The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 12, 1934, Image 1

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    , e i . . ’ *.
Read Advei tising
<>r O
L a l ,"4 Sl(>i<’ N e u . A lw a y «
A|>|x*ai'H in t i n ' A r g u n
Good Printing
The Argus Gives Q uukity
Service at Eair Prices
W ir h W h ic h is C o m b i n e d r'n - i C lls b o r o I n d e p e n d e n t
v o l u m i ; x i . i
H ll.l.
S ta te C a p ito l
N e w s L e tte r
Study Made
of Condition
I •
U y A I.. L IN O II K ('
P e o p le W ill \ o le on
T h re e
M e a s u r e in
N e x t E le c t io n
E q u ip m e n t N e c e s s a ry f o r
■iifruoi Un V«-I ■ i i t < >v on
wlirn tin v k < i to III' |u>ll* next
November One »I III''*«' t i n
(iriine.e Power bill lim ited by Un*
1033 leili lilt m e will I k 111 till'
btilliil bv rruMin ul the relcrelilluin
invoke I bv the Security Owner
U.SWK Intimi The other two are in ­
itiated men.',lire* Of throe lutter
the |iro|m.i it tux llnntutlon aim m l-
llient bi .S|MI||MIIrtl bv the Tux Lim­
itation leugne or Oregon und toe
pro|Mi.M*tl lieiillng arts iimemlmeni
lx UOII'Oied by t h e I’lngresslve
ColUilltutlonul Amendment commit-
The G range Power bill provide.!
for »lute development o f water
power uml hydro eleciru energy eltli-
, r .separately or m conjunction with
the federal government or some
other state or stntes, and m
the eiran»-
f lo o d C o n tr o l W o r k
Value of Plan Cited
G ro u p
E x a m in e s
S itu a tio n
L o w e r R iv e r S a tu r d a y
T hat equipment In addition to
mult-power m rl hand tool» would
be nix ill'll to make nei e.xsury Ilixxl
xnitrol im provements on the lower
Tualatin river was the report of
j o|,n w Cunningham , consulting
engineer, after an exam ination of
t |„. lower liver Saturday If the
w,a g q, limited to man-power and
,,and tool», he iei ommended th a t
II» project be
lx* undertaken expert-
Joe Belanger
Gro»P t0 [1C Agem
/ m
, i
provide* for tlie creation ol a
state power conmiLsslon of three
meinbers Bond* to finance opera-
lion of the oooimlsalon and de-
velopinent ot a stale power program
eould be Issued only after approval
T liat the banks of the river were
covered with brush and overhung-
pj« tree*, which a slight dlsturbum e
vf the Imnkx would overturn and
(hat the river was dogged with
hundred* of snag* and deadheuils
by the voters
the substance of hta report on
, I In- ta x li m i t a t i o n in e a a m e s e e k * c o n d itio n * Removal Of tile treia
l„ lim it llie a d v a lo r e m lax co
: t h e
property in Oregon f o r current bunks would have a definite result
govermentat expense* to a maxi- m improving the rapacity of the
mum of 20 mills effective w i t h river and reduce flood heights, lie
1836, with u reduction of one mill stated. He also reported many reefs
eaeli year for five years so th at and recommended channel cut-offx.
utter 11H0 tlie maximum properly
Equipment Needed
lux except for debt service—would
u n d e n t clearing of tlie slreuni
!«• lfi mills Of tills tax not more would require some equipm ent !«•-
tlinn lo per cent could be applied yond man-power and hand tools
to state purpuses. uot more th an to remove trees In tin- waters and
25 |ier rent to county purposes; irces which would full into tlie
not more than 25 per cent t o water tn clearing the banks. C un-
school district purposes and not ninghuni declared Otherwlar. only
more thun 40 per cent to city and brush and small tree* could be re-
town purposes Tax levies for rx- moved. Equipment recommended by
limit as.M'».Miirnt on property to 50
p rr cent of It* cash value
Thc proposed healing a ils con-
stltutional am endm ent would xitxol-
lib prelim inary exam inations of
applicants for license« to piucllrc
certain brunches of the healing
art* a» now provided by statute
endorse und recommend a project
lor clearing tile stream Ttie re-
suit* would Justify the expenditure
aside from tlie relief prospects, lie
That an exprnineiilal program
should be undertaken it equipm ent
wa, not h . allablc was Cunningham 's
expis ted to .start n-xt Monday
Work wa* begun Wednesday back-
filling the drainage ditch at the
Gale* Creek school, while the Hel-
vetlu school Job Is nearly completed
- ---- —
fk » 1 1 . “ w
111 w
11 | F
_ vagg
w T
iNiW flinl
announced th a t
C i,unly :.(Iiool -.iipe rliitin ilriil . are
meeting In Salem this week-end
In their annual conference to ills-
cuss idiicatlonal problems. Among
other subjects up for consideration
will be th a t of school legislation.
