THE Page Four ITillsbnnl^rAr g us W ith Which (• C mb M*«4 the H illebat« Independent H illsboro A or us estab. 1*94 H illsboro Independent estab 1871 M cKINNEY A M eKINNKY, Publishers Published Thursday*. Enterad a* Mcond-vla.*a m atter in the p ostoffice at H illab on \ Oregon N one F r e e r T h a n H ere communiât leader in California says, -W e believe in the right of free assem- blag* and free speech, and will defend ourselves by force if necessary to gain tins»' privileges." This occurred in a sta te ­ ment to the effect th at California was to be tne center o f communist activities aimed to overthrow existing government. If they are fighting for free assem­ blage and free speech, they had better stay right in America, w here such rights arc greater than elsewhere. Such radicals should he given an opportunity to test out these rights in communistic Russia. We hail a fine exam ple of the ab­ surdities that can creep out of such con­ ditions a few weeks ago. when the story of Fred W alker appeared in the Port­ land papers. W alker and his family are on federal relief, hut he went to Moscow on orders and his family stayed here for the federal governm ent to feed them. Our institutions and o u r American heritage are treasured by all good citi­ zens. The spirit of liberty and independ­ ence is greater here than any other place under the sun. Good American citizens must be a liv i to their responsibilities. H IL L S B O R O A RG U S, Relief Meet H ere Ends in W alkout (Continued from p a g e t) H IL L S B O R O , OREGON her cousin cam e west to W ash in g ­ ton. where she was m arried J a n uaiy 21. 1909 to A 1» F tsher '1\> th is m uon two children were born Alb* i ! Fisher of West Fir. and Mrs W II Ram sey of Sail Francisco. Cal Her husband. A. 1) F isher, passed aw. iv D ecem ber 1. 1918 The m other of these c hildren worked cared for and supported a n d educated them . Gn SeptemlMW 19, 1932. Mrs S y l­ via Gillus F ish e r was m arried at Cornelius to A S L ytle Mr am i Mrs l.vtle resided at C ornelius am i near Hillsboro from the d a te of th e m arriage until her d e a th Surviving Mis L ille a re her h u s ­ band A S Lytle ol Hillsboro her daughter. Mis W II R a m s e i ot B a n F raili'lsiO . a n d Albert F ld ie r of West Fir. all ot whom were pi* sent at the tim e of her d e a th Thurmiuy, July 10, Iuherculiu Tests Children Planned toi Foui I h xxllli h o n e ' glnla. folks W illiam lla u so n of Scholia elected president of countv th r e s h e r m e n and A l> Hill ol L auicl is uec HU*|w leading In tlui orgaulzulliin iclary G e rh ard II P tanger, well known >>I an Ixaak W alton league In W a li. here and at l.elsvvllle. died Ju n e iiig to n county will ba tak en Mon­ 29 day at 8 p in a t Ila* llllblxm ) 11 h h i ) ready for greatest cele­ C ham ber of C oininerte bration ever stagist in county -tout m ately 30 county aporU iuen nt- M anager Phelps has worked un ti'ml* it a |>i'<'lliiilnury m eeting Mun­ ceasingly io get together a p r o - ! day at w hich tim e m'Veral mate gram th a t will me.m a triu m p h a l I end of three week« of nerve tr a in ­ o ffle e ii of the league outllneil the purpuae» and p ro g ram ot Hie ur- ing effort ganlzat ion Frixl S te lle r died at M ountain-1 .stale officials In a tte n d an c e Ibis dale Tuesday night Born to Mr and Mrs F il'd Me week llieludad Jo h n Elilnger of Til- J p Nells or Meek Plains, Ju n e 20 a luluook. M ate p realdent; D N i'il. secretary of th e 'l*Ulaiiiu*.k girl. l-dna K lliabeth Heinrich» a n d * *>un(v league, am i W illiam David- R ichard J K erkm an m arried June son. secretary tre a su re r of Ute slate league Purpose of flu* organizat* n 25 a t