TH E F axe Eight N o r t h P la in s Lodg< re H o n o r s N e w O ffic e r s NORTH PLAINS Friday evening being the last meeting oi the Py- th ian Sisters before vacation, a party » as held after the regular meeting for the members and th eir families Five Hundred was played Mrs F H Keenon and J. L Van- domelen had high score, and Mrs. William Joos and Henry Cypher second and Miss Lena Taylor and Harold Tobin low. Glen Sanford reeeived the special prize. Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck, grand senior; Mrs Janies Matliiesen. M. E. C.; ami Mrs Edward Moyer, grand repre­ sentative. were each presented with a corsage, and Charles Walter, grand inner guard ol the K of P. and member oi Friendship Temple, was presented with a boutonniere A group of young men including Ky le and Charles Reynolds, Wil­ mer Loftis. Robert Johnstone. E rn­ est Hunger and Joe Keep, climbed Mt. --- Hood - - Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mays of Canby visited relatives here Wed- nesday. Miss Marjory Meek visited her grandm other. Mrs Rose Crop, at the St. Vincent hospital Sunday Ladies' Aid of the Helvetia church pleasantly surprised Mrs. Fled Zy- bi bach * a t the home of Mrs^ John Gfeller Saturday night Mrs. Zybach was a member of the aid for many years before she moved to Cali­ Vincent's hospital Sunday and found tliem as «ell as can be ex­ pected Mr Ludwtg was the most severely injured, breaking a bone in his neck, necessitating being pul in a cast from the neck to his waist Miss Lillie Ludwtg «ill be able io be moved to her home d ur­ ing this week. Mr and Mrs J J VanKleek and d anillK : Helen VanKleek went to Chitwood Sunday to visit then daughter. Mrs Edith Landess, for a few days Members of the 4-H Cookmg club and their leader. Mrs Wayne VanKleek had a picnic June 27 near the river at George Snider s place on Pleasant Valiev road Alfred Wenzel and Joseph Wen- zel «pent a few days last week stopping at scyeral p u m s on M i- Kenzie river and Pass, returning home tile first of this week. Edward Jeffries went to Mc­ Minnville the first of the week where his wife is visiting f o r aw lnle. She will return to her home on Cooper mountain after the Fourth CHURCHES H l IL S B D R D ARGUS. time resident of l*eavine ittdge. Mr. and Mrs Kemington from Sherwixxl are camping near the old McFchiu, house and Mr Remington is trucking logs for the Hausen and Miller loggers. F ritz Stegm an has an order for several carload of cedar posts. Mr. and Mrs Ross I’ixllke and daughters went to Oregon City j- Saturday, delivering a load ol pulp­ wood. Mr. and Mrs Jack Johnston went to Cortland Friday afternoon, re ­ turning Saturday evening. Miss Vivian Hudson was surprised Vliursdav evening when her friends gatliered at her home to eelebrate her birthday anniversary. Erne t Hud-on and Floyd Up- dike visited with Mr and Mrs Wil- liam F Willmgs of Hillsboro S a t­ u riti' eveiilng, Mrs Clarence Updike and stilali so n li retur,led home Suiurday eie- nti trom Portland ‘C o w ’ R o o s te r H IL L S B O R O . OREGON T h u rs d a y , J u ly li, 1931 friends from Portland last Sunday. visiting, swimming and boating Mr and M r s Alim Maly re l (lined recently liom the Nationul guard training camp at Camp C lat- •sop, Mr and Mrs II I. Doane e n te r­ tained then little niece and nephew trom Portland for a tew days last week. the resignation of Aaron Holtz as H ie c o m m is s io n s purchasing agent following a m t hciwoen Holt.-, and George Sammls. liquor adiiibiiu strutor. lollowlng prem ature ptibli cation of a retail liquor price list prepared by Holt.