school revenues und their uppor-
tlonment, music In the rural school»
and county music festivals and
the relationship between the state
departm ent of education and the
Governor Meier seems to be e n ­
countering some difficulty In p er­
suading anyone to accept the Job
on the S tate Liquor Control rotn-
nitsslon left vacant when George
McMorrnn of Eugene resigned. Two
Salem men are known to have de­
clined llie honor und only tlie gov­
ernor himself knows how many
Road Body Faces
Finance Problem
on Sea Highways
Council Acts
to Enforce
City Levies
Problem of w hether to allocate
fund» to construct a portion ol the
Wilson river highway In Tillamook
county and alio»’ for salvaging
tim ber or to build th e Wolf creek
road will be considered this m orn-
_ _ _ _ _
ing 'Thursdayi in Portland by the
E ig h te e n 4 - H C lu b M e m b e rs date highway commi . ton
T h e E n f o r c e m e n t o f O c c u p a tio n
group has tentatively set aside
« ,.
E n te r e d in F ir s t A n n u a ]
».50000 out of the »732 000 available
T a x O r d in a n c e O r d e r e d
for all projects, but a T illam ook
E x h ib it a n d C o n te s t
b y M u n ic ip a l B o d y
delegation is seeking the Wilson
river project to open timber coun-
,tn e
.mi a r. ™.
vaiiabie for work
rr L I J llU I Il! »
I l a n i l C U on f both
projects according to th e
commission. To use state funds for
p ri.,n j,
T h o rn b u rg h
A ssists
in L a u n c h in g
G ro u p
O ne Complaint
t j)(. . pj
om mi .on
would deprive the
federal f u n d , i n A c t io n
1936 as a t th a t tim e the
governm ent will m atch dollar for
m0n8y put Up by 018
T h at approximately »600,000 l n
back taxes was due TUlamo«* e « m
tv Dai, ,'.r t h i_ dup . h „ statp
the declaration of t h e T d b u n o . k
delegation Mondav a tt h e c u m m is
g ston
J a session.
Z , * None
of this
this would
None of
m available
_______ until
uu«» tim
ber on the
iand could
could be
be sold
sold F Funds
unds were
,v. construct
, v
f Into
o the r
asked to
a . road
um ber country as far as Bear creek
a? '
ly, J ° ,
centH of ‘Î!®
c° ntend<*? J f 0?1"
would benefit
2 ? ™.ltth8 e d ,
n was po‘n ,t;
Mr workmen f
r aorkmen. both loggers and
m en-________________
P r o je c t
P r o m o te
U s e o { L a n < )in K F ie ld
Legal action to enforce the oc-
h irst annual Forest Grove Natlon-
al bank 4-H sheep show will be
cupation tax ordinance in Hillsboro
held July 21 in the Fendall ware-
*»-s started
Wednesday afternoon
house across from the Forest Grove
by th e cit> councU w ith the filing
city hall, according to an announce-
° a com plaint in the recorder's
m ent th is week by Joseph Belanger.
L E. Blatchley, local
, agent.
assistant ______
The _ pro-
Darber He appeared this morning.
gram was P
last spring
sprm g by
Plead ilOt KUilty
unched jast
......... and trial wa» set
the Forest Grove Institution and
„ M0™
J „
18 county 4-H club members are
^ “»Hon regarding delinquencies
enrolled for the first contest.
in paym ent of occupation taxes,
Classes of breeding ewes, yearling
whlch hu-s tM* n
iirc ior
ewes and ewe lambs will be shown
many months, came to a head
>unt> lnci hti appointment Au- “
**> .»» m. s h u
< with five premiums awarded in
Tuesday evening during th e council
gust 5, 1932 as successor to W. B.
Averill, now agent ot Benton coun-
exhibitors ribbon
meeting. After a report had been
h«, given
each club member
made by Paul L. Patterson, city a t-
t> In addition he directed the
exhibiting as well as place ribbons
torney, on the collection of back
corn-hog reduction program last
for premium winners.
leVles- the c°micilmen instructed
winter and was instrum ental ln °r-
ganiznq the Fore t Grove sheep G r a n t! J u r o r s R e p o r t T w o
Demonstrations Planned
the attorney to take immediate ac-
non against ail persons who h ad
slmw to be held July 21 Date of
Frank Brown of Carlton, one of
taking over the post In Morrow
A s s a u lt In d ic tm e n ts
not paid or who had not made a r ­
th e well known Hampshire sheep
county has not been definitely set.
rangem ents to pay. A lthough but
breeders in Oregon and from whom
complaint was filed tbe first
Advancement Made
Trlal of Charles S Howard, T l-
_ , ,
many of the boys entered in the one
day. many more are anticipated
nrW p o rtio n will be a dis- gard farm er, was set for July 23 contest bought ta e ir fo u n d a tio n
the next few days.
tinct alvancem ent f o r Belanger, by Circuit Judge Bagley Friday
8ive a blocking and
Ordinance FLanned
William _ _ Cyrus, county * agent, . de- . alter
n rx*4 rx rvoll
will i,lQ v\cr^.
