Page Two THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON T h u rsd a y , Ju ly 2(5, |'j ; ¡ , of her nephew. Ciff ff Thompson. r» * J H I ’ 1 I returned to her home . Banks Q u ilt , left 5 n i d e r M 111 Wash Sunday. He tore K site site and the Clift Thompson family visited Mr and Mi’s. J. B. Thomp­ Show Friday son. Opens Again east of Banks. Mr and Mrs. William Moss and and two chil- rk-end with rel- T hrough Day * atives 5™ at Maupin. a t T i Hi h e r “ Maupln. had lx en taking care ot her duugli- Ib e f S I M M .IX S f. Ite « i,le iif A t t o r n e y o f Ih » S in t, «leMerlhe*!. a lit i In 'Im i Ih e t o f ll i a l , .m I*.» l o f f i , e A ,|t|r« a a t ’ iim u i, t 'ir v u il t»f th e 8 ( a t« tcr Mrs C W Sinniger. who is T e a c h e r E le c te d ' « terree I«» he re ndere«! I ie ie h «mi » h « ll ilh h m 11111« t • r , • ( lie « .< ii f.u U m htiiuiGii ('«timi) recuperating freni an appendicitis Ite r ì a» a m i f»»r «u, li «leed, e n d f< i «neb U «'b»’ f « liti S c iiti« I operation. I « in i f u r lh e r r e lle f « • m « y a p p e a r t o th e at G r o n e r S c h o o l I'lKC Mr and Mrs J A Vork and chil­ Wl OIM l\ HL AI , ì r , i In th e p re in U ee . I : l 'e t t r t I» he e q u it a l il S e'H G llR Mu-,- Ixuuu Alilstrum »l v» I' . k » r, u lt lt t w , l . v ll« 1 ! m >. dren l«us and Gordon, ot Keedville .»rxed ii|„ * n y o u bv I ,'h l» » iiiiititG it« I* i i« tl Ji> hti l{ H ity H iu l M i ’ lias been lined to teach tlte* Oixmei w«re guest« at the D M M ellitus 1**1 re I A u t o in , d ille hu K In . v ille . C h a r lm V p u b iie a lU m lh«we«»f p i »«laut to a n o rd e r I .«e'lnx>l. wlucli will begin Si'plem- home Sunday M ake I ■ a n d I »«ue H u re t y H «11,1 M i , ( lit r i« « 2M b lay John Wohl.«» lilegvl and d augh­ I In« hi wife l.lw.,1.1 H«» «ml Mia I , e u r i M ihl eau«e «MI ( M KA n i 4 w i \ i i ter.« Hi ilesi me and Helen May. tie o II Mr and Mrs XV G. Walker drove H U I S IIO H O . ter. Mrs Fun's! Karlen, and lwo b .tw r«l II.«« h i. vvtl«*, A lv e ll,«v « u ,I J K u n b u le ) . P H J I . ii. la b» e th u è f l I l li ui t » I t I d «t » N u tllle tl I wen: to Jeiuungs l»xlge Wednesday liy .Mm Krsd Walford) ¿o Stayton Saturday and visited ll>, Mi«» Jut« \ M. r-rl A b e lU y . h children l’a liiiia and Shirley vts- w if,.. r , \ , i i .. 'I'e le p lio n e I2 U I 12.1« M ecom i ( n u l l . M in i X X hu h ,*i,l« t I* re«, i Ibe« ( h a i to attend camp meeting. Mi - G uen­ 111x1 relatives here Bunday iv i BANKS — Quilt pageant will be Mrs. Cora Barrett, returning home W«to >. h»*i liii» b « it tl M i« . 1IMBFH The Snider Shingle mill ther will reilun Friday, The girl.« « l i l l a - U l U l l t n U» »I i h II be |iu h l l > h « t | n llt« » II n l lii « r ln i « n i. l .......... uHx«* | n n ,l l|,*xxi«r«| P a r t* given Friday afternoon and eve- Sunday evening. 1 wvvlx f«»r 1',»ur a l l , ’ , «•»•lx«» It i Mr and Mr« John Sutherland reopened Monday after a weeks will rem ain until August 3 a n . h e r h iia h a iu l K rti< > i.i Z itH m v r n iM ii nlng in the high school A program Mr and Mi’s George McGraw shut down, caused by the strike 1 XX ««»lx« lu 1hx« l i i l h l i n r n \ r i , il» . « xx eri« ly 1 Mr.« Rebecca Bowel! and Gtxtrge m n n .I M i« b.rneMt /, ’ li i t i n « '! u i n u , it i X XX if«». 1 UfXX a|»A|,«»r, Bullís Guidili I and Mery ill Wlilt- Jink attended (Jie funenil f o i p t llil |al,.*.