T 11E Page Ten i 2 Bears” Drop Another Loop Game Sunday T u a latin V alley L eague W I. Pet Amity « z -ìi — V erboort Sherwood . 10 4 .714 N e* h er« 10 4 .714 C arlto n 9 5 S 4 < H ilb b o n ' W L Pet «» > *-*•* 6 8 429 2 12 14 .o ’clE E < a < — T bfiZ C c c. «5 4t> HiUsbon, "B ears dropped fu rth e r into tJje cellin' of th e T u a la tin Valles league lost Sunday sfte r Sherwood hud lunided th e m a -8 to 11 defeat Verboort a n d Anuty rem ained in a tie for f u s t place by .-topping Newberg a n d C arlton. Tli»’ "B ears'' will play a t A nnty on Sunday a fte rn o o n in th e last game of th e season. T he local team used four h u rle rs during the gam e in a n a tte m p t to stop th e fa st traveling Sherw ood- ites Bolinson opened tlie gam e an.1 w as followed in order b> B M a l­ lory. Z im m erm an a n d E Mallory. H igh tide of th e Sherw ood a t t . u k ra m e in th e fo u rth w hen I t r u n ­ n ers crossed hom e p late F our hom e runs, one each by M allory a n d H a n n a ol tlx- B ears a n d by P o s­ ner and Voss of th e w inners, fe a ­ tu re d tlie gam e. Verboort tu rn e d back th e c h a l­ lenge of Newberg 8 to 4. Aunty took th e m easure of C a rlto n " to 4 G am es scheduled in th e league for next Sunday a re: V erboort at Sherwood. Amity at Hillsboro, and C arlto n a t Newberg. R. H 2$ 21 Sherwcwxi 11 6 H ill-boro B utterte» : B ro w n , B lauer a n d H ar'. v n e rm a n . M allory. Zin B ohnson. B M allory »’‘»J Deaville. R. H. ... # 15 V erboort 4 b N e« l>erg M • B atteries : Z im m erm an . Li 1er. M . k rehouse a n d W »u>re: n uth. R. H. Amity 4 7 C a rlto n B atterìe» : W o o d and Broc-’.ron. > «*u ben; an d F ry er. H agg D airy H e rd Receives H o n o rs (C o n tin u ed fro m p a g e 1> m onths of 1933 to 9886 for th e sam ep eriod th is year, while traffic injuries show an increase from 1730 to 2275 in th e two periods • • • Sm all datrvm cn throughout O re ­ gon will be in terested in a n o p in ­ ion prep ared w A ttorney G eneral VanW inkle this '•> . k tor tin- O re ­ gon Milk C ontrol Board. T he o p in ­ ion holds th a t two ot more d a iry ­ m en m ay en te r into a p a rtn e rsh ip a rran g em en t un d er w hich each can produce nnlk from his own herd on his own (arm . bottling th e p ro d ­ uct from th e several herds in a p a rtn e rsh ip p lan t on one o f th e farm s a n d m arke'.m g th e 1x11111x1 product through a single delivery system a n d vet re ta in th e ir sta tu s a.- grade A raw m ilk producers The opinion it is believed, wall enable m any sm all d.i:r\ m en to continue o perations who oihe.w ise would have been compelli el to dispose of th e ir product in bulk to large d istrib u ­ tors. • • • A su b sta n tia l increase In the I resilience oi drur.K enness tunong m otorists is indicated by th e report of th e operators division of th e sta te d e p artm e n t th is week showing th a t 273 m otorists have h a d th e ir licenses revoked for d ru n k e n d riv ­ ing th e past six m o nths as com ­ pared to only 176 for th e sam e period in 193a. U eiokations ot li­ censes a re based upon convictions in ihe s ta te courts. Many Exhibit Sheep Forest Grove Show »C ontinued fro m r a c e I • was licet to th e club m em bers .and specific eases were not ta k e n care of before th e m eeting Tuesday, the group would re tu rn to see th a t a c ­ tio n w as taken. Notice of th e im pending d em on­ s tra tio n was spread over th e county T uesday in handbills setting fo rth the dem ands of th e federation arid leaders at luncheon served in th e cham ber of com m erce room s by the ladies of th e grange. Joseph B elan ­ ger. a ssista n t county agent, was toastm aster. T h o rnburgh outlined th e work, which he ha.