Page Eight THE H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, T h iira d iiy , June 21, 1934 Aloha Elects Director and Clerk Monday * com petent Instructors. Leagues wtU meet in Joint session Sunday eve­ ning to h ear Loren Milliman. a newspaperm an, who will give an interesting talk on a newspaper o f­ fice. The general public is invit«\l. This service will be held al 7 00. At.l will give a reception for pastor and family at th e church Wedne Wednesday evening June C liar- i les M. Reed. Minister. G . A . R. N a tio n a l L ead ers of water in orchards where codling moth Is not a serious problem, two pounds of powdered lead nr senate to 100 gallons of wutcr ts sufficient to give control Calcium arsenate has been used successfully in tin' Willamette \u l- ley tor cixthng moth control Tests cairn'll on In the entomology de- parlm rnt ol the th e . n 1-\ ¡ s i i l i u m s . nib'll o icr a period oí Uve years indica.e dial under W illamette vallet conditions calcium nrscnale is o nly slig h tly less effective l l t u t t least arsenate in cixtluig moth con- ! trol Thoroughness of nppll.atlon is : essential in codling m oth control. i The foliage as «ell ns tile en- i lire surface ot every atiple a n d pear should be thoroughly covered with the spray solution it worm in ­ jury ts tii be prevented. Special care should be taken ill spraying tile upper portion of the tree', its more than halt of the codling moth eggs are laid in the upiier th u d ol the tree. A nalysis of Hand Proves In terestin g m. C. H. Nosier, superintendent, Everybody rem emoer to do his best to keep our attendance this summer, Definite plan for the Idim er con- venion delegation will be decided upon this Lord's day. Be sure and come. Morning worship 11. Music by r h n ir ••T’kia Pnnziuorino ders have gone forth from the of- fice of R. H. Baldock. state high- way engineer, that7 more "atten tio n must be given in the selection of these emploves. They m ust have sufficient personality to handle a job of this kind and must be in- crnretozl m _______ _ _ _ • . . 4 If ( It e m List now. your P o r tla n d - B u n k s S T A G lì M eet How o p e r a i Illg lif t w e t'ii B u x to n a n d I lillsh o ro T W O TRIPS D A IL Y Except Hulidnys amt Holidays I .oil ire. Itiixtaii 7:15 a in. and 12:15 |i. til. I.i'ities 11II t*.hi>ii. stage Depot 11:99 a. in. anti 0:15 p. nt. f i l e s . A ccident*, m id Sickness A ll e o in e w ith o u t w a rn ­ ing. P R O T E C T IO N from n il these r i s k s costs only a few cents a day. Insure w ith p r o i ie r i y T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y IN SU R AN C E A G E N C Y \V. G . I D E FUI 51 On S lrrrt l*li«nir Mil lllltaboro, O regon FUEL E ffe ctive Pending Settlem ent in Prices o f Fuel Code Price» Per Full Corifl Í'O a ÍI 4'a«h ( barge on Dril very and t! Curda $3.50 $3.25 $3.00 M ill Run. insidi , l-fo o t 4.00 3.75 3.50 M ill Run. inside block. 12-inch 4.50 4.25 4.00 '1 1 4.00 3.75 3.50 2.75 2.50 2.25 M ill Run Slab, I foot Run Slab and Block. 12-in. B url W oml S c r e e n e d S a w d o s t n o .I IL ,o .r..,l Fuel, ri.iu u u s l and Dogged fu e l. m ix., per unit $2.00 Coarse Hogged Em per unit 2.60 C A L L (IN YOU STIM S0N LUMBER CO. all compliance boards in the United _____ 1 11 -ay You ought to *ee Henry Ford says. "There Is one States by G eneral Johnson for the her Jump at conclusions ' principle which a man must follow : sendees rendered Local committee included C. T Richardson. Bert Van Dyke Bob Cull. H L MacKenzie. Mrs Lena Peters. Paul L. Patterson and W V. McKinney. ' a‘ued a * *l.320-4*.56. Insurance G r o u c r s S h o u ld paid on the year’s losses amounted i.s, $y9 21 Fur the state as a A p p ly S p ra y N o w y e a rs fire loss totaled *- ‘13-360 8a, compared to a Uve- Apple and pear growers in the Jear ;oss averaJe of $4.800.689. I11- W i.lamette valley should apply the 'i urance Pa *d on fire losses during " ‘coi d cover pray now tor 11V* VPAT J mDlin fnzl tzx «O OA*; Qrt control nf rnr’ 1u . • W I. . A tte n d W ashington count v w a . rrp rr- ' nted at the Northu« I I'c.ur < >| tu« i . asstHiatiop meeting at Baleni Sa urdas evening l»\ Mi and Me. Hat is 4* John « h i . M sj. < » Have You a Normal Hand'.' Hoes O Freeman. Mrs Koten M.lMnlels liu ir First U nger l o i n , . t o H i e m d W W Wtavei till ot Hillsboro of Hu- Second Finger's Nall Serial No. A Ix .ittiln