THE Thursday, July 19, 1934 r Classified H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Sever Anna A D illm a n , and H erm an P itt­ • r tract, to the southeast corner of section c«»rner «»f »h» north line redemption as provided the laa man, her husband, W illiam Millar«! -a»d t r a c t , thence s«»oth th irty (3 0 j feet ti«»n three 13 , in aaid township »he State of Oregon. Johnston and M arth a J«»hnat«»n, his w ife, to the place of beginning Da'e«! thia l l t h day of July. 1934 South. Ha rige T w (2 , weat ; running Clarence A Potta, as A d m in istra to r <»f J W C O N N E L L . S h e r i f f of Washing- Parcel No 2 Beginning a t a point the I late of M illa rd I Johnston, de­ ■ n »he we«» line «»f the P'm ation l*and thence weat on Hi •e L in e tw enty-three ton ('«»unty. Oregon P latt, P latt. Smith ceased. defendants, f«f T«»nguu. A ttorney* f.«r a«everi»y-t wo am i w ife a n d hundrwltha (23.72, A Black. E. II c«s»ls art'l «llsbursements am! the fu rth e r and m»rnl»*r forty-six (46) which point ia P la in tiffs . 21-6 I G Wilson. ha/andanl L’mtM Slate* Kovernnient n o w ( luiwKIrd Column* Clone ul 12 o'l lock Wedne*d*y Noon chaina to a post c i the recognised line • um nf 91166 6«» w ith interest thereon Noi Ice la herehy glven Ih at purauant to fr«*rn the 2nd «lay «»f February, 1931. at ’ w c n iy fo u r and sixty-eight hundredths between the east 1 inakln« home repairs and reniodel- nd weat halve« of <24 6M) chaina south *»f the northwest N O T H E TO < R E D IT O R S an cavi ution lasue I «»ut of and under ’ mu loans according to Charles K. tlie rate <»f H per cent per annum , and A KEAItV MAKKI T Wl'l II Young D«»riation J,and C laim , Notice ia hereby given th at tTie under­ ! Hi« al of II. C u c u l i (-«»uri «»f (he S iate for the fu rth e r sum of 3126 00 Att»»r- > «»ncr iif said P«»natlon Land C la im , run- said Eia I Fulton, supervisor o f Portland. : or Oreg III (he ahove ent Illesi Court ney'a fee* w ith in te re -t there«»n fro m (be nii.,- tbeacu S«»uth l ‘ east, along the thence »«»uth 1* east «ixteun and fourteen signed has bean by order «»f the county H K I HKHCLTH AT hundredth* (16.14» chains t»» the euntur w rit line of said P«»nati»»n Land Claim , . » .. These loans are In addition to the ,eople are under the Impression north f thè defeudant In order tu f Ihe real property h erein after described, F irs t inaertl«»«. per w«»rd line tit »aid Donation Land C laim num- o s m i «J p'lnatm n I,am i C la im , running h e r - h y be.1 to pre.enl the.r Halm. th at ,f , hey a |rPa(Jy h „ve a ho,„e hh ka. pay. «ailafy and II», barge thè Judginent , j( «> levied upon and pursuant to said li week• old Il I K hana, *1 . (N o »ervlee I m i Ihan 25c) , »lienee east along the north line of said her th irty -e ig h t ( 3 3 ,; thence north 1* to the u n d e ra lg » ^ a d m m a - | o w n e „ . Vial a ren.l'-ied In the above entitled c u r t and K a « J II Jone 25«. noi culla Mi Hon, O rder a n d lie« re<» of Hale. Lot on«* «1/ of Hobart's Subdivision tit weat on such east line fifteen and ten d'.ly r.a rh aililllio iia l I n a a r l l u n . l t ra tr ix w ith in . ix >>n*hi from the dat. I2 p ••«•.•••• on Ihe 2lai day of June. 1914, In I w ill «,n Monday the I ttb «lay of A u g­ Ave , Aloha chains to place of hereof at 1336 Oak street, Hillsboro, Ore- money from the government to ■«nl Ii rialion Land C laim , tw en ty and hundredth# ( l ^ P ) , , w«»r«l pullel halche.1 favor of the above named p la in tiff and ust |'.»3l at tb<- I •-« «l'. per annum Oregon, at the hour of ten «»’cl«»ck a. m »ervlee (ha» >6‘ ) not the case as those who hav«» Land from seventeen and ninety-one hundredths breed II A l« u Phone llillahoro a l u i e (he lal day of June. 1942. and the -f said duy. «ell at public auction to the 1 »b«- ea * line of said Donation E I.T A K IN N E R , A d m in istra trix of the already borrowed from the ~ Hume Io» b« t bidder for «« b in band, all of Ju lia A. E»tate tit f Heini M««ney • iairn, eigbty-tbree and severity-four • 17 91 i a« re* huWtofoFU M j M (^)Ulit W«»r«l* I2 IU n t r fu rth e r sum of |l»>uo. <««(■ and dia- E. K in n e r, Deueaaed. Sims »»ms r z-»«-» . r" the follow ing ril»e«l real property, ly ­ hundredths (H3.74) chains , running ♦ hem e Hatch. C«iU,»t Yc ir F ro flt» * " .. r n - y , r.,r a i . , ., . . . , t r . t „ . . h".3/ 1 corporation are en Sims. A ttorney W ANTED Poultry of all kiinf* W rite huraeiuenla. in g Ixdng and situate In W ashington A« • tw enty ami th irty hundredths (20.30, titled to the reconditioning the H enry Bldg., Portland. Oreg 22-6 W ill call or b rin i' Friday, Bat u n i*y or Parcel No. P) three (3, in H*»- lleatfa Nut par* Now lb . refore. I did on Ihe 30th day • »'in ly. O r« *g o ti. and more p artic u larly « hum* lila« h l aca »«» place of beginning, except h a r t ’s Subdivision, containing ten | same as those who are now making M o n d a y !» e f« re n o o n P * « illa n d p r ic e * (10, of Juno. 1931, duly aeize and levy upon, ! described as follows, to -w lt : added, • he foil« wing de>cribed parcel sold to J. acres, County of W ashington, State of I |( H a rla n , (u rh e ilu a <£»t f and, in order to pay and Madefy «ai<| , _ _____________ i application to have their m ort- N O T H ___ E TO < R E D 1T O R S Ib v in n in g at a point Li chains we*t M K id d , to-w it : Being a part of (¡eo. Oregon. ('aah • I m » u I«I accompany (ha order. hereby given th a t »he under- K a g es taken over by the corpora- Judginent. I w ill on (he i.lh «lay of A u ­ «»f the southeast ««»rner of the north II i hm -rt’« Ponation L an d C laim No. gust. 1034. at leu .»'cl.x-k in the fore- Parcel No I I Being a ponion <»f the signed ha« been appointed ad m inistrator tiOH. Again, those W h o OWn t h e i r half of the soulb h a lf o f HecHon 24. 1» in township one ( I , N o rth , Range 25. n.a.n of aald day. at the F.aat door of O u i « f laim eaa lo all in. Info rm a- I 2 K H 1 W o f th e W il l a m e t t e L ao »2« west of the W illam e tte M«*ridiun. east half (E * ^ , of the Isaac B u tler of -h«* . -ate of Edith m D«»iei. deceased, homes clear of mortgage, but who the county . «»iiri luum«« In Washington Ilon «m (ha claaalAad page w ill rder made and entered in the to r i v obtain reconditioning M eridian, said point being at the a . an d j ? i are i t ™ unable f/;?5nr tp “F fo r a It«-ggon '»«.11, at public auction ' uthwest corner «>f a 24 acre tra ct I. • I (*«•«» I I Ehl»eri'» Donation Land C laim ship one (1 , 12 each An * W alkln» we«t of the W illam ette M eridian, and tu ihe highest bidder fo r cash In hand, sob! ami conveyed by the T u a la tin lean ad. No 46. in section twenty-seven (2 7 ,, M ay, 1 - . I, and that he haa been duly J th e nefit»S O f t h is 2f» W i l l 'l l , w e e n lln g plga fo r aale auhject Io K-dempt ion na provided by the « H.