| 1 II i«riiiix*«l «m l is being prepared for the evening drove to Vernonia Sunday and K itlp h Z d iim e r n tu it Orval Snider, who ha.« been work­ « lu i M l. ItM lp h II >t«t,.ll. « l i t i ,* f « i i ’ i k ' i h I «'Ir« u h i i Tlie pageant will be acted out by spent tfu- afternoon at the home ing m C arlton at the Snider Bros mcre have purelvastxl a horse power Altx’ii Jin k in Hillsboro l'in’«day . 'iu iit ie r n i« n h la w «f«-. 1’ . J ( n I I n I im u \ \ 1 i« h iu « (iiu ( 'm iiii x ( I r v u n ii, III«' HARRISON 0. HUGGINS liay baler and are baling their hay the W akapi-Nahon Camp F i r e ot tiw'ir son. Ellis, and iamlly. Mr and Mrs Pete Ludwig ot « m l M r» I» J ( i i I I n ì i h u . lu » w if«». f i r « l t u i lili, ■«(1,111 l l l « l , * n f i >«IU|| m i (li,* mill, returned to work at crop this week ■irb. This will be supplemented by Mr.- H attie Davison of »\>rest lle il> e r ( ( ' l in y « n .l M i ll. 'i i. c ii ( Sherwood joined oilier relative.« m .’ •Uh «i«y nl r J w l x . ( (» < ( a l l . 1 Ih .» ,i« l* > n f tm ber mill last week M. Ü. ' “ ---- — Ulant M.vndnv nieht u tth ‘‘le 111 I U > h l» w if e . I.e , \ lll t x H U .I M l» Mrs Marvin G rnduff accom pan­ giving a surprise birthday dllutei th e l« n l |>ullilit'M lln u lh , ie » , f l> « i lig «,|| l i t r i I* " ’ V I I« » . h i. w if e , M r» K. J the piano and bv guitar music b> her motlier. Mrs M. A. Dodds Mr and Mrs J H W .-.o tt laid ied Mr and Mr.« Clarence G rnduff tor their mother Mr« Eli Kingston M r ,I d a y o f A iiu u h i IU.14 XI I Xlt N ose ANU TIIKOXI b . » n .I i J |lu « « e y . h e r Itu»- Miss Opal Tucker, a torch bearer Miss Opal Raines of Portland Is as their Sunday guest Mr and Mrs of Laurel to Portland Sunday, allere Bunday I* Il T O N G I 'K . A it o i I M i • ( , «w»ri;e W S h « v l> « n t l (¡«» l, J o h n K »(,«> „m i Mi admission charge will be made ters is at the home of her parents. jury to his spuie. She reports th at from Thursday im iti Sunday at Herd ami J»x* Stretcher, fourth H a ) ' . i , \ Muss Sfkx'k s cottage at Glen Evien A Mlzner of Scofield w a s a \ Ir Mr? c •u’stens Mrs lie is improving steadiv. .'»mu h n m t M i . t 'h n r le « ' S m it h hl» vie»' presidents; Evelyn Hesse aiui The S P. pile driver which has on th e coast. w .f,- ( »lax «m l M i. t h’n r h - week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grvtlle sandy ot Mountauidale is Arlene G utter, MXietaiies a n d been driving piling at the Stepp Mrs Charles Haynes of Scholls Arnioiid Reynolds, ttvosurer 11«) hi w if . K |w « r v | ll« > « tu l M r W alter h Rear Ule M r nurse taking ot her. w aiter .- i . u i M rs care F ral ... A kers of creek bridge tor the pas: week w.u- vL-:ted i lx« • ) H a y . b i . w if e . A l Mi- I» 1 Deford and Muss l(„ Mi ami Mrs Cllfiurd liask en­ M r» A x«» H h v . b ire Brings Alarm Portland were Sunday guests of sent into Portland Tuesday for re ­ Bery l Deford Tuesday P i r l W et», tertained last Wedncsdni evenuig «• I W e u » . b e r In i- h a m l. M r . pairs It will rem ain there tor about Banks fire departm ent was called Mrs. Belle Hartwick. Mr and Mr- Ernost G uentlier with a dinner p.uty. followed by a H o w .. I ll u r t m a n «m l |(> w a r d H u rt out Saturday evening on account Mr and Mrs Henry Alice and ten days th en work at Buxton re ­ and family attended a reunion of surprise ui.»n bei h u a b a iid , K r iiv jxu’ty in honor oi ttu'ir of a fire on th e root of the Cliarlas Mr and Mrs Zed A’.iee drove to turn to Timber and finish the work the G uentlier relatives at M cM inn­ nephew. Leslie Potter, lor Ills 21st •c.