TH E Page Six Roy Vorhees home assisting with the hay harvest. Ml- and Mrs Cally Whitmore and daughter Josephine and Mr and Mrs Raleigh Whitmore and daugh­ ters Irene and Elaine were Sunday guests at the Leslie Lee home at Cherry Grove Bernieee Lee came home with them to visit her graiw- paren:.- Mr and Mrs Cally Whlt- " 'x ir and Mrs Clive Huston of (B y M b . F . I . B re w n l spent the day at the John LAUREL Mrs Louise Brunner Chicago lord home Monday of last sold her ten-acre place to Mr and Craw week They had traveled extensive­ Mrs L F Davit- this week. Mrs ly through the middle west and Brunner plans to move to Portland California, but they said they sayy in the near luture Mr. Davis and nothing that compared with Ore­ family have lived on the M. P. gon and the Columbia River higli- Cady place opposite the store for several months Mr. Davis is em ­ ' Mr and Mrs John Will Sr. of ployed in the SERA office in Hills­ Beaverton are at the home of boro their soil John Will J r . for a few Mrs Anna Schmidt, carrier on days' visit. the star mail route from Laurel Mr and Mrs Adolf Rutsclunan to Hillsboro and return for the past and Ted and Helen Rutschman, four years, made her last trip S at­ accompanied by Mrs Hannah Liai- urday Mrs Myrtle Whitmore, who ley ot Portland, were Sunday guests has the contract for the next four i of Henry Friday and family ot years made her initial trip Mon­ Park Rose, cast of Portland day Mrs Marv Mahoney spent the Miss Thelma Mulloy s many friends week-end with friends in Portland. are congratulating her on her draw­ ing of a lucky card in the queen contest for the Happy Days" cele­ M e lo n F e a s t H e l d bration In Hillsboro, She will be one of the princesses. C h e h a le m M o u n t a i n Mrs. Sidney Johnson and two daughters of Hillsboro visited the iB y Mr*. O live W«»hl*chlev*b former's aunt Mrs E C. Mulloy. CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN Tile last Thursday. watermellon feast was en­ Mrs. C. G Wright and two sons 1 annual joyed by the berry ptekers at the of Portland were guests of Mrs. Frank and Elmer Hanson home Dorothy Whisnand at the L A night Whittle home Tuesday and Wed­ I Saturday Olle. Bob and Otho Weaver and nesday of last week. Maynard Jr. were slightly- A number of folks from here pic­ George bruised their car left the nicked at Willamette Sunday, pre­ l grade on when the turn below the old ceding the ball game at which Burke place June 24. Laurel lost by a big score. Guests at the Ira McCormick Mr and Mrs L. A Whittle. Mr. home Sunday were Mr and Mrs and Mrs Richard Whittle a n d Alien Comer. Mr Mrs. Henry daughter Doris and Mrs. Dorothy Hclzer and Mrs and R Comer of Whisnand and daughters. Dorothy Portland and Patricia Fuchs of and Patricia, were Sunday guests at Newberg the Charles Jamison home at Mult­ Miss Enola Barlow of Portland nomah. w F Mr and Mrs. W. H McNay. Wohlschlegel. over the Mr* week-end Mr and Mrs B G. McNay and Mrs W F Wohlschlegel. Marie Billy and Patsy McNay visited Mrs and Julia Fuchs Ira and Hodson W H McNay's sister. Mrs Lester McCormick y ¡sited Mrs McCormick Lindsay, a n d family a t Oswego m Portland Thursday. Mrs Mc­ Sunday evening after the picnic Cormick is improving and will be and ball game They drove to Port­ home soon. has had a very- land and visited another sister. Mrs. serious case of She bronchial asthma. Harlev Looney, at the Good Sam ar­ Mr and Mrs. Hocken- itan hospital, where she underwent burg and daughter Milton of California are a major operation last week. Rosa­ visiting relatives and friends here lie Looney came home with her and called at the Ben Deford home aunt to remain until after the Friday. Fourth Miss Anne Ornduff. who is a Mrs. A Naderer severely bruised nurse in Portland, visited her par­ her left arm