V Read Advertising I.Illesi Stori' N e w i AI w a y h A i» i o-ui « II t i l ' A rgUH NO. 23 DAY. JULY 2«. 1934 HII.I.SBOllO, OREGON, T ilt VOLUMI*: 11 Shite c ¿ ¡ ¿ n l h w N ew s D a ir y Letter i Herd Given | High Mark Il Y A. I. L I N U II r C K Judge Kagli'.v V o lu n ta ry An t ut i I’av w ith F ew . I J e r se y C ow s at R e e d v ille R e c e iv e T o p H on ors for Al.EM Judge George It Bag U y J u n e P ro d u c tio n i>( llilblK'i«» in on«* of the 15 Oi egon circuit Ju' In > • Otel Jlld, ■ Mill in ' ptine R a n k in g s o f P ast M onth nrch In tin' CU il» I ' ill'll «*> ■ti te ( I 'T II lu u l i t . Il d ude B rand <>I M l tiiii id . Eddy n l Roseburg; Dairy herd of David IfaggA^Son K.m/li i »w- K lllie n t A lb a n y (gut H, - i m u t I ,..K ill id l ' " i ' a t Reedville received signal honor Igi a s» c,'k id H e p p u , I . M l't'o i- m the June report of the Yam I. id H ukei. W' ih k I nl O ntario; hlll-W a;hlngtor Herd Improvement , i |r nt I .tie .n id i l b u til li k , OI l uudun. Hay "i I-ikrrirw , mid association as released this wick The herd of 44 Jersey cows was iiiiu 'i liia n ol A- toria T'HilrU'1'ii ut tike 28 e in u ll judge», cited as high producer* in the di- on th eir vision for over 2U cows in the 11 the little are dun liny und r, insiti g herd rated In h i g h producing Ouo lituttoiittl ngl, groups. p net e|H puy lilt: The 4 Includi' ll.igg herd produced un avurage N r t u n ut Medford bkipw, T> ut t 700 |x»unds of milk and 40 08 K , ne MeMubun ot ,.>«•.*i in th r lu- of milk and 4139 pounds of but- <«»noiny it fouiid th a t terfat Erank Finnlcum * herd of |»de..t ut illM ttllllo il proti » lcd » u - fate Dayton and supreme rout t J u d g e » eight purebred Jersey.4 a t division C was ranked first in the st any downward revision In a he h«id pro- for under 12 c t) •ti )N»y scale In an attem pt to duced an average of 1005 pounds Oi n iiiiv n it thb («niàtltutiniuu of milk und 47 4.1 pounds of but- h >IU»»I» tlie lav maker» “«ugge* cd ‘ I At the Judge , ttccept voluti’ 1* let! H ig h < *»w> ■i try reduci io i At the ouUet 2(» High producing ( milk and uhed In u tt.-' 1 awniakt-rs has $38.000 u» 70 5 potmds <»i biltlerlul d< M : of upptuximai Total oi 37 her Is. Including 913 ippropiiaiiun foi miarle» und which um» ,rows, w«pre te.sK d during the m onth •> ,H I se» ol th«* Judg « n u ruency oí June . Total production ol milk «are ol by t her Te We.li:» (<»r the month was listed at 651.- d at its m» 791 poui¡id» und b u tterlal a t 288869 n inenitMTh ¡NiUllds Avera ge production. 1 n- ■ « epted pay » ludinu 98 dry < -,»* in herds tested. 20 pel cent. » uine t«ii 7iK)/)8 pu Hid:, ot milk and to 21 B« .«n und 81 5 pou,mts ol lill'.tell^t X.'.l»" pro- dm in» mor< th an 40 pounds ol bu tterlat during the m onth totaled »I 279 Rod of honor rows producing mote than 70 pounds of fat during meeting, the original appro- tIu. ,uon(n included H o r n i n g ’s M e lla " and T up p eis Midge, number 5 of t h i Salem Indian purebred school. The latter Is Hoi', tein slx-years-olti and pro- S'1 County I Ierds Cited *4 Paul Patterson to Head County Republican Club Washington county chapter o f Republican clubs v ,u <>r- here la .’ Friday evening P ttttn .on HllJsts.ro u t­ w ith I* i luitrnian enti Wilbur lo r n e y , Hcidciman of I'lgurd Mcrid ary E. B Nrdrv. ab.