THE Page Two Laurel Folk S tartin g on New Harvest H I L L S B O K t) ARG US. H IL L S B O R O , for the summer Pilgrim Guild. I union se n lees are being well a t­ many people have postponed Thursday afternoon at '3 o'clock tended and we urge you to come threshing until warmer weat l\ipic Sunday July 29. rtrllowers M il week study on the "Church" x>ro vis- Melvin Rogers ol Hillsboro of Campbell" 'IHscIples ol Christ« Phursduy 8 p in I Icing your Bible ited Mr. and Mrs P A Qualls last and enjoy lilts hour with us It week. Mr and Mrs LkJlph Rogers Is a question and Bible answer Iti,N*k» Free M ethodist Church and Miss Marcella Rogers of P o rt­ period You are most welcome to Tin' Oregon onfereiice and camp land and Mr and Mrs Grover Otto Rieben. who has been serl- was broken, is healing nicely. meeting of t h e Free Methodist any and all our services It. L Rogers of Hillsboro visited Mr. and i ou^ John Kessler and R alph W »¡ii meet for their annual ...islv y ' i 1 f 11 f for " several month.- months was Ralph W ilcox I ¿hutch* .. .................................................... _ ........ Putnam, pastor. ton and taken back to the Guymun hospital attended a meeting ot Hie mull j Uh irt to 29 on their camp ed Mon- F',r,'SI Grove last week He had . arners association hi Salem S at- Hltn„ u| o„ the old section of ihe SS*" Rieben Returned to Hospital; I Quilt Pageant Banks July 27 amt Free Methodists in Camp Sessions (By Mm. F L. Brown) LAUREL—Threshing »'ill begin In this immediate community this week if weather perm its A dozen members, th eir teacher. Mrs Raleigh Whitmore, and Mr Whitmore attended t h e Broad casters’ party a t the R utschm an home Friday evening Outdoor games and a wteuer roast we Joyed Several of the residents on road west of the store are plan- ning for and hoping to have elec- trtcity in their homes in the near future. Elbert Stevens, accompanied by ulit of near Mr and Mrs Dwight Huht Hillsboro, visited Mr H ulit's uncle and family at C orbett Sunday Mr and Mrs C P Stafford and th e Misses Mary and Irm a Helm attended the Nebraskan picnic at Jantzen beach bunday. Mrs. Louise Bruiuier made a busi- news trip to Portland Monday- to make arrangem ents for residing there. Velma Rosevear returned home Friday from Mouutamdale. where T hursday, July I!», I ‘».'t| ORKGON “ ^ n MondaJ 4 llli’ni.’ olven th e lliie d - Quilt pageant to be given by the 44' , lu .K .iS e u C iu m S ire »'ll'ls ___ pent m e week-end with Mr and airs j M Vanderzanden Miss Agnes Vanderzanden spent last week with Mr and Mrs W alter Vanderzanden at Gales Creek, O tto Heiben was taken back to the Guymon hospital last week, - - quilt in the evening , , . , John N arup underwent a major operation in a Portland hospital Friday night. Mrs Eberly. who has been In a Portland hospital lor a tew weeks is home now She is still in a crit- ical condition. Mrs. Ray Parnilev and two chil- H l l h f ' r CHI I l l l v 7 5 ^ • ''\ v 'i u h '\ l i ? ^ a r S l e C s ‘» iren U I l U L l t l O il J i l l « Hiu.iv with Mrs I arm lt v s p an n L , , By H c siv.rdi w oi.iSS? MFS A' ‘ *,rle' 1 >. m .. .. ALOHA—The C E F dance held Hillsboray Miss G arnet Lea and Miss Vera at Huber hall July 11 was such a Holder of Toledo. Ohio, spent a feu success th a t it was decided to hold another one July 25. If these dances days last week with Mr and Mrs continue to gain in popularity ar A B McFarlane Miss Lea is a niece of Mrs McFarlane T h u rs d a y fc. L. DailCC ¿It MIS orove t B H alt Will! Annual conference and camp meeting of the Free Methodist church started at tile cam