Beliefflln W illiam Ziegler and B eitlui B lind Is eoiuervutlon of wild life m arried here Sunday Ja m es II Davis form er county , R u n a w a y S t a g e d H e r e ic .o id e i H.i ' .ik> n hit - Stock lussiH’latton. H om Mei to > on» U ted "i klUInc ixirted to have s tu r tn l n ear the husband, gran ted new tria l by s u ­ city park, tu rn ed a t lla sc llu r « tin t prem e court a n d p a rte d com pany aro u n d a t* 1* Horn to Mr. and Mrs Joseph |)hon*' pole n e ar S ix th and Ila * Hersfiey of Bacona. Ju n e 26. a girl line W ilbur Dillon, fire m arshal ■» reported th a t one of th e hoi , sm ashed a fender on tils eat In an a tte m p t lo Jum p over the feiidei Isii.ik Walton Body to be Formed I Icre TulNueiilln testing of tin dispensed bi m is committee, to d re n of Bherwixxl will lx 1 >IM the end th a t people on relief be r e ­ Ju t) 27 at (lie school gyniliosluin quired to keep up c u rre n t bills, but Plans laid al th e Regional C hild not post due accounts, followed W ell.ire conici i-uee of ¡¡ic Am erican the b re ak -u p of th e conference I I'gior. a n d (lie a n n u a l inccltug of mrs f . c . M c K inney W V ERNE M cKlNNCY w ith Civil Em ergency F ederation Hie W ashington C ounty P u b l i c Aaaoctate Editor Editor m em bers. AU utility rep resen tativ es H ealth U'siHUalion resulted In th e prom ised to co -o p erate w ith the Member—Oregon S tate Edi­ First Audited Paper Laru- form ation of th is clune, which will relief com m ittee on th e request, « t Audited W eekly C ircula­ torial A ui.H'iation and Na- lie carried out w ith lh** eo-O|x*ra- rile relief com m ittee prom ised th a t tioaal Editorial A ssociation tion in Oregon tion oi ami ihiiisoied bv lw*tii o r ­ lists of tlMWe on relief Mould be gan isatio n s OF W ASHINGTON COUNTY supplied the various public utilities O FFICIAL N E W SP A P E R Tian po llu tio n of a few children to fa cilitate the program Iroin outlying sections will be u n ­ Sabacriptian Rate« S trictly Caak in Advance F ederation m em bers v i r t u a l l y d e rta k en by the legion am i u u \- |2.tX> 11.50 Per year U . 8. O u tsid e O r a r « picketed Judge Tem pleton's office F o reu rn C ount rie» >.50 ¿ t i months i.iaiv A s is .a m - e will be given Hr M onday afternoon, refusing to leave W F Rucker, legion re p re se n ta ­ until th e ir dem ands th a t a c erta in The H illsboro Argus assum es no fin an cial responsibility for tive a n d Sherw ood physician, by Forest G rove wom an be given milk errors published in ita colum ns, hut in cases w here th»e paper Miss Mai .u ■ I i u\on Washington is at fault w ill reprint that part of an advertisem ent in which by the county Previously T em p le­ I J. I'E G G S county h e a lth nurse, am i m em bers the typographical m istak e occur*. ton h a d refused th e request on F J Peggs, for m any years a id lh*» auxiliary Funds from the the ground th a t m ilk was etready resident of lau relw o o d eourmuuity being supplied her by th e federal died at the county h o spital July 18 1933 sale ot C h ilslu ia s seals will relief agency S h eriff J. W. C onnell a fte r a long illness. He was born io isu l lo provai*' X -riiv s lot s|M'- » as finally called to c le a r th e room m New York City. N ovem ber 9 eiul oses vvlios*' p a ren ts are unable Good Am erican citizens must aw aken and th e agreem ent w as m ade for 1883 and was a t th e tune of Ills to d o Hus n i'ie ss .u y p a ri in Hi*' d e ath 71 years of age He Is s u r ­ program of preventing tuberculosis the W ednesday night conference. to the radical actions th a t are occurring by an adopted son, am i m any E arlier In the day. approxim ately vived around them in this