Pa» N Page Two B lig h t H its Banks Fields and Gardens i By Mr« ï bet thl pa me fai Mi do’ Wi M‘< Ht re< H< Ja M) SCI a K1' an Wi K ni e.s M Ci n< gi tl- Ei G » M THE Fred W o lfo rd ) BANKS The tom ato fields and garden patches of th is vicuuty are heavily hit with the tom ato blight M, Wakasugi a Japanese farm er near Banks, has hauled away sev­ eral truckloads of the dead plants from his tom ato tie’ds. which were so promising a tew weeks ago. O th ­ er growers report sim ilar trouble Also there is a great scarcity of cabbage and kale plants as some insect, probably earwigs, destroy th e plants as soon as they are through the ground^ Harvest S tarts G rain harvesting began in earn - es! July 5 and by Bunday large acreages of gram were in shock O ats promise to be a good crop, but w heat is not so good. Mrs. F ran k Eberly. who is in the Emanuel hospital m Portland, is reported improving Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hopkins of Tillamook and Mrs. Caddie H u t­ chens of Blaine spent Friday with Mr and Mrs J J. Hutchens Tliey visited that mght at the Archie Thompson home at M ountaindale. Robert Smith ot Banks and his sister. Cornelia Sm ith of Los An­ geles. visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Jack Schulm erich in Portland Mr. and Mrs Eli G rindle and Mr. and Mrs Fred Wolford and children Vernon and Ju an ita vis- company at Chicago Sunday Mr and Mrs Henry Atlee and Zed and Mr and M i s W S Atlee drove io Portland and spent the dav w .. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bunn and daughter Beverly Miss Beverly re­ turned home with them tor a visit. John and Ed G ribner went to Oeeanlake Monday in connection with their greenery business They are getting out a carload of green­ ery and have men gatheruig it tor them in various places. Mrs G race Goff of Cotpus C hris­ ti Texas, visited her tuece. Mis. Charles Pew tie. July 2 She was ac­ companied here by Mrs Harold Glover of Gaston. Charles Vandenvanden is driving ¡ruck for C. W McPeak Mr and Mrs Ray Parmley and children Alvena and Kenneth and Mis Alice Parmley spent several days hist week in Portland visit- ¡ng at the Fred Irvin home Tliey r. uned heme Saturday accom- pained bv Bruce Irvin, who will vis­ it with his grandm other Mrs Alice Parmley. for a few weeks. M rs J o h n Heltzel and daughters Hetty Jane and Norma Jean, of Portland spent the F ourth with Mrs H eltzels parents Mr and Mrs W c. Walker „ Ray Parmley went to Birkenfeld Sunday, where he is employed m a logging camp Mrs Ellis McGraw and children oi Vernonia visited her parents Mr > and Mrs W. G Walker Friday. Mrs. I H Severance of Oilmont. Mont . visited from Julv 2 to 5 with her sister-in-law Miss Silvia Sev­ erance Tlie two of them and Mr and Mrs. - - — F o u r th ' »LuS rhotr.pson t it' MountainGi'.» A‘l 1 e c ' lrkt, jv,« n ' L , H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON week Mis Woolsey wa.s torinerly a teaeher at Kieliville Mis Ashlont und daughter Hilda Wi nt to tin- eoa .1 ovet Snudai They e port the roads out and many- de tom s between Heli. m I G.iubaldl \ \ 1 I ICS Pile Baker family la siH'iiding a week at NeLseott l it.' Hill Ablaut aint Paul I hid ley l.unilies. uccoinpaiileit bi a groupm IneiuLs Iroin lAtrtland. spent the l-otuili on Gales ('reck Mr ami Mr-. Price visited her m other at Pleasant Home Bunday Sal unlay night old time duiuva .it I he Aloha grange hall aie be­ coming very popular. Mis M Bays Mrs Jo,. Bush and Mrs H i ’ Sty uni attended a pic­ nic Monday at the home ot Mrs I* llerson ot H a.eldale The ailair was given in honor ol Joy Hulel. queen ol the Happy Day . eele hiation. by the D aughters