The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 19, 1934, Image 1

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    Read Advertising
L u te s t S io n - N « wh A I w h . vh
A p p e a r io III*1 A r g u s
W ith W hich is Comhim-.l the H illsboro Independent
'M K
Relief Meet
Here Ends
in Walkout
S ta te C a p ito l
N e w s L e tte r
II V A. L. I. I N U II K 0 K
Tux Lim itation Plan
P u zzles O lfk ia ls
About F u tu re
! C lash
O v er
R e c o g n itio n
C ivil E m e r g e n c y (»roup
r'A l.K M
T h e pro|*wuil »»I the ’l a
B r ea k s U p S essio n
a d ie t k rein on property
taxes i>
csusliiK sta te officials no little c o n ­
Cases 1 leid Individual
cern Applied to the htal4* the pro­
posed measure would limit the tux
levy utfiUiud property to two mills
u t llir outset with u khm I uu I re ­ S tu d y by O f fic ia ls In d ic a te s
d u ction to u maximum of 1 5 mills
after five years. This, it Is pulhled
P r e s e n c e o f C om m u n ism
out. would be barely sufficient to
raise the elementary school tax
w hich,
a itu a lly
fund Is c I osmh I as a state tax, leav­
ing nothing at all for state d ep art­
m en ts und in stitu tio n s
F ailure ol th e county relief com ­
m ittee to ai i c<lc to d em ands lliut
claim s for additio n al relief lx- con-
ale red as Civil Em ergency F e d e ra ­
tion com ' s und not individually r e ­
sulted In a "walk o u t ' on the pin t
of fed eratio n m em bers who m et
W ednesday night ul th e court house
w ith th e county body a n d Iv a n
W hite, sta le relief exe< lltlV c
f ills
Is ju st th e beginning ot the fight
(lie ix-opli' o il relief will m ake for
th e relief w hich t h e y dem and."
ted lloynlon, P o rtla n d spokesm an
for the group, declared as hi' left
tile conference.
T h a t th e W ash in g to n county r e ­
lief com m ittee was ready a n d
unxl'.us a l all times to hear lndl-
Concern over the effect of the
promised Utx lim itation upon pub­
lic finances in by no means Hunted
to shite off trials. County school su-
perlntendrnts. meeting here this
week, characterl/-ed the proposal a*
"destructive” and went on record
os opposed to the program "until
a plan for flouncing the schools
can be made complete
S tate officials point out t h a t
adoption of the proposed tax lim i­
tation would leave but two alte rn a ­
tives, drastic curtailm ent of state
functions or the adoption of new
sources of revenue to off-.Mt the vidiial complaints regarding relief
loss in property taxes, and recent a . . was the statem ent of C hair-
experienced m Oregon with at- man It W Well to federation mem -
♦ tem p ts to incnni •«• the tnconu tax bers He declared th a t If the com-
a n d to p u t over a retail sales tax m ille e found th at adjustm ents were
do not leave m uch room for o p tim ­
lmmedlste steps would
ism on U iat »core.
la. tak e n to rectify the situation
For their part sponsors of tht
tax limitation measure coll a tte n ­
tion to the fact th a t there Is n o th ­
ing new or original In their pro­
gram and th a t tl»ey have ample
precedent for their proposal Eight
states, they point out. have alrrady
enacted Utx lim itation legislation
In tlielr efforts to provide relief
for properly owners Indiana for
Instance, limits Its property tax
levy to 25 mills, raising th e major
portion of its public revenues from
income, intangibles, exclM* and gas­
oline taxes. In Michigan property
taxer are limited to a maximum
levy of 15 mills for all purpoeet,
the stutc relying on a retail sales
tax for its revenue N« w Mexico
limits property taxes to 2t) mills
except for debt service. Tile Ohio
state constitution limits tla* prop­
erty levy to 10 mills except for debt
service In Oklahoma not more Oran
15 mills may b e levied against
property except for prior debts
Washington only’ recently llnuu-d
property taxes u> 40 mills on a
50 per cent valuation. West Vir­
ginia und North Duknta also fix a
maximum beyond which th e prop­
erty tax levy may not go
• • •
At least three suit.* activities lire
confronted with « shortage hi their
u p p r o p r l u t l o i u . Two have ulmul.v
appealed to tlic rineigency board
und a th ird Ls expected to follow
m ill The deportm ent of tran sp o rta­
tion. entrusted with adm inistration
of tin- truck mid bus act. Is asking
for u deficiency appropriation of
*30.000 to carry on its activities for
the rem ainder of the biennium
The supreme court Is in ne.xt of
another »6000 The state d ep art­
m ent will a s k for more money to
|My salaries and expenses of c ir­
cuit Judges, but the exact extent
of UiLs deficiency lias not yet been
determ ined In Ills a p ,» al to the
emergency board Utilities Commis­
sioner Thomas, who Is also head
of the division of transportation
IKiints out th a t *52.000 of the »66.-
000 appropriation for tills year Jias
already been spent with six months
yet to go. Duties of the d e p a rt­
ment. In* explains, have been heav­
ier than were anticipated
shortage In the appropriation for
the supreme court Is occasioned by
the fact th a t tile legislature ex­
pected tlic Justices to take a volun­
tary 20 per cent ru t In th etr pay
cheeks which some of them re ­
fused to do l’ay cuts for stenog­
raphers of the court were also set
aside by the board of control Many
of the circuit Judges, likewise, stood
on their eonslltutlonal rights and
refused to accept any pay cuts,
thus creating a deficit In the a p ­
propriation set aside for th eir sal­
aries and which was based upon
the voluntary acceptance of i>ay
ru ts by these officials.
