Thursday, July 6, 1931 T H E in Htiurliluii mid u trip to Llic O re ­ gon brurliea. S. P. Frai ns the Discontinued for Holidays ; Htruuuel Instead Mull < 'a rry lu g C hanged July 2 m urk« i hutige in the mull i i v l i r into th e T im ber dU- lilc t T h e F u lf il d ro v e mull c u r ­ lie r will , hutige his route by going ul c o m in g .rigid to Tllllbct T h e Vernoliiu i lei will ch an g e th e route by go- UiF Io the Itiiuni w Iiool house on TIMBER Owing Io I II e legulur Heaver C rerk loud. Mr» O. F ourth id J u h .h u id o « ,, Of the Kilby, who curried th e m ull lo r d iffe re n t logging CO||||I.,|||. t i l l I 'h , lour y«*r». *.U1 H o,U h,in I'ucltu comiiiiin ha» ill»- '•> 'a n y the mull lo r th e Veinoiilu i ontliiueil th ree ol It» r e g u l a r ••«»« t o n i c III» m uny friend« will train» and are running loeul freight 1 egr, I tli u l H urry llu zllt, »tur c m - deal th ro u g h Io T lllam iH ik u n til 1 ! a plnlt dress a n d < arried a Rt rlelvetia C_,nurcn bouquet of pink sw eet peas and nom a mid S t Helens M ania- and Mary Handy will rem ain a t th eir *-* I. .inc here for the present -»♦ / " ’ L. L Mrs Dora Payton who ha» been visiting in Forest Grove. 1» visiting in« Mr. j i, u .. . j I • r nephew Cliff T hom pson, here Mr and *" **“ ' Lu ltin“ .? i." .. ^ . r s .?L’; l ? L Po.l:tli‘. n t! Dee are _ English ser- ' , Mrs. N J O rlffen They carne vice a t II a m Sunday a t ’ he Ger- mar. - - Reform church ' a ? Helvetia fiundgy 1------- -- Everyone is welcome to . ttend. I rtie P ete Jo«al hom e was th e I scene of a law n p a rty Sunday, i ruck Operators Must Meet Costs frock o p erato rs In Oregon have ^ ' ‘o f ^ ^ Ray | Ohio wh‘re They th e | day w n r” i v e l V am hiu will live In Yamhill. m ornings T h e reg u lar board X ^ carnations. D inner wa» served ORAL IN REAL ESTATE W r it. F i r . and Autamafcll. In.uranex M a la l oan, and laau. S Bon.ta at and la S r a r£e££fon JSjd dE 'ce la te r a T u r / e 1 group 2 3 » S Wt KURATLI & WISMER HILLSBO RO T.lephon« 13(1 and ".Mrs H u fw h m ld t wdl m “ ke th eir hom e in P o rtlan d a fte r a short tr ip to S eattle OREGON use 8e. .rid It Is practically Impossible to give 1 ' the « m t r a ^ ^ I p h J B taehll, A»bert O r o s J n . Victor F e ^ m _ T h e jw lm m m g pool a t th e Z u rch - ’ I “ - - - « Badertacher — —— i a d crxle authority: Cypher: m in istra to r Is Harry K a th ry n Hemmy T Marlon h is gr0Up U ZurcD-r will Mr’^ a n r f 1' m “1 w im *“ u u hav- . . . i know m he . H erned _ w ,„ ith know n n a» as - "T H ungry ungry E E ight ight " r.s in all fields Hie O th ers present were M? and Mrs. ;' - r m inim um rate» to th e end ? J d v ^ .V i i n r H 'm r i '10» Ralp.h a n d • -iT -m - o-,— — . . . . .. • ' tru ' k "P* rator* < an be placed v Fii.vrt a»Iid *'I r L' '' Plane where reasonable wages A and fam ily. M r a n d ’ 1 r - ^ m a b l e Hours cun be main- M™. ‘" ‘ed. > f T u ? J r Adolph B ad ertsch er and sons H arry and Sam uel. M r and Mrs ~ J en u n ren to o m u cn . .„ .„ d e le ,. Thatcher rebuilding ’ ’ w hich ' only wholesome mllk McFAI provWe I S JF m and will be hom e for th e su m - " u er rcner •’ i « » i . i . s Jfc ^ r com e' ‘ 0001 u m ade wel- come w lth mwü hom e fQr H ans B a n h m h .< . ",u *’rn h returned from lunch a t gchool. a glass of mllk \ ^ £ r e he ta u been work- 1« th e best betw een-m eals food. ogglng outfit. P hone your order to ..