THE Page Six Laurel Folk G ive P a rty as F arew ell (B y Mr«. F. L. B row n , LAUREL -M rs Louise Brunjier was pleasantly surprised Wednes- day afternoon of last week when several neighbor ladies gathered at her home lor a farewell party. Those present were M e s d a m e s L Stevens, Leon F. Davis. Emelie Hogrefe. Sidney Rothstrom. Hines Hendrickson. J H Haase. Jacob Schnudt and C. P Stafford. Mrs Brunner is movuig to P ortland this week. Thomas L. Turner, owner of the Portland Beavers, was an atten d an t at the Laurel-Cornelius ball game for a short time Sunday, looking over some of the young talent. Mrs Winnie Mulloy and children Vera and Leland Kocher of H ub­ bard were Saturday and Sunday guests at the E C Mulloy home. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. H athorn of Hillsboro were Sunday guests also Threshing is progressing satis­ factorily and gram is turning out belter than was expected earlier in the season, accorduig to reports from John Will. F L Brown and Adolph Schmidt. A. D. Hill s th resh ­ er is doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. McNay and Patsy were Thursday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jaenicke of Hillsboro Mrs. Rov Heineck of P ortland was a guest of her daughter. Mrs. Ade Rutschm an, and family from Friday until Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Albert K raluner and two children of Blooming were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Henry Reese. Mrs. Esther Hendrickson and little son of Portland were guests of her mother. Mrs Mary Rothstrom . from Sunday until Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs John Dahne of Linnton were at the Jo h n Spieruig home from Friday until Monday evening- Mrs. Dahne was assistuig her sister in cooking for threshers. Mr and Mrs. W. L. Stevens. Mr and Mrs. George Tews and Jim ­ mie Tews visited Ina Stevens of Vernonia Sunday. They were joined by Mr and Mrs. Clifton Bagley of Portland at Arcadia park, where they enjoyed a picnic dinner. Mr and M rs William Holtz and daughter of Salem were Saturday evening visitors a t the Henry Reese home. Mr and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt. Mr and Mrs. F. L. Brown. Lillie Brown and Helen R utschm an plan on starting to Yellowstone N ational park Saturday They expect to be gone two weeks or more. Mrs George Rosevear went to Washougal. Wash., th e first of the week to see a new granddaughter which was born July 15 to Mr and Mrs. Albert Rosevear Elbert Stevens and his g ran d ­ mother. Mrs Emelie Hogrefe. visit­ ed th eir uncle and son. Max Behl- mg. and family of Portland Sunday- evening. J. B. Hall of Portland is a guest this week at th e C. P. Stafford home. Mr. and Mrs O tto Brose of Beav­ erton were all-day guests of Mrs. Louise Brunner last Thursday. Vis­ itors and hostess made a trip to the state park on Bald Peak. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Vail and Jessie Altant of P ortland were guests a t the F. L. Brown home last Thursday. Mr Vail, who is employed a t term inal No. 4 in P o rt­ land. is vacationing on account of the strike. Mr and Mrs S. E. Stoller visited her cousins. Mrs. John Bowie and Mrs. Alex M utch of Portland. S a t­ urday evening. Mrs. Joseph H inton ‘ Prudence Womer, of Aberdeen. W ash, is a guest this week a t the home of her brother-in-law John McFee. S u n ­ day guests were three of Mrs. H in- ton’s sisters, Mrs. Minnie Atkins of Aberdeen, Mrs. Ollie Rossiter and Mrs Esther McRul of P ortland and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cady of Hills­ boro. Mrs. Hinton was a Saturday- night guest at th e Roy Fields home and visited Monday a t the S. H. O rnduff home The Womers are former residents of Uns community. Buddy Fields spent from Friday until Sunday a t Oceanside He and his sister. Frances, who had been there for some time, returned home with their uncle. Dr F