Page Two THE T ig a r d H a s Q u ie t V o te on S c h o o ls was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. W il­ bur Buell won first prizes and Jo h n T im m erm an an d Pete P a r- son consolation Mrs Levi Crvw- tlier an d Mrs. Pete Parson gave the party to celebrate Mrs. Tim m er­ m an's birthday anniversary which occurred Ju n e 35. Mr and Mrs Clarence Vpdyke of Hayward are th e paren ts of a baby boy. born in Portland last week, R. S. Cannell and daughters Misses M argaret K a.lirv n and Su- san of Ibtv.-i Grove. Mr and Mrs I’om Robertson and children ot Sum. Cal . were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs Philip Miller T hursdav of las; week They all had picnic lunch under the trees, Mr> w M Sn a , (w0 f!lends of Reedville were callers at the R C Hunger and A rthur G ard - Iwr homes Sunday afternoon. T IG A R D In one of th e quietest school elections in school district No 23 C A. Hover as ro-eleeted rire c to r for a term of th ree years and M l» Clara McDonald for a term of one year, practically w ith- out opposition. Only 175 votes were cast this year com pared to th e 400 and 500 v o e s in th e two pre- vloita years when the district was aligned on sides. For aw hile it was thought th a t t " ‘'d l*J ham d istrict but a visit to Ins Si'I'WWY’. place by O B K raus, county V school superlnaendent. It was reported, dc- elded th e dispute The line be- J , / It tween Tigard arid D urham districts l . l n l i l t l it l l ■ t l l I l l i^S rtrwvc ♦ y * < A i tlx IJAVsxr'c goes th roug h Boyer’s place. Mr . M ... p « U nited patriotic services will be » *, ? ? n ™ « e 'rt'n w . W r hVH h eld at th e T igard Evangelical v ? d tin " Surin - tlm “ - weik » " a r e * » ' a " d Me‘h0d,8t C C h arles‘ u X r m a n is back home from the hospital a fte r being tra m - pled by a horse last week as he was about to h arn ess him Cries for h elp were heard by Louie A nder- son. who found Lieberm an under th e horse's hoofs C arm elite Sm ith. P ortland, broke tier right arm in a fall at R oam er’s R est Sunday. As a result of th e M ethodist con- fcrence h e l d in P ortland. Rev A lexander H aw thorne will be as- signed to th e CUnton Kelly and L ents churches in P o rtlan d Rev. S R aynor Sm ith, formerly at T illa- mook will have Tigard and Scholls churches Among those attending the pio- neer picnic at Hillsboro Sunday from th is locality were Mr and Mrs. C F Tigard. Miss Beralece D aniels and C urtis Tigard M r and Mrs H enry H yrkas made a trip to A stona Sunday to visit w’ith friends Early arisens in this district were S k i « « S a" d « a ”d f . v R oan,ers Rest neAr T ii'\rd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E G. Wilson of at c A : the w^ck w ith her m other. Mrs. Mary „ 1 \u ' **ld th eir nephew Glen Norton, have Jus; returned from a 'acatio i; trip th ro u g h w estern C an- ad a- They caught 200 fish of an average of 14 inches during the t r 'P- Mr and Mrs N. C Shipley Jr. and daughter of Pasadena. Cal are visiting his father. N C Shipley. and sister. Mrs Sam Phillips. Dale Phillips will return to California with them after July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Joe VanLoo and nephew Richard Jackson, of P ort- land Mr. and Mrs. William Clap- shaw