THE Page Eight H IL L S B O R O ARG US. T liu rtu lu y . Ju n e 28, 1934 giving the Inside of the Aloha cafe Jimmy'« Slant a new eoat of paint. Teacher "Unselflslmeas meaiia Dolores Hlvaid was a guest sev­ going without something we need eral days this week at Ito home Cun you give me a living example of .loan Hell of llazrldale of It, Jam es?" Mary Marquis Ls visiting this Jam es "Yes'm. me going w ithout week with tile Paul Dudley family. illy Mra. II C. SH ar.ll luck supper. After a short business a bath when 1 need It" ALOHA Home Economics' club session, the program was lu charge Common Cause I met at Aloha grange hall June 20 of the home economics d u b Master Judge "How did tlie accident ' with a pot luck luncheon a t 12 30 Oscar llagg reported on state YOUNG’S Happen?" grange Mrs Melvin Johnston sang After the luncheon there was a pro- Young Driver "Why. 1 dimmed ! gram given by Mrs Lulu Barker Edward M cElr" I irnmiili-a 'lu m ­ F u n e ra l H o m e and of her primary pupils Two bers. and piano duets by Mrs Bark my lights mid was hugging the piano duets were played by Mis er and her daughter. Mrs Johnston curve, und " "Thoughtful. Hympullietic Judge "Yes. 1 know. T hat's how Barker and her daughter. Mrs Mel­ Mr. and Mrs Jerry Barry anil Bervlee" vin Johnston, of Estacada. 'Hie faintly left Monday for California. u lot of these accidents iiappeu." I club had as guest speakers Mrs Hillsboro k iw »7? C D M eCarthev of Kelso I Etta Cook of flic Hillsboro Grange is Mrs Buy you saw it In tlie Argua. visiting tier mother Mrs B inder who Is chairm an of the W ashington Klatt spent the week-end County IVinona home economics at Walter Oswego with Don Kunkel. commit tee The other speaker Mrs. Kiner Albtoi Isen. Kahili Greener, Alta Wolt, also ot Hillsboro , grange Peggy stvard. Helen Rice Oene- and president of Ito ; ' . . . 7 . vieve and Doris lVterson grange home economics committee enjoyed Diurnal w ie n e r roast at Morgan i and club Mrs fed Nault had as touch til a Portland Saturday eve­ her guest Miss Mart Kennedy of ning Portland The luncheons are given Ruth Hereford of ta Drove is once every quarter and are be­ visiting her aunt. Mrs k e Carl Ko- coming quite popular with the dolf grange ladles Miss Pearl Dudley returned Bat- Ashford In o f Aloha Dayton the li e d week-end w lth “ hU VP1" .‘P* C«'»P M errlweather with the G irl Re'- i family serves . . . b y its h is to r y , its p o lic ie s , its m a n ­ I Prod Jurtisted returned last week Ward Stam m starts haling this I from a ten-day vacation at B rett- week with a large crew of men. a g e m e n t a n d its a t t i t u d e o f u s e f u l ­ enbush springs much Improved In He livoks forward to a long season health work n e s s a s w e ll a s b y th e e x t e n t o f its r e ­ The Berggren twins. Harold and of Fred Strickland Just completed Howard, are visiting at the home so u rc e s. i of their aunts, Mary G rand and i Sabina Whitehead. Mr and Mrs Brooks Mrs Mary W e in v ite y o u to c o m e in a n d g e t a c ­ McHenry. and Mr and Mis G A I N S U R A N C E Watson were Sunday guests at ttie q u a i n t e d w ith o u r lo c a l r e p r e s e n t a ­ R. P McHenry home In IMrlland OF ALL KINDS tiv e s , W lie tlie r o r n o t y o u b a n k h e r e , The J. T D im er family visited i Sunday with his nephew. R T. List y o u r p ro p e rty w ith me. w e w o u ld lik e to k n o w y o u b e t t e r Bennett, at Woodland. Wash. From I have buye rs and tra d e s there they drove over to the Ariel a n d to h a v e y o u b e t t e r a c q u a i n t e d Dam. i f p ric e is r ig h t. Mrs M att King, who has been w ith us. ill for several days, is Improving. P. A. Mr und Mrs Willard Erickson , in thia bank inaurrd under tertna have moved In the Taskela home of the F rdfiid l)<*|Mvdt liiMiruncr plan on Wheeler avenue, recently vaeat- |e d by Dr. White. Mary G rand attended the Wild Real Estate and Spree of 83 at Camas Saturday 1 After the local ball team won the , Insurance YOU'RE KICKING- PiCAUSE 1 RKTEP UP VAJlC SLEEP AT TUCtE