THE Page Eight H IL L S B O R O Pioneer Group Plans Memorial tor Meek Mr. and Mrs C. T Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil and Mr. and Mrs H A K uratll. This same group will act as reception com- m ltlee th e night of the dinner iContlnued from pair» 1i given in honor of the newly-elected uate of 1878 from Pacific univer- queen and her princesses. ' sity Lies« i. who was introduced by Reception comm ittee for the a former pupil. I. E Wilkes d e­ ✓ queen's ball and coronation cere­ clared th at he came to W ashing­ monies will include J. H. G arrett ton county in 1850 and enrolled at Z L. Riggs. V. A. Pacific university in 1864 living (C ontinued from paw* U — . Verne Curry elude the reading of the "O eclara- Al\de5?°“ ’ N\ ‘‘ ° Bust«'« and H o » ' with the Rev W alker family a: tlon of Independence ' by W. Verne ard Hadley Prawn« it the a id - Forest Grove. He started teaching M cKinney, group singing and mus- to n u n i will be directed e> v . in county schools in 1870 and many of the members of the ass« statio n leal numbers arranged by Mrs. Hiyderson of st. ev V W G ardner. Surviving m em bers John Pubots of West Union Vo nig were his pupils. of the G A R . th e queen and her « W the live winners will be rest Grove re ­ county patriotic orgatn.-a.ions are called the days when the Tualatm invited to participate in the pro- p . . t. T e r m i x iv i'IJ valley was covered with forests and gram Com m ittee in charge will 11 I t T ill V J lv told ot clearing the land for crops. consist oi r J. Scearce, L. J M er- * , He related the hardships endured rill and H. L. MacKenzie. by his pioneer parents A nnual "go-as-you-please" walk- (C ontlnuedfr.-m p a c . i l Other features of the program ing race from P ortland to Shute Gibson. Archie F. Campbell and included several violin selections by park, which has attracted state- O B. Bennett, Fiddling Sam' Walker o: Fores wide atten tio n in th e past years. Fine of $20 and costs was assessed will sta rt at Kelly's restau ran t in Fred Houeryluk of Hillsboro Tlmrs- Grove, vocal numbers by W. C. Belknap of Portland and the read­ P ortland a t 9 o'clock W ednesday day when tie plead guilty in the ing of a poem on pioneer day s by- morning Leaders in the event are local Justice of peace court to a expected to s ta rt coming into th e charge of assault an d battery. He George Doughty. Little Donna Mac park shortly before 11 o'clock Ap- was charged with assaulting George Ritchie of Portland sang a song, sung by her grandm other 58 years proximaiely 40 contestants have been Mike. entered ui the event, many of them Notice of taking possession of the ago in the Hillsboro public school of condolence for those form er winners and com petitors m B ank of Beaverton for liquidation Resolutions who had passed away since flic last past races R W. Weil. H. L. Mac- was filed Saturday in the circuit reunion read by W ilkes.clutir- Kcnzie. Lester Ireland. Jake Weil, court by A. A Schram m of Salem, m an of «ere the necrology committee. A. H Busch. Donald T Templet n, superintendent of banks Robert 11. Down, principal o i H erm an Schoen. Nye O. Bristol O rders in the fellow ng circuit and L. G. Burge will be in charge court cases were issued this week: Franklin high school. Portland, of the event. Liquidation Liquiaauun of ox Shute o u u ir Savings bank who was scheduled as the principal «., authorizing execution of agreement program speaker, failed to attend Display ay of tin works in -he south h j>,;orvs Vinton vs Gale the afternoon session, although he p a rt of the park is scheduled for _ B Vinton, decree: H T G iltner had been present a t the picnic d in ­ 9 p. m. W ednesday. Dancing will vs s ta te 'L iq u o r ¿"entre. «. ner. • be conducted in the auditorium all ston. dismissal: M. R. Johnson et afternoon and evening on th e al vs M artin J B ernards et al. F ourth of July. sustaining dem urrer, sustaining mo- Four basebaU games are planned . , e‘. .. . a n ts answ er Fred (.