• • •
Out of approximately 20.000 com­
pensation awards passed upon by
tlic Industrial accident commission
during the past year there were
only 41) apixMils to the courts. The
substantial reduction 111 appeals is
uccoiuitrd for by members of the
commission as due to the lmprove-
m ent In the employment situation
and a greater willingness on the
p art of attorneys representing In­
ju re d
w orkm en
subm it
lla li
differences to arbitration
• * *
Oregon bilkers In their efforts to
outdo each other with the longest
loaf made from the same weight
of dough huvr not. only eliminated
21) per cent ol
th e ir
o w n bii.sim ;..
hut liuve m aterially reduced wheut
consumption, according to M a x
( le lillia r ,
n g ia r iilt u
ro d .
d ic ta ­
tor. The new bakery code Just a p ­
proved by Gclilhur seeks to correct
this condition by limiting pound
loaves In the future to nine Inches
In length. 'Hits, according to Oehl-
hnr will provide a larger slice and
m aterially Increase consumption not
only of bread but of all Its In­
gredients Including wheat, milk,
lard and other anim al or vegetable
fats. Oregon bakers have until Sep­
tem ber 1 to comply with the sh o rt­
er loaf requirements, but a m ini­
mum loaf prlee of eight cent« be­
comes effective July 23, Minimum
standard of Ingredients list'd In
brend-muklng are also Increased
by the new code,
’ * and *
One hundred
schools in 28 Oregon counties were
enabled to operate for a lull term
thlH year through the use of fed-
(Continued on pnre 8. column 4)
T h at consideration of additional
relief for persons now receiving
federal or county aid was a m at-
ter between the committee und
the individuals In quc.stion rath er
than any organization uas the
contention of tlx* relief group In
refusing to recognize the M ultno­
mah county spokesman or the fed­
eration lloynlon declared th at the
committee preferred to deal with
individuals who could be "a licedled
out of their rights.
(» ro u p Leave« M eet
"The relief committee has a def-
Redemption of eight-cent air
mail tam ps and envelopes a t full
value in .x-cerit air mail stam ps
and envelopes until August 15 was
authorized by the postm aster-gen­
eral this week, according to word
i i - i eivcd a t the local office. After
C o n test S a tu r d a y C u lm in a te s A. , ,t 15 only stam p value on C h a r le s G. C ra w fo rd S truck
I envelopes will be allowed
by Dr. D in sm o r e’s Car
Authorization was given to ac­
In itia l Y ea r N e w L ine
commodate patrons having a sup­
H ere Last N ig h t
o f 4-H C lub W ork
ply of the old stam ps and e n ­
velop on hand when the change
I in air mail rates became effective
July 1. Kates are now six cents on
eat h ounce Instead of eight cents
on the first ounce* and 13 cents on
i each additional ounce In the past.
Money orders cashed a t postof- F u n e r a l S erv ice s S c h e d u le d
O r eg o n S ta te P r o fe s so r to
flee, other than the one u p o n
h e :, the order is drawn will bear
fo r S a tu rd a y A fte r n o o n
J u d g e A n im a l E x h ib its
u fee equal to the charge m ade a t
the time of drawing the order
fa ta lly injured when he w a s
J Waid. former county Judge
pirri annual Forest Grove N ation- after August 1. according to a new struclc £ an aulornODile driven by
and former county commissioner al hank sheep show, the culm inat- pn.'al order. This will be permls- b r j
Dinsmore, local physician,
vvl... d a d in Portland Saturday >"p feature of the Initial for a new slble for 30 d a y . ^ t e r the date: of
th e C h n sU a n church
Unc <J 4-H club work for W ash- the order but after th a t time the
C h a r l e s O C r a w f o r d 73 of
Judge Ward formerly |ngU)n county, wln be held S a tu r- order must be presented a t the
died about midnight a t
resided on a farm near G aston day In the Fendall warehouse designated office No charge is Jonea h0Bpltol A coroners inquest
a n I ha 1 o n ly r e c e n tly moved in- iieros- from the Forest Grove city made tor money orders cashed a l
been called for t h i s afternoon
lo P ortland F uneral services were hall. As a result of th e program the office upon which they are
started by John Thornburgh, pres- drawn
Dr. Dinsmore w as reported to
conducted T uesday a fternoon.
