Page Ten THE K inton Folk B a d ly H u r t A u to C rash " H ollyw ood P arty" to Start H ere on Sunday •'Hollywood Party." an hilarious romance staged as a spectacular H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, New Pastor Assigned to Banks Church, Transfer From Ohio H IL L S B O R O , OREGON a liopyard near Banks and Ls studying hop conditions in other places. Mr and Mrs John Hartwick and little daughtcr Joyce visited Sun- dav with Mrs Haitwtck's mother, Mrs R I'oiler. in Portland. Mi mid Mi., Ray Woodman are ■ :nt a vacation at the beaches Opal R anns ami Darnell Grave., ol Portland visited tlietr g ran d ­ mother. Mrs F F Nickerson. S u n ­ day evening. Tlw rain which fell Monday eye mug was welcome except to those w ho had hay out William Con ami Mr Dyke are running their balers lull capacity. bin ilieie is Mill quite a bit of hay in tlie field waiting to be baled Pastor Itetim l Rev Traglto. who has been p.ystor of tlie Hanks church tlie past two years, was retired at tile M F conference last week in Portland. Il«' will continue to live ami preach at Bethany sored by I lie liwul ehuiuber of com- ipercr. but until recently was eon- ducted by the city. Problem of locating pareilta of lost children al (lie park has been sidyed by tin* manageiiii'iit (lirougll tlie Use iif the public address sys­ iin i Children, wliti have become scpurule from parents, are tuken to (lie Inform ation I hhh I i conducted by tile Coilee eluli and Hie naines called out over tin* loud speukrrs. Cluirles Shipley at Banks Newton, BANKS Elsworth M Tilton will who is a former Banks boy, is with be the pastor of the Banks church the fire departm ent at Pasadena Mrs Frank Fberly was taken to for the coining year having been assigned this place in connection the Fnianuel hospital in Portland (l»y Mr«, k L. Co») with the Yamhill d ia l c a the M Monday She is reported Io be in KINTON Mr. an d Mrs. Sam F conference held In Portland last a critical condition. Mrs. 'Frank Ludwig and three children were in week Rev Tilton who was tra n s­ Herinckx was also taken to tlie a bad au to accident Sunday n ear ferred here from Ohio conference, Fmanuel liospital Monday, where H arry F Inlander's store at Pro- was ordained a deacon Sunday at she will undergo a m ajor operation. gress The Ludwigs had been spend­ Mr and Mrs B W A rmentrout. th e M F conference I lie .„nod­ ing the day in P o rtlan d an d were ule of services which will be in au­ Mr mid Mrs Maurice Thompson. hom ew ard bound, when a n auto gurated l’v the new jxtstor will be Miss Mamie San.iv and Francis bound from B eaverton h it them i lit Mi John M I.I mgi O I hotnpson. a 1 of Banks, and Mr announced ncx. week broadside a t th e intersection. Miss HEl.VI- VIA Mr umj Mi>, ch u r- Mrs C B T resham attended tlie and M r, Archie Thompson mill Lillie Ludwig was throw n out and h K W harton ami Mr amt Mi> Methodist conference m Portland two children of M ountaindale plc- severely cut, requiring many s tit­ W harton in day. local church. so badly injured AU th ree are in Tillamook county III* trailed his Mi anil M i, J J. H utchens arc Mrs. Fay Mead of Bald Mountain SI. V incent's hospital. The other a tn ,u e in Orovchtnd for a farm and Mrs Svea Short and son D on­ \'.siting at the home of their son occupants of th e car were badly owned by Clllford I*' Wallace who ald of Cherry Grove visited T h u rs­ Claude and family at T aft They D ire c to rs F le r le d shaken up and bruised, but were with hus familv is now living al wen: Friday and took in the Red­ day evening at tlie Fred Wolford l lie high school board met M on­ able to be taken to th eir home. the W harton home in Oroveiand head roundup. home day night amt tabulaiixt tlie votes Mr. an d M rs W arren Wilson Mr ami Mr* ,’a»ne.