¿“¡E S I K . K £ S i hi! McFall Jersey Dairy * W h y be Satisfied - Dodge or Plymouth CADY MOTOR CO. the Commercial National ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Bank H odgen-Brew ster H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Comparative Statement of The Commercial National Bank of Hillsboro as of June 30th, 1933, and June 30th, 1934 RESOURCES 35,219.86 42,/94.90 DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS CHEVROLET ited m Vein,.ma Saturday FOR Your skiff w ith color and brush w ill a m a ta you IB POPULAR COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM o f 40,950.00 1,137.58 1,177.07 1,927.07 750.00 118,465.25 69,128.52 187,593.77 $1127,819.76 #991,896.38 L IA B IL IT IE S 55 55 50 55 55 55 45 COMMERCIAL CARS Commercial Chassis............................. 555 Utility Long C hassis............................ 515 Dual Long C h assis............................... 555 Utility Chassis and (Jab...................... 575 Dual Chassis and Cab.......................... 595 Utility Long Chassis and Cab............ 605 Dual Long Chassis and Cab............... 625 Commercial Panel .............................. 575 Special Commercia I Panel ................ 595 UHlIfy Panel............................................ 750 Dual Cab and Stake Body, . 680 Dual Long (Uih and Stake Body....... 740 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 55 50 50 50 A hov* a r t h » t p r ic a t o f p u i r n p r c a r t a t F lin t. M ich W ’th b iim p a r » . apara tir a a n d tir a lo c k , th a h a t p n e a o t S ta n d a r d M e la la ia a d d itio n a l. M aatar M t-dala, 1)0 a d d itio n a l. L ia t pricaa o f c o m m e r c ia I cara q n o ta d ara f o h H in t. M ich S p a c ia l a q u ip m a n t a a tra P ru aa a u b ja c t to c h a n ja ir it h o u t n o r ie » C om para C h aarolat a loar d a lo a ra d p rica a a n d aaar C> M A C. ta rm a A G anara! M o to ra Valua. ....... S75.tXXl.OO S 75,000.00 17 *■' « xg z - w 1Q -yz; 4v.O/ 18,091.26 .to .°ur. .. 986,429.09 752,852.29 233,576.80 50,000.00 1,350.00 95,952.83 95,952.83 Commercial, savings and other AND UP, P. O. B. FLINT, MICHIGAN MASTER MODF.I.S Sport Roadster......................................... 440 Coach........................................................ 580 Town Sedan.............................................615 Seduti........................................................ 640 Coupe........................................................ 5b0 Sport Coupe............................................ 600 Sedan Delivery........................................ 600 Reductions amounting to as much as >50—th« most sub­ stantial price cuts announced in th« lou'- pricc field year— have dropped Chev­ rolet's base price to a new low figure of >165. Just compare this price—compare any Chevrolet price—with those of other cars. Then compare what you get for what you pay! There'll lie no question in your mind which car to buy. Chevrolet offers patented knee-Action — and others do not! The same filing applies to Eislier body, cable-controlled brakes, Y-K frame, shock-proof steer­ ing, and 80-horsepower, valve-in-head six-cylinder engine. Yet the price of the Chevrolet Standard is lower than that of any oilier six or any eight in the world. HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. 