country and stan d by friends a t Laurelwood F u n e ra l , , , , 20 m em bers of the fe d era tio n a p ­ from Young s F uneral Hom e th is lrcl.UUl tO I l"CSIUt constituted governm ent. Radicals are ta k ­ peared before a tew m em bers of afternoon at 3 o'clock ing advantage of the strike conditions and the relief com m ittee, dem anding ad ditional relief a n d d eclaring th a t unrest to spread their vicious propaganda. EMMA K R E IS HEI M they would "pay no a tte n tio n to T here is no place in Am erica for those FO R EST GRO VE F uneral m u - Uvster Ireland. local hardw are cries of poverty." vices lor Mrs Em m a K reis Helm, who advocate overthrow of our govern­ Following the M onday session, who died W ednesday, will be held m erch an t and recently unpointed n o rth cixist m em ber of tin* code ment. Aliens, who are spreading propa­ investigations were conducted by at the M ethodist ch u rch at 2 30 p authority for retail farm equip­ the relief com m ittee re g ard u ig c e r­ in Friday with Rev Alexam ier m ent trades, will preside over a ganda and preaching overthrow of the ta in m em bers of th e delegation W. B ennett officiating In term en t will United States, should be im m ediately de­ conference o f the industry next J. Mills, county m anager, th e n is­ be m Forest View cem etery ported just as Governor M erriam of Cali­ She was born in Baltim ore. M ary ­ T u tsil.u tn P o rtlan d R etailers from sued th e folowing sta te m e n t: Senator Sehall of Minnesota, who has "T he T igard Civic E m ergency land August 2. 1854. a n d hud been Oregon and th e w estern part of fornia asks. Criminal syndicalism laws done more spouting against the “ new F ederation of Oregon, an o rg a n iz a ­ resident of Forest Q rove 14 years W ashington will be in atten d an ce should be put into action. Mrs Helm is survived bv Hire*' a n d all im plem ent d ealers in thia deal" than most any other person, goes so tion of fam ilies receiving fed eral children. Ja m e s R oyster Helm ot county are requested to be p res­ * Hv N ational F/lllorial Assoctal Inn * aixi county relief sent a delegation L aguna fa r in his partisan political stand as to Special to Hillsboro Argus Beach, Cal . MeKinlev o Hillsboro M onday, dem anding Helm Cam bridge. M ass, a n d Mrs ent W ASHINGTON Julv 18 Janies say that more than 75.000 small m er­ t more J A Craig, governm ent advisor relief T his com m ittee visited M arion E S cherinerhorn. Forest A Moffel ch airm an of the F ed­ chants have been "b an k ru p ted " by the the county court a n d th e relief o f ­ G rove Mrs Helm hod been a m em ­ on farm im plem ent codes, will a d ­ eral Housing commission, k n o w s dress th e m eeting which u ill be ficers a n d were very positive i n ber of the M ethodist c h u rch since plenty about business, but 1.» now a t the M ultnom ah hotel Cottage Grove reports boost in the XRA. How any Am erican can make such childhood. th e ir dem ands. undergoing h i s |x>Htlenl baptism sawm ill em ploym ent from t h e lum ber a brazen statem ent is beyond us. The Y ears of service us one of th e "Spokesman for th e group was small m erchant is receiving his first pro­ h igher moguls of live S ta n d a rd Gil radical from P o rtlan d code. Lane county em ploym ent increased compunv will prove handy in his tion of th is p a rty revealed from 1200 to 2900. Prior to adoption of tection from vicious price-cutting under new job Today tie is lx-urged by is a w ell-know n m em ber of th e various the code in Lane county 33 mills were in the Blue Eagle and if prohibiting a firm accionnaires poUtlctani of yb H oub ratings ra tin g s it C om m unist party and has a lengthy K