Thursday, August 2, 193 1 THE H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON W avin’ H u te h in s r«»i« .1 fiave the Ihao tw e x jx a ted due Pi th e sud- nt 20 years are welcomed Sunday’s before. TROUT FISHING pjpic. Love ixxik in i i n u l u l i o n m C o rn e lls en by the W akapi Nuhou ( am p Fire |x*rfoi m e d a t th e Veterans* lax» vit«-d •ii di .i'h of h e r son R ifle Lilly, of Mrs. C harles Jo h n so n drove to Hillsboro Fisherm en H ead q u arters uroiip In (he hiuh m hiMil auditorium pilal in Poi Hand Mi and Mi M B u rn e tt. Mr and vndiuty I hey have been <«J ' ¡ales Creek Yam hill T hursday, w here she v>s- German M L « liurch, Bethany Friday evening wii a derided Mu ­ Eegloii I’b uh Sunday ¡«ml Mi. R A Wilcox and c hildren lis p .] tfirough a long life, as Mi CORWIN HARDWARE Mr and M rs W R Cooke vis­ On G erm antow n road Sunday lted h e r p aren ts, M r a n d Mrs D res.-. Many IjeuiiLlIuI and huttnrh al A m eilian Ia*gion a n n u a l p a n ic und M, Roy Schulna ra li a n d ag<*ant F riday evening Blllv h who i'ir in i li’.uin i' it ot b iiu .h a n d Mr W I' Belleis won fin d prize is very proud of his purchus« Mlsi M \ia W eldw ltsch com pleted Mr E dith B urbank Is able to be ning, 8 o'clock. Ladies Aid m eets quite badly F rid ay while m oving htiiinp... In pi< p.iriitlnii for bullrllny a n extension course of tfie U niver­ out a fte r an extended Illness first a n d th ird W ednesdays a t 2 for the oldest quilt, it being 10ft ins E rn est's m o th e r Is Mr and M is A ( ' W ahl and t , again drag-saw yearu old Mina I^eora W illiam s Won fam ily, Mrs W 1, Moore a n d M t . ii hom e Ih exu'cLs to have It sity ol rjregon a t P o rtlan d Friday Miss G w endolyn M etzgar of P o rt- p m . w ith h im a fte r a m o n th 's ri-iulv to live 1 1 1 by Septem ber. Mr.' M attie S m ith a n d Mis ■ and was a guest F riday a n d S a t- absence. seeond on a hom espun quilt, W3 C ornelia S m ith were P o rtlan d vis­ Come and g et them at Mr.. M argaret Pringle. M r a n d to ad '. Blown left Ju ly 25 for th e irday a t the Jo sep h Fiia gan hom e. M ethodist Episcopal Church years old Mrs Eli (Irln d le and itors W<*diii*sduy. Miss S m ith r e ­ tile Orel Lard. Clifford and Joyce Solberger have C hurch school a t 9 45 Divine tx-en visiting relativ es in P o rtlan d Miss Sylvia »Sen i um «• r»*c«i\«• Aftei an • .• Mr.-. <»«*orge McGraw a n d daughP-r M argaret s p e n t S u n ­ N Y p a sto r of C linton Avenue The serm on will be delivered by Wesley B atchelder. (ling of games, ice cream und b ir th ­ J T Sum m erville. U S M ar­ day pa nu king along Eagle creek C ongregational church C h a p e l Wesley Fults. T uesday n ig h t a t 8 W h o le day cake wen- served Thorn* pre .cut tial. was n B anks visitor Friday H ospital H lP'iidants lo r M rs R. service ol worship. 9 45 P a sto r H Bethany Baptist Church were Mr a n d Mis Cliff Sandy. Mrs. Ella M izjui of P ortlund A D ean rep o rt h e r to be recover­ •S H aller will continue th e sum m er a n evangelistic service a n d t h e Sunday, A ugust 5. 