O l 'z '’ July llh Edition— °u Two Section« This Issue with 12 Pages Celebrate Here— Willsborol&i ........ ........................... . . K -. I « 1 * 1 . 1 1 I l A Big Time in the Old Town July 1, 2, 3, 4 I- ..1 - With Whii h is < T,»n I .• »>«-< I the il I ¡bo£2 1 r " i '*i N O . 11» IIILl.SBOltO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1984 V O L U M E XLI S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r U V A. L. I. I N il H E C K Z im m erm an Choice of "P ro g ressiv es” for G overnor s ZI iiiiik 'I iiiun. h'ut<* ..rn a to r f r o m Y am hill county, Jhil lead tl» l"i<- I" i " •«“ ' "i f l l i 'K O I I t il lu ll p o lltl"ll b a ll!'' tilt* fa ll 1 Zliiiineriiiun was nominah«(l a . An Halt | h ‘< lid,'lit i .iiallil.it** f"r r"'- C r n n r at a convention oi a a nnily , a k l III tli' l>all "I o p " ' iitatlV' i n th e eapilol buildup: l in e M a liuy. a lie n led by m ore th a n 259 fc rrn tllh il delegates from all *er- ■ lo n n "l the »tote 11 A h i ' ll »11« both uiiaiilliiou» ual en- I | i. t ll h id ln f ll p n d ii i' d f"i the I i a . t two week* nr im ae nr ever I m r e It becam e know n th a t thi n- I , , a well defined move ufool In B . lei I an Independent i nndld.iti V From tlie m om ent the convention K i . is called to hi tier by I II M< B ic e until It was a d jo u rn « ! by At - • hili W O rton n[ P ortland, It* ■ h a i i in.in. the mcciiin: moved •* ■.m onthly ua a well-oiled nun hliie ■ I'he d eleg ate. hud i nine In .Salem |. i n o m in a l'' Z im m erm an and they Kirov,-eded to the task w ith a n en- R lm .slasm th a t boded 111 for any • " t e m p t to ru n In any o th er eun- B tld a le 4 in lit« .«jX’ii'h of a n eptanei Z.lm- , ,. : m ,u i outlined an '.-I. It-p iin t |, r o , i a m containing lit* following lil.inks i t ' Federal or sla te ow ner- L u p ol power d istrib u tio n lines, Im m ed iate eon- trm tlon of l a r g e 1 inuiuuKiuie lis ks at Bonneville I relief ot tax Iii-ran-golng vesels; ' L ard e n on fam es and home-, by In- greased luxes on incomes, in h erit- L in e s a n d g ill -, opposition to sal* »1« and lax exem pt securities, <31 In o re ha Incas and le- • politics in fcovem m ent '4 ' governm ent ow n- E rslitp of th e banking system 1 f l u t e and federal aid for public fchool»; HI' adoption ol old age •lieiuilon. i7> use of public hlgh- Avuy.x in Inlercxt ol the public. <>p- Bxmltlon to creatio n of monopolies I n tra n sp o rta tio n system« u s i n g iitg h w u y s. 'Hl rig h t of collective b a rg a in in g by labor Z im m erm an was placed ‘ In i nom ­ . in a tio n by d ia r ie » E Nelson 01 Jlay to n . who referred to th e e a n d " tla le a* a "fearles leader." "a real illrt fa rm e r" and “a m an who Is Jnv,*d and respected by all h i s lie lg h b o rs" Heixaidlng speech«*« •L.-re nuule by F E C oulter A A I ▼ uig h ler and Tom Monk of M ull- p o m u h county; R obert Bcliuebel of ria c rk k a iu m n a as s county; oiarth county; J J O o B B ozarui Gala Event Opens Here Sunday Queen Competition Closes at Dance ' Hw p™ g™ . p , ™ , , , Races, Parade, Baseball Games, Fireworks and Dances ♦ Local Group Plan Honors Joseph Meek Ruler ot "Happy Days"' Festival tu be Selected in Novel Manner at z hiditorium Saturday Evening Projects Laurel Man Many on SERA Plan _______ Given Approval pA T R IO T IC EXERCISES SCH ED U LED Re-elected Hillsboro to be H ost to C ounty Folk a t Hilhi Body Celebration July '1, 2, 3, 4 Nine Washington c< unty SERA projects were approved this week by the stab* committee, .ringing the total to date to 21. arc irding to W. J Mills, county mar agtr. These Q l|een Alma 111 l‘l-!P Q ueen L u- l l VI pc unopened until all cun- dls’.rib- ha vc drawn. Five of the work program s are ev id le In 1930! Queen G ludys I n dlda __________ ! uted over