THE Page Eight llI L l.S B O R O ARGU S. lowers and a gift picture from cl\ \ n/ c uf j “ M?s L D. Shellenberger of ilowt tire a s e æ m s , who rears, r -u w iy hom e and Rebecca Howell \\ ith Mrs - } Mr< j s tr e tc h e r had Jennie Farver and Mrs Mary Bente. ^ lnd;lv guests Mr and Mrs. Bill ____ are the grandm other these three ine g™ .u«.yw .» òf Sherwood andI greatgrandm other active inem ­ Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Ficken bers of the Scholls Aid. anni children spent Sunday at Mr.*aSi Mrs. M B Boaorth. Following _ri'l- atives participated. Mr. and Mrs M B G rant Mi and Mrs D J G rant. John M G rant of Dallas M r and M c Henry H artley of Cto- quille, Mi and Mrs Well and M is i Alice G rant of Portland and John O Bozorth and daughter Ada of Mrs Emma Ingram and Mrs Marion An- ¡?CeM?f Chandlee and "M daughter. e a " 'B o k “S ^ r I m id DS r k 'L. “ iM Elsle o( Yam,ull vis­ ited her sister. Mrs Monroe H u t­ chens. and family Monday Will Gembella and family and liiw ,vnCe Flcken and ianubr werv p n t e r t u m e 'l w ith a n ice cream “ fr‘ JU ”ledh,. w ‘ c Heaton home p^ " rdav evening M r 'a n ° d • M r and Will M Wagner of K ansas ^ JoTui F'Sken’^ S l w and r- M* Courtov N sdnill« T cn n o w aa S e w Y m k .a r d D“ " 1 llrn ° Joseph Twigg and family visited S andiforth home in Portland Sunday niliM tam ed Friday evening with a swim- m ing party and wiener roast in honor of their son. Stanley, it be- ing his eighteenth birthday an - niversary Thirty-five were preaetit. Mr. aiid Mrs. j . S. Herd chil- dreti. Wilma and Herbert, and C R Hubbard and family of New- berg celebrated at the G roner cot- tage near DePoe Bay. Roy Reynolds of Amity spent Sunday at the parental home. S w r a l ^ a v i 'u ^ w e r t ^ n d l t K ¿A „ ' S weeK-ena ai d . . Monroe H utchens and family ' spent Sunday with Mr. and Grove at th e PorUan oi favonte * * " » glven D epartm ent chairm en appointed at the meeting were Mrs Elizabeth Reed, poetrv: Mrs. H. T. Hesse, Literature. Mrs Ferd G ro n er inter- naVionaf relations; Mrs J. W Ray- nard. legislative: Mrs. J. M Stretch- er music; Mrs. L. W Carter, art Mrs. C. A. Carlson. American home Mrs S. S. Steam s. American citi- zenship: Mrs C W Larkin, wel- fare: Mrs. J E Bennett, parliam en- tary law; Mrs. A B Flmt. his- lorian CHURCHES The Foursquare Church af frnoop se™ 7 2 30 Bv‘” nmg is the tile regular evangelistic eningeusue ser- ning vice a t 8 Special music, one lnstru- m ental number Tuesday nlght.8. evangelistic service Thursday night. 8. prayer and praise service. Ranks M. E. Church Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 a m.. Mrs H. Jensen, superintend cut. Preaching services by Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve- nmg. 8 o'clock. Ladles' Aid meets first and third Wednesdays a t 2 „ m tf _••__ Mrthodist Episcopal Church Tlie church x school of i religious m e UMUII.11 iiu u i U tm B iu u a education me^ks Sunday morning a t 9. ± wlul '« jiry s.Y" s 4 ,,J iuu ung,.1 ng as L? general f .^ n m e n d e n . Now. _seholars may enrolled at any tune. . ch arles M Keed. the pastor. Miss Viola K err and Jav En- glish were m arried in Portland J u n e . 23 at the home of Mr. English's sister W alter Seiffert of Portland Is spending several weeks with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Seiffert Mr 'a n d Mrs. J. H. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seiffert and daughter. Mary Jane, were Sunday home’ ui N euberg" Ho-'l- ^s" or" ' Dr and Mrs. Chandlee went to K lam ath Falls Tuesday for a two weeks stav Mr and ' Mrs. Frank P otter of Portland were Sunday guests a t the Clifford Trask home. The S. A G otter and J. M Stretcher families spent July 4 at Jantzen beach. Strike Delays Scholia Brick & Tile Company finished a burn Monday, th e oper- ations of which have been held up k « . „» ,i shortage a « « , « , . . caused because of e.m fuel i e oil 'w W ess C. Heaton and son. trw in bought a threshing m achine Mon- ^ A wreck at Farm ington com er v ^ " 1 HS ? ^ K o e b ^ r I t ^ t Vincent's hospital Tuesday ' ^ ir s ^ F r e J Wolilschleeel Mrs C’a n W o h lsch lec e l' M r ? n d \\olilseniegei j :'lrb- j , , S-.ara HuUt of £ ewt e Mr. rg a and nd Carl Wohlschlegel and family spent , h weet . end a t Rockaway Mr Mrs c K irkpatrick and ^ e r ^ n t J^v f i t ' R ^ -a v ™ * Sunday morning involved cars driv- en by Ed Carter of Firdale and C. M atsura of Six Comers. J o e Robinson was a passenger in the v C a arter r t e r car t a r a and iiu was u unhurt, i u i u r t , u but ui C arter received a broken collar bone. Miss Alice Maynard was an over- night guest at the Carl Wohlschleg- el Wfimid home July ffert 4. enn of \Tr Harold Sc Seiffert son Mr and and Mr Vr r P iphs Y a of and W hitefield.'' the second of a Trinity Lutheran Church s .d’ a Jf- .tp rcssp ' ‘immer series of studies on the Public worship at 10:30 a m . Snv“ homo i i ^ h ',. history, beliefs and practices of g u i‘^ rWere°M r and° \ I r e ' Jes^W vi ig - . vanous branches of th e ^ îT u rc h . at 9:45 T b n ,a week's s study u l-l Riven on the d s- a su ’n e ^ su T o n were m P o i r t a l a n n a d ^ i r w s h n jess w ig - This i u u j will « ill u concern u iitu r n u the it a Eni.vnnai church Pvn. trict convention You are cordially f i l m e d from? a trip W? J ^ s W w n . \Tt rh o riis t Episcopal church. Eve- *— * “ *------ ning musical worship. 8 ¿'clock. u^ !comSd t0 .? 'orsh?l? wJ t h “J . Fourth of iniv ™>rtv ot ,ho Topic, from the day's gospel. "The Hi'’-' ' lla' l'Par thc L W Guild Dien e and swimming Fee:iing of the Four Thousand. ' Word oi ° ° d ' a,ld keep It. D‘ k ¡n c ;„ rip 4 itfr and \fr< f'c n n ’A Young oeople's clubs discontinued < - < • » Church » * lnciuaed. M. and Mrs Geort e during rho m er Pilgrim Guild. Christian the dim summer. four blackbirds created a lot of interest a t t h e Charles Haynes plaçe last. w e e k . ______ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holcom have i th eir euests for several davs as Ä their guests for several R days uth oi Si lvan anV \ t r - ¿m hard^ McCarthy of SvlvaA crew of several men worked several hOiU,n h ^ f M d ie r\ai Cnn wHriA wuh Luther X* * lie r ^vas on a trip with friends down the coast highway to California and other southern points the past week Clarence Allison was in the com- munity last week calling on old friends and relatives. Clifford Trask and family Harry Reynolds and family and Jess Snyder and family picnicked at the Snyder ly u e r park p a riv July j u i y i 4 . Mr. and Mrs. H T Hesse and several relatives and friends held a picnic at the Hesse home July 4. Mr. and Mrs. E. G Heaton Mrs. Ed Demmin. Lorain and Ear: D im - min and Eva Carlsen went to Mo- picnic din- E j suzppeu stopped ner a t Champoeg and ais.1 a t the Newberg celebration for a short time. The evening was spent a t the Hillsboro "Happy Days" cele- b Mmn F lorence T w iac sp e n t S u n Mrs. Florence Twigg spent Sun-_ her GiddrenIlbJ, L n 1 Tw" 2 ^ ïia rfU d Christensen and Lawrence Flint families. E. J. Sutherland Honored Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rowell and Mr and Mrs John Sutherland joined other relatives In a b irth­ day dinner party for E J S u th er­ land a t hts home in Portland Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Demmin and Lorrain Demmin attended mission festival a t Blooming Sunday Mr. and Mrs Ed Albin and the S tark family enjoyed a family re­ union and picnic dinner July 4 at B M ? . S d VMrs. Paul Davis of Mult- s C hrist ever lives in th e spirit intercession uid there is but one V a ^ to “ m ^ l ^ p r ^ e e “• xi.?.. ¿oll not for- p n ^ May you not 1W- «et to 30 »rr -«ige your time that >£££ m terestins?