and was badly shaken ents Mr and Mrs. Pete Ornduff. up when she tripped over a rug over the week-end and fell at her home Monday Miss Josephine Stroeder. who has morning. been picking berries at the Hoff­ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis and his farm, returned to her home sister. Mrs. Clara Hart, all of man Toledo, were Saturday guests of in Hillsboro Thursday Guests who attended the annual Mrs. Lewis sister. Mrs Andy Eges- weiner roast at the Hoffman berry- dahl. and family. farm Saturday night were Lois In ­ Mr and Mrs C. P Stafford at­ Barky Jones. Loren Haynes. tended a reunion of the Sinzer clan graham. Reva and Enola Barlow. Allen at the home of Dr. and Mrs Elmer Sohauffler. George Annabelle and Sinzer in Portland June 24 Mrs Morrill. Don Haynes. Magdal- Nine tons of blackcap raspberries me Grace and Mrs. Jim Hess. were harvested from the L A and Horace Wise. Vincent Whittle fields the past three weeks Robert Wohlschlegel and the host and by an average of eighteen pickers hostess. Mr and Mrs Floyd Hoff­ The berries were trucked to Dun­ man. and their daughters. Gloria dee and dried. and Marribell KOIN Klock members from here Duane Haynes of Hillsboro is who attended the picnic at Jantzen visiting his aunt Mrs. B F De­ beach Sunday were Mr and Mr- ford this week George Tews Mr. and Mrs Roy- Mr and Mrs Tom Schuck and Fields. Mrs Rollin Meyers Buddy Fields and Jimmie Tews Mrs son Stanley ot Hillsboro and Wanda and Robert Ornduff a t­ Meyers won the "plump ladies" Finnigan tended the Molalla rodeo Sunday. race Miss Lorene Lambrix of Portland Mrs Charles Lowe of Tacoma and visited her mother. Mrs. George J B Hall of Portland were over the week-end. ors at the C. P. Stafford home Saxton, Dr. and Mrs. Goodrich Schauffler last Thursday. and children Julie and Christine Mr and Mrs Fred Dougherty of Portland came out Sunday and Mountaindale were guests of Mr. of took Allen Schauffler back home and Mrs George Rosevear Wed­ nesday of last week. Mabel Dough­ with them. He had a three weeks' erty. who had been the guest of vacation at the Hoffman home Mr and Mrs E C Wohlschlegel Velma Rosevear for several weeks, visited Mrs. Sam Hulit in Jones returned home with her parents hospital in Hillsboro Thursday. Mrs. J. Anderson and Mrs. DeVanney is Mrs Wohlschlegel's aunt of Montavilla were Thursday guests Hulit Mrs. Henry Rockwell of Portland of Mrs. Louise Brunner Evening callers were Mr and Mrs. Otto visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Everest Sunday- and took Grosse of Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett of her two children back home with her They had spent two weeks Portland visited at the C. P. Staf­ with their grandparents. ford home last Friday. Birthday £elebrated Mr. and Mrs. Amos Watkins and Bruce Whitmore was entertained children and A Naderer made a at the home of his grandmother, business trip to Portland Thurs­ Mrs. Carow in Hillsboro Saturday day. Misses Helen and Sara Parr are with a party in honor of his fourth vacationing at the beach. Helen birthday anniversary. Other guests is at Cannon Beach until the la t­ were Careen Browjj, Lois Stone ter part of this week when she will Wallace Whitmore and Bruce's mother. Mrs Clayton Whitmore. join Miss Sara at Rockaway. Dorman Blazer was injured when Mr and Mrs. Ralph Sheriff and sons Edwin and Merl of Portland a gun exploded, blowing powder in his eyes and imbedding it in his and Mrs Olga Watkins of Los Angeles were Sunday afternoon and chest. His eyes were only tempor­ arily injured and he is recovering evening guests at the Amos Wat­ quickly. kins home. Mr and Mrs Earl Etzwiler and Kale and potato planting is keep­ ing most farmers in this section children and Mr. and Mrs Marlon Ornduff made a trip to the coast busy at this