OO.CVK.WWA3 ABOUT ,ME ? I HAVEN'T SLEPT ALU MIGHT. LAST EV’CMlMc-.YAIfM I PULLED iNlO TOUC XUOtJT CAAN I FOUND A P ig umdec my B - ep ------- m t * mckmlmg - T H E k iS A WHOLE FLOCK OF CHICKENS SIT­ TING ON T O P OF- THE CABIN— AMO YOUß. KOOSTEPS CROW SO,1 CANT SLEE P N ic e , quiet P lace , this is . (By Mr*. F. I.. Brown) OREGON Hillsboro Grange Women on Program Aloha Club Meeting THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Hay Harvest Better Than Was Expected H IL L S B O R O , I.AVRJG, Hay harvest « ill be completed this week with an ab u n ­ dant rrop contrary to earlier re ­ ports and the aplns scare Perfect w eather for curing was greatly ap- eclated Much of the hay Is being led A rthur Hill and crew are doing the work, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Dunn accom ­ panied Elbert Stevens to Oceanside to spend th e week a t the Stevens cottage. Ervin Baker of Palls City is with his m other's uncle. F. L. Brown, for an indefinite time. Ervin Is a senior in the Palls City high school, w here he plays on the basketball an d tennis team s. Mrs. Clifton Bagley of Portland. Mrs. W L Stevens and Mrs. E m ­ elle Hogrefe visited Ina Stevens at V ernonia Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Clyde S tretch, Miss Cleta S tretch and C. S. Mc- Nav. all of Newberg, were Friday evening guests a t th e home of th e latter's son. B O. McNay. W. H. McNay and family were callers to visit the elder Mr. McNay. who d e­ p arted Mondav for the east to visit relatives and th e Century of P ro­ gress. Sunday guests at tlie W. L. Stev­ ens home were Mr and Mrs. Ed D unn of R upert Idaho. Mr. and Mrs Dwight Hulit and Miss Cora H ulit of Hillsboro and W alter Schm idt. Mr. ai.d Mrs. F. L. Brown a tte n d ­ II L. J Li ed th e annual meeting of the Pion­ eer and Native Sons and D aughters' W association in Shute park au d ito r­ ium Sunday. Mr. Brown wes re ­ elected vice-president of the o rg an ­ ization. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rogers (Mol­ lie L auneri and son. Jack, of Ven­ tu ria C a l. were guests of her sis­ 1 .. ' game with HilLsboro Bunday they ter. Mrs. Cally Whitmore, and _ e i by the men of the organization, erals whlchh are normally present now here is something different and proceeded to the Aloha cafe where Can fin a n c e y o u r insu ra n ce fam ily from Wednesday until Mon an was composed of accordion solos by in milk, a'.l the milk sugar, with delicious too In the way of eream they were presented a keg of beer day. Hosts -rm and Siindiv guests to V took p re m iu m s on a m o n th ly ernonu ELirl Drorbaugh readings by J. the exception of a small quantity pies. This recipe for butterm ilk by the proprietor. Mrs Ashford, automobile autom ooue .rip o u u u .. ‘ W afih Mrs H Hulef. and L G Foster. an d which has been converted into lac- pie was given to me by a chef, Doris Peterson of Vancouver, B basis. and through Longview th e stunts. tic acid, and all the vitamins with famous for his unusual dishes. C . Ls spending a m onth with her 5 S i i h& t £ ^ o t e r W^ v nY e in P. H Schoene Doy the exception of vitamin A. con- grandm other. Mrs Newman. 1152 2nd St. Phone 171 Butlermilk Fie m ng of A1 iha grange Thurs- I she noted many changes Gray. W. J Scott and W C. Me- tam ed in the b u tterfat. These are 2 cups butterm ilk day evening was preceded by a pot — a n°aA np the rou-e Kell. 31 ' nded 3 luncheon given by all the body building elements of 2 tbsp. butter v , «nJ Mrs Charles Larsen the Rotary at the home of Mrs. milk and are essential in all diet- grated rind of 1 lemon Audrev N an' of P ort- M arshall Dana at Oak Grove last In addition butterm ilk has the ad- 4 eggs f»nd were Saturday night and S un- Tuesday. vantage of Its lactic content, recog- \ cup sugar L.V « ^ s t s of hU m other Mrs A. Miss Cox Bride ntzed as valuable addition to the hi tsp. salt S 1 S Miss Lois Cox. a former resident diet of those suffering from di- tsp. tnacc 2 tbsp cornstarch Jean and Teddv W atkins spent of Beaverton, and Russell N