P age Four THE II I E L S B O K O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, June 28, 1934 ot gliulioll. I i ic U h U i i k Ute BGiUylci reelle llu Docta rulliin oi ltule|M*iul Planning Body to Meet nn.l ih r Virginia Home of bei enee. t'lly planning eommlssloii will W ashington Coimtv Veterans' as gladioli are four feel full, Mrs Hillsboro’s annual Fourth of July cele­ mee| iiinighl i Timi.sila.vi at th e ■ o e i.illo n »ill hold cneiilupm cnl al limo also ha* some of llu ruie W in n u ■ g i m e .l i m e IO, . l u l l I I Hiisiini n i ll y hall. bration and homecoming will be t h e H u h W h ic h ia ('o m h in r d th e H illa h o io In d e p e n d e n t Roosevelt »ill review Hue blooms and ? There »111 la* eam p fire, ( ( ’ gii II ii iianl from |'«s«’ I) mecea of thousands of people from near his President Il il la b o r» A r g u a eat a h . 1*94 H illsboro Independent «»tab. 1871 stew ardship m a radio broad every night and stories ot Hie war race anti won second place over Mi K I W I Y A M eK IN N B Y . I’ub liah ir. and fa r next week. The people of this east over national networks to C e leb ra te B e d d in g X n n lie r s .u v by the old veterans. companies wild HXI enlisted Xlr an.I Mrs G ordon Halinow P ublished TbtiraiUys Entered a» eerond-elaae m atter in the community are happy to sponsor t h i s night (T hursday' at 6.30 Paclfli e n t e r l a i n e l H u tiin i. n evening »Uh \V V W llei attiilileil bur p riv ­ several p oatoffiee at H illsboro. Oregon ile g e . at sla te fair lor fo u rth te a r men In tlratt from In plaee of our standard time event and look forw ard to providing an 17 1'lils fart was commented upon a p.ntv m honor of their second r It H oulhw orth buys B lazer »editine, anniversary G u e s ts » e i e .saloon. hi Major General While a t iho w V E R N E mckinney opportunity for everyone, particularly MRS. E. C McKIW EY M ■ .111,1 M e s d a m e s \ \ T fili­ Uig forest fire raging In Nell»- Hnie that he awarded the medals Editor Associate Editor their friends and neighbors in W ashington Doy G ray in In s u ra n c e , li.1111 Jr Gilo Voces and Kenneth lem country. J. M lla in lm loses Her ecuni .Stiff p a rticip a te d in th e R eal E state B usiness county, to get to g eth er and have a good nlli.il H ennan Freuden Ed Prendi Member—O regon S ta te Edi­ Eirat A udì teil V.o.'er Earn­ home iiiotintod tug-of-war. which was won torial A ' - l a t i o n and N a ­ Doy G rin . «ho ».us with the Hunk that unit Norma, and W alter Stelnk est A udited Week-y Circula­ time in a good, old fashioned Fourth. I A Long named chancellor hv the 162nd Infantry Privale tional E ditorial A ssociation tion in Oregon ofI Beaverton tor 31 yeais h.i- open , lu ib o a— com r u itlrr Knlgllls ol Pvthlas. I'n.-.l ,,, ,lk,. „ The patriotic organizations ask and ed an office in the Rossi building I te m t e a r s Ago llu- compel Hive drill w lilrh wi was eu O F FIC IA L N E W SP A P E R OF W ASH IN G TO N COl NTY urge the participation of all in the p atri­ m Beaverton, » here he »ill con­ J Robert Patterson, son of Mr Sergeant Trank Hollina, »ho was lered by 46 men Iroin (lie entire tinue his insurance business. He and Mrs 1> Patterson, salltal Mon­ in th e thick ol the ritthlllig. otic exercises in the southeast corner of day I rout Vancouver, II C . for Bal SubK-rtpUun Kate« S tric tly Cash in Advance »ill also handle real estate. tu rn s io Ids hom e here boa. Panam a canal rone, to s|ien*l P er rear ........ 