$. H aicouri during the celebration Hillsboro E G WUson. judgm ent: Frank "Bears" will meet Verboort at the E Schnudt Vs Calista Schmidt, de- (Continued from paue 1) jaseball field Sunday afternoon in cree; Ci:v of Forest Grove vs. Har- Columbia. Clatsop, Tillamook and a regular league game and the local c.d E EEiott et ux. dismissal: and Yamhill counties. Sunset league team will play an S tate of Oregon vs. F ran k J Die.sch W Verne McKinney. Oregon del­ all-star aggregation from th e league et al. default, decree. egate to the national convention In Monday afternoon. Tuesday the Follow :ng p ro b a te orders were St. Louis, reported on the national "Bears ' will play the G aston "F arm - issued in th e est. - : E m m a W. meeting Mrs Verne McKinney a l­ ers” and on the F ourth of July Uox. Minnie A h :s:-'in Fred B so attended the convention. ’^ Sunset ‘earn " l d 12 h ? W Zinim Jraian ‘ William Mahon. Bears will tangle for th e local j-rR, . ud Minn c H o.f- championshlp. man. G uardianship orders were is- Park grounds have been put m sued {or Nina Esther Lvda and the shape to accom modate visitors d ur- ijplay minors. ing the event. T he midway, w h i c h ------------------------- (Continued from page I ' has been dustv in pas: years, has « . , «• « cards and then the plane soared been planted to grass ai d th is Is I V I C t n O u l S t d l l i r C n away for Portland. expected to elim inate the dust prob- . . The plane was one of four which lem. Picnic tables and benches M l f llS t lT S G lltin S C U took part in th e first aerial round­ have been repaired and th e floor © up of legion members in Oregon of the auditorium sanded and p re- «Continued fr -i, pace : ■ pared for dancing The p ark will A G - Bennett. Bores: Grove-Dilley and was under the direction o f be decorated with flags, banners Rev- C harles M. Reed. Hhlsboro- Hugh Rosson. Eugene, state mem­ and colored lights while concessions. Cornelius: Rev E.sworth M. t a - bership chairm an. "fe m s wheel." "m erry-go-round." «o n . Y am hill-Banks: and Rev. Gil- Let th e advertisem ents nelp you “tilt-a-w hirl." glider and other de- H. Newland Newberg-Sher- vices have been provided for en ter- wood Assignments of pastors .orm - make your shopping plans. tainm ent. erly located in this county are: The "Happy Days" event is m an- Rev. O rm al B. Trick. Fossil: Rev aged and sponsored by the local W alton Skipworth. Clackamas: Re\ cham ber of commerce. H H Miles. Molalla Carus-Clarks. ________________ Rev. J. R. Jeffrey. Oregon City: Rev E. B. Lockhart. Seaside; and Rev. M ilton A. Marcy. Sunnyside S R aynor Sm ith, who has been • . — - i 1 Vs il e ^ ^ r^ X do o k hf0orS fom (Continued from page i) vear*« He was formerly missionary Sisters; Georgenia Brown. Helena i ndia for nine years and was Mohr and Josephine S tu art, all distrjCt superintendent for five. He Hillsboro F. L. club; Erm a Vande- active in community af- hey. Verboort Farm ers' Union: Joy falrs wa3 secretary of the T tl- Hullt, Beaverton D a u g h te r s o f iamoo)c Kiwanis club. Rev. Sm ..h Union V eterans: Velma Hines. Hills- m arried and has two sons. boro Woman's Relief Corps: Esth- ______ __________ er Erdman. West Union Farm ers' M a rria g e Licenses Union; M argaret Batchelder. Hills­ Alton L Foord a n d Mildred boro American Legion Auxiliary; 27“ p h U lin f"b o th o t Hillsboro Mabel Nelson. K ansas City F arm - June 23 ers' Union; Betty Soderland. Hills- w illiam A ”ciuyton and Mary boro Veterans of Foreign W ars and Genevieve Shearer, both of For- Auxiliary; Anna Williams. G aston est Grove. June 23. Farm ers' Union; Frances Detrick. Harold Willis Schmale of C o