_ county __
_ _______
____ grand
____ Jury after a pre _ m onth and a half will elapse be-
Preparation of a wholesale vehicle
i _____
iaicvl _____
is larger
th a n ___
to the
W ashington county and agncul- ltminary hearing before C o u n t y t uepn the bank sheep show ^and the
ordinance similar to the one now in
turul activities are predominately Jude. Templeton, indicted on a £°unty I®ir - Belanger pointed out. R u : i j ; n „_
_ n _i Slro-U 1^,*» effect in Oregon City was au th o ru -
win a; anil sheep Belanger replaces charge of assault and battery and During th a t tune the boys will be
ed by the council Tuesday night
Charles Sinitli. fonner agent, who entered a plea of not guilty. The able 10 do much to their sheep, so
¡n p i a m e s T u e s d a y E v e
40x1 Wlll be presented a t the August
been appointed assistant dlrec- defendant Is alleged to have beaten
not P"*-1? 8 up a t the
session. The ordinance on the city
tor oi Ult agricultural adjustm ent his daughter. Alene Howard. 17.
shoah m a y , S,t iJ1 i 10.1* « f,rWU1
txxjks a t present is null and void,
adinuusiriillon work i n Oregon, with a horse whip for unsatisfactory w*th his sheep a t the later fair.
Loss estim ated a t between $4000 a similar measure at Forest Grove
Belanger will have his headquar- farm work
Sheep raising project was started and »5000 resulted from a fire having been declared untonslitir­
H |.|>|>Iwr
Details of the beating which she last sPru lK
John Thornburg, which swept farm buddings on the tional by the circuit court, P a tte r-
Belanger* work in W ashington said ue received at tlie hands of President of the Forest
Grove Dan Bailey place south of Hillsboro son declared. The Oregon City o r-
.j National bank. He offered SoO In late Tuesday evening. Five build- dinance has been referred to th e
, premiums for the show and in ad- mgs. several head of stock, farm circuit court in th a t district and
set aside $100 to be loaned machinery, hay and grain
were will probaoly be continued to th e
club members for purchase completely destroyed by the blaze supreme court. Local councilmen
stock. Club members borrowing which broke out shortly before 11 favored enactm ent of th e law a t
to coming to W ashington black and blue two days after the ,none>' ior this purfi? *
“ P ®-
present so that, a the Oregon City
i .„Tit .
Belan n served as in a n - as.scrted beating. A strap five feet one-year note for all or p a rt of
Fire was first discovered in the measure u held to w sconstitutional,
[|le dairym en s a-sToclation tang, fastened In the middle with Hie P“«:hose price of the sheep, large dairy born and spread rapidly the city will not lose revenue up
m Kelso Wash having i n a c t i v e copper racks and a piece of wire ,rbpse noWs were
** " 5 ^ a t0 thp garage milkhouse. another to th a t time.
m tl>.
orgaruzatiori ot tliat group «nd nulled to a heavy stick was h‘ le “t a tune
the ® p®ber was barn and a machine shed, burning
Following receipt ot a eomm um-
He 1» a graduate^of Greg, m S tate introduced in evidence as one re- ab‘e through the year.
aU to the ground. The Hillsboro lire cation irom the slate board o f
cm p iG in g his im d e n tra £ sembllng the whip with which How - _ .In sponsoring the /h e e p conteot. apparatus answered the alarm, but health recommending th a t the open
uute work in anim al husbandry hi ard is charged with having beat his Thornouxgti declared th a t a few was unable to cope whth tbe flames mten stoim sewers east ol the city
, vear of gra* - daughter,
sheep hftve an economic place o n which roared like an inferno before uc
up, couhLiimth ordered
the pre para uoc of a n ordinance to
work a t th* college In larrn
Two true bills o f indictm ent most Washington couhty f a r m s , a ¿:rong wind.
pecialising in dairv charging assault and battery were WhlIe sbee?