ldent of the bank, two sheep clubs
have been answering a hospital
have been formed and 18 boys e n ­
call when the fatal accident oc­
tered in the contest.
curred a t about 8:45 p. m. He told
Each exhibitor will be given an
authorities that he did not see the
exhibitor's ribbon as soon as his
man. dressed in dark clothing, un­
sheep are entered Place ribbons
til the crash. Conscious after the
and premiums for the first five
mishap, Crawford stated th at he did
plat < s will be awarded In each of
not observe the approaching car
the three classes, namely: breed- W om an S e e k s D a m a g e » fo r as he started across Baseline street,
. . .
. .
. ,
according to officers.
F o r m e r C o u n ty J u r i s t D ie » ’»k ,w ,; yearling ewes and ewe
In ju ries in A c c id e n t
lambs Any boy may show as many
Injuries Serious
S a t u r d a y in P o r t l a n d
sheep in a single class as he wishes,
Following the accident, Dr. Dlns-
but can lake only one place.
Damages of *25.754 were asked by more, assisted by C. B Hensley
J u d g e Selected
Mi . Elfreida Hughes in a suit and Harold Weisenbach. took the
Edward J W ild 71 ex-county
Bodcnwold professor of
Thursday in the circuit court injured man to the hospital, where
,, ■'
. ? ’X d
an'imal h u i i i d r j at Oregon S tate ’/¿.¿a Y Alfred Berger. Miss Hughes ht'tle hope was held for his re
hls college will be the official Judge alleges th a t she was seriously in- covery. Both of his legs were frac-
1 r<1‘", ‘ '" U n g
«>' no'” ' 01 0,5
,11. ot till- show and will speak a t the jurod In an auto accident M arch tured below the knee, several ribs
daughU-r in P o rtlan d a fte r ai
noon luncheon on the m anagem ent jg at Beaverton between a car in broken and he had received a pos-
ol sheep on W ashington county which she was a passenger
and slble skull fracture and numerous
services were conducted Tuesday at farm s Frank Brown, prom inent one driven by Berger. She
asks cuts and lacerations about the face
2 p in from the DoneLson A Si'Wi'U
and hands.
chapel und Interment was at th e
Officers investigating the acci-
Cornelius cemetery. Rev. H A whom many of th e boys purchased special damages for medical care,
stock, will talk on the breed-
suit to collect contributions al- dent declared th a t the doctors m a-
Deck of Hillsboro and Rev. I C their
ing of fine sheep. Antone Evers, leged to be due under the work- chine stopped within 20 to 30 feet
Butler of Portland ofllrlnted
Grove, will loan two sheep men's compensation law was filed after the impact. Dr. Dinsmore told
Judge Ward had been a resident Forest
to be used for the fitting dem on- Monday by the S tate Industrial authorities th a t he was not travel
of Washington county for 46 years, stratlon
Accident commission against Charles __
ing over
25 miles . per hour a t the
spending tiie major portion of th at
Arrangem ents have been made VanDoern. The defendant Is en- time of the accident. Left front
time on his farm near O aston He
fender and headlight on the doc-
M’rved one term as county com- for tlic en tertainm ent ol all ex- ga^cd in building erection an t >n ___—
inri »ho
H a m
and 4-H
sheeD . -------—
club leaders < rete and composition
walks, ac- to r s c- car v xixir».
were h»»vi»
bent and
the c glass
m la a lo n e i fr o m lies) io !9i>4 ,.n d hlbltors
— . ------
and - _ M -------»
sneep ciud lea ae rs
broken out of the headlight.
21 years late r was elected county " at a . noon luncheon.
__i > i. ” _
i r ,,.i».,vlo
S m i c r H a rv
S 1 n a !n,
i Funeral services for Crawford
c o lu m n
Youth Drowns
rw-i •
N ea
v 1 r L T ipard
l5 lUU
n f r m;
15. 186-, and wa* m arru d to Miss
and scveial additional boys have
8c°,1" ?
l'J’I,'ri'd ’be contest as Individual^
1888 He Is survived by the widow. Cecil Heyiiderlckx. Cornelius route
ime son Ja m es B W ard of P o rt- i Ls leading the Verboort sheep
'“ ni1' “n<l tw odaughh is. Mm S arah club ol eight members, while J. L.