- h I I. at«- Company to H e nry lowro-bip «»ne l i » N o rth , Range Tw o »2, described as follows, lo-w it : Commenc­ qualified to act ax such adm inistrator. out!» of llllld ». ' * ent. I. Slout, 3 mil«« departm law . ..f the Slat«- of Oregon, all the fo l­ H a ffrsn and Louise KMffrsn by f , W rite H27 Argu« all • 2161.6, feet to an iron pipe on north dredths (13.14, chains, thence east tw en ­ ... u „» .t: w‘th,r. ^ ^ f '.^ 'd .w ltK lo w frame«, roofing, P H O N 9 7.11 X for eap eil repairing ty and five hundredths »2*M)5, chains; I hence I*.a», an«I parallel w ith I he parallel w ith south b«»uridary of said horaea for foa feed W A N T E D ( heap Lank of «irairiage d itc h ; thence follow - new and old work, cementing. klm la replacement of gutters, down-spouts. six months fr«»m Ju ly 12. 1934. N o rth line . Section 24. 6 «hums to the placg of said lot, .’ btt chains . W r i t e M2N A r g u ing along the northerly hank o f said thence south thirteen and fourteen hun­ 22tf II < Schulmerlch. contractor. Data«] at Hillsboro, Oregon, on thia fl«x>rs. plumbing, etc dredths (13.14, chains to the place of thence Houli b«-ginning < >>nt«ming 10 acre«, a ll and parallel w ith the drainage ditch south 71* 07' west one h<»r»ea, f..r aale or S IlM K good work beginning ; containing tw enty-six and loth day o f July. 1934. Weat line of ««ml Lot 76 lu the South of said land being in W ashington Remodeling is next in order, in ­ hundred ftfiy -to u r and fiv e tenths (164.6, boga, or young aliak traile for ahe C L A R E D O 1K L, A d m in is tra to r of the IO. W AN I'Kl>—M brrIU nroua f if ty hundredths (26.6«», acre«, more or line th e r e « .f. n l thence N urthw aaterly C«»unty. Oregon, («»gether w ith the feet to an iron at angle in d itc h ; thence volving structural changes, such as Kin- Teufel, Scholls «<1 . l( E»tate of Edith M Doiel. Deceased P. L. along the S> »lh line of said l«»t U» tenements, heredi lam ents and ap­ W A N T h h T o ieni a drag aaw. ■ ulh 61 67' weat one hundred eighty- less; saving and excepting therefrom , Patterson, 22-3 ton enlargement, addition of a b ath ­ A ttorney f o r A d m in istra­ ihe K'.uthwe* th e re ..f, thence purtenances tberet«» (»elongirig o r in per cord. w ith Intention of hi > »»•* , ' ami six tenths I D ll.6, feet to an however, that certain tra ct of land de­ tor. ji- 5 room. a porch, window, rearrange­ N o rth •lung the Veal line <»f aal«! anywise appertaining. 22-1 , later Uavld Kuberleon, Tigard. iron pipe at angle In ditch hank ; thence scribed in deed recorded at page 104 of lut U» the place e of beginning, m ent of rooms, or any other a l­ to s a ti-fy the hercinlx-fore tix n ie l lurnx uth 6 • 16' weat tw o hundred uighty- volume 9*. Deed Records of W ashington 27. CATTLE unty, Oregon ; also saving and ex- tam in g 2 ami for the <-<»«( am i expenses o f sale and nine and tw«» tenths GENERAL L A N D O F F IC E . W ashing, teration in the design. ( 2H9.21 feet to Ill I I* WANTKII I WO Jersey i ««ws. I t-yrara-old .Septem­ epting therefrom . however, the tra ct ton. D. C ., June 16. 1934. Notieu is here­ .1 W < « I . , S h e riff <»f Wa ihing- said w rit. a n ir o n pipe a ’ angle in naid ditch hank ; ber 1«), I i years-ohl October I. also Modernizing, the third opera­ -f land described in the deed recorded by given th at subject to the conditions ..n County Huid sale w ill be made subject to re ­ M A N wanted f«»r Itaw le lg h route «»f »00 j n i n I , , . A t- »uth »■»«• IS* WOPt tw o 1 Guernsey heifer. 13-m.uil ha-old. from page 478 of volume 99. Dee«] Records and lim itatio ns of the acts of June 9. tion. involve.-, installation of new orney f fam ille» W rite imniedlatelk Kawleigh m iff, Hillsboro, Ore- demption a« |»er statute o f Oregon. e t y - t h r e e an«i eight tenths (293.H, feet 6 '- ,-gallon c«»w for sale very reason­ W ashington County Oregon ; an«! 1916 (39 Stat. 2 1 8 1, * February 26, 1919 equipment, such as insulation, h eat­ listed at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 10th •«» an Iron <<»ipe at ang le in said ditch of I»ept O IH « b V -H A . O a k la n d , t u l i - , 2 0 -1 able 1» 1.stuck. Kt I. I 1*» milaa • lay of July, 1934. ing plant, electric system or ru n ­ fu rnia. and 22p ¡ hank . »hence south 7 4 ’ 09' west two fu rth e r excepting therefrom the follow ­ «40 Stat. 1179.. and M ay 17. 1928 .45 north Junior high •« h«a»l. 22-3 ing described parcel th e re o f: Being a J W ( O N N F L L S h e riff of W ashing- hundred 597, Public Non. 415 and 417 J, ning water. S O IIll. (»1 I I I I I I I.N(. O F P E T IT IO N fifty -th re e and fiv e tenths portion of the e a< half « j » of the Stat. IW O freah young m ilk cows for aale. I OK S A I L O l H A N K I I I IL P IN G A S P t««n C o u n t y , O r e g o ii Fbryd P M«*ore, A t ­ »263.6, feet to ai and pursuant to departm ental regula­ .run pipe at angle UUKK WANTEII Those, who wish to repair or Land C laim of Isaac B utler tions, C irc u la r 1200, the tim b er on the one Holstein am i «me Guernsey. John torney f..r P la in tiff. 616 H a llw ay Lx- in said ditch bank . thence south 79* Donation F I X T l MEM t t l l ' N O ma rr led man wants wui and w ife, in township one 11, N orth, follow ing lands w ill be sold Aug. 2<). make their homes more livable and Lull« h. IG I. HillslH .ro. Inquire Hel­ < hange, Portland, Oregon. 