T hree horses, a bull and » heifer prevent local resident, from eon-
n lanagrinent
returned F ridai afternoon by the re 8tsw>red for ^ ie contest, most of calf were consumed by the fire in necting saiititary sewer lines to
cost studies.
dairy barn in addition to ap- storm drains. This * h nut am exists
county grand jury. H ie first was
preximately 54 tons of hay and in many parts ol town, according
against Charles S. Howard of T i­ tered Hampshire ewes.
three tons of mill run. In the other to reports received oy the counciL
gard. while the other was returned
barn approximately 125 bushels of The sanitation comm ittee was au-
against J F. Murphy of Beaver­
grain were destroyed. Nearly all of thorized to prepare such a n o r-
ton. tlie result oi a fight a t the
the farm machinery, including a dinance and suom it it a t the n e x t
D urham school house during a
truck, was damaged. Fourteen head 1 meeting.
m e tin g of tile Civil Emergency
of dairy cows and a num ber of
L. J. M errill of Hillsboro appeared
Federation of Oregon. The grand
were outside at the time of before the council asking tn a t the
C ontrari for ttie construction of jury for tl-.e March term of court
take a n active interest in the
111 Gall’s creek bridge was aw ard- wus
continued to serve during the
j u i v t „ rm
Hearing relative to the proposed horses would also have been out construction and development of
eu Monday morning to Edwin F.
D n
of t nrnnprt,.
h e Shute
t they were to be used the county airport near Hillsboro. He
Balgrrm ann of Portland a bid
Damages totaling »75.250 a r e sale
b ,iriin
a n a Savings
«¡vturex bank
h a s thp
next tlia
declared th at, if assured of rea-
»»»=.». T,„.
„ ru a ,,,,
, w u.
S „ u ,-
“ i
Bailey removed five boxes of sonaoie co-operation from the city,
w111 replarr the bridge washed out
(C ontinued on p a*e IV, colum n 2)
I' •
ilOW iirCl 1
fp .S lilt P f l pach cla£s
D « O It
_)lci It-U wlU
i i j-
Bailey Barns
C h ris te n s e n
H ead*
. .
B o a rd ;
l.o m a x A p p o i n t e d ( l e r k
Milin .,,ii hnv* n normal arhnnl
term of mo., m onth duration next
. ,
, , ,'i,iui • , ,i ,i>ii,n
hv .h e
n ■ riel
, h ^,i
ed oy the district sihooi ooaro
Thursday evening Adverse financial
William C Chrisentsen vlce-
president of the Commercial Na-
tlonal bank, was re-elected ih a ir-
man of tin* ' ‘iilon district board
for tlie fourth coaaecutlve time,
while L. C. In m ax of Hillsboro was
appointed district clerk Tlie latter
replaces B M (Jowlmnn principal.
.. wualta' wl
Many Injured
in Accidents
he will Institute m andam us pro-
reeding* to e„inpel 111, ,, retary
of stilt«, to Include his name on the
bullot and. Incidentally lo clear
lip some niiail iMiints In llie non-
partisan Judiciary law.
Grove Bank
Sheep Show
Set July 21
rcapeclive bci'iislng Ixmrilx of th e trial, “d ie program ixnild be ex- the lute C
Delchman tn April,
medical und osteopathic, rhlroprac- ponded If reeulta Justified It. In 1933
Be and naturopathic schools to ile- any rose, us a work relief program.
H W. Barnes was retained as
tcrm lne the nature mid scope o f tlie general efficiency, social mill city superintendent of schools and
examination* for surh applicants.
economic benrlibi resulting would Goodman us principal of the union
The Novrmbrr measures bullot exceed those It other projects put bigli school. Teacher c o n tra c ts
will be one of the shortest 111 the through In I he stale, he declared.
which will be prepared In a short
32 year» experience of this state
Suggestion w.i» also made th a t u tune, will be given to practically
with ttie Initiative mid referendum study of conditions in the upper »11 member» of the 1933-34 staff.
In the general election of 1904 Tualatin river and Dairy creek be according t o
there were «inly three measures on conducted to determine tile feaslbll- teachers, who have been receiving
tlie ballot and a t a special election uy oi luuiil work in im proving tlie salaries of $100 or less were given
November » 6. lt'2.1.
1923, oniv
onlv one
one channels
on lnovemiM'r
• inxim « i-> in
in these
m e.»,' areas.
W ien», These
m e s e con-
c o n - a •• ».’> p<
i" r • m
" i onth
, ” •> Increase,
un ie .I
. , , , , , m ng
measure, the ini ome tax act, was dlUniis would lend theiiiselvf* more to authorization udopted during
presented to the voters
• • •
All current outstanding w arrants
of till' union district will bi paid
Attorney General VanWinkle has
ruled that the name of I* I, Eddy
trict «
of Roseburg shall not go on the
bonds ___ ____ _________ ________
November ballot as a candidate for
sen Slated lie declared tliat this
i Ireult Judge In llie second district
will be
Eddy was last In a field of four
that the
the first
Iin an time
cti of in ’the many
candidates seeking nominations for
Three persons were injured here trict have been In this condition.
the three Judicial posts In th e see-
ond district anil the attorney gen- Sunday in a collision a t the In- Appointment
of committees for
eral holds tliat by virtue of tliat tersectlon of Ftrat and Lincoln the board will be announced a t
fa, t lie was defeated - f o r t i l e streets between automobiles driven the next regular school board meet-
nomination Bddy from his home by Lueelta lim it. Hillsboro, and Imt-
s in Rosebun ha
N O . 21
Two Playground
Programs Here
Held Successful
at Heppner
distribution and sail of „initilly and expanded if Justified rw,f »»4 cleaning tlie ground wai
powei at "c.t I la m easure also py results.
