r a g e Twelve THE 300 Cannery Uniforms O ver 300 g a r m e n t s . Sam ples, odd lots, some slightly dam aged. A 1 1 sold "as is." (No ex­ changes or refunds.) Values to $6.95 Sizes 14 to 50 •w prints, stripe- stripes and Beautiful new pastels in th lis i season's best styles. ■ Also — Ankle length organdies (ju st in) with all the new trim - | K • mings and new colors. SPECIAL J 44c 35c W HITE PURSES For C hildren! Also colors. E xtra special. CHOICE ■ ' SPECIAL PER SET ( «Kl« Number M- JULY Toyo Panamas W omen’s Newest 00 White Hats Sm art silk crepes, straw s, meshes and piques. Large and small brims. All head sizes. Values to $3.50. 98c POCKET COMBS Black and bright colors. Every m em ber o f t h e fam ily will want one. EACH ............ Pure Linen Sport The popular sum m er hat fo r W omen. Large and small shapes. ON SALE 39c «>C READY-TO-WEAR SENSATION A ctual Value to $10.00 ’KERCHIEFS C hildren's 'K erchief A real special for the lit­ tle folks. Bright colors and your choice ........................ Full Fashioned For W omen and Children. Slipover style, brig h t col­ ors. On sale at W eil’s ....... Av* -1 >> 39c Princess Slips R egular $1.50 and $1.95. New frocks dem and these new slips. SPECIAL ....... 98c Swagger Suits SILK H O S E Service and ch if­ fon weights. As- ■ I sorted colors, all j sizes. Values to SL COATS - KNIT SUITS A ctual values selling reg. to $12.95. W hites, plain colors, tw eeds and mix­ tures. Practically all sizes and every one an outstanding value. PAIR 49c FO R PERCALES VOILES RAYONS BROADCLOTHS FINE MUSLINS CURTA1NINGS CRETONNES GINGHAMS Yd. 10 Printed Organdies Pure T hread Dye Printed sport r a y o n s , plain and printed piques. Beautiful French g i n g- hams, etc. Lovely sum ­ m er m aterials. V alues to 98c yard. Striped Silks yd- One, two and 3-piece outfits. H A LF SOCKS Per Suit or Coat PANTIE DRESSES F or C hildren! Including a small lot cool sun suits ............. <| Ap XvV GIRLS’ SLACKS They’re bright c o l o r s , cool and com fortable to wear. Clearance sale price ........... Gowns - Pajamas H and-m ade gowns a n d sum m er p a ja m a s f o r Women and Children in a big sale. 49c Underwear Clearance SALE UNIO N SUITS M UNSING RAYON ^-^8 tiuU Fancy shorts, step-ins and Yy •»andeaus. Fine “Spun-lo” vests, bloomers, panties and (step-ins. Beautiful garm ents \ — YOUR CHOICE 49c R A Y O N U N D IE S Idren or Women and Children •s, vests, pants and Including national­ is e d “ M unsing” un- 25c CHOICE YOUR CHOICE Patent Leather SLIPPERS SLIPPERS Of plain ecru m arquisette. 11 i to 11 2 yard lengths. July clearance. (U nfin­ ished) 4 Hp EACH And W eil’s have 20 doz- jh to sell at this low price Special. EACH ................ For W omen! Don’t miss this great value. Straps and tie Also colored siloes in this lot. Wash Cloths PEQUOT SHEETS Fancy colored terry cloths th a t are w orth much more. Values to $11 Held up by t h e strike. Straps, ties and oxfords for Women. Finest qual­ ity. Broken sizes. Pair 5/ All white a n d M»lid blacks, l ine dre*«» oxfords that have m onths of Rood wear for you. White Oxfords I Seamless Sheets For Men! Low heels ven­ tilated. Also shop oxfords in brown, sam e as above. SPECIAL PER PAIR I V i^ $ 2 .4 9 70/» «7 Tennis Shoes Work Shoes Heavy fireproof pad and lacing muslin cover. Spe­ cial. PER SET .... In fancy patterns. W ater­ proof and easily cleaned. For Men! All solid, heavy duty, natural retail and tough wearing. (T h is shoe will stand the wet w eather). Q Q SPECIAL ........ 