Page Ten THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Locals D ow n Scholls R esident Bears to Play Eugene Citizens Don Old Time Costumes for “Oregon Trail' Loop * L e a d e r I 11, V erb o o rt H ere in Public Schools N ext Sunday H ere Sunday Changes in educational principles Sun»e( League W L IV« A loha 5 0 l.OOO'Orenco W illam ette 4 1 S K.»y C ornelius 4 1 .800 Gaston T ualatin 4 1 .8001 Laurel Hillsboro 2 .400|V erboort W 2 2 1 1 J 8 I 3 3 4 4 5 IVt .40«' 4 On .100 .2 O .«‘00 Local Sunset team took a hand in upsetting league leaders Sunday by trouncing W illam ette 9 to 4 at tile Sliute park Held Cornelius was the other loop leader to taste de­ feat. losing to T u alatin and going down to a three-way tie for second place with W illam ette and T u ala­ tin. Aloha was the only leader to m aintain a clean slate by turning back Orcnco. After trailing nt the short end of a 2 to 1 score, the locals u n ­ corked a scoring spree in tile fifth inning to tally six runs Both teams scored twice during the balance of the game making th e final store 9 to 4 In other games T ualatin defeated Cornelius 6 to 3. Aloha stopped Orcnco 7 to 3. Roy beat Verboort 7 to 4 and Laurel defeated Gaston 6 to 4. Schedule for next Sunday is as follows: Hillsboro at Laurel. Cornelius at Willamette. Verboort at Aloha. Orenco at T ualatin, and G aston a t Rov. Hiliflboro— -------- AB R H E Stone, c 1 I C. Vandehey, as 8 2 0 Straus», lb Capon, e f E. Vandehey. 2b O 'Brien, rf Dann». If L. Vandehey. 8b E. J u n ten , p Total U illam« tte— Campbell. •» Tuor, 8b Dev ley. 2 b Rieh. If H ereden. e f Groas, lb I Sehneir. c Kollerm eier, p Carter, p T o ta l 2 1 0 0 0 I 1 1 3 0 2 O 0 1 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 86 9 10 2 AB R H E 4 1 1 0 36 Hillsboro- -Runs» W illam ette- Run» 4 7 1 10O O 6O 200 9 10 v 10 0 1 0 1 4 R- H E T ualatin ________________ 10 C ornelius „ 10 B atterie«: Schreiner and R eiber; Rey­ nolds. Huson and Turk. R. H. E. 7 Aloh« O reneo 3 6 2 Batterie» Leverette and Saindon ; Bliss and Voelker. R- H. E 7 Roy Verboort .......... ................ . „ 8 2 . B atteries: Meeuwaen and V a n d en a n d en ; Jensen and Sohler. R. H R • Laurel . 6 12 Gaaton .4 -------- _ 4 were many and varied during the 56 years that M artin N. Bonham. T u a la t in V a l le , I e a r n , - W I. P e l \ v 1. IV t Scholls, taught school but he doubts I t N e w tx m if tlie new methods are much of an V \ e ib . x . . r t S 4 .6*57 l',-. r l l t. * '< V improvement over the old d a y s Sh.Tw.xxl 7 S « . I Hillatx-tx, » 1» 1«S Education today is too rapid and Hillsboro "B ears” dropped a n- not thorough enough, lie declared I’tlicr game Sundav afternoon at during a recent Hillsboro visit Newbern. lo in g bi a score of 9 to Children today seem to go through 4 In the other two games sched­ school and college according to uled. \ ei txxu t and Amity were de­ feated. but continued m a tie tor tim e and not by the book. in t h e league. The In December, 1927, the veteran Bears place meet Vcitxx'n here next pedagogue retired to h i s small Sunday in a regular league game farm near Scholls, rounding out 56 and the House of Day id squad years of service ui t h e public Monday afternoon in an exhibi­ schools. Twenty years of tills period tion game. were spent in W ashington county Newberg opened the till in earn ­ schools. 