3rd nnd W ashington Sts. 42,087.58 DEPOSITS— C IIF V M lll.K T MOTOH COMPANY. DE TROIT. M IC H Lester Ireland ÔC Co. Cabinksn h“nd and due from Additional funds of the stockhold­ ers being held in reserve for the benefit of this bank ........................ Amount c, 18,656.57 SURPLUS & U N D IV ID E D PROFITS NEW REDUCED PRICES STANDARD MODELS Ll., RMuriln Sport Roadster ....................................$46.4 $24 Coach ..................................................... 494 25 Coupe ................................................... 484 25 FURNITURE, BREAKFAST SETS, KITCHEN CABINETS 230,734.98 1,433.75 S h.i7khoide'i Now R w ltirod acme quality ENAMEL-KOTE 16,267.44 C A P IT A L — r « A l BR A llV I R f lilM I N r AND DON*! FO R G ET TO BUY A CAN O F ’ACME E N A M E L KOTE* FOR OUR 0REAKPAÏL SET* 2 4 9 ,3 9 1 .5 5 to the record low price of The) left M onday m orning for u week's visit with Mrs T ow nsend's people 26,527.46 65,269.38 BRING UP TO Jam es W h itela w , Mgr. P hone 4 4 1 ; even in gs 3361 CI& lUu1u ™ i ^ , „ c y ................. Bills Payable............................... 48,650.00 None $1,127,819.76 The officers and directors of this banking institution, wish to thank the people of Hillsboro and Wash­ ington county for the loyal support they have given this independent home-owned bank. The interests of Deposits in this Bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the manner and to the extent provided under the terms of Banking Act of 1933. m hk milk. 5^-ay-x: a?» Mr A h.. P,i7n.'l. y s p e n t la«tj iii « '3 o V ’m.’ w i d n e J d i r ................ M l» ^ ( X ' ^ t A T o i W hite H'l k with hl', daughter. Mrs. Ole At Sunday school Sunday m o rn - lo p k in m Tillam ook m id with u,g Mr« C B T resh ain gave a re- T he buildings huvi I d ' l l com- .ia ||,,on W u sli. I» visiting w ith her u-r »on. Phil Parm ley. ut Foss. port on tig .'a n n u a l M I ’ confer- pleted for Ule W, si il l, her u n it o f , u||Jl UJ||, Ml Mrf, A Eurl M cPeak was tak e n to th e enee. which «he a tte n d ed as a dele- the e r r "1 here are i.pproxlinately | ( , i„r of th e »uiii- 200 m en In t h i s ru ,..p I he I mi V s |I l (>|. E m unuel hospital In P o rtlan d J u n e ¡g a te from the B anks ch u rch have been ullowed a vacation over j q „„q,., vlrliilty was uguln w llh- 26. where I,,- underw ent a n o p e r a - ' T he M others' d u b held a special th e F o u rth u n til July t . and th o » e luU^ ¡,g |lt. ,tuiiiig S u n d ay m id M on- Hon i n m astoid lie wu« b r o u g h t1 m eeting ut the hom e of Mrs. Eh Davidson and »on James. Mr. r and to Jail.” * able to do »o have gone . Io llielr i(u 27 und did some M " ” S tóh?P J'rfY am ïly .M ^nd ^ J n ^ d f i you näam ^w eather f o r e c a s te n - luy ([| luhl W(M.g ul th e hom e Huturduy mid bi recovering (iriiidb- Jum i By Mrs. Ix' c 5 j I" tom orrow ." the .supervision of A, le'. Hankitus M e. Buxten a i d Mrs B erd an a re Mrs F ra n k (len z er und son Bver- Pacific University. Hhryl S tep h en s of P o rtla n d 1» Mr and Mrs lia n k in are living ut visiting III» uncle mid uuul. Mr slsters Mr and M rs Rex O berm an and Fred Zürcher, Mrs. Feuerstein and — , e tt of G reen M ountain sp e n t M on- ............... .......... .. _ fa th e r, ... the lookout ubove 'Iim.H'i Dm iicr gin ,i. ui Mr» Cuss WII- day with Mr O enzer's A family and Nellie H aney sp en t 8 u n - the host and hostes« and famlly. mid