. claims and demands of every kind and N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R « in W ashington County. Oregon, in « r- ,uit„ jrp,| aerea, lows: Beginning at a point tw o hundred 95. page 314. R. eord* o f Deeds for Wash character of the said defendants, and Two ,2 ) west o f the W illam e: e M eri- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S In the County Court o f the State of O re­ .ler to pay. satisfy "•»•! discharge the ,50) ington County. Oregon. Now, therefore, hy virtu e of aaid ex­ sixty (260) feet north and f if ty each of them , in and to said real pn»p- « ■ ' » » ’ W aahini'to n County, O re g o n ; Notice is hereby given th at the under­ fu ll sum of 82891 " I b le t h e r w ith in - ecution, judgm ent order, «leeree am i or­ fee, we*t o f the northwest corner of gon. for W ashington County. Parcel No. 7 L«’ts seven ,.’ ). e . ht ml running thence m»rfh 1° 00' west signed has been duly appointed Executor erty. and th at each of said defendanta In the M a tte r of the E state o f Rufus F- t«>r«*st thereon at the rate of six per der o f sale ami in compliance w ith the >lo«'k number three (3 ) Orem«» Tow n- ,8 ) and nine »9» in hh'ck tw elve , 1 2 ) ; be ordered and direrted to execute and n v • t boundary o f claim tw en ty-n in e f the I.-ist W ill and Testam ent o f Joseph cent per annum since the 29th «lay of Bohannon, Decenaed. »ntntands of said w rit. I w ill on Tu««a- "’*’ •’ f pursuant to an order 19 T 1 S R 2 W W ill. M er. W ash­ the same to me. w ith proper vouchers, | Ihe rig ht, title am i interest which the ■ i point on Ih e no rth boundary line of nine ,9 ) and ten (10) in block nine- south 1 ’ 00' east tw en ty-n in e and f i f ­ »•igne«1 at his residence near Sherwood, made and entered in the above entitled ington C«»unty. Oregon ; and ru n ­ at my t-eaidem-e In Hiilaboro, Oreg«»n, ( 2 0 ) ; teen hundredths 129.15) chains to a pipe W ashington County, Oregon, or a t the court and cause on the 25th «lay of .»hove name«! defendants and each of » h«‘ Oregon Electric R ailw ay Company’s t«-en , 1 9 ) ; all o f l»1«H*k tw en ty ning thence Smith 962.»»9 feet to the . 1 Wa ihlni ton Street, oi al tho law of (22) ; a ll of corner on aouth boundary of said Dona­ law office of Thos. H. Tongue J r ., in July, 1934, by the Honorable George R. them had therein on the 23rd «lay of right o f way tw o hun«ir«*l th ir ty ,23,») all o f bl«»ck tw en ty-tw o N o rth line " f the Cha«. Lewis D. L . flee of M It Bump In llilh b o ro . W ash- I November, 1921, the «late of the mortgage feet north and f if ty ,5 0 ) f«x-t wee, of b,trick tw en ty-th ree (23) ; and lots three tion Land C laim , sc' by J C. H a ll in above entitled he Com m ercial Block in the C ity of Bagley, Judge o f t h e C thence West 2257.0» feet to a ington County. O regon, w ith in alx months , foreclo*e«l hy said decree o r since that »he northwest c«»rner of block number 13 ) . fo u r (4 ). five ,5». and six ,6 ) in »893; thence north 79 51 west tw e n ty , Hillsboro. W ashington C«»unty, Oregon, | Court, ami which order preecribee th at p,dnt on the East line ««fa ro a d w a y ; (24) ; a ll in from the date bere«»f F irst seven and ninety-seven burnire«, tw en tv- w ith in six months fro m the date of this | th i* summons shall be published once a date had in and to said pr«»perty o r any ,hr«-c (3 ) o f Orenco Tow naite as tho b «»ek tw e n ty -fo u r thence N o rth 962."9 feet more or I«-** Onle«1 Ju ly 2. 1934. part ther<*of. ,«» satisfy said execution, same appears upon the «Inly decor«,ed plat Addition to Orenco. ('o u n ty of W ash­ fiv e ten thousandths (27.9725) chain* to notice, to -w it. W ith in six months fro m week fo r fo u r successive and consecutive to the N o rth line of the South half I I I N R Y Y O U N G . A d m in istra to r of the judgment «»rder am i decree, lnter«*at, c«»*,a th e re o f. thence in a w«s«terly direction ington, Htate of Oregon. the place o f beginning, containing eighty Ju ly 19. 1934. week* in the Hiilaboro Argus, a weekly of aaid section; thence East 2287.0» follow ing the north ,»«-un«lary line «»f aaid I. tat.