time. They hope to get through before grain harvest this week for a vacation Mr and Mr E C Wohlschlegel which is not far distant. Mrs. John Crawford and daugh­ were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L V Hulit. in Hillsboro Thurs­ ter. Norma, left Tuesday to spend a week with their son and brother. day. Mr and Mrs George Maynard William Crawford, and Mr Craw­ ford at Bull Run Forest station and their guests from Salem Mrs. Hay and daughter Gertrude, made near Mt. Hood where Mr. Craw­ a trip to Ocean Bay Sunday. ford is stationed. Wayne Jones, who is working in Sunday guests at the S. E. Stoller home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd the harvest fields near The Dalles, made a trip down to visit his folks Wa.vmire and four children. Mrs Anna Kauffman of Woodburn, Mr Tuesday and returned Wednesday. Mrs Clarence Sinnigar yvas oper­ and Mrs. Frank Hanauske and ated on for appendicitis in a Rose­ three children of Portland. burg hospital Monday and is getting Mrs Wilma Conner, who is a t­ tending summer school at Monmouth, along fine. spent the week-end with her par­ Ask yo u r a tto rn e y to send your ents. Mr. and Mrs John Crawford. J. J. Nault of Portland is at the legal advertising to the Argus. Laurel Woman Sells Her Place to Leon Davis Announcement W e announce a D ividend at the Rate of 4% Payable June 30, 1934 Checks will be mailed June 30th to all paid up Certificate Holders and earnings will be added to all other accounts. Prospective customers making investments be­ fore July 10th will draw full earnings from July 1st. Under State Supervision with legal Reserve Fund. No better Investment available. L SA FE H IL L S B O R O Ashley Jackson Named Chief of Cornelius Fire Department CORNELIUS—A special firemen s ol Miss Blanche Finegan Wednes- meeting was held Tuesday evening lay and Thursday m the Club house with Tom Sholes. Mrs Elsie Murray of Harrison, fire-chief presiding Asliley Jack- Arkansas has returned to her home sop was elected fire duet due to after visiting her father A Pugh, the former chief moving to Hills* and sisters. Mrs Olivet Carturignt boro Other officers are Assistant I and Miss Frances Pugh sue Sunday with chief. Oliver Cartwright, captain. John Lelbenow spent Paul Senko; second captain. Tom home folks near South Tualatin. Sunday Rev George Koehler of Huson: treasurer. Albert Hoffman; .secretary. Dan Barrett; sergeant-at- the Lutheran church »til speak In English using the topic ' Worry " arms. Robert Cochrane Lutheran Ladies Aid will meet Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urton of Aloha. The Friday at the home of Mrs C. Mr and Mrs. George Easteiday July 13 the Junior aid and Mrs Joseph Finegan and fam­ day. ily. Mr and Mrs O Cartwright and Return to Cornelius twins. Jack and Jerry. Mrs Elsie Mr and Mrs. Albert Henderllng Murray and Miss Frances Pugh and family, who have been living spent last Sundav at Ocean Lake. Mr and Mrs Lee Hoffman and u; Idaho, have returned to Cor­ Mrs Ellen Vickers »ere guests S at­ nelius to reside. urday evening at the R Wann Earl Phelps is working at the home in Portland Curry Grocery- store in Hillsboro. No Ladies Aid of M E church Mr and Mrs. W Shelton and family of Corvallis called at the meeting »as held this week due to the Fourth being Wednesday. W R Cooke home Saturday. Mr and Mrs Frank Murphy and A number from here attended daughter Frances of l'routdale the Kalsch-Vanderzanden wedding and Mrs Miss J Daly of Portland vis­ at Forest Grove Catholic church ited Mr and Mrs A. L. Brock and Saturday. family Sunday. Ed Bietlespach and son Henry, William Rit'.ihaler and Leslie Brown ] motored to Eugene Wednesday. M r . a n d M r s . C a r r Henry and William stayed at the CCC camp near there They had H o n o r e d at D in n e