«n « m i M r» E rn e a t Z in i m e rm a n , hh at Stepp creek. Shipley house Quick action saved Corvallis Saturday Mr. and Mrs w if e K .« lp h Z im m e r m a n « n ,1 M n. Mis- Dorothy M cIntire of Port- ville Sunday l'wellty-six were pres­ birtluiay aniuversai y K itlp h Z im m e r m a n , h i» v r ife . tlie house from serious damage. A Henry Atlee returned to Banks P J Guests at tile Bey W E Bmip- < ,...,h « n u n ,| M i» I» J f a i j a h a n , hi .... land is visiting Miss Betty Smith ent hole was burned in the roof and Sunday, but Zed and hi.- wife left Mr. and Mis Sam O tto visited son home Sunduy were Mr and " ’ ’ be* , rt t Ilo » «mi M i I le i wallpaper was m arred. tor California After a visit in of Cochran. Maxine and La Verne Kiburg have her c:andparenis. Mr. and Mrs B Mr.« George Alexander ol tlie E x­ », lf*' »dr 1 "■ ' Mi. I J Mrs George Moss' side of t h e California they will go on home press Advance paper ol Lclxuion 1 » ••«) " hl» Kutnrow, at i'ortland Sunday . RNA lodge entertained th e winning expect to be in Chicago by returned home after several weeks '■ ■ I 1 J ......... . (,c r h , i. Mi Jim Kelly ot Albano uiui Mr« Sunday guests of Mrs G-iui Mey­ He.s«ie side of a contest, at cards Thurs- August 8. While ill Corvivllis Sat- with their fath er at Seaside and ' I M........... ... , U > , . „ , j ot Albany .Mis M , , r I ,-, I , „ , lk er.« were Mr uid Mrs Wetden Du- Hailaway day afternoon. Mrs. Carl Jensen, urday afternoon Henry At-ee at- With relatives at Wheeler i Bessie Parson., ta . T H E B E ST Ml t r . i . i k I I . , . h l. W IÍ,.. M . r , I Mr and Mrs. A rthur Fisher of l-u-luiiutt a id Finest W olfrett of captam of th e w’im nng side, was tended a democratic congressional r 11.1. U iu n .r r ir .1 . M « r , » IT I l 'r « r l Sunset camp are spending several Portland and Leo Susbauer of C or­ school at Mt Home 28 years ago presented with a prize for having meeting the ladles are all sisters of Mis Q uality and Price I » , , ' ’ ’ " ' b ' I » ' '» h l I I . . , pb 771 nelius. th e most attendance during the Mr. and Mrs. A c. Vi.ikl ana days with friends at Buxton ' M* I h ilh p h w iif h t H a y . ht» w if e . Miss E E Hoffman went to Portland Sfmpsun. campaign Mrs Fred Jesse won three sons and Mr. and Mi's. M. ___ Jessie Belle Phillips return- Friday. August 3. the SchoU» first and Mrs Claude Williams sec- Schram el of Forest Grove camped ' ixwne Sunday alter severs al weeks Monday eveium. and brought Mr Ladies Aid will ..induct a white . n e o f th e S tu te « f G re Sp ecials for Friday and Saturday, July 27 - 2H and Mrs. George Gould home witii jver Uie week-end near Cherry visit in seaside ■h Of y o u a r e h e re b y ove ond a: cards. dish shower for the t ew kitchen at Mrs Ben Hart is visiting Mrs. him for a weeks visit. re M U irixi to Np|«»ur Grove on the Tualatin. Mr. and Mrs. R A Wilcox and Eva M attern was a guest of her the church parlors Refreshment.« > Mr. and Mr.-. W. G. Walker were Dolly Wilson in Eugene during tlie children and Mrs Roy Schulmerich Vernonia ul Pioneer pageant At the M A K l.h . aunt. Mrs Jolm Smith, at New­ w ill be served. visitors Friday. Ladies ot th e Beaverton M ethod­ and daughter spent Sunday a t of 4 Mr and Mrs Hanson of Fresno. berg from July 17 until Thursday. Mrs Flora M unford spent the t he Newport ist church gave a party Tuesday f ir Cal., visited Saturday and Sunday Mrs E V Hanson underwent a week-end at Culler City, su e drove th« Mrs Nora Dooley of Forest Grove by Corvallis and was joined there with Mrs. Hanson s sister and fam - major operation at a Portland hos­ alternoon m honor oi Mr.