( athcrlnv McBurnoy of G aston und Sm ith. Banks route 2, Is leading
f i E
, J
i i X
- “
W ird <»f ('imluier lini f o u r ‘s -
\ ,
i h
r „.t
M o u n taln
are. Billy Kelly, Merrill Mead. Eve-
lv“ Kelly Ku-V K nePP''1' Mildred
1U,d Nc‘l K ,,ePPe r' “ “ ank*
r„ u;,. 2 .\,( of the Verboort
d u b are: F rau ris Evers. Adeloert
Evers. »■
Robert <7
‘ -‘m e h l the county He wa'... a l - i X 1? M a ^ m 'H c y K c k x M d
filiated with the Kniel
o l l 'c t l v
~ Marvin Heyndtrickx and
n u n ..
1 W II11 u n
. 1 1 \tii.n
Pallbearers were II Flclshauer. J
H White und A M P o tter all
G aston Odd Fellows. J II West-
cott. Itixk Hull and Art Blodgett,
all Gaston K nights o f Pythias
Joint I O O F and K night of
, .. K r , ,„ium n 4)
Spiering Barn
Burns Monday
the resort w ith N orm an Neills, also P y th ias services were conducted a t
of Portland, und was drowned after the graveside.
lie had slid Into deep u a te r from
a chute,
Neills told Fred Sewell, county
coroner who In vestigatili the tragedy
Republicans to i"
ro m i
„ u . y “'Z County Club Friday
u liH In ir
itilr t
Inar!>(lal <g0 disposition
h a s been made of the case.
was as.
stone of Hillsboro
Sllur(lav £ hen he plead guilty be-
Havens lustice of the
ing. Mrs. Marion Huntley of Glen
mem**™ C ullen was also fined $10 and costs
G ansby a n d Mr.
C arson
a n d M rs i- -fa-
ull of Yoinon Ind
l„ d
'r , l . v
Binions ol Plym outh . 1IK1 a n o .s<\
en g ran d ch ild ren
T he late Judge W ard was ut one
tim e a l c a d l n e b r e e d .:
ler . v
a n d O dd Fellow lodge» at G aston
Despite desperate efforts on the
part of Ills companion to save him.
Lawrence W orkrnttne, 19, Portland.
was drowned Saturday afternoon
nt Roamers' Rest near Tigard The
youth luid gone In swimming a t
I -
Oonfevwnco with t h e various u
public utilities In tlw county to
( C o n t i n u e d o n p a»;«
A u to C ra sh
B r in g s S u it
D eath C alls
Judge W ard
I.AUREL Fire destroyed the b am
und mllk bod-1* ° n the place oc-
copied by John Spiering one-half
mile east
of Laurel _______
Monday Lorenz
Two horses, about 50 tons ot
U Sy,
was recovered an iiour a n I a half lH'r<1 cl,:in ' lM'1 of Commerce rooms directed breeze, did efficient work
AU republicans In the county are in saving the other buildings. Fly-
Tlie youth was the son of Mr. Invlt,’d ,o attend, according to Paul ing sparks and embers threatened
and Mrs. George I, W orkentlnr of L Patterson of Hillsboro, who called the Henry Reese building and had
jt not been for the showers during
County republican c a n d id a te s th e dav they m ight have been de-
Large Sums
Spent Here
M cG ee R ep o rts E x p en d itu re s
o f $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 M ad e to D ate
H illsb o r o
h e n s she
h e entered
the com«*
same day w
entered a a
,ea uf gulity to failure to give
her name and address at the scene
of on
an ,,,.,.,drnt
accident. Rav
Ray Glenn.
Glenn, Cor-
nellus route 2. was fined »10 and
costs n Saturday
a iu ru a y on on a a u charge
ia m c o o . f
havin« no PUC Plates Oh hi» ’ruck,
The fine was suspended
d e r.
, in
llo w in g circuit
c ir c u it
O r rders
the fo
court cases were issued this week:
of .....
the Bank
of Beaver-
ton. .....------
Home ° * an " / a r^ a“ orct° ra^ ° "
and Federal Farm Mortgage —
poration bonds; Mary E. Jones vs.
Elmer Chambers, order, Ildrie Col-
fer vs. George M Colter, default.
deeree, and Minnie Ross vs. Joseph
Ross, order.
Probate orders were issued in the
following estates: Peter Dethlefs,
c h a e f e Li r , R. E.
P S hilip
Bohannon, Joseph G albreath. Jam es
u Robbins. R uth Seeker and Ever-
Hillsboro I O. O. F. cemetery.
Crawford bom M arch 2, 1861,
Mo was a retired
farm er and had resided in Hillsboro
lor the past 10 years. He is sur-
vived bv his wife M rs Barbara
R o ta ria n s H ear C o m p a riso n
w ith 1 8 8 4 S ta tistic«
Total ol approximately *35,000
has been spent within th e city on
CWA and SERA projects to date,
George McGee, city manager, de­
clared Thursday in discussing city
affairs a t the Rotary club Report
was also given by McGee relative
to the condition of city finances,
bonded indebtedness and taxation.