the county ' rith the ex- 1931! Q ueen M ildred in 19321 Q ueen envel |i' will en ntaln lips declar- ceptlon of Tigard ar. 1 Sherwood, Zelda in 1933' W hich of the 211 u s- ini! the h o ld er. to be winners in e is awa'.t- :Uest. Th esc five will then F. L. B r o w n N a m e d D ir e c to r where the count' p lru n ts fur ruler oi th e 1934 "H up- thi ing action by ' he»e i ties to pro- M e m o r ia l to E a r ly P io n e e r py Days" celebration will receive retire and he eet the queen from th a t ir.dividuals n fo r F iv e Y e a r » b y L o c a l pose projects th e royal crown a t th e Q ueen's am ong their own number. Each trlbu- ; in arc a t E a st C ity E n tr a n c e hall T uesday n ight. This question, j of th< m * girls will have two votes, H ig h S c h o o l B a llo t u ta ry 1 may "be t lent. . required to be cast n empli which h a s held county-w ide u t - ! one of which P ro p o sed by M ayor *k to - d tl.i ------------- Projects appr ti-iitlon for the post few weeks a n d lor herself, , elude ................................... completion of - toe HUWboro lucky girl at which h a s a ttra c te d th e largest C oronation :,f th e ,uv. Wilkes I leads Group E a r ly S e t t le r s R e c a ll E v en t» a t A n n u a l R e u n io n , P ic n ic Erecting of u alatta* memorial to Col J'ie Meek, lainom. W ashington county pioneer, at the east entrance Io 11.K le.ro w a a su g g i. ted by M ayor () l ’helps In his address of wel- i oine du rin g th e a n n u a l picnic ol th e county Pioneers a n d Native Son a n d D aughter» association a t | s h u te park Sunday. lie urged th ." the* group ol nearly 300 "old-tim ers who had g a th e red to re-live in m emory th e early pioneer day» spULsor th e proposed project T h a t th e trian g le left betw<*en the old a n d new highw ays n e a r the park could be land»cuped and mad* the alte for th e m em orial statu e, was the suggestion ol M ayor I'he plan was a ad dopted o p ted by Phelps The the N ative Holes and D au g h ters u p ­ on m otion of Mrs W illiam Goodin, a n d a committee consisting of L. E. Wiik,-.-, a n d Mrs J. E Reeves both of Hillsboro, a n d Mrs. W illiam G oodin ol n e ar Cornelius, was a p ­ pointed to look im o th e m a tte r T he group will also M-ek to have a room t i g n a t e « , jn th e county court house tor tlie housing of relics of W ash­ ington county pioneer days. Officer» H eeled I. E Wilkes, county native »011. utiMiiiinouslv * unanimously riveted elected urt'AldUlt president ■■H Indebtedness Slashed n um ber of e n tr a n ts In th e history ihe a n n u a l q t of th e event, will be decided during ,n th e S h u tt­ ing a lance S atu rd ay a t H 30 p. in nlng of July 3. will be th e m ain In the Hhule park auditorium . social fun ctio n of the celebration. Selection of th e 1934 ru le r Is to Earl Snell of Arlington, republican be m ade by a new and novel m eth - can d id ate for secretary of sta te , will nd which leaves th e actu al choice officiate during th e coronation, to pure chance and re ta in s t h e . C andidates in th e race th is year elem ent of suspense until th e last ’ .,r< Doro; hy Kinnell, Aloha G ra n g e; Jut kson. Laurel - Scholls possible m om ent. T h e m eth o d wa-t Sophia evolved to elim in ate any possible F a r m e r s' Union; Thelm a Mulloy, criticism th a t one girl o r group L aurel Ladies club; Lena Chiotti Hillsboro D aughters of U nion V et- of girls h a d an u n fa ir ad vantage Louise Fischer. Hillsboro C andidates, accom panied b y a eran s; m em ber of tin- sponsoring o rg a n i­ R oyal Neighbors; M arjorie Sewed, sation. will walk once aro u n d th e Hillsboro Colle,- club and Hills- dance floor a n d th e n be introduced boro Grange; Minerva Fuller. Hills- to tlie crowd over th e public ad- boro Daughters ol Union