41. SO U. S Outaid» Oregon » ’a'0 the park. These program s are held to Hillsboro C an n ery Is said lo have 1 1 1 1 X 1 ru m p Is scheduled for the .summer with Ills uncle and Six m onths ........— ............ S6 Foreign C ountries S.50 m ade a rra n g e m e n ts lo r enlarging * in iP Lewis. W ash , » h e re th e ell- bring out the true significance of the day aunt. Colonel and M is F. 1> Aplln. p lan t on T . t . s t W ashliiglou Hre Al l division »III he to g eth e r and to stress the lessons of good American T he H illsboro A rgos assum es no fin an cial raaponsibitity for and his .sister. Miss E'lnuly Pul lei - Post ol A m eriean Legion form ed lor (he first tim e »Ince th e war errors p ub li.h isl in ita colu m n ., hut In eases » h ir e thia purer Xlr and Mis Clyde Peaiock and sOn citizenship. Good speakers are always at EXiryst G rove Nis'dle.ss to say (lie company I. ta at fa u lt wrtl reprin t that part of an ad vertisem ent in which Mi and Mrs \ noil Peacock and Musicians E ntertained— M anning ghe.s re tu rn e d soldiers ready lo go no« " the typ ograp hical m istak e occurs. provided, pageants capably presented un­ children of Albani wen guests .............. . . . , a reeeplion K e n n eth and Jo h n der an excellent director ami the lessons Saturday oi Mr and Mrs. John ' ^*rs 1 Andeison Brno Virgil Peace, k purchased a f,1" 1' “ Djesday for GUARANTEED TREATMENT of patriotism splendidly presented. Chevrolet while here > a,u " ’,‘s " •' !' 1111* 1 ofl*ort- • i ^ n i l l h . 4. drowns a t F 0 R T E N U E R S TOMACH This celebration has been a much an- nett ..... , , .. ... ............... . land nm and [ the Clarion quartet of ' Mis r» r Jackm an of . Hillsboro Or. Emil's Atlla T ablets bring O ur connections with our pioneer an­ til ipated event by the younger folk of the a.^Jief'sUter' M rsfw" ROraf™ N ^ n r'ld a h rM em b e rT “^ ’ th,' Gastiin Plans m ade for d airy a n d hog quick rebel from slo m aeh pains b r- cestry are fading aw ay from us all too community for many years. These boys Kins’i - 'c u t ’1 X! '|1'ia\ l s | 1ti Uth 'it ‘luartet »ere John Kbby. Joe Me- sliow at Banks. I » c e i l m eas due to aeldlly. Indiges­ fast. The latest is the d e a th of Mrs. Iowa ami girls would be at the grounds from ,K,rent. Mr uint M ra j ' K G ar- e ^ r o ';. J “ “ “’" Cl’ulter ,uU U”>'' tion a n d heal liuu n If not your risen. They will be gone about six m oney Is refunded D ella Drug Taylor of Scholls, who cam e to Oregon as early in the m orning until late at night, 1 weeks. Births Attend Reception— Hutchison To Mi a n d Mrs sitin ' Adv a child in the tra in of 1852 and who had if they could have th eir way. Eddie C. Metzger of Tigard and Mr and Mrs Verne Curry. Mr. Charles Hutchison of route 3 Hanks, Let’s all join in and make this affair Helen lived in this county fo r m ore than 80 M G rant of Beaverton were tnd Mrs M H Hlevenson anti June 27, a girl som ething very much w orthw hile from granted m arriage hernse In P ort- !•' C Holznagel attended a reeep- Poster Io Mr and Mrs. W C years. T heir stories of the building of this ihis week Albert L. H offm an n tion Monday evening at Friendship EMster of EXirest Grove. June 35. country should be continued and their all angle- entertainm ent and good fel- O. E. 8 . in P ortland f o r i “ k»l r o i X ^ S u . ___ x chapter. m emory cherished. Mrs. T aylor had seen lowship. It should be a great big family Miss Edith I PhUilps, worthy grand Corey To Mr and Mrs EXank party with the children having a good couver this week. matron ot Oregon, and member of Corey of Mountamdale. June 