p ground oil the old C a n y o n road east ot Beaverton. We inesdav and will to ll tillin ' until July 29 Ihsliop G rif­ fith ot I «vs A n g eles yy III preside at the conference and preach Sunday morning Everyone is cordially In ­ vited to attend these meeting to worship with us Services begin ai It) id a m : F J Archer, noil'll evangelist, Sunday school at 9 4 > The young will preach mornings mid evenings people - society will meet Friday al during the meetings il p in You are cordially welcom­ ed to worship with us n rst tended a Lutheran church picnic ln O ppenlanders grove near Rippling w aters Sunday Mr and Mrs j Hutchens mid Mrs Dora Payten attended church in Hillsboro Sunday. Mr and Mrs N Berdan attended the annual Higgs family reunion at Tigard Methodist Church Dallas Sunday. ________ Sunday school will m eet at it) Mr and __ Mrs ° r Lll,,e three sous ol Portland were guests o'clock Morntng worship at 11 la °t Mr and Mrs \ c Wahl M o n - when the pastoi »til speak on Vt- slons and Men The choir, under Alirt. drove U) Portland the uireelion ol Miss Gilbert, will Monday where he met Ins wife, sing At 7 30 the three Epworth been visiting her parents Leagues and the forum will meet ln T h ev drove on to with a closing half-hour of worship Seattle for a few days' business together at 8 15 We invite you to (rip ^jlss Beverly Bunn, who h ad worship with us S Hay nor Sm ith sn e n t , UtVk a t th e A tlee h o m e minister. H A Stewart. Sunday and Sunday a t Seaside at the h C p iin v ^ h n m e“ m Mr and Mrs. Adolf R utschm an ° a' ac ,tne H c PlPP.' home ln and Ted and Helen Rutschm an p ““ UndL visited Mr R utschm an's brother •A-Word and Hilda were a t ‘‘T X ^ ^ M V t o M r and G o » ^ r n T m ^ Indepen- werr Sunda>' guests o t M r and fall grain Is ready to thresh Mrs Eli C.rindle Mrs Freelove H utchens and daughter Eva of McMinnville vis- ^ n i ^ DebO1' daU ghtir G “ 11 M2 n ^ T o f “S ^ m « h « ' . ^ - F ^ ^ r o S “^ ^ 1^ DK. R. J. NICOL DR. E. W. ALMQUIST Veterinarians Telephone <143 and «43 CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET "T he Best to Eat” Hi teon Mrs Ain't' Glbons. » h o has been visitupt her daughter. Mrs c W siru th ei - »ent to Portland Sunday to Ikslt her niece. Mrs W R Har­ .SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 20 and 21 ris lltteon was almost deserted S un­ day as most everyone was enjoy­ ing themselves at the Rebekah pic­ nic at ELsner s purk. Mr and Mrs Lester Robinson of Portland were week-end guests at ttie C W StrutJu’rs home lew is Veenker of S anta Monica. Cal arrived Monday at Ihe Wil­ liam F Campbell home for a visit u tth tins aunt and uncle l a Vein Scott of Multnomah Is s|iciuhiig a tew .lavs with his cous­ in. Kenneth S truthers Mr and Mrs Lloyd Melzentilie and daughter Myrn.i ot Hillsboro are iisiim g at th,' Herman Mel- zeiitllii' home. Carl Olson, who Is helping his micie l mid a greenhouse at Canby, spent the week-end a t his home here Mr amt Mrs C W. S truthers e n ­ tertained at a dinner party Hun- mil Guests were Mis. Allee Glbons. Mr and Mrs Lester Rolniisou Miss Ehzabeih Struthers Muss Verna Mae Walters. Gayforil Wilson and LaVern Scott Local Youth Corporal at Annual Encampment VANCOUVER BARRACKS Wash. • Special! A HUUboro youth. A A Hughes. Is now among the stu ­ dent non-commlsaloned officers of the ninth annual Citizens Mili­ tary Trutnlng cam p at Camp Hurl- hurt here Young Hughes Is w ear­ ing a corporal's chevrons in Com­ pany K. and as such will lead a squaii for the balance of the course unless otherwise assigned He is a blue or fourth-year student and got the chance for extra training in leadership by reason of exper­ ience atvl ability. MR'S CATHERINE S IT L IT Funeral services for Mrs C ath ­ erine Steele. 