The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 05, 1934, Image 1

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    rg u s
Read Advertising
Latest Store New.- Always
A ppears in th<* Argus
W ith W h i .h
V O L U M E X l.l
S ta te C apitol
N ews L e tte r
is Com! » in c l
i >• I I i i l .l i 'i r o Independent
Good Printing
The Argus Gives Q u a lity
Service at Fair Prices
H IL L SB O R O , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 5, 1934
i Citizenship
Duties Told
Local Lunds Given
for Relief, SERA
High During June
Widening of
Baseline in
City Sought
NO. 20
Pet Parde Here
Sunday Attracts
Much Attention
Local Bank
Shows Rise
in Deposits
Queen Joy
B eaverton
Girl Rules
Happy Days
Pets of every imaginable shape. '
Contribution!« b y W afthliigton
size and description, ranging from
county and county <omm uni ties for
tiny goldfish in a bowl to ponies
NEKA proj«*< U and relief totaled
and horses rlden by “buckeroos,"
approximately !>() jm r ernt a« much
( i uheriiatnrial Bat t le
were exhibited by 46 proud owners
04 the federal allotment during
Sunday afternoon during the chil­
the month of .June accordlnK to a
Promises Interest
re|x>rt subm itted tins week t o D e le got ion U rg e» H ig h w a y dren's pet parade at the park Al-
F e llo w
Klmer II (ioudv fate SERA a d ­
2.,.o ’(,.*?.„thc .Z luthi u2 ‘^ 5 ™
C o m m er cia l N a tio n a l M ak e*
R e s p o n s ib ilit y
t o
for Oregon
Mi»« J o y H u lit S e le c te d as
mint.strutor, b y
mistresses took the event as a
ii« local office
B o d y C o n tin u a n c e o f
•'■nous m atter. the pets them -
M a n , L a w O b e d ie n c e
T his statem ent .ould tend to re ­
In c r e a se o f $ 2 3 3 ,5 7 6
Q u e e n G a la E v en t H ere;
wives took the m atter in a lighter
L o ca l P r o je c t
fute rumors th at have bw n circulat­
W hatever tin ou tr »me,
S e e n as N e e d s
D u r in g P a st Y ea r
ing tlirough tla tale to tin* effect
S n e ll C ro w n s R u ler
the ku I m i nutorlal • ampiUgn In
Prize for the largest family of
th at local conrlbuuons In Oregon
Ort’Koti this \ciu proinlM’« to 1* a
u m ounU 'd to only 12 per cent of I L
-ifin n t.
most InterehlUig one and on«* which
V I J Ircrrd
i g U l t^.t w ho d is p la y e d a lamlly of l:
’li» gov«*rnm «nt, I Xt S l g l 1«11lOIIS
will be anylM>dy*A race until tin*
Ute rats. Including the m other
W J. Mill*
m a n a g e r bald
final m u l t U announced.
and father rats. Second prize went
Already the «trutnrlata 1 n the
to Wanda Johnson of Beaverton
Allotment by th« federal govern-
three political comps are busily lay­ P a t t e r s o n S a y s G r o u p S e e k s in« nt to WatdiUigt« t. county dur- W o r k o n W o l f C r e e k S h o r t
Th a mother dog drawing three S ta te m e n t
of C o m p a n s o n
R ace», P icnic», F ir ew o rk » ,
ing their battle plans while the can*
P ippi' in a wagon. Hugh Ring of
C ut B each R oad A sked
May and June am ounted t o
dldaten tliemaelvea have let no grass
Pause fo r I ro g ra m
$10.000 for e a c h of th e p e rio d s L o-
Orenco took first honor.. In the
In d ic a te s P ro g r ess
D a n c es, G a m e s P ro v id e d
grow under their feet in getting
<'»•! contribution* totaled <3352.70 In
W idening and fesuriacing o f i haractenzation division dressed as
out onto the firing line Joe Dunne,
th. Singing Cowboy." T his equlp-
the republican nominee, hiut been
Citizens, business men and farm -
Happy Days" celebration w ith
I .o n n m u a r o u n d t h .. aLaU . w it h a n • , ^ PP.
<U. \ .