r attended Camp Clatsop Miss Gladys Frazier of Portland BETHANY-CEDAR MILL—A din­ v.sp.ed Cornelius friends Thursday- Mr and Mrs J Parnilev of Gas­ ner »as given for Mr and Mrs. Glenn Carr by Mr and Mrs. James ton were here Wednesday Mrs Henrietta Morgan of Hills­ Sparks at their home in Portland Those attending the dinner »ere boro was a guest Thursday of Mrs Mr and Mrs Arthur Schulz. Jean­ M D. Mann. nette Schulz. Mr and Mrs. Charles Mrs Bill Newland of Carlton has been the house guest of Mrs Charles Boy. Lorell Boy Bill Carr and the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Selfridge Glenn Carr. M r s . S h a w In s ta lle d Mr. and Mrs James Walters en­ Mrs Ray Shaw »as installed as tertained Sunday with a dinner president of the Ladies' Aid society party and family reunion for her of the M E church at a social sister. Mrs F. R Chamberlain of meeting of the society Wednesday Olympia Wash Guests were Messrs ? ï * rn<ï £ , ° Ä and Mesdames Lee Mead and daugh-' Mrs. Earl Smith, vice-president; ters oi Nehalem. O B Hartrampf Mrs. John Burbank, secretary. Mrs and daughters and Ray Dorland Dan Barrett, treasurer; Mrs. Edith and family o f Hillsboro; J R. Burbank, chaplaui Mrs. Edith Bur­ Sandford and family o f North bank. former president was instal­ A Mead and children and ling officer A silver tea was served Plains: Wanda Merville W E. Kelly and following the service. Mrs. Charles family of and R i c h a r d Lathan and Mrs Edith Burbank Prince and Banks children. Mesdame* H waited on the tables o f Nehalem. W J. Little Margaret Jane Dooher has Scholltneyer Lindsley and Joe and Kenneth Ver­ been suffering from a gathering ui non of Vernonia D Chamberlain her ear It was nescessary to have of North Plains, the A. honor guests and l. lanced last Monday. Misses Gertrude Walters Mrs. Lester Mooberry completed children. and Verla Miller of Portland, a two weeks primary course at Hylen Fairlev of Beaverton; and Oregon Normal at Monmouth Fri­ Messrs Enul Schollnwyer and and Ar­ day. thur Pearson of Portland. Phil Society to Elect Mead of Hillsboro. Pete Johnson Women's Home Missionary society and Arthur Davis of North Plains, «ill meet at the church at 2 p. m. and Kenneth Struthers of Hiteon Tuesday Mrs. Mattle Smith will Mr and Mrs K Strattemeter of lead using topic Vocation Roads. Iowa are visiting old friends in the Election will also be a feature. Mr and Mrs Joseph Cochran community K Strattemeier was former minister of the Bethany were In Woodburn Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Henry Hoffman Presbyterian church have returned to Eastern Oregon, Christian Endeavor of the Beth- where Mr Hoffman is employed anv Presbyterian church planned Mr and Mrs. William Van Lorn a picnic at Blue Lake for the and family have returned from a Fourth of July vacation in California An airplane from the Paragon Miss Frances Gnos spent the Service crashed In J Marty's field week-end at Seaside. Thursday about six o’clock Mrs. Frank Dooher sang at the The engine evening stopped and the plane Smith-Vanaker wedding at the made a forced The two Forest Grove Catholic church Tues­ occupants escape:! landing. minor cuts day Little Tony Dooher was rlng- and bruises Harry with Reed of Port­ oearer. drove the plane, which was Maurice Mundorf is employed at land badly damaged. Canby. Mr and Mrs Ray Neil of Sauviea Glen Smith has returned to the Island visited Mr and Mrs. Charles CCC camp after a short stay at Boy Friday. home. Miss Margaret Dickman went to Mr. and Mrs Carl Brown and camp Hillbourne as a dele­ daughters Eleanor and Shirley Belle summer gate the Christian Endeavor of Gervais were guests of Miss of the from Bethany Presbyterian church. Gladys and Leslie Brown, Sunday. At camp won a Japenese kim- Laddie Brown, who has been