-. Ha’, were Mi and Mrs. Cass Wilson and were cast at tlie school m eet­ Born, to Mr. and Mrs Alfred spent a few days during the past ___ uni stxs of W. I« Peters 1 H cliolls Ml and M l, W G W alker pic­ Davies Ju n e 22. in Hillsboro, a boy ings held June 18 in tlie districts week visiting relatives and friends —« Sunday, l'hc little one weighed 8 lb s -2 oz nicked at Shady Brook Sunday comprising this lugii school d is­ around different sections of th e a “ ‘, cal extravaganza w ith an a 11- and I lect «»rriebiu Mrs Hattie Davison of Forest trict W 1> Baker ot tlie Manning has been named Alfred David cast. Is the film attractio n at E Obermeler was re*eleet danced There were been with this conference during bust into flumes at about the same about 30 members un»l II visitor, Bird club Wednesday afternoon on th e past four years, h as been re ­ Birthday Celebrated time th a t tlie fireworks display was the high school lawn was a suc­ tu rn ed for an o th er year. Rev. Sim p- R „ and a large group of children pres­ Don Moore celebrated his th ir­ ix'ing staged at the park. Crowds ent cess. Little tables were arranged on son supplies th e Evangelical ch u r- ......... ; _ .. ’ ' ’ ®tni*h,r* ches in this district. M ountain H I 1 f ON—Harry Robinson as re- the lawn and were nicely presided teenth birthday Tuesday afternoon warmed out of the park to the Next meeting will lie July 18 al H om f Laurel and K inton. elected director for three years and over by th e little girls, who range with a party Those present were blaze and were supplied with plenty tile home of Mrs D F Dapp with Mr and Mrs. C harles VanKleek Mrs Cora Metzentine. clerk, at in age from six to ten. They were Theresa Paetsch. Oaii Debolt, B ar­ of excitement as the fire consumed Mrs 1'ete Jo.s.,1 and Mrs Abe Zall- assisted by th eir leader. Miss Ethel bara Saunders. O eraldine Kessler. the entire burn and Its contents. of Hiteon spent Wednesday evening Hiteon s school meeting, ler assistant hnetessex. a t the home of Mr. and Mrs E. L. H «* Hiteon boys are members of Sm ith and by several members of Peggy and Barbara Wilson. F rank John Curl returned to his home "T lsko,'' tin- largest eii'pliant in COX the Km ton 4-H calf club and take the W ikapi-N ahon Camp Fire group and John Wahl. A rthur and Ray captivity whose troubled career a t ­ June 18 He 1.« convalescing from a Dierieckx Billy Kessler. Ray Moss. Mr and Mrs. C harles Shipley Vanderm ost is building a an active p art in th e club. They are recent operation and Is able to be Melvin _________ _ ________ „ - t ... tracted the attention of tlie coun­ « r, »« . »»iiliam T Robinson. T — V-■ , Y Em* -«— were Sunday guests of their son Bobby Stohler and Don and Billy try. new garage at his place. Chester and up for a short tim e was a feature attraction of the Moore. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Young of est Hite. Robert Campbel! and Rav- Erwin Shipley, and family in Hills­ Cal Kibble and Jam es G raham 1932 celebration. Unlike many other boro. H aines were visitors last week of mond Rigglan. » t: ni: G. ix h u a i , k s t a t x of Boise Idaho, visited a t the H en­ communities. Hilslboro as a b l e President Visits Mr and M rs W C Hall. They are Mr. and Mrs Jam es Campbell to get tig' huge "white" elephant W r : old friends of Mr Stew art, fath er and Mr. and Mrs William F Mrs. G race C hristianson of P o rt­ derson Sm ith and A. C. Wahl off its hands. l'i r e a nd Aut<>m>4>ile I t is it r a n c e of Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs Young Campbell attended the funeral land. president of the Rebekah a s­ homes Wednesday evening of last Annual