V ’v ’’" ™ , ; lng lo lht‘ ITporl Thbi make« a Ilrn| U from F ifth street under fed- inent w a s complete. Including
hopplng aroun«l th« gUfe with an Ih) Unto Oth«
As You Would |M r« entag«« of approximately 33 1-3 ,.ral highway construction allot- cow boy costume, pony guitar and ers of the Hillsboro area are making
Miss Joy Hulit of Beaverton as
h i ,»,r i “L v t- ‘oJ“^ r ’’n.t vu,*;"' .A
Unt<,’ ,Y,' V w Olv ,n M',y ‘,ld
*"■' <’ " t
m“ n t . X
urged a dog Walter McKinney took gee- rapid progress on the road to fl-
queen attracted a record crowd es­
Ills i»>rtly style of ur< h it.. lu r i. u l- (llll|y | lv,.s wa8 m g c l by K F ran k The bulk ol tin- < nntrtbotinns were
tim ated a t between 40,000 and 50 -
re of the . tale highway commission mid a , 'Huckleberry Finn," with nancial recovery if the increase of
lending editorial ..invention». plo- jv ierz. prom inent 1.x ul attorney, from the county in tin fo rm o f Monday ufternoou by a delegation n :. h pole and dog. Prize for $233 576 80 in deposits at th e Com-
000 persons during the four days
neer picnics and political gatherings m speukintf before M’veral hundred widow..' and old age pensions, Milb ol Hillsboro odlcials headed by '.ia- smallest pet went to Ann Marie mercial National bank during the
of the event which opi ned a t Shute
and making hl* presence felt at
t pi«, at the Independence day said.
park here Sunday and closed Wed­
Mayor Orange Phelps. Considerable Reding ol Hillsboro with a bowl past year is any indication. Corn­
most every place where two or ¡)atii<»tlc exercises at Khute park
nesday night. Typical F ourth of
Work was *«art«*d on the Hazel- interest in the project was taken ell.tam ing three minute goldfish, parative statem ent issued by the
more voters have been gathered Wednesday morning Peters d«*dar-
Lai rest pet exhibited w as a riding bank as of June 30 of this year Miss Joy Hulit of Beaverton, who July weather brought out a throng
together Dunne h u d u amooth th a t we must have more re- lab* m *1 knj 1 project Monday m orn­ by the commissioners and Engineer horse with Billy McDonald astride, shows deposits of $986 420 09 as
was chosen as queen of the tw en- of homecoming picnickers a n d
working organization during the *>l>onsihllity for the well ladng ot ing with e v e n men and a ruper- Lynch of Hie U. 8. bureau of roads.
ty-eighth annual "Happy Days" merry-m akers yesterday for events
o th e r prize winners were: Best against a total of $752.8.52 29 a t the
’I’he project includes build-
I’ L Patterson, city attorney,
prim ary camimlgn and it has con­ our fellow citizens and that, if it visor (Cunlinur.1
rated vehicle with pet—Elea- same tim e in 1933
celebration a t Hillsboro.
th a t culm inated the four-day an-
<»n paur io . colum n 3|
spok< .man lor the city, pointed out n,,r R eed of Hillsboro, first; Ann
tinued to function w ithout so much was not voluntary, it wus up to
house and equipment of
—Courtesy Oregonian, nual program.
the present highway improvement j>, is of Hillsboro, second. Best the Banking
as a pause for breath Peter Zim ­ th«* government to bring it about
local home-owned institution
Selection of the "Happy Days"
here only comes as far as Fifth Cos
merman. the choice of the “true
America's great liberties will la*
Betty Bristol o f has been expanded during the pas'
queen Saturday n ig h t and t h e
s tre i' where It breaks down from i j , j umed
progresaives.** Is likewise on the m aintained by the men and wom­
<oro. iir. t; Janet Oversby of year ln step with the increase ln
ceremonies Tuesday eve­
36 Iis t to 26 feet, making a bottle- j j j ooro. second. Smallest p e t— business. New bank fixtures and
Job and has let It be Mnowu th a t en. who feel their responsibility to
ning were the highlight event» of
he expect; to visit personally c\«*ry their country and th eir fellow citl-
id prize, Donald Cady Most equipm ent were added during the
the festival. County residents pack­
greatest He declared th a t It would eon «1 pet—Ernest and Douglas year and the bank expanded to
< rnss-roads community in the state /4.n , y l(. speaker averred. The
ed the auditorium Saturday to wit­
between now and the November country look*, to leadership from
lour of Hi.lsboro. fu s t; Jack take in for tne accounting depart-
ness the drawing to determ ine the
lo t h e traveling public. Lynch Ad.
«'lection Zim merm an has announc- jtft ex-. « rvic«* men in time of peace,
and Harold Golf of Hills m ent the office space formerly oc-
ruler ol the celebration from among
cd that he experts to m anage hla according to Peters, who said the G ro u p S e e k s F e d e r a l Fund» asked why the widening slopped at ts,r
Mo t unusual pet— cupied by the Hillsboro Abstract m ,
a i __.»