- been doing on h is own fa rm at G ales Creek w ith sheep, telling th e boys w hat these sheep have cost a n d w liat they h av e earn ed du rin g th e last couple of years. T h o rnburgh offered to let the boys use p a rt of his p a s­ tu re during th e m o n th of S e p tem ­ ber a s a place where th e ewes m ay be bro u g h t to be bred. F ra n k Brown talked to th e club m em bers on the breeding of fine sheep a n d saad th a t he would loan them a ra m for use th is fall. T hus, by th e joint offer of T ho rn b u rg h of a pasture, a n d of Brown of a h igh quality ram . 4-H club m em ­ bers a re assured th a t th e ir breeding program will be tak e n care of for th is year. B. W. R odenw ald talked to the boys o n sheep m anagem ent a n d em phasized the favorable situ atio n in W ashington county for th e ra is ­ ing of lam bs. He pointed out th a t here we have the green feed, w hich Is necessary for young lam bs, com ­ ing along a t the rig h t tim e for th e tam os to use it. Dr. W. B. Coon, p resid en t of the Poreat G rove c h a m ­ ber of comm erce, expressed his s a t ­ isfaction in the boys engaged in a work so well w orthw hile. J. W. H ughes of Forest G rove also talked to the boys for a few m inutes. duced 1848 pounds of n n lk a n d 70.2 pounds of b u tte rfa t. Class A for m atu re cows pro d u c­ ing over 60 pounds of f a t included th e following: H ornings "M idge;” T upper's “M elia:" S alem In d ian school's num ber 5; Mrs. T ern W il­ liam s. Forest Grove. "Polly." p u re ­ bred H olstein. 10-years-old. 1305 pounds milk. 67 8 pounds f a t: M ea- dowvale farm "D itto." Jersey, eight- years-old. 1515 pounds m ilk. 66.6 pounds f a t: David H agg & Sons, "Im leh 7." Jersey, eight-years-old. 1302 pounds m ilk 66.4 pounds fa t; Hagg. "Bell 7," Jersey, five-years- old. 1419 pounds milk. 65.2 pounds f a t; Jo h n H. F a k . “P rin t as,” J e r ­ sey. five-years-old. 1272 p o u n d s m ilk. 63.6 pounds fa t: Fick. "O x­ ford." Jersey, seven-years-old. 1149 pounds milk. 63.1 pounds fa: and Jo h n Rasm ussen. "Susie." Jersey, six-years-old. 1284 pounds m ilk and 62.9 pounds fa t. Four-year-olds inakrng 45 pounds of fa t were as follows, listing ow n­ er, nam e, breed, p o u n d s. of m ilk a n d fat in order: J C. M ark. B e t­ ty." Jersey. 1365 60: Hagg. "Sally 12,’’ Jersey. 1137. 59.1; M rs. W il­ liam s. "Spot," Jersey. 1062. 57.3; Amos W atkins of L aurel. "Susie," Jersey, 891. 561: Hagg. "A sh 3," Jersey. 1182, 55.5. T h ree-y ear-o ld s m aking over 40 pounds o! fa t were: Dr. E. S. F o rt­ (C o n tin u ed fro m p ag e ’. > n e r "B uttercup." Jersey. 1017. 69 1; Busse. B artholom ew L. Sehet kla. Fairview F arm s. "52." Jersey. 1242. Jam es D Robbins. Ja m e s Kirby. 63.3; T upper. "M artha. Jersey, Abigail G ilb n d e a n d M innie Ahl- 1071. 63.1; Hagg, "Bell 12." Jersey. strom . O rders were also issued in 1101. 60.5: Hagg. "Beil 11." Jersey. th e g u ard ia n sh ip of J. B Shorb. 1164 . 60.5; Mrs. W illiam s. Peggy C larence L Stevens Mrs. E arl 2,” Jersey, 1056 . 