THE Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Ihiir-ulny. A ugust 2, 1934 I hese Frocks Are I fot 11 eather Friends ka.1 home several wi-eks, returned den ol I'm I land visited Mi and the t\» in club W im I iu h I h v evening to her home with them Mi .1 M V alid, i . .uiden Sunday al (he hw liiiinlng hob* w ith a wlen Mias Alice Mai Strubb. daugh­ Mr and Mrs B eit 1 hillon aiid ... . , u . .... i * i roa'd I'hi* lu x! m eeting will lx* son Robert of S eattle W ash a n d ' ter of Mr and Mrs V C. Strubb. Mrs C F .1, s p 'iu Sunday ai Kolla, k and B iaiideubeig ol < >i was married in Vancouver. W ash. with lo n u m ’l ‘»»8 >‘“ l Halted her i dei Mrs Jo h n O ates Oil company. were enjoyed d e ls a n t picked th e fu n n e l- ehei - Monday Miss Barbara Rltenour celebrated «By C u rtb Tigard» M is J M Vander.n iid e n visited ri'"' l'“ ' |ng (hem a g.aal pi lee and her birthday July 28. with a dan­ bust week with M is MUltile Solder 'a 'll'e i Illg the , h e in e . I hem selves TIOARD --Lew is Beckwith o f cing party in the evening In P o rtlan d I" Hie cannery ill l l t l l - b m u, m aking Sherwood has been elected com­ Mr. and Mrs. William B latter ol Miss la na C lop wlto Is employed • IIIH|Kin oi lu o tit Io them selves mander ol Argonne post No 56, Portland were Sunday callers at in P ortland, - |a n t th e w eek-end • • • American Legion, of Sherwood and the Max Adler home, w ith friends aro u n d Hoy That s Hie kind ol spirit th a t will Tigard O ther officers are: Roy) Sam Strubb returned from Klon­ Mrs .1 A Moore spent last week e 'en tu ally work out H its peculiar Baker, first vice-commander; Ly­ deni'«».xMoii from wldeh we are ««till at the taiteli. man Murdock, second vice-corn- dike Saturday, - where , . he . had been s u n n in g It will hike planning, mander. Earl Reiser, adjutant; Ken employed several weeks harvesting slick (o-itlvenes.s and a lte ra tio n Blenkmsop. Charles Young a n d Mr and Mis. Murray and d u l- ability if we as a nation a r r to Wilbur Hiederman. executive com- dren of Nehalem spent Sunday at survive initte< Harry Castle sergeant-at- the Frank Bailey home and left arm s Delegates to the leoion con- Emma Murray to spend a week with W hen wc react about th e trouble vention at Astoria are Dr. W. T her cousins. Iteitix at the th a t th e E uropean countrh*s are Simmons. Di F T Rucker and E ' Harry Wolford and grandson. Jixag* Meyvral illy M . . having we can th an k our lucks B. Nedrv , Vernon Wolford, of Banks spent i l I \ I I I I VI < E N BUXTON A show er wa.' given .s la |s th at Wl. lU r th(. gutH, ok| Pastor Honored ( the week a t the Denser home Mi and Mrs Rola-rt lltlllki v July U S A w here the la,Hot still rules A reception sponsored by t h e F rank Genzer and sons are 2:> a t B uxton G ran g e hall T he • • • young people's C. E society was) threshing for the farm ers around >l|(ate'* T o o th p aste evening wius spent in dancing held at the Evangelical church July Buxton. The elect loll ol governor ill tills W o m an s llctielit ax-,a*latloti will 2 Ini' 3 22 m honor ot Rev. and Mrs. W Charles W alter of North Plains la te prom ises io lie a n interesting in,‘ci 111 the a tte rn ia m August 8 at one on a,1011111 ot th is s in k e li will F Rademacher a n d family. A baled the hay on Fillmore Wulf's Each tin 1 G range hall T h e pienie. which short program was presented which) farm last week. il,h ílales oui in the open was planned toi August ft. has a n d it r a will La- a case of one way included community singing, read- ------------------------- D r . W e s t ’s T o o th p a s te ta i n postponed or the othei a n d there will ta' 110 mg bv Lots Jones, burlesque on A shower was given M r a n d Mrs I wo Ways about It either 2 f o r ' I3f. Ladle- Aid m e ,; -digs by George K l l l t O I l U j r . U l £ e r S Jo h n Caldwell F inlav niglu at the Berlin, welcoming by Gilbert Wyatt “ Each M anning -,a ial club hall T he hall and response by Rev Rademacher ol Us.sut'x is a Rival A iu­ was decorated w ith