and children of Forest Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. A VanLoo Sunday. Mr anost I verytlilug In liisurauoned due to tin*» e of th<* G uards it i inp will Iw played PI ioik * 1701 1332 W udii n(«m d u rtu . ttie coming week ll«l| | •>«<«• W I W I. 7 I Ireland' ft 4 I llnkdry HUSHLOW Mr Einille G rauer. H7. for 32 veats a resident of Laurel, died \s k voiir «tl.»m- vend v«m Saturday at tin* home of her »laugh , egal a d v e rtis in g to tin A i guv ter. Mrs Lizzie Rice, at tlralwl Eunetal s«r\lees were conducted 'Tuesday at 1 p tn. from the Mt Olive clutrrh at Laurel with Key U A iS s k officiating Interm ent was at the church cemetery. W / ii \ I ia ER ioui .I-' t baia Mis G rauer was born DecemtH'r 3. 1846 In G ermany and came to and make II mom dim it ibh tla* United 8Uitcs ft3 years ago HERE DURING I drinking linin' Mi-Full Jer.-wy Ml . She wius the widow of Erdman lUself n w oinli-rlul liquid food M, The G rauer. who di«v 1 Septem ber U. 1*5x11 JiT.vey Milk mliix the neeili.i 1927 Surviving Mrs G rauer are a i leilien!., of u perfect m eu l Iiu te m l son l.’d G rauer of luiurcl; and four of coffee mid tea. try milk uitti »tain: liters Mrs Mary Wood of your m eni, and «eo how much D«*lici»u* Food l.etter you feel of Grubel and Mrs o iir 'I’atm an and Mis Anna Schmidt, both of C ourteous S e r v ic e 10c quart I aurel She wius a member of the Germ an L utheran church in G er­ many. I )rink Enclosed A n d ................ cents. Please send mo the patterns list­ ed below at 15 cents per pat­ tern P attern num ber: Size Individual h entitled to wmk I Pepeo, Bakery l ied 1 ie Every .I and r e c r e a tio n l.lfe Is b a la n .. i e -, i l l ” * I * ' K*'t “ Il tlUVe factors aie eontiut tor Second Position •••«« 'V on can 't take I t l o r . ranted Unit anybody, any­ where knows what you are doing You m u make bettei mouse tia|vs till the e o w s conte home, but it you don; them nobody will know anything idsm t them. You lion t need to tell how n o il von are Tell the fa ils in an Interesting way and re ly on the public pi draw lta own i onclustons B risto w Adams COOK COMELY COSTUMES THAI WILL APPEAL TO BOTH MOTHER A M ) DAUGHTER ARE OFFERED YOU THIS WEEK 5 7 0 S x ................... ThiiiHilay, June 2H, u.i.'ii More Milk -E A T - Name . , Address I he Celebration City . . . S tata . . lng bust m easures 32, 34. 36, and 3 $), and also lu 40 and 42, S ite IS requires 4 yards of 35- lncb m aterial, plus 5 li yards of It« -in ch bias binding. The child's frock. No. 570Sx, Is splendid in linen, silk, or one of the new cotton fabrics. It comes In live sizes: S. 10. 12, t n 1 h d I I tic Bine Isigle Cafe Mel ali Jersey Dairy li; PHONE 2104 lit I II ANNE JOHNSON l services for Beth Anne JoluiMin (hree-vear-old daughter of MO 57O Ô X NO 12.1 Mr and Mrs Alf O Johnson. Hills­ 14, and 16 Size 12 req u ire, collar, belt and aleevebainla. boro w ile coiidlii ted Monday at 2 - - * yarda of 35-inch m aterial, With long sleeve,, the lire ,, re­ p m from the Donelson ; ♦ Johnson Rev T F. Bowen o f o n v ru » czx'ssaiig i u o . u » ri . M U n Elbert Davis of Vancouver. Wash, visit with M r, Conklin's parents, l - i l t i r t 1 K K IUC lO the m orning were lifting hay shocks " “ '¡‘P1’ ¿’ n d '1 rS' HalUe Mrs. Pomeroy and Mrs. Davis were Mr. and Mrs J C Bechcn. „ . , Portland officiated at the funeral an d one was lifted across th e high Ireiand Sunday evening. classmates of Mrs. Steinke at V an -, , , , « i„ „ i„ . T liiv servlet- and interm ent w a, at the t P « u I i n n ì i l tb i l « t ' ¿ ' s X .