59.1; M rs W illiam s, Riley, a n d E lm er B urch. "D iana 2." Jersey. 933. 58.7; Hagg. "F ish 6." Jersey. 1053, 55.8. T w o-yea.-olds m aking 35 pounds of fa t were: M eadowvale Farm . “ Beauty," Jersey, 1362. 66.7; Hagg. “Ash 4." Jersey, 1038. 64.3: Hagg. “Bell 14.'’ Jersey. 1122, 61.7; Fick. “30, Jersey, 999. 60.9; Fick. "14." Jersey. 969. 57.1; Hagg. "Sally 14," Jersey. 978. 56.7; T upper. “Wee Wee." Jersey, 1140. 54.7; Dr. F o rt­ ner. "M other D ear. Jersey. 1116, 53.5: and Fick. "Eagle. Jersey. 894. 52.7. H ow ard Pays Fine in A ssault Case Locals Dump Rov / Players / Here Sunday S unaet l r » i u c W I. Pet Aloha Cornelin* T u a la tin W illa m ette H ilM 'o ro 7 »» 5 I ' 2 4 2 4 3 I.»MO Hoy 'L l O ren eo .714 G aston io*? L au rel .571 V erboort U I P‘ < 4 ‘ /* 5 4 4 '•» 0 7 000 H IL L S B O R O ARG US, 6tk) feet from tlie sum m it, nuiglng from six inches wide to 10 teet n t places a n d ts thought to lx- over too toot deop w ith aides ot solid teo T o cross tin s a ladder lias been laid across tile crevass. T h is j crevass us very lituusual a n d tu ts just opened tip in th e Lu-', two m onths. flic p a rti left H illsb o ro S atu rd ay a lte t t x x ' t i and m ade cam p at th e tim ber I n t o t'tiei were aw akened a t m idnight for bicakla.-t iuid to start clim bing, t ’nder the eaix-tul guidance ot E dw ard N eubauer, a veteran guide from 1’o rtla n d . th e group w.us able to reach tlie top. th e re was a hot m eal aw aiting them w hen they a rriv e d back at cam p. pix-|xired by Mrs A. Dtcka son. Mrs 1' G Bronlix-we a n d Miss Dorothy N eubauer Following u- a hst of those m a k ­ ing tin* clim b T G Hronleewe. scout ma.-: ci E dw ard N e u b a u e r, guide. J M Person. A. Dtek.u-on, Got don H adei 1 txm B anner, l.oi an Bronlix-we lo in Bronleewe J r Elvu- Dickason. Don H am m er. Bud P e r­ son Bc'b Suthet land N ei-cn W eaver. Jo h n West and K e n n eth W oodward. Hillsboro dum ped Rov 14 to 7 on be local field Sunday to climb a rung h igher in th e Sunset league -lan d in g Local b a tte rs clouted out 20 lilts d u rin g th e game, sending two Rov h u rlers to the showers Hillsboro will clash w ith V e ilx v it. league tail-e n d e r. a t th e latter's diam ond Sunday. Kov opened th e gam e bust S u n ­ day with a n a tta c k th a t for a tim e seem ed to spell deteat for the local- T he visitors held th e a d v a n ­ tage of a 6 to 3 score when th e hottie team cam e to bat in th e last halt' of tlie six th At th is point Hillsboro lau n ch ed a n aggressive rally th a t n e tte d 11 ru n s in three innings Roy was held scoreless u n ­ til th e final fram e when it m a n ­ aged to a d d one more tally to its lC o n tin u ed fro m m ute 1 1 score Bill Ziegler, local catcher, wiio in her tu rn h a - a d au g h te r. sta rre d at bat. gettin g lour h its o..t 1 cu e Fir Mu-s l'l-by Inka Topsv, of live trip s to th e plate. ■with a tw o -iea r-o ld record of 575 Aloha re ta in e d th e league lea !er- p.-unds in 365 day.