Read Advertising Lutost Sturt’ N't w A I w ji . vh A ppears in tlif Argun X? 1 Is b or With W hich is Combined rhc Hillsboro VOLUME II 1 IIL I- S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r i Plans Shape County Fair This Month Veteran Officer Good Printing I I The Argus Gives Q uakity ; Service at Fair Prices 1.01:0. OREGON, H U I: New County Agent Aid Named Here h . \ Independent AUGUST 2 1934 Irrigation Tour to Visit C ounty Projects Tuesday N O . 24 Mrs. J. Case Dies Friday in Portland Service Ended Allocation of Federal Fund Made Visits to three W ashington county farms are scheduled for the first morning of the fifth annual Wil­ Political Activity in lamette Valley Irrigation tour next I m .day and Wednesday. Irrigated State Krcuku Out projects on tlie Ed P r e u d e n t h a l __________ tai m n e a r Hillsboro and the Robert Following I/ull M in to n to M a n a g e E x h ib it L . E . F r a n c i a A p p o i n t e d to Warrens and John Thornburgh T h i r t y Y e a r s o f S e r v ic e M o n e y D e s ig n a te d P a v i n g farms In d a le s Creek valley will F o llo w in g T w o - Y e a r S u c c ee d J o s e p h B e la n g e r H i l l s b o r o S c h o o ls R e c o r d lie high p a n ts of Interest on the P r o je c t o n H ills b o ro ^?ALKM I *< »Il tic», which luut Lxt*n observation trip. L a y -O ff H e re E ffe c tiv e W e d n e s d a y o f V e te ra n T e a c h e r pretty much in the «tuklrunu» in H i g h w a y S e c t io n The tour lias been arranged so Oregon hi i ice the piinuiry election that farm ers along the route of -------------- luut tlw convention ol tlw Progrc»- h "tn other ports of th e nlve.H lirre in SiUein, lu u taken on ma-, join a t any point and u new leaae of hie the puM two It uve a t any tim e to suit their own a / weekn convenience, according to Art King, ------------- If Oregon I» not - p al ilK li/s c c h c /x li- * Iw __ k . hi . Wu/UUngUm und tluat cal n public schools. Veterana, who was elected Jun- ( om<. agricultural agent In Morrow M‘cond year and consists of Ladino pltal B» Portland. bringing to a close way wa-> allocated from federal . vice-president, and manager, after lor vice-commander at the recent county went into effect W ednes- clover, alfalfa and canary grass a servlte ol nearly 30 years In the n T i“1" ' W‘I“ . t h e • lw<> V'-urs title to lack funds in announcem ents made nation it should support candidates o! rands H M BlulM of Illinkft annual encam pm ent of Uie Ore- d a, Francis lias been emergency Al lf“' W arren place 15 » acres of HUlsboro public schools. n /f Funeral Wednesday by the state highway m m d o tu ir < IP . ** ’ Ir r lfH jtn z I r w .ln tz w ., w .lll L- .s ._______ S P r V I f ' P c ll'O r o Kswl/d V fn r v d o l’ ase- gon departm ent at Eugene * ! ? ' 'n ‘ »"I co-operate is .,)lulty (ulr president and assistant in Polk county for U ie lrrlf at*d potatoes will be observed, services were held Monday after departm ent. Six thousand was des­ w ioie H ‘i*,?"",“ ., “hJ,ll;“"tn.tlo„. H T Hesse of Scholls is treasurer past four m onths and his tran sfer Thw ' roP ls not generally seen " « n «t the local Congregational ignated for .35 mile paving of the While Uie visit of Uie high officials Mrs Ed f, Moore o, HUlsboro Is to tills post was approved recently u' “?cr lrn Katlon ‘n the W illamette c k u r'h with Rev H. A. Deck of- Forest Grove-Long creek section. of Uie adm inistration to Oregon as secretary by the state board of higher edu- vaii?y’ In ^ rm ent was a t t h e O ther allocations in the county cation. * Ih o m b u rg h farm will be th e Hillside cemetery n ear Greenville. ra n X A ,r<* •““ * or no adm ittance include »17,000 for 3 26 miles W ash­ or 'ttoL . 