Mrs J H W escott, during the Bev. Seheldl Retlre« son Bunday were Mr a n d Mrs. E rin 11 ________ ____ .. Wolford, and helped him cele- dl,v »K h Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haney (IfH elals Nam ed »um uier vacation Mr mid Mrs. G eorge W ilson Coffey und bons of P o rtlan d . »Mr brat«* hia b irthday an n iv ersary by *' ' fw nlly of Strassel. Rev Edward Scheidt of Phillips Anuuni school ele. .mu was held C lark m id son preparing a b irthday d in n er M rs W alter H aney of St. Jo h n s and was honor guest at' a 'd ln n e r n a rtv ....... __........................ .. 111 the TÌI u lie r a hoo. hoir*' Juli,' drove to T acom a F’rlduy w ith Mi mid Mrs S tanley Percy Allen, u F 'rcl W olford a n d sons Lyle a n d V irgil Redetske of Vancouver vtsitod a t th e home of Mr and Mrs C E i’g s " I)"' w illU was I. i li'i !i d til- W ilson's tw o sm ull soli» 1-eiloy of Glenwood mid bro th er of Mr» W ilson, from llson. Vernon and d a u g h te rs Hazel a n d Mi and Mrs. Ted H aney Sunday K orn Ju n e 24 O th er guests were and H opert H ubert will rem ain in rector for th re e y e a . Mrs A ( S e a ttle Ju an ita were guests also. Ben B ennett and son Bennie are Miss Lydia —1 ~ ’ •- -- Scheldt, Mr and Mrs I'curson. clerk, and O scar H S h if ­ I a c o m u because of th e cllm ute In Amos and Ib-rnard Hellers, Cuss D orothy M att ice and H enry C hris- h hlngling Leon S ills house. I m iner affecting 1,1» buy fever Lou Zurcher Mr and Mrs William ter. chidrm m i fur th e coming yeur Wilson, and Mr Jackson were fis h ­ m an who have been working a t Mrs W alter W right visited her M l a i d M is It A llrow n will Wilkens and famlly from North T he retaining wall around the re tu rn e d hom e F rld»y parents. Mr. and Mrs E G . Place, Dakota, the host and hostess and M onday for B akersfield, C u t, ing In th e Wilson river Sunday. Y akim a, W IT H LESS? H a rt residence I l a . I , . 'l l com pleted leuve ; of Banks Sunday. w h i l e lie bus been culled buck on They rep o rt the roud over the night. members of the family Rev Scheldt Ills yard wu» severely dam aged d u r ­ the iiillroiul He lias been em ployed m ountain to be very rough Mr a n d Mrs Fred M ills of F o r- I j ’onard and Lucille L epschat and has resigned, having been in the ing the lieuvy r a in . In December, by t h e Sunset Digging com pany the When you can get all of the desirable Ml Car ,line A rm entrout mid est Grove were looking after their F/l King ^pent Thursday at The ministry for 55 years, and Intend» which n e cfisttu te d the wall mid r e ­ w inter, m id hit.» Just Deen r e ­ children Jimmie ami Evcivn moved property here Bunday to visit friends and relatives In building of printIcullv all of the |iusi K undin from the A rm en tro u t fa rm Mr a n d Mrs R c . Sandy and features in Singing class of Mrs, Robert Mott California He win be accompanied in stated on tile rullroud yurd A rth u r G ilm ore in ju re d his h an d •’“ 'J of Bank., to F orest Grove, little ion of Hillsboro sp e n t S un d ay met T hursday evening a t th e M ott Mr mid M is Joe K irk of P o rt- while working u l the S unset .a m p w hen' thev will mukc th e ir fu tu re at the hom e of th e ir p aren ts. M r home. It being the b irthday a n n l- by his daughter, Mrs. Wilkens, and hind have moved Into one of the lust week und w ith Mi . G ilm ore bom, Mr und Mr» M au rice T