« of 'I’ ik ird und »tale oigmnzutlon chairm an. dlr, etc 1 mid will m t as <„ mi V Ill'll gate nt tun Hiiturday. Un- Hulijn convent T ilat tin' reput) lean party And ■pirli ih tur lioin Kid in Or, con wan tili* (I k liti. ,n of Ni'ilry In ; iti,- parta to urging H ii l i l l e i re c o n c llla te I la i n io n re-unit ork. Hi con- and re n r |i. 11 mu.' tended lint a lilt it Ills to the rugg W iste Lin Alexander H.ui veit. NedD coin and Theo« the republi- t ’e • * i an t*< kut in ilion of th< d a n d th a t a dd mean « republican pa I'll, restoration of radica»»* m Citing tin xlltnge to in this < former Ann i n ani, in W cuunty sinn , ,k„ in ,llt :n public mt Ulk salvation affaira lie I a republl- oí the country i» and pu ged of cun party, cleans i « a< tlonarics. tmn of the After unanlm oa dev i l» d to t wo ( hib officer •e-chaum» n postpone election i un- tit U h * various count\ dh p j the n<-xt ineetliu Au. i t 9 P a - »• terson J D Johnson o M a n d (» Russi li Morgan ol Htllsborc nstitutiun were named to d raP n uubh an E duard ikhulm eru ■ .I- John- nominee for stale s tm. nomine» J”t Mil I up reM iila- yve. H. D. K« rkinar nominee for W Bar- county commissioner su n ney, nominee nf »Dp-star ding cows. Most of the prominent dairy herds can trace h«;r b<* t animals back to one or O k c . oii Sheep Show i Doctor Held B lam eless Fatal Crash __________ d 1 ,.nidation cows and thta C o ro n er. , j ury E x o n era te» H c y n d e r ic k x R ank» is true of the Holstein herd I J! .'low . Sons, Portland route 2. D r. D in sm o re o f B la m e Hi|ults obtained and his general ir- rigallon practice will be outlined and observed a t the time of this irrigation tour. A crop not generally seen under irrigatlon m the W illamette valley wl11 observed on the Robert W arren tm m . where this year he irnuati.’.tt a 10-acre patch of P01^ 10^ - . . John lh o rn b u r8h whM probably urgesc irrigation pro- ject m in Oregon Oregon. On his farm ap- proximately 112 acres are being ir- rigated this summer, mostly the pumping plant wfiich takes 'Aat4;r from Gales creek. The crop ior the most ** Lad^ M> <*>ver‘ filberts planted on part ol his irrigation project with alfalfa and red clover interplanted Demand for More Relief Fails H ere __________ D e m o n str a tio n W ed n esd ay F a ils to F o rc e R eq u ests on C o u n ty C om m ittee Forced L a b o r H it G roup to P r e se n t G r iev a n ce » at S essio n T u e sd a y N ig h t Demonstration staged in Hilto- verdict exonerating Ur. J. B. : in fb ;.ndi ri< kx. Coria bus boro Wednesday under the direction um sm ore. local physician, of any & county civic emergency led- 1 was h.'ili ranking exlubilor responsibility In the accident which ,.ration committee ot action to dt'- first uiinual t-orest Grove caused the death ol Charles O. rnantj increases m relief met w ith nm bank sheep ..how held In craw tord here last W.-dnesday night when four of the seven Fore t Grove las Saturday. Twenty- wag returned Thursday afternoon of the county relief com- p wen exlnoiU'd by I* nine ¡,y a coroner' jury. The report also ^ ^ j e e ret used to discuss alleged y 4-H club member» in tlie declared th a t the accident was un- in ^neVances except a t regular corn- which i liniaxed tlie initial avoidable nl a n,-* lux ol club work In mittee meetings every Tuesday eve- ter C. B Hensley of Hillsboro, an eye ning. Committeemen interviewed the »Uli Be witne&s. proved the star witness in reiterated former statem en ents th a t T ' lv» ,h»*«*p were shown in tia* in the incluest He ^ec*ared VYi1, / 18 they were ready and willing to hear ared ewe < lxs Winners were: first, was seated in the window or Laav s individual complaints a t th< the week- N< .. Knepper. Bank., route 2; bec­ jy ges.. ome Marvm Hcynderickx, ComeilUA start acrosg rout« 1 third, Bill Kelly, • I p doctor s Demands of the group of approxi- walk « into i the rfr p a J th ti of r • the doctor's lihed^ c tim mately 30 person» were first pre- rout» 2; fourth. Evelyn Kelly, R w Weil, county ctwUr- car. Henslc) stated thet the victim route 2. fifth, Jim Davidson. Hills­ looked •d neither to the 1 it nor ? e nian _ at w eU s ___ D epartm ent store. ____ ____ ________ boro route 1 ixih. Ray K nepper, right, but hesitated a moment be w h en w'eil refused"to act in the Bank . route 2. seventh Nolan Van- fore he stepped in front of the ao.