Veter- drC8i system G irls competing will ans- stnrlee Smith. Hillsboro Busi- Uwn go lo th (. (1.nt(.r o, tll(, h a ll ' a n d Professional Women'» one a t a tim e, a n d draw a p lain d u b Eva Oakes Hillsboro Pythian column 11 envelope from a box. retaining the ' _________ L ocal M an S e r v in g G o v ern m en t on A A A Ben H. Pubols, formerly of West Union, h as been appointed associate professor In the departm ent of farm ’m anagem ent and ag rE u U u ral econ- twenty-eighth annual “Happy Day»” Fourth of July eat»* Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at sh u te park in Hillsboro. The gala event, which opens the use of land and tax delinquency, - S.I ,r d « night with th ...... .. C lerk A n n u .l R ep o rt S h o w . th . M M will hall, repo,ring Aloha- featured by a pet parade Sunday, Q ueens ball lues- backfilling for the water system P L. Brown of Laurel was unan- at the school, painting gym and Imouslv re-elected director ot th e . grounds a t Forest Grove Hillsboro union high school district ! high school, and continua- nesday, and baseball gam es every afternoon. Pet parade sponsored by the local Business and Pro­ fessional W omen’s club will be the highlight of the Sun- C o itio n nelius city Im p ro v em en t for a five-year te rm M onday at tlon of th e CWA project for clear- the annual school election. The ,ng ancj leveling the c.ty park at board uill be organized a t the Gaston several more projects are July m eeting. now being prepared for submission Reduction in the bonded and lQ the fc, ate committee, warranted indebtedness during. the Approximately 100 men were as- pw-t year am ounted to $34.471.96 signed we€k t0 work on the accordili to the annual report sub- valley highway widening mltted by B M. Goodman, district prOject Saturday, according to Leon clerk. Outstanding bonds at present payis, placement manager. Work total $133 500. a reduction of $6500 u ¿one on the road from from last year, while the total of street in Hillsboro to the outstanding w arrants has been cut jmictiQn a t Beaverton. Protests from $70.022 19 to $42 050.23. against the use of Portland truck ___________ Expenditures Listed drivers on the work was made this by local truck drivers, but Expenditures for the past school week . . , ............ . . . .,9 0 0 7 5 1 0 in were of no avail when it w a s of learned t h a t th e sta te perm itted t h / h ^ in g a of A r veterans from expenses was as follows: general ‘ a number of Local headquarteis company f control $3123.93 supervision > P d rivers were hired how- the Oregon National G uard re- leachtng $14.255.23. operation of county drivers were mreo, turned to HIlLsboro Tuesday jio o n . plant $331X51, maintenance^and re- c'v r -^ 1S mj)M of thp Tuala- culm natlng a » 3 0 --^ a/ xll'ary tin r?v?r for futme“ work programs training at Camp Clatsop The 17 cludin(! lock fundm library books. Tuesday by Da- of tlie company arrived domestic science, »U223 35 B ^ d v “ a^d K enneth Tillotson of For- m a nd tanned after the period of aIKi transportation $13.223.35. fixed vis Thev reDorted th a t the sunshine and outside life and. charges $3 75. new, furniture and e»1 G r°'æ ¿aw logs - o t th e je a s i - p o r t a n t ^ a t o some s t r e ^ a ^ m e n t s «45.38, and debt rn e r c o te ttS n Ben H. Pubols Local Guardsmen Receive Honors on WSC Staff at Annual Camp y,ar Ul HHHUUl F orm er Firew orks, parades, races, dancing, patriotic program , baseball games, picnics— all these amusem ents and more are on tap for holiday m erry-m akers who attend the .,g A. -D Queen's ball, coronation cere­ F lin t. F ra n k a n d j t e r t Rowell. W monies and banquet in honor of the 1934 queen and her princesses will W. Jaquith and F rank Miller. hi be the featured event for m Tuesday Iowa Wigginton was to rn