-, and which Sam mis promptly disown«vl as coming from Hu- commission As MeMoi ru n s resignation was no surprise, neither would II la- surprising il Ales Hairy should follow the lead oi tin- comnitsslon's ehalrnian. mid quit Nor would it is- surprising 11 tC o n tin u e d fro m pauo I I started out slowly tor the eonimls- Sumnus should also sever his eon with tho commission "by ston, receipts picked up materially lie,'lion request’’ trom the governor's oi during April and May llie bust- flee. liess of each ol these mont Ils thus ♦ ♦ ♦ year exceeding that oi the same With (he approach oi the season m onths for any ol the three pre­ oi extreme toe hazards Governor ceding years Meier has m ailed himself of his authority to throw additional safe­ Two men now occupy death calls guards around Oregon's valuable . . n r is o n b e re Harry it limber lands C an,this lu all n a ­ to hang tional forests, except (lie Hhislaw. July 1.» lor the murder ol his wlte as w ell as in pm ate tim ber lands ami father-in-law at Burns Octo­ adjoining these forests must now ber 31. 1932 rheodore Jordan. n e ­ secure a tire ix-rmtt its well as a shovel axe and water gro. is to hang August 1 tor the carry bucket for Hie lighting purposes 111 murder of F 1 Sullivan, Southern ease the nee t arises Smoking is Pacific dining car steward, a t forbidden In these timbered areas K lam ath Falls on June 3. 1932 The except on ___ surfaced ____________________ „ highway« A few last man to pay the supreme pen- areas have been closed to all en- ally tor murder til Oregon was try Including Hi,- Mud Greek area Janies Kingsley, who was hanged ol i ll ,- M I H o , Hl national forest an,I October 30. 1931. for killing Sam llilliH-kbuin m e., northeast ol Mo­ lalla Rial,' Fores'er f 'ronenullei Prescott. Ashhuid police officer. in recommending the dosiues and restrictions pointed out The Oregon .-.supreme court lias eamplng during the past week more upheld validity ot Hie legislu- that than 0 small had been rep o rt­ ¡'A'“ aci the of 1933 regulating udvertU- ed in Gregon lues lorests mg by dentists In Hu- opinion o f the court written by Justice licit, AS t ill M l l{< I I t V R IS K S it is pointed out that 32 slates of W ith the warmer days of bum- the union make it unprofessional conduct to, a dentist to make any ¡'nange^'u*'"the’ foods '¿’¡.'“ “ nsunic" advertising statem ents of a churn, - j.yxxis that furnish tlie essential ter to deceive or mislead the Pl|b- laxly elements necessary for good He. while many states have laws nutrition and still are low m lieat- covering the subject of udvertising producing or in calorie value are similar to that adopted by Oregon, welcome additions to the summer diet. More than 1000 Oregon motorists Cottage cheese is an Ideal f,xxl are now barred from driving ears at any time but fits Into the warm on the highways through revix'n- Weather menu ixuleetly C o ll a g e tion ot their liceiMM, It has been eins'se is realh ui-l another Way revealed by the state departm ent, to uso more milk l i n e it contains During May alone 81 drivers' 11 all of the many elem ents found In censes were revoked for various law milk Tills makes of if a "protect Violations principally reeklt and ive" food, high in tnlneriiLs and , drunken driving vitamins Along with this high • food value, cottage eliees,. Is low Resignation of George II Me- in calories niakun it a gixxl hot Morran as i member of the Oregon w eather loy. this week. tives here. Protestant Episcopal church. At th e JIrs- Conn Williams and son conclusion of the chapel service S nn,,J r ' P atrlcla Hoeffel a n g those who so desire will attend Alw- Himmelright spent June 26 at morning prayer at Ai! Saints' Epis- Jar.tzen beach copal church at 11. There will be -'Ir- and Mrs. Ralph Anderson no later Sunday morning