er llr n in e N" t? Your type varies accord- M artin Redding, exumliicr of op hi« to vour mood from o n e c x- erators and t haulleni • ss til be m ,‘ L1. to the other You have a 1 I I I I s I h )|* o W o . t i l e . , lav Julie 27. at Vl,.... intense nature. You are in ­ the Courthouse I rom 9 m clined lo be emol tonal and Very » P ill. deep in your feelings. No. 4 System la one thing that you are lacking You ahould tic \elop more will-|»o\\er You are ag gi*essi\(‘ Your (celiiigs are very H A V E CASI I easily hurt, but you are not revenge­ ful. BUYERS Serial No. It No 4 You dLshkt* listening to others’ troubles and ktd them out Eor 1.0 In SO n e r e of th e m as quickly as you can You entertain instead of worrying, and ( i f ilile irv f ilin i. you have a talent for art a n d ALOHA Annual school election held Monday evening was well a t ­ B aptist Church tended, there being about eighty* Bible study 9:45. The pastor will five voters present W. F Norman, preach at 11 and 8 Long announce, who was elected nearly a y ear ago m e n u and log sermons don t make to serve tin' unexptred term of g>xvi nnx-nngs. but a large atten d - was ri' ' lIe<'t<'d. and ance helps. Ik' one of us next Suu- M rs Welch was re-elected clerk A day. comm ittee was appointed to In­ vestigate the tax situation in t h s All Saint'.* M ission I'.pixt-opal) district. F ourth Sunday after Trinity Mr and Mrs J Wall and fam - C hurch school a; 45 rtnon and lly of Grandview. W a sh . arc vis m orning prayer at 11 iting her mother. Mrs. N Will. Mrs George E Basden. w ho is Cornelius Methodist staying with her sister M rs A Sunday school. 9 00 Divine wor- R irhards. re tu rn « ! Monday a fter ship. i0:00. Sermon bv Re\ Charles a few weeks in B rem erton with M. Reed h er husband, who was stationed ’ — there. C hristian Science Society M is s o u ria n s to About twenty . . .s .. „ - . relatives ----------- - gathered ---------- Services are held every Sunday at the McBreen home Sunday for a at 11 a. in Wednesday evening Co ouel v e il C Martin, eonimander-m-ehlef. ileft> and Darwin 11. fam ily reunion. Mrs. Charles Ayres services at 8 o'clock: Sunday school \y colcott. national adjutant -gene:al. of the G rand Army of the R e­ Pi cn ic o n S u n d a y is spending the week with Mrs. Me- at 11 a. in. Pupils up to the age public guests in Hillsboro Mbnd.ix of H V Gates, state commander, Breen. Missourians their relatives and of 20 years are welcomed. Sunday's before leaving for Oregon encampment at Astoria Newspaper cut laini’its «ill meet Sunday at the O scar Hagg, m aster of Aloha topic, “Is the Universe, including courtesy Oregon Journal. G range, returned Saturday a ___ fte r Man. Evolved by Atomic Force? ’ 1 oiurlcipal auto txirk ,n Salem lor spending th e week at Roseburg at their tilth .state-wide get-together however is the requirement that tending the state grange conven meeting Program, prizes and teg- G erm an M E. Church, Bethany after this year federal funds mus. H e a r in g o n C o d e tion. tstri'tion with basket dinner and a On G erm antow n read. Sunday be matched by state funds dollar Mr. and Mrs Barney Payne were school every Sunaav. 10 a m G er- g e n u a ’ good time is assured Anv- for dollar. For 1935 the bill makes week-end visitors a t the F r e d m an service. 11 - a. m fo r B ak eries S e t I one who ha.- a: .my time lived in — —-, first a n d Strickland home. Missouri, with relatives and friends third Sundays: English service, ll $2,027 *300 available for this state A hearing will be held bv the is cordially invited J i; l'avne of Mrs Milan Pizer and two d au g h - a. ni.. second and fourth Sundays on a ¿9-59 basis but the state high­ way departm ent at the at the P/bscnt director of agriculture of Oregon ' ’ 15 Cottage street. Salem is p ris- ters are spending th e week i n —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. tf P ortland visiting her sister. time cannot see more than >500.000 on a petition and marketing agree- ident; E W H a r ia n d 495 ' ‘ North in s ig h t available tor m atching pur- ment among those engaged in the I 18th strix't Salem, is vlce-prest-1 Webb Cox and Mr Flora of the Banks 51. E. Church C arlton Logging company visited Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 poses which m eans that $1 oOO.iXW baking industry in the state if 10 dent, and Holt Stockton of Sherl- j UI'.e _>7 at