21-6 11 west one hundred tw en ty and nine Arg Range Tw o (2 , west o f the W illam e tte 1934. at 10 o’clock A. M a t public auc­ attractive, should make immediate kind «an do farm work vetia store inte«l ad m in is trato r of »wenty-«-ix hundred sixty and nine tenths C laim ; running thence south one hundred ed. must be deposited when the rig ht to Hillsboro Wednesday, July 25, a t '' ' fu e l to a n ir o n p ip e , thence forty-eight (14X, feet; thence exmt four Ste|»her*son, de- of will. Il was form erly occupied by Hbute Ihe estate of John H pure ha-e is awarded b y t h e Register, the court house from 9 a. m. to 5 K9* 16' east thirteen hundred hundred forty-one and »ixty-seven h< 2». Il KA I. KHT ATE IS. CARS AMI TIKES Saving« Hank (now in liq u id a tio n > aw its > «-a ed. ami has duly «tuulifi«M as such n-.rth but certificate of sale w ill not issue un p m. _ t o • dredthx (441.67» W A N T t» liewr fr.Mti party w ith ranch. hanking house. The property on which adm in istrator. feet to the li ne til the purchaser has complied fu lly w ith to the place of beginning , containing A ll persona having claim« against HO I«» 24o acres, fur sale < heap f«»r •aid hid» are made also includes tw o (2) f M id I.aac ltu tle r Donation I^ n d C laim . iid regulations. C ircu lar 12(H), as to vis et ux. 5 acres G«x»d Acres Section • < n ty -a ix and seven hundred th irty -fo u r .ash W rite Jacob V a nnet, I'aar«», M i.cNeale A Urban vault doom; tw o ( 2 J -aid estate are hereby required •»» p r e »hence north. sl«»ng the east line of said the execution of the contract of sale 12 T2S R1W . s w ith proper vouch- brass and sent the same t< Wash., and give fu ll deecriptlon. P»-22p in n er vault by desk and one ( l l sevrn- w ithin six months fro m the date hereof U nited States N a tio n al bank o f P o rt­ -••ven (47» ; running thence ea»*t follow ­ place <»f beginning, containing one and i«-ue fo r the tim ber, which must be re­ cation . als.» 14 aerea a d jo in in g , for m ile B«»ulh w Ireleas tower. ll»-22p is Included The amount of each hid is Isabella M W alker to Edna M Cam ­ J C M A Y A d m inistra tor of the Estate ght hundredtha (20.38, chains to the Donation Land Claim number fo rty-eig h t tIS.iNio uo. subject to existing leasee, arid m achinery. sl.»ck tra ilers, for rent ««I tions organize«! under the laws of the eron et v ir, p a rt Sections 14 and 15 • ortheast corner of said Donation Land (4 subject to the right f the Superintendent ■ f J«*hn It Stephenson, nning at a point or D istrict there«»f only. Upon applica- A llen Pugh to Esther Pugh, part Block reached by ru n n in g s«»uth 89* tion <»f 26c* a building, rent free, f .r a d efinite period. am i Estate Residence and Address, H ills- east. full<»wing the east b«»undary line which G KA V L N H T L IN apple IR FIT L qualified purchaser, the tim - 17. Hillsboro. • 1 of said Donation Land C laim , eighty- Notice is also given that the under- east nine hundred and fifty-seven ber W i» mar I h .< Chrsater Preesti any __ legal subdiviaion w ill be ___ untry slat» w « mm I C. F Neipert to R«*ie Cuba, p art L o t S L A S O N T P o«k and one and fifty -fiv e hundredths (81.56, ■ ignod has f iln l in the above entitled (967. feet and north O’ 32’ west nine 22p place at Phillips offered separately before being included 279 Johnson Estate A ddition. Beaverton- Sawe«l any length before delivery In chains to the center of the county road ; hundred court and m atter a petition asking for N O T IC E TO ( R E D IT O K S th irty -fiv e a n d fiv e tenths in any o ffe r of a larg er unit. T . 8 S.. Reed ville. •ble hl -ck w « mh | I rum an II yd. «61 instruction« and for an on ler authorising In the County Court of the S tate of O re ­ running thence north 85* 32' weat, fol- 35.6» feet from the south west com er R 1 E.. Sec 13, S B 1« S E 1-«. red and Peter K lin k e r to M a ry In fa n g er. Lota N in th Si 1’ ? « ‘ U l f 12. lowing » VK.VI I OANS the center of the county road, of said claim and running north gon. for W ashington County. e < / 32' yellow f ir 4*«< M none o f the tim ber 43 and 44 F'anno Creek Acres. F IR S T class w . mh I fo r sale F ir. oak and the tw o a fo re m e n ti nud hide 'be . .r- In the M a tte r of the E state o f Louise t wenty and fifty -s ix hundredths (2<).5r , west ten hundred th irty -fo u r and four on said subdivision to be sold fo r leas A lb ert L. Boswell to Mrs. Lena E. chains ash Hay Ibrlsman Phone Hillsboro FA HM n «•ney to l««an The kw leral l«asn<4 • hall determ ine is moat advantageous, the w » t boundary lin e of Burch. Decease«!. tenth* ( 1034.4, feet to the south line than 31.50 per M T. 3 N . R 2 W Boswell, Tracts 3 and 26 Bn»gden Acres. hank n i»w ha* am ple funds In boi»«l* lo unless a belter o ffe r o r o ffe m shall be 4 ' Notice I* beretiy given that the under­ -«id W illiam H Bennett Donation Land of the Oreg« ri Electric R ailw ay Com­ Sec 21. S E 1« N E ’ 4 . re«l f ir 47«) M . white Ov«-r SLOÖO.» received prior to the tim e fixed for hear­ Robert I* ler et ux to Fred Berger Sr. I.HIU t< farm ers at 4 ‘ j ' , D IE S E L and fuel «.il Ge.Wge I. Nend signed ha« been duly confirm ed by the Claim ; running thence north 0 * 34' west pany's rig h t of w ay; thence north 65* f ir 2o M. m aple 4 M. aider 16 M ; none Lots 14, 15 and 17 Greenberg Height*. ooo hi is l»eeii loaned to W ashington ing on said petition. Th a t copies of said «eventy-nine and eighty-six hundredths ricks. fuel oil dealer. Foreet Grove W rite ««r offem heretofore m e iv m l are attached above entitled fo u rt aa executrix o f the • 79.86, chains to the place o f begin­ 10' west one hundred sixty-eight and of the tim ber on said subdivision to be J. B. G ilsdorf et ux to C. J. Stick­ i*nty farm e le by the bank last w ill and testam ent of aaid deceased, eight tenths <168.8, fe e t; thence north sold fo r leas than 31.50 per M fu r the ney. Lot 242 Johnson Estate A ddition. Phone 143J call f*>r particulars W ashington C«»un- to said (»etltion ning. and has duly qualified as such. H9’ 56' west one hundred tw en ty-six and red fir , m aple and alder, and 81.00 per Beaverton-Reed ville. ty N ational F a rm L«u»n As»««c iatlon, Notice is fu rth e r given that the Court Now, therefore, all persona having Parcel No. 4 Beginning w here the nine tenths (126.9, feet to the east line M fo r the w hite fir . T. 3 N .. R. 2 W .. 