ran k Menne. Mrs Robert Lang and daughter Roberta of Portland were Saturday guests at the Richard W hittle home. Mrs. Anna B urr of Portland was a guest a t the Roy Fields home from Thursday until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Foxx and Mr and Mrs Ray Parks and two children of Portland were Sunday guests a t the L. A. W hittle home July 15. The families were neigh­ bors in Idaho several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Elliott and son Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. R Renne and C. S McNay. all of Newberg, were callers at the W H. and B G. McNay homes Sunday evening. C. S. McNay recently returned from a trip to the Century of Progress in Chicago. Mr and Mrs. Charles Larsen and little daughter Audrey Nan of P o rt­ land were guests of his mother. Mrs. A Naderer. Sunday. Hostess and guests, with Mr. Naderer and the Amos W atkins family, picnick­ ed on the creek south of their farm . Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Stoller and children went to Woodburn Sunday to visit his mother. Mrs Annie K auffm an, and his sisters. Mrs. Ves Hobson of Spokane and Mrs. M argaret Abraham of Toledo, who were visitors there. Harader Selected for Witch Hazel (B y Mis* Clara Moor«) WITCH H AZEL—Witch H a z e l school board has tilled the va­ cancy caused by Miss McCormick's resignation by hiring Mr. H arader of Orenco to teach the upper grades. Miss Amber Haatle will teach th e lower grades. School will sta rt Septem ber 17. Witch Hazel Sunday school held its annua] picnic July 18 in th e Nofzlnger woods. The Sunday school brought wieners and buns fo r a wiener roast, also lee cream for all About fifty people attended. Visit Fair Mr and Mrs J W Holt re ­ turned July 18 from a visit of two m onths ui the east A lter visiting sometime at the home of tlieir son Ben Holt, in Minneapolis Mrs Holt went on to New York, where she visited her sisters. On th e way back Mr Holt joined her at Cluca- go and together they visited the world's fair. Mr and Mrs N. B. Welch and son Bennett of Fairview visited at the Harry Hoetfel home Saturday. Mrs. R A Dean underwent an operation Monday morning at the Jones hospital. She has been ill for a month. Her condition was reported to be satisfactory Monday- evening. Mrs V. L Nash and daughters Mary Ellen and Carolyn visited Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Nash's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sanders of Springbrook Mrs. Ralph Anderson and daugh­ ter Norina left Wednesday for E u­ gene. where they will visit a week or two with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Wallace Hoetfel spent Sunday picnicking at Blue Lake. John Nash Honored V. L. Nash and family were S u n ­ day guests of Mr. Nash's father. Jo h n Nash of Fairvale. where a party was given in honor of the lath er's birthday. Mrs. Jan et McKenna of S a n Francisco was a week-end visitor a t tile home of lier brother. Harry Hoetfel of W itch Hazel. Miss Pearl Prmgle wits a week­ end visitor of Maxine W aldron of Scholls. Mr and Mrs M. R Pate o f Portland visited Mrs. Pate's m oth­ er. Mrs. F E. Elliott, of Witch Hazel Sunday. Ted Eggunan and Charlie Drake returned Sunday to their homes at Witch Hazel. They have been in the harvest fields of eastern Ore­ gon for two months. Miss Anderson Hostess Miss Norina Anderson entertam ed a few friends Sunday evening with a slumber party. Guests were M ar­ garet Jacobson. Patricia H oeffeland Lom a Beck. Harry Hoetfel Jr. has been su f­ fering for a week with erysipelas in his hand. Man Arrested George Nessheim. formerly- o f Witch Hazel, was with the group th a t was arrested in P ortland on Thursday- on charges of violating the crim inal syndicalism act of 1933. Ralph Anderson and Mr. a n d Mrs William Jenkins spent the week-end fishing in the Trask river. Miss M argaret Jacobson of P o rt­ land will spend