m e -, Rock Creek G range; Wilma Schultz, lius and Beatrice Delena Davis of Forest Grove Chamber of Com- Garibaldi, June 25. merce; Verna Mae Walters. Cedar Divorce Granted Mills F arm ers' Union; D o r o t h y Rood. Hillsboro D aughters of Amer­ Vinton — Dolores Vinton f r o m ican Revolution; Jeanne Jepson. Gale B Vinton. Blooming Farm ers' Union; a n d Schm idt—F ran k E Schm idt from Blanche Finegan, Cornelius Civic Calista Schmidt. Im provem ent club. ------------------------- Committees from the local Busi- G ran g e M eets T o n ig h t ness and Professional Women's club Hillsboro G range will meet to- serving on queen contest activities night a t the new G range hall. a re : Dress committee — Mrs. Eva " J __ Downs a n d Miss Marion Lytle; i queen’s throne committee — M rs . Howard Wells, Miss M a r g a r e t Pranger and Miss P atty Lomax. Newly elected queen, h er prin ­ cesses and their fathers and m oth­ L istings of ers will be feted by the cham ber of mmerce Tuesday a t 7 p. m. pre­ F A R M S - A C R EA G ES ceding the coronation ceremonies. Persons invited in addition to the IN S U R E queen's party include the present and new officers and directors of w ith T ualatin Valley the chamber of commerce, past presidents of the chamber, past Insurance Agency "Happy Days" queens, queen’s dress and throne committee and any W e rep resen t special honor guests. Committee in RELIABLE COMPANIES charge of the program consists of H L. MacKenzie, C. T Richardson, P. L. Patterson and A, O. Johnson. Reception committee for the can­ didates and their sponsors at the 1314 Main Street opening dance are: Mr. and Mrs Hillsboro. Oregon Lester Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Cady. Mr and Mrs. L. J. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. MacKenzie. "Happy Days” Event Opens Here Sunday on Morals co u n t Editors of State Meet at Roseburg Legion Membership Plane Lands Here ueen Race Closes at Dance Saturday ARG US, H IL L S B O R O , Lewis. The Clackamas county c a n ­ nery Is permanent and is operated ! by a private Individual, imlioiui supplying tbc pi> lue«* ami paving a siipulatcd fee for tbc canning Investigation was als«« made of r e ­ lief activities in that county Two it«'« cas«* workers were plac­ ed on duly Monday by Mrs H am ­ ilton Mis.' Helen Fauli'V of lk'av erton ami Miss Mary Ionise Hlgby of I'on'si Grov«' started «oik. re ­ placing Mr.- Blanche Jones o f Shcrwi'ml ami Miss 1 .'iiisc Brown ot Beaverton Dvclvc io 15 experienced wooda- iiH'ii are wanted lo report to the SERA oils«' lues lav for CCC camp enrollment. Pioneer Called I •" ) (<. A p n .III 1 1 1 « . ami Is •« t «« 1« In il.u h ’h tci Mi* V i*»u» Shun« i ihlL shom , u bi o ilie r u ii l u sln ler Ml Ito h .u n io n h .ul I m tii UI loi sexual P roposed P o sto ffic e Plan to Start Soon l’i«i|x«.sed Hillsboro p o s t office building was included hi a list re ­ du\ . W;| , iK|.|( |(( |ih . pleim ii s Jor sal«' Mrs J. C (C < »ntiuiie»l f t v m pM ite I » Craughan. i miles nurtli lltlls- of firewood Residents along the boro. n«'xt «loor Nlek Schmidt. river are heartily in favor of t h e ' A GOOP May »g w a a h v r f o r **!«• rv « - t'ax*i control program, he stated. s o u rth lc g H s o liiic viig in «» . n l l ht g>««*«l F u rther study of the proposed | m n n ln g o rd e r l „ S to n e . K l. I . I l o t l<*. H a n k * . P h o n e 2 F IS 8 , 1U-20 calming kitchen project was made this week in Oregon City by Mrs K » K S M . h . K e tts o n a b le T e a m , w e ig h t I I " . h « r n * s * . fe ts l e n t ie r , 2 h o r *e Helen Hamilton, executive relief j «lis, p o 'a t o « lig u e r K . J«»hn, «*i>- sccrclary. and Coinnit-sioner Jam es I e U u «'*e ye M a r k e t , l ’ o ru e liu a . ltf|> ........ C O M PL E T E CAR l.