11 a. m., "J preacher will be Miss B e rth a H u tc h ­ Mr and Mrs R a\ Handy Mi and six iit last week in B anks w ith her ing I r a n her recen t operation. series ol studies of th e history, be­ Mis C harles S eller. W illiam M arr d aughter. Mr.. W alter Beard S u n ­ I F II.o l .ell is digging a well lief a n d priK rices of th e various ison. T h u rsd ay n ig h t is th e reg u lar M idnight Meal. ' by Rev. T heo A Young People s soci prayer and praise service a n d A r­ Leger. 8 p m F ran cis T h o m |* o n (U rn Ireland. day Mrs M izjut a n d Mr und Mrs. th is week lie Is also having his biaiiih* of tiie c h u rch , speaking chie H utchison will have charge of ety in charge. I.yle W olford, th e MI nm *:. Mamie B ear I drove to Tlmlx-r to visit Mr house wired f o r electricity on L u th e rs Legacy, a stu d y of th is and give th e serm on. Sandy. Hazel W olford W ilm a M arr. and Mrs W illiam Mlzmer a n d fa m ­ W ord has la>en received f r o m Dale P h illip who is In C ahfo:niu. the L u th e ra n c h u rch M usical eve- M arjorie M arr and the host and ily Lip at 8 o'clock, w ith h*»st«-.<. Mr and M rs F inest M arr th a t he bus been having a fine Brooks f ree Methodist Church Mr and Mrs. Ell (irln d le Mrs. Choice Steer E rvin M ead and Sam S tru b b vin- Rav Parm lev and Miss Sylvia Sev vacation He sp e n t several days music a rran g ed aro u n d them e. ■' A T he Oregon conference a n d canip- (B y M rs. Z ell G. S tra th e ra ) House ol P rayer from th e Go6pel lt«*d Friday w ith L’ le Wt »lford • lane«- a tte n d ed th tc N azurinc cam p fishing a t M am m oth lakes m eeting closed Sunday night. T he Mrs. E lizabeth M cGowan, who 1' ' x>n for the day. St. Luke 19: They wer«* m their w a y home m eeting in P o rtlan d July 24 S un- H arvest at the Hill For m all place Rev L. A Skuzie was appo in ted lias Deen ill for som etim e, was ta k e n from n is te n i < >1 l*gc|l w here they da-. Mnt P a rm l« v a n 1 .Mr a n d i .... I n com pleted th is week T he «1*40 August 0 E vening chapel by the conference a s p a sto r to th e to th e h o sp ital M onday for a blood h a d been w<»rl king m the 11 ii vest Mi- (*harl«*s Khiplev arcompnni«*d Forem an luuniy will soon be all e r v u , ol worship in com m em cra- Brocks society for th e new c o n fe r­ transfusion. '.c n ol the F e a st of th e T ra n s - ;; ; Helds M r a n d Mrs. C. W. S tru th e rs , MI as Severance to P o rtla n d and a t ­ together 111 th eir new hom e n e ar Lg latlo ll 'S t Luke 9 28-36', a t ence year O u r ch u rch services will Vain o n ', Mr und Mr.» Frank Wat.-.« >n of tended th e rtu n p m eeting a.'.i.i: resum e th e ir re g u la r activities. K e n n eth S tru th e rs a n d LaV ern > t 1. w ith celebration of th e P o rtlan d spent Sunday with Mi a n d Mrs C ass W ilson of H oi' Com m union of th e L ord's P r a y r m eeting T h u rsd ay evening. Scott a tte n d e d a b irthday surprise au n t Mrs M A Dodd I’.nnks Mr ¡md Mrs Stanley Clark Supper Com m union m e d i t a t i o n , Sunday school, 10 o'clock, followed p a rty S a tu rd ay evening on L ester iM f a n i III and M Maun«« 1 h< »inp.on and son of Glenwood and Mr and III. Holv Mount ' (2 St. P