74. late of Beaverton route 2. »ere held Saturday a t Portland and interm ent »as m tile Mil» ankle cemetery She Is su r­ vived by two sons Ruben D and Earl L Steele of Beaverton Lectures on Palestine Rev Klaus Jacob S tratm eler of G rundy Center, Iowa, will lecture ____ on "Palestine' a l the Phillips Re formed churrh Sunday evening July 22. at eight o'clock There »ill be .special music Tlie public la cor­ dially Invited to attend this lecture Æ Phone 771 Qualify and Price lily Mr* Zell <1 S lru th m l AT THE MARKET CO RN VEAL Fresh from the garden every rnnrninif. Prime (Juahtv ¿OV Per ilozen 2 0Ci SHOULDER ROASTS. Lb. «/C SPINACH 2 " " - 5c Red A W hite No. 2 1 ¡j can. 2 cans 27C BEEF STEAKS— 2 lbs. For boiling. Lb. 6c CARROT Out of the ground the same day. BR. BACON Sliced, rind less. Eastern, corn fed. Lb. 5C 2 large bunches SOUP 25c *1 O a V» Red ft W hite Tomato 1» cans Knight's Sweet PICKLES Fruits and V egetables In bulk. Pint ALWAYS THE BEST Fresh FISH That Money Can Buy! and SPRING CHICKENS Rev Theo A Iaeger He will also deliver the evening sermon at 8 o'clock CHURCHES ^ Announcement of the Hall b ro th ­ ers' canning contest for 4 II d u b 1 rannlng groups was made this week lit a communient ton to tin* county school superintendent's of-I Bee Three divisions are planned and will he open to any girl In a I II canning .luti County winners will lie eligible to compete in the these services clock, at the vill ck C ories home near Forest Grove, oiacy avenue Mrs Ros$ and Mrs Harold Shipley, of a CCC camp at G rau an children ot Vernonia. You will find a hearts welcome at Harold H aase is employed there. Johnson are daughters of Mr. and Roseburg spent the week-end at and V H Lee and family of l*ort- of these services s Raynor Mr* H attie Williams of Hillsboro ^Irs Durham. Mrs Hamilton is the home of his uncle ¿aid aunt, land enjoyed a family reunion and Smith m inister. Harold C hristen- . ~ v Mr and Mrs Arthur Smith. Who picnic dinner at the John Lee home sen. Sunday school superintendent was an all-day guest of . her sister. Mrs^ ------------ D urham 's sUterr and C on Green Mountain D urham is the fath er of W H live north of Banks Mrs W. L. Stevens. Sunday. h- Durnam. t'ornelius Methodist Episcopal Mr M rs lack Mitchell of NIr a n d M rs K 1 1 ,u n n 1,1 Mrs. ______ Emma Yunger an a daugh­ Sunday school. 9 UO Divine wor- Another daughter. ters.’ Evelyn and Elsie Rose, of In- In - daughter Mrs E B Po'rtland were guests o‘f Mt' and £'"•! ?•'' relatives at Sunds ters. dependence are visiting relatives Frizelle. who has been.visiting her Mrs John Kessler and daughters B's last week at the home of Mrs Jack Britton and two daugli- —:: Mr and Mrs Ernest Naderer of present . Dean's father W T Sellers, and ters of Trehorn were Sunday vis- German M. E. Church. Brth.iny Oakland Cal were guests of his The Howard Morrison family, who 'Vlth other relatives. They arrived itors al the Clell Carstens home. On G erm antow n road Sunday uncle Anton Naderer last T hurs- have been visiting relatives in Mis- here Tuesday Wednesday night a Mis Louie Winters and little son school every Sunday. 