25 aspirants Miss Joy H ulit
F ilth street with the present lm- Nel ■ and one]
own campaign, but It Is understood title » x-service man is a m l »-
Geneva Jones and Effie company and the T ualatin Valley l’ u m e r o u s In q u ir ie s A b o u t of Beaverton. Mi a Thelm a Mulloy
fo r C o n tro l P ro g ra m »
provement and was Informed th a t Tol
th at In* will soon uunoutue the per- n oni« r as they are truly service
C o n d itio n s R e c e iv e d
of Laurel. Miss Mabel Nelson of
it was due to the luck of funds gey . ul Hill ixiio. Hrs;. Jan et Service Agency. As a result the
so u n d of a board of strategy upon nu n
ro, second. L arg- value of these items was increased
• ra
which he will call for advise from
People are Ruler»
Tlial niuctl of the mOet valuable wh~n the designation was made lust est pet Leroy McCluey of Hills- from $40.950 to $42,087.58 during
Cedar Mills and Miss W i l m a
' hori
time to tim e G eneral C liarlrs 11.
nd. Best peilorm lng pet the year.
Tom ato blight has apparently h it Schultz of Forest Grove were wln-
'"111'' thought for everyone toduy farm ing land in W ashington coun-
M artin, tile dem ocratic candidate, ahould be th a t lie 1» an A m rrlcan ty is being reverted to waste lands
Secondarie» W anted
E ther S urm of Hillsboro, “first
P r o g r e » M ade
tom ato patches all around W ash- ners in the contest. The five then
is due to retu rn to Oregon early citizen and tiiul such thoughts by the eruslvi action of flood waters
Request of County Judge Donald Lee Haverstick of Hillsboro, sec
Progress of the bank is noted in ington county rath er seriously dur- retired and elected Miss H ulit as
next week u ftrr Ills urduous d u lls should make ones h eart »»ell with which break over the banks of the T. Templeton and Commissioner
(Cuntinued on p a s e 1 0 ,colum n 1)
several other items listed in the ing the last 10 days. Numerous In- queen,
aa a member of the mitiomil con­ pride."
Tualatin river was the .substance Herman D. K erkman for the des-
com parative tatement. A total of quiries as to control have been re-
Snell Crowns Queen
gress u iid will devote Ills entire
Source uf America s greatness, dc- of testimony collected in Hillsboro ■-natinn of secondary highways In
$95,952.83 in bills payable was out- celved by county agent. William
. „ ,, , Arlh, aton candi-
time thereafter to tlie conduct of d a red Mr Peters, is the fa rt th a t Thursday by officers ol th e Wil- 1 le n o rt*> end of the county did
standm g at the middle of 1933. The F. Cyrus. No satisfactory control dau for ^ c r e t a r ^ S ^ U te offl-
Ills cam paign which up 1 o tilts we u i r a ¡M-ople whose citizens are lam etle Valiev Flood Control asso- 1101 “ “'et with favor from the com­
statem ent for the present tim e m - m ethod has been developed so far ^ t e d a t , h„ Qu£ n s oail Tueaaay
point lias Ix'cn e.itlrely 111 the hands ils true rulers. United Utulc«. he elation Officers of the body, which ,nlssl(,n because of lack of money
dicates th a t the slate has been as is definitely known. Various , h ,
d th crown UDon
of hts friends and a highly efficient
... alwuyx m aintained
hitch rcpr«*M*nt nine valley counties, are in the secondary highway fund.
wiped clean with the result th a t remedies have been suggested and
Queen Joy Beaverton
no „ bills
now uuisumumg.
«ueen headed
joy. Beaverton
cam paign commute«
ideals in Its foreign policy, but not now gathering flixxi damage d ata
Icm pleton pointed out th a t
„ „ are uuw
o occasionally
cv ao iu n au y sv
m e u u u y n h'»
a s »
a ru
h neaa 01 hand
th» m»»i
s iie
Now as lo the pnx |»< 1 o' ihe enough attention has Isen given to Incorporate 111 a n application '
1,1 knanon had only been
Increased activity in the handling about something or other being ef- „A ,,. ,n , h„
march and
several candidal« who aspire t o to tin p e a c e anil well being "1
' kli;.: federal aid for tl«x>d con-
1,1 :l1’' south end of t h e J u ly T erm J u ry P a n e l H
y tniin.,.»,' h» th » ineai Rnv
I a s of W ashington county and school fective but so fa r mo6t of these
■1 '■ w ool M. .■ a Oregon
own people M l P tto n eitod trol
c- u . u /
«• » j
d is tr ic t w a r a r n ts is indicated by an remedies have not worked out sue- q,
, ™ . R -u i,, Milter son of
c h ie f e x e c u tiv e Z im m e rm a n
w h o th e laxm .. in H um iliation policies.