Projects allotted to th e city of
Hillsboro under the two programs
have totaled »25.105 43, while ex-
penditures by the governm ent a t
the Davi{j Hm an4 union high
amounted to *9286 23, ac-
eordJng to McGee. The latter total
not include the funds expend-
d b
respe<;tVie school boards,
This bouquet of "dollar flowers
and 50 one-dollar bills was pre-
sented to Glencoe lodge No. 22.
K nights of Pythias, a t N orth
Plains Saturday night, when the
lodge held Its fiftieth anniver-
ia o d
»ary. Bouquet was presented to
Many 1>ro»c*ts ILst,M
Repairs a t the Hillsboro city hall
the lodge by the P ythian Sisters. called
f o r expenditures totaling
grand i i n i i n i e v r . ~~
e Charles
n a rie s W
w a alter,
ite r, gronu
rw A
70 In wages and »150.95 for m a­
Dierdorff. Story is on page 6.
terials. The city contributed »183.81
in cash for m aterials and »308 in
engineering supervision and trucks.
Wages paid by the government on
. .
the work on city records totaled
S41920 while the city expended
{orenrXan and timekeeper »100, m a­
terials *19 and office light an d
heat *25. a total of »563.70.
4-H C lu b M em b ers C o m p ete
Work on storm sewers in th e
eastern portion of the city called
in J u d g in g C o n test
for a total expenditure of »10.761a
56 under the CWA and SERA pro-
W ashington County Holstein as- grams. Wages paid by the CWA
¡¡oration picnic a t the Lindow & totaled »7314.35 and for m aterials
a, h , c . u nriPrl
The city contributed
luesaay wa_
u c u »2153.75. «..oniix
. <221^00
a»n -
Sons ranen
ranch Tuesday
* _ a _ s b attended
83 for
63 for supplies and 1605
for en
by some 150 Holstein breeders and gineering supervision a n d trucks.
s s w
K A '- f e s s :
Dairy Group
•I Hcilrlc Plk'nir
*- 1VI1IV
dairy club tied for first place with
perfect scores. The Verboort dairy
team placed first In this con-
test with the Rock Creek calf club
and K inton dairy club tying for
« » a -
Rexie. Henry. Denme. Chester. Pau», nomah county, was official judge
A rthur and Elm er Crawford, all of —
» club
for --------------------
the contest and
gave --- 4-H
Hillsboro; and
and four
four daughters.
daughters. Mrs.
Mrs. members a talk on the judging of
Mary H ulf of M ontana. Mrs. Nora cattle H A Mathiesen
Belle Tucker and Mrs. Pearl L ati- Reid representative of the Holstein-
mer, both of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Friesian association, and Hall, shar-
Anna Hoague of Orenco. ecj honors as the main speakers,
Two g girls
were lu injured
in M
u is «vie
ju ie u H Friday
u .« : u:
M athiesen
atm esen reported
rep o rted on
on p plans
lan s for
io r
a collision between cars driven by th e national Holstein convention
Loren W. Burbank. Gaston, and which is to be h e li in Seattle next
d S
n a lm c e r F
o rest G
ro v e
n near
e a r year, „ while
K ile a S n B n Hall
. n r reported
e p o r t e d on
the Patton valley road. Thelm a the 1933 convention which was
Burbank, 9. suffered an . injured
held a t Baltimore
back, while Annie Davis, 20, * re- ov‘u av sw iaunnv.
Dr. Hoffman, who was present
ceived a cut knee and a bruised
as a representative of the E ast
iu“ 1'
Eide Commercial club, expressed
the interest which the businessm en
of Portland have in the dairy in-
L IIIW C N I - ,U v l
dustry He was accompanied by
four of the members of the club.
Other speakers were Jake Lusch-
A A V U J V J er of Fairview, O. M. Plummer,
manager of the Pacific In tern a-
Small am ount of c a s h , t w o ’i°na» Livestock exposition ; Clay
P r o je c ts
City Condition Told
Inquest Called Today
Eighteen Enter Stock
.." k to handle the funds In such
,u j,
I I " ' 1,
laidy U an voted to lieur
Jie iu.'4'.v indivldiuiUy «Jid fe d ere -
! *
° u l'
that the action tak<*n would U c U t -
>«“ "
“ “ “
Grove Bank Air to Mail
be Redeemed Local Man
by Post Office
Fatally Hurt
to Conduct
in Accident
Sheep Show
Px-()f tidal Dies
ture of »1263, »863 by the SERA
and »400 by the city. T otal o t
»286.0« was spent for repairing th e
city library and »215 21 for book
repair, a total of »501.29. On th e
first project the governm ent paid
£■ ? ««
c^ y contributed
( C o n t ________________
. n u t d o n p a * e 8. column
, t
4- «. •
L- L • <* <1 H 1 I C
wJ 11 1 C *
to Stop Fuel
dr° ^ o
Dillsboro as a result of
front week
strike However,
failed to a number of
stations were forced to ration out
smaU quantities of fuel per cus-
tomer during the early pert of the
Sunday a few stations re -
portetj th a t the supply was running
low anc( several stations were out
of gasoline entirely for a short tim e
Monday. However, m ajor petroleum
companies pooled their resources
wtth th e result th a t th e m ajority
Burglars entered the homes of Segis Beeman. 13-year-old cow th a t court house was exhausted last
two Forest Grove residents S atu r- ; has been the foundation cow of the Thursday and it has been impossible
P’Kht, taking a small am ount Lindow herd. This cow was shown to replenish the tanks.