«udv j^. £ £ ' evemngi'wil N- a w i t ^ r - , i n - »-onie wilt an X 't A u d ^ n i Don't U3t o‘dwk • • “ Sunday evenm • it 8 our band of twenty Dieces* will be bliv'ii-' Q * “* 01 piayin- ____ Sunday school. 10:15 a m ; m om - ,aV 1’e1,,sunun" P " * " “ ** *ne servi<:c- H o'clock, sermon bv fellowship and th e high Dr A Carrick. Christian Endeavor 5£h«>l 1£?*?u,e ,, at 7:00. wil‘ m eet a t 8 P- m - All voung. Young f*°Ple ° L two groups • - are invited to attend P^Pl»“ cordially invited. Bethany B aptist Church Pilgrim House Sunday 11 u m . sermon by Rev. Julv 15: c h a Pel service of wor- L A Leger: 7:30 p m . united serv- H ^ le /w “ s’ p e S o ^ T t o S ' ^ W Bethany Presbyterian church on Sundays until September ~ ::~ ( ,,r„. Lu- M, ,l,..di-t L,. ìm I Sunday school. 9:00. Divine wor- ship. 10:00. Sermon by Rev. Charles shlp' W:0< M Recd- up u u iu .z me s u iiu n e r in o iiiii Morning worship. 11. special music Sermon "Growing in the Spirit ot Brotherhood C hristian Endeavor ?- p m Junior. Interm ediate and Young People's groups meet at same time 8 p m union service with Methodist church ln their Christian Science Society 3 ^ ^ “ held e r y 8 Sunday of worship held 'v every u . . _ place _____ ____, • . . Union choir of ____voung DeoDle led by Methodist . at 11 a „ „ m . ■ \A .rprinp !•' I xh I c group. Me.. Marg in i Ni-ill underwent an in a i.ilion for appenillellLs nt Dr Wilcox hospital ili Newberg 1'rilav in morning She is gel King along nice Iv Clifford Spaulding Jr of Newberg wa a guest'of Dorman Blazer I'rl dm Mrs Floyd Hoffman was a guest al lhe V W Schmidt home In P ortland (rom July 2 to lull 4 Mr and Mrs If your feet sm art or liiirti or perspire; or if you are troubled with corns, calluses or fallen arches, see us. We can help you. V W B ehm ldt of IHirtlmid visited E E Hoffman alai family on the Fourth I h n at tended the Newlwig legion (Minute and enjoyed a swim and picnic dinner at Hlrtei s |Mirk in the af- temoon. Mr and Mrs. J I' Jones Mr and Mrs Ray Ego and children. Mrs Wayne Jones and children and la'laud Sehmeltzer attended the annual Bryun reunion .it t h e l i e . I B ind home id Dilley Sunday •III relatives were |iresen( Ez\RL E. HEARING I ’ll G. In charge font department PALM DRUG STORE About Mis w C Sinniger who unler- went an o(M*ratloti fur a p p e n d i c iti s last week, is gening along fine and ex|>eels lo leave the the latter part of this week H e r m o th T, Mrs. J P Jones is leaylng for Roseburg Thursilav or Friday to lake care of her Mr .uid Mrs E C Wolil .chlcgel Phon« 266 One week, starting Friday, July 13 CER I A IN -T E E I) All Purpose P a in t G allons Q uarts $ 2 .1 3 .6 7 A Real Bargain in (he face of advancing Paint Prices t . •. ■ h ü tS ’ 8U lt8’ * loV e8’ 8W e« t e « - No m atter what it is— If it can be cleaned, we can do the Job carefully, painstakingly, so as not to Injure fabrics or m a­ terials. W e have reduced our prices on L U M B E R , B U IL D N O W H om e Laundry and Dry Cleaners P b n n it A 7 J. W. COPELAND YARDS w Second Street Hills bo Phone .’till Figure It Out F o r Y ourself! Suppose one of these evenings, when you and yours are enjoying the com forts of the home and all seems serene, you suddenly detect the odor of smoke and discover your house on fire. W hat will you do? 6,567.03 3,200.00 26,610.87 3,450 12 5,089.52 C ertificate Holders’ Investments $303,417.14 Uncom pleted Loans .............................................. 