Many aci>
of formerly g o o d
wtts boldnig up action on
t i ig
g h h t t W o m e n L isted
increase of $16.267 44 in the am ount cessfully.
_ . ,1 ,,
be w ill»
adm its to atum g MH ialLsllc lean- » h u h ha» perm itted many to come farming land has been transferred L1* ln" norl21
° rt ' a“
i r t h ^ W « ’!? creek
Oi theSe,
1*?*d lU5der r e '
BUCh * " ” vlrus ioiection which ¡xiro, crown-bearer. Queen Joy, ac-
l'n “ d L designations
u e not h Hl l for American to
lo waste land on the county
Ing although registered a» a re- here th at are
v, the
mv Wolf
„ d , creek
cw »
,____ of 31
_ persons
___ by the „ beet
„ companies by Earl Snell; Princess
county tax
tax .......
tl »-»cwcii
Jury panel
was sources of th e bank. Recently both _ Is transm
itted ____
u l county., is g e n e ra lly c o n c e d e d th e eilin-n.slilp
roll». County Judge D
onald T. ro“U ln 11 ' th IU
drawn Monday by Sheriff J. W locaI banks inaugurated a policy leal hopper. According to inform a- Thelma MuUov accompanied by
a re
in discussing
A delegation from Tigard asked Connell
_____ to _ _____
supixirt of the extreme left wuig
Olx dlence to law is tla cement in Templeton d e d c la
re d ln
report ____
July __
16 for the oi ca!,hln8 county w arrants at _ par tlcn
the disease, the vir- Gillman W ight of Laurel; Princess
or the radical elem ent of both ihe the foundation of our government, conditions in Ihe county. Some of the completion of the widening j u]y term of "court 'The group In- wlth a resulting increase in the us is earned * ”ove
over th e winter ln Mabel Nelson. accompanied by W il-
republican uiul democratic parties, declared the local attorney, who these areas could
uld be made produc- project on the West Side Pacllic eludes eight women and 23 men.
am ount of money available f o r the bodies of these
leaf hoppers. iard Newton of Hillsboro; Princess
Kponaor of nutnerou» rudlral re- decried
from within
111 assesstxl
M ultnom _ ah
satisfactory control
, , the infection
— live and lncreaa«*d
- val- highway from
.. t h e
------ - drawn are: George
George Dick,
Dick, tfilisboro trade
. r a a e channels.
No sa.islactory
for the in- Verna Mae W alters accom panied
forms (luring hi» cxjh
rK w e In the
law lc sm
He »aid 11 was a nation If floods could be controlled, county line tlirough Tigard. They pyed Rood. William E M asters
Balance sheet as released by the sects h as been developed
bv h e r u n c le P h illn M e a d o f H ills-
im m e r m a n s 1 eight- line a n I courag.xm., thing for a he •■ontinued. He also testified th a t
Siate senate Z
* H*»hl further action on the Lawrence D Hanel. W alter H am - Commercial National bank this
About aU th gardeners can do boro' Princess Wilma Schultz, ac-
, Program announced In ac - >u.,„g man to a n s w e r the c a ll o f m a n y farm ers were finding It in- »”u u rth street project.
Jo h n w Prlcc and And
week, with the 1934 balances first u to
t h f c S e d X n U compamed by George B ennett of
...pim g the nd«p«ndrm iuw 6 M -
mitry in time of war. but th a t crea. ingly difficult to borrow mon-
Nearly every county ln the Mate B rands», Hillsboro; Julia Berggren.
lh * “ 32
is as toliows
‘ “ Pa r al d d Z « w U ^m Forest G rovT M ta Z e ld » 1 Wolfe
( K ill
t. .a h u lH i.x l to ..p|<eul most 11 was ju .i as noble and Im portant ey 011 lands subject to flood condl- » « . represented with delegations Hillsboro route 3: Vesta K anina . Resources—Joans and discounts, ThL
„01^ « definite control or .933 queen accompanied bv la t te r
Strongly to ihorw who are dl satis- to be « law a b id in g c l t t o n
« ek in g . »lice of the fe d e ra l high- Hillsboro routo 5; William OuvTon,
«73.891.63; w arrants. ™
* ^ rv e n ta H re o f
iT l i E i ^
c h lX
of c « U £ rZ
fled with tla r lablbhcd ordci and
Lack of education, it was pointed
W hen land goes off the tax roll, way funds. The commission listen- Forest Grove Hugh Callahan Gas-
$26.527.46; government a ii
cases, but it may help some- president; Miss Gladys KuratU.
who « ek to better contUtlon» through out. often means lack of equal flic burden ol tin Irreducible cost « d to all projocu and w ill not a t- ton route T Eva O rtm an Forest securities. $161.469 38. $96.200; other wha. in keeping down development 1931 queen accompanied by H. L.