seem« ru wer- a week. Decrease in w orking hours has ways given due consideration, a n d lie Long of n o rth of C ornelius who p a rtm en t convention of th e A m eri­ ful 111 political m utters A place on been offset for the workm en by increase it is wholly unnecessary for anyone found It recently. I t is called a can Legion next m onth b) Hillsboro the federal payroll, no m u tter how in the minimum w age to 42 U cents an outside of W ashington county, who Z arhippus a n d is a n o rd in ary look­ post F riday night A H Busch, Dr. shuill. has a beneficial effect which is not directly Interested in relief ing worm, slightly sm aller th a n a R alph D resser and V alentine Abodle e xtends down th e line from Hie hour, while before the code it was a s . M'nator or representative to the dispensed by th is com m ittee, t o cigarette, yellowish tan in color are a lte rn a te s low as 121« cents. lowly w ard-heeler or election pre- Seen In daylight it ts a n y th in g but have any voice in th e m a t t e r " In v ita tio n of th e city council to etnet captain |ob holdei ■ •tnct cap tain T r i h i e Job-holae impressive, but in th e dark it Is appoint a com m ittee to assist In i striking it h a s rings of green ish - famll) aii*i friend are alwaya e* A group of voters who a re d issatisfied w ith th e of th e airp o rt northeast of Hie city, (X'. te d to re m e m b e r at th e |x>lls i t white light ru n n in g com pletely recen t prim ary election a n d th e g u bernatorial c a n d i­ around it a n d is plainly visible for was accepted C o m m u te r will lai Ls .m a il w o n d er t h a t th e pr*x.|x, t nam ed later d a te s It produced, last week e n te red P e ter Z im m er­ a distance of 300 feet o f numerous Joba aa pan of the m an to ru n m th e fall race a n d to c arry th e colors E xecutive com m ittee was in stru c t­ home rv n ovl/4ition liu iijm ig ii "T his insect Is lim ited to the Forest Grove N ational bank is doing of "T ru e Progressives." w hatever th a t m ay m ean. : I. fo r th e h o u tn b hayiiiK w estern coast of O regon." Long ed to work out unproved a rra n g e ­ (C ontinued from pane 1) a fine thing in the promotion of 4-H club At his n om ination a t Salem , w hen he was backed by Nolan V andom elon. C ornelius route said "They are not known to grow m en ts for th e p a trio tic program at favors 1: a n d D onald H ergert. B anks route any o th er place on e arth . I cau g h t fu tu re F o u rth of July celebrations interest through the holding of a sheep 200 delegates, he was lauded a s "a real d irt fa rm e r one Just like It te n years ago tliLs T h ere Is sonir doubt dun under his fin g er nails." show. Commercial N ational bank of Hi 11s- w ith B ut m er and th a t one vv.-.s I pt ov d e in ix ratic circle Ä4» to w h at th e vo ters are m ostly concerned w ith Individual pro jects a re en tered sum L P Rockwood, govern ::ent e n ­ puLi-il astu ten ess of Juine** Farley, boro has for years been very active in 4-H is th e effo rt of a n o th e r sm all m in o rity to foist a n bvW illiam Cyrus. J r . Hillsboro: tom ologist a t Forest G rove for the txvsIniiLster-gi'nerul as a d is­ club promotion and each y ear sponsors a independent c an d id ate upon th e s ta te a t large. Z im ­ Dick Jossy. P o rtlan d ro u te 2: Ja m es scientific purposes. penser of p atronage Mr Furbv Davidson. Hillsboro ro u te 1. a n d corn show. Four-H club work m akes for m erm an a n d his su p p o rters h a d th e ir chance a t th e A nother peculiar fact about th is is w asting little tim e over th e d i s ­ prim ary. B u t—a n d here is th e jo k er—these "tru e Raym ond Dierickx. B unks route 1. Insect Is th a t while th e fem ale ts trib u tio n of liu p o positions better boys and girls anyw here and such progressives" were n o t th e su p p o rte rs of Z im m er­ C om plaint ag ain st I. E B latch- a worm w ith th e unusual lighting II.