47 years in Oregon, and tlie est. piling up seven runs before the nine years prior m Wisconsin and Hillsboroites were able to break in ­ Iowa. These long years of associa­ to the scoring column, in t h e tion with the youth of th e coun­ sixth. H anna singled and stole so, - on Heinrich s sh aip try have left th eir stam p for, a l­ ond. scoring St.uige! In: safely and was though lie is nearly 54 years of single followixi by Mallory, who smgltxi age, lie still has a twinkle In his to score Heinrich Stangel a n d eyes and takes an active interest Mallory were brought home by in the developments of tlie day. Deaville's one-base lut Newberg Born in Iowa. August 28. 1850. came back to score two more runs Bonham attended the Lenox Col­ in its half of the inning to end Although Eugene's big Oregon Trull epic, to be enacted with a legiate Institute a t Hopkins. Iowa, the scoring Stangel's work in the and started his career of teaching field and relief pitching was the pageant cast of more than 2000. Is »till some weeks away, «he entire feature of the game, while H an n as city has gone back to pioneer days for every,lay dress. Here are four in Wisconsin in 1869 As it was necessary for bun to work ins way base-running was outstanding A. of the leaders In the big event. They are Cal M. Young, chairm an ef ohlgemuth of the w Inners w as the world famous pioneer parade: Mildred Moore, dance director: through school, he taught a term W the only player to connect for an Mrs. Hugh Hampton, comm ittee member, and John Radmore, who singe and then returned to college. extra base hit during the game. He came to Oregon in 1879. set­ Verboort lost a dose game at the famous ‘‘Driver's Song" In the pageant. The celebration, which tling in Canyon City. G rant coun­ C arltou 7 to 6. while Sherwood will include many events, will be held July 26, 27, and 28. ty. aud served there for 27 years. nosed out Amity 4 to 3. Gaines He also served as county superin­ scheduled next Sunday are Verboort ey C G earln c t ux. order; Liquid­ tendent of schools for six years. at Hillsboro. C arlton at Sherwood, ation of Shute Savings bank, order regarding sale of assets; Washing» In 1906 lie came to Washington and Amity at Newberg Hillakoru— am K It E ton county vs. Hannali CcrkiU et comity, taking a school at Laurel, Hanna. I al. confirming report; United Staves and has rem ained ever since. D ur­ H einrich, sa 4 1 state poultry convention bank of Portland et al vs. Isabella 4 I ing his work here he taught in S tängel. If Mallory, rf 4 1 M Walker et al. default, decree; has bixui ttnnoiineed for July 20 at many county schools, among which Oakes. 2b Olive Taylor vs Jennie Taylor, o r­ Corvallis under the direction of tlie were Laurel. Cedar Mill, Jacktowu. Bohnson. lb der: and B artlett Cole vs. Hulda poultry departm ent at Oregon S tate Midway. Buck Heaven, Grabel, M id­ S ta n * . P college Iikstead of the usual three- o y en , e f Nordell et al. confirming report. dleton and Hazeldale. For a few R Rehse. 3b Probate orders were issued In tlie day convention and discussion, tlie years prior to his retirem ent lie D illon. 2b followmg estates George R itter. session has been cut to one day this substituted in various county schools D eaville. c Rosella H athorn, Louise Burch. year Word troin the poultry de­ Bonliam now resides with his Total 36 4 ti & Norman Thatcher. Carl E. Muller. partm ent indicates that poultrymen daughter. Mrs. Minnie D. B artlett, \ e » here— AB E H E F E. Kmner. John R Stephenson. over the state request th a t the near Scholls Although he is proud H W iremuth. 