19 NKKOR—PLANTS J M P e r o n . a e c r« r(a ry . H llla h o r « 9tf has. by an . rder entered in the above A n n a C. D u ffy et v ir to O rval Rason, claim s against said E state a re hereby center line of the Hillsboro and P ortland of F ir Street in F irst Addition to O r- Sec 29. N E 1« S E 1«. yellow f ir 375 M. part Section 22 T 2 N R 5W . W A N T IT » (¡rain s We have a g«-d «bip ontith l «•« ,ct atid m atter, fixed F riday, notified and required to present t h e Road intersects the weat lin e of the e n c o . thence south 0 * 4' west on said hemlock 95 M . none of the tim ber on M arcia E. P ike to Ernest R. Johnson ping ■ u llet for your g rain. We pay the ( ' H i l l (»1 T H A N K S the 2<«th day of July, 1V34. at 9:30 same, together w ith proper vouchers Donation street line eleven hundred seven and one «aid subdivision to be sold fo r less than et ux. 5 * j acres Section 17 T1S R lW . Land C laim o f W illia m H high«-«« m arket price fo r wheal. W hite We wish Pl espreas our sin« ere thanks o clock A M . in the C ircuit ( u rt therefor, to the undersigned at the law Bennett number forty-seven (47, in aec- tenth <1107.1, fe e t; thence south 89* 31.’ (, per M fo r the yellow f i r and >1.00 John Gustavsen to A n n a M H a rv ey, »ata, lire y «*ala. brew ing and feed b ar­ to all our neighlHirs and frtem ls who 11«a.m In the County Court H«»use in H illa- fficea «if Hare. M cA lear A Peters in the tion ___ 56' east tw o hundred ninety-tw o (292, per M fo r the heml«»ck T. ! N .. R- 3 L o t 27 M illa rd A VanSchuyver’a T ra c t twenty-seven '2 7 ,, township one ley H ring In your aamplea bufere y* u allied us In every way through the I ll ­ horo, Washington ('o u n ty, Oregon, a i -*hute Savings Bank Building in H ills - «1. North. Range Tw o <2, weat o f the to the place of beginning; contain- W . Sec. 13 N E 1« S W »4. red and yel- John F. M eier et ux to Louise T u lle r. sell You gel ym ir check as s«a»n as ness and death o f our beh«ved w ife and the tim e and place f<»r hearing and bor«». Oregon, w ith in sic months fro m W'ilia m ette M endian . thence running »ng six and th irty -fiv e hundredths (6.35, low f ir 9oo M S E 1» S W 1» red and yel­ p a rt o f E. H. Lennox claim Section 39 y >«r grain Is weighed Im p erial » «-w-1 m olher . also fo r the m any lurautiful passing <»n said petition and on said date hereof. w »««uth 1* east, on the weat lin e of said acre«. low f ir 650 M . S W ‘ 4 S W 1» red and yel­ T I N R lW A ( . r a m « . S »»•» • ...... - ' • >»' ; " flowers (I Westcott and fam ily offem . and any other offer» that may Dat«*«i this 12th day o f Ju ly, 1934. Donation Land Claim , to a point of Parcel No 13— P a rt of the Isaac B u t- low f i r 74o M . none of the tim ber Oregon Iron Steel Co. to M ashell txim Oregon Phone «»I. >2tf be received for said property p rio r ti the L II,I.IA N L M a c D O N A L O , E x ecu trix i teraertm n w ith the north boundary Jer Donation Land C laim number fo rty - on said subdivisions to be sold fo r leaa Coal & Coke Co., 10 aerea Section 4 tune fixed for such hearing. f the Last W ill and Testam ent of »aid line of the right of way of the Oregon eight ( A K P o r T IIA N K S «48,. township one (1 , N o rth , T2S R lW . than 81.30 per M . T. 18 S.. R. 2 W N oti. ___ ______ «. FARM MA< IIINI KV fu rth e r given that W e Wish to espreas «»ur sppre» tatnm ther am i 'Deceased H are. M cA lear 4k Peters, A t­ Electric R ailw ay as described in b«»ok Range Tw«» (2 ) west: Beginning a t a Se< 29. S W ‘ , N E 1» red f i r 950 M. Elizabeth E. Rae to A . S. E llis et ux. «Iditkuial o ffe r* for said property w-ill torneys fo r E x ecu trix. 21-6 • . rake« and tun. 1er» fo r the many acts of klndne«s and sym­ page 268. Records of Dee«is for point G O O D used "•« which is reached by running re«l cedar 3o M ; SF.‘ * NE»*4 red f i r 9u0 5 acre« part of W illia m Lockerm an claim b recelv«*«l at the office of the Superin- «»ur recent l»e- Wa»« County. O regon; thence east­ s«»uth t»9* 56' east nine hundred f if ty - M fo r sale lllllsbor« }e««i Co.. 1« 4 M ain pathy extended during none of the tim ber on said sub­ 45 T1S R lW tendent ««f Bank* Salem, Oregon, and S H E R IF F S S A L E O F R E A L P R O P E R T Y erly. follow ing along the north line * f seven .957.» feet and north 0 * 32' weat divisions to be sold for less than 81.25 11 I f reavrm ent the i lln e « * and death of pen- street Rose W ank et a l to Rosalie W a n k . the office •f the liep u ty Supenn- nls pailey. and eape. lally for Ihe l>eau« the Oregon Electric rig h t of way. to nine hundred th ir ty -fiv e and five tenths l»er M fo r the red f i r and 50 cents 6" acres Section 8 T l S R4W . ON E O K E ( I.O S I RE tlfu l fl<»ral tribute« Mr« Penn is P a ltry tendent o f I t ks in Charge that certain f t h e ! In the C ircuit ('««urt of the State of O re- the »«»uthwest corner of 23. HIIKEP—GOATS feet fro m the southwest eoraer per M fo r the red cedar. T . 13 S.. R. 6 L . H. Bellm an to Ben W ilson, Lots in liquidation «»f Shute Havings Hank in and fam ily. g«»n. for the Nineteen th Judicial D is­ tract of land, c«*nve>ed by Oregon N u r- of said Donation Land Claim . and run­ W Sec. 33 S W >4 N E *q red f ir 360 M : Pineland Terrace. Pl H I H K I P Ham pshire buck for sale 111. I*»• i • •. Oregon, up to the tim e fixed ' • ry C«'ntpany t«> Blanche M cG ill by deed ning north 89' 56' west tw o hundred n««ne of the tim ber . n said subdivision tric t (W a hington County». Lydia C. Purdy et v ir to M erle M c­ M illa rd llu rn e tt. Banks as aforesaid for the hearing on aaid M R Johnson and The U nited State« rc rded in b**»k 79. page 7, Records ninety-tw o .2 9 2 , fe e t; thence south to be sold fo r lea* than 81.50 per M. T. Coy. p art Block 2 Hum phrey's Addition, ( AMU O F T H A N K S Ì l l o l H H ’G IIH K F .P rams and ew«a f o r , N a tio n al Rank of P o rtland (O re g o n .. of I>«*ed* fo r W ashington County, O re- , " ’ 4‘ we»t fiv e hundred seventeen and 18 S . R W e wish to uipruas «»ur thanks for petitm n. and any offers so received w ill, Hillsboro. 