-wnee of other members of th e Uomelen. Corn, Hus route 1; eighth, automooile. He testified tha the coun^y committee and asked the n»'k J' -'-sy. Portland route 2. xb’i'tice R apid in H a n d lin g lights were on the Dinsmore car c. . wac m velintr group to present grievances m divid- Two Yearling» Shown B e a v er to n L iquor C a se and th t__ at hour ually a t the regular meetings, fed- Tilts year, owing to the fact tliat between 20 and in . 30 miles an .».. hour. . . era Bon members declared th a t they most of the boys started w ith a F;i , of $100 was meted out S at- Doctor Te»tifies rem ain in tive »tore until iamb, only two year- urda to Charles S. Howard. Ti- ew» am Dr. Dinsmore stated that he did he acceded to their demands. Sheriff *ert* shown, with Ray- gÿrd fartner. wlien he entered a ling ew C. not see Crawford until approxi­ Is inond D l'Ti'kx. Bank« route 1. pk a at guilty to a charge of beaX- mately the sam e time as the im ­ Busch were finally called to clear spoke briefly w inning Jirst und Mildred Mend, : 17-year-old daughter. Akene. pact. He declared he had co re­ tlie store and a lte r considerable — Banks i oute 2. winning second, a horse whip. He had prevlous- argum ent the group dispersed until we lamb dAfts was tlie b*rg- ly p id not guilty to the assault collection of applying the brakes until he struck the man. Several afternoon. ,s shown. 15 entries being and ,a. • ry indictm ent and trial had other witnesses, Mrs Rose P nckett, Templeton Hears Demands ... ri, in tins class were of be : ■ for last Monday. Howard Harold Weiaenbach. Robert M ark­ County Judge Dcnmd T. Temple­ melicnt quality, according , Itn red with beating h i s ham and Roy Blucber, testified as --------- ton. who had returned from his . It jilenw»Id. professor of Her June 24 for unsatisfactory C o u n ty S p o r tsm en O r g a n iz e vacation to meet the delegation, husbandry. wlx> judged tlie ,, A..., a u . . . a w .... ...... —— _f the and County Commissioners II D. fo r G a m e C o n se rv a tio n Marvin Hcynderickx. C or­ eel.- of justice ground rapidly injured man. K erkm an and Jam es lewis, all F our A d d itio n « ! P r o j e c t s oute I. won lirst witli his . W. Percy of Beaverton last Skid m arks measuring approxi- Twenty were signed for member. members ol the county relief com- lati; j. William Cyru» Jr., of A c c e p te d by S ta te B od y V • ' wfu^ n ia ie ^ o n mately 60 feet in length from the ship in the W ashington county raitxee. became targets of federa- U. «bora w on .« coiid; Dick Jossy, . * ' nieftd «widriie of the intersection to n ear chapter of the Izaak W alton League tlon demand» in th e aftem o sn . bland rout, -' third; llay Knep- Continuation "I Y / • l .’ , 7 ‘ cp-enced lhe ’P °l » here Dr. D n sm o res car Monday night during a meeting ol Here the delegation met with nn per Banks route 2, lo u rth ; Nolan K ilim Airport, nei r fill ,a ,, stopped presented a problem th a t sportsmen a t the cham ber of cam- refusal to discuss grievances ex- last V. nDonr, len. Corneius route I. ftfth ; KEHÄ p r o j e t w, u> approv • o ’ .viii hr- ,, e d s a t i i r d a v WttJS unanswered during the in - merce rooms. M att Corrigan of at stated meetings, week an d work s u ite d Tuesdav. N, U Knepp, r Banks route 2. srxth; Mills county m an- Jim Davidson. Hillsboro route 1. on n ■ c i ¿ e Ol HilUhoro who .i|. ' :u irei confirm ation; State of Oregon ex. Connell by Herman Holznagel. fore- V wUd llfc m brm tin g many advised them to present their o July 1« were residents of tlie Circuit Judge George k iiugicy. c H G ram vs Robert H arry man of the crew working between , h„ cases at the relief office. As th e z . group left th e office, a reputed representative of the United F arm ­ ers' League declared th a t if these E R Lilly. 