1 . buM{,,‘'*1 th*‘ pr,-Mncr fliuige la expected to a ttra c t large Tlie new assistant will have last stop on the morning s itinerary. Mrs. Case had been in poor health ington tounty line-PorUand sec­ . , J i pa^ y ‘,unl,lar“,a crowds Income from dog racing rliarge of 4-H livestock an d crop Ihlfi u Probably the largest lrrlga- for th e past year, but continued her _ West ____________ .__ _ high- tion of the Side Pacific . -O, , , T " ,.Ur*ly * ,U,,,a 48 iwovlded under stab- laws Is clubs ui W ashington county and lon pr°Ject ln Oregon, approxl- work a t the school. She went to C o m m is s io n e r » o n P l a n n i n g way 411(1 * 33-000 for an overcrossing i 1 1 n 2 a c r e s Rainr. « 4 » » a »a»a »H kX Dzseklnv.^ .«_ e - " f irs t TGC ¿CCtlOTl ’* ” , 4 “ P»h” 1 ______ clover and rally a fter two operations were per- , ,n »2^2 lru,‘ 7 “ N“ ’ “» loaU A 'hll premium mil«« club exhibits at the countv* fair wuter tor irrigation to obtained from formed, she passed away a t 2:40 to be held here August 30 31 and B Pumping p lant on Gales Creek Friday morning Construction of two hard-surface Woli S1*** ironl lional He.«.n»trut turn udm lnlstra- will lie provided noon soon in D e f e n d i n g A c t io n 7 7 ,, * a AuKUsi jo j i and Thornburgh also hax fdhrrt« niant . municipal tennis courts on the citv- Necai^ ‘un road to Etoie a t a tlon, wlio came out to PcirUund for X P> T n i e m im ^ lm J -X tu re < d 0(1 o f l i ^ ¿ngaT T on^o- Qh T“ Ch‘n< rer lo* “ S E l ^ pm - oi *175 0^ « «> <* completed cost this l ast Pair 1931 , a ( l i s t I muk I gUmpsa I.f Ila ,|,K k l a s t county fair was held l»’re Verdict for the Banks Cheese A t l i e W h f t W ork lect wltl1 4114114 and red clover , S£ e sl4« ed her teaching career Jew have h lb iu to o n h v ^ U K k ull of which been damaged to the extent of '^ t and soil fertility n R (, ^ ^ eu n 7? 1900 Mr. Case was elected county signs a t the city limits. "This highway when finally corn- eoiiM’s President ItooM’Velt himself mtiat come from thto county. <2500 by which wius dumped . ? e a s ^ t a n t to ------------------------- school superintendent and served Action of the commission in pleted wUI shorten the distance who la ached uled to reach Portland ___ ___ - f lg io,«and a hali years dled recommending the construction of “ ‘t * ’*!! Portland and the N orth Friday on Ills way buc k to tl»- na- A graduate of the school of agri in d put in readme cheese company. Members of the for the open llonal capital alter u visit to tlir n lalb tennis courts followed numerous coast h ^ h e s from 40 to 50 m iles.' jury included Sadie Urtobine, Rob­ culture a t Oregon S tate college in Hawaiian Islands and in hi.. U a ln mg in four weeks, Mrs. Case resumed teaching here requests for such recreational facil- Expenditures on the Wilson river 1932. Francis m ajored ui th e ard- 1’n.sii'lent Banks will have super- ert K WiLson. Roy E. Blerly John such notables as Sec retary ol War in 1906 a t tile south grade school, ities. Tlie recommendation of the road ln Tillamook county will be mai husbandry departm ent. While vision of hve.stixk and Treasurer W. Haynes. Julia Berggren. Andrew Hern anil H erretari of Uie Interior now the David Hill school. She group, however, lunged on the pro- lunlted to M2.000, which will corn- a t college lie was active ln agri- I, kt’s, mg. to inenMon a flock of ilt.avus, Jo h n W. Price tivities and was a mem ber of the from 1912 to 1930 with the ex- city co-operate toward the purchase t,ween Dead M*® creek and S m ith can not help but leuie u distinctly «ulture o B Kraus will superin­ Andrew Bran daw and Molly Leach anim al judging team from the col­ ception of one year. From th a t 01 materials. The plan was subm it- creek’ 4 distance of 1.1 miles, ex- Verdict for the plaintiff in the democratic lluior on the pointful tend the 4-H club work exhibits B e n e f i t A l l o t m e n t s E x p e c t e d daU‘ Untu the tlnl(‘ 01 ht‘r death ted to the city with suggestion th a t !