7. W . Sec 9. N E 1* N W > * »ale h rank Schulm erlch. Ht- 6. H ills - I «. n . thence m rth four and eight hun­ nine tenths <317.9» fe e t; thence south red f ir 625 M p lain tiffs. the klndnea« and sym pathy estemie<| us at Raid hearing. Iw presented to the red cedar 19 M . hem­ d re d fo rty-eig h t thousandths <4.848i 8 9 ’ 56’ east two hundred ninety-eight lock 69 M . N W 1* N W > * red f i r 715 latro. O*« in our re««'ui l»er«*avernent the b«a» • ( c«»urt f«»r consideration and acceptance vs. TW ENTY Shropshire and H am p shire, our husband and fath er, lletin i« Pailey, or rejection. M a rtin J Bernards »sometime* called «ham« to the northw est corner o f a and six tenths <298.6, fe e t. thence M. hemlock 15 .M S W k* S W ‘ * red f ir This notice is given pum uant to the ract of land conveyed by Oregon N u r- north 0 * 32' west fiv e hundred »even- 1325 M. dead red f ir 20 M . none of »beep fo r s a l* Brogden Acre-» Phone I and also fo r the flo ra l «»ffertni M a rtin Bernards, and Lena Bernard", M i. «Tiler of the above entitled court duly cry ( -mpany to _M M cDonald by deed teen and nine tenth» <517.9. feet to the t he tim ber husband am i w ife . John A. M cliee. B. 1 163 «0-2 Pailey and fam ily said subdivisions to be 2p entered in the above entitled m atter recorded in b««««k 79, page 6. Records ©f place o f beginning, containing three and sold fo r less than 31.50 per M fo r the A M itchell, A. O. P itm an. Agnes Dated and first published July 12. 1934. Bryant and M a rtin Bernards. Commis- D<*eda fo r W ashington County. Oregon ; fifty -o n e hundredths <3.51) acres. red f i r and re«1 cedar. 31.00 per M fo r I Date of last puhlication July 1'.'. 1934 - loner* of the C ity of O renco of the thence east three and seven hundred I ’arcel No. 14— Being a p a rt o f the the dead red f ir and 75 cents per M A A S C H R A M M . Superintendent «f <3.788, chains T u a latin Valley. Oregon ; Ellen P it ­ eighty-eight thousandths Donation Land C laim of Isaac B u tler fo r the hemlock. T. 28 S.. R. 11 W . Hank« of the S late of Oregon 21-2 man. C ity Recorder of the C ity of t«« the east line of the said W illia m H. and w ife, claim number fo rty-eig h t <48», Sec. 25. S E 1* N E 1* Po rt O rfo rd cedar Orem-«» «»f the T u a la tin V a lley, Ore- Bennett and w ife Donation Land C laim ; in township one < li N o rth . Range Tw o 45 M. down Po rt O rford cedar 45 M. N O T H E OE S l I E K I I t ' S S A L K O N C ity of Orenco of the T u a latin thence north 1* west, along the east • 2 ' N O T H E OE S IIE H IE E S ALK N O T H E GE F I N A L A t t (H N T west o f the W illam e tte M eridian, yellow f ir 55 M. red cedar 15 M . red Valley. Oreg F O R E t I.O S I HE D ate Prune Products I line of »aid Donation Land C laim , to the and more p artic u la rly bounded and de­ f i r 2») M ; none of the tim b er on said 1 In the l'««ui,ty C«Mirt «»f the State «»f O re ­ In the ('ir e ,lit Court «.f the Sta of O re- intersection w ith the center scribed as follows, t o - w it : Beginning <'■ •m p a n y , m «'«nmration A. L in d g re n ; P*’,nt o f subdivision to be sold fo r leas than I gon. f«>r »he County of W ashington, In the C ircuit ('•■urt «»f the State of O re ­ g««n, fo r VS M*hlngt«»n County. «ne o f the Hill*i*«»n> and P o rtland Road ; _ p«»int on the south lin e of said D ona- 88.00 per M fo r the Port O rfo rd cedar, Regional A g ric u ltu ra l C redit Corpora- Pr«4>ale I Irp art mant New York L ife Insurance Company, a gon. for W ashington County. »,«*n «»f Spokane, W ashington; A. R. thence went, follow ing the center lin e of ti.m Land Claim o f Isaac B u tler and $3.00 per M fo r the down Port O rford In the M a tte r of »he Estate o f M in n ie W illiam Joawe am i Sophia Juase, P la in ­ corporation, p la in tiff, Saw tell . George T. W ithington and said tra c t, to the place o f beginning. w ife fourteen and fo rty-eig h t hundredths cellar. 31.09 per M fo r the yellow fw Except Sundays and Holidays H o ffm a n . Deceased. va. tiffs . Parcel No. 5— Commencing at the .14.48, H enry M eltebekr. defendants : Notice »• hereby given that the under- chains east o f the southwest and red cedar, and 75 cents per M fo r A«.-tin Sims as Executor of the Last W ill trs. Leaves Buxton Notice hereby given that by v irtu e " ‘’rih w est corner of the Donation Land corner of said c la im ; ru n n in g thence the red fir . T. 30 S.. R- 12 W . Sec. •Ignaa!. aa A«limn,stratr»x of the estate Anna (¡artinnn Defendant and Testam ent of Sarah J. Sims, de- ■ . — _ l .......... i > . ____i_ _ < lairn o f Isaac B u tler num ber fo rty- 7:45 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. of M in n ie H o ffm an , deceased, has file«! 31’ west, p arallel w ith the west 29. S W 1* N W 1*. Port O rfo rd c* ’,a r Notice is hcieby given that pursuant cea*ed, Bernice H u nt a* eo-exceutnx «■n an Execution. Judgm ent. D li-ree and eight <48 1 in section tw»nty-seven <271, north her fin a l account in the County ( ««urt to an ex««« lit,««n. judgm ent, decree ami line of said claim , th irty -fo u r and nine- M . down Port O rfo rd cedar 25 M . yel- " f the l.s»t W ill and Testament of O rJ er of Hale issue*! out o f and under . o w n s h ip one < l( Leaves Hillsboro Stage Depot Nort«., Range Tw o of Ihe State « Í Oregon, fo r W ashington ««rder of sale Issued out « f and umler Sarah J Sim *, deceased. A ustin Sims, the »<*«1 o f the ahove entitled court in «2» west <»f the W illa m e tte M erid ian ; ty-«»ne hundredths ,34.9 1, chains; thence I*’* f ir 115 M. red f ir 125 M ; none of 11:00 a. ni. and « »«* 89* 53 east six and fifty -fo u r the tim ber on said subdivision to be < ounty. en«! that Monday, the '"»h «lay Ihe seal of the ah«»ve entitle«! t ’«»urt on individu ally and Lorna Sims, his wife. the above entitle«! cause on the l l t h day running thence south, on the west line n«>rth " f July. 1934, t*» me directed and de­ hundredths <6.54» chains; thence north s»«»ld for leas than 38.00 per M for the of July. 1984 at the h«*ur of 1» o'chwk Ihe 3«»th «lay «»f June. 1934. am i issued Bernice H u n t, individu ally, and l.Ioyd of said Donation Land C laim , to a f«*ur and seventy-five hundredths <4.75, Port O rfo rd cedar. 34.00 per M for the in the forwn«-»n <«f »aid day am i the up«»n the judgm ent and «lecree rendered ( ' H u n t, her husband. MercexicM I rdahl l i' cred on the l l t h «lay o f July. 1934, l»«»int w hich is twenty-seven hundred chains; thence north 89* 53' east seven- down Port O rford cedar. 