T II K Thursday, .Inly ft, 1034 Ih r Ewer triple!«, Betty lia n Mary Fi an - Is I » o w n lllg am lyu and Virginia T alliert. Hlilia-v and Dorothy D c F a n . J a n e t I-- 1 »her. J a n e t Nlclsoll. David Plielp Himmel l a w r e n e e . i l . W a u e n WH hain». D orothy and latri» M i i lu i n , Ballili and Jan et Niet,..... DHU» lla rd m n n . Edw ard .laillisen. Harry Eilande, J r Id a Felsher. Evelyn W illiam la le W alke, .lame, M il­ TIUAI(I> A im lhti u prn ....... p rtl- ler < b ta- Brown, llem -vleve C a r t e l amt Im d Berg Biilloon» w ereglven Itv,- I'xaiiiHia» lim lor |Hi»ti»»a»t»’r of Hie elillclien l«i |r i »huioill» wen- T ig ard I mus I m i i i KIIIKUII» i «1 bv Inc Io lllg IO,IUI C ll l p t e l I nili-,1 M ate» iilvH service «01«- .e i v e il III t h e d lU m eetings h a v e beet» » ii.'.p c lld c d U ll­ O lC s I o l l K t I I I ,. l ( t |l ( C . I of I’ostlllK t- i l l e annulli pieni, til Heptemhei I I I' l l lev A n ( X iiin lliiitln n « a ; , belli Ibis spring w ith several | mus ;»III(I. will be held at Avalon park th is but th e ir nm iies were not se n t to year 111 Fellows and tainilles are i n ­ vited will lx- Jill! IS M em beis of « ntEm m ett Ito u th of G roton, South I be degree sta ff initiated a c a n d i­ D akota, arrived bust w«-ek for a d a te (or Hhcrwood T huisduv eve­ visit with Ids uncle. V Lorenz, and ning lnstallu l Inn of officers of the local lodge » ill Ire July 11 a n d family M in Paul Harn«*s of Portland W ilsonville a n d Scholls have been iwiit Suiidav with lier m other Mi. invited to puell, ipule Hl th e In sta l­ 11« : rv d r if tin g lation M r s Axyia Johnson. Miss Lillian I),,1m l Itam sbv wan tak en to the and Dr Houxsln of P o r t­ Invspital List week, u tte rin g from Johnson an old in ju ry sustained several land were W ednendav vbdtors at hurtle uf Mrs. I.ilv Hanley years turn lie was In a serious con­ tire c anil Jack am i B ruce E»tepp ol dition b il l Us recovering fll!l»boro .-|»'m hng a few week - P o ta to plan tin g Is going on I n with th e ir are aunt Mr« (leorge Pud- earn est around Ibis district with tin- largest tr a it bring planted p rob­ get Miss DuiL-.e K irk of P ortland, ably on the B aar plan- on Bull m o u n tain wlu-r.- -aiuu "Ml acres are form er tea ch e r of th e Leisyville iM-tm- tail in It seems th a t every .ehiHil. a tte n d ed th e -.bower given in honor of Mi«« Jo h u n n u M.e bit ol e x tra land Is being planted In ,v ie l-Yidav evening to p otatoes th is year Mi , M ary Hens a n d Jo h n Sens The M-ts-nd ctop of a lfa lfa 1» trelllg harvesb-d w-lille some of the «pent Ktmdiiv w ith th e ir nun, Mi M F a k e r nt Mt Allgel. - at* and vetch «rop is still In the Mr» B arbara Jlrc-.-.i j ,,... , fl Id B alers are having a h ard F.rov'e a n d M l - Mny Hreed ot me kerptng up w ith the harvest- y!.ut,-il w ith Mr a n d in y V 'd l U 'e •ini ing G rain w m i«.-., . Jo h n Dai- . S r 'Tue.dav ine <4 tl>e district*. It iv Ixiveland of ForvvaU li 1« Nrtlry H o o d s < .ab ‘ IH-nUing a few w eek, at th e Bell ¡«•dry re tu rm 'd ’I'm -dav !- K F o u > * ii.. h o m e . » to tire W ’.Uainett«' \ a l- rum a 'I I, f l ir n clpb will m eet at 1 ...t« rn Or« gon in th e Ul- E dw nil W e n d - 1 > :n e "11 lit! .,» 1 . ah rre » l nf th« n irtli of July , i m oilier» •elrbrn ed m a n in n er, which »tii C hrH i.u n aiv i Amer- aid Pasto, Heili V S H iller pointed nu in hl.- Sunday moi ling serm on i pel .service lb at Pllgrln F o u rth was th a t a com nter ■Ullizr cl by licit lier uble to I m * (!«' BEAVBIRTON ’Hi» Mi « s Evelyn iicljecfive A h [uh V m arked by A.’ X.tn«l«r a n i ( n nevi«”. <• J'> hn< ‘n drunk«m u s . ’ or one in w hich n a r- w eie p i' ente«! in « pum<» p e l l a i «>v row n aiionalt tn m d p re p ara tio n 1< Mi lt< u lu li Che« n« i th< C«>llin.s w ar w.v, th e up|x*rino.st l w n m id E: Ain aiiilitoritini in I o rtln n u nuithci C hrtM U n nor Anu rtra n lie J u n r '-7. (!«•« lured T h e p'»sttlve sld«' ot the Mi Etc«i (>Inv-t«.»(i unti M ,s F o u rth w hs cinph.i iz*‘ I M onday J W S prague i etui t i e d .lune -’■> m orning n t e n u p i, w hen th«’ pa tor Boni a trip lo ••»<' m iddle «Ulte» preiw bed «»11 ”Tru«’ I.itxTtv.” and T hey were vlsltoix a, th è ChlCSgo said th a t only bv m ak ing tlw* p r in ­ Century of i ' " , " ' ; -':l ciple.« of the C iirb t th e norm ot '* Mi m bers ol Ileaver C h ap ter. No our living, could th e nation reach the high po in t tow ard w hich th e loti (> E S were e n le rta iiie d Ju n e founding fa th e rs nim«d 27 by th e c hildren ol tin- m em ­ b e r « hi a mock radio program will, T J i r r e ’h l u g n e w » f»»r >«»u in tlir Ju lin F.errl h a, Bn- ft announcer Tlm se p a rticip a tin g in the program < lv e rl» « b ig cu lu tn n M Test Planned Tigard Post Office Soon H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , They’re Splendid for Everyday Wear w e ie s o ll •J- *!• v ’!• ’!• AN APRON AM) I WO («"HOCKS THA I .11 ST EXUDE CHARM AHI. I IRS WEEK’S PA’ITERN OEM LINOS Leisyville Chib I lonors Bride-Fleet Beaverton Pupils PrcM’nt Recital In the next group young people 13 to 16 years old need to be thought of Outdoor space increases again, and the program m ust be planned in larger terms. Instead of playing sm aller ball games, these people will be Interested in hard b a l l where skill is an im portant factor, and where the competition is keen­ er They will want to play in to u rn ­ aments. they will appreciate p lan ­ ning and m anaging competitions ol many kinds. If they build aero­ planes they build aeroplanes th a t will fly; if they make kites, they make kites th a t are interesting be­ cause of their size, or because they are particularly beautiful, or be­ cause they are of some unusual shape. For these people the out- dr ors extends largely beyond the cjnfines of the town; they are in ­ terested ui hiking nature walks and talks, m ap making, geology trips, and other tvpes of excursions, which are entered into with keen interest. For the workshop indoors, their equipm ent m ust be more elab­ orate; they need more skilled m an­ ipulation: ’ the Brushed idea is as im portant as the dqv- lapment of the idea In m anual training they A » f MMI K RL< RL VITON PRO - show unusual skill, but their ideas DR \M FOR TOW NS IN OREGON are more extensive ar.d may run »HN h BO VA RD By -r ««f I'h y n tcal Educati- n to puppet shows, to clay modeling, Ura n to radio building, and such activ­ ity o f O reg o n . T his is th e -es-i.fi.1 o f a ities as these. irticies out lin in g a iu m - of Another group must be consider­ program II . ' ■ ed. and this is the age group from B ovard, w ritte n by o f th e 17 to 21. Here ag3in the fields for th«»rity in H i p fiel,l • ! p h jm iral e liw a tio d T h e n ext activities enlarge and the finesse a rtie l« w ilt follow in ■ la te r , __ w ith w h ic h th e y are conducted 1» Part II—Groups to be Included in much keener th an in any of the preva ils group;-. Competition is an the Program im portant factor in activities for The first eroujr we should plan people of this age. There must be for is the pre-school child. Il is tournam ents in basebaxl. golf, swim- a common idea th a t the pre-scho 1 ming. tennis and other types of child should be taken care of In activities This group is interested the home. This can probably be in elf direction, as to m anagem ent done in the smaller cities, but as and as to organization of their pro- communities grow it becomes more cram. From this group can also be and more difficult to meet the de­ recruited the squad leaders who can mands for the proper care of this N ew Y o rk M Y Mountain I lome W oman Honored c> H am ilton li d and th e su b ject d.HUsacd was International relatlon- sh ip . . M l »» l’eionice Ego accom panied I,- .