- IH H x H l R ,i,.rv„.« ,-eniet.ia tension lines, causing a short clr- Mr. and Mrs David R utherford, couver. „ ‘'¿'X i o' t n n ti, ™ w % u ?ato?sf we% MUs S ' s S ? d w t J " t K h “the EIhs John*>n - d ^ t o r of Irntd.’ M ils IXHlie ' S m ith of Ml - . ,’ " ' 1 REI' RIU« E , ««»«- / UXrHiid^pn u-prp honored cu esu at Salmon river cut-off is ia r south schools at Anacortes. Minnville, and Mr and Mrs. H. D. ‘ ‘l -it annuax school election June Mlt> l>ABM.I.I*. > l \ ( I.AIIt w s2w 4*I^ M n e p T h u r s d a v when the as Newport Sunday W ash, and Mrs. J. H Fuller and M cEntire of Hillsboro spent a p a r t ’s. 'A''r'' director for three years. yjr> t sm lair aged H7 T /o o fi X v n-ocA m was Mm »■ iro n , u n , ' Irs ch ar!es Allburtv of Aberdeen, of lust week with Mr. Riggins' r Fulln'r re-elected: director year,, died Saturday at the home of I K * x '1^ l u r k ‘ lu n ch ^xt noon lC-l!3 e J v returned Wash , were guests a t Pilgrim m other at Moore's Valley. ¿¡?r °iV' 5' ;lr i° ,? “*’? , ° * * ' ' ’r laughter. M r, Perry Stream, given. A pot luck luncn at noon last week from Oakland. Cal., where House last week 411 w ere f o rm e r Strickler, resigned. Harold A eb is- , .„ i f u n e r a l ervi, w er,. held was served to th e children. Most of Sh e has been visiting during the p i -uhi0m-rs of Pastor Hal er at Morris Wed and daughter Beyer- her; clerk. Josephine Strickler re- ■ Virsd.ii iftennxui n 2 o clixk it the business session was taken up past two m onths with h er sister. A b^dw m ,ev are vlsiun>; thLS sun»ner with elected n was voted to have the the T m tattn P H i m P r e , a , ra n by reports of del e r a : - Mr and Sirs. Frank Ham. zum w ea. MrJ M M c < t s .h,k int. nteriol f th<. g<.hooi hou>e church Rev • n io m a I , - » , of Mrs. Charles VanKleek. and others Mrs R w c d M isM sM attle Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones of Wash. Mrs Weil and Robert and ed before the fall term of school the Reedville church conducted ‘ 1 the ' attending Those atten d in g th e and Tjorothy Cox « n en t th e w e e k - S a n Fernando. Cal., were guests Dorothy are wit 1th her sister a t begins. M-rviies and Internieul was Hi Hie state meet besides the delegates end W!tb yjm r a - ; o s J o h n s o n a t Tuesday and Wednesday at the Casper. Wyoming. ------ « t Shiev Mr- M» Rvan end ’ Ith M rs- Carlos Johnson at x I!“’.,s * v S ! lC’ x ^ n u I tin'1' L-u'P,'r wyoniuig. -pu, regular annual homecoming church cemetery M%e o H JR^Uer M ^ n ^ a RcSG' S e k ?«°Gl;(, Doroth-v rem ained for a £ Mrfs * jo n w and Mw d e lic ti M rs- F O Mitchell returned home and Children's day program and Mr Sinclair was born January ting and G H Bailev C hildw n Weeks V1SK £ e ‘ soiority Z r s MrS’ J " Wn Saturday a lte r spending t h r e c Picnic dinner took place at Moun- 31 1H17 a t strom ess. Orkney t i k i n g nart in th e program in- Mrs. George W G orm an and 5 sisters. weeks a t St V incents hospital in tain Home church Sunday The islands S iotland chided q nis-io duet bv M irio rie three children of Alameda. C al, a r- Mr. and Mrs. L. P. S tran ah an . Portland. She is convalescing slow- lunch was -,-rvcd In t h e grove. sp,. ttlus „mrrled In 187« to a n d O P o B a 'o u g h ’ap dancing bv nved Monday for several weeks' Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobson of P ort- ly from an operation. Among the iLdtors from a il l s - G ,.