36-year-old mill work- (Continued on pa^e 4, cviuron 4) Into tlie coffer» of the county in er. was killed InsUntly Saturday ■which the vtolaUon» nr«* committed morning when struck by a 16-foot 50 per cent wer, from bherwooo i.p< ■ m « ■ u . 1 01 . Mundorff et ux. permission to file assauit, and battery charge. The were distributed in the c o u n t y lu< c«>ri|iiig to Attorney <»«-neral Van- timber a t Roger's mill near Glen- aIKj Tigard areas. Actual totals of lw o oilers 01 Xia.uuu earn 11.1a amendw, complaint; iir...ia».i«r, ---- «_. by . a Edwards' --------- . . . . Wednesday. --------------------- Liquidation com ------- plaint ---- was signed Supervisor Wire stated tw in k le Under this ruling the state inaii had been working m m employed from the various been made for the Shute bank as- s h u te s avings bank, order on sale father-in-law ,'. Janies Wilson of Sher- with the two holding pens a t West ■doe» not particípate in the d lstii- wood. The ma i-er W h en the timber communities wa as follo v- Fores: •' > when the healing was ordered^ Qf ,uld W alter Weber et ux rou:c 4 He plead guilty to union and Tigard and others to be a t tile edg Ssbutlon of these fines Aloha 40. l e e were subm itted by yg D w a MaJ. fu c k e r et al. author- the charge W ednesday in the local liberated later in the year the caught on a saw. flew bark and Grove 14. Hillsboro on the forehead, ac- Beaverton 0. Tigard 25 and S her- I lopstra of Forest t,rove and he publication of summons. justice of justice of the the peace court an d re- total of birds released here would G reater use of electricity by rest struck him First National bank of Portland j £ , £ , te orders to F'red Sewell, coroner, wood 60. * short lime before the hearing * - - — s were issued in ceived a postponed sentence. be around 1200. a d en ts of rural areas, particularly in Forest fire, which started M on­ who lnvesllgaled The hinly was ------------------- -—■ — ....... .... the P o l a land n d institution in- T heft of a 12-gauge shotgun and J f th e W illamette valley, is expected taken to lV resl Grove opened, Fort institution in day morning on C arpenter creek L o ca l Y o u th N on-C om a number of sm all articles recently C n n to follow as the result of new rules creased its bid $1000 and the of­ and which threatened for a tim e was reported to the sheriff by Mike r lU I I C C l» HANKS Mr Lilly wus h o r n a t A n n u a l C M TC C am p fer was accepted. Authority to sell prom ulgated by tlie Oregon utilities to reach serious proportions, was VANCOUVER BARRACKS Wash the bank property to the Security commlnslon affecting rural exten- H 'hruary 5, 189H. a t Gales Creek Senko. Cornelius. brought imder control Tuesday. The »ions. These rules will abolish the and lived all his life in th a t vicinity. j ujy j(j «special) Hillsboro has a Savings and T rust company for a , , , Theft of 21 bales of hay from / blaze was reported to have been so-called service or delivery charges He is surviv«x| by his Mrs representative among the student $14 500 was issued April 10 by Judge W aher Bros, field n ear G len- Funeral services for Albert Jack, started by woodcutters and burned heretofore Imposed on farm er pa- Irene Lilly, and a daught<*r. v « • non-commissioned officers