- a n d " lo n e F ir slup by nosing out T u alatin 7 to 4 Ir.ka lin y ." with 406 pounds b u t­ m the n in th inning of th e ir game te: tat in 905 day- as a tw o -y e ar- C ornelius beat L aurel 10 to 1. O reneo d e fea te d W illam ette 4 to 2 old. The second d a u g h te r of th e old! while G aston stopped Verboort. Lone Fir Inka S ta r." had a , G am es scheduled for Sunday are: cow H ill-boro at Verboort. Gre co at record of 600 pounds as a th re e - G aston. T u a la tin a t W illam ette. yee.r-old. O ne d a u g h te r of thus cow. 1 a u rel a t Roy a n d Aloha at C or­ Lone F ir Toby Inka Polly." Is nelius now in the herd as a tw o-year- \n R n H illsboro— eld Her test y e a r Us not yet com ­ I 1 I plete, but her record will be close S' c. M \ an debt*. if to 405 pounds b u tte rta t In 305 days. C Vandehe> lb A -on of S ta r Lotte F ir S ir I . n e r V andehey. Jo h a n n a Toby ' is th e present herd Z ieg ler. c ire of the Ltndow herd. He was J a n te n . p E. V andehey. 2b the fir.-t price tw o-year-old when I» Urten, r f shown on the northw est show c ir ­ 45 14 2“ < cuit last fall. AB R H F 1'he th ird d a u g h te r of "Old P et" \ a n d e ru ttd e n . w.u- "Lone Fir Inka Nick T h is M eeuwaen, lb cow died following a n op eratio n to B ern ard s. 2b remove a piece of wire, but h e r M eeuw -en p I 2 V an d erx an d en . daughter. "Lone F ir Muss Inka 1 1 N ilaon. If Poet." has a tw o-year-old record 1 <> M att, r f of 450 pounds b u tte rfa t in 305 B ern a rd s, t t days. ' X . lb M eeuw sen. p T he old cow has am ply d e m o n ­ •rickx. p stra te d h e r ability to tra n s m it both high production and excellent type Total H illtb o r o - to all of h e r off-spring, regardless R una of the bull to which she h a s been H itt bred and well deserves th e high R. y - r, card in which th e Lindows hold R ins I u 1 I I 0 ü I 1 t» her Hitt to J a n s e n ; ch an ce defeat T h ere is no a tte m p t here to balk . R. Va n d e r s a nden. m inim ize tin- im p ortance of a good to E Mee R. H E. herd -ire O ne bull. T w in F ir S ir Bos Fayne.' bred by C onnell Bros.. Leveret le Hillsboro re n te 1. lias given a n e x ­ R eber cellent account of him self in th e herd Six dau g h ters of th is btill have record- averaging 766 pounds sc a n d T u rk b u tte rfa t in 365 d a y .-. T h e d a m - of Schulmerich. these dau g h ters averaged 678 pounds b u tte rfa t in 365 days. Thu- re p re ­ sent a n increase- in production of Moi­ M cK enzie am ti n et. the d a u g h te rs over th e dam s of 13.3 p e r cent w hich considering the extrem ely high production of the d am - is truly a re m ark ab le a c ­ com plishm ent. U n fo rtu n ately , th is bull was slaughtered before his unusual value as a sire w.us proven. Eleven scouts, th ree dads, a n d T lie Lindows have been testin g th e ir guide successfully clim bed Mt. consistently for several y e ar, a n d Hood last week- ¡id w ithout a m is- plan to continue, feeling th a t only !’.ao T hev m a ie e x ee l'-n t tim e in clim bing in spite of th e fact th a t by continuous testin g c an they o b ­ only two in th e p a rty h a d ever tain th e best results in th e ir br-xxl- been up before Eight ho u rs wen- ing program . tak en to ascend and two hours to descend I t was a w onderful trip D ivorce Suit l-iled a n d b eautiful day. w hich disclosed H underup—H A ugust H un d eru p m any sig h ts of interest. T he guide m ade th e sta te m en t th a t a s m any vs. M ary H underup tim es as he h a d been up there T h e ad v ertisem en ts a r e printed th is was th e best he h a d ever w it­ for your convenience. T hey Inform nessed you a n d save you tim e, energy an- E specially in te restin g was a large crevass located in the ch u te about money. H IL L S B O R O , A nalysis of Hand Proves I n te re s tin g W hv are '»»»in«* people free w ith th eir monex .mil others verv v I om »? —T h is Is revealed through th e sh e . sh.»