„ r . ,. s . n , :.ui Io th l, un. n w ere Maxine a readtog by M artorie Al- visit *»»>» her parents. M r and M rs land and Mrs Reid Connell ‘ ------- “ — ■ Sunday at Vernonia where t t and Florence Giddings m arim ba Vcrr.™ E. C hantler and a group of tcI-ded th e golf tournam ent. d inner party Sunday duet, “Sweet and Low by P h illis friends from P ortland picnicked Mrs John Zenor returned to h er of Mr. and Mrs. J. "HAPPY DAYS.'' Hillsboro, July 1. 2. 3 and 4 C elebrate h ere' and Helen Sm ith Virginia Jensen Sunday in the yard at the home of home at Agate Beach after about Portland. , K nunel w ith h e r d a u n n t c r M rs i, . , a r a A s ’* a « s g “ - * - • * - H »• r s b u 5* j s . “ £ _ m e e m z 1,11, on tl . , P o u r h « Un a I . H U »m , l r l t h t » .,1 M .............................................. f f i ' S K S ' . S f f “ l i S “ “ ? ' “ .M ‘ w , ■ i £ f . X y “ p J S T . n J " ¥ S i ' S * '. '. 'f , ‘7 ? i. ' L L " ' t . ' , R S S K S I S K S t K i R S S S i I S i K i i i S i S K K f ' -■ Perfection and Schoen’s ä ui I in I lt R K» Bakery Products I ' I I o 6«' f ?; un ì M M 1 II. M ad e By 9 ill< tw da K( Y our N eig h b o r P e rfe c tio n B a k e ry ■ s £ w As a result of appointm ents an - nounced at the Evangelical confer- ence held in Corvallis. Rev E C. Hicks of Tigard was appointed to th e pulpit ®t Albany,r “ ‘i ' S . been pastor of the church here for tli-reSra'df,^u. frn ^ rn u X ii. and one te r P ia.^uate.irom co U ege^andone from lugh school. W _F. R adem ach- H ^ h a T * tt£ T * S t» r& ccHorki rpv HirkQ and to T urner Tuesday her m other. Mrs. T. M. RamsdelL to attend the C — hristian c h u rth Rev and Mrs. K J Stratem eter convention there this u u s u wees. etk . of G rundy Center Iowa, arrived Mrs. Helen G ardner and daughter Wednesday for a m onth's visit with Sally are spending two weeks' va- Mr and M rs H A K uratii. ration with Mr and Mrs C harles M r and Mrg w £ Hayg spent Ellis a t Medford. th e we<’k-end w‘th th eir son-in-law Dr and Mrs. H D Huggins and and daugbter Mr and Mrs. R an- Phoebe Ann spent Sundav in Port- dalI R Uston a t Seattle. Wash. land with Mr. and Mrs C C H ug- W a* * V«**1 R«y Childs and Kins. ■ Misses Agnes and Beulah Walker of Mr and Mrs. Earl H earing and «>« »■ «■»— « Mrs jamps Whitelaw . .................... — .....« ¡ » ■ s x - j r j f & t t . l « ™ " ” '"""'11' ................... returned residents Of the community Many ? ere l ro,T. S tS;rwooS . .New.- relative, friends in roi iftio. and ar.H frior»/(v i>x Snokane «.w.L-.»».