31.5«< per M court r««»m o f said Court has been ap­ in favor of th r above named p la in tiff* am i H a l II. C rdahl, her husband. M»»r- »ml u* ued U|M»n and pursuant to a judg- men, and decree rendered am i entered »‘ »te-eeven <2767» feet north of the south teen and seventeen hundredths <17.17) for the yellow fir . and 31.00 per M fo r pointed by said c.»urt aa the tim e and and aginst the above named defeudant. j«»ne H u nt, I). E. Babcock ami Win. • ii the ahove entitled court and cause west corner of said Donation Land C la im ; chains to the east line of the west the red fir . F R E D Vk. J O H N S O N . Corn- place for the hearing of .»»»jeetlons there­ commambng am i directing me to m ake V. C lark, defendants. day of July. 1934. i n running thence north 89* 19’ east three h alf ( W b j) of said B u tler cla im ; thence missioner. to am i the settlement ther»a»f. •*-" By virtu e of an execution, judgment on the l l t h sale of »he real pn«per»y herein after set Dale«! am i flr»t published June 2*. 1934. for h in accordance w ith "aid judginent «»rder, decree and order o f sale issued fax««r of the above name«! p la in tiffs and hundred fo rty -tw o and six tenths <342.6) south th irty -n in e and seventy hundredths ” feet ; running thence south 10* east one B O A R D O F E U I A L IZ A T IO N D ate of last publication Ju ly 26, 1934. out of the ahove entitled c«mrt in the against the above name«l defendants fo r hundred sixty-three (163, f e e t, thence ,39.70) chains to the southeast corner and d« the sums «-f money herein after set fo rth , To the Taxpayers o f W ashington County. I t K M t l I - T I \ P M . B Y . A d m in is tra trix Now, therefore. pur«i nt to and in above entitled cause t«» me directed ami am i against the real and personal prop­ running north 89* 19 east twenty-one of the we*t h a lf , W ’a i o f said D«»na- Oregon : Chas E l.em m . A tto rn e y , 616 Couch c«»mpl,ance w ith tion Land C laim ; thence weat. on the xecution, judg- dated the 2nd day o f Ju ly. 1934. upon » aid eighty-tw o a n i d fo u r . l tenths . ■ deacnbed. and com­ hundre«! Notice is . hereby given the Board IGdg . Portland. Oregon. 19-23 m ent, «lecree and « «nier of sale. 1 w ill, a judgm ent and «lecree entered in said e rty hereinafter . . ” •uth u« h line 11 u r f of i » m iu c l a i m , , i tw w r en n i ty-three v -m re e ...... _ . . . . that - - said claim u J • u’r. , w , h7 *■*’ -n«l th irty -n in e hun.lre.lllw .2 » .* » , e h .in ,. E q u aliin lio n of W a.hin»t court «»n the 2nd «lay «if July. 1934, in m anding and re«iuiring me to make *ale line at the hour of ten o f the weat half f the real and per*«»nal pn»perty here­ Monday. August favor of the above nsnie-l p la in tiff and S I IF K I F E H H A L E f the 6th «lay f August. 1931, and therein described to satisfy the ^ ’’nation Land Claim ; running thence and containing ninety and fo rty-six hun­ 1934. at the court house in Hillsboro, in the real property hereinafter Notice is hereby given, th at by virtue the East d«a.r of the county c«»urt house against of money herein after set fo rth and north, along said east line of the west dredths (99.46) acres, less and except­ W ashington County, that being the sec­ I«--« ril.«**I f«»r the sum of 3»'«2.r>" 1 " w ith W ashington ( ’ounty. Oregon, in h alf (W G j) of said Donation Land Claim , .»f an Execution. O rd er am i Decree of *«•! f . r t h in saiil judgm ent and decree; ing. however. fr«»m the above describe«! ond Monday in August, and the tim e and ler to pay. *a ti« fy and discharge the in te r n ! thereon at the rate of 1 9 'J, per Sale. Issued «ait of am i under the seal seventy-four hundredths tract o f land a tra ct o f land sixty <60, place provided by law to publicly ex- Now. therefore, pursuant to said ex- forty-one a n d annum fro m Ib ie m b e r 1. 1932. plus the o f the C ircuit Court « f the State f O re -I fu ll «um «*f 32891 »»4 together w ith In ­ out ion. Judgm ent. I>ecree and O n le r of »41.74) chains to the north lin e of said feet in w idth heretofore sold fo r the »niine the assessment rolls o f said coun- vim for the ( ’..unty of W ashington, dated terest I hereon at the rate of aix per additional sum of 3166 «<3; the fu rth e r Sale and in com pliance w ith the order*, Donation Land C la im ; running thence right •f w ay of the Oregon Electric ty fo r 1934. and correct a ll errors , h e ’ :i«»lh «lay of June. 1934. in favor of cent per annum since the 29th «lay of «um of 35.36 u2 w ith interest there*»!, at directions 11’ west, along said north Railroad Company as it is now surveyed valuation and description o r quantities and i conimami« rit, and tions am com m and* «»f ,»f said said w w rit, and , north rin - 79* , ** a Fran k I I Reeves, p la in tiff, and against June. 1934. *ell, at public auction to the the rate t»f I»,’ , per annum from Feb­ in order satisfy r r to lo pay. ,.»y ,.t l.f > d „ c h « r*. ■"» ••' • • '• . D o n .« « « l.. n ,l t l . i m . t h in y - , nd lM a u d >criw, the of land, lots or other properties, and it ruary 29. 1932 . the fu rth e r sun, of 826.- highest bidder f«T ca*h in hand, all the J.imi I'a rk , a corporation, defendant, f«»r the fu ll .urn o f « , ,. 5 2 , 2 1 lo u rth e r w ith ">"$ «"•l «»e»ly-.-ne hundredth. (3»211 t r . ct of , . n(j a |. () s lv jn is the duty of all penm is interested to saving and , except the fu rth e r sum o f 8449.9(1 attorney's l»«.un«le*l and described , real the sum «•( 31.»»«<».»'“ w ith interest thcre- follow ing interest there«>n at the rate o f 8*> per chains, m ore o r leas, to the place of be­ ¡ng. kowever. all th a t certain tra c t of appear at the tim e and place appointed fev* a»» I the fu rth e r sum «>f 883.28 coats pr«»perty situate w ith in W ashington Coun­ ginning. excepting therefrom the rig ht <»n fro m the 26th day of A p ril. 1934. at , , _ , . . . . - annum since the l l t h day of Ju ly. 1934. and appear to the land deacribed in the d ec i recorded a t ----- if it shall —. -r . . Board « . ol annum , and ty. Oregon, ami more p artic u la rly bound­ and ,h * . to make up‘’.n •■'". 'h * fu r th w -u m o f ««HT.0D, «ate. of way of the Oregon E lectric R ailw ay page 468 of volume 106. deed records Equalization that there the rate of 6 per eent are lands, lots or thia w rit, com m anding me sale disbursements A ttorney's ed and deaeril»ed a* folli»ws, t«**wit : and attorney s fees, to- Company one hundre«! .100) feet in width, of fur the fu rth e r sum of W ashington County. O regon; a n d o,her Pn»perty assessed tw ice or in the «•f the f<»ll«»wing deitcrihed real property Beginning at the Northeast corner eight and nine hundredths fees to m ake sale of the real property gether w ith interest thereon at the rate containing -itu a te in W ashington County, Oregon, o f f ' per annum since the l l t h «lay o f ’ 8.