« K u . o il th e 2 6 th « m i I f y , i i f a i l t o «o spent a few days this week with her ov h er son. K enneth, Mrs. Brown, • ■' Mr and Mrs Boyd Wright. Mr pital July hi She is convalescing Bell ol Kinton at the Cliaro « B.o« man home a t Ja.ktow n Guest.« . •r » « id e, n p la ln t fo r mother, Mrs M. A. Dodds. Iiousemother oi T heta Xi, and by and Mrs H anson have just return- Miss Beryl Deford spent Saturday were W h ile Eagle. present from Beaverton Ku. p la in tiff. w i l l a p p ly Amos Sellers is working for tlie Mias Eleanor Hesnier and B randon ed from an auto trip to Montana in Newberg visiting Mrs. Loran ton and Solmlls. a » c r f o r in gging camp north of Hall, ali of whom enjoy cd tile wees - and are on their wav to tlieir honu Hunt ' Ethel Johnson 1 of Cult creek Erick.- n Mrs. llo tarth Injured HI l> A rthur Dahl, who recently re ­ Green Mountain. They are tru ck ­ viid at the Mumford cottage at in Fresno. E x tra fine tpiaiit) n t a n d de- Mis M B Bozartli revenecd a John Kalish who lias been con­ turned from a visit to lit« home m ing the logs out to the Elwood c u tler City. broken nose and other !r Ul- fined to tlie St. Vincent's hospital fe e . Minnesota, visited a t tlie E E. Ho!f- Banks Gvid Fellow ar.d Rebekah nU road. t . e re a l several weeks due to an injury m an home July 18. Dahl is staving juries when she was tripped Mamie Sandy spent Sunday with lodges held a joint installation at for lanuly pet dog. mid fell flat on tier tile Odd Fellow hall Suturday eve­ incurred at Sunset camp, is rapidly ni Portland. friends in Portland. iiice. improving and is expected home Mr. and Mrs C harles Johnson ning. Following the installation ice Sunday guests a t the Llovd M ur­ Mr and Mrs. Fred Wolford were tins week. Mr and Mrs \ E Fucits ami called t o Gales Creek Sa.urday cream and case were served. Mr Mr. and Mrs Thane Oher and daughter. Pa:.«y. Mrs H attie W ater­ ray !a>me Wore Mr and Mrs tu t » Moluuig ami children of Silverton I'oiind Mr. and Mrs. Geoffry Brown went man of Newberg and Jalm er Oren to Camp Mayo Sunday and cele­ ot Astoria were guests at tile Ira amt Mr amt Mrs Olcn Keith ami two daugliters. and Mrs M a r y brated Mr and Mrs. Brown's first G McCormick heme Sunday a fte r­ Kiunyate Mrs. Ned Cox ol Kmton Sunday night from New Benson installed were; Mrs. George wedding anniversary with a picnic noon. was an all-ilay guest Tueada.' park and will spend the week here. officers lunch. An egg measuring nine inches in Wilcox. P. G. ; Mrs. R. M. Banks. te im a \\ohlschlegel spent sev­ Boyd Ashby, a nephew of Mrs. N. G.; Miss Anna Schneider, V. G.; fju a k e r Mi's Robert Goodwin and son. circumference tlie long way lUKl eral days Uns week witii relative- C harles Powne, and Mrs H L Mrs. W. L. Moore, secretary: Mrs. Orlando, and Mrs. Sam Merelli and seven inches Xtier way Wits in New berg P o u n d Jensen, spent Sunday and Mon- wild Davies, treasurer; Mrs. Charles "co children. Nick and Eda. cele­ laid Saturday bv a hen belong: Harry Wolilschlegel was a Mon­ day visiting with dlw Powne and pkg». npley, chapaui; Mrs. Archie b rate! Mrs. G oodwins birthday with to Mrs F W M attern. guest ut tlie Carl W olilxliie oi Jensen