next week with Mrs. Ernest Helvogt. Leisyville Folk Give a Surprise LEISYVILLE— Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard VanLom gave them a farewell surprise party at th eir home Friday evening. Present were Messrs and Mesdames J H Seus Edward Wendt. Albert H an­ ley. George Padgett. John G ates J r , W H Stoltenberg. William Harris. Victor Laheyne. Frank Pranger. Einar Berggren B J. Schulte. L. H. MacIntyre. E. E. Rowton. V. Lorenz and Mrs. M artin Vander- zanden; Mrs Ben Coussens. K ath ­ leen an d Doris Gregg. Mary Sens, Verna Rowton. Helen Schulte. Mae Laheyne. Florence. Eleanor a n d Eileen Hanley. G race and Elsie Lorenz. M argaret a n d Madeline Cousens. Gladys VanLom. Thomas Gregg. A rthur Hanley. Jo ’ a Seus and Edward Seus. Harr., Wendt. Wilbur, Cyril and Ray Lorenz. Paslev Meek Em m ett Routh. Bud Hermans. Everett Padget. Wesley- Gates. Gerald Pranger. and Cyril Wassenberg. Move from California Mr. and Mrs. R N. Torbet and children Lucile and David of Pas­ adena. Cal., have moved into the Rice place n orth of town. Mrs. Torbet is a cousin of Mrs, George Padgett. Arm Fractured Wesley G ates fell Sunday at the Ben Coussens place and broke his arm a t th e elbow. Celebrate Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coussens en ­ tertained a group of friends at their home Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Coussens birthday a n ­ niversary. Mr and Mrs. Cornelius Otto of Chehalem M ountain visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rowton Sunday. Cyril Wassenberg of .Sen.- a K a n ­ sas. arrived last week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pranger. and also will visit with Mr. and Mrs. August Sahlteld of south of Hillsboro. Visitors a t the Edward Wendt home Sunday were Mr and Mrs W. Sahnow and family of Schefflin and Adolf Riser and son of Moun- ta indale. Mrs. M. Plowman of Everett. Wash, has been visiting her niece. Mrs George Padgett, and other relatives in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs Henry VanLom of Portland visited at the Leonard VanLom home Sunday. Hayward H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . I'hui- «lay. July 2»>. 1934 OREGON Something for lioth Tot and (¡nnen-l h I WO EHOCKS THAI WILL PLEASE WEI- I \SSIES. AND A CHIC MORNING DRESS I I.A 11 HL IIIIS W E E K S 01 EERINGS AU' Nelson ot rleaslon. Mt and Mis George Mi Breen and lainlly ol Moll i Mi and Mrs W lloll., and diui-Jitei el Salem and Ml and Mi. I our lloli - ol Hillsboro g a th ­ ered al Avalon [>aik Sunday for a picnic Mrs Emilia Meyers ot Portland lx heie visiting her sister Mix. liosu Bruce Mi ami Mr W M S n ip e , lourod lie o n .on eiw a In,in Astoria to Florence this past week, lopping lo visit friends Mr and Mis Sl.uiley Brown ol Seattle. Wa ll, vislleil Ml Brown • sister Mis A Brownley, here S a t­ urday and Sunday Kinton Grangers Visit Cedar Mill BETHANY CEDAK Mil I Ux\lv Grama* met Saturday night willi a nioup »1 vtMtoiN trom Kinton pitNM’iit tin* first ami second de- gree.s were riven at K inton to se\ era! at their last meeting. S a t­ urday in :ht the th u d and fourth decrees were given at 1 .eed\ A pro­ gram wu.s put on by the Home Eeouotines club Several were pres­ ent from Tigard also / * C edar G , v: NO 176 •0 k ..(l N O -177 IK E grow n-ups. little giris enjoy parading th eir finery on these hot sum m er days, «mi nothing could be more suitable tor them than Nos. 178 and 177, displayed above. N um ber 176, a sim ple yet pretty little frock of fine linen or d otted swlss. Is designed In these sizes: Six m onths, I, 2 and 3 years. Size 2 re­ q uires 1 T* yards of 29-lnch fabric. Dimity, organdy, and china silk are some mate­ rials suggested for these dainty dresses for tlie tots. Ju st as exquisite is Pattern No. 177. Puffed sleeves and a yoke emllng in a panel should make thia dress a favorite for little sister C aptivating Indeed Is the attractive morning frock. No. 146 In a colorful prlut and with capelet sleeves, pockets, and a contrasting roll col­ lar. this good-looking house dress will help you m ake light of your kitchen tasks. Made with eith er percale or dim ity, the design for th is model comes In six sizes 34 36. 