10 a m Get day The young people were on 'ouri. returned home Sunday eve- family duiner and reunion was held are visiting her parents. Mr and man service, 11 a m first a n d their honeymoon nine Mr Morrison said th a t while at the Sellers home here. Those Mrs Clell Carstens. third Sundays; English service 11 Mrs John Bose of Hillsboro and ’-hey had a lovely trip they were Present were Mr and Mrs. Charles Mr and Mrs John Caldwell re- a m . second and fourth Sunday. Mrs F-Uie Mowrey of Portland certainly glad to get balk to Ore- Sellers and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. turned Saturday from their honey- — E Julius Tragllo, pastor tf were visitors at the home of their eon Dean Sellers, and daughter. Mr and moon trip to Spokane. W ashing- — brother George Tews Tuesday of Mrs. Chet Black returned S atu r- Mrs Dwight Sellers. Amos Sellers, ton Sunday evening they w e r e Banks M. E. Church last week ^av from a two months' visit with R °salte O atm an and Mr and serenaded by a large group of Sunday school every Sunday. 9 45 Mr and Mrs W H McNay and her sister at San Francisco Mt» W T. Sellers. friends at the Caldwell farm near a m . Mrs H Jensen, supeniitend- son Billy made a business trip to Mrs. Elizabeth Patton of Walla Mr and Mrs Oscar Delauney of Maiming where they will make ent Preaching services by Ellsworth Portland Saturday and called on " ’alia. Wash . is visiting her daugh- St Johns visited Mrs Delaunev's their future home Tilton, pastor every Sundvy eve- her sister Mrs Harley Looney, who ter Mrs John Schmid parents. Mr and Mrs N J Griffen. Miss Evelyn Porter of Portland ning. 8 o'clock Ladles' Aid meets had "just returned to her home from Pa' Alexander, who has been froni Thursday until Saturday eve- spent a few days last week u tth her first and third Wednesdays al 2 a hospital after a m ajor operation, driving a truck a t Buxton for th e ni£S' sister Mrs John Hartwick, and p. m. tf Mr and Mrs George Tews and Lyons Construction company has Bryce H utchens of T aft and family son Jimmie were Sunday guests of received a call to go to work at the « a y n e Hutchens of Forest Grove Mr and Mrs John Hartwick and Methodist Episcopal C hurrh her parents Mr and Mrs. Harry Bonneville dam as truck driver. 'P ent Friday night wtth their little daughter spent Sunday with Church school 9 45 W<> Invite Cline of near Hillsboro Ieft for Bonneville Monday grandparents. Mr and Mrs. J J. relatives in Portland They were you to attend our church school Elbert Hensley of Lincoln. Nebras- Mr and Mrs John Schmid a t- H utchens accompanied home by Mrs H art- “nd profit by the Instruction in the ka was calling on old neighbors tended t h e Multnomah Pomona Mr. and Mrs Alfred Lewis and wick's sister Mrs M W harton, and Christian »ay of life Divine wor- here last week He is a former res- Grange picnic at Blue Lake S atu r- Mrs Frank Lewis left Saturday on little daughter, »ho will rem am »hip .it 11 Sermon by the pastor, iden’ having owned the Mary Ma- day. a motor trip to th e middle west for a week subject. "Such As I Have Kp- honev place He plans on locating Edward McElroy had as his guests Mrs. Frank Lewis will visit relatives Mr and Mrs Frank Warfield and worth Leagues will meei at 7 I lie in the Willamette valley as he says over the week-end Clinton and Bil- ln Nebraska and Mr and Mrs Al- daughter of Vernonia were Wed- union service will be held in ihe ii is too hot in the east Johns of Lake Grove ffed Lewis will visit the Chicago nesday visitors at the home of Christian church at 8 Rev Reed Eleanor Waldron recently retu rn - Mr. and Mrs J H Neal are at falr They expect to be gone a Mrs Bella Hartwick Mrs W ar- »'ill preach His -abject »ill be ed from a two weeks' visit with her the coast this week month. field is ill and expects to soon "Life's Supreme Choice " Mid-week aunt Mrs A Wilcox of north of W alter