- is keeping his (Inger on all lev local barber for alleged failure interest is com m endable. effects, the m ale is a sm all winged m an a t th e tim e of th e p rim ary , for th e sim ple available putronagi* in the H ous­ beetle th a t flies only a t night am t to comply w ith th e occupation tax ing commission. Hu- Aviation com ­ reason th a t Z im m erm an was n o t th e n a candidate. w ith great speed No perfect . p. i- ordinance was dism issed W ednes­ m ission and o th er agencies c re a t« l R a th e r is he a n a f te r m a th —a sm oke screen to hide Mrs. H erb ert Davis of Cherry- m ens of the m ale exist, th e govern­ day w hen he m ade settlem en t for bv the last congress a part of th e th e c h ag rin of a group w hich evidently was a poor G rove u n d erw en t a n o peration fo r m ent m useum a t W ashington. 1) C delinquent taxes due O th e r com ­ new deal le g isla to rs s*s-king re- Strikes in m ajor industries, such as loser a t th e prim ary election. appendicitis at Jo n es h o sp ital S a t ­ having but one. which was' m uch p lain ts are expected to be fill'd in election have s* urrl**l ba* k to (be W hile we do not believe t h a t Z im m erm an will transportation, m ean suffering for the urday D r A O. P itm a n operated. dam aged in capture. th e n e ar fu tu rr rap lto l in a filial effort to grub a m ake even a good race of it n e x t fall, we a re i n ­ L ittle Is known about its habits. public in general. G eneral strikes are de­ tere ste d to note th a t h e fin d s him self tn fav o r of piece from the political ple-countcr L ittle R osem ary S teele is c o n ­ I t is th o u g h t th a t Its diet 1s th e valescing nicely from a m astoid o p ­ T he putli Is ixii smooth Ils Mr vastating. There is no reason why all the ju st ab o u t all those th in g s w hich h e expects m ig h t e ratio n perform ed recently by Dr black thousand-legged worm, but Farley is surniiinded hv aid» s who people should be made to suffer because win him votes. I n th is, he h a s ta k e n a leaf from the one I have refuses to touch H D Huggins. blixk all approaches Law m akers Thirty Y ea n A ro find i! easier to talk with the p re si­ of quarrels between individual groups. th e p o litic ia n s guide book w hich, in o th e r years, M rs T hom as Rood u nderw ent them . A lthough th is one has been caged up m ore th a n a week Its dent The fact th a t the elusive cab­ h a s served som e of th e m so well. B u t in these tim es Argus July 7. 1904 More Hum a n o peration for tonsils a t S m ith s Provisions should be m ade for industrial of adversity, it is d iffic u lt for even th e m ost a stu te hospital W ednesday D r C T S m ith light seems no dim m er a n d vvlvat Ilk) p a rticip a te d In an n u al v e te r­ inet officer curries aiithortlv for causes th e light Is a puzrde th a ans e n cam p m en t her*' relations courts with power to settle dif­ p o litician to include in any platfo rm m ore th a n a O fficers Jobs anil lately p<»stuffice buildings operated. science Is unable to unravel ' nam ed. E J G roat. Hcholls, p resi­ m akes him un Im p o rtan t m an to ficulties with fairness to all. Let’s have sm all percentage of all th e th in g s w hich voters M iss M argaret P ra n g e r Is sp e n d ­ dent, C C Hoopes. G aston, first "see" while in W ashington peace and get back on the road to re ­ would like to have—a n d then, again even th e voters ing a few weeks' v acation w i t h