*■ " approved Wednei lay Work
12, 1934
recreation programs
p Project
ro p ■ t, cont«
r< •-
ting tiu
tiri re-
Hill and Peter Bos-
ating of iu
mod ling atul
and renov
mx I
conducted as a local
clollnnu (ot relief pUrposen und«.
have proven a de-
the HERA 1 r»;:r;«m was pn par« <1
accordlng U> C. If
this week in 1 uppre>ved bv Por’
•r. supe ntendent. Betw een 60
land office Wcdm .1 tv ’llie plu n
and 70 your stem are taking part
wu*s outiin« <1 by Mis Helen H ¡iin.l-
■ ,
d ,,. , I „•
ton. executiv e seen î ar y of the relief A id e in W a s h in g to n C o u n ty in t
day Dmr . lay and Friday
office, and b» In hue with 111e re -
i hndren of grade school age
A c t iv e in 4 - H , D a ir y in g
habilitation program
nvited to take p art In the
( ’lotiilng will lx* coll« « ted i n
in P a s t T w o Y e a r »
and recreation work from
m rrvk «•
county communities b y
o 4 30 p. m on each of the
groups uiid sent to Portkin« .1 for
four days. Nosier stated Miss
.sterilizing. 1 k cording to tlu* pro­
mith ol Hillsboro l, In
posed plan < hu ment» would tium
Ol the David Hill program
in* . m n t to tliree cc ntiul lounty
Mi... Marlys
. .. H einer
_ . of _ Hills-
¡mint» lor rem «lehn« and renovat­
located Ot tin I • .« : B o n ,*
ing hy w omen I rom the relief roll*
Average a tte n d an c e a t th e
Clothing will In mude In the larg ­ Successor has b een S e le c te d
" " ' „ . T f 1 riS abV?1 *
e d p u n ib le s i z e and distributed next
but N ot Y e t A n n o u n c e d
and ..bout 20 a t the Peter Boscow
winter on recommendation of case
^E quipm ent —
. .......... for the two play-
Use of tlie larger scraps for
J<*epl) Belanget a ssilsa n t a g ri- ground was received Tuesday and
<|udt enter» u n i the »mailer r p pi«
alt uial agent of W ashington co u n - i
i,t ing erected a t the present
,<,r 111 llnc >• Ul ', in n ii'm p b ated
'“ " 1 ,n i foi i he past two yeans, ha» been time, according to Nosier. A pparatus
Ihe plan Women needing
to aug- appointed agent ol Morrow county, pun ha ,«d from fund., .solicited un-
na il! th en Ix’dil n ■ ipph
'ill '■ .u ei . dlt.g to word leeuhed here this der the direction of Mr Paul L.
allowed to do this work under ."i- seek Hi ,u<<e. an has been se- Patterson and provided b y t h e
lei u 1 and hat accepted, but the schn
board includes two giant
Dm ham m Iiool project 'a llu i.: appoiniineni ha* not lieen con- stride, two
rings and
. . . . ------
- two
1111 'a i m lung and kalroinlnlng th e lm m .d 0> the stale board of high-
' c i ,
.n»»«« io. column 2i
Interior and painting the exterior er education
tin building, pmuiig
putting "i.
on a m new
' '
on 1 ualatin ;
s e
K O K O , O R E G O N . T I G K D A Y , .J I LY
Gales Bridge
Contract Let
Sale of Bank
Property Set
S"iin’' B ^ T e r i T V ^ T a s ^ T h ^ low » ¿ T a“nd their "d au g h ter’“'L ilia n
bldder i f° o r r m
the e wura
work while
high , —-----
plaintiffs —
and — —
wiuie the
„1, uigj.
—- are •-------------
bid am ounted to «10,064.50. Esti- sul* against Mr. and Mrs. Paul E.
(C ontinued on pave 1' . colum n 1) , b' engineers
had set tlie
P£L’babb' rost at aPProxlmately »10.-
County Youths at
Vancouver Camp
w S
rT ^ nd8" i
» e « " « * » removed from
S liL ,)-,
» ^ 8 subm ltted Prior t0 t h e tags. Only the fact th a t a strong
wind was blowing during the tire
Offers received to date were sub- prevented th e flames from spread-
nutted by the First National bank ing to the house
of Portland, leasee of the property.