424.92 Accounts payable (Insurance premiums, com missions, etc.) ........................................... 1,693.08 M ortgages on Real E state Owned None Reserve for Dividends Payable 6.070.56 Reserve Funds ....................................................... 23,246.651 Notes Payable None J Due Home Loan Bank 11,500.00 $346,252.35 Cauae M ia r r y PAINT SALE Dainty, sum m er frocks . . . domes- tic and oriental rugs . . 3,564.83 1,420.75 >9,301.88 F re t U n to ld Charles yn s. ,.n | n r / „ | H r jin ,.- ' 01011,11 p u p 11 a lory to and i hlldien. Vincent picnic (Hune I at bm lhng then new iionu* They are I ront dale at tin* home of la i planninu to build a log Ixuua* N ik.liIV lh. the h a G ami Ihxlaon McCormick accom|Xiiilc«l by Ml . « a Marte and Court li Julia tinIv* motored to Portland l'uesda\ to viMt Mis McCormick. I h e r e ’ * I» for you in the who bus been tu St Vincent .s hon a d * e r i h i l t tr • III m II w i p t h U t h c l a l b io week. She bad Unproved much that she was lu p i — ■ molt'd to tin* home ot I t<> ,|a u ilitn Mi-. Allan »'.anbei Mrs MeCorupek has had bronchial asthm a and stuns trouble M i s W a n d a I-i m m a n d Mr a n i ' > w.......... l’om .. Shin k ...............— Mi% n| lllllsl>oro sim * u I F ree Balloons Buxton and Hillsboro a„Ii r'l^ h , MrSP Jullus Chri?t*nscn """' Week-end guests a t th e Oeorge Lewellyn home were Mrs. W M ; Sharpe and daughters, Ariel and | Margie, of Seattle. Born, to Mr. and Mrs J. W. Ro e ln Hillsboro, July 3, a boy. H, is, named George LeRoy for his grand- i Portland - Banks STA G E WUrtB< the ¡O'clock luncheon was served and a A (. m Ja^tMn teach »Hy ^uV ch" SoYr wilTbe’comp<»ed ‘‘"G ided the auto races a t Gres- of tlle -v oun« of thc chr “ - b X .o ,‘he water "•»>' ;uld th >‘ Methodist churches Sherwigxi which was de- K*’v wl11 >* sPea“er ‘n>Cl be " " rth N‘' ln" O1 the ‘"venm:. There will be good Mr and Mrs Jam es P H arris •’“ hguig A large congregation a t- mid -on Melvin spent the F ourth 'ended the service on last Sunday, a t Molalla and enjoyed the pageant thtf flrs, of {hs : English service. 11 tim u je ii. Vivian a n a ju n io r, a n a « ™ -.„.i fourth Sundays econd and ^ un£ ^ e« S a t ^ h e ^ d y “ E Jullus T ra«Ui>' pa£t° r - tf now operating between Weller home .................. All Saints* Mis,inn ‘Episcopali Threshing machines, grain bind- h school Morning pr a n ri h „ v h a Ip „ „ rp s Chu: -n u ii s c iiu u i a at t 9:45. » io .w u r n in g L?.eral crews of - 2 . ¿ m ’th. Pra Vpr and sermon at 11 o'clock by “ £ ra K ™ Sni? i Rev Ralph H Wisecarver. TW O TRIPS DAILY district in spite of general strike . „ . hih « ,« Except Sundays and Holiday- " Mr. jr and a S Mrs. Earl Ruhl of Port- Whosoever Will Tabernacle Leaves Buxton Five miles lap d vlilfPr| a, the Ert Wnhiinhieoei rlv e m ues north norm of oi North n o rm Plains. Fiains. 7:45 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. home ginday^ e “ ohlschle«el M E. Jam es Pastor. Sunday school. Leaves Hillsboro Stage Depot —C.” a ^ - 7 S ' r lo,.ri vIllrrav vis 10 a - m. Room for everyone. Come itprf1 a , h . M ,iw h - „ a . “ d bring your frie n d Sermon. 