*. * F‘ ’ Scholls The childrens Wash program of drills, song, and read- H ln®» was exceptionally good. m ^ su rn n rn ^ se S rn n a t Hie Unlver- Mr ,uld Mrs J w D °w'wy and oT W ashington 1 mi S e a tt i iamUy Mr and Mrs. H P Strickler W ash ‘ a " d . fam llV called on the families ' u n o™ . » i oi W L p,‘tl'rs and W E Peter „ Y rs H- ° ' ,Pr Sunday afternoon. at Mr and Mrs Ja"«-a !Ia>PS ° f thu . ‘ ‘ * North Plains visited a t the W. L. daughter Mrs Perry Stream T h e su n K .n g c h ild re n ™ < ( ieorre - ____ ___ _ ____ of Reedville. John - of ..................... Hill Illllaboro. Robert of Pumpkin Ri.lge Gharles of Port Townsend Wash and Mrs Stream of H ill, Also , grandchildren Mr Sinclair pas ed aw iy in 1899 and M r, Sinclair was laid to rest beside him. cl.......... . th e . lm r.-h .s he “ men“* r a “ood m anY y^ars. 4th of July and picnic fo o d , • r e th e m ain thought«. w then church ---------------------- _________ ______________ ___ . Rev Hicks and family by a large Ireland, for th e past two weeks, re- Mrs. Oscar Humburg. num ber of members and friends, turned hom e Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Vickers left Sunday Over a hundred w era present to Mrs. George H astings and son of for a two weeks’ visit with relatives f ^ S are VlS^ tn‘' at Da-VtOn- W ash' u S e bJuig a i d ^ i l l ‘ 5prS>ably "be M ^ .^ W a t a o ^ w . P ^ ' K r ' an d O«?nria H eintz Is spend- ing the week with friends at Eugene held in the nea’ future. M r and M rs pauJ P atterson Mrs. Sidney Conklin and children. s tX o ^ V r ^ ^ r c ^ u c h S M ^ t; V in ^ m h o s p ? ^ i ^ ^ 'e e k m 5 s . E A. Ravcroft was also takep to St. Vincents last week Mrs Alice C utting celebrated her birthday June 17 and extended in - citations to Mrs. John Tigard. Mrs. Emm a Day and Mrs. Flora Leedy. whose ages are 75 or over. Art Vincent attended the in itia- tion ceremony of the Royal Arch in Hillsboro Thursday. . A new troop of Boy Scouts has been formed in Tigard under the leadership of Dick Pacque'.te St. Anthony church is sponsoring th is new troop. A Boy Scout court of honor was held in th e St. Antliony auditorium with a num ber of pro- motions being m ade to local scouts. Jr HG “ to n „ T , , H = J M r and Mrs. H alue Ireland and daughter Ju n e spent S aturday night and Sunday in P o rtlan d with rel- atives. Glen Powers went to th e open air sanitarium a t Milwaukie Monday, where he will undergo a n operation this week. Mrs. Heins Sonnekes of P ortland is spending th e week with h er mother. Mrs. L. G. Selfridge, ... ®all * „ “L CX itOn, w lth M r' and M' s- t a r l b earin g . Miss R u th In m an of P ortland was a guest last week a t the H. A. K uratii home. Reginald Reynolds left Tuesday for a week's visit with friends a t Baker. H. S. Rogers left Tuesday m orn- int! ioT G aribaldi on a business trip. W eek-end guests a t the home of Mr. an d Mrs. O tto Steinke were Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Pomeroy of Orchardale 'B y Mr-. Richard H u n g en prise . party stirpi ___ was _ _ given on Mrs. Jo h n Tim m erm an Ju n e 23. T he evening was spent in playing ''500.' and after the game supper C. L. OAKES d a a Y cl I GROCER ST A P L E A N D FA N C Y GROCERIES H illsb oro, O regon FREE D ELIV ER Y “T he Store w ith LOW ER than C ity P rices’’ In the handy wide m outh Jar. Ls wl fr- wl fa na W ( Li Kp. bars 16c 14c 20c MARSHMALLOW S P pk. k g. Campfire. Full pound package. fJT/^lZ'T pQ P lain S w eet. C alifornia O 9 n a home brand. P in t ja r d U M V « COFFEE A-B SPECIAL. Highest quality at popular price. 