In w aay Louise county Iowa February 3. Earl Snell of Arlington. Republican ,0 4 4 Her H er m o th e r died'shortlv I844 mother died shortly after- after- nominee for secretary of the stole. wards and her father went to Cal- the crown upon th e _ queen s head.. iforiua. leaving the children with ^ ¿ “ “¿ r a ^ d ^ r e n to ' M r“ ^ d M r i Patriotic exercises, under the dl- w illiam Shuck She crossed the rectlon of the local post of the J ^ t o “ er. grandparents _ by A « « « , o x '^ m ^ i n i r n making th e . trip Early Scholls Resident Dies growing more aggravated as they ,,mlc5 o, college of agriculture , ngi* m th e pockets. ' _* u . , e e PU **-**^ u > IKK* in 11. w u.r L "* paym ents of principal on bonds up stream. In several ,,, . . ___n*. Of the organizutkin. sucreedmg Fred “ <• W ashington Stale College. He Is •There were no serious accidents undpr the debt service item totaled reported th a t banks Cornelius ol Hillsboro F. L Brown chief of the examining unit of the ; or sickness, save for one boy th a t »13.000 and on w arrants $70.022.19. had P caved ' in, carrying u large trees trees t^iur«-j WHA re-elected vlcc-presl- contract records section of the connected with a boxing glove on interest paym ents on bonds amount ts into the stream. to ¿6502.50 and on w arran dent Mrs. E. C. McKinney of , lllral »diuslm cnt admlnt- the point of the chin in the set- control on “ F irst step in flood i,f T rUT Y ^ h i T c o ô n ï y ’rïn d J mw H1"aboro * ‘‘s re-elected secretory- stratlllll The former W ashington tlem ent of a friendly argum ent on »3983 77 Transportation costs un- ^ „ v e r ^ i l l “ be‘‘the clear tog of channel of brush trees and o f ùam hlll rounty. trea, A v„tc ol *x,,|/ivx appreciation „um E llis s ... . —..................... .■ and J w m -» .« urer u ,v , rt xi,tv m i » h >™ c counVv iin tv m an will assume his new the picket line." staled Lt. A rthur der the auxiliary agencies heading ......... upon ..... ...................... ............ ......................... "• $12.522.98. £ s . ^Davis' stated. He declared Kroeger his return. "The com- were listed . at »Johnson of Marion. wtts given for tlie work of the of- ' duties July 1 pany participated in the field meet f S io T d Orton in assuming the chair- fleer» during tlie past year. inanshlp of the convention had re- Rxunlon program opened at the the auditorium by the Boy lerred to the republican and demo- picnic table with an uddress of “ cud «nageroent and agricultural econ- (c n..nu«i on „ « « •. column?, hand $1051. special district tax toontmucao p*« -------- ma by flat n e w agon iram ____ troops. The crowd will th en Irratle candidal. « J o e D unne a n d welcome by M ayor P h elp s a n d a "J“ me» “8 during . . absenc„ the absence of Rex E -------------------------- ____ x r h ^ i d i s t r i c t __________ __ a across the plains was inreaieneo bv Indians, but no fights rcc~ rt< £ m arch to the open-air ^pavihon to $57.180 41, non-high school district C harles If M artin a» "hand picked response by F. L. Brown, following lard wh* l,L b.*cn loaned to T tuition $12821.87. non-high school u tility can d id ates" a n d declared musical number* by t h e Buck ' ' dco. r u n c iit of agriculture I p r r m f l They settled at Lafayette and two | t“ e ,? >uti,5 ^ ? .,CO2 ^ rra^ Rh e Frank district transportation $9261 49, re­ vea-s later settled near Reedville on , for the formal program R. Frank t h a t II was high tim e th e people H e av e , o ld-tim e o rc liesl.a Recol- " t o t e th e ^ C g l O n w hat is taow “ £ Shuck home- Peters Hillsboro win be toe prm - ceipts from manual training de­ picked a candidate of their own lections of pioneer days were given “r «ne y e a ^ Pacific’ partm ent $273.97, lock lund and stead. The party crossed from La- | cipal