families. He was accom- Thompson, conductor; Mrs. Fred i picnic lunch at the park m Hills- Miss Beryl Deford visited Mrs. day home. pam ec by Mr and Mrs. Webb The wucox, warden; Mrs. C. W Moore. boro Saturday. Earl George* at Portland Friday. Mr ar.d Mr- Glen Mill, liave three drove up from Los Angeles, k s N. G. Mrs. Gene Shipley. Mrs Leona Conley lias painted Mrs. Jesse Blazer was called lo to tlieir home on tin 1HÜLU1- Bovd Ashby lived and attended l S N G Mrs. J. J. Hutchens. tier house The house is occupied Molalla July 17 by the serious ill­ moved tain. S irlo in m- R ib school here several years ago. b . si V. G Mrs. Charles Kessu... by Mr. and Mrs Geoffrv Brown. ness of tier mother. Mrs. Deareiorff. Philip Stretcher Hurt Mrs. Leona Conlev and Raleigh 83. wiio died Saturday Mr Blazer Mrs. Lydia Thompson and Mr. n. S. V. G. Fred Wilcox, I. G.; Philip Stretcher received a s Shiffer left Tuesday for Bickteton. went to Molalla Tuesday and a t­ and Mrs Gilbert Velie of M ultno- WLnam Davie: O. G. 2 lbs. m ah visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gad Fellow officers installed: Wash Mrs Conley will retu rn to tended the funeral. Mrs. Blaaer re­ m jury to his head when lus b W hit. upset, due to defective brakes Shipley Sunday. Frva Wilcox. N. G.; H. B. Dauchy, lier home and Mr. Shiffer will look turned home with him. Elvira and Bovena Grow Pleasant View Community club Mrs Em m ett Shipley and two V. U.; George Schneider, secretary, for work. Mrs A. M EUiott and Mrs D. will liave a picnic a t San Safvadore Marjorie Joiianaen spent . ist 3 pk children of T hatcher spent several Will Davies, treasurer; J. J. H utch- witii tlieir grandparents Mr and days last week with relatives and ens. chaplain; Clyde Hopkins. B. S. A. Castle will give a shower for be'acii August 5 1 laxoi ■ Miss Jessie Versteeg spent from Mrs. Tlieo Ngsaen. friends in Banks. N. G.; Ed Schlegel, L. S. N. G.; Ray- Mrs Ray Elliott Thursday at the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shipley ami Saturday until Tue-dav a t the A Mr and Mrs A rthur Sm ith a t- Lien. R. S. V. G : Cork Powne, ¡»m e of Mrs. A rthur Elliott. Mrs C P Easley of Endight, L Versteeg home in Newberg. White ■ in Avery Lev of M anzanita spent tended a reunion of the M art Mead L. S. V. G.; H. Carstens, G. G., and Miss Dorothy Jackson and Ray t.iere .«lie attended tlie Catholic pa ­ tiir week-end with relatives at fam ii’ a t Corvallis Sunday. Amos Sellers. I. G. and Hillsboro. Pound Miss Cornelia Smith and brother Hazel W ohora arrived home from G rant of Powers were visitors of nic a t Ctiampoeg Sunday and a Scholls The F. E. and F anci-s Rowell P o u ltry anti D airy F«*cds, Robert of Bald Mountain and Mr. Los Angeles Monday nigni. her v u - John R .,hniond Tui -day. They birthday party at the J D V.inder- fanulies are vacationing at re enroute to Enrigh New- where they and Mrs. Ben Sehramel of Forest it there having been cut short oy beck home Monday in honor of to g e th e r w ith I heir free field 11 visit several days. Miss Lucille Vanderbeck of P o rt­ port and other beadles Grove were Sunday guesto at the the death ot her uncle, R iiie Lilly, N e w D e a l. C' IleaL°n and fanitl aiyl service, m eans b e tte r results land. Henderson Smith home. ot Gales Creek. She was accompan- ------------------------- °G nbellu na.1 family Kilt Mr. and Mrs Frank Hill nnrf Ed Debolt and daughter Gail led home by her grandm otner, Mrs. . . T ( ( Shortening ) anti m ore net p ro fit, rv children of Hillsboro and Mr and Sunday at Ch.iiiip.x-: visited in McMinnville Sunday Belle Lilly who been visituig l V i a i l I n i U F C i l »It numi Mi-s Grace Miller, who lia.