11 it„d 11:00 a. m. and 6fl5 o »" rr,T-nelliiK fiunrtlv M1Uer nome a l a. m.. by Evangelist M. E. Jamas. _ \? r and W W Janulth ____ ______________________________ _____________________ _ H *“ jd ^ d 1 ^ r ? W o Ä e ^ l anT fam iP y a^d Eighteenth Semi-Annual Statem ent of i ondition many others attended the patri- PJjade and program a t berg July Hillsboro, Oregon, June 30, 1934 Don Herd and George W endhall went to DePoe bay Saturday for several days outing. ASSETS Louie Hatfield. Albert K arp- First M ortgages on Real Estate 5285,916.96 stein and Wildmer Hansen attend-1 r ... . ,i„ „ i( f „ i ed a picnic a t H itter's park near Less R<‘«erve for doubtful Dayton Sunday ~ ~ ‘ accounts 3,116.13 $282,770.83 Dale Lystell. who lives a t the _____________ Kimball home in Gig Harbor, is t r ... » , „ , n . __ spending several weeks with his H o m e O ffic e $ 1 3 ,1 9 4 .7 5 mother, Mrs. Carl Seiffert, and Less Reserve on D epreciat’n $ 1,350.00 11,844.75 family. _____________ Officers of 3cholls Woman's club „ . . . r, . . „ 2,003.65 entertained members with a p icn ic, Office Equipm ent ....................... $ a S t Snyder grove Tuesday afternoon. Less Reserve for D epreciat’n 270.00 1,733.65 w l Weg , p /a n l X ^ t h ^ w ^ i ^ n T S n g ^ e «owel‘ “ d “ & Cheii.tlem Citizen I hut in Accident c»n::iA i km m o u n t a in M.u vln O iiuiuff suffered badly w i em bed houUtei- and arin. l u i l l e , about the tace amt internal Injuries Saturday afternoon when bts car r a il l l i ' i n l - e l l into th e Bacon w ont truck at tile hoisesiux* turn on the LAUREL RUMIE S h e r w o o d l ’mtgan lull lie was taken to a Grange won scorn t p r i e on then Hillsboro doctor Ills ear was quite ....................... float In the . puriule W ednesday! badly wrecked The wexxi truck wa.-. and the American Legion A uxtlian not datum ,<\l and the driver e.. won first, with their floral l ib- • caped injury The turn at this part ert\ hell mounted on a trailer of the road is very dangerous, it being a narrow and blind curve pulled by eight legion ladies Mrs K W KrtMitih'-rn and Mrs Ibis is the second bad accident at 11 1» Strickler, representing Sher- th is place within one month. Mi and Mrs. Charles llrownbtll wixxi Grange, met with other ‘ Olchen of H ires’ Grove spent grange committees In the county and Erlday w lth Mr a n i agent's of Bee June 30 L> disc llss M i- D M M clnnis and lain lh changes in scoring grange ex Miss U .u rin e Lam brix retin m d Mbits at the county fair. Io Portland Friday after having Sherwood G range tecelveti t h e spent a week with her parents. Mi report of the state glance S atur- da\ troni their delegati"- Mr and and Mis Gcoige Saxton Party E njoyed Mis 11 P Strickler iu',1 Mr and The W E Wnhlsehlcgel home Mrs Charles VanKleek. delegates of Tt ard d ia r ie s Dickinson of was tile scene ot gata event when triends and relatlvis gather Oawego. who has been in Uie grange tor sixty years, was also a ''ll lo eeli'lnale the Fourth Those present were Mr and Mrs B 1. visitor Price. M(> Mi and Miss P eter. Bride c , Mis Jeromi' Epncrh .................. Denipsev of per' t- M is K athrvn Ictci.s and John iUH j, mi and M is Collins G raham Cai son were married m \S «.slung- Mrs J .m e G r a h a m . Mr and Mrs ton last m onth lh e bride is the Ernest Bauman and daughters. youngest daughter of Mr and Mis na|riinc and Virginia, of Aurora, \\ 1. I etei's and Is at present In yIlss Heva Barlow and Mr anil the employ ot the Union Gil com- \ |, s w K wohl-w hlegi-1 ,,ln ?'?.'