-a.-in. C arm an Hudson, to th e HOME M ountain latter home in Willamaui S atu r­ M D t'N TA lN day Mi » Ego expects to be the H om e' fardie.»' Aid sjxiniored ft .,-» -.here ' I her aunt and cousin -h"--ci lor Mi Pe-.c lfiu n d lc u tiu& teek. Ju n e 30 at tin- hom e ol Mr«, Elvtn U rdcanp Allison, who has Lore in li Ab« u t tw enty were pres» he liuu m « guest of her unde, ,*«.». OASt-ti-d bv Mr«, e u t Tin Allison, for the past two d Mr«. Roacoe J im - Mu »on retu rn ed to P ortland S atur- C ourtney, l ived re fn shm ent after ening. Nation o t gifts, til«« prt-M arai sm all M r / I te r H aft Van- Examiner Coming .son D ennl . liave n n ear couver. Was! Hi R edding, e xam iner nf op- -> is Mr llaffex and i h a u ffe u rs. will tinned .it V* ro W ednesday. Ju ly 11. at u e from 9 a. m. lo ó Alrout a dozen «Hein iän En id, . i v ,,- .-Lino - i V Coffee Lunch Meats HAMBURGER ,». B O IL B E E F Lb. RIB S T E A K ÏL r ' ' ' P U R E L A R D 3ib, LARD COMPOUND 3 DILL PICKLES Quart ....... SALMON s^.'" 11 ' ...... 9c 6c 12c 25c 14c 10c 15c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliveriea Daily Re». Phone 321Z Phone 953 : Hillsboro Portland - Banks STA GE GROVE MILK . . . it builds strong bodies. GRADE P r ic e s E f f e c tiv e Buxton and Hillsboro F IR G R O V E TWO TRIPS DAILY Except Sundays and Holidays DAIRY Leaves Buxton 7:45 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. Leaves Hillsboro Stage Depot 11:00 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. Phone 4RX1 For SUNBURN Sunburn can be dangerous you know! At best it is painful. Rex- ail Gypsy Cream is a cool and soothing preparation that pene­ trates the skin in a few moments to give you almost instant relief. Non-greasy too. And you may use it for insect bites, heat rash, ivy poison, moth-itch, and other skin irritations. Try it. Rexall GYPSY CREAM ¿X; 4 0 c DELTA DRUG STORE Columbia Best. Pound P ineapple F r id a y , S a t u r d a y a n d M o n d a y — J u l y 6 , 7 a n d 9 For A FEW OF OUR LOW7 PRICES SUGAR ,, 4 $1.20 6c C A N E. Friday and Saturday only. 25-lb. cloth bag M AC M \ RR TALL CAN gß $1*49 10 c 35c E Ï VINEGAR Lui» 15c 25c Oc C lean ser 25c PUFFED WHEAT 29c Quaker 10c 10c 15c 22c Each Klondike. Lb. .......... SEE OUR BIG HANDBILL FOR ADDITIONAL VALUES FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 4 TIMES DAILY! y Broken. 2s. Can 25c See newspapers for sensational offer. 10c PUFFED RICE 6c 27c 25c jar 5 c 2 pkgs................................. MUSTARD K err's Prepar»?d. 5-oz. Lighthouse. 3 cans 8c PURE CANE SUGAR 10 lbs. POWDERED. 4 lbs. BROWN. 5 lbs. 9O 3p 47c 25c 25c C & H Berry— 25-lb. sack .... S4.68 81.23 Sunny Monday. Smiles on Blue Monday. 10 bars 19c 3c ___Almond or Milk. H c ir s lic y ORBITS JAPAN TEA i.j-lb. cellophane CEYLON TEA 1 ,-lb. cellophane J OOclCCO lO U I* 100,», R e g u la r 5c. B ar Root Beer E xtract 19c 25c Make your own. French's CERTO Sure Jell. Bottle Prince Albert. 16-oz. tin 79c. 2-oz. tin Fisher's Blend, Crown or Drifted Snow. 49-lb. sack 22c 10c 81.85 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, July 6, 7 and 9 lc WATERMELONS 4 3 p 3? 