19c H art Schaffner 86 Marx M E N ’S S U I T S J fk HATS Clearance of felts a n d ami straw s. Value» to $2.00 BOYS’ Waist Overalls a 69c HILLSBORO, OREGON A Gl U /•s i i 25c Mesh, crepe and duek. A big clearance. ALL SIZES SUEDE JACKETS M EN’S ZdC All Wool Bathing Suits For Men, Women and Chil­ dren. Also trunks. Big lot Take your pick. AOc* SPECIAL iJOC IV RAZOR BLADES all types of G illette razors. 5 Fit P A I R M en’* “ MUNSING” and “ VANTA” t Suspenders Blue denim s in sizes 32 Io 42. Triple stitched and re-inforced. Not one or two pair but plenty t o sell a t this low price. WHITE CAPS IN F A N T S ’ V ESTS LUGGAGE The lowest price I we have offered I In year». Durable webhln«, adju st­ able and e n d a I that wear. Blue denims. Sizes 2 to 8 years, including big odd lot play suits and s u n 19c 4c 1UC OVERALLS »J.’U 29c W HITE, RED and BLUE 'K erchiefs for Men. July clearance salt price. EACH MEN’S BIB color cham brays for and Boys. Yes, they light weight, b u t w ear QQ _ wash CHOICE l-nur-In-hatte]«« and bows in a hi< elean-up. W a s h Ilex inrlhdrd 1 n thlx lot. YOt It (IIO K K C hildren’* C learance Hats, caps, sailor hats, visors and straw hats. A big lot for the kiddies. YOUR CHOICE 98c Blue Work Shirts East Men are they and SALE T IE S Sn sale, EACH Bathing And t.in oxfords for Boys and Girls. R egular $1. Values to $2.00 200 pair "P riscilla” style ruffled cur­ tains in figures and dots, including 100 filet panels with flounce bottoms and tailored ruffles. Colors to m atch your rooms. Values to $2. For Boys and Girls D urable knit a n d dimity, athletic style, all sizes. In­ cluding “N a zareth " under­ waists in sizes 10 to 13. W hite and bright colors J®w ....... W omen's Special I l/U • U I ” 1 • 39c Yd. Panel Lengths SANDALS With duck uppers it n d leather soles. Felt slippers mid infants’ shoes. CHOICE CHOICE 69c SHORTS For Men and I>1< Itoy.’ cotton ttilrta, broadcloth »horta. “ ---- P// Special, each Beach SHOES And floral patterns. Also plain pastel silks for trim ­ ming and fine lingerie. Values to $1.25 yard. Ironing Board OOV House SUM M ER SILKS SALE It’s the nationally ad- vertised big sheet val- ue. E xtra special! HOLEPROOF Knee-High STOCKINGS N ationally a d v e r t is e d . Women buy them for the Fourth. PAIR ______ W O M E _ N White* - T wo-Tone» And combina- t io hs. Pll III ps, straps ami tie High a il d low heels. L a t e s t PAIR styles. Values to $3.50. Values to C U R T A IN SALE All Pure Silk Rayon Sweaters 36-INCH 36-INCH 36-INCH 36-INCH 36-INCH 36-INCH 36-INCH 32-1NCH 39c DRESSES of silk, rayon, cotton, one and two-piece knitted. Skirts of bright colored wool and cottons. Silk blouses in plains and stripes, riding breeches, etc. In our ready- to-w ear departm ent. (No exchanges or refunds, please) Large size, beau­ tiful colors. These ’kerchiefs are e x ­ ceptional values at 35c each. OX SALE. SALE STARTS FRIDAY, J U N E 29 SUMMER MERCHANDISE MUST GO. COME-BUY-SAVE SADDLE ST R A P O X FO RD S SH IR T S Wash Goods r5 S W 25c $049 • $098 Women s w ash­ able kids and fine doeskins. W hite and a 11 wanted colors. Slip - on styles, all sizes. . -/ IOC