THE Page Six r Society H a s Leader Vote at Cornelius 1 ___________ CORNELIUS- T h e _ V a c a ti o n R oad" and "Die Quiet Road." were the devotional topics of the Women s Home Missionary society of the M. E church held in the church p ar- lors 1-ues-lay atternoon with JMra. M attie Smith as leader, la k e Tune to Be Holy" was the devotional song sung by the congregation and Helen and Frank Oliver sang ' Friendship With Jesus" and "Carry P (H r M ià i r> antly surprised with a h an d k er­ chief shower in her honor. Miss Eugene were guests of Mrs. son: address by F re d Brown leaves Cornelius soon to Boyd last week. Johnson. Portland: history of Olen- make her home with her parents ^jr and M rj Sam Slay ton and eoe lodge by K of R and S . E. P w^ f re s^e wlll teach in xir and \ i rs, q o t t o( Portland Cornelius: duet by Frances and th e Eldridge school Mrs Ray Shaw were guests of Mrs Edith B urbank Patricia Mover, accompanied bv En',Sen.t.t' Those present were Messrs Mrs. Mann Honored O G. The second degree was con- an<^ Mesdames. G u n n ar Berggren. Clarence Meek, Joseph B aker F ra n ­ Mrs. M D. M ann celebrated her ferred on two. cis Berggren. Miss M arian Cypher sixty-eighth birthday anniversary Rev. Snyder Speaker Thursday. Mrs Lester Mooberry en- Rev R. D Snyder spoke on "Con- Ben Nussbaumer. Julius Millet. Les- tertained with a luncheon a t noon structive Thinking About a World ter Ptnch and host and hostess, a t which Mary Rae M ann of Hills- In Confusion at Beaverton grange Mess Ethel Hendren of Hillsboro boro. B arbara Jane Mann of Port- Saturday. Mrs M. C McKercher 5,a's . a week-end guest of M argaret land and Priscilla Ann and Lucille and Mrs A P. Christensen gave Cypher. _________ _____ " Mrs. Merle McCain of Rapid Irene M ann of Cornelius, grand- readings on "Peace daughters of Mrs. M ann were pres­ Mrs. Rebecca Ellerson en tertain - City. South Dakota, and h er daugh- ent. In the afternoon Mrs. W A ed Beaverton ______ ____ _____ __ __ _______ tent _______ of D aughters of __ te r' Miss Lucille McCain, of Wash- Goodin and Mrs. L aura Jackson, Union Veterans with a picnic at higton. D C.. are visiting at the who were also celebrating th eir a n - her home Julv 9 Miss Joy Hulett. A K Reynolds home Mr$. McCain niversaries th a t week, called and queen of " Happv Davs" celebration. “ a s!ster of Mr Reynolds lunch was served to the guests. In was present in her royal robes Mrs Mundt and son Eugene the evening the family and relatives Miss H ulett was sponsored by this of s t Pau1- Minn . are spending of Mrs. M ann called and enjoyed a organization. several weeks at the John Loftis buffet supper. Mrs. J W Sprague accompan- Misses G ertrude Needham and ied by h er daughter-in-law . Mrs. , , The following picnicked a t the Rowena H erm ann of Portland were Bovd Sprague visited in Condon Ba r"-rampf ranch above M ountain- overnight guests a t th e Lester Moo- last week. —J - -- ____ dale Sunday; Mrs. Jan ie Sanford berry home Wednesday Mr. an d Mrs. E G. Perkins spent and 5011 GIen- PU‘l Mead. Mrs. Mrs Ashley Jackson and son last week visiting at Rockaway and Raymond Cham berlain and chll- Jimmy were guests a t the N. C hart- various other beaches, dren. Duane and Dorothy, Miss rev ---------------------------------------------- home a t Forest Grove Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis S tark left Helen Fairley of Portland, and the B arbara Jan e M ann of Portland last week for the beach, where they Ray Dorland and O tto H artram p f was a house guest _of h er grand- will spend the rest of the sum mer families j ) f Hillsboro. mother Mrs. M. D. M ann, last ...... .......... ....... _ _ Mrs. Rose " Crop returned from Mrs ............. W N. ........ Crane entertained the week Past Noble G rand club at her home Vincent hospital Wednesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs F rank Julv 11 Turk 'Evelyn Holscheri, July 12, a Miss Laura Stalder was given a girl They have nam ed her Naomi, surprise partv Julv ll at the home TROUT FISHING Mrs M artha Russell of La G rande of Mr and Mrs Sam Olds A large Hillsboro Fisherm en H eadquarters wras a house guest of Mrs. Edna group of young people were pres- Russell and Mrs. Edson last week CORWIN HARDWARE Mrs. Ashley Jackson and son Gene Brown Jam es Miller Jack Sporting Goods Jimmy and Mrs. M attle Sm ith were Reeves. Bill Siddens and Leslie Complete Line Fishing Tackle guests of Mrs. Vincent Hienrich of Walker members of the local Bov Hillsboro Hillsboro Saturday __________ _ ___ _______ _ Scout troop, left Wednesday for 1152 Second St. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gnoss and their camp "near Sand Lake family and .Mrs. M Gnoss and Miss ________________ Frances returned Sunday from a Daily T rips to P ortland vacation a t Neskowin. Mrs John Rock returned from Hillsboro Auto Freight (B r Mr». Richard Hunger) a visit a t Willamina Friday. I Bonded and Insured C arrier John Snyder, who is employed at _____ Thursday evening th e Sunrise a CCC camp near Eugene has re- 4-H garden club met with Evelyn Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Keed- turned to his work there after a Wright. ville, ftlllsboro. Cornelius and short vacation here. Miss Hilda Seth of F ir Creek Forest Grove Misses Caroline Hoffman and spent all day with Mr. and Mrs Elizabeth R ittahler of Portland Alvin Hunger. Hillsboro Phone 542 spent the week-end at their homes Ed Fitzpatrick of Forest Grove here and J. B urnett of Vancouver Wash., East Side Term inal P ortland Mrs. C. Dempsey and daughter of were gueSts Sunday of Mr and Mrs Phone EAst 9131 California have been visiting Mrs. Alvin Hunger. ARGUS, She spent a few days at the home of tier daughter Mrs C D. Meek, and is no» with another daughter. Mrs Celia Gent ot T hateher MIS.S Jane Pearson of Portland Is spending the week with M arjorie Meek Mr and Mis John lu ftls and son Russell and Mrs E n d Mundt and son Eugene motored around the Mt Hood loop Sunday Mm. Crop Surprised A group of relatives and friends :ave Mrs Rose Crop a surprise S a t­ in-la> evening at the C D. Meek home 'Phase present »ere Messrs and Mesdames Andi-ew Vamlerzan- den of Itiateher. Jrxseph Selunldl- kofer. Bernard Gent. Joe Baker, Pal Mahar. C D Meek Mrs Me- Kibbin Stanley and Joe Sehinldl- kofer and Vincent Meek Pi. 111. king on Sam ios Island Sunday »ere Mr and Mrs Jam es H Davis Mr and Mrs Carl C hris­ tener and Merritt Jackson and faintly. Mrs Duane Cham berlain sustain­ ed a major operation at the Deaconess hospital m Spokane S a t­ urday Her condition Is reported favorable. Bill Bailey of Seattle, Wash . Dr P E Hale and Mrs Sue Davts of IMrtland »ere guests of Mr and Mrs Julius Schoenberg Sunday. Shirley Kelley spent the week-end ill Portland visiting relatives. North Flams baseball team was defeated by Sherwood Sunday. Wallace Hix'tfel Sells H is Place (By Mis.« ( 'I mpm M<*'rv) WITCH HAZEL—Wallace Hoeffel has sold his acreage a t W itch Hazel to a Mr Kellogg of B eaver­ ton The Kellogg family »til build a house on it and make It their home in the near tut tire. Mr and Mrs F E Hartsell and family and Muss Margaret Drake picnicked in the Portland city park Sunday Mrs M argaret Pringle and g ran d ­ daughter Pearl Pringle, enjoyed Sunday with Nebraska neighbors at Jantzen Beach. Mrs G Elliot visited her daugh­ ter in Portland Tuesday. Mrs Harold Aust of Portland was a week-end visitor of her brother Lloyd Mullendore of Witch Hazel Mr and Mrs Irving Shipley and family of Hillsboro were week-end visitors at the Charles Perkis home. Dale Phillips is still visiting rela­ tives in Pasadena. Cal. Mrs Sain Phillips sister. Mrs E J Dunn, and husband of Pasadena. Ca! arrivod last week for a visit with relatives In this locality. They cut their viist short due to the gas­ oline shortage, returning home Mon- dav Mfs. Harry Courts and daugh­ ters Elaine. Anna Helen, Mary 3ane and Evelyn and Mrs C. W Mason and daughter Ella Rose enjoyed a picnic party in the Portland city park Thursday. Mr. and Mrs V L Nash a n d daughter Carolyn visited relatives in Salem Sunday. Mrs Conn Williams and son Conn J r and Mrs H arrv Hoeffel and daughter Patricia and son H arry were Friday visitors a t Blue Lake, where Miss Patricia will stay for a visit with relatives. F rank Corbett is employed for the sum mer on a ranch close to his old home in Montana. Mr and Mrs. Jess Nofzinger and family attended the final meeting Sunday of the C hrsitian Missionary Alliance in cam p a t Canby Widening of the state highway- through the W itch Hazel district has progressed as fa r as the school house corner Miss Mabel Baughm an enjoyed an auto ride to Portland with her sis­ ter and parents Sunday. It is the first time she has been out since she came home from the hospital She is still compelled to go about at home in a wheel chair due to the paralyzed condition of her legs Miss M argaret M cCarthy Is spend­ ing th e sum mer ln Portland with her m other where she will stay for school this fall. H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, July I!*, 19,’Ll OREGON REFDVll.l F David H a g * * Sons 4a cows were tlir best large herd in (lie Y amhill-W ashington Herd Improvement association, according lo S T W illie , county agent of Yamhill county llie herd averaged 193 Ih illlld s of milk and 4.1 .>6 pounds of fai Reedvllle Missionarv society »111 have Its annual picnic Thursday. July 2ti Aiiiiiverwury Celebrated Mr and Mrs Jav Fliwt celebrated their nineleenth wedding anm ver- sary Tuesday and a group of friends gathered at the Frost home F ri­ day m com me moral Ion of llie event. It »as als,) Mrs F ro sts birthday anniversary Vlie evening » as spent in playing >dd High score »as won bv Mr.- McElroy a n d Mr, Nault Mrs Frost and J Schnil II were low Guests included Mr. and Mis l'ci Nault Mr and Mis. Mc­ Elroy Mr and Mrs J Schmid. Mr and Mrs A Richards, and Mis Schilling. Mrs M E Murff of I’ortland visited Mrs 11 Bear a few days Iasi week Mis O Hagg and daughter Ida Lou spent a few days vusiting her fattier. 1 Emegiui. at Cliehalein Mountain K Greenawald and family re ­ turned recoiilly f r o m Oresham , where tliey »ere picking tierries Tlie lamiltes of II J Cliurcliley. C T. Imlav and A Brownie,' spent the week-end at Ocean Park. Wash. Henry Hagg and Harry Bear are spending tlie week at i’aullna lake near Bend, on a fishing trip Mr and Mrs Ekstion and family of G resham »ere Sunday guests at tlie David Hagg home Mr and Mrs S. A Becker e n ­ tertained a group of about 30 Portland friends Tuesday evening A picnic supper » as served, after »Inch games and music were e n ­ joyed Neighborhood friends o f D L. Sullivan gathered at Hie home of Mr and Mrs W H Kane T ues­ day to celebrate tils birthday a n ­ niversary. Cedar Mill Grange Session Saturday LAUREL RIDGE Ne. riy every­ one on tlie hill will be ready to thresh bv the end of the week Many fields showed a considerable amount ot rust when cutting be­ gan The hay balers have just about finished work m tlie neighborhood. Mr and Mrs Adam T reber and son Ralph of San Francisco. Cal . visited Mr. T reber’s fath er and brothers. George and John. last week Some of the North Plains ball team passed Htrough Laurel Ridge on their way home from the scene of the advertised battle witli the Sherwood Cubs No one seems to tiliini my own xiitiruig e x ­ cept when It wakee me up I" You'll h I i 'I'P 111 O I' <• Houndly if you nuikc it u habit to drink n k I hmk of FIR GROVE MILK, warm or cold, before ret ¡ring. YOUNG'S Limerai Home B "Thoughtful. By in pa the tic BETH A N Y TEPA It MILL la.Hlv Bervtce” Grange »til min t Saturday night Guests from Kmloii Grange are Phone 97* lllllnboro expected. The following children took tlie course in swimming instruction at Ju n tam Beacli lust week: Pliyllis