23. th e com plete transition of this virgin , . Mrs. L E Furrow drove Friendship chapter. a boy w ilderness. She saw it w hen roads and Hnie and old in e n d s m eeting to renew up Mr the and Columbia river highway to Five-Foot O al. S h»*n Jones To Mr a n d Mrs H e x the Bridge o! the Gods Sunday. ‘ sh,,w ” — Jon. o l H illsb o r o J u n e 22. a boy bridges did not exist, w hen all l i v i n g acquaintances, They lunched at M ultnom ah Falls 1 “ ‘sen brought in a sam ple Davies To Mr and Mrs. A M m ean t struggle and hardship. How differ- ‘ " with a partv front lX'rtland of '' <,r“ v oats grown on hts farm Davies ot W arrenton. June 22 .. ent from the life of today in m any cases. The boys' anti girls’ 4-II club summer which Mrs Julia Ptteixk, iiationaJ Sl uth oi V'1' . wireless tower thut 1s t Cook To Mr a n d Mrs L. P. T h e ir’s was a courage and loyalty th a t session at Corvallis each year is a fine V E W auxillarv president, was a I1,‘*’-L''llr’'-'i “ bout five feet in height FE A T U R E S O F CON * le crop was sown October 10 on Cix»k oi route J Hillsboro, June 21. 1929 Ford R oadster would stand us all in good stead in these thing for the youth of our state. It fur- member. >> j a.. .. ten acres of hts land a uoy 1927 l i.r.I R oad ster Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weils spent _ V I. N I E N C E A N D nishes them with a real inspiration for times. last week with friends and relatives Visitor Honored— 1927 C h evrolet C oupe ECONOM Y C O M B IN E D their work and W ashington county boys at Eugene and Redmond, and vis- Mrs R W G ates entertained I nion Loral to Meet and girls take a big p a rt in the event tied at the summer home at O ak- Wednesdav afternoon with a tea w ‘ 4 l!" ‘on local Farm ers Union |«>27 Ford C oupe IN THE W ESTIN G H O U SE ridge of Mr and Mrs Harold Simp- fot Istei Mi W 1 r.i - ' rhursday evening at the . each year. REFRIGERATOR son of P o rtla n d .. , Bremerton. Wash Guests » ere Mes- North Plains K P hall at eight V elie lo u r in g Oeorge VanDyke W alter o'clock P ontiac Sedan M rs. Shorb surprised— lY e e iu a n . a n d Frank I'tima of Port- These features include her­ C harge was m ade by one of the key­ Roseburg m eeting of the state editorial D od ge Sedan Mrs Ray Shorb was given a sur- land. mid Miss G race Rasmussen League to Meet metic ally -sealed, f o r e e il- noters at the “true progressive” nom ina­ association last week was one of the best .,lt 'l’-J Tuesday ( am p Eire Girls Visit _ U n ltn .l E a tiiu rs league «111 meet 4 - w h e e I T r a i l e r drafl cooled mechanism re ­ evening. June 12 I hose present M. ( • w h , , I 1 r a .l e , tion party th a t G eneral M artin and Joe ever held by Oregon new spaperm en. The were quiring no oiling . . . seam D od ge D elivery R E. Wiley tk the W ah-K ee-N ah d:" c' c,unK Dunne, nominees of the two m ajor parties, program was filled with excellent num­ tie and Lucille Vogel of Portland, Camp less acid-resisting all-por­ Fire group in to the Vaga T errap lan e Sedan were hand-picked candidates. W hat would bers. including com plete discussions of Harriet Munkres. M attie Hoag. Eva L “ n,}‘Vers'‘P ’ T h e BEER that is definitely M artin has truly dem onstrated his service Phyllu Johnston, al! of Htllsboro. & C ‘h S w e U ^ a - ’ lighting . . . “select-a-cuhe” G as - Oil - A ccesso ries out selling every o ilie r brand to this state as a representative in con­ ice trays . . . and many oth­ Celebrate Here X Tillsbnn^A r (J u s Roosevelt Talks Over Radio, 6:50 I .tHal Guards Win I lonors in Contest V/estinghouse /fyri'/erahr. Local 1 lappenings Pioneer Courage USED CARS Handpicked? -A" Hop Gold I IF/zaf Other Editors Say gress. w here he was unquestionably one of the outstanding m em bers of the con­ gress. He has courage and we would stake a lot on him th a t if anyone can be con­ trolled by the utilities or anyone else it would not be the general. Joe Dunne deserves the appreciation o i local people because of his fight for xl __ m l ._ x _ • L.