Although actual cause of th e fire
and oy Joe Propstra o f Forest ts unknown. Bailey declared Wed-
Grove The proptrty is to be sold nesday th a t he believed it was of
subjec t to the existing lease which
incendiary nature. Loss was cov-
is for a 10-year term .
ered bv $2000 in insurance
Authority to sell the assets to
________________ _
the Security Savings and T rust „
i i r>
company for $14.500. issued April 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 I J O V U l C S
10. wos revoked last w eek by Judge
Proposed bridge is to be 70 feet
long, having a 24-foot roadway and
Frank M Jeffrie Hillsboro route
----- ----------------
be constructed with concrete W ash­
■’ Vivian and E tta Jeffries reeelv- ■
ing on county workmen selected
«'«I cuts and bruise, while Henry J.
from the files at the federal re- July 10— ,S p e c i a l D o f f i n g "civ
H'lh t Jr., suffered a broken tooth.
for the olive drab of Uncle
M <> Orniluff of Laurel reeeivtxl
V ^ C tC n illir V
l F O l l l i th e job
Samuel s army, s i x \\ ashington
11,1 Injured head anil arm s B atur-
county youths now are among 260
<l»*y when his ra r was Involved In
Dr R J. Nleol. local veterinarian
Oregon and W ashington students at
a collision with a n
automobile and nxiiinaiidrr of the American
d rB e n b.v H 1
o rt- I , on p«ist
vli c
—— — - - - - - - - -
[n<, n in th a n n u a l C itizens M ilitary
ln,ld n >'' crash occurred southeast president of Uir Oregon Veterinary
i i ^ n nK camp a t CamP H urlburt *
of_Laurel. _
Midtenl association Tuesday during
. ,
They are A. S. Bates. Tigard; J . I
Edward Carter. Cornelius route the three-day session of the group
entv-fne afternoon
county youths
were R Dlnsmore. G. E. Wolf a n d
received a fractured collar bone at Salem Elwyn Coon. Forest Grove ,„,*( T w Tu'e'dav
"to* Van-
l,ie result of an automobile hc - veterinarian, was niunt-d third vice-
cldent Sunday ufternoon at the In- president.
1 11 , Æ
, s
s r o o ä i i r w i t i ä i e W o , lf’^
* ä ,5 s m any'm
? ä onths.
tersectlon of the Farm ington und
Dr ............................
and Mrs. Nicol left Sunday
^ ¿ r t are
Ko<xl roads c M atsura of S her- for the convention, while Dr. E
had lived In Oregon since
teiiortcd ivs the driver W. . Ä
i s
r ™
. 1901. coming
here from D unbar,
t*lp °Bipr ear Involved.
-on. hr.itiklin MiCoy. Henry Harly. a b]up or fourth-year trainee. Four Neb. She was bom May 14. 1859,
Wesley Pureell and Oeorge Meyer,
of outdoor life instruction in Howard county. Indiana, and
Hillsboro; William E. Hughes. Al- in citizenship and m ilitary subjects ‘'wmp to K ansas in 1872. where she
tred Carroii K enneth Price, John and plenty oI sp o ru a‘re in ordei: was married to Oliver Westcott in
m ock
( Charles
h n r lr x C
hri<ij»njiA n
... »»........
.-. i ,,*♦«. rr....__
Don lor
1876 a t w<«.
K ansas.
Cochran and Dean Pearson. Slier-
Mra. W estcott is survived by the
wood; Marvin Sm ith. Harold Jarob-
House of David baseball team, one American association for four years se
of the most colorful organizations Hit 382 for House ot David last Erat
In the country, will visit Hillsboro season.
Monday afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock
£ ^ - 5 r n ‘8ii.*e‘*
- m
’B X e r ™ ^ ^
Annual W ^ h in g to n County Hoi- K
w “ e r° o f MonmoTSi* ¿Tie
Ur. INlCOl kJllICCr
I «**-• il \ * UUII»
rviiftic VII!
‘G v_-« v_,. V^.tlllJiN
Youth Held
Auto Mix-up
Charged with concealing stolen
property. Bud Chase of Hillsboro
was lodged in the county jail S at­
urday following recovery of a stol­
en car belonging to W. H. Broad-
beck of P ortland at his boarding
house here. Sheriff J. W. Connell
reported th a t the youth h ad also
adm itted several th efts in Hills-
A s Result of Fall boro1
When recovered, th e cur carried
' .
ROY — Stanley Meeuwsen, four.
license plates belonging to John D
UHirdl 1 IlUciy
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil H are of Hillsboro, while plates from
for Mrs. Westcott lialn Meeuwsen, died Saturday night the stolen car were found on H are's
Colorful House of David Team
to Meet Hillsboro Here Mondav
the St.