38. 4", 42. and 4 4 Size 38 rails for 3 N yards of 32- inch m aterial plus N yard con trast for the pockets and collar. Crop at Kinton Reported Light (By Mr-,. F- I, Cox) KINTON—Threshing season is in full blast here, and the numerous outfits and crews have been kept busy during the past week The yield is much less than usual. Mr and Mrs Bert Sparks and son. Clemet, of Portland spent S a t­ urday with Mr. Sparks sister Mrs Madge Pomeroy Miss K athryn Pom­ eroy returned with them to P ort­ land. where she made a short visit Members of the 4-H calf club with their leader Leland Flint, went to Beaverton July 18 and a t- , tended Beaver theatre, where they saw "King of th e Horses ' on the screen Mr and Mrs. W arren Wilson a t­ tended the Free Methodist camp meeting on Canyon road Sunday M aster S treitt of K inton grange and Mrs. Streiff with a class of candidates attended Leedy Grange at Cedar Mill Saturday evening The degree staff of Leedy p u t on the third and fourth degrees. Picnic August 12 Annual picnic of K inton G range will be held at Eisner's park August 12. All attending are requested to bring basket lunch and dishes, cof­ fee to be furnished by grange. After dinner there will be a program. Senator Peter Zimmerman of Y am ­ hill courty will speak The public Is invited to attend Mr and Mrs George Snider of Ione arrived at the home of Mr. Snider's parents. Mr. and Mrs George Snider. Saturday evening for a short visit. Mrs J. H Aten entertam ed m em ­ bers of the P N O. club of C arl­ ton and oilier invited guests at her home Friday. A pot luck dtnner was served at noon The 4-H cooking club. Mrs Mabie VanKleek leader met Thursday a l- teinoon with Miss Lois Bierly. Mrs. Clara Ryan and daughter. Alice, returned to Portland July 14 They were accompanied by Miss Rosemary Aten, who made a tew days visit a t the Ryan home Mrs Ryan and daughter were guests for about a week of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aten. K enneth and Douglas Taylor and Robert Denny of Beaverton visited July 15 with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Floyd Bierly. Mrs. Luella Glsselberg and six seas from Puget Lsland. Wash., spent a few days during the past week with her sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright. Cooper Mountain. Mr. an-J Mrs. H J. Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox attended NO. 1-16 Clip Gut mid Mail This O rder 111. ink fi r P attern s I tx lllO X i ll HI U , 103 P ark Ave., New York City. Enclosed f i n d ..................... nts. P le ase send mo the p attern s listed below at 15 cents per pat­ tern : P a tte rn num ber: 176 ............................ Size 177 ............................ Size S la te Mill d e fea te d B uxton 17 lo a here Sunday Mi Jam es Walters. Mrs A M Mead. Bobbie, l>ervl mid U«» Mead, l.eola Jum n\ Barbara. Donald and Evelyn Walters attended a dinner parts ai live bona* of Mis Wal- ti i sister. Mrs J li Sundford. ot North Plains Mr and Mrs Dave Oravelle anil Burton Gravelle ol Boring and Mt and Mrs A Hellrt ige ol IMrtlatid vtstted Mr and Mrs G lenn Cart Sunday Mr and Mrs Henry Netf of St Helens visited relatives luue liu*t wet‘k Mr and Mi Jam es W alters aiul 'aimlv attended a family reunion a; Monmouth Sunday. Kobert Legertou ot Ix»s Angeles lH*nt tlie wivk-etui with Mr and Mrs < ilenn l'at r Mr and Mrs Boyd Jury of Neb­ raska vtsttixl Mr and Mrs John Zdt/man an I Mrs A Crawford lust week. A large group went huckleberry pu km. to Squaw m ountain Wednes­ day to Ertduv lltosf going were E J Lragho. Mrs A Stoller Wil­ ber. 1- lorenee and Elsie Stoller. Mr.