speaker, white Mrs. K H. While neither Rufus Holinan, by Bruce Wilke* of Portland, broth- 8 u ,nhig division oi the rentals $1175.62, loan w arrants $39 - Bam Blown nor Willis Mahoney, the er of L. E. Wilkes, and by Charles " 01! P *5...... « •»«ImslrQ - fayette to this county over a Che- Stonnard of1 the R o m e n s Re agricultural adjustm ent adnilnistra- 750 and w arranto endorsed "not halem mountain trail and made corps »ill direct a patriotic re d efeated "progressive" candidates Tigard ol Tigard. paid for want of funds" $8800 23, Charged with beating his daugh- their w across the T ualatin o v e r1 view. "It Happened on Independ- Interesting Incidents of early days 110,1 torearnt at the conversion, the as- in the county were recalled during Pubols received his bachelors de- Stopping “c™* to colM-G ™w balance on hand of $198.27 was ter Aleene Howard, 17, with a f ~ t " T ^ " a t ^ ^ i ' Is now called ' ^ T ^ V n re re ^ to S-mbly1 wa, d om inated by l.e u te n - th e a f te r ,,« ,n program by H C. « " e j - m » 1 1 ^ . hU ^ I c a n ^ L e g l o n m e m ^ l ^ c a r d s ________ _______ __ _____ horsc , . hlp gunday foy alleged un- Farm ington. T heir diet for six er'» from K ansas Stale, and from HilLsboro. Banks. Forest Grove Assessed valuation of the district ^ ^ a c t o r y farm work. C harles 8 5.“ r£ u, T ¡ ' r e t winter wak composed the cast. O ther feature» wv • n t ! of these three raudidates and U eser of Vancouver, Wash., early maste National Research and Vernonia posts a huge blue UsUd M ,495433817. Value of “ oward f t gard farm er, was taken v ^ m the 1 the "progressives" m ust endorse had been drawn and opening s ta te ­ deputy commander of the Oregon Roseburg was host to Oregon eai- Thompson was arrested Fri- and three children were born to nom ination in Portland. Rev. Alex­ th e Zimmerman platform. Ju st be­ m ents by counsel had been made. the union, two of them John and , departm ent, and three represent*- tors and their wives at the annual d eventnK m Gaston on a TUla- ““ e ?“ L 0“ ' 1 ander Hawthorne of Tigard has fore the convention adjourned a Harry Mowery of Beaverton re ­ tlves of th e Eugene "trail to rail" state convention of the Oregon mook county w arrant charging lar- F rank being deceased. been exchanged with Rev S R ay­ hieetlng of tlie “true progressives' ceived a sentence of not to exceed life after moving to 7 celebration; Othel E. Lee, George s ta te editorial Association T hurs- by badee All of her nor Sm ith of the Clinton Kelly and of W ashington rounty w a s 54 m onths In the »tote penitentiary Honoring the candidates >o r Godfrey and Bob Allen. New mem- dav Friday. Saturday and Sunday. 7 ______;__________ this county in 1854 was spent in Lents churches to Portland, Rev. C. flounced f o r Hillsboro Saturday Friday. Jle was held on an^ Indict-j W ashington county with the ex­ C. Rarick of the Newberg-Sher­ r i,7 h t‘ " t o t e u « “» ji "toileuei^'nit “« “ I ‘ “ »rglng sodom y J u r o r s "H appy D a y s' queen m e m w rs 01 berstop cards for W ashington coun- Code problems took up much of tne c tie??. M uinm nTl. r i m t J tm v res d raw n were Edw ard T M urphy, the local Rotary club and chain- Iy were delivered by A. H. Busch, discussion periods L q U I D tllC n t D r u e r e a ception of a brief tim e to T illa­ wood area has exchanged w i t h i vt» Whl ? e e t a l X L n e tlm e August Kalile. Ed King. Robert H. her of commerce entertained 23 oi HlUsboro p ^ t adjutant. Hood River was awarded the \ r mook. Rev. G ilbert H. Newland of the Mt. I n d Yanihd county p r^ ie a s "•» Kelly. John Klndel, William F. the 25 nominees Thursday, «•venmg Hillsboro as the next Paul R. Kelly cup for the best edl- L o c a l P la y g r o u n d s Mrs. Taylor was a member of Tabor church, while Rev. Ellsworth t mret nt McMtonvIuJ on Mon- Z“ W>«r* C. C Corn! II. W C. Buch- at the Veteran.