orton gestive trouble. Heat the buttermilk, lemon rind from Thursday until Saturday a t of Portland were rn.ited in ntarriage Butterm ilk is an ideal hot weatli- a n d 'b iitte r In a double toller Beat the home of their au n t Mrs E rn - a. th th o m e of the b rid es p a n nts. er food. Practically free from fat. the yolks slightly, add sugar, est G uenther of Chehalem M oun- Mr and M re J' H _ l o x . Ju n e w high in essential tody building ele- cornstarch and seasoning, which tain Reach nlenU ' wlth a coo‘- refrvsh;n* ta rt have been mixed together. Add egg Mr. and Mrs. H erm an W hitmore Wr s short trip to to n g Beach, flavor which makes it a desirable mixture slowly to the milk and cook and baby daughter were Sunday Wash, and after them retmm Will drlnk for h ot weather. together in boiler for a m inutes guests of Mrs. Whitmore s parents. make them h me in Rone- en ter- Butterm ilk Is equally valuable In Beat up whites of eggs, using about M r an d Mrs Albert Koberstein of Mr. an d Mrs A M Boner e n tw food preparatlon it can be used In of them to fold lightly In the G aston. „ milk 15 is c called mixture . just ucxihv before pour- a 5 lu u - _ _ _ v M ««a rv r M r a n d Mr«; n A baking wherever u n u r v w r a sour o u r niUK a l le d c cooked w fc o u iiuaiuxv p v u r- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hood an d ~ r . Mr and Mrs u a fQr Qriddle fakes waffles, ginger- tag It Into a baked pie shell. Use lildren. Stew an and_ Robert, ^and t^umort^a^ ori“ a c--- xtr- tnhn breads made from butterm ilk .ire the rest of the whites f o r a merln- M iid rftaod's*!>'mother‘“M"s ~ R obert- McKercher and son. and Mrs. John ail more or less well known and gue topping and brown. son all of Patrvale. were Sunday Bogenschultz of P arse. N D. afternoon visitors a t the Amos B IT T E R MILK AS A FOOD W atkins home. Mr and Mrs. Chris Hoffman and It is interesting to note th at a daughter Betty of Beaver motored very large partion of the earth 's over Tuesday to attend th e fu- people drink their milk in sour neral of Mrs H offm ans grand- form. Many centuries ago. the Ar- mother, Mrs Emelie G rauer. abs found th a t by souring th eir Jacob Shattuck was injured last mljk xs rapidly as possible after Is primarily dependent on the week while hauling hay. W hen milking it couli be preserved in an use of feeds th a t combine the pulling back the hay fork the trip edible form for a much longer time elements of nutrition In correct­ rope broke and he fell back off tfcan jf efforts were made to keep th e load, spraining his arm and sweet, so today we find the ly-balanced proportions O ur wrist an3 bruising his hip He is Arabs culturing their milk w ith a feeds for cattle and poultry are able to be about, but cannot work, starter of sour milk immediately selected with this thought ta Frances Fields, president of the after it is drawn from th e anim al mind and are offered with our G irl Reserves of the Hillsboro high which produced it. unqualified endorsement. Every school, left Tuesday lor Seabeck. Most of us recognize butterm ilk near Tacoma, to atten d a ten-day a delicious and refreshing wanted variety Is Included ta conference of the club. beverage but its unusual food value our large stock. is often overlooked When cream is churned, th e greater part of the B e a v e r t o n T a lk s butterfat is removed, leaving the B.IMLAT¿50NS,l T . « . . _ , ich contains approxi- S U O N I BTAVfRTOW 3740 U p S w im m in g 1 a n k T v > the an t- proportion of milk . R K C O V IL X C T O souds not fat as does fresh milk. BEAVERTON—It was suggested D ie same is 'ru e of the cultured a t the annual school meeting of butterm ilk made from skim milk. Beaverton that a swimming tank This means then th a t butterm ilk to constructed for the benefit of contains all th e proteins and m ta- the school children. The m aterial would be furnished by the school district and the government would pay for p ar. of the labor J. R T albert was re-elected director and Althea Haulenbeck district clerk at