« Ixen Mrs K 'irt Jackv of North Plum.' Mr and Mrs. A. J. Friedley and her sons. Raleigh and C n an e Lilly J this com bination. S tir p i «ingly g o o d employed at tlie Yale Laundry in were entertained a t Uu,. D. A Hill D Holgate of Hillsboro spent Sun- at Los Angeles tor several months Pound Portland the past it w y-ars lias C h e h a le m M o u n t home Sunday. day at the Roy Parmley home. They were m et in Portland Monday returned to the parental home lor B A French of Puyallup. Wash., evening by Fred Wolford and sons, i B y M a r ie F u c h a l an lndefuute stay. arrived in Banks Sunday evening Lyle an d Vernon. They report .nut < IX If. SERVICE EXAMS Mr. and Mrs J. T DonneLy and CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Robert and is visiting Henderson Sm ith the weather in Los Angeles has NOTICE The United States Civil Service son Gordon of Denver were week­ and daughter Ethel and with other oeen cool and pieasant tins sum- Wise s hands were both cut to the bone July 17 when he lost his bal­ commission has announced o p e n end guests a t tlie Ed Hoicom home F a r m e r s ’ C ash S to re relatives in this vicinity. He had mer. Grace Kingston and Harm- H . ance on a spring board while help- competitive examination.« as fol­ List your Fat Livestock also been visiting his daughter. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Hart week vis- Hot house tom spent a few days ui Portland Hour - Fted - S e r r i - S p r a y ’t Harold Banks, and family a t T rout- ded re-utives in Portland Sunday. .ng F. E. Hoffman fall a tree. The lows : and Poultry sledge he was using came off the Chief engineering d r a f t s m a n . th e first of the week dale _____________ Poultry and I KKs W . U l t e i l hand.e and he grabbed th e saw in $2600; principal engineering d rafts­ June and Helen Holtom spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. M. LI IJ T w ith us. 3 Ih tile tree for support. Wise is con­ man. $2300; s e n i o r engineering tins wixk a t the home o f their Bank.- and Mr and Mrs EEis Tay- ¿X-LV1CCS M t 1(1 IO F P h o u r 301» I valescing a t the Jim Hess home a t aunt, Mr.- Ed H urray. of Portland. draftsm an. $2000. and engineering lor and daughter Norma Jean en ­ Center. Mi.«« Wilma Herd visited last draftsm an $1800 a year, for work joyed a picnic a t Green lake near M rs . K a te B erge Chehalem Mrs. Don Perrine left Friday for on ships Optional branches are < 1 > week a t the home of la r cousin. Troutdale. Mr. and Mrs Harold Mrs. W. H K upersm lth. Livingston. M ont, after having ship piping. ,2 1 ship ventilation. Banks and son. and B. A. French Funeral services for Mr- Kate u died j j Sun- r. spent a week at the George Mav- *3' m arine engines and boilers, and also- . . Bagmar Berge. 52. who na-d home G ' electri al 'sh ip ,. Closing date If you cnange your address kind , i rr bas been visit- day a t her home on Hiilsooro route Miss Doris Hariem an of M inne­ August 10. ly notify the Argus direct and a: ing with Mr. and Mrs. Austin M arr 3. will be conducted Friday at 1 30 sota. once. Mrs. Charles Brownhill of The salaries named are subject to for several weeks returned to her p m. from the Donelson & Sewell f rest Grove and Miss Mary K ing­ a deduction of not to exceed live home m Portland July 17. cnapel with Rev. H A. Deck offici- of Scholls were entertained at per cent during the fiscal year Mr. and Mrs. Claud Morgan a r- ating. Interm ent will be a t the ston the D. M M cInnis home July 17. ending June 30. 