-i. l - l l _ the milk control bill, which has given the dairym en a more fa ir return Help the Paper Birthdays ( elcbralcd— Mrs Nye Bristol entertained 16 Report on C o n v en tio n - little girls last Thursday afternoon AInu, i !t.n n rt, o lden tent in honor of the seventh birthday v , of the masses of th e American people ahead of those of w hat have come to be known as the vest'd Leaves on Trip— Argus. June 16. liMM—Southern interests. Instead of being news, it Is history, solidly Miss Ann C halm ers left Monday Pat tflc considers electrifying road rooted to a foundation of special privilege. he°renX will b ^ V u ^ sT e^ m ^ ip fr"m Portl»ntl l° Today the U nited S tates is making steady pro­ Mariposa f o r Honolulu, T. H Oswego defeated Hillsboro Sun- gress tow ard the new order, and it is but n atu ral th a t th e old reactionary groups should endeavor, by The sliip will sail from Los Angeles day 19 to 18. A C. S hute umpired, word and deed, to throw every obstacle in the way. harbor Wednesday Miss Chalm ers l,ocal lineup included Riegrist. II Humphreys Downs. Roy Moore T But if the Literary Digest poll discloses anything. DomUdson’s“ H o l l y w ^ it is th a t th e greater m ajority of the American peo- _____ at the ________ Honolulu academy of a rt Williams, T W ann. N Williams. pie are still firmly behind President Roosevelt and during the” sum mer "months Bradford and J. Humphreys his New Deal. I t also discloses th a t th e masses „ .. , . _ . i U. S Senator C harles Fulton of have successfully withstood th e costly propaganda ,,n Lxtenileit Trip— e g Fourth of the old predamry groups, which, for too m any „ H i and Mr?l, J„ w a "d h e r' rA storls will a deliver tW ir r e th nS ro v e'in of d years, have considered the people only in th e light ^ a v ^ f o ^ ^ n ^ - x t ^ n d ^ d ^ t i - ,^ V»“1“ MU< u ' na ’’ark. r o f G il - ' n will of th eir value for exploitation purposes. *mi go m San Franctvo. & i Tind If th e New Deal prevails. 90 per cent of th e then to Omaha. Nebr where Mrs A rid S tom ach I anishinu M erchants th a t advertise in the A r­ gus are a big factor in carrying this pub­ lication to the many hundreds of sub­ scribers each week. f _ W f ithout th eir sup­ port a new spaper fo r t h i s comm unity would not be possible. Their store news IS interesting and vital. It pays to read the ads. The publishers are trying to give the readers and advertisers the best pap er possible. They would appreciate the help ^ry grouj» will have full reason to regret of the readers, who are asked to tell the greed blinded them to th e greater catastrophe advertiser, “ I saw it in the A rgus.” be1»11 th e m —Hood River News. D eath Friday m orning of little Beth N - 0 R-GHSOn f o r xA.