vice. M C Idncoln. «x-ond vice; them selves a re n o t c e rta in for m ore th a n a few frien d s in S a n Francisco. covery. S A Howell. W oodstock, treasu rer; M em bers of , n g r e . who voted days a t a tim e as to w h a t th ey a re willing to vote Jo h n Meek. 22. of N o rth Plains If G F itch , C ornelius secretary, for men uin ■s perm itting th e gov- for. All of w hich creates a political situ atio n w hich, was in ju re d M onday, when a bale and it W M cNutt, color custodian em in en t to al I depressed Indus- a t best, is abnorm al. Yet. back of th e average voter's of hay fell on him. He was trea te d Albert Dale Mi 'Gulley, resident i n i s th ro u g h niixltfleation of loan | by Dr. C. T . S m ith ind is a lo ng-sustained a n tip a th y to in d ep en d en t Life saving Instruction for W ash ­ O re g o n 43 years di**d here Friday i equlrem ents genuinely peeved Hillsboro men and women continue m ington county residents un d er th e Jacob C leat water, prom inent B ux­ Iliey nre e ith e r cooling th e ir h,s b can d id ate s who fail to tak e th e ir ch an ce a t th e Mr. a n d Mrs. L. C. L om ax and to be accorded leadership in state organi­ prim ary, a n d w h eth er it will be possible fo r th e direction of th e A m erican Red ton resident, dies a . result of Ixung Louis sp e n t Sunday w ith M r and outside th e R eeonstruction Finance Cros sta rte d T uesday at R oam er's kicked by horse zations. Dr. R. J. Nicol, prom inent local "tru e progressives" to lull th e average voter in to I Mrs. A rth u r A nderson a t G aston corporation or e n d in g m ip h u llc R est and will continue un til Aug­ Hillsboro horses open P o rtla n d ’s telegram s in an effo rt to blow out forgetfulness th ro u g h "shots" of prom ises, rem ain s Mr. a n d Mrs. H R. E m m ott were man. is the latest to be honored, having eves R If O n x 'r s T hom as II wins ust 31 O th e r classes a re being c o n ­ rctariliiig elem ents H ie federal be seen. O ur own guess is t h a t th e com ing race w eek-end guests of M r and Mrs d ucted in P o rtlan d , according to * ip T H T ongue J r ruling L aur- money is not flowing as as been elected vice-president of the Oregon to B. R. Pooley in P ortland. will be betw een D unne a n d M a rtin , w ith Z im m er­ Miss J a n e V Doyle executive se rre - i'tte won th ird in the half-m ile a n tic ip a te d w hich accounts a V eterinary Medical association. This com­ m an a n also ra n .—Hood R iver News. Mrs. P a u l I. C a rte r of P o rtlan d ta ry of the P o rtlan d c h ap ter, in ru n n in g race F 11 'Tongue riding wave *>f skepticLsm in various fur con­ was a guest S u n d a y of M r and announcing th e cam paign munity has leaders in many lines and hon­ Bill Bailey would have won race gressional d istricts T he R F f Insists Mrs. R. R E aster. Ju n io r and senior life saving but for m isapprehension ors won are deserved. I a n d probablv w ith gixid E ight th o u san d enjoy l a r g e s t uiakiiig a p p h c a iiu “ fo? ’industrial Mrs D onald F ra n k lin of P o rt­ m ethods will be ta u g h t free of R R. T u rn er, dem ocratic nom inee for congress land visited T uesday w ith h e r a u n t. F ourth of Ju ly celebration ever held charge by C laude de Shirley. Red lonnsquallfy T he governm ent w auls in th is d istrict, is s ta rtin g e arly to fvecome a n i n ­ Mrs. B. W B arnes. Cross exam iner a n d a m em ber of here o S S c h lffer of C ornelius the local hunks to sh a le in the fluence w ith th e dem ocratic n a tio n a l a d m in istra ­ th e Life Saving E xam iners' rlu b of W ills first in pony race Hillsboro risks with the ta x p a y e r’s money J. A. Kirkw ood, o ld -tim er