Vincent s
hospital in machine. T he latter was not aware
of th e switch until informed by
- Jansen
- « of Hills­
^ow e°d‘T p T T l " h e 'g re w T uam iy la* « W e . Chester
boro was placed under arrest Mon-
~ . s ^ _
¡ £ - .¿ 4 * ,
ol a specialist and an emergency charge on the
the sam e day.
operation performed a t St. V in -| loss of two
cans a of t
hospital Saturday. The op- lubricating two
oil five-gallon
from his truck
p r n fin n rovA aleH «>
»»u ni itu» ir u i K a t
eration revealed a hem orrhage on F ourth a n d H aseim - in u iti.a ,
two sides of the brain.
D unbar of Salem, who
the am usem ent company
" h ?
grandchildren and one sister. Clara, and five broth- ' on a W ashington county w arrant
grandchildren also sur- era. Maurice. Norbert. Ralph, H ar- He Is being held on a morals charge
old and Vernon.
I involving a local 15-year-old grlrl.
dll be held at
from the Donel-
o i
i Pacific Coast Waterfront Strike
Lcd the team
h . A. M athiesen, western field
t »• I
m noinc runs 1O.S! yei
with 26. and
Dennis Dalle y. _82. died at th e representative of the American Hoi-
been with the ! rear
v|(. for the iwust
Will Dal lev nt West Union Juiv Q
^ m u u n . wm w
‘/ 1
three seasons.
one ol t ,w speakers s B Hall
W ashington
county -------------------
Is feeling the ---------
and th —
a t production was cut down
, Hanson, secondhwe. Played with 111 ‘ L ?,.™ cf®
’° eounty agent of M ultnom ah coun-
Be« Moines In Western league in T;_*, ,
oh ♦ u
S ty’ who was the delegate to tlie N a - 1 Six paintings produced under the r ” ects of the Pacific coast w ater- in June as the result. T he local
1933 He has been playing an ex-
lk , f chl,lT n
tional H olstein-Friesian convention SERA educational program and as- front strike, which Is hampering mill ha*s quite a few shipm ents held
ceptlonal brand of ball this season ,
Hc^ acKci; 9*riciatlng. The , hii, VPnr wU1 report on thc n a . signed to the various W ashington business a n d industry seriously, up.
and has been scouted In several ‘\ : v
YounR ^ y u n e ra l Home.
tional meeting.
county high schools were received Naturally, the general feeling is
R etail merchants, a u to m o b ile
cltie.s by major league scouts.
_!?_$ n...Nc'y..Y*?ij
Lindow & Sons ranch is on tlie Friday by the county school super- hopeful of an early settlem ent be- dealers and others are feeling the
"la;1,Wa n c rm x " ‘.,U‘bu,t i ¿ouki* Viare
T “ ’ ?*11 w“« 1" m a X e t e M ’lss K atherine C i ^ T re e ’ .„‘iie s’w e T n ? " ^ d 7 "
in.t8nd8nt.' One. of tbe Plctlires-
S8ri0us lnjury to »»I?*™ * « well. Shipm ents of
oil painting of a landscape, was 1110 people.
| m er goods are tied up a t the docks
some of the beat players in the k<‘. Am< i it an a*s.MX*iatlon in 192b, npv Septem ber 16 1873 They had
° n Us " es of C tdar M“ 1
made by Miss Alice Sewell of Hills-
Al1 water shipm ents of the Ray-1 a t a big loss to merchants. Work
county ns reserves.
roTise 'Tf lk n k l
B W‘?
th '' llved '°Kp'»’pr more Ilian 60 years.
has been curtailed in several places.
Brief sum m ary of (he probable 1
< f
Deceased is survived by the widow
pst Industrial plant, are sewed up to
Strike creates a bad condition In
starting line-up for thc House of " ,1 1" ^ „ “ h 8,7onR tb r<>wlng
arm and ftve r | lildren „ follows: Mrs
a t H is t o r ic a l C h a m p o e g Forest Grove union high school,
O ther pictures are as follows: an extent th a t keeps p lant officials the grain business, according to
David team and something of th e - *s *} “ ' avV h itter and has caught Mnrgaret. Huber. North Plains: Mrs
te r n u n
Wood block Print, "Back Doors.” guessing as t o future planning Howard Hadley of the Im perial
record of each I s a s follows:
the avprage of 150 games a sea- aprtrude sgtnltli. Minnesota; Mrs Chkmnoel
L by charlps Heaney. Banks h i g h Supplies a re being brought in by Feed * G rain company. C«,nsider-
Hutson, I lcflfleld.
Southern asso- M T P ?.v
May McHenry.
C I l I l t H l.