-lai’m Anne Johnson, three-year-old d a u g h ter Ot There are many ways of looking at the present Mr. and Mrs. Alf O. Johnson, prom inent economic and political situation in th is good old Hillsboro people, came as a shock to the s A. If we look a t things from a democratic n n r n m n n itv T heir h e ir m m a any n v friends f r i e n d s extend e x t e n d . '•-“ t they .. are . all . right and are going community. T . . "dl'om _ From , . of . ... . ou to . t be L u iiiin u 1 __Z_____ ____ better. th e standpoint the party of . sym pathy. loss is SO gTeat or SO heart power they are nearly all wrong and no t likely to rending as th a t when a small child, th e be much better until— cen ter of all home and family life, i s Of course, things are not as bad as they seem, and probably are b etter th a n they seem. taken. In spite of party In power, or strikes, or drought, or various opinions, conditions will and must be b etter if we all and individually do our p a rt to improve them. “After a l l .t said B. C. Forbes In a recent fi­ nancial editorial, “th e responsibility for bringing about better times rests Just as heavily upon busi- ness leaders as upon President Roosevelt I t Is the ? uty ° f eyerj-em ployer, of every responsible citizen. to make the best of unalterable facts and conditions, an(j ko exert every effort ____ to keep _________ the country going ...... .......................... , _____ _ o„ ...8 in the right direction economically and employment- wise.“—G resham Outlook. — State of Oregon is w atching the gaso­ line shortage due to the w aterfront strike. State, in case of serious shortage, faces loss of taxes. W ell, it h a s p r o b a b ly already lost a lot in the way of income tax retu rn s fo r next year. — o f Beer in the N o rth w e s t . . . . and has consistently maintained ibis record for the past four months I Because it is so skillfully Mend­ ed fo r excellent flavor . . . . naturally, completely, A G E D . - d u Ptireow^1 f l . . . . a n ^ ^ r s- E. Furrow attended a luncheon meeting in P ortland Monday for Mrs. Julia Pitcock. national V F. Londed • fk.-»-zwytx* >» °Ju!C nt »4 ?,n You can live cheaper but not happier when your wife's reducing—Ex. K l $ I Second-hand doors Second-hand .sa.ih Camp Stools New Doors . New Sash Doors Mrs. R J. Nicol entertained Tues­ day evening with a supper party in honor of Mrs. Perry Joy o f Los Angeles. C a l, who 1s visiting her sister. Mrs. Russell Morgan. Splendid Glads Displayed— Mrs John Bino brought to this office Wednesday some fine blooms 1 Odd Sash Tlieae are the principal ad- \ not ages provided by good ignition T h at Ls why. u n ­ less I h e Ignition equip­ ment of your car. Is com­ pletely efficient. It will pay you lo uae our service !>'- leclive purl* will ba re- placed wherever niH-cMary. (everything essential will be done by our experts to assure a satisfactory re ­ pair Job. Will be open July I. 2. 3 and 4 of Happy Days’* of Old J W in yell J Vancouver, W ashington celebration llu LENTZ AUTO PAR I S ?iiif and Baseline Sts. N S AT LUM BER Y A R D Phoenicia Temple. P ythian Sis­ ters. held ILs last meeting Friday night until Septem ber 7, adjourning for th e sum m er m onths Mrs H H C hantler. delegate to the G rand ¿ ernP‘« In Portland, gave an ln- p k X l o n eP° th I f \ fo r m e r s to m a c h s u ffe r e r s T hanks ' a A t • r * e ..A • ... e . n a. t S baaed 9. n — .. on .. .. a .. « .. p e d — I a .. lin 1 I e « t S o — a tm p r e sc r ip tio n , th e y n o w t e ll o f h e a lth y a p p e t ite s , fr e e d o m fro m d is t r e s s , and s o u n d s le e p . T h e d r u g g is t w h o s e n a m e a p p e a r s b e lo w w ill le t y o u tr y l ’d * a on a m o n e y -b a c k g u a r a n t e e o f s a t is f a c t io n . A n y s to m a c h su ffe r e r , ' " the , » evening. . 