iliorne Palsy and Virginia Helnd- rlch, Patsy Stephen* and Georgia Wallace The following jollied til,'in H eindrirh Mr a n d Mrs Phil T horne Sergeant and Mrs W al­ Everything In In.uranre lace and Mi Kendy. Mr and Mrs O W ightmun of Phone 17V1 1332 WiuhlngUin Portland Friday evening Mr and Mrs Jam es Qulllensli ♦ - ♦ Miss Mary Qullleiusli. Miss Flor­ ence Harper Mr and Mrs W B en GRADE RUSHLOW lia iu o f Si H e le n ., visited Mi M IL K 11R G R O V E DAIRY Phone 4RX1 and Mrs Churles Boy and family S u n ­ day rhresliing Begins at Laurel Ridge Hay you H « It In the Argun now uliv tlie event did not take th<* weddllltf of thell in phew. place Kdwurd Weuw*. at Oak Grove 'I'ueN- Joint s lin k ie r who recently r e ­ tav night moved 1» I’orHiind (rom laiuiel Mr amt M in K h * Jonc« At­ Ridge ixcelved a knock out and tended the Union county nicnlc at several severe bumps on liead and I.aurelhui s; park la 4 Sunday Kick when tlie car In »Inch lie G M Thorne. Mi G CmTi- was i t ling was slu n k by a Mil­ lane. Betty .lean, and Jerry C i h I» waukie sireet ear Thursday rane of tros Angeles M.sltetl Mi M is s II, i niece Wl l g l i l lelt Mon and Mis Phil Thorne last week day to visit tier sister. Mrs Roti cil Mini in 1‘oilland 1’lie Young lY'ople's society ot I l.ivw ard Mountain Home is planning a party In Jiwl Egos barn tor Hie ( lly V lU n n l l i u b u n ) near future. Thit'e trucks have been haulliiK Mr and Mrs J |*. Harris a t ­ tended tlie vvisidlng of Curl Carl gravel this ueek iroin the t ’ettar Canyon rock t rusher t>> spreiut on son and Doris Johnson at tlie home ot Hie gloom s purellts In P o rt­ the roay A ppointm ent INSURANCE W anhlnytnn Sbute Rank F or In fo rm atio n BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS County Agencies IN H B R A N C K Telephone 232S RCRHER RTAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH I'hono 2211 rfM fiffffß Q / z r GREATER MILES Q /zzC R E flT E R S A Ft T Y Q / o r GREATER VALUE W ork 1471 I. GUARANTEED IN WRITING HURGKON Telephones lloohltnro 7«1Z O fflco I2S1 a specialty Telephone W R I I/ H A P A B T M K N T H M abel Hchendel A w r lt ta n g u a ra n to r p ro ta c tln g y o u r t ir o l « v M t m e n t fo r tw s lv a f u l l m o n th « ) In c o m m e rc ia l aarvlca »Is m o n t h » ) . and Coaim orelal N o tio n al Rank PERMANENTS I A. O. PITMAN, M. D. 13H1X Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll SCKOKON X -R a y and Phy»lo-Therapy Balcony lllllsh o ro Pharmacy Y o u got th o lo n g er m ile a g e o f T r l p i o * T I M R I W I D R U B B E R , th e added p ro te c tio n o f o u r etrongaat cord», e a fa tt k»aad«, ansi a u r a - |r lp p ln g n o n -« k ld tra a d . . . P lu a -V a lu a « craatad by lo y a l » k ille d w o rk m a n . and P H Y S IC IA N Perm anent» and all kind» of beauty w ork. Telephone Do you want the Business and Professional men of your community to lose confidence in you? Do you want to keep your good name and maintain that priceless asset, which is your good credit rating in your County Credit Board? Now, if you want to keep your good credit rating START AT ONCE to try and pay or part pay on your past due accounts. REMEMBER vour merchant is doing your banking for you through these trying times and is not charging you any interest on the money he is loaning you. So be fair to him, help him meet his own personal obligations, as he has to pay once a month for the merchandise he is loaning you. » So you can readily see when he carries your account over 30 days he starts paying interest on the money he is loaning you and your ac­ count with him turns into a liability instead of an asset. In order to maintain your good credit rating START PAYING on your past due accounts at once. REMEMBER lose your credit and you lose something you may never regain. ♦ H K R V IC K from Building llillohnrn akonl O lro rto r, or I U HILLSBORO ARGUS A g ro rtla o n r a il Tho A r .n o — l l « l