MacKenzie. president-elect of the
m a d e chamber of commerce; and th e
th rif- local national guard company. P re ­
m ie not ceding the ball, a dinner was held
growing, in honor of the royal party at th e
the leaves tu rn yellow, and what cham ber of commerce
voters who cannot agree entirely better distribution of wealth tins perm it much of thi» land to bear its
Davis. Banks rou e 2; Charles Hess.
fruit there may be on them ripens
Ed Sahlfeld of Hillsboro route 5
with him on questions of public country would never have a depres- proper share of taxes. h< said Thai
N orth Plains; Howard T. Swope
prem aturely and is of very poor won the annual "go-as-you-please”
ownership of utilities HI 1 bunks, sion of such proportions
II our all taxpayers and home-owners arc
Sherwood; William F. Ellingsen.
quality. Anything th a t creates as race from Portland to Hillsboro
unemployment insurance aiul other great financial leader.-, had been directly affected by adverse fl.xxl
Slwrw.sxl route 1. John W. H a y n e s,
Y V 7-
disagreeable a condition as possible Wednesday morning in one hour
policies which lie udvocates.
more concerned with the security conditions was Hie comment of D.
Laurel route 2; Ethel M. Johnson.
/ A W í l f * í l < í ior
hoppers may be of benefit, and 54 minutes, leading Clifton
G eneral M artin, dignified a n d “* funds entrusted to them there O. Woodworth. Linn county jud.
Beaverton route 2; Roy E. Bierly.
Sulphur, lime. Bordeaux spray m ight Lavell of P ortland to th e tape by
substantial a|>pcartng and with a w°uld have been less sulferlng.
and president of the association,
arrests or .serious accidents
Beaverton route 3; Frank Pulver,
all be used a s repellante, b u t six minutes. R obert Neese, 17-year-
public record which stam ps him as
Program lni|M>rtant
following th is testimony
__ route 4; Molly Leach’
u ere reported in W ashington
coun- Beaverton
Four Boy Scouts
were advanced il should be definitely understood °>d W ashington high school b o y
u conservative. Is generally eon-
N ecessity of such patriotic pro-
Farm ers living along the banks
during the Fourth of July cele- Dilley; Andrew Bishop G a r d e n in rank and
nine others earned th a t these things are only sug- from Portland, who bad set a h o t
i.xled the support ol the right gra ,„ , U) brlng <)U,
m oI n ,e T ualatin
......... .......
- - -
to lead the 20 en tran ts as
wuig of Ix.lli Uie dom inant parties. ,,f Independence day was slrcss«d dltlons during t
as Beaverton, finished third,
conservative republicans J o in in g by Paul L. Patterson, who presided em phasizing the
m inute behind Lavell. At Beav-
with M artin democratic adm irers |„ r Or K j Nk.„i
, ,.oll„ nalul,.r the valuable ‘
Frederick Miller of Aloha
— ---------------------
erton. Sahlfeld was running l n
in persuading bun lo give up his H(. gtatPd
U)p conillUoUi|
th ird P«lW
but increased ms
u ,,; carried away during the high w ater
S m cilL
y “‘m toUUn« W200
were * advanced^to the s te r ?rank R 1
| W/ l
°n «>«
seal in cungn ss for n try ul the <jer which the programs hud to be Iliat the lu a la tin river has built * ‘‘s " ol 'V' ‘ ast
tWs county
I cter Zim merm an of Yamhill. In- while Faurest A n d e rso n n f w i i u B l a c k \ \ 1QOW S o l d e r
speed in the closing miles to paw-
governorship M arlin, however, is carried on u n d e r ur.-s.-nt a r ra n g e
Wiley of Hills-
S h o w n a t A fffU S
O ther competitors winning places
exam inations for
in the race were as follows in or-
is m erit badges
w e r e pct — * *
- .............................