h o p ip - a n l Mrs Cliff S andy Ium ra a n d vii -ary of Louine Love and E v erett her family. Mis» Nussbaumer Bride W ebb houses until the la tte r part is »iK'iiding th is week in P ortland. son and Mr and Mrs B. W A nn- Lillian Sandy returned home with Haney. The evening was spent in Miss M ane M Nusbaumer. daugh­ of Septem ber eutruut moved on to the place them a fte r » week's stay w ith th e ir playing games. Mrs B ind W right, who hus beeij ter of Mr. and Mrs J J Nuss- Mrs H erbert I. A r r i returned Mrs Beatrice Moffitt and Howard baumer. *and<’*WillUm Hufschmidt ■vcral 'le i'in g » u h her m ollici und futli- which they vucuted and w hich had g randparents, home T o... biy uftci M , r and Mrs E m rnest M arr lh I xm II. Cul . und h e r sister In been m anaged by O tis A rm en tro u t Montgomery were m arried June 4 both of Portland wTre m arried at weeks' visit will, friends In D ufur. Fresno ely death. C untim .. u s. , anii M“ url<* Thompson, Mary They left Sunday to make their 8:30 a m June 25 I b l v S i i i i re tu rn e d to T im ber H utur- until liLs Fulls City. Salem Hid ’ >rtlumi Mrs. C B Hall and Mr» C harles mid M amie S andy a n d Fran-Ls h m e In P ortland, where Mr M ont- G rego% of Sacred” night Accompmiyiug h e r were Mi»» L illian E ngland ... Eugene, dav K essler were P o rtlan d visitor» M on- Ihom puon were guests a t a picnic c mery has em ploym ent M rs M of- officiated T he b rid t w ^ire^ d™« m her b ro th er-ln -b tw mid ».sti-r. Mr form er r,'s ile n t ol W rstlm ber. 1« and f M rs George H anson. Fresno. dav Mu. L ena Taylor h a d charge biritiday d in n er ut the Eh K ing- fitt h is been working a t the M ason- ivory sa tin and l a « u i a V HILLSBORO, OREGON visiting Mr m id Mrs Jo h n M a r­ Mr um l Mrs W llhm n S co tt m id of the telephone office d u rin g M rs »ton sto n home hom e n ear Scholls Sunday home for several years show er b o u q ^ e t^ 8nd a n d carried d a _____ _______ ch,'I W hen »In- return» to Kugrne. two c hildren W illiam Jr. m id S h ir ­ H u lls absence. of C alla llllles. T h e a ffa ir was a rra n g e d In honor Miss Cecelia M m chi'l will accom ­ ley of G reul F'alls. M ont ; Edwurd Mi mid Mrs J M K essler and of the birth d ay a n niversary of Miss pany her for u few wi-ek»' visit i .. ’ - ’ El ■ ,i.,] < ¡eiaidin,. drove Mamie Sandy M*” “ N kl,oU “ nd Mr mid Mr» John Richm ond iluughter Joyce o l" WTilti- F IS h to Taooma Monday, where they will M r a n d Mrs Cliff Sandy left und d a u g h te r Irene drove to P o rt­ Muin They were joined by a n o th e r V1 ■'ll during th e July F o u rth holl- Sunday evening lor V ernonia, where land Bunday Ml.»s Irin .' n tnulned George B io tt, a n d wife of d “ v' M ''-‘ K, . l e r 's m other. M rs J M r S andy began h is d u tie s M on- In P o rtlan d I- i a few d a y . visit I W arrciitoii for th e week-end Mrs Pryor and her slater. Mr» Evelyn day ut mail currier betw een Ver- w ith friend» und Mr and Mrs W right will rem uili m T im ber, but Cooper ami little daughter. G eorgia ____________ R ichm ond drove on to O regon City the rest will m u lin ile to M ontuna Demi re tu rn e d to T acom a w ith for th e day aftei u few d m » visit m Tim ber them a fte r u two weeks' visit TRO UT FISH IN G Paul IJeR enier went to P o rtlan d LuRue Brown who fia.» been been ut the K, . ler hom e here W illiam T h u rsd ay to have the braces r e ­ eonfm iit in Un hospltnl ut H ills­ Eberly Is sub stitu tin g In M r K ess­ Hillsboro Fisherm en H eadquarters moved from his Jaw . w hich were for scvcrui weeks w ith u badly ler's place its mull c arrier on route CORW IN H A R D W A R E frac tu red several week» ago while boro in f e c te d k n e e h a im p r o v e d enough o,1f S porting Goods h e wu» working at the S unset D ig ­ io Mr and Mrs Adolph W eldeshold I»' brought hom e lie retu rn ed ging com pany W hile hi P ortland h o m e Huturduy. Complete I.lne Fishing Tackle and two sons of P o rtlan d were S u n ­ he culled on Jo h n Kall»h who wus 1152 Secwmd St. Hillsboro mid Mi., Ilow urd Connell day guest» of Mr Bella H artw ick operated on for mi Injury received a n Mi Mr.» Mollie WlIlLs of P ortlund d iw o d a u g lilc i . A lv in a m id while lie was working ut the S u n ­ M iriam »I M, M innvlllc visited Mr was a Sunday guest Ut the E C set eom punv about two week» ago mid M rs J o h n R ic h m o n d a n d f u iu - W ils o n h o m e Hl- h L so visited F l a n k S hank who ilv Bunday Mr and Mr. Verle P rlc k ett and whs Injured w hen u Ime broke u n d | llitlc son Bobby of N, ah -B ay . W ash 11 Willi, a tte n d ed the Doug »truck Idm across the buck . uus- la» K counlv urc visiting relative» In R anks T hey convention in l*uillund mg a broken v erteb ra Paul re­ Jilin 24 HLs b rothi'i-inT uw und arrived here M onday evening, ac­ ports both m en arc Im proving ut »tslei M, and Mr» H urry Prnggll com panied bv Fred Creps. who Ls St V incent'» hospltnl I Pot Ilmi,I u , . om panlcd him The uLso visiting relatives Poultry and Dairy Feeds ML»» Maxllie K dbuig lefl S a tu r- picnic wu» held ul lT hliisulu pm k Birthdav C rlrb ra lrd diiv to pend th e F o u rth w ill, her E arl G roat celebrated Ills fif- are made to produce r e ­ fa th e r. A W K llburg mid brother N 'rh ra slk a n » to PI, nl, tre n tli birthday an n iv ersary Sut- A n'lionv and sister I uV erne u t S e a ­ I lie P o rtlan d Association ,,f F o r- urdav evening by giving a party. sults at lowest cost. Com­ side. From th e re »hr will go to W h e e le r t o , iH'iv I tlie sum m er w ith " |, r N ebraskan» residing w ithin a G am es were played and refregli- pare them with any other M R .¿ e l! K iiitl M1,nm' r ru d lu so f 150 mile» of P o rtlan d will m enls were served by E a r ls m other Mr uni Mi W illiam H uffm an l,,,ld a n n u a l picnic m id g e t-lo - Those present were Mr and Mrs feeds and be convinced. and d u ig h tc , Bilhe and M: and ' Id s as usual. G ene Shipley a n d son W ayne. M r Et J n u , i i of <4 Sunset • u n « t ,.,m « cam am p p duy J ‘i Julv n ! z r n , r> lk UpWBrd> a. ii. P ortland. E rnest a n d daugh- Our Egg Producer. Pullet Mr» Jack k F r u isher oi ()f 1200 S , u o n r - . and Mr» N rlllf l> B ClonlRen n K utherlne left Huturduy for n trip to tile O re ­ Developer a n d Turkey m er Nebruakaiui m e expected to and Lloyd Miller Robert Bovee, gon beurhea T hey expect to b e u tten d La»t ye.u th e a tte n d an c e C lara G roat and M r and Mrs. Grower can't be beat. gone atxait ten or fifteen day» M O roat. June 30, 1934 June 30, 1933 Miss K ate D cardorff re tu rn e d to was over HOC C om parison Lyle W olford of New Benson park h e r hom e m O akland T hursduv. LOANS and DISCOUNTS— Increase or Decrease I'll,- m an who refuses to udveriL»e is jiendhig th e F o u rth of July vu- Qfrvrv» a