* of Rufu- E. Itohaniion. d««ceaaed. Parcel No. 8 Lots fiv e (5 ) and six 180) acres o f land. and teem ing coats. printed and published i n Dated at Hillsboro, Oreg«»n, this 19th I newspaper, fe«t more or laaa to the place of be­ M ll Bump. Attorney fo r said A d m ln- Dated this 1st day of August 1934. Oregon Electric R a ilw ay Company'« rig h t ,6 ) in ,»l»»ck one ( I ) ; h»ta one (1 ). two excepting fro m the f«»reg«»ing described '• ‘ V " f J " ’y. 1934. Hillsboro, Oregon, and of general circula­ ginning containing 40 acre» more or h tr a to r and Eatate. Reaidence ami ad- Firs, publication August 2, 1931 Last of way to a point on the west boundary ,2 ). three (3 ), six (6 ), ten (1 0 ), eleven lami the follow ing parts or parcels there- tion in W ashington County, Oregon, the J O H N G A L B R E A T H . Executor o f the less . alao subject to a right of w ay line of (osirge W Ebhert's Donation Land » , , ) . tw elve »12) and the west h a lf publication August 30, 1934. drees, llill*l»«»ro, Oregon. of as d<»*crihed in the m«»rtgage recx»rd* Last W ill and Testam ent of Joseph G a l­ firs t publication ther«>of being on th© to he us«*! In common w ith the g ran t­ D ate of firs t publication Ju ly 6, 1934. J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ C laim w here said h«»un«lary line «»f said t W '.j ) o f lot five (6 ) in block tw o ( 2 ) ; of W a-hin gto n County. Oregon, in Book breath, Deceased. Th«». H. Tt»ngue Jr., 26th day of July, 1934. and the date of ors. their heirs or assigns; the road­ George W . Eb bert’a D onation Land C laim lota tw o (2 ). th iv e ,3 ) ; fo u r (4 ) and D a te of last publication August 2, 1984. ton County, Oregon. 22-6 the last publication thereof being on the forty-six (46) intersects w ith fiv e (5 ) in hl«»ck three ( 3 ) ; lota fiv e 115 at page 175; Book 115 at page 176; A tto rn e y fo r Executor. w ay i* describe«, Io Rook 91 page H U N , IN G T O N . W IL S O N A H U N T IN G - number 23rd day of August, 1934. lto«>k 116, at page 178; Book 118, at 440-441 Reconla of Deeila for W ash­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O ltM T O N . Attorneys f«»r P la in tiff. , ’«»• toffice said rig ht o f w ay ; thence north, fo l­ (5 ) and six (6 ) in block six ( 6 ) ; and page 519. E. R. T O N G U E , A ttorney f«»r P la in ­ C IT A T IO N ington County, Oregon. address: 514 Po rter building. P o rte n d . lowing the west line of said G<-«»rge W . lots seven (7) and eight (8 ) in block In the County Court of the Htate o f O re ­ tiffs . Resident A t torn ay of the Htate of k 4216 Together w ith all the rig h t, title , in te r­ Together w ith all the rig h t, title , in- « •' •‘«•"I« Land Claim , t w o eight (8) ; all in Orenco Tow naite. Coun­ ' I I Ebhert’s Donation Oregon, Poetoffice Addreaa: Comm ercial gon. fo r W ashington County. Jn the County C o urt of the S tate of Or«*- hundred ,260) fee, ; thence in an easter­ ty of W ashington. Htate o f Oreg«»n. est and estate o f each and a ll o f the ter«*«t am i «estate which the saiil defeml- Building, Hiilaboro, Oregon 23-7 g«»n. fo r the County of W ashington. ...» Elam »f and p arallel w ith the north Young Donation Notice Is hereby given th a t the under- T o : M ary Scheckla. Theresa Boeckman, On labor fo r p aintin g the outside of Notice ia hereby given, th at hy virtue boundary line <»f »aid Oregon Electric ' th irty -e ig h t on |H. 1928. and w hich has (38) in township one (1) the defendants M a rtin J. Bernards and Ernest Boeckman. H e nry Scheckla, Sadie Arcade «igiied F’rank G Sm ith has been appidnt- sch«M>| house. woodahed, and of an Execution, O rd er and Decree of R ailw ay Company's rig h t of way to the ...... .......... Range .... ....... . . . . W il- Bernards had in and to aaid prop- South. Tw o ................................ (2 west o f the Hcheckla. France* Zinserling , Charlea playahed. Rida to be in bands of the ed ad m in is trato r of the eatate of A bigail since accrtieii to them or either of them , Sale, issueil nut of and under the seal and that said sale w ill he made subject west boundary line o f the Robert Hchn« lam ette M eridian, p a rtic u la rly described Pn A p ril, 1930. and Zinserling , H a rr y Hcheckla, V irg in ia G ilbrl.le, .teceaiw'd. by the Cognty Court clerk by Auguat 10, and w ork to be <»f the C irc u it Court o f the Htate of er tra ct o f land as described in deed and bounded as follow *, t o - w it : Begin­ that haa since aerrued to them and each to redemption as pr«»vide«l by law Scheckla, Agn«» Baker, Haro ld Baker. completed by Septemlxw I . D is tric t to of th.« State of Oreg<»». W ashington J W C O N N E L L . S h eriff of W ashing­ Oregon, fo r the ('ounty of W ashington, recorded in hook 88, page 596, Ke**<»r.4 r Classified Advertising 27. 4. , : »:» We buy »uni sell used cars. — Used f»ir Exchange. WE buy und sell used cars. — MucKunzie Motor Co. LEG AL N< P U B L IC A T IO N S