at the j3agjey, but was revoked recently, eoe was reported to the sheriff 70, w'ho died here Monday night, over approxlmatev 60 acres of un- troiis of th* electric utilities, will He wa»s the son of Mrs Belie Liny Illnlh annual Citizens M i l i t a r y office of the liquidator will re- Plans for tuberculin testing of Tuesday. Neighbors told investigat- were held Tuesday a t 2 p. m. at derbrush. rcduce tlie contribution by t h e °l Cornelius and brother of Mrs Training eam p at Camp H urlburt main in the Shute _______________ bank building. children of Sherwood a t the school mg officers th a t they saw a truck Young's Funeral home with Rev __ _______ ________ —. _______ __ _______S Fred Wolford of Banks. Charles ,1(.r(, ,,i Is George E Wolfe of rrn t frer under the term s of the house Friday have met enthusiastic loading hay about a week ago. C. M. Reed officiating. The son of tarting about 8:30 p m. M on­ fariner patron to the cost of eon response, according to Miss M aifar- William Boos of Forest Grove th e 'iw e Jo h n and H etty Jack an structitig the line and will provide i*»d Raleigh E‘hy <’l L«is Angeles. 1706 Main s street, who Is a cor- a„,p et Dixon, county health nurse. Total was taken into custody Wednesday oW Pu?nee*' iam2,ljD“i l2yrt'g?ihr ™ r a mite ^ B n d T t a B om pany M. The posi- for a minlmum Charge ............... for rural f'» 1 Howard I.ilh of Itlhunook r p„r.,| ¡„ coi urens on a parity with th a t cliarged and Norman Lilly ol Gales Creek «.[jons of student non-com s are nor- of 103 children have definitely night on a drunken driving charge b^r" bv his front Forty CCC bovs from the ?S5!d. i orJ . ^ ^rLier8e3C!^ n i* J ^ r S r edofb>Po^- W ^ m K u n T w e r X l i e T S , ln the urban territory served by Funeral services were held Wed mally reserved for fourth-year stu- the utility. Heliinds of approxi- lie ilav afternoon ut t h e Forest dents, but Wolfe Is a third-year T WZ USS? m* fc to llandle 86 w‘th. « * ' was ^ . ’' ‘a n d ‘ « ¿ T e “ Mstere? Stos* R^- ¡7ene m the““a T t ^ ) i . ' mately 166.000 to farm er patrons drove Undertaking eoinjiany chapel, man Unless changed lo another high as 1.5 cases not badly hurt. becca Rowell of Scholls. Mrs. Amelia t w o houses and a tool t o t . ____ sued were will W be a given Dr. A., ol the Portland G eneral Electric Interm ent was at the Gales Creek assignm ent he will wear his A aster Gill «••til will — the state tuberculosis hospital, will mi*ke a 30-niinute talk. ;lsslst A program of sports will be held E le c tio n C o u n ty C o d e Clinic is being sponsored bv the *n afternixm. with first, second B oard S et fo r F rid a y W ashington County Public H ealth anri thlr<^ Prl7es io r «ranges put- ........ .......... ....., . ............... » . tine on the best program, nrocram. in addl- addi­ County board for the restaurant ass«xlatlen and tlie American Le- ting tion to other sports. All grangers rode will be elected a t a meeting !gion are welcome. Keen interest in t h e Frazier- program of the Federal Land banks mixture duster because of the time that , an of re-siaurant and beer dispensers ! .. lo , fllttljt H i l l * •ile iiix I Agricultural building Lemke am endent to the bankruptcy has been a powerful factor In cu t- laws of the United States is in- ting down the number of distressed dicated from various parts of the farm debtors, according to B relt- Di state, according to L. R B relthaupt. haupt. who is secretary of th e IT i t n iC Oregon S tate college extension econ- state farm -debt adjustm ent com- nicnic oniist, who has supplied each of the mittee. During the past year th e ..... „ ....... ______ ______ ______ w „v „ e s t on 250 state and county