o( Union Veterans. who sponsored her Want HLUiUll spent the week-end in Pori land Little "Chuck K lnam un is at the eoust for a vacation Ralph G reener is tqiendlug a lew days at Tualatin I The Fourth was enjoyed at the , Ewer home by about fourty four relatives and Iriemls. who g ather­ ed for a pienle supper Tin- eve­ ning wils »pent -hooting fireworks The D F Almont and Joe Hush families enjoyed a pienle nt P en­ insula [suk Bunday Tile Wheeler Beattie family spent Sunday at Columbia park V ROI II MISS AND MANION W ill FIND SOMETHING IO I’Ll I’ATIEHN Ol'l'EIUNGS \S I IN IIIIS (H v Mt and Mis Em m ett Wolford of d, . t &< s< & o d K E S 1 tl f: h R i r. c a V il j ° hM g a ' l l r i ^ L1" Vd « e r. Grmdk s s i r a M is. Bessie Benefiel and Jo h n Frank" Akers, m PorthLidf^Mr and Caldwell were m arried July 3 at Mrs John Hartwick spent the Vancouver. Wash Mrs. Benefiel is Fourth holidays it Newport the daughter of the late Perry BANKS—A picnic supper was Benefiel and a graduate of Banks given evening at the Charles high school. Tlie young couple Seller's Friday north of Banks, hon­ left July 5 for Spokane, where they oring Mr. home, and Mrs. Sellers and little will visit the brides sister. Mrs. daughter Mary Jane who are mov­ Agnes Pierce. ing soon to Iowa Hill south of Balm Grove Hillsboro Arcadia Hillsboro. These present were Mr park and Molalla were all popular Mrs w T Sellers. Mr and T W O charm ing dresses sketched for this week yard of 35-lneh m alerlsl In contrasting color. places with Banks residents July 4 and Mrs Olens. Mr and Mrs George ■* will Intrigue sm art young moderns. And their Quite a few peopie also went on Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs I ill Dui ami Mall Thl» O rder Blank for P attern» B L Sellers m others and au n ts will welcome the house apron, private picnics daughter Jan et Mr. and Mrs. designed I ASHION III BE IP . Mr. and Mrs John Kessler and and for m atrons. R A Cook and daughters P attv daughters. Elsie and Geraldine, and Estelle. Mr and Mrs Fred All th ree are easy to make at home, and any came home Saturday from Tacoma, Bovee and son Bob. Mr and Mrs one of them would make a valuable, as well as 103 Park Ave., New fo r k City. where they had been visiting rela­ Fred Wilcox. Mrs A. C Connant practical, addition to a well-planned sum m er tives. ifnelosed A n d ..........................cent.» Please »end Dan H artm an AJ Jackson Amos w ardrobe. Mrs. Dick Wilcox who lives near se lers. Virginia Ambos. Anna Ed n the p attern s listed below at 15 cents per pat Greenville, is home convalescing and George Schneider. M arjorie The youthful morning frock, No. 155, can be from a recent goiter operation p er­ and 'Viln.a M arr RuthaJeen A nder­ made In gingham , organdy, or voile. A crossbar tern : formed in a Portland hospital Mrs son and Mr and Mrs Charles Sel­ organdy or cheeked gingham Is preferable for the E E Nickerson is taking care of lers and daughter. frock th a t has a flounce In the front. Of course. her P uttern num ber: Mr and Mrs. Dave Barton of If you prefer a plain sk irt, simply leave off the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kinaua were guests of Mrs Bar- 155 .............. S i z e ............ flounce R M. Banks were Floyd Banks of ten's brother. Erwin Lippert, and Yamhill. O tto Banks of Oswego. family of Banks over the Fourth The dress comes In sizes 14 to 20 and In 32 to 143 .............. Size . , Mr and Mrs. Harold Banks and Fire Causes Alarm 42. Size 18 needs 4 ■* yards of 35-lnch fabric. ............ son of Troutdale and Mr. and Mrs Banks residents were called out W ithout the sk irt flounce, size IS calls for only 9S57X .............. S i z e ............ Ellis Taylor and daughter of east of Friday evening bv the sounding of 3% yards of m aterial. "' Banks. tlie fire siren at the Kennedy Name ................ .................................................. Quilt Pageant July 87 The stre e t dress. No. 143. lovely In a silk print, garage_ The call came from thé .............. The W ikapi-Nahon camp fire Ferd Hartwick farm, where the comes In sizes II to 19, with corresponding bust M .............................................................. group set July* 27 as the d a t e roof of the house was discovered to 29 to 37. Size 15 needs 3% yards of 39-inch ma­ for the quilt pageant they are be terial. ablaze. Although a strong wind City ...................................................................................... preparing Quilts will be on exhibit was blowing the fire was extin­ The house apron. No. 9S57z, lends Itself well in the afternoon from 2 to 4 and guished by members of the familv to polka-dotted percale or some other cotton. It s ta te the pageant will be given in the before much damage was done evening at 7:30. A »mall admission Is designed In four sizes— sm all (34 and 361, me­ ^Irs Jo h n Shield and son O to W rite your name and addres plainly, giving num ­ fee will be charged both afternoon of Tillamook spent Saturday night dium (38 and 401, large (42 and 441 and extra and evening ber and size of patterns you want Enclose 15 cents and Sunday with relatives near large (46 and 4S>. Size “ m edium " requires 4 « Sunday evening guests of Mr. Banks. In coin for each number, and mail your order to yards of 35-lnch fabric and Mrs W L Moore were Mr and Hillsboro Argus Fashion Bureau, 103 Park Ave G W. McGraw attended the high­ The vestee. pocket and turned-back cuffs need Mrs Alfred Young and Mr. and way New York. N Y. commission meeting in Port- = Mrs W G. Young and daughter of »and Monday The same dav Mrs Portland families are invited This will be Hillsboro, were Sunday guests ofover Friday night N J. G riffen visited with Mrs i g h ^ l S M r. an d M r s jd e r le Shipley and McGraw ¿ ¿ le y and“ M rs"‘ Ed ‘’m in th e W ahl picnic grounds, Mr. and Mrs. N. Berdan. had charge of the garage during daughter Dolores o f Pasadena. Portland wueoes in Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sandy of Ver- LaMar Sandy, who Is working at th eir absence Cal., and Miss Cornelia Sm ith of Virginia Ambos, who makes her nonia came to Banks Saturday eve­ Mountaindale. visited his home Los Angeles are spending then- home with M r and Mrs Ì n ning and remained until Sunday folks here Sunday evening He had vacation with relatives and friends Connant. returned hom e'W ednesday evening Mr. Sandy returned to Just returned from a few days va­ if' ^ « ’mniiuyty Tliey arrived from Portland where she had been Vernonia Sunday accompanied by cation at Seaside, having accom­ (B y M r* If ( ’ . SivarU) here Tuesday A family reunion was visiting her m other Mrs H r- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Thompson, panied Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sandy held Sunday at the A rthur Sm tlh Ambos for a week H ° who will make th eir home in Ver­ Mrs H arriet Woolsey and sister. and son Jack on a trip there Alice. u ere Aloha \ ksitors t h i s home, north of Bank» Cornelia is yb» Mothers rim . .. nonia Mr. Thompson will assist Mr. and Mrs G E Douglas of th e daughtei of .Mr. and Mrs. C hns R iebenfY W ay a r i e X n A? Mr. Sandy on the Vernonia-St Hel­ Ontario. C al. were guests at the Smith. Mr Shipley is the son of -^T the b u s ln e i m eétlnJ th . ens mail route. Mrs. Sandy re­ WCS