!,•> 1*;.. I• ?.n i >IU| ,LS...n ■' 1J H*"" lUH* ‘laughters, b ietlm of l*ortland s may or, Joseph Magdalene and Graee, and Robert Larson. | imd Horace Wise spent July 4 nt Mr and Mrs. Rene Taglion and Shade E Aeres on Pudding river son Henrv of Cornelius visited at Muss R en i Harlow was a guest at the Jerome Cuppocu home Sun- the Dcmiisey a n i Prie,, homes hi w dai They also spent th e F ourth I'orllahd from July 4 to July 7 In Sherwood Vernon and Wendell Schmidt of " , Cappoens ... J* tth the laghon is Mr.1 appoen s sis- l ortland , ame July 4 for an in- te r " isil Vernon U nt the W alter S path treated his berry E I Sm .smi ith home while Wendell m m ’h.xn Is visiting at tiu- F E H uffm an 9 U' \ finished harvesting his black- homi Ira G McCormick. Don anil I.aur ta R? «♦ „ u i w aiter nanKs ox xacoma visitea en Hayne-., Ray Shix'k. Keith and his sister. Mrs O tto Brass, over Abner Brunson. Avcrle Wnods anil family Bill Meyers Buford Deford the holidays. Miss Agni's iv te rs drove her new and Miss June Hokum altemtixl the Molalla Huckaroo July 4 J,ronl Kunene to sP®hd t h e Mr anil Mrs I) M McInnis Peneth with her parenta, Mr and Mrs w L Peters. Alice and Kenneth McInnis and Mr and Mrs. W ilbur Dickson Mrs Isiura Murray and children and son Leland o f The Dalles VLsiled at the Harvey B atchelar spent the F ourth with Mrs Dlek- home in Hillsboro Sunday Mrs m o th e r M rs ('UwArvi» ir» U .» r M cInnis rem ained as an overnight i ? ’ Uid r f n u n c d with the in k ers guest Oh “he farm for“» ^ c a t i o n " J E and Dorman Blazer started Boys vacationing In Laurel Ridge blasting stum ps und clearing their are A rthur Stearns of Portland with his uncle. 8 S Stearns, and I 'u .ila tin P L im s P r , - l , i t . r ia n t lu .r, I, ^ n -ire n o ^ P o r ilf n d M i s ^ r J f t v __ , M rs’ C W „8^5^ ^ »u...v__ blsher X Mr w . and la - ek k- in R a Z l r d Mrs LN Hoagland of Marshfield he B arrett ar.d Mr and Mrs. F. E Report First Fire F irst t“ n B e " fire of Vhe season 8rand.son. John Albert .1.,. — __ . - _ „ j __. u the . xT„„i.. Roweu. . . . _ _ __ _ in this July section Nealy place 4. started A « « on warden and Thursday, July 12. 1934 Sherwood Grange Second in Parade SCHOLLS Rev S Raynor Smith. !‘‘ . pcw ’X wav H u- family visaed relatives m the ...... ....... _ , h . Tigard charge. Mrs. s m ith and - saturelav two sons were the guests at the 1 " '* ^ " d ‘ ‘' a ra'" Hollingsworth and Ladies Aid meeting at the J M Mn> Miller spent a da\ dam es ra a OREGON about the Church Bring your Bibles and enjoy this hour with us A hearty welcome to all our se r­ vices It 1. Fulmini itastoi Pays H onors to M e m b e r A* H IL L S B O R O . S tate of Oregon. I County of W ashington f I. E. L. Johnson, Secretary ot the above named Association, do solemnly swear th a t the above statem ent Is true to tlie best of my knowledge and belief. E. L. JOHNSON, Secretary. 1 A ttest: J. M. PERSON, Vice-president. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of July, 1934. R P, RASMUSSEN, Notary Public for Oregon. | My commission expires Nov 28, 11934 Why of course you will summon the firemen, either by going to the nearest alarm box or by rushing to your telephone for assist­ ance. You will rightfully expect the firemen to come to your aid just as quickly as possible. And did it ever occur to you that these firemen who will rush to your assistance are vour neighbors who will brave the elem ents and exert their ability for your welfare and protection. These boys depend upon local support and you feel that, you are with them at all times in their every endeavor. But are you? Are you am ong those who think that some distant town is better than Hillsboro and go there to spend your money for comforts nnd for the necessities of life1' Do you realize (hat every dollar so spent in these distant, places means that you are reducing the efficiency of the Hillsboro fire departm ent? On the basis of fine stocks, lowest available prices for dependable m erchandise and their ability lo serve you, your local firem en re­ spectfully ask you to patronize Hillsboro m erchants and keep un the efficiency of the departm ent. 1