aHd a watch, according to with five generations of Immediate
Rumors th a t the electric power
reports received by Sheriff Con- descendants, one of which, a grand- would be turned off in case of a
wm-i, aortArf th u uwic on the nel1 Money and a watch were tak - son of the old cow, is the present general strike in P ortland caused
D isa b le d V e ts P ic n ic at
b<'en . lnV‘t*d .to - “lte”d .’he
. Puin» project. Forest
Pni-eet Grove
iirnve en from Mrs Edna P oorm ans home, herd sire. This old cow has been considerable concern to several lo-
session and several state leaders
The horses were one of the fin-
county sewing
C h - r n - G r o v e S u n d a y . „ „ „ " . „ „ „ d a r . . ,.w „ r d ... be
’ S
' d , =
1 Ä
l l T
X X S ÏÂ d X
' —
» -
WiLshlngtou county chapter. Dks- 111 attendance Thi.s meeting is one COW
o about . (o
u rlrrn »»»
u •»»»»»«w»-«.______
inunbrr, acbool. . bunging
Utr total ol SERA
. t,-
,„ o . „ „
. . . . . .......
a five-year-old.
abled American Veteran.s, has »us- ot a «®rles being held throughout
been turned out to pasture programs
aceordin'v 'to ""« ’ ' J ^ m ' i U s ^
Alleged to have ru n down two as
a nine-year-old
and 598 an pounds
even 620
pended chapter meetings lor July ’be itn te following up a program n
mtikjng and Mr Spiering had w«*k. ac
a ........ ..
o ° u uU*
t l ttir
in plann<,d
. t„
. tu rn th(,
. : 1)orsrs
m anager Twelve of the nien on the C an>'on road July 8. as a 10-year-old. Lmdow’s herd
mid August.
Instead of ........
n d d n a t t > “ 1 recent mnctiiiar In
out be_ countv
p r^ jecu are in u rta n areas, two
? L ^ a n d . wi s„.tJ‘ke? rePr?s<’nt?
ilne?t' “ T
■neetlngs a chapter picnic will be • ffU and.
n r ing
i r e r u r a l and five a r e t e a c h i n g ' l n t 0 c u s to d y Thursday a t Portland, amples of careful breeding th a t we
held Sunday, west of Cherry Grove
The nu
milk k house
house was
was bul1’
built only a^ _ T " a and in e are teachil 8 • He was returned to Hillsboro to have In the northwest, according
LAUREL RIDGE—The strike slt-
on the Tualatin. In August a big
lllllaboro l»ay a t ( tum por*
nation suddenly
1 became some i thing
a charge of driving while in- to Mathiesen.
stale picnic lor the northern part
Sunday will be Hillsboro Day at , two
" ° lDL
^ rS f^ ago
° and W
.“s modernly
eirh * p Project for the renovating of old face
n ear home, by th e death of Jam es
of the state will be held nt H lr- Champocg. with members of David b, ,,, w‘, s re-modeled then also clo’hm g to be used In relief work 1 '
. '
E. Bateson, the Union Pacific brake-
Credit Bureau Meets
ter's park on the Y am hill river.
11.11 c h ap ter. I) A R as hostesses Spiering
sn ic rln v succeeded
s u c c e e d e d In
in saving
sav n u y the
t h e " a * l a u n c h e d Wednesday morning
,vi|i Thomas Lattanzl, P ort-
man who, last Friday succumbed to
at Hillsboro. Additional centers are ,and P°ultry dealer, was arrested
r* be establi^ied at Forest Grove.