2b I S I S Emery Alpheus Stew art. F. A Lan- meeting be held as usual, but th at of his teaching record he is equal­ J. V i »n. »a 4 0 0 1 yon and Elizabeth McGovern. O r­ the time be cut to one day ly proud of his seven grandchil­ Renne, 'b 3 1 1 0 5 1 3 0 ders were also issued m tlie guard­ dren and seven great-grandchildren. B ristoh. *• _ K im », rf 4 2 1 0 ianship ot FYieda K norr. Elm er E lliott, c f 5 1 1 0 Burch. Wilhelnuna Ruff. Darto C as- M- r^i. .e. 3b J l l O 4 0 1 1 ale and William M. Mating. State Poultry Meet Planned at Cor\ allis City Council Acts on Occupation Tax (C oatin ’. . | from paire 1) Fox. p Caldwell, ib 4 0 2 1 Beaverton Grange Host to Pomona s li flying enthusiast, would volunteer to assist in directing Work a t the field. Action was then taken by the council appointing Merrill as U U IU ll«* u one v member of a a kV committee of i three fr° m the local American I^ - < . V Pion t si with tkn gion TWif post to to AA-nncro co-operate the city in the construction, promotion and handling of the airport. Merrill requested th a t work at the field be conducted in such a / way as to keep one runway avail- BETHANY-CEDAR MILLS—Mrs. able for flyers and suggested th at K J. Strut temeier of Iowa, form er­ persons interested in avL’ io n “would' ly of this community , gave a lecture be glad to keep in touch with the Sunday night at the Presbyterian construction so th a t this result be church on "Holy Land," through accomplished. Mayor O. Phelps re ­ which she and her husband travel­ ported th t all grading m ust be done H ere N ext Saturday ed. Next Sunday night Rev K J (C ontinued from page 1 1 Mrs Eleanor A McDougall, g rad ­ Strattem eier. former pastor of the this sum m er and th a t the runways Tliyng of P o n lan d route 5. alleged Y oungberry P roducts uate Singer sewing Instructor, will Bethany Presbyterian church, will must be closed during the construc­ owner and driver respectively, of for F ountain P roduced open a Singer Sewing Machine continue the lecture at the Bethanv tion work. The council also recom­ the oth er m achine involved in th e mended th a t steps be taken to crash. 1156 Second Presbyterian church. A new Youngberry product is shop Saturday a t Mr. and Mrs Glenn C arr visited promote increased use of the field Mrs. Ludwig asks »25.000 d am ­ being put on the m arket by Mrs street. She is equipped to do dress­ Mr. and Mrs. E Kruske of Sylvan T hat tiv federal engineer had ages. declaring in her suit th a t .he G race Harvey ot 845 North Range making a n I hem stitching, as well T hursday night. acted favorably on th e application as give instructions on all Singer Miss Nellie Larsen, who is em ­ tor continuation of th e i irport pro­ suffered cuts about the head, body street. The product is a result of appltanc She will have new and ployed in Portland, spent a few ject was the report of Mayor Phelps. and arms, a fractured collar bone her experim ents over a period of used inadiin s for sale and rent. days of her vacation with M C. He declared th a t the project had and shoulder, skull fracture and two years. It consists of Juice, syrup Larsen and family, her home folks. im pairm ent of vision and hearing a rd fruit and is being used In foun­ Births R em ainder of h er vacation will be been increased from one m onth to as a result of the accident. Mr Lud­ tain dishes and drinks here a t the I F"psdalil To Mr and Mrs. An­ three. The application will be re ­ spent in Idaho wig seeks »35.000 for an alleged Palm Drug store and the Hillsboro drew F "‘sdahl of Laurel, July turned to the county committee Miss Phyllis White. Charles W al­ broken neck and cuts about