farm -debt ad- i Farm Credit adm inistration loaned call of Governor Julius L. Meier. August 12. Detailed plans for the Justm ent committee members with almost a billion dollars on farm been a notice- If any degree m elieetlve control Plant. Some farm ers like to add a mortgage security and made corn- little weight, lo th e sack and put M em b ers C o u n ty U n io n The Hillsboro group is under the picnic were outlined last Friday a copy of the am endm ent. m i able hier,-ase dem and for is to lx- expected. evening during a comm ittee m eet- The Frazier-Lem ke amendment i m itm ents for $700^000 000 m o r e . bw n in a rock for th at purpose. W ill P ic n ic on S u n d a y comm and of Lt. A rthur Kroeger. munii Ipiil bunds from banks whose Flea beetles have probauly Ing at the home of Mrs. F rank js in accord with the program of T h e F - Ct wdl^soon hoidI <2^500.- If the flea beetles linve been I vaults are bulging witli deposits present for u long time In the Members of tlie county unit of Connell. Club members will bring the Farm Credit adm inistration 000.000 of farm mortgage notes, or which they are afraid lo loan and willmnett«' valley, hut have not working on lhc plants long enough the Farm ers' Union with tlielr basket lunches. A baseball game “since lt attem pts to prevent oc- more th an 30 per cent of the total Hom Individual Investors » h o s e „cicnilly been coiisldercd a serious so th a t the leaves are just skele- families and friends will have a toas which m . eans th at i the fleas bet-ween club members and lenders caaional selfish creditors from fore- farm mortgage Indebtedness in th e loans on real property have been |M>.st until thr ---- lust. V » ill «ir vwu . 1 ., picnic Sunday, July 29. a t Rippling . , ■ ........ .. are present In large numbers, then . . . . . , . , ,, will be played in th e morning w ith closing on distressed farm debtors,” United States. refinanced through the use o f when they have damaged the pota ' control is alm ost Impossible and it '?.;,1tci? ' ^{i Indoor baseball game athletic events taking place in the according to W. I. Myers, governor ~T he county farm -debt adjustm ent I chenper federal money. lo crop more or less. They not only is better In these instances to get wlU bc principal Prtnclpid feature in • ♦ • afternoon. 0( the F arm C redit adm inistration. committeemen and county agricul­ kill down the vines early in Hie morning. Coffee and paper re llîe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I’“ ' 1 '1 1 "h e re the piatJi""«^»1^ BANKS -Ambers T h o r n- Oregon as a ..taite Is lending the It is believed, however, says Brelt- tural agents have been well sup- furnished for the but they also Injur s they lnJ,,ly ls 80 s,,rlous and start, dust- 1 * '. . . . burgli of Manning will cele­ . „no fa rm . P!|ed by the state farm -debt ad- F o o d C o d e A u th o r ity way in the flglit against, tuberei!- tliemselves later on as h . ’ *’/ line t h a t 1,O lito li o f t l i e i i l a n t l n g p lrn l< h u u l i a a t nood. Bring your W » e n t committee and th e col­ brate his 102 birthday an n i­ lusts, according to Dr. G. C. Bel- Illlri'OW Cl J VII Into the ground bit. lng th a t portion of the planting own cup and silver. Several Inter­ Irons O u t C o m p l a i n t er in several hundred will be un lege extension service with Inform a­ which has not been injured. Kotne- versary Sunday July 29. No linger, iiperlnteiulent of the Ku- S(,af,on The larvai' tunnel Members of the local food code able to reach a n agreem ent with ni, nes lt Ls possible to control the ‘-»“ «K ^ a? rrs «Ul P,;esc,, special celebration is being tion of value to farm ers who are lem hospital for the treatm