|H\ . i i h I structure of your h.uul Serial No. X No 10 plenty ot you quick thusiasm Your type should oxygen, as it will m ake ot m uni, an I full of e n ­ and e n ere\ You dislike Lindow 1 lerd Based on Outstanding Cow Local Boy Scouts Clim b M t. H o o d Indu lurent people: if they do not respond to your moods you do not have m uch patience w ith them No. 12 Y our type' lives fo r t l u i l ls You a re very sensitive to color and line You a re fastidunus a bout your clothes even to table linen and silver You are apt to tiare up quickly, and just a s quickly regain your equantnuty. (C ontinued fro m p a g e 1) T h a t th e hazards of m otoring, both to th e m otorist a n d th e p e ­ destrian. a re rapidly increasing is indicated by figures released by th e sta te d e p artm e n t th is week. These reveal the fact th a t 142 p e r­ sons lost th e ir lives in traffic ac ­ cidents on Oregon highw ays during th e first six m o n th s of the c u rre n t y ear com pared to only 106 fa ta litie s for the sam e period in 1933, a n in ­ crease of m ore th a n 30 per cent. T raffic accidents in Oregon i n ­ creased from 8935 »n the first »ix USED CARS 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Fordor Sedan Studebaker Sedan, like new 1930 Buick Coupe Model T Ford Roadster w ith box. 2 Model T Ford Coupes 2 Model T Ford Sedans Model T Ford Truck Gas - Oil - Accessories Cars Bought, Sold and Consigned Cars W ashed and Polished Used Car Exchange A gency for Nash and Hudson and Terraplane 2nd and W ash. Phone 2641 (4 ’»• n111111«’»| frutn |»nv* I » Blue's keep them out entirely Where' a B ordeaux spray Is usexl. th e Borehnux a c ts as a reiM'llent am i will s in k te> the* potate» foliage* Will trade* M itw ay pn»|»etty for very well By aeleltng the' Inul or hom e 111 llillsbeiro ealetutu aisenate* te> th is it Is a 5 Here*, atld lauue near llllh h o tn little' mor«’ effective its tliese two 1 to trad«* fe»r su b u rb an h<»ine neur Ne w|H»rt lain 1 m aterials are* both stom ach |N»lsem.s aild kill e*e»li >le|ei able' l l i l l l l - | Moelelll home», fullv furilLsh- Ix'r of the' Ilea b4*et.les e'f C o rn e liu s 50 Sub:.«•» |l»e* tor th e Argus MAIN STREET »’HONE Hl Prompt Service . . . This store will lie open nights and a part of Sundays. Special* for July 27 and 2H Powder Starch Burnett's Rendy Mix Ice Cream R e ti A. W h ite Corn or Gloss 10c Phg. 17c i t " kB Beans Dessert Ri-d & W hite Kanej R ed Dark Red Kidney A W h ite G e la t in e 10c A s s o rte d fla v o rs lie 3 for BEETS R ed A TEA \\ h it< Sliced Lipton's Yellow Label 25c 2 for Helvetia Hostess Hillsboro M otorC\ HELVETIA — Mrs. Fete Y uilker e n te rta in e d w ith a (lliua-r a t In i hom e in W est U nion T u e s d a y , Ju ly 17 honoring h e r a u n t. M rs Dalt< a Reed of Clovis, New M exi­ co. wit i w ith Iter friends. Mrs PriU 'l.a: 1 a n d Mrs. Iatng ol P a s a ­ dena. Cal liave been touring th e 39c b ill tea time. «»l.llxM O B lI.i, s t.le Keil & Large i tins. M ILK J IMI S W 111 1 I I UV. Manaxi-r Olds and Chevrolet 3rd and Wash. Phone 441 M arket PHONE FREE DELIVERY 4 Timex Daily. Special Attention Given All Phone