3 pkgs. preserves. Prices for Friday and Saturday Only — Prices Higher Monday « 19c Fresh F ruits and V egetables CUCUMBERS LEMONS Local, long green. Golden ripe. 6 lbs. ............ GRAPE JUICE 25c ...= e», BANANAS Can Dickinson’s, Quart JAR RINGS 3"d„±""" TOBACCO z..;i1 CIGARETTES SS* — Ch'""'ic'd'' TOBACCO^,EW,NG ..... MATCHES äüV i wLB.R ' " " Full ol juice. Dozen pineapple-apricot PINEAPPLE JUICE C loseout. O ATS Crushed. 2 cans G rapefruit Doll'S. S-oz. M IL K now operating betw een High grade coffee goes further. FLOUR iNb’-u PORK and BEANS « ï PANCAKE FLOUR We have a complete selection of all kinds of RUSHLOW cuffs. W idth of th e dress at the lower edge, with e p i l E soltiy druped lines of th e a ttra c tiv e frock No. fulloexH extended. la 1% yards. 78#7x lend subtle b attery mid an a ir of eleg an c. C ut Out and Mail This Order B lank for P attern s. to l b . woman who w ears It. despite Its sim plicity. FASHION lit HEAL. It ts designed In e ig h t sites: 36. 38, 40. 42. 44, 46, 48 and CO. S i t . 41 requires 4 yards of 39 Inch m a­ 103 P ark Ave.. New Fork City. terial. plus 1 yard for I be vm tee and rig h t collar. In Enclosed f i n d ..................... cents. Please send me m onotone, wltliout contra»!, ttio d ress requires 4% the p a tte rn s listed below at 15 cents per p a tte rn : y ard s of 39 Inch m aterial. The ve-tee alone requires >4 yard ; l b . right collar yard P a tte rn num ber: The Jiffy apron. No 6997 m . eels off to advantage Size 7897» any pretty frock. Made i f percale, gingham , or Inwn. It Is designed hi four size» Sm all 34-36. Me­ Size 6997« dium 38 40, I.arge 4.' 44. Stout 46-48 bust m easure. SI io m edium requires 2’i, yards of 32 Inch m aterial. Size 8597 s To flnl«li with 1,1ns binding, l ’j Inches, or with Name . . . braid, 6*4 yards. You m ight easily call No 8597t n "beau" Instead AddieKS .. of "bow" frock. It 1» so plea log to ttio boy friend. It s designed In live n z es 31. 36. 38, 40 end 42 Sire City ........ 38 calls for 4s» yards of 85 Inch m aterial, plus »4 Stale . . . . . yard of 39 Inch m aterial for bell. He scurf, and hand W rite your mini,- and a d d re ■■ plainly, giving number a n d size of p a tte rn s you w ant Enclose 15 ct-nl in coin for each num ber, a n d mail vour order to H illsboro A rgus F ash io n B ureau, 103 P a rk Ave., wr- J yb BJ u IK All meal» Inspected by Dr. Nicol anil Dr. Aluiqulst. group "Safety” 1« the key-note of assist in the work fo r th e younger tjuatolv job prin tin g A rgus th e ir e n tire program W hatever claK.se« T h is group also m akes t h e ' play a p p a ra tu s ls needed tu n be l i , " - il ly for evt m ug jm rtics. town d ra m a tic perform ances, sim ple easily built, a n d w ithout parties. mu< h expense. Sandbox, s swings, m usic dub-- glee club» n o t only teeter a wading pool or e v e n a n from the s ta n d p o in t of p a rtic ip a ­ but th e m an a g em e n t a n d a u t n m o O i l e tire hum ; up i n t o a t r e e tion. H ere w<- find .„ggi-s.s the sim ple type ot u p p a i - w riting of p la y . a lu tlu»t can b»- u d w ith pre­ much t n ative ability w hich will Everything in Insurance school children. Th, p, need some have a n outlet. T h en to m es th e a d u lt group. An by »hi*nru*lv»" w here th e n Phone 1701 1.132 W ashington will be no d a n g er of tra ffic and old idea which has a c tu a te d m ost Where they will be o u t Iron, und< r of our th in k in g is th a t recreatio n th e feet of th e larger and m ore is only for young people I t is my Daily Trips to P ortland active ch ild ren M any » » f t . have hope th a t we can g e t aw ay from a tte m p te d to solve t in . p ro b a m by t h i s a n t i q u a t e d theory. R ecreation Dillsboro Auto Freight building neighborhood playground.