eter by the regular m orning worship. R obinson a t his home in P ortland. of V ernonia mm nt Sun.U » w ith rel- Mrs F rln Coffey and sons of P o rt­ Young people's m eeting a t 7:30, Joseph Cam poell, R obert C am p­ 1 18 Sp, ml floral a d o rn m e n t ol Mr. (I II l ' . ' r , ri atlv« s at Hunks land drove to Devil's Lake Sundav ■ a lia : Young people's clubs dis- followed by preaching. We ag ain bell a n d Lewis Veenker of S a n ta D onald Tollefson. son of O. J. Mlsa Pearl B«*aid of Port and • nd t«M»k in th e re g atta n inu u. a n d Mr. and Mr a n d Mrs. C harles VanKleek. m Next Sunday m orning. 'T h e L illian a n d L aura Saiulv of H Uks­ Mrs V irile Prick«*tt and two c h il­ recently. Baptist Church Mr. a n d M rs Clay D orland and • ■ 1. a s' ml.- of the M r and Mrs Frank Anderson boro s|M*nt last week .it the ia »im dren took in he re g a tta a t Deiake Bible study 9:45: p reaching by Cora D orland of N orth P lain s spent a n d (h lld re n o f P o rtlan d visited b ara h ol the ch u rch bearing th a t th e pastor at 11 a n d 8 A brief a n - of tlie ir g la n d p a re n ts Mr and Sunday o Sundav a t W ilhoit Springs. Mr-. A nderson's brother. A rth u r name. Mi Cliff Bandy noui. enu-nt? W hy impose on th e Mrs Georg«» Moss and son. Roy Mrs. Cora M etzentuie a n d D onna, Rev and .Mis H a m Tavlo r a n d Apent 'rh u ra d ay and F riday " I th S tein h o lf. n iu rsd a y Argus in a long-w inded one to get Miss Ellen Z w euier a n d H enry M et- A large picnic was held at th e T rinity L u th e ran C hurch Half or whole. d a u g h te r of New Hum |»4itrc were Mrs M<> s' sister Mr, Max 1)1 ez- you to com e to ch u rch ? Well, a n y ­ zentm Fritz. E .slier park July of th e Public w orship a t 10:30 a. in.; way a big. h e a rty welcome aw aits Lodge. e spent Sundav a t Je n n in g s Thursk Can product. Ball or Kerr. were Mr m id M rs M aurice T h o m p - Mrs. C W M,x>re a n d th re e sons Dozen ............ son. M r a n d Mrs. H W A rm en- of Banks and Miss Lucille Balseiger Small white. tro u t, M am ie S andy and F ra n c is of V ancouver re tu rn e d hom e T ues- JAR RINGS 20 lbs. 59c. 5 lbs. T hom pson. day from a week's outing a t th e lbs. 3 doirn ........... M r a n d Mrs C. I) McCaJm a n d J W Connell cabin a t M e a c h a m s . Van Camp's. Ball or Kerr Mason Jars l-a rff ran C. D. M cCahn J r. of P o rtlan d a n d I crossing C W M,x>re of T routdale I Quarts, dow n ........ 86c Pride of the West. S J .4 9 UTAH. Solid pack. No. Pints, dow n ............. 75c can«. 49-lb. sack ... 3 cans CERTO. RoUle ............ Quilt Exhibit Banks Friday Real Success W, A. Goodman Gives Library to Cornelius; Girl is injured Mason Hill School Being Remodeled Kellogg to Build I Iona* Witch Hazel Hale and Elberta PEACHES H illsboro meat co . ii^ ar ™£ Bf— - PiY if'jir PORK BACON CHURCHES Hiteon 20c 7c lb. Veal Roast Boiling Beef 10c 6c lb. Bend SUMMER SAUSAGE COMPOUND Lb. Pork Link Sausage SALMON LARD H ,»K MINCED HAM 4 Pancake Flour Tuna Flakes Pork & Beans 49c 10c 10c CHEESE Çt T6ÌÀP Pure cane- 35c C A TS U P 10c 12-ox. bottle 3-oz. bottle STUFFED. For salads, picnics. C o rn ed Beef LIBBY’S. 12 -oa. can ........... Ready to advise yon In purchasing Ready to give real values. mesta Inspected by Hr. Nicol and Ilr. Almgulst. have a complete selection of all kinds of Lunch Meats SALMON si.,b A''1' """,,r whole:...13c BOILING BEEF Lb 6c BEEF ROAST lb 9c RIB STEAK Lb 12c PICNICS ..................... HAMBURGER Lb LARD COMPOUND 3 ,b. 14c 9c 14c BELT Z2C SHORTENING Pancrust. 