en t of nvo„ nt| through the skin of the tlme authority m et Tuesdav n ig h t in his creditors, cither directly o r In need of assistance In the refi­ etles by startin g early, as soon 7 % . * “ awarded for winnei rs planned as relatives think lt tiiberrulosls victims Tlie first mill m i,,is. mi;-.,ng culls out of » h a t be the plants emerge from the ut Portland with the M u ltn o m ah through the farm -debt adjustm ent 1 names. best not to excite him. Mr. nancing and adjustm ent ol lndebt- of Hie Baleni institution was bull! m ight otherwise be niunbei one po­ as authority for a com paint adjust- committee or the county concilla- ednes. ground, and dust ten or a dozen Thornburgh is able to get lii 1910 It provided ncom inodn- |.,t,M.s Damage Claim Paid nient. Those going in were Verne tlon commLssiuuei. Consequently, rows all around the outside of the around tlie house and a t tlons for only 50 patients. Today Curry, chairm an. George Fischer the number of cases which are Home observers state th a t flea Paym ent of $60 to J. E. Bennett times hLs m ind Ls vwy keen. Nebraskans Picnic August S (he state lues an Investm ent of Ix-otles, like a lot. of our „Hier ln- patch. Most of these flea beetles and William Durst, Mrs. Ed. L. likely to be appealed from th e con- EiK iiiia-i. ihiii, avaiiiUMi a, two ho» i«'otl,'s. toi. oi uuu , m- rom e p, fV((n, outside and are not of Laurel In settlem ent of claims He Is m aking his home The eleventh annual Nebraska Moore substituting for Secretary dilation commissioner to th e court a B.,i! n ...„I ' n J II. e J ■ s cc," s' hnv'' lh ,'lr cycles of develop- ln lh). gr<(Un(| consequently, be- f»r Injuries received while working picnic will be held a t Corvallis on with his daughter. Mrs. C. L. B ay . Moore a t Salem on fair business, under the provisions of the Frazier- Sunday, August 5, at the city Beneflel of Manning. He lias 1 ■ Until » n k irJ recently tin i v, all re tiw " “’n t “ " d th " 1 we a « ’ llow notug ginning early in the aeason a n d »« » «eputy assessor was ordered all of HULsboro. and Mr M anning Lemke am endm ent ls not likely to park. This picnic has always been n . i supreme «vsrnw.’ cou in» h effi. ip. C through a cycle of heavy infestation dusting a rim all around the patch Thursday by th e county court. B en-j lived In Oregon since 1862. kf o the well attend,xl and lias attracted as tlonal nvoniKc efft,fen j. |jd |luU u w()Ut u|wliys b(, this llnd keeping it dusted, will some- n ett was bitten by a dog several. of Beaverton. Secretary Moore m et i be very great. kuts from f 1 ir the The of ranging Its hospitalization. death bad. T h a t m ight be somo consola- ( them In Portland. The farm mortgage refinancing many as 1600 former Nebraskans. mont lis ago. (Continumi on phko io , column 7) rA m onth ugo o n Ju. (Continued p n g i e 10, column 1) h it asked that lh«ir pay vhctks restored to 11 m original u/e A ■liefu icncy ¿«pprop»la: ion of $8O0() C i approve i for ttu suprenu irt Rj\ th«- emergency board at Wedm 4i.i p iiation lx mg based on the as- »um ptuai th at all of tlx* Justices Mould accept salary cuts of 20 per I te n t. • • • u 10 Z V. g OX U 4 L M; T rip » !S£ Howard Pays Assault Fine W alton Club Formed H ere X. Local A irport Job Approved Í t) Portland Bank Buys Property Powder T heft Reported H ere Mill W orker Fatally H urt F o r e s t F ire U nder Control Tuberculin Tests ¿X't «It bnCrWOOd tlie Buficd TuCsHflV Rogers Selected I L b. Q W . V V . nffleer VZlllttr Methods to Check Flea Beetle Pest Outlined by County A gent awnop Pomona * Grange ______ ____ __ Picnic August 5th Frazier-Lemke Amendment Arouses Interest in State A. Thornburgh 102 on Sunday b I r,