<,ndlr* the * orl( th at was started and County Agent W F Cyrus to .sum of $400 plus $100 attorney s lege tor the 1931 Pacifi atrimspliere In Oregon He xr r- .• sile Was high 11 be . prepared as _ a project and On the west end ol tlPs road last . , . Prin(1PaI - ol the - junior - — ------- — national Livestock exposition. He A f t e r C o m p l ia n c e F il e d And all tlie while G eneral M ar­ in charge of the 4-H d u b livestock it**« was returned by a circuit court is also a member of Alpha Zeta, school here. subm itted to the SERA a t once. iw nm er. tin, dcinorraUr candidate for gov- <>U mt d«paitnvent Miperintendenta Jury here Friday in tlie suit of national honor society m agncul- She was born October 7, 1867. a t Committee of three members of 77x1 commission declared i n are Mr» Robert Warreiu* of near Ikdia Ihurier. udnuni.stratri* hi t4ie t rnor, has been making jiohli- Coniplcte roster of officers were Atchison county. Kansas, and had the commission. M. P. Cady, P L announcln8 allocation of federal caJ hay w hili« thc&r democratic For«‘iit Grove, floral; M is Ellzu)x*th estate o f Edward A K onnan. been a resident of Hillsboro for 36 P atterson and Mrs E. C M cKin- funds io r these two roods th a t th e F< ing -raduation, Francis re-elected by the W ashington coun- him Huirles huvr b e n ciustlng their M Vincent, T'tgiud, domestic art, ugainftt W J B. Walter. Action was years. She is survived by her two ne>'. ftas appointed to investigate 'A,° 11 rrc*k highway is more lm- light ovvi tlx* Oregon lands was k< pt busy lon, doin«*abíac•tur<•r^• and land prod- fred Berger Thursday brought tlie basi. ... . with the extension service in lngton was announced. being taken to obtain the services and will re- Officers elected for the coming tlon. ber uvtb “how at the Pacific In ter- total of le^ol actions arising from >vJksrin4’io : te a r"in c lu d e WÜliam j'"E n ¿ch ed e, Pallbearers were Jack Murtón. E « « landscape architect u n d e r'th e erlble* a u d ? “^ m ^ n ^ U ^“ re l sid e in Hillsboro. In tlw republican camp too. there ,lat*°nal Livestock Exposition slnci Ml automobile accident near Beav- Hillsboro route 4 president; Ferd J3 Tongue and L. E. Wilkes. Hills- consult a üon service available to quest ol the citv of Tilbunnok anB has been much iiclivltv T heir cam- <‘rton M arch 18 to »35.754 Berger Langer of Sherwood, vice-president; Hex Parsons. Portland; Dan members of tlie Oregon League of Tillamook countv court for polgti can be sold to have got’fn G ioige I. Woodworth, prom inent was nanind as defendant ill « 825 - ’-nse. Forest Grove, and Flovd Mil- Citiea. A e r^ recent aDoronnation A rthur W. Connell. Hillsboro route 3esse the A m n e n Mu8n X T a X m bv y í í ! u W ilso n V n v for er fonnally under wav with Uie meet- M1" ,'K''r »•»” manage, lor tile first 754 diunage suit filed two weeks ago ler, Salem. 