4 * h - . , hy , lnn,ly w rltln, B u(u in F o o t - 8 c h u li e B ld g ., HL I'a u l, M inn. H ills b o r o P h a r m a c y A d *. Attend* Seabeck Conference— Miss Frances Fields, president of the local G irl Reserves, left Tues­ day morning for two weeks' stay a t th e northw est conference at Seabeck camp on Hood's canal in B A R G A I W ashington Mrs. E B McNaugh- ton of Portland is cam p executive GtrU from Oregon, W ashington. Idaho, and M ontana attend. >nd Q u ic k e r S ta rtin g —B etter L ig h tin g A cid s to m a -h, u lc e r s, k i s p.iiri-j to N iagara Falls. New York City, and by boat to New Orleans. La h e a r tb u r n . I n d lic s t lo n an d o th e r and home by a southern rout«. slfftia o f e x c e s s ar i d it y are n o lon e« r They will be gone about six weeks. a p r o b le m , a c c o r d io * to th o u sa n d s o f National President Honored— er advantages which have won for W estinghouse the most loyal and com pletely satisfied group of ow ners in Cars W ashed and P olished the world! Cars R ought, Sold C onsigned Used Car Exchange W hy ? wiU re-*un f?r a v‘slt then th a t th at • President Roosevelt has invoked the law- under the term s of the labor bill passed in the last hours of congress and has a p ­ pointed an arbitration board to help in th e settlem ent of the W aterfront strike on the Pacific coast. Let US hope th a t this . ... , .. t - l „ . l „ action will speed results. The public is the biggest loser in this game. lay. History, Not News W an ted - - P O U L T R Y 75c and $ 1 .5 0 85c 20c $ 2 .2 5 and $2 .4 5 $3 .0 0 a n d ’ $3 .2 5 45c to $ 1 .0 0 1011 B aselin e Street P hone 2691 y rhonr**591 Open Erenings and EG G S Highest cash prices paid. We are in the m arket for these the y ear round. Give us a chance to bid on your stuff. “ H A P P Y D A Y S ” F is h B o -A C a t a n d S P E C IA L D o g F o o d , 1 -lb . c a n 8c 10 per cent discount on Gold Fish during the celebration. FARMERS’ CASI I STORE TWO MONTHS’ HOT WATER lc Subscription T R IA L O F F E R Per KWH G ood O nly June 29, 30, J u ly 1, 2, 3 and 4 W ASHINGTON COUNTY’S OFFICIA L NEW SPAPER 25c T w a Months In W ashington county only All the news of W ashington county Local news of your friends and neighbors The p ap er with scores of classified ads But even falling in love won’t destroy your a p ­ petite for rich, nour­ ishing FIR G R O V E MILK . . . Call 4RX1 for home delivery. GRADE A MILK NOW you can have AUTOMATIC HOT WATER on tap day and night at LOW C O ST ---- FREE SURVEY S E R V IC E FIR G R O V E P hone 4RX1 ___ —■ L IG H T DAIRY With Which Is Combined the Hillsboro Independent REPAIRS Ask for free survey of your hot w ater needs, including estim ate and term s on PEPCO APPROVED WATER HEATING SERVICE for your home. No cost or obligation for Ihis service . . . ju st ask. r^TLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ^llsbonlsfcA r q u 5 rim n r 3061 Fred - Seed - Fgg» and Poultry H illsboro Store W f K m ake a sincere effo rt alw ays to have i n / . Onr, ,a,n an, “ ‘^''luntc stock of GENUINE lilt Repairs for M cCormick-Deering Farm O perating Equipment. We are in a position to meet every reasonable rep air dem and o n short notice N evertheless, there are definite advantages to you in ordering your parts and repairing your niachines during the s l a c k season ra th e r than when you are in d esperate need of the machines. We suggest that you look over your eqliip- ,'iow' ° r , ' “r V° ,ir GKNU’NE I l i e Repairs HILLSBORO FEED CO. 1004 Main Street T e l e p h o n e 271