F ourth of July celebra­ M « k e L .m n a a n d I m u » S u r e t jr lt<»nda were delegates to th e R ebekah as- T hursday of th eir uncle. Robert sembly. attended th e meeting of the week The two men are cousins of tion used to be held at W arren's sembly in Tillamook an d stopped Fereis of Portland, K l U A T I J «fc W LS M E R Banks lodge Ju n e 19 Mrs Cora Mr Smith. Mr. Kibble and Mr grove at the east end o f Maui Sm ith had not met for twenty-five here on th eir way hom e Mrs. C W S tru th ers was a Hills- Heaton of Hillsboro, vice-president, IIII.I.SUOKO. OREGON street m the days before the event Bert Sparks and son Clem ent of “? ro Y^itor Wednesday calling on was also present as were several - ,2 s Trleph'•«»» 1191 1136 See<'n«| St. Mr. and Mrs M illard B urnett and was shifted to Shute park. TI ip P ortland spent June 18 a t the Mrs J. B Phillips, who Is very 111 other visitors from Portland. Hills­ home of Mr S p a rk s sister. Mrs. at h er home boro and Forest Grove. A social Mr and Mrs R A Wilcox and annual m eeting, of the W ashing­ Madge Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs. H ansen B rothers have been busy hour followed the business meeting. children visited with Miss Viola ton Comity Veterans' a.x-wxiatlon Samuel Dennison and M aria D en- baling the hay m this neighbor - Mrs. Henry Atlee has a stalk of Parker in Portland Wednesday. Tlie were also formerly held in connec­ Come to the mson were also visitors during th e nood th e past week. tion. snapdragons in her flower garden three women are sisters. Ed Debolt visited friends In Mc­ past week Mrs. E D. Hite attended the re- which is eight feet tall. I t is on a Originally Forest Grove. HilLs- Minnville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wilson an d nnion picnic of McKay school a t p lant th a t bloomed last sum mer Mr. and Mrs. O tto Hollenbeck boro and Cornelius alternated as daughter spent Sunday near Banks Progress Saturday, and wintered over. at and son Tommy of Portland vis­ hosts for tlie F ourth of July event, were Mr. Wilson has been recently Miss Elizabeth S tru th ers of P o rt- Mr and Mrs Eli Grindle. Mrs. employed !and sPent Sunday a t h er home Ray Parm ley and children and Miss ited Mr. and Mrs. B W A rm entrout but about 27 years ago Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox attended here. ___ Sylvia Severance drove to Bald June 20. Mary and Dorothy Hollen­ took over the program as a perm ­ the annual homecoming of M oun- Mrs Dorothy Willoughby and M ountain school house Sunday and beck returned to Portland with an en t affair. O Phelps, now mayor, on your week-end parties. ta in Home church Sunday. M rs.' Maulene spent Sunday with rela- heard Rev R D. Everett preach. their parents after a few days' visit was for m any years m anager of j ' the event and in later years E d _ L. H erm an M etzentine and Everett I tl\ e,s *n_ Portland. Mrs. E tta Preston and Mrs. Flora with the Armentrout«. Also . ai’d Mrs George Biersdorf Moore, cham ber of commerce secre- M etzentine of the K inton Sunday -,I r ' Somnema of S an ta Monica. M unford drove to Seattle Friday on Cal., is visiting at th e home of h er a business trip They returned home r^hsv‘iin vl? ted Thursday a t th e tary. has been m anager In 1925, ('Iran and C o m fo rta b le Cottage» school attended also. Mr 2^d M » ° W L and the >‘’'a r lh<* a '“> J. T VanHorn an d son W L daughter. Mrs. William F C am p­ Monday evening, visiting Rainier ELMORE HOTEL and ‘ .