ShlFley' iormerlv finished quilting a q u it they h id mained In Banks for a few days.. N Berdan home Saturday Mrs. Douglas and Mrs B erdan are sis­ Dr. M ari Roland of Salem visited dSìcfousatlunchPrw af Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson ters They were en route home from LICENSED EMBAEMEKS and two children of M ountaindale Sunday with Henderson Sm ith and hostess Next P e e rin g u-f^be wìth a trip to M ontana and Yellowstone Sunday- with Mr and Mrs. B. National park. I ,nd daughter. Ethel Dr. Roland w as the Mrs A C Wahl whmh * ” spent will be W. Armentrout. FUNERAL DIRECTORS S m ith family physician in K ansas hv Mr and Mrs Jeff Kennedy and a picnic supper to Mr and Mrs F W Sinclair and 34 years ago She is now residing which the members Phone 953 of the m others Mr and Mrs. Ray- Sinclair, all of daughter. Connie Lou. spent the : Hillsboro in Salam. week-end a t Rockaway, driving Mariam Tresham. M arian H off­ m an and Hazel Benefiel of the K i­ el-da-pi Camp Fire group and H ar­ riet Klum. E dith and Marcelle Dav­ is of the W ikapi-Nahon group left Sunday to stay a t Camp Adahi near Glenwood during the session. Mr. and Mrs. R. A Wilcox and two children of Banks an d Miss Viola P arker of Portland spent Sunday a t Devils I-ake. T aft and other beaches Mr. and Mrs A C Wahl and three sons of Banks and the M. Schram el family and Mary Evelyn Gibson of Forest Grove picnicked a t Lee falls near Che.ry Grove S u n ­ day. Mr. and Mr- John Hartwick and daughter. Joy, . and Mrs. Bella Hartwick spent Sunday with Mr. HAT is the platform upon which we built our business. You can and Mrs. Frank Warfield at Ver­ nonia. Mr« J r o .r (¡I.A M S FN DON'T SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE — AFFECTS HEART 1 K uuni |*h«>D«M lle .lle n c » 2U.’f (in lc a JUTI oil light stile t«\ Atllfiik.i «»lit- <1 ' «• brings out |M)Lsuii.s and ii’hcvcs gu • pi cssiiig on hv*»i t m i \ oil .sliwp sound - 1\ .ill night Ib llu UniR .stole Ad Annu Ilt»ura W | H | m lu |> m I 3'» p m tn R (i m CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET A C O M P L E T E F O O D ST O R E Q u a lity and P rice S p ecia l» fo r J u ly lv Corned Beef M n rrG BUXTON Young people ot tlie grange are rehearsing lor a play, "l isten io Leon." which will be •p u sented soon Mr and Mrs H George ol Wood­ land Wash spent I ourih of July holidays with their daughter. Mrs Mai caret Cornutt. al Hie Elwood null Mrs Esther S tum p visited her daughters at North 14 luieville last week Mis Thor Uroenbeck is home from Pori land where she has been ill in a lnv-pital.. Mr. and Mrs l>avid Edwards |Mmt a few iluvs last week at the beach. Shirley White Is reported re- con ring from u severe Illness. Ilovd and Lewis Morgan and Jum Giirvlll and l.eah Gary re- | turned Saturday from a trip to la n e county Mr and Mrs Torn Higgle of Birkenfeld Mr Robinson of P o rt­ land and I-iVi r tte Kilburg of Tlni- ber visited ut the A II Edwards home Sunday. Mrs Grace Drury and Beyerly Je.uinc and Howard ot Vancouver 4re iisitlng M r, Drury . mother. Mrs E dith Higgle n ils community was visited Sun- day night bv black aphis which Idled the air and settled oil (>11 ( 13 m ill 14 FLOUR 12c Lb. 771 •“ Phone D a lle s. $ £ .4 9 49-lb . sack DILLS 10c SOAP Large. 3 for W h ite PORK CHOPS Roast Pull size Ii,n rs. SOAP 14c Lb. P e e l’s G ranii lilted POT ROAST Blade Cuts. Pound 19c 10 bars 1 7 ic Lb. Eaj rh1. 19c L arge p k g . 