the Ice company Tlie product has been , 6. a girl. ters, Sam Walters. Mr. and Mrs within a few days for approval and well received in Portland, she states ' Krailtsch ..1 To Mr and Mis Jack Satchel, and Mr. and Mrs. the work is expected to sta rt w ith­ head, body and limbs. The daugh­ ter alleges th a t she suffered cuts, Gene K rautscheid of near West F rank Parm er of Portland spent in a week or two, he said. »ERNIE ROSCOE JETT Union. July 8. a boy. and st vered ligam ents in the right the F ourth a t Molalla Rutlf e—To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. arm and internal injuries and seeks Funeral services for Vernle R o s .1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Larsen and »15.000 damages Additional d am ­ coe Jett. 46 who died Monday at Rutledi of Hillsboro. July 3. a girl. Wesley and Lois Larsen of Cali­ fornia visited Tom Larsen's father, ages tot ling »250 are sought for Hillsboro, were conducted today at Marriage I.irense M. C. Larsen, and family last week the rep; .r of the Ludwig car. The 2:30 p m. from the local C hristian Josephine Alphonse Boerst a n d Wesley Larsen is going to spend compla. cs allege th a t the Thyngs church with Rev. R L. Putnam of­ Alice Ernst, both of P o rt­ the sum mer with his grandfather, (C ontinued from p age 1 » failed to stop at a boulevard stop ficiating. Interm ent was at the Mildred land route 5, July 6 M. C. Larsen. sets of six swings. Sand boxes have sign. Crescent Grove cemetery. Beaver­ Willard George Hughes of Hills­ Mr and Mrs. A rthur Schulz e n ­ also been provided for each school. Louis B. Holt, Hillsboro, charged ton. boro route 4 and Orayce Elnora tertained with a picnic F ourth of Mr Je tt was born December 7 Additional contributions reported July Present were Mr. and Mrs. this week by Mrs. Patterson were with non-support, was arraigned 1887. at Greenville. Ill He Is su r­ Gifford of Hillsboro. July 10 I uesday in the county court and N P. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs Ed vived by his wife, Mrs. Beulah Je tt Divoree Suit Filed Kruske of Sylvan Mr. and Mrs Carnation Milk Products company. bound over to the grand jury u n ­ of Parkdale; three sons, George Lockett—C harles H Lockett vs J. Muerer. Miss Io rell Boy. Je a n ­ $5; Ladies' Aid society of the L u th ­ der »250 bond. Udell Chase and Byron and Willard Je tt of Park- Ellen Lockett. ette Schulz, and the host and host­ eran church, another church o r­ Chester Jansen, also of Hillsboro, one daughter. Hazelle Je tt of Mary S te w a rt— Thelm a Stew art vs. ess^ Mr. and Mrs A rthur Schulz ganization and John Bailey, less and charged with concealing stolen dale; Parkdale; and two brothers. Harry Thom as H Stew art Bethany Presbyterian S u n d a y th a n $5. property and using profane lan g ­ L J e tt of Hongkong. China, and Olsen Hilda s OLsen vs August school had their picnic in Penin­ Pictures of activities under the uage. respectively, were arraigned Theodore W J e tt o f Cleveland M Isen sula park Wednesday. two local projects will be taken Mr. Je tt had been in Hills­ Mr. and Mrs, Jam es W alters en ­ th is week to supplem ent reports to tlie sam e day and given 24 hours Ohio boro seven m onths before his death in which to consult attorneys. Divorce Granted tertained with a dinner party Sun­ headquarters, Rosier said. He also Heaton — Clarence Heaton from day GuesU were G ertrude Walters Fine of »125 and sentence of six Subscribe for the Argus. reported th a t the Cwo pi a'.ground Gladys Heaton. and A rthur Pearson. P