\lis C* W \toore and Moofe managem ents, a committee VanHorn, who have been spending bell. National park on the way home. , MRS. ANNA KREBS KUNTZ th e past week or so in California, California, Rev and Mrs Creasy and daugh ' lr te rs nf P a sc o W a sh w ere lo o k in a I th ree sons drove to Jefferson and conslstiiig of George Chambers. B Rnekaway, Oregon returned home Friday. E arly Coin B rings Out UD old PfHendsWln h Banks fm ndav other plares S unday- »'here they M. C o alm an and W W Phillips Harry' Cram of P ortland has X ™ t i v C rew y w as' p ^ to r ! m lte d hopyards. W L. Moore has took charge The event is now spot,- R ep lies o*' Local F olk been visiting during th e past week afternoon. Rev Mrs. J. Allen S m ith is the w ith his aunt, Mrs. W arren W il- of th e Banks church tw enty-six ) sessor of a fifty-cent piece coined years ago and helped to build the Mrs. Lilly M Bierly and daughter. in 1829. 105 years ago She also present church building. They had Mrs Ethel McCormick, and chil- ° ’ na a th ree-d °llar gold piece coin- keen to the W ashington conference dren spent Sunday with old friends ln 1854 which she obtained in at Vancouver and drove over here: an d neighbors in Hilliboro. New O rleans some years ago. Dr, for th e afternoon. R egular preaching service by th e Charles Lam kin has a flfty-cent Mr and Mrs Newton Shipley and pastor W. E. Simpson. Sunday Plece coined ln 1812. which be- daughter of Pasadena. Cal., are morning. a t 9:45. followed by Bible I“ Jged to his father. spending th eir vacation with New­ school a t 10:15. Everybody most ton's parents. M r and Mrs. N If you change your address kind­ Shipley of Hillsboro. Sunday they cordially invited to atten d these ly notify the Argus direct and at visited with Mr. and Mrs Gene «ervlces. once. Shiplev and sons and Mr. and Mrs illy Mr, Fret Wolford» I lelvetia Family Moves to Coast Highlight Features Happy Days Given Robinson Named Director at Hiteon Elmore Hotel ROCKAWAY Tliunulay, June 2H, lii.'til < l l y * 5 C R U 6 B lN ö IS 5IMPL.V G£>INÚ T O G E T A CAN OF FOIL KtV Chit». L. W alker Insuiani'i' Agom v can't instil','j'nn against dial. hut it w r i t e s e V e r y know n t y p e o f insur- ance ! Chas. I,. Walker AGENT Every form of protection: l in* z\iii(»iiit»i)ii<*. CiLnuilty, Liability. Fidelity. Hurety aiut Life I'hone 1733 1104 3rd St. - NOW H s ( H ig h ) Listen, M r. Goliath! P » (Price) Y ou ’ve been growing o f late until most people are scared to death of you, trying to keep within their budgets and have the things they need. But you forgot to reckon with ’’D avid” Penney. ou see we've always been on guard against feL lows like you. For years we’ve grown up fight­ ing you and your likes. W e’ve never relaxed a minute in elim inating frills in store-keeping, keep­ ing exjwnses down and values up! We know what to do with you and now that you’re so big, we've decided to "bump you off” ! S o n o » » c " w p i” our Irufty flin^ th ol— Load it »ith a lot o f Penney lo » price», and let you hare it ri%hl betw een the eye»— Yes, P e n n e y ’s " T a lk Price W ith Real Savings For You I This week and every week you will find that PENNEY’S "Large sales and small profits” policy makes 0 TESTED P a E R T M E N T S T O • R I Hillsboro, Oregon "HAPPY DAYS," Hillsboro, July 1, 2. 3 and 4—Celebrate here! FREE Phone 21X HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY EASY TO A P PLY DRIES IN 4 HOURS « BEAUTY SHOPS PHYSICIAN nnd SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. 