K latt spent Sunday fish- Dr Kines Moves undergo an operation for appendt- service at 8 on Thursday We wel- HilLshoro ' inR a t Oswego Lake nr R v cltls. come all to the mid-week service Frances Fields is spending this . .s ?m . Fetters, manager of the ed to Forest G ro v e iLst w,!ek nV W alter Beard is repairing bridges We are studying the parables of ata 5 S e rda¥ . * Canning Conical Planned s t a te ta n to r t II club Miumier . », * * | | , ■ .......... school schalui ships mid iik.lipii-. lor Members •l-ll Groupi Saints* Mission c h All iaghht h h8u,f<,5 V , t (Episcopal! ne r T rin,ty: Eighth Sunday a f t e r Trinity: Tualatin Plains Presbyterian ( hurrh Sunday school. 10 15 a m ; m orn- tended the House of David-HUls- Barnum, of Aloha. » 4 ty- y Carrick C hristian Endeavor boro baseball game Monday after- and Mrs. Joe Bush and Mr. fields : er an^ scrnM>n at 11 o clock. win meet at 8 o'clock Topic, 'oplc. "M ar- rlage and the Home,' Dr Carrick inri Mrs. J. E Hays motored to M- and Mrs A c Wahl and .nr Oswald M atthes and Lester and V <’k,7 ‘nd , attended the Forest Grove high PUgrim House leader. Leland Bidwell of M ountaindale vis- . ““ “ Airs, m mix of Hills- .. hool alumni picnic at Rippling July 22' Chapel service of wor- lted a t the John Spiermg home the ^ » ‘Ord family w a te rs Sunday ship, at 9 45 a m Pastor Henry S C h r is tia n C h u r r h Lords day church school, 9 45 a Monday evening. The boys are form- • ‘"J«“ »' A picnic dinner was given Sunday Haller will continue the serie of er residents of this community and “ “coia i rice le it la- week lor at t he George Wilcox home, north studies on Protestant denominations, m .... . C ~ ................... —,---------- — ... H Nosier, superintendent are employed a t the Carlson mill Is ,, ,|f Banks Present were Mrs Rov speaking on "The Rhode Island We appeal to all the school to help near Mountaindale ln e IloaLS I0r tne trails Schulmerich and children Mr. and Saint." the history beliefs and m aintain our attendance during Roy Heineck returned to his pageant.________ ________ Mrs R a;ph Wilcox and children, practices of the Baptist church No the sum m er m onths by regular at- home in Portland Monday evening. - . . , . Mr. and Mrs B L Sellers and later morning service during the tendance Morning worship at 11 He had been employed with the n o n c e or I imoer 3ale daughter Mr anti Mrs George sum mer months Evening worship Special music Sermon. "Growing A rthur Hili hay baler, which fin- Listed in This Issue Wilcox and Albert Jackson a ’ 8 o'clock with The Wolf ln in World Vision Christian En- ished work Monday. Notice of th e sale of timber on Mr and Mrs Millard B urnett Sheep.- Clothing 'S t M a t t h e w deavor. 7 p m Junior. Intermedl- revested Oregon and C tllfom ia and «pent five days last week at New- 7:15) illustrated in instrum ental ate and young people Union serv- Coos Bay Wagon Road gran t lands P°U and other beaches. and vocal music Special prayers of ice with M E church in C hristian is listed on the classified page of Mrs Nora Dooley, who has been thanksgiving will be offered a t church. 8 p. m. Song service as- this issue of th e Argus. Bids s may staying » :th Mr and Mrs. R. M. both service« of worship ln com- slsted by Joint young people'« choir By Mi»s Martha Vandrrzanden i Putnam . Spc< lal _ . j . . sir-.u be w ith th e United States Banks for the past few weeks re- memoration of the starting of the and led by R L Miss Mary Snudlkofer of W ash- Land office a t Roseburg up to 10 turned to her home in Fore t Grove Pilgrims for America. July 22. 