chapel aild daughter Norma and Mrs. h - Beck atiyl daughters Lorna and son worship until after Labor Day. Eve­ KINTON—Kinton Grange will ning musical worship, at 8 O'clock Ivon enjoyed Sunday afternoon in meet a t m e n»;: Thursday evening, Topic. "Paving the Uttermost F.T- the Shut« park Birthday Celebrated thing." All voung people's groups July 12. at 6 o'clock at wiilen >..»C nave Mrs, R alph Anderson gave a been ¿vonrinued for til? the first and second degrees will birthday dinner for her brother- be conferred on a class of five sum mer Pilgrim Guild, each T hurs- William Jenkins. Julj' • in Delegates who attended tate grange u.»y afternoon at 2 for all int rest­ in-law her home Members of the immedi­ at Roseburg will report A light ed women. ate families were present. will be served in the dining Archibald McLean's clilldren Mary. Corneliu- Methodist Lp apal room a t the- close of the m eeting.' id l i ­ en. re pending their Sunday school. 9:00. Div nU grangers are welcome to a t­ with th eir fa tti­ tend. 4 Ì. Reed, ’.V-.n several different baling o u t- ’ A s.!i:..i.» is completing the h a r­ fits and po.ato planters and thresh­ vest c.f his ra pberry crop this Christian science Society ing outfits in the fields in a n d , week. He had a .cry neavy crop. Services are he,d every S'un and around Kinton. it surely Mrs Louise Hunn:» lright has. re ­ it 11 a. m.; Wednesday even tlie appearance of i lot oi T. ...r.e. covered from her illness of the past 8 lock: Sunday scl: going on. Most of the hay has been two weeks. li m. ipils up to the harvested and stored in the bar:. Mi K aufm an Bride 20 years are welcomed. Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Brookj ot M is s Viola Kaufm an, a former Hazeldaie visited Mr and Mr.- E. German M. L. Church, Bethany resident of the community, was L. Cox Friday. niarr: . a; the i. me ot li r parents On Germantown read. Su H iL -coo Sunday ta Hank Bucher Aid to M eet s,.hool every Sunday . 10 a. m.; Ger- Ladies' Aid society will meet man service. 11 a. nr. íir¿; a n d of Hillsboro They will make their Thursday afternoon. July 12 at 2 th u d Sundays: En glish servie e. 11 home 'o r the present with t h e o'clock with the president. Mrs. a. m.. second and fourth Suri days bride's parents. Gladys Aten. Pleasant Vallej road. : —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. Lloyd Mullendore has purchased a new Plym outh car. All ladies in the community are invited to attend Banks M. E. Church P om ona M eet July 25 Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 Next session of Pomona grange a m . Mrs. H. Jensen, super.htend- will be with Beaverton grange July ent. Preaching services by Ellsworth Geo. ge Allison of Newberg, cousin Tilton, pastor, every Sunday 25. of E A Stew art, deceased, and ad- Closing piano recital of the pupils, 8 o'clock Ladies A, meets m lnlstiator of the estate was here of Mrs. Erma Taylor Sparks was first and th ird Wednesca a t 2 Thurs ay afternoon negotiating the held last Friday evening in Hillsboro. p. m. tf sale ol the timber to the Hansen The Misses K athryn. Roberta, and loggers W h o s o e v e r W i ll T a b e r n a c le Marilee Pomeroy from this town Mr and Mr= W. R Hudson and are her pupils and took part in Five miles north of N orth Plains. M. Vivian amended the funeral the program. Those from here a t­ Evangelist M. E. Jam es, pastor. oi D B. Wiltrou at Forest Groe tending the program were as fol- Sunday school. 10 a m.. with good Thursday allernoon. He was an old lows; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pome- attendance, you are w e l c o m e , roy, Mrs. J. H. Aten and daughter, Preaching. 