«. for th e old folks 1« not th e sam e Bonded and Insured C arrier An em pty U>1 cleared ol debris, a s re cre atio n for th e young folks even tho u g h sm all, afford-, am pe I t is not to be expected t h a t a d u lts Nerving Beaverton, Aloha. Reed .pace lo r th e young < hUdren. I l Is will p arti, .p ate in tlw sam e aort ville. Illllsboro. Com etius and usually necessary to provide in 'hi---' of in tlv ltie s as those enjoyed by Forest Grove sm all playground a place for th e I t h e m o r e active, m ore versatile m other» w ho m ay care to read or young, , peop.e In th is group it Hillsboro P hone 542 o n ,, , le ,S im p o rta n t for all to do sew or mervJ while th, little c h il­ d re n play T h e general program . | lie n in e th in g T h e a ctiv ities can E ast Side T erm in al P o rtlan d th en , is b u d t up aro u n d a »ale .«■ of a very diver.se sort. U nder P hone EAst 9131 recre atio n al program , place to play, w ith a l e a p p a ra tu s a proper to play on. but also a p lea sa n t place flow ever, those who a re in te rested as well. . . , , I in the sam e / ,r t of a ctiv ities can T h e next group to dem and a t ­ get to gether H orseshoe clubs, golf ten tio n is th a t rep resen ted by th e i ouinam eulf. picnics tow n parties, boys a n d girls from 7 to 1- Tl'is music, tow n singing, < ho ral societies, group d em ands more space for its o rchestras, a n d bands all re p re se n t activities, a s th ese children play types of activ ities in which th e o ld ­ m ore vigorous gam es they are in ­ er people m ay enjoy a pleasurable tere sted in ball gam es in running evening with th e ir neighbors. gam es in activities a t high speed They irave not yet developed finer I nronsciou» Truth coordinations, a n d skill is n o t a n T he dear, old m in iste r was called im p o rta n t p a r t of th eir program . upon to p reach th e fu n e ra l serm on They need larger spaces th a n the a m an who had been a very neighborhood playgrounds, places of d iffe ren t a n d inactive m em ber of w here th ey c a n play bad or w here in h i, ch u rch tliey can play marble.-, or where F riends th e m in iste r b a n th ey will n o t be in con tact with the looking a t th e ca. ket of th e d e p ar - sm a lle r ch ild ren nor w ith those of ed. "for 30 years I have prea: bed ttie n e x t age older. to th is corpse." We m u st n o t forget a t th is tim e And then fie wondered a t the stir th a t ch ild ren need indoor facilities in the audience, and the looks one a s well. Too m any time» th e en tire to another with as much am use­ p ro g ram for boys and girL, of th is ment in them as dared be express­ age is left to th e outdoor gam es a n d ed at a funeral service. sports. Indoor provision should be Shrewish Sally says. "You're m ade for a w orkbench w ith sim ple Let the advertisem ents help you so dumb, you think the tools, a place w here th e boys can make your shopping plans. I c o n stru c t toys of one sort or a n o th ­ Treasury m ints Juleps!" er. or girls can work a t basketry or h a n d ic ra fts, a place w here ideas Mint juleps may be all can be worked out in th e rough, rijrht for the o l d e r w here activ ity can go on. T h is 1» LICENSED EMBAEMERS a constructive age. w hen id e a , are folks, but the children and b u rstin g a n d th e urge to activity of need plenty of F I R som e sort m u st be tak en care of. EINERAE DIRECTORS Donelson &. Sewell • Ready to advine you In purchasing. Really to give real value«. Page Thre« OREGON A -I A* FREE D E L IV E R Y