1620 music by M E church Sermon ington visited with Miss Regina a m AUgust 20 Monday night. Her arm . which Young people's clubs discontlued delivered by Rev Reed T h e s e ------ Duyck last week | ' ----- ------- Mrs Worth W CaldweU and little son. Worth Jr., Mrs. Ann Askins and Mrs Lyda CaldweU, all of P ortlan l. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hemsworth Mrs. Lyda CaldweU rem ained at her brother's home lor a visit. Miss Sylvia Duyck is visiting with friends in Portland for a few days. Miss Florence Vanderzanden. who is employed in Portland, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Theo­ dore Vanderzanden. Many people from th e R o y community attended the K nights of SATURDAY SPECIALS Columbus picnic a t Balm Grove Sunday. BLUE BELL—Hardwtieut. guaranteed. Due to the weather conditions !'i III. sack ................................................ RED ROSE—An unexcelled flour for home baking at this price. 49-lb. bag ........................................ Saturday Specials noon Roy M E fl T S ■ GROCERIES FLOUR BOILING BEEF ib VEAL STEW Harlequin COMPOUND Cake PIGS’ FEET DILL PICKLES 5 30c and 49c -i Cz» Picnic Buns. Dozen ........... 20c 1Æ Perfection Bakery Ib. 2 bottles Cleanser 3 Purex Q uart size. 2 bottles 45C Durkee's Sunbrite. SPREAD \\ orcestersbire. ile D urkee’s. 15C Calum et ldC Soup Bottle Coffee Maxwell House. Ib. tin 30c pint Baking Powder. 1 ib. TOMATO 25c F J S H J ’K’S Biscuit Blend F,our- 49 lbs- Mix. Pkg. 25C Relish SAUCE I5e SALAD O IL WATCH OUR W INDOW S FOR OTHER SPECIALS Hillsboro Meat Co- THE HOUSE OF CHOICE MEATS Free Delivery BULK. QUART ............................................ TUNA FISH—Yacht Club. SOAP—Camay. 3 bars V in e g a r 49c 2-lb. STARCH—Argo. 1-lb. pkg. 2 for PORK 6c SPARE RIBS u 8C SALMON Half or whole. Lb. 15c SUMMER SAUSAGE Lb 19C PORK SAUSAGE 2 lb. 25c MINCED HAM Lb 15c Phone 982 ISc Certo For better jellies. Heinz Quality coffee, low priced vacuum packed. No better coffee in the can a t any price. An M. J. B. product 25c RIBS and B. BONES Lb...................................... W heat and W hite A l­ mond Butter Horns. 6 for pkg. Aladdin Coffee M*JB Co» ALADDIN CDF M l with cocoanut cream filling; also Pineapple Cream Cake, with pine­ apple custard filling. 8c G rapenuts Van Cam p’s. 5c Per can Root Beer Ext. $1.85 29c French's. 25c '! HOT IEI S Perfection Potato Bread. Loaf .............. §1.49 $1.59 Bargains for Friday and Saturday — July 20 and 21 15c . . ,5c . 14c ........................ Fresh CORN odv CORNED BEEF—Libby’s............................. SALMON—Southern Beauty. 1-lb. ran I’lMIENTOS—Dromedary. 2 for PEANUT BUTTER—2 lbs. ........................ Prices Effective Friday and Saturday RUCHEK’S ASH GROCERY FR’ F DF» IVFRY _ 7 SOAP W hite King. bars PHONE 2001 Dozen 19c 31C . canned , vegetable BUTTER 25c 15c 19c OXYDOL I’iggly Wiggly G rade A 1-lb. „»lie STRING KFANS. 2 for ............. TUNA. Can I’INKAPPLK, large. Sliced ................. SPEf TAI, G IFT OFFER FREE $1 (XI bottle NadJI P er­ fume. Mall 7 White King Toilet Soap wrapia rs to P rin­ cess NadJI. White King Soap Co., Ix* Angeles, California Local O A TS KERR'S Made from W illamette Valley Oats. 9-lb. bag ................... 10c 20c Pints Quarts 16c %» ..................... W hite or Cider. TOILET Large. 25c Pkg. 22c 14c Ite 15e l!)e In the re a r of Piggy Wiggy Store E D ’S M A R K E T BEEF ROAST Steer. Lb. ........... MAYONNAISE In hulk. Quart FREE DELIVERY 9c 25c QUALITY MEATS STEAK Sirloin. Lb. SHORTENING V egetable. 3 Ib». Price» for Saturday, July 21 15c 25c PHONE 3131