«' h a lt Particular ((> lftgt sUlpplng ,ace on „ U)ur toHal page for the second year. /© the Church of God, the first church M. Tilton, who transferred recently d V n £ h t Similar mee nig« w i l l »»an* V. Hopper. John W. attention was called to the fa c t' included Roseburg, Eugene. Hillsboro Argus was accorded an Equipment for th e two localpla> - started in Scholls, and to which from Ohio, has been assigned to »ay | l a \ night tu g lll. o im u a i n a iu n g .« » h i .... ii,„ i tAirn, U n io n ln en ls 111 th e _ ... , ....... i____ xjnuhera* S c r ib e th a t F a rm Union locals In the I CorvaUls and Portiand. the plane honorable mention. Newberg Scribe ground projects was ordered this all the oldttmers of th a t section be- t,he Y am hill-Banks parish, ( ( ’•» n im u n i «m !»••> •• I ’ ct»l«im n 4) J 2 ntinucnl 0« P"«« ** column 2» county had contributed 10 candl- arpd from tlu , ^ ^ „ 1 about was the winner last year. week by the district »even school longed. Complete list of assignments in dates to the race and to tlie large ) will be purchased locally Rev. — E. . J. Traglio, Bethany; Rev. — _ - I event was outlined by Ed. L. Moore. . , She made her home With her i ____ Three additional contributions j son, Jesse, for 36 years. 1 (Continued on pane 8, colum n») T h at Hillsboro's "Hnppy Days" and his successor, Governor A. W. secrctary, who declared th a t every- were received this week, Mrs. P a t- 1 ielebrntloh as one of following | thlng lelebratlon Is recognised ns ol Norblad, appeared t h n e ionowing tb ing possible was being done none to terson reported. V eterans of F o r-| Un* most popular Fourth of July year fov (he coronation of Queen make tlie stay of visitors enjoyable. eign Wars Auxiliary contributed K ents Is easily Justified by recall- S tap leto n ' H. L. MacKenzic president-elect »vents $5. while sm aller contributions were kig the outstanding features of the of the cham ber of commerce, in- < ? t n v e ° g a l a '^ y s . te,*h th e of P o rtlan d | te n d e d “ U * 7 c a n d id ^ £ P ^ » t given by Lester Ireland & Company In W ashington County Only and thé Credit Bureaus. Inc. Con- fplerllon and coronation of the resenting Governor Julius L. Meier R. W Well spoke briefly expressing LL the news of W ashington county with reliable accuracy! trlbutions of sand by P o o l-G ard -: ueen, the "bunion derby" from tn l9 3 2 th claU > H aiE .H o s s ,s e c re - satisfaction with the new method This is the reputation of the Hillsboro Argus, the county's ner company and lumber by the Some Improvements In the gener- tailed by shortage of hay and feed >or!land to the park, and the many sU tc attended and last of selecting the queen, and Mayor ; : Copeland Lumber company f o r ai jevei Of farm prices has resulted grains, both present and potential, leading paper, which members of the local staff and a corps en tertainm ent features have ____ , K Car- O. Plielps traced the history of »ntertalnm nave brought o io u g .u - i , „ Pnh sand piles were inadvertently left from t he droughty conditions now F ruit crop prospects cannot be of community correspondents guard Jealously. Beginning today thousands of visitors to this city year. Mayor-elect Joseph K. Car the "Happy Days" event. P. L. out of the list published last week, involving nearly the entire central accurately measured as yet. but, and continuing until July 4. the Argus Ls offering a trial two- Patterson dlseussed t h e program for the celebration. son of Portland. Funds are still being solicitated and western portions of the United according to the report, United montlis' subscription for 25 cents. This offer ls good only for Five yenr.s ago the first queen Annual walking race, changed in