- ---- — —
— — crossing
» th
-— e . ---------
— —
a im
a u a rn A H as
____ __ _____
— -
awarded as follows: Hillsboro
troop countless number
of * recently
hatch- Jack
o f Newberg,
C _
fer he had been wandering about
(Cuntinued on p a g e 10, colum n 4 )
third i-oiigressionaJ district to up- ,.,ed to celebrate. He promised th a t
216—Gordon Bailey, John W est and 1x1 young ones from «»stern Oregon B artruff of Portland, Jo«« «ahlfelQ
the town ln a dazed condition.
pr.-elate his appeal to the rank and the service organlzatlom of the G r o u p to S tu d y C osts
Tom Bronleewe. forestry; Hillsboro are displayed this week in the of Hillsboro route 5. Henry Dognon
Officials believed him to be a pen-
III«- regardless of parly ufflllutKin.
city would carry on Ul? fight to
troop 226—Robert Allison, leather- A ^ u s window. The insects were of Portland. Ed Aho of P ortland
o f P o r ta b le C a n n er y lilless vagrant and were consider-
Dunne as the republican nomine«- have a real pause foi Lie program,
work, and Leon Banner, leather- cau« h t by Miss Elizabeth Nill of H. S. Parks of Bend Melvin Doolev
run count on the .support of the rath er th an to havi it continually
Comm ittee to study costs o f
surprised io find the postal
r ,
w'orlt and handicraft. Second class c la ™0 a«d brought here by her of P ortalnd route 4. and Sam Sim -
regular» In the ranks of his own Interrupted by noise firm all sides building and m aintaining a port- certificates. Mrs. Elizabeth Todd,
merit badge awards were: Hills- uncle. K enneth Tillotson of Forest mons of company C Vatieouvet*
party, those who place party loyul-
Salient portion» of th e Declara- a blt- cannery in W ashington coun- county probation officer, declared,
boro troop 216 — Lelbert C re w s , ®rove. SERA engineer on the Tual- Barracks Guv Holmes P o n n ^
ly first, a not Inconsiderable group, tlon of Independence were read by «X for unemployed and needy was
After being taken to the county
eathercraft and firem anship; Hills- ati" rtv«r ««rv«y
colored boy who won last^v eu ?
to begin with He 1« also expected W. Verne McKinney. O. Russell appointed Thursday evening d u r- hospital here. R attle told a story
R ichard P ^77“
boro tro°P 226—David Wiley and
hour-glass and was a favorite to win W edn«
to get nil »liar, ol the Mahoney Morgan led I n t h e .singing o f wig the county relief commute«- ¡'f
robbed while pros-
« Kichard
‘cnara e E. . Wiley was installed
^ w win
instalird Paul Erwin,
Prwm handicraft- Buiv c „ S T m
ark inix on
n n t the
ho u
n H o r e u « of” t h e ' ; day
a ... 'wak“f
___ - <
denux-rata, many ol whom will re- America, while band music was meeting. Those nam ed to serve were Pycll,>g In California, according to as president of Hillsboro Rotary win fircm anshln
’ ’ 5 C°
abdomen of one of the sn jd e rs 1» thp tnn^nf c d ° Utv.?i 016 raC8 a t
fuse to support M artin in Novem- furnished by the Beaverton band.
J«t»cs Lewis, county commission-
T?^d. He had returned to £>ub at the club luncheon today-.
» ^ "btnshlp,
a m
of on of ^ h e ^ p id e re is U betop of Canyon hill with a leg
lx-r even a« they (W ««d him In
An excellent pageant. "It lli.p - ci . Mrs Helen Hamilton, executive ' ’‘»'tlimd recently and had then f ¿ „ “ cvAle’ r » « P r e s e n te d with
~ Z ------ ,
eggs were brought w U h The
^ n 7 v ^ hlngton smd M ultnonuN
ilw* primaries. He a I mmi UI also b«- pen«xi on Indc|»*nd<nrp Day,” was secretary of the county relief of- »PP»rently started by stage to his . .
rl” g-.
Presentation P i l t n O t l S I U N e e d
insect« and a feu have hatched out m i t t J
a ^ t e d the com-
able to command the support of a presented under the direction of Bcc; Mrs Rex Wilson of Forest
. rcsto.nee in Salem. Mrs
PaS‘ i
• ™ X n
brouato an
L“ - - -
ln P o l l i n g the
injury to
large num ber of those who voted Mrs. H H. Stunnard. Eldon Me- Grove; and R. W. Well, chairm an Tod,<i
th a t she believed he
. „ ich
. , ard . so n is vice-presi-'
to th e
c J.^R
L l t C Q D V S p C a k e f , sp.lder^,.
for Mac Alexander and Ixmergun as
t Continual «»n i. .
column 11
of the county relief committee
<>>nfust-d G aston with the outskirts de„ i nnH r r
ls Vl« ,-Presi-
Î S Â 1 - t
s -
X I« - ' Ä
- s a S
i S
f S
' . 'S S S ’S S Ä - d / S S
well a» to dip well into the follow­
D *fl •
“ I,ght<>d ,r ° m
ing of Ham Brown, although he c an ­ t
a t the south portion of the park
not expect much help from tlioee
before one of the largest crowds
who followed Rufus Holman to de­
in the history of the celebration.