<»9» acres, as the same is «leacribed in fu rth e r excepting therefrom the fo llo w - name of a person or person* not the of the Southeast qu a rter of Hection herein after «leacribed. I have levied upon ing describe*! parcel th e re o f; Being a ow ner of the same or assessed under to -w it: Lots T w o <2, and S e v e n duly, 1934, together w ith the costs and h<»ok 95. page 315. Records of Deeds fo r 19 T 1 S H 2 W W ill. M er W ash­ and purauant to said Execution, O r.1er part of the Isaac B u tler Donation Land or beyond its value, or any lots, lands or ington ( ’«»unty, Oregon . and ru n - I (7 . am i part of L«»t Three («31. Siinnia- w ill on »Monday ! expenses o f said sale. I w ill, a t the W ashington County, Oregon, and fu rth e r Claim No. 48. township one <1. N o rth . “ lher properties not assessed, said Board and Itecreo of Sale, Eord am i Slater Mitl»-divi-ion in Ph ilip h«.ur of nine o’clock in the forenoon of excepting therefrom ning thence South 962.99 feet to the the 6th «lay of August, 1934. at th e , ierefr«.m the rig h t of way K**nge T w a , 2 , we*t : Beginning a t a of E qualization shall make the proper H a rris D. I., ('. No. h'lfty-three (53). N o rth line ««f the Cha*. Lewis D. L. Electric R a K ilw ailw Company point on the „„uth bast door " f the Court House in H ills - J ,n Electric ay ay Company line of vhe Isaac correction. I the l l t h day o f August, 19.34. at the of the Oregon Tow nship One (1 ) South. Hange Two East door of the Court House in W ash- « »ntaining ( ’ . thence W r it 2267.09 feet to a three and sixty-three hun- B utler Donation Land Claim No. 48. in boro. W ashington C.m nty, Oregon, a t , AU claims for reduction presented to <2, W est, W i Harnett M eridian, tuore i ingt.m County. Oregon, sell at point on the Ea*t line of a r«»adway; the hour of ten o’clock a. m. of asi.l public dreth* (3.63) acres, more o r less, as the township one (I) N o rth . Range Tw o the Board of Equalisation must be filed p artic u larly described thence N orth 962 09 feet m ore or leas day. sell at public auction to the highest , . . . . fo llo w s: lh'gtn- . : met i«»n to the highest bidder, fo r cash same is describe«! in b«*»k 99. page 518, <2, west of the W illa m e tte M erid ian . the «Hice^ of the C«»unty C lerk ^w ithin ning at a stone to the N o rth line o f the Houth h alf t the intrnievtHU. of ¡„ , n , hc fo llo w in , , | „ c rib « l real Hee«»rd* of Dt'eds fo r W ashington Coun­ W ashington bidder fo r «aah in hand, all of the fo l- , County, Oregon said be- M * * » 1 •*“ days * from the 14th day ~ of August. ~ the Scholls and Hillsboro Road w ith the and of said aectlon ; thence East 2257.99 lowing «leacribed real property, lying , i»ers«»nal property situ ate w ith in ty. Oregon. •> E- C A R P E N T E R . A«««“ ®« •>' * “ »" ginning point I>ein„ e « . t f , .u 'r t « 'n hun. F arm ington and Portland Hoed, from W ashfhgton County. Oregon, and more f.-et more or leaa to the place of be­ being and situate In W ashington County. | .en tsnth« ington County. Oregon. Hillsboro, Ore- Parcel No. 6 Beginning at the south dred seventy-three a n d sev _____ which stone an oak 20 inches in diameter ginning containing 49 acres m ore or a rtie u la rly d«*scrib«>*«1 in common w ith the g ra n t­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T he | number fo rty -n in e ( 4 9 ); running thence north 0 ’ 33' west and along the east W aterw orks Extension Bonds of N B. % <»f S «'• 31 T . 1 N. R. 1 h a lf (3 6 ’ .j) lin k* distant, and running ors. their heir* or aaaigns; the road­ In the County Court of the State of O re­ Weat of the W illa m e tte M eridian, ex- | thence South eighty «legre««* and twenty | C ity of Orenco «if the T u a la tin Valley, a north, on the division line between the line of that certain tract devised to W way is described in ll«a»k 91 page gon. fo r W ashington County. east and w«wt halves «»f said Donation W ¡negar by deed recorde«! at page cept lade 1, 15 and the South 2.38 I m inutes (80* 26 ) East T w en ty- .n?n n '<*>>w* «airporation of the St ne of six 44.» 111 lU forda of Deeds fo r W ash­ In the M a tte r of the E state of Everett a« rea «»f Lot 2 In C ellar Home. two and seventy-nine hundredths <22 79, t»r«»gon as follow s: Nos. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, Land C laim , tw en ty-nine and sixty-five 631 in b«H»k 127 Records of Dee«!* for ington County. Oregon. W W ilkinson. Deceased. hundredth* (29.65, chains, running thence W hington County. Oregon, a .listarne A lso: Th a t tra c t of land lying and ether w ith m II the rig h t, title , in -i chaina to angle in road; thence South 11. and 41 fo r 31000.00 ««ach. excepting T«i Notice is hereby given that the under­ west, parallel w ith the south line of of four hundred fo rty -fiv e (446.0) feet bond N«>. 6 upon being south of l.i,t 16 in O l a r Home vhich ha* been |»ai«l minut I erest aml stat«» vhieh the sai«l «lefeml- »eventy-one degrees th irty -fiv e signed ad m in is trato r of the ab«»ve named aid Donati«»n Land C laim , twenty-seven to an iron pipe; thence east four hun- ---------- ------------- ...... nii.l north of the C ornell Road. 71“ .35' ) East seven and ninety-three the sum of 3400.00 together w ith the ......... iinL, Anna SB...... G artm - an , am - i her hilaban«!. estate has filed in the above entitled A lso: T h a t part of the Hmithenst John G artm an. had in and to said property 'h u n d re d th * (7.93) ch a in *; thence South interest c«»up.»ns attach«*! to each b«»tnl an<’ ‘ w m ty -tw o hundredths <27.22» c h a in s. dred ninety-three and tw o tenths ,493.2 Court and cause hi* fin a l account and (•»in’i i n g thence *«>uth. parallel w ith the feet to a f ir tree fo r corner fro m which q u a rte r of Hection 84 in T . 