1935. as a mea«- rived from M anzanita July 17 to Mountain View cemetery. G O O D , RIPE Vtttt Mr. and Mrs. Ed M orían and ‘“ M rs'"‘Berée " w a s “ F e b rn ,-- . c:.-. ir-n. ■ ' economy, and also to a de- Mr and Mrs. B W Armentrout 15 188" m Norway- and cwme m La :ra' s h rm an R'xlnev and Vir- duction of three and one-half per and other relatives The camp the United S tat® 32 y ¿ r e S o " l v: aJ ‘nner ')art¿ glven e Ant0J a,rd a retlren''» : anme. . where Claud works is c lo s e d o n a r h h i .$- sxh u p i k5 Jears Mrs Eunice M urray at Beaver- Ail states except Iowa. Vermont count r t t t e S e r0Ul<; 3 l05 w n J u‘-v 18 Mrs. M urray and chll- Virginia. Maryland, and the' D u- Mr o f and ‘m .SUnl' eu dren were overnight guests G a t rove' the trict Columbia have appointmenw recen.-d less .son ^ h e Mrs X a n S Max miU Dreeszen and at For!?1 thjn, of h th(,‘r ut k vm i RUSHLOW l- CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET I’ O ODS SOAP BEEF 19c POT ROAST 9C PUFFED WHEAT BOILING BEEF 6c 19c STEAKS Gelatine 35c 14c PORK CHOPS H o d g e n - B rew sier COFFEE COMPOUND 19c 6C T o m a to e s 10c ■■■Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa day with Mrs Dreesz«n’<. sister Mrs George ^ f a family. ^ ilv ’ George Moss Moss, T arid u i Ir;n 5 l u , M'? l Vernonia spent Stindav 2-1.« .'"v. i'A ACME QUALITY INTERIOR GLOSS FINISH ■ SEMI I US THF - WASHABLE - DURABLE LESTER IRELAND & CO. 6c SUM M ER SA U SA G E , b 1 9 c C O M P O U N D Lb 5c Pork Link Sausage u, 15C SA LM O N "Lï wl" ’lc ' 14c LARD Hom e re n d ere d . 3 lbs. 25c M IN C ED H A M Lb. » Pigglv Wiggly $1.69 ih . WALDORF TISSUE 2 Boiling Beef lb. P hone 982 $ 1 .6 5 $ 1.63 W hole * « ,e ,.M wm HarelwiieaV K l.n ROSE—Hardwh iiaranteed to satisfy. 49-lb. bag KITICHEN QUEEN A popular hardw heat flour. 4f)-lb. bag C hoice Steer Dull, dingy looking kitchens FLOUR FLOUR Sugar cured 15c FREE DELIVERY 4 Mt White King, Toilet Vernon and Cottage. tali MUM 23C SOAI*—White Wonder. 7 b a r, 29C $1.00 bottle of Nadji Perfum e for tlwse wrappers. 10 b a n ................................................Z7c TOILET T1SSI E- -1000-slicet rolls. HASH—G ranulated Soap. 5 for .............................23c 2!i-lb. pkg.........................................19c V IN EG A R , pure cider. 1 gallon Del Monte Pears L arge tin. Can Del Monte Peas P o rk & B e an s 21c A quality blend at a low price. Armour’s. Medium nixe 5c MAYONNAISE—liulk, Supreme. P i n t .................. 13e FOOD Ol WHEAT—Same aa Cream of Wheat. 28-,w. pkg ,19c MARSHMALLOWS—1-lb. pkg............................................ 15c W H E A T IP S 2 PICKLING SUPPLIES PICKLING SPICES. 2 pkgs. for No. 2 Early G ard en . Can CO FFEE AIRMAIL. Pound 9c SO A P M IIL K Veal Roast CLE.'ROX, quart size BLACK PEPPER , D u rk ee’s. 2-oz M A Y O N N A ISE , D u rk ee’s. 1 pint C A M A Y SO A P, 4 bars for 23c Send for your cream and sugar bowl. B IS C U IT M IX Fisher's. 2!i-lb pkg. E D ’S M A R K E T BEEF BOAST Steer. Lb. BEEF BOIL Pound 24c FREE DELIVERY 9c 7c In th e re a r of I’iRgy W iggy s to re quality meats PURE LARD and Shortening. 3 lbs. for MAYONNAISE I b hulk. Quart P rices for Saturday, July 28 25c 25c PH O N E 3131