*'*1 Friday on » a ^ a W
countv m in- attended
Total of
local Bureau
business m eet.
men jn
injuries received
electric water heater front the milk to
s n ashington
m g t o n toimty
th f 16 C redu
No 4 on freight tra in
house The place is owned by A r­ ? e Mm,Ow and Sher^ >od' a"'?Ldlng under false p re tfn £ s Tim in d h ^ ing AIonda>’ night fcr the dlscus'
M r “ d « ^ s Bateson were build-
th u r Michael o f n ear Portland.
w h ic t/ wa secret at the sion of credit Problems. The group ing a home i n t h e Red Rock
Cause of the fire Is unknown. Only to Mills Women workers will be ro-
J - - ‘- « d by t^e
’^ ’ce monuiiy,
, neighborhood near Tigard,
a . iiaill am ount of insurance was
carried on th e buildings.
ployed each month.
br>\ “ a\ 8' 1933 ^ “ ttanzi u s„ a l‘
Mr. and Mrs. Spiering wish to
Work at the Forest Orove union leged I? have P ^ h a s e d chickens
Hew lskered gentlemen represent - 1 nn attem p t to catch Chiotti on
..Jgh "school"'
school consisTs
consists *o'f"
of "gr'adhig
grading n£a r. T1^ard
Tigard and to have given
Ing the
t he Israelite House of David | second went wild.
_ extend th eir h eart-felt thanks to high"
Walk and two singles netted the their many friends and neighbors around the gymnasium. Proposed cb” '.ks, m . W h n e n t w ithout suffl-
added the Hillsboro pelt to their
growing collection of baseballtroph- visitors a run In the fourth while who assisted In doing a l l th at paintlng of buildings will be started ; C Y’tt, , J bbHS „l. oath a ^ nk .un .
ies Monilav afternoon when the the locals went scoreless. Hillsboro could be done.
a fter the grading is completed.
Charged J* ith driving while In-
v is ito r s (tefi'iiti'd th e local squad th en settled down and took t h e
„ __ __
. . .
ainting and repairing buildings ’° xlca’ed' Frank FVtakis of Forest
12 Io 7 al. Shiite park field. Two House of David one. two. three In <.,P?.niaR5 * -a ^ Ina Pda a t b e,*Ten P
Apple and pear growers In the The foliage as well as the entire
home m n s bv Heinrich, local sh o rt-: the fifth ami scored two runs in
al'd »3000 was done by a fire and laying cem ent walks comprises t ’rove was taken into custody Tues-
slop fielding of Atwell, the House the last half of th e Inning when which destroyed (he N. P. Nelson the work at the Durham school day near the Masonlc Home. He W illamette valley should apply the I surface of every apple and pear
________________ ‘_______
plead guilty in the local justice of third cover spray now for the con- should be thoroughly covered w ith
- j a - snappy
---------- Heinrich lilt his second homer with borne nt Buxton Wednesday m orn- ■
of - iiav
sh o rt slop, und
t the peace court Wednesday and trol of codling moth. The second the spray solution if worm Injury Is
mg. About o ne-third of the furni-
m i:. " game were the highlight H anna on base.
was fined »100 and sentenced to brood moths are now flying, and to be prevented. Special care should
Another home run in the sixth ture was saved. The blaze was be-
of th e tilt.
30 days in the county jail. His last evening eggs were deposited, be taken in spraying the upper por­
Visitors opened th e game with a netted three tallies for the visitors, lieved to have been caused bv a
license was also revoked Under ordinary W illamette valley tion of th e tree, as more th an half
defectlve flue.
bang, scoring four runs In the first
I n i t i a l fram e Hutson c l *ft connected for a circuit bingle
and Ills car impounded for 60 days, weather conditions, these eggs will of the codling m oth eggs are laid
d n u l e d a n d w s forced oSt
I " ‘llsboro s last two scores of the
» Members of the Southern Pacific
| "Friday the 13th” proved un- hatch In seven or eight days. The In the upper th ird of the tree,
J. S. Aplin, 66. Portland,
section crew assisted In fighting the
Ond n hv
rnn,p 1,1
seventh with sec
lucky for O. E. T urner at the local spray should be applied before these
T h a t there is more peach blight
b\ . f Htlw Visiting squad £ n d Stengel's circuit cloud with Chiotti fire
Hrt and saving furniture.
probably owes his life to the
S tannard Oil station. He reported eggs hatch, says B. G. Thompson, apparent this year th a n there has
W vkof « ked to fill t t e u S S I on
T "e House of David added
Contribution from Dan Bailey
for some time is th e report of
faithful little dog. Late Tues­
and then Clllt singled to score I ™’e more ill: the final¡ J ’« ’’'!» on was received this week by the local
stranger had passed an alleged bad perim ent station, in a notice to William F. Cyrus, county agent, in
day evening Carl Carlson, who
Hanson and Tally. Atwell
lllts b* Flem ing a n d fire departm ent, according to W alt
a letter sent this week to county
check a t the station Friday eve- the county agent's office,
lives near Gales Creek, was
sm ashed out a two-base hit to
• •
Tews, fire chief. Tews pointed out
i nlng. The check was drawn on the The recommended spray is pow- farmers He declared th a t this con­
approached at his barn by a
on"seennd^w hen the next two ! i*t- ntl bv ’’’a " ' ' Wykoff. A tw ell'¿n d th a t ’he firemen receive no other
Commercial National bank.
dered lead arsenate used a t the dition was probably due to early
friendly little dog. When the
on second when th r next two
I j | „ ns„ii between
halves in Hie compensation for alarm s answered
K enneth Denney, Beaverton ro u te ' r“te of three pounds to 100 gallons fall rains a year ago before m ost
had an opportunity to do
„K toV n'on for knoiked fif,h ,n n ,n « » ^ d y handling of outside of the city.