« t th e a d v e rtIs e m e n U h e lp you cxenhiK I«’’ make your ahuppllM plan*. I LOWER FEED PRICES Our Buying P ow er and C ash P olicy M A K ES YOU M O N F. Y All IM PERI AL BRAND FEEDS b i <> inunul'»« Im« «I in «ini' ow n Bintlei'ii plan t, and sold direct to tin* lecder. You lave th e tlen ler profit R esults show Hint IM PER IA L BRAND EEEDS are as good, if not b e t­ te r, th a n any on th e m ark et. OF THE S E R V IC E W e will w ash y o u r c a r w ith good w arm or hot w a te r: also th e chassis FORD V -8 C ertified Lubrication — B attery and Tire Service G uaranteed Car R epairing, T ow ing and Road Service Invite us to y o u r next blow out. Get o ur prices on th e FA M O U S IN D IA T IR E S before you buy. W e can save you m any d o lla rs on them . Try Our Service — W e Try to P lease E veryone L. S. C A M P B E L L , Third and W ash in gton S treets P rop. P hone 1703 ■» Get the FACTS Before You Get the CAR MANY vlninis for p erfo rm an ce, size, econom y, design find quality fire being m ade for ca rs in the low -price field. As a pro sp ectiv e b u y er of a Ford, or any o th er car. you have a right to know the fa ils . T hen you can d ecide for yo u rself w hich c a r gives you th e most fo r th e m oney. T he Ford V-S c h a lle n g e s any car in the low -price field to beat it on th ese im portant points or on total d oB ar-for-dollar values. R CARS (112-inch wheelbase) W ITH STANDARD EQUIPMENT CO U PE.................. . . W ITH DE LUXE EQUIPMENT . . $520 . . 505 . . 575 • • • • • • • • $560 545 615 600 590 525 550 • Thete prices remain unchanged FORD V-8 TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL CARS There will be a new, modern grocery in Hillsboro known as the . $350 T r u c k C h a s s is — 1 3 1 -in c h w heelbase . . ......................... 485 T r u c k C h a s s is — 1 5 7 -in c h w heelbase . • ......................... 510 S ta k e T r u c k (C lo sed C ab) 13 1 -in c h w heelbase . . 650 S ta k e T r u c k (C lo sed C ab) 1 5 7 -in c h w heelbase . . 715 FAIRWAY MARKET Zn addition to above, prices were also reduced on other Commercial Cars and Truck types from $10 to $20 |c h ~ T » T rT h .(S h o Z ^ ll^ H — M I ..rk V « I ar "A " PERFORMANCE T o p .Speed in lliit li G ea r T o p S(»eed in Second (¿ear A cceleration from S tandinx S ta rt Acceleration in Second and lli< h G ea r* llill ( lim b in g Ability in lllx h G e a r H iding Q ualities oxer All Type. «hiver of one of the cars, ready tor the sta rt ot the build­ suffcnxt broken ribs and torn liga­ ing program ments. while Ercd Ludwig of Beav­ III I I S I IIO H A N N O N Mrs Iowa Taylor, pioneer of 1852. erton rente I. driver of the other, Miller* of Quality Feed« South Heeond SI R uin. E Bohannon, tii, and resi­ riioue HI and resident of county more th an received lacerations Mrs Fred Lud­ "HAPI’Y HAYS." Hillsboro, July I. 3. 3 mill 4 t ’elelii ale hen" 80 y cars, dies at home of so n .; wig sutfi ii'd a cut arm and George lient of Hillsboro for the past 25 Des Brisay of Portland route & years, dted I'uesilay evening a t J< -c Snyder, at Scholls Join's hispllal Euneral servici's received two broken ribs will be held al Y oungs Funeral TUDOR SEDAN . W. G. ID E W ork Program C onsidered home Friday at 2 p m with Rev wus seen .silling on I he l>uni|M*r e iit 1,1 > uelghlMii «at a m i w h e n a p by I' lood Control Group l ' ,, M , Risa! o lin lallin : liili'i'in ............. pniai'hiil was (oilinl lo be very III. Four Persona Injured leased tills week ot federal projects in A uto Crash Sunday already approved an I t o be placed FORD PRICES REDUCED WANTED Tliui'Nilay, June 2H, I'.i.'lt OREGON AMERICA’S FASTEST SELLING CAR AS D EFIN ITELY PR O V ED BY SALES RECORDS COMPARE DELIVERED PRICES ALL PRICES F .O .B . DETROIT FORD MOTOR C O M P A N Y V-8 J M otor C o . , AUTHORIZED SALES ANO SERVICE ( ar "B "