1. treasurer; and John W Kamna, mg of the state cent a v iinT.Uee “ P * a's ‘° llHW,- Recent announce- th head and right w rist^the*U tter re0*1- Slgns wUI ** located ®n Peter Zimmerman of Yamhill u d ''“ cllaae ol Hillsboro 8 a tu r- to compose th e total club score I" en teJ ln th i Pr<>ss m h cated th a t ™ " » J 1 ™ * 11»J W » the right-hand side of th e high- Buckley of Uie M ultnom ah delega­ -re.rev ledere., , . mou to co instan li t r P. i ’ O. i) Riley Rdev of ... . ui it ,- c.i.ix. ut - scorra on m e oasis , \ ,- - - - - - ----- — anti four-year-old s o n D o n a ld re -, ,1 ¿ - ---- -Wrtuuii tion install D O1 «»- -« » U ll» - members Wh° cuts H and bruises. whiTe Jam es ?UM* r ' wtOun 100 yards ° f exhibit as welT"as”on 'thc^niajiner would ** The board W ^ T T u f ’S X J ^ . d «V tlon At boUi the stale central com- a t thc Hillsboro grange tra.ll before tn which they keep th etr stalls In *Ia,s I^ ceive<3 no official inform ation in j urjes " lim its subject to the approval oi m lttee meeting and the convention a meeting of county "progressives." p « . rp . ■ tlie b am and on the excellence of subject hut declared th a t Charles E Brandaw of Hillshnm councU- ol the republican club the demo- Tlie public is invited. Arrangements o C f l O O i 1 3 X 1 1 1 g F u S I l S Total of 277 men received work « , ,.„ ™ , « , « « ¡¡¡¡g . - ^e8n e r ^ M ^ . ^ ^ ^ ‘ r^ d :w p r’' " la<" ' by Henry Jacobeon of . on 21 W ashington county SERA ’y 1'™“ ,' i w i » » ot u n . o o m « ,____________________ t t . l l « , W - h m « l « , D C . p r » r “ J S , S T S ! " “ 1 ? dldate. were roundly condemned for West Unl(M1 ,l“y L Antrim of 7 is to encourage as many boys as w the seeding season swerved ln the road to avoid strik - _» projects during the m onth of July, their attem pts to monopolize credit Aloha. R. Hornecker of Hillsboro Features of the county unit sys- P«®ible to exhibit, t o stim ulate ing a motorcycle parked at th e according to a report this week by side of th e highway. His car colhd- . v s x . w j Mills, county manager. P ay­ for tlie return of prosperity or such an d A E lew to n of Forest Orove. ’em and G range county equalization club members ln taking care of ed with the B irrier auto and both W heat is averaging around 12 roll for men employed on works portion of It as lias ventured to Questionnaires w ill be he given e lv e n can r a n - P1“ 1 proposed to equalize th e school ’heir anim als ln the stalls, to im- Questionnaires will m achines overturned. Paul L. Hagg bushels to the acre m the countv Projects during th e m onth totaled come back after a prolonged vara- l .T 'i tax hunden ln tlie various" districts' Prove the quality of the fitting and tlon. In th e m eantim e Joe Dunne, (Udates lor tllP legislature in this Were compared Thursday at the 10 encourage all club members 1 to of Portland, driver of the th ird harvest according to Howard H ad- *«382.89. to » the republican standard bearer ln eounty to determ ine th eir stand on Rotary club by O B K raus, county enter all possible contests. C. T. ‘nyo‘vnd wp(1t into the ditch !ey of Im perial Peed & G rain Approximately 66 p e rc e n t of th e the sta te campaign, has continued future legislation. school superintendent K raus mode Richardson, m anager of the local in attem pting to avoid striking th e f i mp“ ny; ?rho. says 1216 bUALty Is work in th e county during t h e his face beaming and h o n d -tjiak ln g ! Executive committee of the "pro- no recommendations regarding the eondensery, will co-operate with other nmchines. the worst he has seen since going month was allocated t o prajects tour of the state, which w a s Itresslves for W ashington county two plans, confining his talk to the ’•hp county a g e n ts office ln scor- . lam ily were taken busuiess- He » y ® . east of Hillsboro, Mills reported, cltmaxed this week by his visit to includes Mrs. Welch of Aloha, *— ....... features - . Mrs. , salient of each. W the clubs and aw arding the, _. ________________________________________ ______________ _ w ™ from Forest here form ed!