gladioli a n d t i u a l l l i a i t a m h 'w and .uivbrtunt th at Mi and Mrs Jesse Meyers am t in the backyard of Mr. an d Mrs. Pomona Grange held with Beaver­ agility and service. No. 214's the dress for yon. tern: gran d d au g h ter. E leanor P o w e l l everybody rem ain ta ltu and cool 2 1b. b o x Long slim lines, broken by scallops and buttons, Ed Ryan of Tigard. It is a sun ton Grange last Wednesday Next sla nt the week-eiul with relatives •ll»’ ’l>ei, will lx* a u u \ nut of P attern num ber: flower which isn t much different meeting will be with Forest Grove our pr«*.xent emergen,-y give this sports frock a trim silhouette. It can be al llirk cn tflil than most such plants except for W illiam Higgle am i G ren Fr Mggs M axine burg visited sev- resided Westtmber Tigard was represented by six Mrs Nick G erig and family of MISS I IIKW Is w 1 Hussell S m ith members of the young peoples C Salem and Miss Weibel of Orenco Whet V ìa plxMxl Mass Sue Het) HetiVi» |a,.vait away the county Booster E society at tne uoosrer a e re guests of Mr and Mrs August 1 H r M i« J u lia A. M orse, !i>. 1 e -h a M irciiel who has lui, 20 ut Wtlminglon. Del. Bhe rally at Orenco Friday night Miss H Dallniann July 21. A triD to to TIMBER - Ben Hart local res- tsitu w ;h Mix.- L illian w.* loiiu eily a s, hOol tca, Iwr lu Esther Strom of Tigard, state fi- G resham was day as made during the day, M. M nrlb» Van. tuurant proprietor, u improving Ills E.. in Eu m- for th e past IIilL Imrn .U id liad m unv frieiuls nancial secretary ■ boosted for the where they visited Mrs Mr and Mr» Hilar Itx u h a n d nyuia buildings this week and enlarcing k ii'tu r m d to her home lle le summer conference at T urner and o b rist , I M r a n d Mrs Jo h n ian n i Sunday also gave some of her plans for Mrs. Bell Honored Mr a n d Mrs. B urleigh T allhuui Ibach and family here Bunday arousing enthusiasm for the county I v a n il li e r l i e r , - \ i n c u - l K i y .s?10W tfven Mrs. Jack a McGowan, carpenter, was VL-iteil Mr- 'T allm an's paren:.-. Mr Mr a: I Mrs Bert D alton .-[>enl convention meeting a t t o Beaverton n ie e iu ig a c u v r iic u R o A r l “tUi r* lo c t e2 'r s . i 7............... uacs. íl a j u w íu i . « ai M ar!in Keilding. ex am in er ot op- and Mr- Tom Riggles. of Buxton a tew d a s - last week vistung Mr October 19 V to O 22. V Conferences on “f injured on the head a .........................- hile he was L J V IV O e r O IL iV iC iiV C a » V I* A»- /-» v , i ------ -------------- - - ............................. — lo rs a n n u d l ch au ffe u rs will wlll be bc In and Mr- Harvey Jes-e v c ia to missionary work was conducted by tne ns E \ t MefCrm in ' At last reports it w as'feared ” th e E M •v ,cK n‘8ht ol F o r t Grov, Girsberger. ot W, timber. and Mrs. Marvin Gaaide Mr and .Mrs L aw rence K ern hand and part of the arm might was a '*lsit° r in Timber Thursday Bilyeu Medalist Me P< rn in n e u l $ 2 .5 0 have to be am putated 8 Uav,d McDonald of Dallas spent a n d th ree ch ild ren are spending I ST a few m inutes Cornell Mrs. John Bilyeu, Bilyeu. son was ot m edX t m th± week-end with his nephew and everal days a t th en hom e in We each week will im­ Sham poo .3 5 the junior division o t Oregon's a n d ^ aIi, prove th e q u ality o f seventh annual junior golf cham- ; , rs ^ ? d uv'lr£,,,i?t“d ar p ?i71,?nd, pionship p l a y e d a t Alderwood ' nd S * 1/ c?d s?n i Wll'ard M a rc e l .5 0 your hair, and m ake it course. Bilyeu plaved a 73, one Huber, q'hovr LapJ.ande. over par to lead the field. Cornell „ dL ? eav®‘"t0‘J s«*»« more flatterin g ly lovely. F in g e r W a v e .3 5 m et George Kikes in championship , , p,nvri nS rii.