9c GELATINE Cottage Butts Lb. 19c R ed & A • -airtoil 3 P re ­ A loha ÔC Sewell D o nelson T h e r e is N o S u b s t i t u t e f o r QUALITY T prove th a t it has paid by shopping here and seeing the throngs of discrim inating food buyers in our store. Come in som etim e! Visits Parents Zed Atlee arrived Thursday from Chicago for a visit with his p a r­ ents. Mr and Mrs Henry Atlee. He stepped a t Pendleton en route here for a visit with his parents- in-law. His wife rem ained there for a longer visit. Zed, a former Banks boy and a graduate of the local high school, is research en­ gineer for th e G eneral Electric S p e c ia ls fo r F r id a y and S a tu r d a y , J u ly 13 an d 14 SATURDAY SPECIALS FLOUR BOILING BEEF VEAL STEW COMPOUND PIG’S FEET DILL PICKLES 5 Ticklish Tillie says. “Many a cake Is made for a sweet cookie." S H O R T E N IN G RED ROSE— G uaranteed hard wheat. A perfect bread m aker. 49-lbs. BLUE BELL— An all around fam ily flour, guaranteed. 49-lb. bag Sunshine K ri spy lb. box Lb. 4 lb, FRANKFURTERS Lb. SA LM O N H,lf Lb. °r "hole- L9c He 15c 15c A- - Hillsboro M eat Co. THE HOUSE OF CHOICE MEATS Phone 982 29c flavors. JE L L W ELL Assorted 3 pkgs............. M A C A R O N I ’^ ^ cny- M A Y O N N A IS E Bulk Pint CH EESE WATCH OUR W INDOWS FOR OTHER SPECIALS Perfection Bakery N» 1 tall 2 EDR Corn F °O D f Oolden Bantam . No. 2 2 K H t PRODUCTS G r a p e fr u it No 2 tin 2 KHt P im ie n to e s 3 CANS S lic e d B eef 1 » -O Z glass. Free Delivery Beans Tissue Waldorf, 5 lb»........ 19c 4ro..s L IM E R IC K E Y . ,;r ,x 1 40-foot rolls. W A X P A P E R Earh ........................... Lace Embossed, 70 count. N A P K IN S 2 pkgs. P A P E R P L A T E S 2 91nch pkgs. $ J .5 3 17c 2 pkgs. 24c 7c 25c 11c 17c 75c .................. BAKER’S ( OC4»ANl'T— !4-lb. pkg.......................... OVAI.TINE $1.00 size for only . . C hinese N o o d les Porter’s real Chinese noodles. 25c 2 pk K». F3EE! M.J.B. C o ffe e H .B.TREE TEA ORANSE-PthOE 4 -lb . (in 60c lb. S p a g h e tti P ork & B eans Ritter's. Hitler's. 19c tall cans 18C 25c ASH GROCERY FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 P u ffed W h ea t Bar BAKER'S 4 «»« (IA— 21c ruchek ’ s s e K 25c 3 lbs. f r LUX TOILET SOAP POST S WHOLE BRAN— 2 pkgs for I tinner 1!. L a rg e p k g . 25c fo r M argarine » J 6 3 14c 24c 13c 13c Small white or Mexican Red 13 an d 14 LUX FLAKES Derby brand, C offee A irm a il- Pound , . 3 Ibi. 19c 18c 27c 27c 25c i tt ii STRAINER W ITH C rackers J u ly DELMONTE CANNED FOODS Red S alm on !i-lb . ran VEAL RO A ST But our Cakes a r e baked for those dis­ crim inating people who dem and the best. Many varieties daily at the B a r g a in s fo r F rid a y a n d S a tu r d a y — S p in a ch 5c Per K etch u p W h o le Clam s Heinz best quality. Underwood's E D ’S M A R K E T BEEF BOAST Arm and shoulder cut. Lb. PICNICS Sugar cured. H. D. P unch Makes a satisfying drink All flavors. 5c I’kg. B u tter Grade 20c large bottle Lb. FREE DELIVERY I 93 I FITTIC I» ( ummeri lal N a llu n al llaith It .4 o n t.u h HAS |n c \fiit . B uxton I oik Pl an Piny z N ear 1 iiture with I 7, It«* it ovet oO huulille there'M Ho holiday-, lin e and al I 'ore .1 Grove Mrs lia ti King amt >dill.tien o t pl.u <• like- home (oi hcuilitu ulmt H o lla s|M’n t |a l wiak al Hie Hairy peoph ic.dly think of you. l.aZot( home Mr, . Marguerite Herzhmg ol Pori - laud ylsiled Chaldotlc Hulliyull Iasi week end HARRISON 0 . HUGGINS. Mrs Itlioda Watson yi licit h< i M. o. dauglilei Mrs l.lly Hove, al Van iOliver seveial days lust week. Kye, Far. ta ml Throul led Watson o i Portland Is slay ­ ing wllli J Walt It at In . home K|H*4tull*t near here Wise Additions to Your Wardrobe ie w I'll il r siltiy . .1 illy In Hie re a r of Piggy Wiggy Store QUALITY MEATS 82C bacon back 14c BEEF BOIL S u g ar cu red . Lb. Pound P rice» fo r S a tu r d a y , J u ly 14 a - , < / 2 C ()C* PHONE 3131