0 . PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work E ’V E s e e n i t a n d w e ’v e ridd en in it! A n d w e ’re h ere to te ll y o u th a t th is y ea r m ore th a n e v e r b efo re— P ly m o u th is fr o n t page n e w s! W SAVINGS account ¡8 a d e p e n d a b le investment. It is a lw a y s interest- bearing, a lw a y s there when you want it, a lw a y s liquid and at par. A savings ac­ count i.s d o u b ly -d e p e n d a b le at a depend­ able bank . . . to which depositors of the Commercial National bank will readily agree. FOR LINOLEUM I t’s h e r e in o u r s h o w r o o m rig h t n o w . B u t w e d a ren ’t s h o w it t ill to m o r r o w —o u r official a n n o u n c e m e n t d a y . A n d w h a t an a n n o u n c e ­ m e n t it w ill he! W ait t ill th is t o w n sees it . . . w a it till yo u see it and rid e in it! F or th is n e w P ly m o u th 's g o t e v e r y t h i n g — F lo a tin g P o w e r E n gin e M o u n tin g s, H y d ra u lic B rakes, S a fe ty S t e e l B o d ie s — a n d a r id e th a t's alm ost u n b eliev a b le. T a k e som e tim e to m o r r o w to drop in at o u r »how rexim . Sec th e n e w P ly m o u th * . Learn w h a t a big, lu x u r ­ io u s au tim u ih ile th ere is in the low p ric e f ie ld th is yea r! All Plymonths at New Low Prices Commercial National Bank “The Largest Independent Bank In W ashington County.” Hillsboro, Oregon CADY M OTOR CO. H illsboro, O regon P H Y S IC IA N PermnnentH and all kinds of iMmuty work. 'Falephona X -lt.r A ll Kind« of Beauty H IIR O K O N N a tio n al Rank 1114« Talophnnaa Itaaldanre TUI 7, O fflc . »281 Sanitary Beauty Shop «nd «nd I 'h r .l » T b a ra p r Cixnm «rcl»l HR IX Balcony lllllwboro Pharm acy DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. W ork Physlrlan and Surgeon PKRMANKNT8 Well» Building • ap«rialty TaU phnn« 1471 W E I I . ’H A P A R T M E N T S M a tx l Hchand»! TELEPHONES O fflr e t»K2 Kaaldanre ««»I DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building T»l»phon« 144 "HAPPY DAYS,** Hillsboro, July 1, 2, 3 and 4—Celebrate here! TAKES THE A U S ' OUT OF SCRUSBIROr ‘ HAPPY DAYS," Hillsboro July 1, 2, 3, 4—Celebrate here! T tu Douglass R ad io S ervice fSt-X Lester Ireland ÔC Co. Gertie says. "I like apple­ sauce with my meals, but titl'd of the kind Illy Isiy friend has been huml- lug nii'l" North Plain., baseball team lost to Hheiwooil Bunday H to li North 1'liiln.s 4-11 rlubticr., re tu rn ­ ed Bat unlay Iront sum m er sellimi al Corvallis willi many new repines and trlek, to try on home folks Illese girls lire very enthiistii tie boosters for summer schools. M rs K a te Gragg. Mr and Mrs. iieorge Gragg mid Mis (lordiin O( C o rv allis a t e visiting a few d a y s with relative, the 1, R C ypher mid D a y to n May . families Allernoon .service, at the ehureli of Christ have been discontinued for the summer Hundnv school meets ut 10 a m mid Bible study) at II a. li.. Mr ami Mt Mrs Dreil Zyhach are «pi'iidlng a tew days in fortlam l with Mr ami Mr. Charles Lehman l'iii|M*rtv llmiglil Mr amt Mrs Patrick Davis have l,l‘r'l> a« d the Frank I'.,well prop- (.rtv I'hrv moved liilo their new home .Saturday M r, J C Froeschle of M cM inn­ ville Is visiting her daughter. Mrs C 11 Kelley T AGES your Radio sputter, crackle, pop, hiss, howl, or whistle? Modem testing equipm ent enables us to solve your troubles efficiently and a t most reasonable rates. R esults guaranteed! Call us w ith confidence. S IJ P IN T S 6 9 c Jai*lt««»nl J .C . P E N N E Y C O "HAPPY DAYS,” Hillsboro, July 1, 2, 3 and 4—Celebrate here! Q U A R TS * 1 . 1 9 tlw Argiu. / Stop th e F ir e w o r k s in Y o u r R ad io Selfridge Bros. • • M A K E S L IN O L E U M LASTLO NO ER ■■ », ijt III YOUR DOLLAR do extra duty. TUBES backbreaking ... cm M i 'r r il l M rs J u l i n , H eh o eu lierg ai B a llali' C ounty R ed-H ead* W in H onors at T a ft S h ow We specialize ln quality Job p rin t­ ing—Argus. Mn« N i m m I’l.AINH The Everrendv .'kxlely im i with Ml« Climi Tmut unin I*rliliiy mul cclebnited Ihe •iHdety» (list iinulvei'Kiirv Mm Pi mil lumi wii . i re elected prcidileiit ,