room 314 state iii. «ecretary-treusurer. friends in Aloha Saturday a n i . Mrs. H. Jensen, superintend­ in federal funds will be lost to Ore- Mr. and Mrs. Cal Folk are spend- ent. Preaching services bv E. Julius gon unless some way is found to eapitol budding in Salem All per- ind ^ **“ . s u m m e r in Los Angeles Traglio. paator, "every "Sunday eve- fund> 111 sct-s interested in the making of O ld Baseball Picture »» agreement and the adoption of Mrs. Folk is tlie form er T helm a nnig. 8 o'clock. Ladies' A id m e e ts tn t meantime. Lee of Aloha. ___ Shown in A rgus W in d o w * * * code or opposed hereto, a r e first and th ird Wednesdays at 2 Mrs. F rank Page returned from P- m. At last there are definite signs of requested and required to appear, An interesting old baseball pic- tf a two weeks' vacation at Newport. progress in the long draw n-out Salient feature* include establish- tiirt belonging to Harvey Biiteii- M r and Mrs. Roy H aldem an and Bethany Baptist Church negotiattons between the state high- ment of a minimum retail price elar. atur Hillsboro baseball play­ son spent last week at Cottage Sunday. 9:45 a. m. Bible class: . way departm ent and t h e Public tor bread and oilier bakery pnxi- er for many years, is on exhibit in G rove visiting his parents. sermon a t 11 a m. and 8 p m. B. Works adm inistration. Word from net.-, bakery products shall be sold the Argus window The picture was Mary G rand and Sabina W hite- x. F. U. a t i:30 p m Mid-week tile national capital is th a t execu- °t open prices uniform to taken in 1907 and tlie team at music, though you may find It h e a d spent three days last week service Wednesday a t f:30 all buyers in tlie same m arket; th a t time played in a field Just more convenient to enjoy s u c h a — t West w est Union O Union a a t t the the home home of of ~ rgan co n cert' Bethany P B aptiIt specification of minimum Ingréd­ south of where tlie Ray ” Muling Hungs ra tlu r than make them a th e ir parents. T heir fath er is quite church. Robert Magen of Salem, ac- J J 'en ^creased loan for the ients and maxunum volume in o r­ Cannery now stands. Those in tlie business. complished pipe organist, will give highway bridges and th at tlie der to insure a greater nutrition picture inciudt* Zaek Gregg, m an­ No. 3 W hatever you do, keep Miss Inez G ardinier of San F ran - an organ concert Sunday evening a t neu contract is on the wav. liigh- value per of bread; establisli- ager. John Humphreys. Nick Wil­ th a t smile radiating gixxl will, for V ait M oyes. John McFte. it is your greatest persoual asset. cisco was a guest a t the M att 8. Rev. Dickman of the B ethany v way officials, however. however, are not to n n n t of a control board of 22 ment- liam.-. V K r ing home Saturday on h er wav Presbyterian church will give ’ a “ be satisfied with contracts or prom - bers to adm inister agreem ent; ent: pro- f oord. illuch Moore, Tom pto- Serial No. C tz TTaL'Av - j j ____ — . to Baker short address. Everybody welcome, ises. They msist on seeing the color hibition o 1 discounts, allowances. w lillar.u t iay Freem an and Hai - No. 1 You must guard against Mr. and Mrs H. J. Kinnison of V'v llatchilar. The Argus would of Uncle S am s money before pro- refunds, donations, advertising al- S an Pedro. Cal., visited Mr. and Congregational Church ' ceeding any fu rth er with the bridge lowances. .urtnshing of showcases. i j yc’‘, ''ed t0 dlap^y any of th. se being tixi e.isy going, too trusting, Mrs. King. They are old friends Pub-ic worship. 11 a. m.. Rev. r. program and are sending J. M. display tacks, prizes, wheels of old baseball pictures as they are unpractical in business contacts, for of th e family. Hie world is rath er coldly practical *i5.ome Ero“ «»““ « club of th e m g” theD rernoe. Ptliere’t willF ' t £ \ Devers- th eir attorney, back t o fortune, premiums, coupons, free interesting to many people. and selfish and you must steel your­ goods, combination sales, token.