Wieber Resigns
feat and who still sm ari under the
il. He appeared to be su ffe r-,
U s ta r'«d as a before the Hillsboro R otary club
W. H. Wieber, who has been
lush of the “best Holman drive.
>m a paralytic stroke or blow „ “ r .PU?„ Vm True P’‘rP°se
« at the Thursday meeting I t should
County Grocers Picnic
On the other hand Dunne will lose
on the e uvuu.
i I ,iy? 18 to kiu 8erms and protect the be encouraged more in the or- m anager of the Shell Oil company
W ashington County Food a n d
WASHINGTON. p . C . - " T h e heavily Indebted farm ers are act-
WatCh and , 30 ln cash w e r e | A meeting win
to both of hl» opponent» many of
dinary affairs of life- he sal<T
" h" e / or several years, has resigned Grocers' picnic a t the park Sunday
thus«- who voted tor him ln May Fiazl. i -L.-mk.- am endm ent to the ing ln the highest g.xxi faith In stolen S aturday nioh?
coif course ’ July 9
heW a t th f
,A Person m ust »nd within them - ?nd is now wlth the New York Life was attended by approximately 250
and who feel th a t their responsible- bankruptcy act Is in accordance lending almost a billion dollars on ent.-red^ in - l i r a ^ h . i? * s 8 f course
selves the satisfaction for peace- rnsurance company, with W ashing- persons Athletic events were ru n
Ity lo the republican nominee e n d - ! wltl1 ll"' PK’i-''»»' <>f the Farm the .security o f farm mortgages a; Forest Orov«- p .o rx ,, Hansen
j time patriotism , according to Rev
county as his territory.
.Continued on pare i . . column 2>
cd when they had helped to save Credit adm inistration, since It a t- ninety per cent of which was used gained throueh
. V " aS D t H lix h t P t *
I rvr-'il
Reed, who said all should be true “
the state from Holman domination, t'-mpte to prevent occasional scl- lo refinance existing farm d e b t' door.
h w t unlocked screen
Aig* i c r O l L.OCRF
to ideals of fathers and the heritage
ll Is this shift of allegiance, com- i*sh creditors liom foreclosing on burdens and ln making conunltt-
plicated now with Ihe en try of t h e ' .Halrcssp 1 farm debtors." W. I. My- m ents to lend seven hundred mil- „ „ j
,:aP °ns °« gasoline
R eierence of our heroic citizens
Independent ran.ll.lut.
expressed bv
by the
andldate which will 11 ■ governor ot the F arm C redit lion dollars more, the Farm Credit ÎÎ.P<I bunntlty of tools were stolen
Mr, and Mrs J F B u c k la n d m of the
tlie past was «^pressed
1 7
add zest to the c campaign mid gray adm inistration said in a statem ent adm inistration lugs become t h -
‘' ‘Kbt from the garage o f , reived word Wednesday a f te r « « « peaker' who
“'bo saW
said w<
we * should think
hairs to the h. a.Ls of . he cmnpalgi, I«' the pre -s ol the nation today.
creditor of the vast number of R
T “£ ° r £ ° ak/ ark.
of th,- areidentol? ’ ?-? h of h^ ,110r'' <'f ">'«
hat 'hey
they were th a n w
"I'lie program of lie F arm Credit farm ers who otherwise might have
. \ 9 ra f- Portland route 2, ie- datighler
Mrs niu„ei!
’ lh e y d id -
Oood m anagem ent and plenty of ble. Forty acres are given over to
' ' :lstrntlon has
has been to pre- needed to avail tin- «»elves ol bank- E u ‘" Î,
a borrow from àgèd
Mrs” C oow r^w hoC<uPeL »^The rank and nle- who g i v
i e hard work on the part of Henry J. filberts w ith strawberries, pum p-
Citizens of Oregon spent $32,085,- v,,nt far
Vefboort farm er h a s Wng m d
u to e s lantf)d ,n be.
k e ? IU ln ord<,r «° avo,d fore- w S k w s S Î t h t «,iO fp’S i d Onw ea ? c mobUe’ sh « w ls d r lv lM D lS ^ed Î Î -
said- »bould have th,v‘r
917 for prem ium s on insurance ol fhinnc ^ ,C^ C“ !,\e ,d,e bl ?™?.Cn„ T „ S ' ^
-------- -------- the been the secret of his transform s-
all kinds during 1933 mid coll.-clcd basis which would perm it g o o d closure.
honor and respect of those who tlon of a badly run down acre- rwcen the rows, three acres are
outstanding allocated to walnuts, six acres to
county d u r- wheat and another large tra c t to
ownership, oats. In addition, other fields are
$300 and in- p i t t e d to alfalfa, clover and corn.
for his first
enterprising while a variety of fruit trees su r­
predictions of round the house. To the no rth ore
— -....... .......... .