- w bfat _____________ “h ilt for m ill-, T hirty-one „«ru men were E. ______ B. Nedry of Tigard, delegate to the Sm ith hospital the regetta a t Devil's Lake, where H P. Strickler of Laurel Ridge, P . . A dm inistration of county school CUP- of th e W ashington county chap- cal attention. Three other children in? ai d 18 6°°d for feed w h e a t; Grove, 53 from Hillsboro 73 from Dunne officiated as adm iral of the Patton of Gaston. N P. Johnson i affairs under th e county u n it sys- The trophy will be kept a t the ter, Oregon Republcan d u b s was in the B irriers car, the youngest on y- 15 the lowest in Aloha 10 from Beaverton 31 from of Cedar Mill. Antrim of Aloha and ! tem would be consolidated In a ‘ Hillsboro r Cliamber n ~ _ .— ---------- 1 elected . . * perm «^»»uvaaii ciuos, of was - ------ z Injury. nsesv Z?*13- Tests show ------ --- it -------- _ .-vuuia, iu neavenon. j i irom water carnival o f C om m erce! anent president the three ----- m onths old, escaped running from Tigard and irom 79 from Sherwood While the progressives liave not Jacobson as the winning club — may state organization Gibbons of Hillsboro was 5bJ " 57 Pounds to the bushel. | T b ir t,,™ . „ „ ¡ —t - u.™ board of five members elected by except - --------- -------- „ J ---------- ------- » v Saturday a t Eu- ^Ilss OP41 ---------------- Oats are averaging about 40 bush- T hirty-one projects have been ap- been making a great deal of noise ------------------------- the voters, according to Kraus. This WLsh to it Into their own com-1 gene. He will report on the f i r s t! treated for shock. els to th e acre with th e test go- proved u1 ^W ashington county un- slnt* their Salem convention a t C n t l P l f v S t l l i l p f l t « body would have power to levy uiunity for special occasions, which they nom inated I*eter Zlm- V , O U I l i y O l l l U t I l l S necessary te rn s for tax purposes. | R S S i i Ä K |K Ä ? 7 “ m erm an as their candidate for gov- j B p . m. s , t h , i « . , « » m b . , »¡«nrt. « « im w « , ernor, th a t does not mean th a t they [ commerce. tuu-vS'n ievO,!i2ve ¿ i n r: ,ird»v » t the office of the county 2 ^ “ ' ; . , = : „ r x x , “ “ •' T - 5 ' ' « F S S S 0 5 5 a w forth aaiiin w lii|ltn T 1My 10 b n ‘ak school superintendent. The tests sto a U -^ X T a " » ? " 1 K,V''1' for p,ip,L,i -’«hthtloncd campaign thaT win keep th e k T a A * , “ V” ' tt,n<‘, °L U,‘‘ rcKular el«lltJl this week cleaning the drainago dldate ln the polltlcaj «»« lith i t!r“d,‘ PXamlh»tlons. ditch between Banks and the west „ T ^ . ^ Pli0V' f ,’g ,a m‘n; s tumpnge for sale arc asked to county chairm an, will be given c MacDonaid o f Forest . . ------=---------------- right > to thn A.wuu« i 1?» ,*? I Sucre»*ful student« were iw fol- fork of Dairy creek and grading ’e r ,ln «.?“ .c h comm unicate with Davis a t the! August 10 and a constitution adopt- ^ 5 ° v e , W ,£re 2 “tn}e5l 84 members of L c c i o n fiU llb o r C C on election dav °f N loWK Wallace Jones and Louise d iltrid th e city pork a t Gaston. The former ed. Vice-chairm en to represent the t7vP ^ x th district control board. O •* u , , , j Webb. Forest Grove; G lenn Pringle dL trlct, K raus pointed out State, local office f - _ — - - i project will give employment to 12 and elem entary school funds pjang are now ronsideres various countv districts will also 7 hich comprises W ashington coun- — and xtrncc Ornce iR)wnc. Bowtie, iiu K lnton; Hasting county . *»>« u o n ; Masting would be pixiled under th e plan and to ^ n " ! J i ^ ^ ^ , . ~ I ^ d^ l b ^ e ? e c t t o Orinrtng » h J B” ° ty- John T