ortland' 2 nt- m onths in jail were m eted out to K. Hiteon: Gay WiEon directors took charge a t th e city ft. C. Elliott of Beaverton T h u rs­ park during July H «■ Oorothy Mid Duane day Ih the ¡ocal justice of th e p eace- s-namoerlain. C'ympia Wash ; LCt; ‘ court when he plead guilty to a Mead. Nehalem, and Delina Satchel, C ounty P. T. A. P icnic drunken driving charge. He was Beaverton, Lots Meg£ and Dorothv P lan n ed for July 22 offered parole on a jail sentence and Duane Chamberlain are mak7 ’ BEA V ERTON -A nnual £ Z nic oi on condition th at he pay th e fine. ing an extended visit a t the Wal- Fine of »20 was assessed C hester t h e W ashington County P a re n t-' »era home Evelyn Waiters sp « l. the last ot T eaciitr associations will be held J.instil o t HihslxjiO Wednesday the week with relatives in Hillsboro. a t Louie s Place on the T ualatin when he appeared in th e county river July 22. All members of P a r­ court and plead guilty to a charge M AIN STREET ent-T eacher asociations in W ash­ of using profane, abusive and In­ ington county are invited to come decent language in a public place. PH O N E 81 Orders in the followlhg circuit with their families and bring lunch. court cases were issued this week: If you Change your address kind Clarence Heaton vs. G ladys H eat­ (Continued from pay* 1> W » BO OUR ly notify th e Argus direct and at on. default, decree; United S tates favorably to hand work, he be­ once. National bank of Newberg vs. Dew- lieved. This store w ill be open nights and a p a rt Cunningham, accompanied b y o f Sundays. K enneth Tillotson of Forest Grove. SERA engineer in charge o t the survey, and George McGee of Hills­ boro, secretary of the T ualatin. S p ecia ls for July 13 and 14 Valley Drainage and MCOu Control association, examined the lower 15 miles of the stream Saturday. P u r­ pose of the trip was to ascertain conditions and determine the feasi­ bility of an SERA work project for clearing off the stream banks and B all M ason or improving the channel and flood Red & W h ite capacity. K err’s R egular Talk on Holy Land Given at Bethany ----- --- -...... l.a le Grange of Foie.I Glove will present a program at the all-dav llieeling ot the Hillsboro Grange Satin,lay A ixiskei dinner will b e etyed at noon aud Hie program w ill lx- > n en In the allei luxin. Tlie publie is invited to attend. Slated for July 23 (IN (IK I GON I MOIS JULY CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES CANYON Cl I'V The grasshofi|iet menace m G ram county, so till a ■ a seriola, liile.slatiou gixvs. Lx a thing ot the past tor tins year, r e ­ pon.. County Vient It G John- ■ i.'ti I lie 1 . in V ilici Cantellien . as; ix lal ion worked diligently and with lederai aid lor supplies has ,, mplelely wtfX'd out the IxxLs I I I Unit district. Mr Johnston say., thus saving sum mer feed lor al Imisi 4000 head ot cattle f'lie main beds iti Ila* Fox valivi district Wile III') t i o u i l s , illy ., I oo Late to Classify B t l I V ili I I n u i. e iio ik n r. C m ».I •k X nl'l* I w <"•.1 K. « .n t .K ilo n Study of Tualatin Conducted Saturday Prom pt Service SPECIAL M aling A ppointed to B artlett P ear Group B. E. Maling of Hillsboro ha.