-. Jake Stoller and son Alvin W alter and B etti Allanbach Gtto Edig« r ami Mi s Earl Naught of Hillsboro W rite your name and address plainly givim: num ­ A n n u a l F a r m in g t o n D a y ber and size of patterns you want Enclose 15 cents R e u n io n o n A u g u s t 5 th In coin for each number, and mail your order to Annual 1 arm ingtou day reunion Hillsboro Argus Fashion Bureau, 103 1’ark Ave will be helil August •’ at the Chris-I tian ehun h grove at L'arnungton New York. N. Y. KW'idents of E-arm,n.,?«’ii both «»id aiul new and their friends are n-rdta’;. u n ited to attend A b.tsket the tw entv-fiith wedding aiuuver- Rt dtnuei will be .siu ved at noon. - irv ot Mr and Mrs J M S tre tc h ­ er of Scholls at the Scholls church I • t the advertisement« h<*lp you Saturday evening m ake your shopping plans. Mr- S arah VanKleek of Hileon REEDVILLE Glen -Stilt took Ills visited Mr and Mi's J H Aten F ri­ baler new to Rippling W aters on day. a picnic Suit lay M rs Lilly M Bierly a n d d a u g h - L adies' mi -siuiiury lu-id then' a n ­ • i M e E thel M cCormick and nual picnic Thursday at Lost park uaughtc, w ire in H illsboro S a lu r- A |M>t luck lunch and swiniinui. < ay. were enjoyed. Grange to Meet Mrs .Mary Lee Kelhlig ami small Kinton Grange will meet at the son Jar k ot C entralia Wash are hall Wednesday i-yemnR. August 1. spending a lew weeks with Mrs IMlile»» Itadi«» D is trd tu to rs o f at 8 o'clock All grangers are wel­ Kell in g s parents. Mr and Mi O re g o n h a v e ju s t chosen come to attend D L. Sullivan Members of the George Snider M r a n d Mr W Livermore and DO I (J It M H O s | |< \ | ( | family uicludmg their son George small daughter Esther ot Alennm a t S e lfrid g e Mr«»«., Ilill«li»»r<». and wife of Ione and Mrs. la-land visited Mr anil Mrs II J Chur« li- Flint, and their daughters who re ­ b v and family rueaday to l»e th e side in Portland met together ut Hazel Churchley spent a few the coast Sunday where Mr. and days visiting her graiulparents. Mr U n i O K I Z E D P i l l i ( O s» K V H I Mrs George Sntuer and Miss E un­ and Mrs Jim Churchley Hr at S T A T IO N ice Snider have been spending the Rosedale. in this territory. past week or so. and enjoyed a Mrs. George Imlay a n d three family picnic. daughters Helen, Jean and Geneva Another crowd at the "Riffles'' and Mrs I. H Slade visited Mr Your Phih «» Radio w ill b»» x ’rvieed Sunday all day A goodly number and Mr Llebe at Pack- there witti genuine Pluteo purts and of out-of-town people were pres« t il , I wood, Wash, Harold tills post week. tub»*s Modern testing «‘«piipment including quite a few from Cedai Mrs A Nagely visited her d augh­ Mill, who enjoyed dinner and sup­ ter. Mrs Oeorge Brett, in Yamhill plus an Intim ate knowledge of per a t this favorite spot on the! last week. Betty Nagely returned Ptiile«» Radios ls your guanuit«*«.* T ualatin river. with her. of satisfaction at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ludwig who home Three combines, four team s of have been m the hospital buiee horses, and sixteen men are busy their bad automobile accident, were harvesting P at Kelley s vetch. J B. able to be brought home last week. Iinlay I‘‘V I»»« weok Mix. Frulicex v j iile c l.x lumie Inali W o m en Sponsor (My Mi« Jr««» M«»«i«l BUXTON W B A ladle.« gave . .alai bere Bulunluv night . hi U’e « ream « lal and dance S a t-| ui din night at the Grange hall Junior Team Wilts l b!« hlng ol lull gram has begun Hu/well .« Hllbboro Junior here ha .ehall team d e fea te d t h e St I m a t b a -.e b a ll g a m e o l the sea- Helena Cardinal*. an«»ther Junior m lu - afteinoon .tm i . i < ek (I to 3. 1 ha loisl l «tw«en Buxton and <’«•«! u* Mill at ‘ i, .,,,, i . looking for oilier game#* G J .u Mill Cedai Mill winning person., interested a re asketl to - in Inin h With 1 W .