**8 Wltb M r' and pairing and went the way of most l L ? pm,., u , L „ . A c t u a l w a s h in g m a c h in e tests w ill be m a d e in o u r s to re H e n n a Pack We will do ev e ry th in g 1 .0 0 medaluist when he lost to Kikes , HlIlstx>ro 2 UD spent tne week-end with h er friends. lo r you, from m assag ­ A number of local Rebekahs at- c'orrnick^’ rerfii^n’t"*1. B1^ " che Mc- H o t O il .8 5 ing to h air dressing, and tended the Sherwood meeting when to her home Mrs G race Christensen, president ‘ -pC.y , _ y o u ’ll find it in ex p en ­ G io R n z .2 0 of the Rebekah Assembly, made rhu rrli >i,rom the K’nton sive to keep b eau tifu l 1 p a c k a g e W h it e K in g G r a n u la t e d S o a p a n d 1 b a r M is s io n her official visit City View lodge th sf sslons oi the M a n ic u r e .3 5 by p atro n izin g my shop. was also visited by the Tigardvhle <2,,?lp/neetl£lg „ a t„ Je n " B e ll T o ile t S o ap will be given away free to every house­ Rebekahs Sarah VanKleek made S H; Pwne; wife who will register in our electrical departm ent betw een the her report of th e Rebekah Assembly m 2 " f t R r> rt p hmer°y. Mr. and E y e la s h a n d E y e b r o w T in t in g 85c at Tillamook I? \ E L Cox' Mr an(J Mrs O. hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. nt. Tuesday, August 7th. H Peterson and children and Mrs Herman Metzentine. Virgil McCormick, who has been employed by H erm an M etzentine of i By I. R. s tr u b b , Hiteon during the past few weeks 1215 3rd St G nmnd flimr Odd Fellow»' lllil». Phone 1273 Mr and Mrs. H F. Neuhauser, returned home th e last of the week Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Emma Mr. and Mrs George Snider and Shultz of Portland wen Sunday daughter. Miss Eunice Snider who visitors at the Joe Smejkal home, have been spending the last two Little Cora Belle Shultz of Tigard, spent two weeks a t th e coast re- who had bet d visiting a t the Sm ej- turned home last week. Beckwith to Head Argonne Legion Post I cll Me Another - - • PALM Drug Store Newlyweds I lonorvd by Buxton People c 19c 17c 39c 39c 59c 69c 98c Plan for Picnic ix’isvville Limber BiiildiiiGs Roy LIVESTOCK GROWTH How to fo r you r H a ir J W ash Faster - Cleaner - Safer TUESDAY. AUGUST 7th FREE Green Mountain S p ecia l Day O ffer LOOK!! M ILLIE’S BEAUTY SALON and this Z e n ith I I B MARVEL I H H E le c tr ic W a s h e r W ith All These Features •OVERHEAD AGITATOR •CLO THES SEPARATOR •O N E LEVER CONTROL • AIM I STED LEGS •Z E N IT H QUALITY e-W y » H Sx O N L Y S an itary B eauty Shop A ll Kind« of llra u ty W ork ■ PERMANENTS B ■fi ■iiecialty Telephone 1471 W K I I/ H A P A R T M E N T » (tendel H HENTESTS ■ MnLcI B, DR B H RALPH DRESSER Dentist He Sure to See This Feature Value fl INSURANCE Tslsphons I B ristol H ardw are Company Phone 761 H ills b o r o , O re g o n SURGEON A. (). PITM A N , M. D. PHYSICIAN and HtlROBON X-l,»r and I'hnU o T h . r . p , Comnisrelal N a tio n al Rank l lh l . Office «231 Telephones Residence 791Z DR. D. E. W ILEY, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Wells Building TKI.KPHONK8 Offle. Mgg ...................... GARBAGE coi . i . ection G arb ag e C ollection B u il d i n g K re n ln a ., Him ilnr l.y A piM .Inlnirnt Easy Terms and and cans Commercial H A ll Sor $59.50 PHYSICIAN I3H1X • 30 pkgs. White King Granu- • Clothes Line _ aUd So*'’ • (lothe* Pina • Ironing Board N e x t d o o r to V e n e tia n T h e a t r e ?n/y U.-S-.-"¿u¿/c/s TIRES of TEMPERED RUBBER Perm anent« end ell kinda of heeuty work. llalro n y H illsboro I'h arm ery GROLP INCLUDES • Zenith Marvel W asher • Clothes Bar Busch’s Service Garage E V E ’S BEAUTY SH O P General lieauty Work Telephone Grasp This Opportunity to Save The makers of a majority of the new cars are buying U. S Tires of TEMPERED RFKItER Why not follow their judg- ment and be sure of getting the safest, toughest, longest wearing tires built? Compare our low prices. You get more safe miles at no extra cost! BEAUTY SHOPS r ' J GUARANTEED FO R HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 144 D. P. O ORRIERl Telephone 2.325 rubber stamps ■ G EORGE I’. M .C R A T II W ashhiKlon H ■ „ C o im fr Affenrlni IN H P K A N C K S h u t, Hunk Ph on, 2211 Pur ln r .n s .tl« , BUY YOUR RUBBER STA M PS H K K V IC K H slldlng Hlllahuro .to s t l,lr « ,.r , from HILLSBORO ARGUS Ad„ rll..r . Tl„