~. been appointed on th e control com­ m ittee to supervise the m aiketing agreem ent for the Pacific coast B artlett p e a r canning Industry, which has been approved by Secre­ tary of Agriculture Henry A. W al­ lace. GEM MIGHROMATIC RAZOR 25c W ith B lad es 2 lots, 3-room house, well located, for »450.00, terms. A real buy, 7-rootn house, strictly modern, some fu rn i­ ture. Price $2600.00, liberal terms. Modern home, fully fu rn ish ­ ed for sale a t a bargain. You can move right in and have a real home. E. A. 2 1929 Ford R oadsters Ford Sed an 1934 T errap lan e 1-ton Ford Truck D o d g e D elivery Truck Load o f IN D IA and P E N N S Y L V A N IA TIRES Just A rrived ! G as - O il - A ccesso ries LENOX BLADES 5 fo r IOC G R IF F IT H R eal E state and Insurance Can finance y o u r insurance prem ium s on a m o n th ly basis. 1 1 5 2 2nd St. P h on e 171 USED C A R S Aspar’gus JARS Cars B ou gh t, Sold and C onsigned Cars W ash ed and P olish ed Used Car Exchange Delta D rug Store A g e n c y for N ash and H udson and T errap lan e 2nd and W ash. P hone 2641 A ll G reen No. 2 m edium n o rth ­ west. N ew pack 93c Q uart AiaJVz Your ch oice (K l ltllD U s W ash o G ranulated Large size 25c OF COURSE yo u n e e d s o m e th in g Red & W h ite 26c M cC A LL of a DOG FOOD 3 for Knee Action IIis answer w ill show why it is now advisable to in ­ vest in C hevrolet. Just like t h e C hevrolet-F isher no­ d ra ft v e n tila tio n feature of last year. T he lead er “still leads'* w ith the L ow est Priced P /g-ton Truck in the W orld! McCALL Hillsboro MotorCo. JAMES UIIITII XW. Manager O lds and C hevrolet 3rd and W ash. Phone 441 •JI-USMOBILE "Style l.iader" W e D o H em stitch in g and D ressm aking F a ir w a y M any other items specially priced fo r F rid a y and S aturday. These prices good J u ly 13 and 14 only. M a rk e t ________________ IN D E P E N D E N TLY O W N E D A N D O PER A TED HELLO FOLKS! Have you seen our new open-front grocery store? Come in and pay us a v is it! A nd take advantage o f our bargains. P rices E ffectiv e Friday, S atu rd ay and M onday, July 13, 14 and 16 Jell W ell CHEESE Assorted Flavors. 6 25c p k g .. lie Pound Flour K itchen Queen. A ll hard wheat. 49-lb . $ g .5 9 B ag 1 C orn Flakes Oregon, fu ll cream. T h a t tasty kind. Jersey brand. 4 25c pkgs. Toilet Tissue Peanut B utter 1000-Hheet rolls. Fresh ground. 6 rolls 25c 2 Shrim p G rapefruit Mason Jars .. Fancy Southern. 19c n». 2 5.OZ. tins D ainty Bit. No. 2 can Soap Powder Chocolates P ow der Bulk. 4-oz. ‘can 69c B a b b it’s. 2 8-oz. 15c Pound O ld fashioned. D ozen Soap Powder Calumet B aking 19c 10c P ints, complete 59c. 5C pkgs. Mazola Oi, Close out. 10c Mayonnaise *it-gallon tin 10c 10c Pound 39c Corned Beef Fresh and tasty. isty. B ulk. 15c. A rm o u r’s best. 2 25c FRESH VEGETA BLES TO M A TO E S 25c IT ! O M E T H IN G very for m o l? Or to m rfh in g ♦hat you II fool co m fo rfo My d ra tted up in? Me C all'» co lle c tio n o f fo r ­ m al clothe* fea tu re» every ♦ype. Sm art (oik are g o ing in for (h e new dinner or co ck ta il co tfu m e t like ♦ he ♦wo tk efeh ed . The >»»• on (h e right h a t a » ep a ra te c a p e and a cut o u t back. The »mailer fig u re wear» a low back, h igh -fron t a ffa ir th at » em inently «m art. You can m ake eith er o f them in your leisure tim e with M cC all'» e ip lic it printed d irection » to te e you th o u g h from »tart to flfWtl. ca r if he w ould lik e to re­ tu rn to le a f springs or to exchange fo r any o th e r type o f “ knees.” R egular C alo HAS S 23c Box D IN IN G A ND D A N C IN G Black Pepper B all M ason or K err’s R egular a P a ir f V A / A M V A C ,N A N A D W l W ID T H S I N V /A C 5 EIG H TS. COM PLETE STOCK 10c CAPS S-J 98 15c A SK A N Y OW NER Pound MILK \\ bites, b l a c k a n d w hiles, enmbinat inns, tans and blacks. O x ­ ford», straps, ties. Ex