Supervisory Board LhoBC who told
f? ly to a num ber of barns, housing 22 head
will have to go Into bankruptcy nmiclng program will raise the to
014 in the form of d.-utli claims
f ow of Guernsey and Jersey cattle, and
• « «
to save their homes. Farm ers ns n lal outstanding loans of the land
She ls survived by a daughter. In c , and Ray-Maling. In c , has b ten ° * ns a Pr° fitable ,,?5: a7 e Place a good pasture.
In spite of Ihe
poverty p l e a 'h iss are very slow to lake bunk- bank mid the land bank tom m is-
Sixteen years ago Vandehey, who
T headra Cooper, a student nurse added to the board of supervisors ^ 7 “ OVer tP ^ s i f l e d farm ng.
ralM'.l by tin- stale
game coinmts- 'upley,"
Governor Myers staled, sioners to more Ilian $2,800,000,000
has spent his entire life in W ash­
~ ® L .V‘"Sen.t ?J ,:? sPlti l- ?.nd ber Of Pacific university. The board is
slon In explaining
its failure to “ ,,d m.v experience ln working with in n few m onths so th at they will
iw rents. Mr. and Mrs. Buckland of composed of W ashington county
v '’ ¡T?,"' V’'*" 7 Wllkesborc; ington county, purchased the first
meet Its contributions
lo the sup- 'b*'"1 ix-rsonally and In Ihe Farm become holders of over 30 per cent
William P latt, 9. Tigard w a s
------------- -----------
o'f "R elling'1 c^ n n letes^H lik b iJro -1 beauty as well as utilityP Fields 46 acres of his present farm. Neigh­
port ol th e sta t i- police, records of | C redit adm inistration gives me cv- of the total I m m mortgage indebt-1 drowned "Wednesday afternoon a
ronflden.-.^ th a t they stm re - edness In « » U n i t e d States, n o w , the Pudding X r ^ u t o p a r ^ n e « C o u n ty R e p u b l i c .« , to
Q u o ta ^ r
" ‘* 'n T r
the various crops are bors declared th e farm to be the
the slate depar tm ent show, t h __ a t
worst in the county a t that time,
receipts of the eoniiiilsslon for th e biin an ever present urge to pay placed a t $
;nv while wading ln the s tr e a m
f r e p u b lic a n s to
ar<t w
Thom as H lald out Wlth m athem atical precl- but he staiied wcik conditioning
first five m onths ol this year were th eir debts."
"In addition, th e Interest burden He was unable to swim and it Is
A r r a n g e O r g a n iz a tio n Tongue Jr., M. H. Stevenson,
” S‘° n> orchard tr«*« arc clean-cut th e land. A few years later h e
greater th a n were the receipts d u r­
added 13 acres, then 12 and finally
ing the sam e period ln el
four more to round out ihe 75-acre
or 1033. FTom January
farm The land was made to pro­
30. stale departm ent recocts
duce a living for a growing family
the game commission collect
which now numbers six and even ln
total of $142,364.39 compare.
these "hard time»" Vandehey <fe-
$108.795.69 for tile smile
clares th a t he is holding hl» own.
1933 and $130.86093 for
Some of the land which would not
five m onths of 1933. While __ ____
produce more th an 8 U> 12 bushels
(Continued <m pnirc », roiumn ft)
I days. Tills shows th a t even the m o st,
uantzen beach all-day Sun- committee will meet a t th e union one basket." Vandehey has diver­ of grain to the acre ie years ago
(C o n tin u el on lutee 4, nditntn »)
meeting a t Verboort July 11.
( sified his crops as much as possl-
(Continued vn pave 1C, colum n S>
a .
u L iN iim c *
at Program
P resen te d
Bank House Expands
Flood Damage
Data Obtained
Large Crowd Attends
a Blight Strikes
Tomato Fields
Circuit Court
Jurors Drawn
B oy S c o u ts
Yy Jfl
L/Unnp rOUrin
o *J
Wiley Installed
rvOf’nt’X7 LeilGer
Farm Credit Administration Ä * ' —
Folk Fatally H u rt
I igard Boy Drowns
• n ,
Ill Pudding River
- has bcen left Uum
Good Management, H ard W ork
SflOW r>
V anfleiieV 1 ram
<11.11 i 1