visit­ ona in a she contset ing here for the past two weeks, The Cedar Mill baseball team retyirned home with them won again Sunday when they beat Buddy and Joyce Barnes spent Gaston with a score of 19 to 7 Ini the first part of last week visit­ ing their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. William Haney, of Thatcher Mr and Mrs. Ben Irving and family of Roseburg visited Mrs. Irving's sister. Mrs. W R. Cooke and family Thursday Charles Kuntz was a Tillamook caller last week. Miss Marv Elizabeth Ward of west of Forest Grove was a guest of Miss Blanche Finegan Wednes­ day and Thursday Mr and Mrs. Ben Irving and family of Roseburg visited Mrs. Irving's sister. Mrs. W R. Cooke, and family Thursday Charles Kuntz was a Tillamook caller last week. Miss Mary Elizabeth Ward of west of Forest Grove was a guest H IL L S B O R O . T h iirsd iiy. July 5, 1934 O R EG O N Cedar Mills' tavoi The game was pluyed at Cedar Mill G r a d in g F in is h e d o n B u x to n 14,433 Pieces In This Quilt 1,Un alle-, are a- Ihe alirlnea wherr near Klondike Mi .Uhl Mi ■ « »Ilo H unger and all thè ielle, of lite ahcliiit sanila. soils ol Oniiardale «eie Sunday Itili ni line vlliue alni that wltll- 1 visitors id Hit- I- P Bailey home out di-lu-.ion of imposture, are pre­ T ilde « a - a g.HUi attendance at (lie servii e> conducted hv Hrv R ci veti ahi iciiioed Bacon Road BUXTON Grading Is finished on the new road near Top Hill and gravel Is being put on Mr and Mrs Stanton 'Tanner and Richard and Dolores J e a n n e and Mr and Mrs Alvls McGill of Sherman's mill were Buxton vis­ itors Saturday night W B A met at the Grunge hall June 27 llirttiday Celebrated A birthday party was given Evelyn Ross at her home here June 28 Nine little girls were presented. Shirley White »as very til the past week Mrs C W Miller and children of Portland and Mrs Ira Butterworth of Hillsboro »ere Sunday visitors at the Elwood mill. Mr and Mrs George Higgle and Mr and Mrs A B Edwards spent tlk' week-end at the E M Drury home in Vancouver. Wash. Mrs Higgle remained for a visit with her daughter. Mrs Dulclna Stock­ er and ¿ons. Gordon and Earl, of Parkdale visited Mrs. Stocker's aunts here last week. Mrs Jessie Tillman and sons of Birkenfeld visited relatives here several days last week. Mr and Mrs Fred Beneftel and Floyd Whitmore of Laurel a r e spending a few dais at the beach. A party was given at the Lee Kirk home for lus strawberry pick­ ers Saturday night Buxton »as defeated In a game with Blooming here Sunday after­ noon. Mr and Mrs. Laurel Frost of Forest Grove were Buxton visitors Sunday night William Higgle and son Delmar of Birkenfeld spent several days with relatives here. Mrs Mollie Tallman left Friday for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs William Justus, in the eastern part of the state Mrs Thor Groenbeck. who has been til the past two weeks, Is Im­ proving Delmar Morgiui a n d Howard Marsh spent the week-end in Port­ land. B Crops of near Banks was a Buxton visitor Saturday night. Ed and Rav Kelley of near Bald Mountain »ere geusts Sunday at the Ruben Kelly home William Higgle and Jesse Meyers were Hillsboro visitors Saturday. Mr ana Mrs. Fred Higgle a n d son Duane » ire here Sunday en route for the home of Mrs Higgle s mother. Mrs J Willis, in Portland. Oscar Beneflel a n d family o f Willamina are visiting relatives here and at Manning Haying »ill be finished here this week II Kvclel Huiulav evening Max Adler « a .(dun books all last week around Si appo>’»<' Several volili ' pvopl« holli here alici' led the dalli, at Him- .el Sat , uiiluy ev. nine The ilen/ei hoys I and Miss Charlotte Sullivan ot Buxton luun hed the music O r c h a r d a lc F o lk O b s e rv e B ir t h d a y lily Mr* Rlclmr.l llui»««»rl O IH H A H D A l l< \ MU pi I pnrty 1 was given b.v Mi> W «lud>»ui on l'lun''da\ evening lor her ilaugh ter. Miss Vivian Hn l.