a t Reed- Joe Belanger has rtiade a good record tion H e h a s teleg rap h ed to th e se c re tary of th e ville. was here W ednesday on coun- P o rtlan d R egistratio n s will lx- m ade d efeated B eaverton 18 to 7 H ills­ when loaned to revive lix-nl husl- Mr. M orgenthau, urging im m ediate a p ­ i ty a t th e pool w ith th e In stru c to r In boro lineup: H lckenbottom . p; Sleg- ness enterprises co u rt business. here as assistant county agent and the p treasury. ro p riatio n for th e proposed postoffice buildings a t charge and a n ex am in atio n will lx» c; ft Moore lb: W illiams. 21». Roy T h w aite. M iss Mabel T hw aitc given a t th e end of train in g a n d a Shoes. 3b; H H um phreys, as; T many friends m ade here reg ret his de­ G ra n ts Pass. M cM innville a n d Newberg, also th a t a n d Jim G ro g an sp e n t th e w eek­ R lrths c e rtific ate aw arded those eligible W ann. rf. B radford, cf. and J parture. However, they are happy to see work s ta r t a t once on th e approved postoffices a t end a t Rockaw ay. Ju n io rs a re required to be 12 H um phreys. 5f B eaverton lineup arshfield a n d H illsboro B ehind this desire to te s t Ml Bnd M rs O n u it him receive an advancem ent to county M G uy Fellows of G a sto n was a years of age nnd seniors 17 Drew p. Via. c; Cudv. lb; C ardiff, H artley. Friday. July 13 ¡, Kir | his stre n g th , as M r. T u rn e r declares to be his p u r ­ j guest W ednesday of M r and Mrs K nox To Mr and Mrs Fred agent in Morrow county. Congratulations pose. 2D; F isher. 3b; Higgins, ss; Moore, he h a s a shrew d political cam paign desire also. E A G riffith . Knox of Dilley July 13. a girl r l. C W ann. cf. a n d Rolfe. If C o r n e liu s S t a t e B a n k and best wishes in your new field. Joe. If he can procure a n assurance trom W ashington New eounty officers assum e duties Mr “nd Mrs »’ohn Miss E sth e r M cGrew of P o rtlan d of favorable response to his dem and h e can f la u n t D e c la r e s a D iv id e n d as follows Jo h n W Connell, s h e r­ Epier of rout«» 2 Cornelius. July 13 i was a guest last week of Miss M ary It before th e voters a s a pow erful reason why h e « 1 Kiri. Helen Himes. F u r th e r dividend of 10 per c en t iff. E J O odm an, clerk; M C should be se n t to congress as a frien d of th e a d ­ l!rk , 1 ° Mr i‘" CHROME PLATED ItlM V / » V GEM M K R Q A rtA T It R A ZO R Settlement Reached on City Tax Action Local Happenings w ith blade» hi Other Days Red Cross Starts Life Saving Class PALM DRUG STORE Phone 266 Our Service Ca» y on STOB o n stip a tio n QUICK? I.L th a t our servlee mean» to h u n d red s o f people who have learned to depend upon it for sfieed, efficiency and ra re In every d e ta il will be nuide know n to you If you will give us a tria l on your next o rd e r for cleaning nr dyeing, o r both. Duly the m ost experienced and e x p ert w orkm en a re e m ­ ployed by it», a n d we have .¡rired no expense to Install the late st am i m ost approved equipm ent. Phone 47 Home Laundry and Dry Cleaners BRAKE REPAIRING p i ,, .17 AC Ml 'QUALITY; HOUSE PAINT H A R R IS O N D. H U G G IN S . M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat when at Lentz’ you can have them tested on m odern brake - testing equipm ent and serviced a t a low cost. Specialist GLA SSES FITTED B*>nm 1 rom m errlal N ational Rank Annex Phnnea lUalrtance 297t O f«ce2»71 Hour» » :»0 a. m. to H m. 1 *30 p. m. to 6 p m LENTZ AUTO PARTS 2nd an d B aaeline P hone 591 B a la n c e d F o r fn II La » ’ . f-.. • COSTS LESS • > PER JOB PER YEAR All DODGE and PLYM OUTH Prices Have Been Substantially Lester Ireland REDUCED & Co. CADY MOTOR CO. HILLSBORO, OREGON mm )