Ira n rd in a ry s p e c ia l! Shirts, Shorts FOR JARS SOAP Summer Shoes For m e n ! ( 'n tln n «hii ls ami broadcloth slinrts in a big d e a r Mice. Each Lighthouse. Ball M ason or K err’s R egular FW/k P ints ■ a/C W o m e n a riiieat iiOr* VF«zVz r .l \ IO M i ' l l . i t'lotll f a m il y a t K lin e s In i' till (lie i{ i:i> i t i : i > p r ic e s . a n ti Values $1 and $1.25. A big special lo t al at X i* t i V I . h e re b y « h e n t lin t th e u tn le r- A |*n *s l h<* • been n iln tin H I i n t . r o f th e e t . le . . f K l l l h M h o te l. «leeeM-eal, b y n n o r . le r m a d e a n d e n te i.-a l t i t th e t o u n ty C o u r t o f th e S o f h r e u o n f. r \ \ .4 h ih g io n C o u n ty o n (h e 2 H th «lay o f M a y , l'.«34. n m i ( h a t he h a a been «Inly q u a lif ie d io n et aa » i t c h a d m in i s t r a t o r No» th e re fo r« *, a I I |>er« , (> re yi»n . w it h in s’t m o n th .« f r o m th e d a te «»f t h e f i r » ’ p u b ­ lic a t io n of th is « n o t i c e , t o - w it W ’ t h in » ix m o n th » f r o m I n l y I. '. 1934. h a te « l a t lli ll» b o r o O re w o n . on th ia I n t h .lay o f J u ly . IU34 C l \R F D o l l ' . 1-, K d m in t a t r a t o r o f th e I » ta le o f E d ith M h o te l hee ea » ed I* I. P a tte r s o n . A tto rn e y fo r A d m in o t r a - to r . J! l - ft ■ HRÂ. to W e a l'. N o tio n s , I i i i i i ’. x Play Suits jo lly K( r i M ic e i 2. 4'urheilu» ICE I h »». in cheap I'li. iih t ; i ; i ,\ i n Local Playground Programs Success 4 cd dr« iT-tL.i* in lut nip a« Iran«* in the »»Mints- th b year aiintihm : to C II l l « i r in»m county un»»nt it lias been . t.»t«*d that milk (tom turnip fed row » may I n * < la i i i < .t .M*paiatrl\ and Ita unr prohibited in liukui« chec;»e 111,1 AMOOK Con-ddriahlr tut loti aiMinst uinulitg turnip.*, tor cow l««‘d hit* l’«'t*u ¿darted in l’tlla mnok county. based on th r rup- p« iiio ii I hat thc\ flavor th r milk and a d h o u ih and (bus (Continued fruni pnee 11 and have agreed to let employes, who desire to attend the game off R un» ... o o o o a 4 0 0 without “docking’* them R espond Hita -0 0 1 2 0 4 0 0 8 Nevber*— to advance ticket sales has been W ashington County P o m o n a Runa 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 fine, he stated. 9 Hita 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 I 11 G range will hold its next quarterly R. H E. meeting at the Beaverton G range Carlton County R epublicans 6 4 hall July 25. Verboort 3 Senator Peter Zim m erm an o 1 to O rg a n ize Ji July 20 Batterie* ; S touten be rjf and F ryer; Lyd* aud Miel. Yamhill county, independent candi­ W ashington County Republican H. E. date for governor, has promised to d u b will be organized July 20 at » 2 talk on "progressive" legislation, ac- 8 p in a t the Hillsboro chamber 9 2 B a t t e n m : Brow n and H a iley W.sal eorduig to Mrs. Josephine Strickler, of commerce All county Republi­ K.s.nbaing lecturer. Features front several ot cans interested are Invited to a t ­ the subordinate granges have been tend. Several Portland speakers will T t -.' t I I V , t „ planned Tins program will prob­ be present. 1 1 H ill U a t e ably be from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. and will be open meeting if the hail New Business O pens space permits. Total _____ Hilla boro-— 12. 19,'( | a id p >1. < u u t | mi I killed out l»'h>ie tin* ilmip«’ have not I wm , ii proved G ale G range Presen«» | I hr ir iill u UI probably I n * a muiK P rogram H ere Saturday ih«' li