hornburgh acted as tem - m onth on the rotation Of the State em erge.,a t iwlr bands Gcm’cy. M argaret Scott, Marjorie l * 1^ “ pJ*>l,e “ \n ? Rlan Io obtain wood n ear HUlsboro For H be elected during th e meeting porary chairm an. " j \ ¡plan fle c tio n s were made under the W ashington county Jamboree of ------------------------- m arketing agreem ent for growers, American Legion and Auxiliary w ill, C h i n a P h i» -3 c a r itc W c 2 Ä producers and co-one™Hv„ p roces-! be held a t Sherwood August 9. ^ I I 1 I l d tt i m u u op « , lm i« o h ? .M : ^ Í / , X . k J r " ! , X ” i ,,- -: — ;________ ï 2 L ’ “ Æ . . “ W . S ! . . ' ““ ; n T " ’.“ l z -._ i.sors of prunes l n Oregc ¡n the n ï ^ ï ? n'iinS 7 ' W,d '.’.‘i“ M" nfnr,' : t Mn- reason. Davis Is looking for tracts W ashington"’- ? ^ 1 £ g r £ ™ n t .£?ks u iollow a ceIebTa*lou » *« • to set the minim um price which burnln8 th e mortgage on the Ar ; close ln so th a t th e logs may t o , T . — icad« Confronted a t the outset of H nzeiaaie___________ hauled to woodvards in each c o m -! Local headquarters company, 2nd growers will receive for green and 8°®®’ P081 building, which Is now T otal of 500 C hina pheasants were their meeting here last week with 'k A lree of incumbrances. N J p p J p r l i n Q h i n n i n e r munity. battalion. 162nd Infantry. Oregon dried prunes. released last Wednesday a t 16 applleallons totaling »154.000 t h e D l X l C J v IO lin t.'lin I N I t u t U 111 ¿ s n i p p i n g SERA funds are n ot available for Nattonal Guard, of 19 membem Speakers will include June V a l-! farm s In n o rth and south central boaid rolled up Its sleeves, got out, lan t of San Francisco, regional re- ) W ashington county, according to B. Persons liavtng holly plantings ,h r purchase of th e stum page, o r - ? Tre demobilized Tuesday and re- it operating knife and went to work I whleh they wish inspected prepare-1 n ^ a f t o r T ^ two ^ e ^ ' t habllltotion officer of the American R- Easter, chairm an of the wild life When tlie smoke lirtetl two of th e I R c -iiT c C r .« Legion, and Carl Mosier of Portland, comm ittee of th e chamber of com- six appllcalIons luwl been turned Dixie Mountain pioneers w i l l tory to shipping during tlie C hrist- declared th a t It was possible t l i a t ! C?!,mp W lthycomto. The company tlC d r D c d V e r i O n state ad jutant. Jack Eakln of Dal- i merce. T he liberation was p a rt of down cold, tlie applications of th r e e ' hold their annunl picnic and re- nuts holidays nre asked to notify an SERA project could to approved was rallp(1 out July 19 along with Theodore Newstead 68 was found las’ pa8t state commander, will pre- : the program to Increase the num - severe pruning anti only one re ­ unlon for the eighth consecutive the county agent Immediately Hoi- ’° ,alte eare of felling and hauling ! ° ’-her groups to to held In readiness dead by neighbors in the garden sent hm ^cs fr(>m th e post to all j ber of game birds ln this area, quest had been allowtxl In full. year August 12 n t the Tannis-k pic­ ly shipped to nearly all stales m ust, " ,e loBS ’o ' “ **’» . he 1OnfrshOremen'8 of his home on th e C onner road, com m anders of Argonne p o st.! Owners of property on which th« At flint tlie board approved de- nic grounds. Oeorge W. Peavy, pheasants were released have been four miles southwest of Beaverton? flricncy appropriations aggregating ’ president of Oregon S tate college S S D r ~ * i ; . ; « • ! T o l d , b y T > » t U” '- « ■ c o m p l y acl1 F Holly Inspections Planning Reunion — Ä r w !i Local Guardsmen , D„._ _ E ___ Return From Camp Æ 7SSÆ Liberated Locally Man Found Dead