-on In i-ia.inn of her ultihdav Invitation al list m.inde.l James IViiniHii. I and l loyd ll|Hlvke ol Hayward and Mi . Ill-Ill Jack-on Mi S-d-i 1 '•1 ger Mi and Mi Alvhi Hunger ,1 I»-, hardulc Mi Gertrude Wil­ iam s anil Willie William ol li-a v ne Kiiiee The evening was spent playing cards and sup(g-r was serv­ ed Miss Hudson icciived many lovely presents Ml and Mi - Hn h u d llungei ale planning a trip to California and expeei to be away lor two weeks. J a c k s o n a n d U n io n O u r scry ii-v is hs sw ift us it's stlT«■ anti *atig- facto ry . < all now. W e ’ll pii k up y o u r o rtle r— »lean it b eau tifu lly — l et urn it in less th a n a day anti a h alf! I lo m c c o i n i n g S u n d a y W hen Mr», (¡eorge A. Lee of Ta«»» Angeles decide« to m ake a q u ilt, «he dv style« o f p e r m a n e n t b e a u ty . I t g iv e * y o u th e r o n if o r t o f d e e p ly u p h o ls te re d 1 -mW- a ■eat« u n d tra n s v e rs e s p rin g « . A n d th e safe ty o f a ll-s te e l I n »dirs a n d a s o lid f r o n t a x le . J u d g e th e N ew F o rd V - 8 o n ly by h ig h - p r ic e d e a r s ta n d a rd « . T h e n lo o k a t F o rd V -H p ric e s , l l i r y s ta rt a t | 5 1 5 , f . o . h . D e t r o it . A m e r ic a ’ s F a s te s t S e llin g C a r as D e f i n i t e l y P r o v e d b y S a le s R e c o rd s . In giving you extra mi/ej we give you extra value. U. S. Royal* ol Triple* TEMPERED RUBBER are famous for long wear—for the thoutandt of more »afe mile» they deliver at no more cost. We'd like to tell you about the phenomenal mileage records U. S. Royal* have made for million* of motoriit*. — P R IC E S — 4.40-21 ........................................ $4.95 4.50-21 ........................................ 5.20 5.00-19 ...................................... 6.05 5.25-21 ....................................... 7.30 Stream Line Beauty Quality at Low Price C R O SLEY I GUARANTEED BT PRODUCT m il« « « , . r T rlpU T IM P IX IO * U * * W , lk < a * * « * p r « t « t U n «1 •«> •li«n(«.r lord», Easy Terms T r lp It* BRISTOL HARDWARE COM PANY Next door to Venetian Theater Phone 761 HILLSBORO, OREGON 11 /ff^ M o T O R Co. H ILLSBO RO BUSINESS AND I » ROFESS ION A L DIR ECTO R Y BEAUTY HIIOFS YOUR 100% GUARANTEE Compare the “Usable” space when you compare prices. Rtbbf fowflhn»M adda aony o l no«-«ild IIU. quali»? cordi |ond Uve vhgln r«bb«f iota Ih * Potertlod Solo»? Bondod Body. Troad wtiliiM th« »oro«» non-gfcld •itra all«« X O 3 ** principio known. J w C ** Tho ipoctai MU ,S ." Bood, prorod throo il a « tolor. Tho Iwvorlod Broakor Strip li o (poetai odditlonaf »aloty iactor. A ll PERM ANENTS a specialty Telephone 1471 W E IL S A P A R T M E N T S «in mproth«) M TELKPHONRB O ffic e 2(iez m MM iteeidence 211HI GARBAGE COLLECTION l)R . R A I,P H DRESSER Dentixt G arbuge Collection Commercial IlulldliiR AND CAWS D. P. CORRIFRI Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUmtER STAMPS G EO RG E T. M cG R A TH BUY YOUR / S p i e ! ' TEMPERED RUBBER W ashington County Agenrls« IN M B IB A N C K Shuts llnn k H K R V IC K llm ld ln g Phone 2211 O / r r GREATER M ILIS © / » r C R t A T ÍR S A F E T Y © / ^ GREATER VALUE Hid» Welle Building Teteehone 144 built o f N a tio n al Hank DENTISTS OREGON S« ROYALS H IJK G K O N DR. I). E. W IL E Y , M . D. rhyalelan and Surgeon W ork FiveninK". Bunday liy Appointm ent U» WA N T- A D S Kinds of lleau ty end Telephones It m ills dcs 7»1Z O fflrs R23I Sunitnry Beauty Shop guarantee M 9SEU Co m m srnal lln lruny fl'ilN horo Phsrm sry pr«l«c»lrog yopr lira in v a ttm a n t fp n 4w af? 3. GUARANTEED IN WRITING A w rp e n IA N A O. P IT M A N , M . D. Plw« V alw o. t i. o l o d by lo yo l, .k illo d w orbm on.