and called attention to the p atri­ by the committee. Regular hours states, according to a review of the States production does not seem subscriptions for people living in W ashington county. lo n te st was Inaugurated. The In- ¡932 U> a “go-as-you-pleaac” event, otic exercises th e morning of July for the playgrounds are from 1:30 agricultural situation just released likely to fall much below last year ♦en.se Interest which was created ls stiH another feature th a t ha*s 1 4 The Argus has long been recognized as one of the leading p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Monday, T u e s -| by the office of the extension and not more th a n 10 per cent bv tile race Ls readily seen In the mttde "Happy Day»” a popular weekly newspapers of Oregon and the list of honors won day, Thursday and Friday. economtst a t Oregon S tate coUege. below average. T he pear crop, es- lact that Alma Varner, the first celebration. S tarting In Portland, bears out this reputation. In 1931 the Argus won the cup pre­ ------------------------- Grains, hay, cotton and dairy pro- tim ated on June 1 a t 21.425,000 queen, polled a total of 55.5,310 route for the race is laid over sented by the Oregon chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. Interna­ L e a g u e O r e g o n C itie s ducts especially have increased in bushels, is a little larger th an the Votes, the largest number to d ale canyon road, the T ualatin Valley tional professional Journalism fraternity, to the best weekly H o ld » B e a v e r t o n M e e t Price because of the prospect for short crop of last year but about T he following year Lucille Cook |d ghway and ends at the entrance H d .n n u n iu e ? Of t h e sm aller supplies of these commodl- 5 per cent less than average. Al- newspaper. The next year the paper was awarded a place on the K d lg c r reigned as queen and In to sh u te park. The first year, 192«. i Executive commlttee o f t n e tJeg W ell-finished m eat anim als though Oregon has an estim ated All-American Weekly Newspaper Eleven. Tills year the Argus |H31 Oladya K uralll was selected as under the "heel and toe Official motion pictures of tli League of Oregon Cities met Wed- have also tended to Increase Ln crop of 2,470.000 bushels, which won honors in the national newspaper production contest. Celebration ruler Mildred Donelson Harry Fleeter of Portland, hailed B acr-C arnera championship fight Inesday e^ n l n g a t Beav-erton to | ' r" port, but th is Is J about a million bushels less th a n »11(1 Zelda Wolfe reigned over (he ||s tj,e "Dreaded Barber,' won In will be shown for the first lim e In I consider plans for expansion. Of-1 ; . , . . lower Driees average, th e three Pacific Coast Complete coverage of W ashington county events Ls obtained two "Happy Days" event» which 3 hours. 2 minutes and 21 sec- W ashington county a t th e Venetian by the Hillsboro news staff and some 30 correspondents in to produce in followed. 'I7ds year for the first ()ndfl T |n,e the following year wa« th eatre for four days n ext week county communities. The news columns carry stories of court excess of 15 million bushels, or Emc, all former-queens will attend slightly slower for the 17 mile beginning Sunday and continuing house doings, civic events and of happenings In respective about an average crop. E astern the coronation ceremonies. cross-country hike when George Op- through Wednesday night. The film communities. The advertisements each week carry messages western states, In which small states have poor pear prospects A new anil novel plan for sc- j penlander of Forest Grove won, comes direct to Hillsboro from a of Eugene, Bert L. Harvey of B a­ . I I grains, out of countless bargains while the classified page reveals hay pastures and ranges Oregon, on Ju n e 1. had