fte r vLsllIng wltli lie, b ro tlie r-ln - C urrent financing of local farming, indus­ folk! a o x iiiiia v ^ c ts ii luw’ mid sister. Mr und Mr» W l»ci iu m ol in-, claim that people cation with in» h trial and commercial needs and Ioans to T haer from Bunks utten d tn g the W McIXmald. for sevcm l weeks. do n 't read the new spaper. Is usually Feed - Seed - Poultry and Eggs individuals, corporations and firms of $¿42» A 71 7A tf /1 7 2 B i l l Hhe was accom panied by M rs M c­ about the first one to call the edi- food dealers' plen lr ut S h u te park sound financial standing .............................. p 4 Y O , 0 / l . / O ^ 4 /5 ,0 7 1 .0 2 Donald. who return,»I hom e B un­ to r» a tte n tio n to a n e rro r u t th e in Hillsboro S u n d ay were Mr and Phone 3061 bottom o| a colum n on th e last Mrs C harles K essler and tw o chtl- day. W A R R A N TS— dren. Mr and Mrs C harles Pow ne ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B Mr und M rs H enry P earson vLs- pagc K entucky Pres». lied I heir uncle und a u n t M r und Washington county school and - ga gg g z : e g w ax - Mrs. A G Pearson. Ju n e 27 Mr county warrants ............................. um l Mrs P earson are on th eir wedding trip to th e O regon beaches, G O V ER N M EN T SECURITIES— m id will continue tla-lr Journey th ro u g h C an ad a to the old 1’,'arson The best investment in the 1A1 2 fi n s; i n n g g hom estead In W im iiiis I ii . w here they will rem ain until Septem ber, when they will sail for Syria M r P e a r ­ OTHER BO N D S— son Is doing research work for Yule university Consisting of obligations of state M r and Mr 11 A Morse mid o l Oregon, counties, cities and 74O 201 9 2 0 7 2 3 OQ d a u g h te r Ju lia Ann a n d M rs Jullu school districts ... ....................... Morse »pent Sunday 111 P o rtlan d :: .. ! I. Mr mid Mrs E m m ett M urphy Stock in F ederal R eserve Bank and m id children I’ut a n d Dee a re vis­ investment in Federal Deposit J A t t 7^ 2 9 0 0 OO itin g Mrs M urphy'» b ro th e r-in - Insurance Corporation ................... 7 ,0 9 9 ./ 9 9,X O v.W law and sister, ¡¿ t . mid M rs Ben H urt, several day». Mrs. O tto ( toertzen ol W estlinber B anking H ouse and E quipm ent ......... wus tak e n suddenly ill w ith a p - pendlcltt» S a tu rd ay mid whs r e ­ moved to tile hospital In F orest Grove, w here she u nderw ent an O ther Real E state ....................................... em ergeney o p e ratio n in th e after­ noon. Miss B Kelley of R ainier vis­ ited frien d s in T im ber last week, re tu rn in g home w ith C. Hemmi. who drove to R ainier Sunday. A nthony Bolnliel, of Pot tlund Is vniiiiii In. uncle am i a u n t. Mr a , id M rs Jo h n K allsh. Mr. and Mrs. Roy T ow nsend and tw o children. Ju n e m id Jeo n , v is­ I » ,,,,, gl For Growing Children A n ^ J ^ « « dc ^ S — s Bws« « t « a s s s a - 85 Bella Hartwick Mury M arr of P o rtlan d visited O h £ lp -Iliev friends uml relullves here B u n d a y ! eoupl und Monday H IL L S B O R O . #991,896.38 Washington county are paramount with us. As has always been our practice, we are glad to extend credit on proper security to the busi­ nessmen and farmers of Washing­ ton county. EDWARD SCHULMERICH, President E. I. KURATLI, Vice-President W. C. CHRISTENSEN, Vice-President ALF O. JOHNSON, Cashier W. V. BERGEN. Assistant Cashier C. JACK Jr., Assistant Cashier