3-lb. can 29c FL O U R BRAND. Hardwheat. $1.53 49-lb. sack All meat, no grrtetle. M u s ta rd French’s Prepared. 9 -o z . M a rs h m a llo w s Cellophane pkg. 1-lb. 10c 14c 12c 15c 25c Fresh in sanitary cellophane pkgs r». T o m ato Juice Is tall. 3 cans Del Monte or Libby's. P ep p er a q ~ Schillings. Black. 8-oz. can X e z V / M .J .B . CoSEee 2 lbs. 60c. 31c 19c 1-lb................ S alad O il Pure cotton seed. Quart Bring your container. S h rim p 25c B ro w n Sugar Golden C. 5 lbs........ 25c T o ile t Tissue Ambassador. 3 rolls 14c P en -Jell For Jams and Jellies. 2 pkgs. 27c 5-oz. Rice Bros. fancy 2 cans IÆBBY S. >46. 3 cans .......... YELLOW LABEL. Black Tea. For iced tea. ’j-lb. esn ................................................................... BULK. (Schillings, pkg. 6c I 'x-lb. in cellophane, .. PURE VEGETABLE 3 Ibs. D e v ile d M eat L ip to n ’s Tea P ic k lin g Spice S h o r te n in g SOUP CAMPBELL'S. Assorted Your choice. S cans ................ 10c 39c 15c 29c P o rk an d Beams COLUMBIA BEST More cups per lb. Pound .................................................. 2wC Prices for Friday, Saturday and Monday, August 3, 4 and 6, 1934 SS DttMSB Medium can L ip to n ’s Tea Lipton's. Black. Vo-lb. 1-lb. J e ll-W e ll Res. Phone 321Z M ayonnaise Best Foods. Pint Quart Del Monte. Lb. can 15c. =-*fr ---- Pound ...................... Banks, full cream. Pound ............... M a c a ro n i Rose City. 3 lbs. H o t Sauce 4 cans ............... Peanut B u tte r Maximum, bulk. 2 lbs. S yru p s Maximum. Quart jar F ru its fo r S alad 9c 8-oz. can D e v ile d M e a t Libby’s, 14 cans. 10c 9c 18c 25c 10c 3 for ............ Armour’s, i/4 cans. 3 for ..... L a u n d ry Soap Luna. 10 bars Harmony. 10 bars ... Quart ......................... T o m ato Soup Van Camp’s. Each ........... S n o w fla k e s or Honey Maid Grahams. 2-lb. box .................... W a x P a p er Diamond. 125-foot roll ... W a s h in g P o w d e r White King. Large pkg. . O xydol Regular 10c. 2 for .......... S a n lc lo r Quart ........................................ P roduce F ea tu res Friday and Saturday Only MELONS— Klondikes. 6 Ibs.......... CELERY— 2 bunches Glenn Campbell, Manager 13c 19c 3 pkgs. Oregon, cream. C m Local PEACHES Now FREE D E L I V E R Y FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET 5 Deliveries Daily 25c 5c 39c Libby’s. BANANAS— Phone 651 CHEESE Armour’s. P u re x C O FFEE A g-„ «SUV 53c 15c FLOUR 3 large cans ..................... O lives Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS at the least cost. BEANS 25c Tomatoes K ern’s. Delirious and wholesome. Lb 19c 5c 15c 14c 25c 15c re gon FREE -g 25c 5c DELIVERY SERVICE 4 TIMES DAILYI 11c 13c 20c 15c 19c 29c 5c