a condi­ lei ling the "Happy Days" queen niaktng the trip to 3 hours aiul a Portland run. ker. J. L. Franzen of Oregon City ' ' have been most seriously damaged, numerous offers to buv. sell or trade. Regular use of these last tion of apples somewhat better th an Fight pictures will be double­ Was started this year and the In- minutes. H P Crowe of Sheridan and W. G. Rogers of Newberg. two fentures will more than pay each year's regular subscrip­ contain about 46 per cent of the a year previous and about the terest aroused equal» th at of form- won In 1931 In the fast tlme^o^ billed with "Hollywood Party" on tion price. nation's hay and pasture-consuming same as the 10-year average, but The ■ Sunday. Monday and Tuesday and • r year. Twentv-flve candidates, r 2 hours and .. 39' i. .■ minutes. P la n s f o r C o u n ty F a ir j an|m ais and about 54 per cer.t o f . prospects for the United Stole* l.o.ixxn nt til«* ...Lt. "IVx.dl ’Hinie'1 1 1 1 .> * .< I ll V The Argus urges you to attend the "Happy Days" celebra­ tlie largest yet In the history of next year saw the beginning of t ie with "Devil Tiger" Wednesday. | t o b e O u t lin e d T o n i g h t ) the hogs. From these states come a generally are much below average. tion at Shute park. July 1, 2. 3 and 4 and invites non-sub­ $lie event, have been entered In "go-M-you-pleaae" rules and y o r" Continuous shows will be held from Program for the 1934 W ashing- I large portion of the total m a rk e t, ------------------------- 1 p. m. to l t p. m. Wednesday and I scribers to visit our office and avail themselves of our special tl 1 race this year and the winner don Snow of Portland won in ton county fair to be held a t Shute ' supply of livestock. Normally much R j r»txx»xx. a F m i l trial offer of a two-m onths' subscription for 25 cents. Let this Will be named Saturday evening a t hour 48 minutes ami 3-5 seconds. from 2 p. m. until 11 p. m. S u n d ay .! park August 30 and 31 and Sep- of the thin, unfinished stock ar- o e r n a n u p e n * a r ™ "» sample Argus be the first of a regular series th a t will keep you Guy Holmes, Portland colored boy, 1:30 o'clock tember 1 will be outlined a t the | riving a t m arkets are returned to V e g e t a b l e S ta n d H e r e New T ransm itter Installed posted on W ashington county events. W The array of prom inent men who bent the time a little over a m in­ McKay Radio and T eleg rap h ; chamber o f commerce tonight. the country for further grazing and I g Berdan has constructed a fruit have officiated at the coronation ute last year and is entered again station Subscribe to the Hillsboro Argus. W ashington county's of­ of Hillsboro has Just I Members of the county fair board finishing but recently, says the re- ; and vegetable stand on Baseline •erriiionle» to past years Is anoih- this year. Some of tlie contestants Installed south ficial newspaper and the leader In the fleld for 30 years. a new transm itter of the and m asters of county grange» port, demand for these stack ers, street between Second and Third «1 outstanding feature. Tlie late have fallen a t tlie finish of the latest type for long distance service i and feeders has been greatly cur- streets and ha» opened for business. will attend the session. Governor I. L. Patterson visited race due to exhaustion, but no to the Orient. I (Condnueil on im v 1«. column 6) here In 1929 to crown Queen Alma uj Man Charged With Assault Plane Reports Here C P n ctdlVtS» ctn rQ . E. Pastors Make Changes Roseburg Host Given Mowry 1- $• rS F flltO D ia ie E U llU ra Queen Candidates H onored i hursday Happy Days” Highlight Events in Former Years Prove Popular Drouth Results in Increases in Prices for Farm Products Trial Offer for Non-Subscribers A Baer-Carnera Fight Film to Show Here S £ t .° X 5 Ä T Ä Ä