this meeting. K I'I . JU D G E a BANK - - . G R IF F IT H ★ HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PO RTLAN D wesr LIVESTOCK GROWTH DAY AND N IG H T JULY 1-2-3-4, 1934 I Shute Park, Hillsboro, 1 Dance toughness a d d s m a n y extra miles of non-skid life. 2 Highest quality cords and iv© Virgin rubber form fbe Patented Safety Body. j Cogwheel Tread utilizes tlie surest non-skid prin­ ciple known. miles lor your tire money I U.S. Royals are featuring Triple TEMPERED RUBBER — an A4 improved tire-compound a m a z in g ly to u g h a nd strongly resistant to destructive NICE WEAT-H&ft.. J ust right for . P A IN T IN 6/J heat that it establishes remark­ able new records of tire YOUEA YATMOREFOR ÍURE I S -* A N D } I'M GOING T O UJ The Inverted Breaker Strip is a special additional safety factor. Guaranteed for 1 Year G u a ra n te e d f o r 1 y e a r o f a ll roa d h a z a rd s and a g a in s t a ll d e fe cts o f w o rk m a n s h ip f o r th e life o f th e tir e . — P R IC E S — 4.40-21 ........................................$4.95 4.50-21 ........................................ 5.20 5.00-19 ....................................... 6.05 5.25-21 ....................................... 7.30 ROYALS BALANCED FORMULA Lester Ireland ÔC Co, July 1, 2. 3, 4 -Celebrate here! "HAPPY DAYS," Hillsboro 10:00 BUSCH’S SERVICE garage H IL L S B O R O , O REG ON Î I' M .— B o ys’ and (¡iris * Pel Parade w ith ('a sh Prizes, Each e n tra n t receives a fre e rid e on th e m e rry -g o -ro u n d . T U E S D A Y , JU L Y 3 9 :0 0 P. M .— Q ueen's B a ll a n ti C o ro n a tio n C erem onies. J itn e y Dance. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th C h a m p i o n s h i p W a lk i n g R a c e . # 1 2 5 .0 0 in C a s h P r iz e s . R a c e W ill L e a v e P o r t l a n d a t 9 :0 0 A . M ., S h a r p P a t r i o t i c E x e r c is e s S t a r t i n g a t 9 :3 0 A . M ., S h a r p O th e r A ttra c tio n s 1152 T h ir d S tre et i I A . M .— W a s h in g to n C o u n ty F ood and rs P icn ic. G ro c e rs' F ir e w o r k s D is p la y a t 9 :0 0 P . M ., S h a r p TEMPERED RUBBER 'u S U N D A Y , JU L Y 1 D a n c i n g in B ig P a v ilio n in A f t e r n o o n a n d E v e n in g Costs lesis per yard j. of surface Covers thoroughly and wtart longer than ordihary paint becaute of its ADMISSION 25c 5 and you'll be miles and money ahead. _. iNew Era: W ill Be Announced nt 8:30 2 :3 0 mileage and safety. Here is greater tire value than we have ever offered beforel Buy U. S. Royals now HOUSE PAINT W l „ n Wi nners in the Queen Contest The special "U.S." Bead proved three times safer. Come In—fodayl We want to tell you a ll about the longer- wearing, money-saving 1934 U. S. Royals. ACME QUALITY Saturday Night June 30 FEATURES: 1 Triple Tempered Rubber I O P E N IN G Mrs. Perkins President You can now get even more in t t o a t i i r “ Happy Days” i CELEBRATION I ! . Seventeenth annual reunion and picnic of the alum ni of the W hit­ ford school, district 18, was held Saturday. Frank Erickson, president of the association, acted as m aster- of-ceremonies for the program Mrs. S B LawTence gave the welcom­ ing address. S hort talks were given by a num ber of the alumni present Mrs. E G. Perkins daughter of Mrs. Denney and the late B. K. Denney, was elected president for the ensuing year. C. M. McKay was re-elected secretary. A. M. Kennedy returned from the S tate G range convention at Roseburg last week. He was dele­ gate from Beaverton Grange. H erbert Mason and Van Brown left Monday for Seattle, where they will attend the University of W ash­ ington summer school. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs o f Beaverton met with a large number of members present The program for the evening which was sponsor- ‘ Q i D t i l N A riO N A l IA N A B A S E B A L L - R ID E S - S H O W S - B A N D S A NUMBER OF IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN SHUTE PARK AND IT IS NOW IN THE FINEST CONDITION, IDEAL FOR PICNICS AN D FAMILY REUNIONS j Free Admission to Park I