Order» Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday, July 27, 28 and 30 3251 JARS FRUITS and VEGETABLES Friday and Saturday Only W a te r m e lo n s Golden Bantam. Each 19c lc CELERY „ 1ft Klondikes. Each Dresses, N ight G ow ns, P a ­ CORN Q l'A K T, MASON IMIZKN I’INT. M ASONS IIO /.FN 69c 59c HONEY New Crop. Fresh, crisp s t a l k s . for JL W T o m a to e s q CLOVER o r FIRKWEEL) f n Oregon, firm, rip e.tJ lbs. P IN T JLUCx TOM ATOES SARDINES 2 : i ' in s " " ' s SALAD OIL ' q u a r t 1" '’1'’: CHEESE POUND * "" ' ' VINEGAR ^ ' , ;. q n ' ’ e ' ‘ J A It Q U A R T JAH 19c 35c He M u * • " * .................... “ r " '“ ..................... . '' '""l We Carry a Full Line of Bulk SPICES for PICKLES COFFEE (3 Ibx. 55c) • POUND OLIVES HOST ES8. \n . Wood Taken in Trade I I.ill S A L A D D R E S S IN G NALLEY'S. SWAGGER SUITS S alad Tim e. P IN T JAH Q U A R T JAR 17c 27c $ 2 98 - lie 18c T u n a - F la k e s j i No. i/2 tin JB. X SH R IM P w i l( ‘< ip v v u tc r. 1 iii.» \ S o u l h e r n . 5-oz till JIT zw z CORNED BEEF A rm our's Hest. 2 SALT F ree running. 8-lb. bag ........ ig c Hot W eather Suggestions 11c (ill 15c 19c l'A IR W A ». A lieh, full lioilieil blend. W o m e n ’s White, Grey, Tan, Black and White. ALSO COATS 26c 4 for INDEPENDENTLY OW NED AND OPERATED jamas, Blouses, Skirts, Jackets, Women’s and Children’s Hats, Tams, Toyo Pan­ amas, Women’s Shoes, Galoshes, Slip­ pers, Rubbers, Big Lot Infants’ Shoes, Women’s Canvas Oxfords. M e n ’s a n d B o y s ’ Cotton Bathing Suits, Boys’ Broadcloth Pajamas, Playsuits, Men’s and Boys’ Suspenders, Belts, Caps, Men’s Small Size White Pants, Boys' Your Choice Breeches, Children’s Sun Suits, S traw H ats fo r All the family, Men’s small size C ollar Band Shirts, Men’s Ravon Shirts and Shorts. For W om en W h it. Many other items speeially priceil for Friday and Suturduy. These prices good Julj 27 and 28 only. la a d r r " F a ir w a y YOUR OPPORTUNITY Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Hats, Suits, Jackets, Women’s White Low Heel Oxfords, Women’s C olored L eath er Shoes, and Oxfords, Children’s School and Play Shoes and Oxfords. M e n ’s Golf Knickers, Men’s Summer Slacks, Men’s Dress Your choice Straw H ats, M en’s Small Size Suits (SI each garm ent), Men’s H eavy P a rt W ool Union Suits. 1H. M rs. Pete Y linker AM AZING VALUES W o m e n ’s lui.xi.x. 1182 2nd St Phone 171 Powers Grocery G u a ra n te e d ripe Silk Dresses, Knit Dresses, Women’s and Children’s Wash Dresses, Women’s Skirts, Pajamas, Shorts, Slacks, Breeches, Princess Slips, Women’s and Children’s Sweaters. M e n ’s Dress Shirts, Boys’ Knickers, Longies, and Summer Slacks, Men’s Work and Dress Straw Hats, Men’s P art Wool Sweaters, Boys’ Rain Coats, Your Choice M e n ’s S u m m e r Union Suits, Boys’ Waist and Bib Ov­ eralls, Boys’ Heavy P l a y S u its a n d Wash Suits. Ju ly ( tin fitiaiii'i- your ¡iixiti aiti-i) l>i'i-iiiiii!iix on a monthly a girl d ep artm en ts. HUNDREDS OF GARMENTS IN A MIGHTY C L E A N -U P . EVERY GARMENT WORTH TWO AND THREE TIMES THE PRICE ASKED. NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS, PLEASE. COM E EARLY SEE OUR W INDOW S SEE OUR WINDOW S W o m e n ’s Rt-nl Estate and Insurance lU rtha Wilkin. Io Mi and Mi Ch.nl» W ilkins e»f Daconu. Julv 9 a boy, at ( ¡ood B au iu rltan tb . pilal Me'lx'egl To Mr a n d Mrs I A Mcl IH. w uh M is lS t<* .hkss\ am i Mi