11 a m.. "Don’t Be- Miss Rosemary, and Miss Neidra lieve All You Hear." Afternoon service. 2:30. "The Annotating of Miller. DR. R, J. N IC O L Mr. and Mrs. C. O . Waters of the Holy Spir; in Regard to the Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Ever- Church. Evening service is the DR. E. W . A L M Q U IS T ett D. W right Thursday. regular evangelistic service them e Mrs. George Newell, Jimmie Cum- of the sermon will be "Come and V eterin arian s mings. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks See;" also special music. Tuesday and son Clemet. all of Portland, evening an evangelistic service. On Telephone 643 and 642 were guests last week of Mr. and Thursday, at 8 p. m.. another mid- Mrs. Robert Pomeroy. week meeting, everybody welcome. Mrs. J. H Aten and Mr. and M ethodist E piscopal Church Mrs. Floyd Bierly attended Rebekah meeting in Sherwood Thursday eve­ Church school, 9:45. class for ail ning. ages; divine worship. 11; sermon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beeson o i subject. The Spirit Filled Church.' Portland visited a few days last Epworth League meetings, 7; union week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave J. service. 8 Meeting to be held at Ward. the Christian church. All are ln- Mrs. Glessie Wilson and son vited to join In this union elfort M artin, who have been with Mrs. to have a Sunday night service th at Wilson's mother. Mrs. Zack Martin, will be Inspiration and helpful to during her illness returned to their all. Charles M. Reed, minister. home in Lodi, Cal., Saturday. Mrs. ------------- ------------ M artin has recovered enough from “ H o r s e P ! a v ” t o S h o w her recent stroke of paraljsix. to ’ — H ere F rid ay, Saturday accompany them to California. HiSTO RY REPEATS where she will make an extended Considered the season's comedy visit with her children who reside stream wherever it . has been shown. shown ★ T h e n ew g o ld ru s h is there. Horse Play" starring Slim Sum- o n! E veryone is c la m o rin g Mrs. M artha Wenzel is having mervllle and Andv Devine, comes to fo r th e g o ld e n ag e b rew , the west side of her house and the Venetian Friday and Saturday, the east side of the barn shingled. The film depicts the romantic ta ­ th is fam o u s " to a s t o f th e ller son Alfred has charge of the clinations of a love-smitten n in eties,” w h ic h has n o w work. boy the object of sudden wealth. Members of the family of Mr. whose h eart and eyes are set on __ ___ b e c o m e to d a y ’s fa v o rite . and Mrs. Sam Ludwig, who were two things: A Girl, and a Horse! in a bad auto accident at Progress — — ---------------- J a in the stampede f u r last Sunday, visited them at St. Quality job printing—Argus. re a l beer enjoym ent! at W itch ................. r _ ___ Funeral m services for ...... Joseph G al- breath. 82 pioneer Oregonian. who died at his home near Sherwood laic Saturday were held Tuesday with interm ent at T ualatin ceme­ tery H >rn in Pennsylvania in 1852. the son of Samuel G albreath. Joseph O albreath crossed the plains to Oregon with his parents while still atl infant His family settled In the ru alatin valley and his boy­ hood was spent in helping Ills father to build up the new hom e­ stead As g j n a n He worked In the mines at Oropliana At the age of 24 lie married Miss Louisa Cum - tilings of Portland, who was also of pioneer stock. He and his bride .entered their ettorts upon improv- dig and expanding the little farm tn the T ualatin valley, and later became known among tile early- successful onion growers o f t h e sta !'' G albreath died In 1915 Nine children survive the man who was the Lust survivor of the pioneer family They are A rthur. D.'n 0 Haymond. Mrs Jane ,, ... John. Fixhtam-k n il V » n erao o a, Mrs Anna w eik ert of Multnomah: Mrs Clara W est of Hazel Kinton Grangers Convene July 12 •’ .a4So children and children. fliret -■« --’.atui- g c a t-grana- Bend Born, to Mr and Mrs Oliver Clark June 27. a boy. Mrs. Vern Cross and three sons, Clifford Kenneth and Bobby, of Portalud spent several days l.vst week with Mrs. Cross' parents. Mr and Mrs A Scott. Mrs Charles Deverell en tertain ­ ed her cousin. Bert Sm ith, from S anta Barbara. Cal . for a few days last week He left June 27 for Seattle to visit his son A rthur Steinlioff. Joe Baggen- -stos and Joe Kusle visited friends ill Molloy June 24. Alvin North Jr. arrived home early Sunday morning from the CCC camp at Oakridge to spend a week's vacation at the home of his p a r­ ents Mr and Mrs. A. North, and family. Mrs. Charles Deverell has been ill for s."'eral days at her home during the last \~fwk. but is reported as h mbc,h „ Raspberry picking a t the O J and the A H North ranches was finished this week. There was a very good yield. Tlie Tualatin river which runs by the John Lasich ranch is a popu­ lar swimming place these warm days. The Lasich family had m any ÏH E C 31,0 R ush L E N T Z A U T O PARTS 2nd and B a selin e S is. O p en E venin gs P hone 591 Argua. to p . e lu ls . a n d s iile eiust-s SU B SC R IB E T O T H E HILLSBORO HARBISON D. HUGGINS. M. D. ARGUS Kye, Ear, N om » mul Throat KEEP SprrlallNt (II.AMSKM ON IIÌÌH » Kuum THE lla r ik I'h m in a NEW S , u n itv I’er year tf SO a m. to IS in O f f V a SU71 CO UNTY $1.50 Anne* ||t>ura Ite al.len .'e 2U 7f POSTED in W ushiiigton ( S ( d m in e r , la i N a llu n a l I SO p. ni to & p nt ZZHECim 1 nrmr ,»um',' o f o u r M cKesson R iir iilo iie will prevent hours ol s u ffe rin g ! A p p li il lih er.u llv I n d o r o a n il a l l e r e x p o s u r e ' An S e e n s f o r a c o m p l e t e lin e o f v ii e a ti o n n e e d s . K O I) A K K 1 N I S II 1 N G P A LM D R U G STORE ■iti s, n ip i k , \ MR A n n i ( is l'H o M V • . WORKEB TO T U R THESE TIRES TO PIECE NOT ONE CORD LOOSENED! NOT ONE TREAD SEPARATED! I'Uut cftf /»ft a t u tf Tirezton« Si HICK SPI ID TIRE FOR ,4)4 hot I .il ,.U I»(I lh . I rur*«*« o f (b e l»rl< k Ira* k« lire « «bricked iiud «niokcd •peed*», 150 mil«« and more down tin* wiraigblttHttv— Ir e r iH n d o tiw r e n t » i f ug»il in te r lu g g in g Io r ip lb< l r i . n l f r o m tile !>od> o f ib e lir e . In f n r t . r t r n e o n c e i v ia b le f o r c e w o r k e d Io te a r th e lir e l<> |»b * c«, b u t h o i o n e e o r d | o o » r l i e d —— n o ! o n e t r e n d «<■ p .»r .»t » (I and not a • hik I c b lo w o u t. U /o ir a n to s b ig in n u f ttf T ir e \ i r r n g l h — S a fety — Q i i i i I i I ) a n ti l h /n n t la h ilt ly , How does your garden grow? Mast people are happy without saying m u c h about it. but very few people are miserable th at way. X D e p e n d a b il ity FIRBTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES l b u il t OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY r«»»«■*<*!r#rt «»r» l/ir it in a ir» « r a r e i n » h r '« ll-m ll» in J ia n «/•<•<• • Harr THIS M(AN) BLOWOUT FBOTICTION I «» p K ir n > rare fiai* t>«*rn un I N» i< innin« < ,ir« o« ft,«f l*■ «.«„,/. J Its ru le s are r ig id , h u t we are g o in g to live up to th em , in o u r e n d e a v o r to Im p ro v e the business o f the c o m m u n ity . L « Star Brewery Company V ancouver, W ash in gton C o s le tt’s S e rv ic e S ta tio n æ lls lin 3and THemoîteA of Old (O K I ,F I T 'S TRU CK W ith W hich la Comblaed The Hilltahor» Indépendant © O S T M IL E S PER DOLLAR SFItV IC F First and Baseline Streets C O S L E T T ’S R A R -B -Q 3 3 Ï phone 1263