1. reported the th eft of a gas en- of water. In orchards where codling growers
tem pting to lead hint back
e e
fe n c e t : th e lwl1 ns 11 fleW f™ '” <” ’C P’a v er
1 gine from his pum p house Friday.
moth is not a serious problem, two any spraying.
into the woods. Carlson fol­
n...b.?n’P,, P. Y
„i, "
J I» I be other at the most unex-
An application of Bordeaux spray
B. A. Knight of Hillsboro was pounds of powdered lead arsenate
m ^ n ^ B Ï ^ X a ^ t h ? UZea t* m Pe.c " ‘d tlmM made “ ‘"iposslble to G a le G r a n g e P r e se n ts
lowed and found Aplin lying
as soon as the peaches are
1 arrested late Tuesday evening on to 100 gallons of water is sufficient applied
on his back in a small stream.
off should be made for blight con­
P ro g r a m L o ca l G r a n g e
Ihe sem nd aHer tlic House of Di.vld ' bllOW. and «Ümost. caught Atwell,
who handled the bat, napping nt
T h at Aplin had driven his
trol before the fall rains, Cyrus
had been held scoreless.
Gale G range put on the program
: linquency of a minor.
Calcium arsenate has been used stated. Twigs th a t have been h it by
car into the area last T hurs­
The "whiskers" added three more
G ate receipts for the game to- at the Saturday all-day meeting
and show the Infection should
day and had gotten th e car
In the third after Tally had filed , tnled »111 and the visitors received101 Hillsboro Orange. Visiting mas-
W ash in g to n F o lk B u y
for codling m oth control. Tests be pruned out. The sam e Is true of
stuck In the sand was the re ­
out to right field and Wykoff hod 65 per cent ns th eir share. Ra.v D ll-! tcrs present were C. E. Robertson
u iii.i_
carried on by th e entomology de- w hat Is called "die-back.'' Removal
port of H arry Johnson, dep­
xfr. »> i h .
” , H, b ° ro partaient of the Oregon experim ent of these twigs will eliminate a lot
been .struck out. C lift and Atwell Ion. local m anager, expresses! his of Gale Orange, Mrs. Sadie Beal,
uty. who brought the m an to
singled and I ben Anderson lined npprceiallon for the turn out of past m aster of Gale; Mrs. H. Strlck-
vtarUvu'iB uio«aR >E ' Edwards
station over a period of five years of the source of infection, he de­
Hillsboro. The man had been
one down the first, base line and fans and the co-operation of Hills- ler of Sherwood G range and Charles
MaiysviHe. Wash., have purchased in aira te t h a t under W illamette clared, but the spray should still
a 92-acre farm , northwest of Hills- ln,alcatc ’ 0 a ’ under w m am ette be applied
lost five days and was suffer­
over the fence to make tlic score iV;’r? .r d'.Elo?i<’rs £n allowing employes Dickinson of Oswego Grunge A de­
boro, from Leonard VanLom. Mr. xalley co" d i t .o ns calcium arsenate
ing front exposure. Aplin was
7 to 2 In favor of the House of to attend the exhibition game.
„ bate
„ „ on
„ „ " It Is Useless for the
Caution to use dusting grade of
and Mrs. VanLom have moved to is only sll«btly less effective th an sulphur in the control of brown ro t
lost In the same vicinity about
Hillsboro scored another
Ni tl to Di be
akc. In singei.
who was
to “ Ttct
ter Tiicir Fiiiniicia 1
run in the last half of the third tiled
the J Gramrera
T **;1
six weeks ago, according to
was also given by Cyrus This grade
Baseline street. The deal was closed trt>l-
on two errors Hanna WM ate on H o u se ol D a v id team failed Io ap J
b itw n i
id Hllls-
of sulphur m ust be fine enough
this week by E. A. G riffith, local
Thoroughness of application Is to pass through a 300 mesh screen,
flrst. on Atwell's error, stole sec- pear through a misunderstanding. | boro oran g es, will be held a t m e
4 I real estate man.
essential In codling m oth control. he declared.
ond and third and then scored as
(Continual<>ni>fur<*8, column»)
i August Saturday meeting.
1 ■ ».
I vJIUno
iv iv o d f av cash
COUnty Man FifSt
Victim of Strike
H ouse of David Team Captures
?fBearM Pelt for Game Trophy
Spray Advised N ow to Control
Codling Moths on Fruit Trees
Dog Saves Life
of Portland Man