1-lb. bag ................. Of do fro H-tl ARE FLOI R. The ideal SW A N SD O W N ‘ flour for perfect cakes. tai Kr he PORK Large pkg. ÔC BEANS , I-lb. y an can C am ps A m erica’s most famous dessert. 2 pkga................................................... Lunch rolls. 5c size. Special. 3 roll, .. in viv JELLO sal tie W AX PAPER At H -D P U N C H ] MM lx>i If fir: 25c 25c 6 for The m as’er bleacher. Large q u art bottle PUREX JN A WH,TE STA,t' ' s Excellent for salads. 6c 11c 7c 25c 10c ' all at our store to get your supplies. Saturday only! CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET E V E R Y T H IN G TO COFFEE U SH E R 'S BEEND FI.OI'K Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS a t the least cost. EA T Ki-ady tn advise you in purrhaxing. Kraily to give real value,. Sausage Home Pound m ade. 12ic PICNICS Soup From m ature calves 15c 12Ä C 5c ROASTS STEAKS STEW Mayonnaise Red & W hite. lite. 20c Pint jar Pure cane. Limit. 47c 10 lbs. SOAP W hite Eagle. STEAKS Prim e beef. Round Rib .... Sirloin 19c 10 bars F'ull size bars. .a I / 2*' Watermelons IC E Fresh Fish Cottage Cheese Bulk Pickles Lunch Meats lie T om ato. 2 can s SUGAR VEAL We have a com plete selection of all kinds of Red & W hite. M eaty. 15c All m eat. Inspected by Dr. Nicol and Dr. Alinquist. COLD “Happy Days," Hillsboro July 1, 2. 3 and 4 Celebrate here I M. J. B. 25c lb. S p ecia ls for F riday and Saturday PORK .1. I tiny ï un: Special« from June 29th to July 3rd, inclusive BUTTER Pound D urkee’s. SALAD AID Pint siz e ....... SOAP schoolgirl PALMOL,V E-For that complexion. 3 Mr and Mrs. L. A Long were week-end guests of their son Don- aid E Long and family in Portland Mr and Mrs. R C Munson left Sunday for w extended visit with relatives near Boise, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. C. L. W alker spent S ^ a y a t T aft. --------------------------------------------------- 3 SSC lb. tin 49-lb. w ck REEL. Each CAKE EEOI'R. “Soft a , »ilk." PEN JEL pkgs. for FRANKFURTERS 15c 2 lbs. HAMBURGER Lb B O IL B E E F Lb. Steer beef. R I B S T E A K Lb.............. P U R E L A R D slb, LARD COM POUND DILL PICKLES ’Q uart 3 lbs. SALMON h¿b'". 25c 9C 6c 12c 25c 14c 10c 15c 27C 3 ilRAPENHT FEAKES. PALMOLIVE SOAP, looo-shcet rolls. 23c for l»c Each liar ?! DFKKEE'S SANDWICH RELISH. Pint Jar PICNIC OLIVES BREAD NECESSITIES J5C Ripe No. 1 tall tin. 2 for . . . . Sandwich loaves. 1'ii-lh. sliced PICKLES K err's Sweet Mixed. ■ -quart Jar ............. POTATO C H IP S Small. 2 pkgs. f» * X A jrin E D ’S M A R K E T In re a r of I’lggly Wiggly Store Q U A I, 1 T Y BACON M EAT H 20c Pound IOCib. 3 I9e PAPER PLATES |xr rolls. LUNCH PAPER 40-foot 2 rolls ........ FRED'S SUPERIOR MARKET Re«. P hone 3 2 1Z d POST BRAN FLAKES. Per pkg. HAM BU R G ER VEAL and BEEF R O A ST 5 D eliveries D aily 35' I SCOT TISSUE I’OSTUM CEREAL, la rg e pkg. F riday, June 29, to T u esd ay, July 3, inclusive P hone 651 32c 4 OVAI.TINE, SOe sire for M INCED HAM Lb. W E I N E R S Lb feu Mr 15c Pkg. Never disappoints 2 !ï 35 ............................j i g ] FISHER S DISC HIT MIX. M rge pkg . each ........................ t »c DERItY CORNED i* : : rl 9 l llltK ’ñ ' ' LA R D 3 n,«. 25c BEEF STEA K I ib 15c