‘H-lfi bilge. Mr and Mi • David Edward* are H i II s I mm «» at llnekawav. when* Mr Edwards Is einplovo.i In a bakery. Mrs Prudle Flekas and daugh­ ter Era lives are visiting relative.« in ('aldorula Grading and widening of the road from the highway to the Tolke place Ls being done. Albert Edward.« finished retialr work oil It W Manley s house lust j week Ml.« Bert Eastm an is visiting her j Milk and milk products are your daughter at Vernonia Mi Etta Edwards. Mrs Ethel beat food They contain all the Meyers and Eleanor Powell visited nouri-.htng element« needed to build at Ui Ered I lent-Bel home at M an­ and strengthen the nyatem and pro­ ning one day last week Erank IVtrs.llka Is honu from vide tla* vitality nevev«ary to m ain­ tin- (i«a.i wh«ie lu- ha been em ­ tain good lu allh ployed The Best I'tHxt bred Higgle and la m lh of Bir- kenteld were here S.»turda\ Mi (' M Christ« tison and How­ ard. G iace and N«‘lda and Mr and IMrtlund Mrs Eugene Laird ol wen» Sunday guests of relut i ves DELTA DRUG STORE Indigestion w o rries fo rg o tten n o w ! if you are one of those people tortu red hy indigestion pains you'll welcome this , good new s a b o u t Bism a-K ex. F o r here is — « enaational antacM powder that is m ( . tin g a m a zin g re su lts It n e u tra liz es e x ­ cess acid, aids rem oval of gas, soothes ir r ita te d m em branes and aids digestion of foods most likely to ferm ent. B S M A - R E X 4% ounces SOc General Beauty Work Douglass Radio Service rest . . . buy life in- |m y th e cost o f un o p ,-ra tio n . . . le a v e lu in k a n il w a tc h it g ro w . V m i i an g e t m o re o u t o f $ 1 0 0 K \ l it A Io-cause it is n 't Nubject to th e ile n ia in l.s o f v o u r d a v -to - d a y b u d g e t. II.. li st V6.iv (o get 51(H) r t t r a 4 d o lla r <»r tw o a w re k Si llFCIC and and Flic SURG EO N SURGEON Bid« Telephone« R esidence 791Z Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. A ll Kind« o f Beauty Work Physician and Surgeon Well« Building O ffice 2682 T E LEPH O N ES R esidence 2681 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER G arbage Collection Dentist AND CANS D. P. CORRIER! Telephone 144 Evening«, Sunday by A ppointm ent Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH W aahlnyton IN SU R A N C E Shute Bank Phone 2211 Far Inform ation BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS County A gencies from SERV ICE Kulldln* HILLSBORO ARGUS H illsboro about D irectory or 1 la A dvertisers call The to t»» « ta rt now at (lie Commercial National Rank A. 0 . PITMAN, M. D. O ffice 8231 Commercial Building YOU y o u r liv in g ro o m . . . d o w n lu i.v in e iit on m i . . ta k e n re u I vn - liire a n in iil w h ile W ater with meals helps .stomach juices aids digestion II bloated with (M add a spoonful of Adler.ka. One dose cleans out poisons and washes BOTH upper a n d lower bowels The Delta Drug store Ad. Commercial N ation al Bank a special y Telephone 1471 W EIL'S APA RTM ENTS Mabel Schendel TW O TRIPS DAILY Except Sunday* a n d Holidays l.eave» B u tto n 7:45 a. tn. a n d 12:15 p m. Leave« IlilKtioro Stage D epot l l: M a. ni. a n d « •!« •* « m TOO D R IN K W A T E R W IT H M E A L S GOOD FOR S T O M A C H Telephone 138IX PERMANJ ITS Buxton and Hillsboro CAN DO with X-Ray and Phyftio-Therap, Balcony Hillaboro Pharmacy now operating betw een W HAT Phi 1 co Owners ATTENTION PH Y SIC IA N Perm anents end el) kinds rjf beauty work. Portland - Banks S I A G B ?cdville Crew Guests at Picnic PHYSICIAN EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP PHONB 3106 Mr and Mrs H«»hert HUllker, wer«' eharivarieti at tl»<*lr lanne at the Elw«>od mill Eudav nig h t Mrs Georg»* Elat a i enjoyed visit with tier sist< 1 troni Cali forma She had not seen her for a number of year . Mrs G race Drur\ mat etilldren returned to tie, home at Van<»»u- ver Saturday from a two we»*ks visit with relatives tier»* and at Timber Gteen Mountain Granr.c met at the tiail in a ll -day s