C H J U l I i e i l l II.'W M * -
.» V< I. T . . ^ rar8,.,
H iv s m u j,
u im
r A lW U lU
Ay' « •»
a !‘ school; watercolor. "Oregon Coast." ral1 a t additional cost. C annery Is ¡able shipm ents are made by water
elation, hit .370. Texas league, h it , b TTeTu-e* v rira anri l„ ««^‘ n f 1 ” ' Callfornla Twpnt.V-three grnnd- 111,''n«>nnin
H iiu a' r J n' i ta O" i tO by F lank Sibley. Beaverton high working three days this week on and inability to ship ties up funds
.360. Anderson,, l o n g
' 8
" J , ,'"J;„,?nd
of children and 19 greant-grandchll-
colony member Plays any lh r "r!Rl,?.al
l l l l l l ' a (Oiony iimiiui r. i la y s a n y e f g
„ q ,,,," may
spen ) name
o [ d play
the dren also survive.
The "lifer" colony nt the Oregon P0811'0"
J8 a ">pinber or th e fang , hBt Jmv<f
h |„ “
Ur» n m
I er” Oregon Pines and Deer,” by
C arnation company will curtail on account of the tie-up in water
state prison now numbers 105 m e n - Himous
irepix'i^ . game Women veRr nfter y,,ar b(lt )l(, (s bavlnK C o m b in e H a r v e s t e r B o d y
*«,_, bt,st
»._„* year pf hb)
».i_ career
........... **_*
l>ei'.s. Two new members were added i pnvy Ills bcniilifiil long iiair lino th(1
to M e e t H e r e o n F r i d a y be the
ij8made' H1Il8b°™ w » °n high L °E.r? ! £ “ , Frl daV2.. . w a r d i n g _ t o shipm ents. New crop is b e i n g
lo its ranks this week when Gov- he Is considered Clark Gable s chief SPaS(,n
M anager C T Richardson. The brought into Hillsboro to the ware­
_ _ _ u._
J scnooi.
Members o f t h e Washington oit,«»
other members of the chapter.
condenser may have to close down, house In some cases and in others
em or Meier commuted th r death rival.
N usser B radv a n d dniesm on
County Combine Harvester asso­
depending entirely on th e avail- left on the farm.
T h e o d o rS ."f . H ari'v Hllev a n d
Tucker, flrstbase. Probably no po«e th é balance of the pitching ciation will meet Friday a t 8:30 p.
L e g io n n a ir e s to E le c t
Attends Conclave
m ént A Îth c same U n d o n e ”« ,?the ,J " 881'Pr f,r8,t b‘™
n '»
8b‘« ' “nd a ” <’f "icm are class A m. In th e basem ent of the court
Farm ers will be directly affected
o. B k
™». county
e .™ ,, sc
C o n v e n tio n D e l e » . , . . , S S i g n l , “ ; X X ï ï X Æ
soon If the strike is not settled,
house, according to W J. Enscliede perintendent, left this morning to, ___
colony's oldest memhers Andrew Npp,In ,w Introduction to thc fans performers.
____ __
„ a t v each day.
according to William F C y r u a ,
Ingram of Josephine county quitted 1,1 ,l'c lInltpd States ond Canada.
Most employers In the city are of Hillsboro route 4. All owners of attend a t*hree-day county ichool Astoria will ’ be e le c te d b y Hills-
G. G arthofner of th e Hillsboro county agent. Many experienced d if­
the prison under a condltliiiial p a r-i Wykoff, rlghtfleld W ith Clneln- co-operating, aeeordlng to Dillon, combine harvesters are requested to superintendent’s convention a t Sa- tx>ro past. American Legion, Friday
ficulties early In the strike In ob­
(rnntltiiirri un page 3, rnliimn «)
I nntl "Reds" In 1927, Columbus;
(Continua,! on
10, ,’„l„mn »)
' night a t Veterans' hall.
lumber exports have been sh u t off taining seed.
Hw», ««.ZiawTi
.A nt 'S uiutioning them agnliy>t
invting trouble by taking their
children into Southern Cali/ornia.
where the dLsease Is now prevalent,
When the new Eastern Oregon
tiilxu-eulosis hospital wa.s opened at
17ie Dalles in 1929. providing ae-
commodnttons for 140 patients It
was believed (b a t adequate
equal,<’ hos-
pllnl facilities for the rose o ftu b er-
rulosls patients In Oregon had lieeh
provided for many years to come.
Now the new Institution Is filled
lo capacity, as also Is the old hos-
pltnl nt Salem with 75 pal tents on
the waiting list at the t.wo Institu­
tions. 'llie board of control expects
lo ask the next legislature for fu r­
ther appropriations for the e n ­
largement of these hospitals
I in ip n f «
r u n t In n 1.1»
i»r»ciivc u-aui. itiwmiru uy umy-
crs W| ^ flowing bennts mid in
ninny cases long ludr. luus met and
defeated some of the beat «end-
professional teams in the country.
On the last, day of June, they lnul
a record of 74 games played mid
ha(l l<*t but 11. Ray Dillon, local
‘nanager, staled (hat h e would
COlintV H igh Schools
Affects Industry, Business Here