1 N ., of on September 18, 1928, ami w hich ha* Seventy-nin«» degrees am i fifty -s ix tnin- ami numbert'd 18 io 39. inclusive. report as such, and the C o u.t has fixed division line o f said Donation Land Claim , an iron pipe bears west «»ne : I teen hundredth* (29.15) chains to a pipe E L IZ A B E T H R IT T E R , A d m in istra trix. above ni,ui«*l defendants and each of the Oregon E lectric R ailw ay Com pany’s tern In the County Court o f the H lnle of O re- H enry Bauer, A ttorney, 415 Pacifie Bldg., them had therein on the 23rd day of rig ht of way tw o hundred th ir ty ,239) all of block tw en ty-tw o (22) : all of corner on south h«»undary of said Dona- tion Land Claim , set hy J. C. H a ll in gon, for W ashington County. Portland, Oregon. t®"4 November, 1921, the date of the mortgage f«H»t north and f if t y (59) f«*et weat o f block tw en ty-th ree (23) ; and lots thi fo u r ( 4 ), five (6 ). and slx (6 ) In 1893; thence north 79* 51' west tw en ty- In the M a tte r of the E state »»f Rufus E. for«»clos«'d by said decree o r since that the northwest corner of hh»ck num ber , three (8 ) of Orenco Tow nsite as the block tw e n ty -fo u r ,24) ; a ll in First seven and ninety-seven hundred tw en ty- date had in am i to »aid property or any Bohannon, Decensed. N O T H E T O C R E D IT O R S * im e appears upon the duly dec«»r«led pint . Addition to Orenco. County of W asb- fiv e ten thousandths (27.9725) chains to Notice la herehy given ih at Ih e under- In the County Court of the State of O re­ part thereof, to satisfy said execution, » hereof ; thence in a w««aterly direction | in g trn . State of Oregon. the place of beginning, containing eighty judginent order am i decree, interest, coeta sign«*«l has been. I»y th«‘ above entitle«! gon, for W ashington County. follow ing the north Itoumlary line of »nid Parcel N«». 8 Lots fiv e ,5 ) and aix (80) acres o f land. court, «luly appointed ad m in is trato r of the ln the M atter of the Estate of Florence ami accruing coete. Oregon Electric R a ilw ay Com pany’a rig h t (6 ) in block «»ne , 1 ) ; lots one (1 ). two excepting from the foregoing described Dated thia 2nd day o f July, 1934. F irst estate of Rufus E Bohannon, deceased, Hicks Hendrickson, Deceased. publication Ju ly 6. 1934. Last publica­ of way to a p«»l,tt on the west hound,iry »2). three (3 ). six ,6 ). ten (1 0 ). eleven land the follow ing parts or parcels there- • and has duly qualified aa such adm inis­ Notice is herehy given that the under- tion August 2. 1934. line o f George W Ehhert’a Donation Land (11). tw elve < 12) and the west half of as described in the m ortgage records tra to r. sigm*(l has been «luly appointed by the J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ C laim where said boundary line o f sahl , W ’ a ) of lot fiv e (6) in bl.»ck tw o ( 2 ) ; of W ashington County. Oregon, in Book A ll peraona having claim s against said almvc entitled court as the A d m in istra­ ton County. Oregon. George W Fbh ert’s Donation Land C laim l«»tn tw«» ( , 2 ) ). . three thr«»e ,3 ) ; fo u r (4) (4 ) and 115 at page 175; Book 115 at page 176; estate are herehy r«n|ulred to present t r ix of the Estate of said dec«»as«»d and forty-six (46) intersects w ith five (6 ) In block three (3 ) ; l«»ts five H U N T IN G T O N , W IL S O N A H I N T IN G - num ber |t«H»k 115, at page 178; Book 118. at Ih e same 1«. me, w ith proper vouchers, has duly qunlifi«*d ns such. T O N , Attorneys fo r P la in tiff. P iv to ffite said rig h t «»f w a y ; thence north, f o l- , (6) and six (6 ) in block six ( 6 ) ; and puge 519. Now. therefore, a I I persona having addreaa: 614 P orter building, Portland, lowing the weat lin e of said George W . lot* seven ,7 ) and eight (8 ) in block nt m y riwhlence In Hillsboro, <)r«*gon, w ith all the rig h t, title , in te r­ 1572 Want, ington St reel, or at the law o f­ claim s against said «»state nre hereby Oregon. 20-4 Fbh ert’a Donation Land C laim . t w «♦ eight ( 8 ) ; all in Oreneo Tow nsite, Coun- est Together and eatate of each and all o f the and required to preaent the fice of M. II. Bump In Hillsboro, W ash- notified h i i n«Ii«»«l (200) f«»et . thence in an caster- ty of W ashington, State of Oregon. hereinabove name«!, and - - all together w ith proper vouchers lngt<»n County, Oregon, w ith in "ix months same, ( ly direction tw o hundred (299) feet 1 Parcel No. 9 That p a rt o f the E lam , defendants ...w , .w-w, . . .. A .----- . ------. - S H E R IF F ’S S A L E Donation Land Claim number t '’e rig h t, title, interest and eatate which therefore, to the undersigned at the law fro m the date hereof. north of and p arallel w ith the north , Young offices <»f Hare. M cA lear A Peters, In said Oregon K le rtrtc th irty -e ig h t (38) in township one ( I ) , e defendants M a rtin J. Bernard» and Notice is hereby given, that by virtue boundary line of Dated J u ly 2. 1934. Shute Savings Hank building In of an Execution, O rd er and Decree of R a ilw ay Company’s rig h t of way to th»» South. Range Tw o ,2 west of the W il- l«*'na Bernards had in and to said prop- H E N R Y Y O U N G . A d m in is tra to r of the the o f the Robert Schueid- 1 la m ette M eridian, p artie u la rly «leaerihe»! I pr iy on the 4th day of A p ril, 1930. and Estate of H u fii" E. Bohannon, deceased. Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith in six montha from Sale, issued out of am i um ler the seal w««at. boundary line a* described in deed and hounded a* follow *, to -w it: Begin- f hat baa since aerrued to them and each of the C ircuit Court o f the State of er tract of land M. II. Bump. Attorney fo r said A d m in­ the «late here«»f. them. Pat «al this 5th day of July, 1933. Or«»gon. fo r the ( ’ounty «»f W ashington, recorded in book 88. page 596. Record« , ning w here the east line o f aaid Elam is tra to r am i Estate. Keaidence and ad­ E. I,. G H E F N , A d m in is tra trix o f »aid dated the 28th day of June, 1931. In «if Deeds fo r W ashington ( ’ounty, O re- Young Donation Land C laim cr«»s*es the dress, llillah o ro , Oregon. 20-4 That t i e sale of naid personal property T h ir d and W a s h in g to n S treets P hone 170 3 P a le o f firs t puhlication July 5, 1934. Estate Hare. M cA lear A Peters, A tto r ­ favor o f Robert Ite l, p la in tiff, and against g on ; thence annth and east, follow ing Base L in e three and seventy-tw o bun- w ill he absolute; th at the sal« o f said 20-4 C lark L . Johnston, Cordelia E. Johnston, the boundary line «»f said R.diert Schneid- dredtha (3.72) chains weat o f the quarter real property w ill be made ««uhject to D a le of I wm I puhlication August 2, 1934. neys fo r A d m in is tra trix N O TIC I-. Advertising O» H I I E K I I I H KALF. I X I < I I IOS ON Government Aids I lonie Remodeling •