s AIM'ZuhleT assist lug Tlie group plans to have ILs an nual picnic August 15 m th e grove* on the W illiam Z urcher pluee, where th ere is a fine swim m ing | hh »1 l ht.s place is a short d istan c e we t ot th e H elvetia sc In »01 T h e commit I e In tii.in « ’ of iih* imine« w o Mrs J M Davl.Lson M rs b: Meek am i Mr« 1» M ays As the' busy sea son will he' e»ver a gennl ere»wd Is expected Mrs W K b rem h of M »son Hill is a new m em ber T here .»re' m»w Ml meinbe'is in the' edub Mrs K e » ln r t S h esh an . w he» w ith h e r husband is staving for tlie su m ­ m er on their h u n t, atteudeel tlie m eeting. E dith Murtc who Is working In a canne'n at Vailee»uver. visite'et her relative s Mr am i Mrs Freel Ye»ung- er. July 19 Mrs Emm a Yiwuiger a n d ehll- e rem Evelyn. Elsie am i Jo h n , e»f I l ele'pe’nde'IU e* \ lslte.1 relative's lieie' bust We'e'k Mrs Molly A tkins ot C am as W ash an i Mrs L illian Mlllei of K alam a W.ish . visited at the C hris H itte r heune Lust week \l'. mcmb« t of the H elvetia Com m unitv B and will m»t be pre' -< nt at th«' county picnle' e»t th e Earim rs' I'nion. to l»e held at Hipplm g W a l­ ly 29 »is th e Sunday hc 1 um »1 euip is taking p a rt in a chll- en s dav progm m . w hich will be held the* s.une etav in the' grove at Phillips church. Serial No II \ k »our attorney b nei y o u » No. 9 Artistic taste love o f leg.el i i l v e r t i s i a g t o the* \ r g a s variety, and tin* desire tor physical com fort are your o u tstan d in g c h a r ­ a cteristics Ideal hom e life to you ts com fort a n d com pannm ship and you will give to tlu»sc you love everything you possibly can in tin* way of c réa tu re com forts, clothes a n d e n tc ru u iu n e n t Ney 12 IX» not place too m uch confidence in o th er jx*ople. 41s this m ay lead to u n fo rtu n a te results Be more decisive if you c an . les> agreeable for the sake of m aking yourself a g oxl fellow, if you know in your h e art it is not for the best S erial No. (' No 6 You a te inclined to believe that is to be found thine s th a t sound plausible in ­ in Hillsboro in ste ad of analyzing them to find out if thev . re tru e So guard against Motor Overhauling th is tendency You a re talkative and silent by tu rn s Motor Tune-Up No. 12 You are inclined to be Body and Fender senstltiv«» a n d too im plusive; guard Repairing against this, a s you a re o ften hu rt unnecessarily w here no offense' or Painting slight is intended Lubricating Serial No. I> No 10 Your friends will sw ear CLAUDE COOMER by you for your lovable, depend able qualities Your enem ies will re.xjx ct your h a rd punch a n d your has returned h«-re and as­ courage to stick up for your c o n ­ sures pai'tirular attention victions. to till jobs and to all No. 14 Your en th u siasm Ls gre a t ­ his old friends. ly dam pened if you have to wait too long f r results You do not put Mid-Summer Bargains in m uch fa ith m fu tu re prom ises A a rub' you insist on th in k in g th in g - out for yourself You have high am bitious and high Ideals. W hen m an learned to u.»e his and TRUCKS th u m b and first finger to wield a club he* became th e sovereign of In v estig a te for we g ite wound th e globe'. value for your m oney, in all W eil’s July Clearance Ends W ith a Big Capitol News Letter T hin-day, July OREGON 12-oz. tins 2SC deviled meat 18c Armour’«, No. % tin 3c