-, a Washington with instructions t o self tow rest victory from It. Aloha card business meeting the congrega commercial bribery, loatvs. dlvl- M elon, Tom ato Grow ers T V! T* V Tuesday 1 Grange 1 ) »"id'1 V g evening x is i'gxrx sponsoring i »x e» a ne t e the i G n a ratige _ I. tion m m -__- - of future , No 3 You may appear somewhut PariJ to deternunte activities ?ta - . on 5 le until he can get Qends to customers or consignment Elect D irectors F rid a y cool and conservative, despite your hall. Prizes will be given for "500*’ and to tran sact such business as his hands on some of the PWA ol ot bakery goods- reaulriiw licens- bakery goods: requiring licens­ an d there will be good "eats, Ev- may properly be considered. An election will be held at 10 a ability to be highly . entertaining ............. ..... * cash. Until he does contracts for ing of all members of industry, etc. erybody welcome. m Friday for the purpose of elect- “,1‘* companionable; therefore those four of the five bridges will con­ nine members of the Oregon who do not learn to know you may Mrs H attie Carson of Salem is N.T r tinue to wait, wait, but out highway nignway officials olficlals .. r> 1 Washington melon and tom a- <»«MWer you a bit aloof and proud spending the week a t the Norm an V .a p itO I I \ e W S L e t t e r are now confident tiia. aii cf the C o m p lia n c e B o d y home 1 to control board One member will bridges win tie under construction i ill be ‘ L. E. K latt and family enjoved ___ (Continued from page 1) be elected freni t h e M n l t n , » , , .1, an outing a t Oswego lake Sundav been c0™Plt?ted. To agree to pay within a few days. R elieved o f D u ty Mrs. Foumal and two daughters ^n -v one, 50 P fr cent of the proceeds - - - Genevieve and Lillian ol Oregon , r collecting th eir interest in any Tourist travel into Oregon City spent Monday with her m oth- oi these associations. Carey points got off to a bad s ta rt the first ■ er. Mrs E. M Newman. Genevieve ° u t is merely throwing away 50 the year is pickin ’ up ranldlv ^ r V a 'T e w d i " s her °f ’ h:ch the> O u t- o £ ta te “ vtsuors §urm g the” ^ “ M rs" J ^ B ^ ’ sp ^ V se v e ra l days [tt° MOnths th is week with friends in Portland. fS aiiy accomplished. Traffic accidents CHURCHES ways claimed an increase Whosoever Will Tabernacle ___ ____ _________ Five miles north of N orth Plains, ity record for the same m onth a Evangelist M. E. James, pastor, year ago. This brings the total u d 6451 for May. 1933. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching to 113 traffic deaths for the year • • • 11 a. m.. "The Awakening Time '•<> date compared with 90 for th e Insured fire losses in W ashington Afternoon sendee 2:30. Evangelistic flrst live nionhts of 1933 Traffic county during 1933 totaled $119- service 8 p. m.. "Are the Dead injuries this year are also well 091.93. accoruing to the annual re- Conscious.' Tuesday service 8 p. m. ahead of th e record for last year port of A. H. Averill, state fire healing service. J , m arshal. The report records a to- e o n ^ i ^ „ T P¿?yed o n highway tai of 119 fires in th e county dur- Christian construction joos wirii^a s n n j T 'o n ^ — ’u e *• d ^ a '^ M " Lord's day church Church school 9:45 a. greet t h e n ’publx proptrty If he wishes to sueeeoi and th a t is to understand tuiman nature, tills ¡ Is tlie business m an s greatest a- set.” I I I I FAMILY BUDGET ,,, cm mt uta^nr z yt rooo .jUed beiore th « « «8gs The Most fo r the M on e y I f Its Lum ber C all O ur N um ber 2691 so vent day. , one-year certificates becomes few- ____ _______ ... er. Last year there were only 676 Pccted to be sufficient to keep the Of thm J? Oree ° n out of5416toach- on a cash basis, with proo- ers In the G einentary grades. Four abl>' a sm all loan from the Soldiers' years ago there were 1083 Nearly Bonus commission, for t h e r e - all teachers now secure their cer- m aird er of the year. The condt- tificates on the basis o f norm al V0“ oi the general fund after the “ b001 or training. Howard fl" 1 ,oi U e year, Paulus admits, P01" 13 ou' New elem entary teach- «dU depend largely upon the action ers ’ bo apply for Oregon certlfi- of th e lawmakers. If they continue cates mu*t have had a t least two -o on Ute lid the general f ind fi^ U a im n U id f*r.^dv c. th gh ^b o o ! teachers m ust be col- the next oienmum I; on ,ege or university graduates. Only th e other hand, the legislators open Who ho*d vaild ceruf-cates £he Purse strings to the dem ands earned in exam inations before the {or lar«e appropriations for new The Foursquare Church advanced requirem ents became ef- buildings, increased payrolls, etc f*kZvfLV*a now take --------- - tests Qnly contjnue’ D on’t forget the services Friday fective the state night; we a special » • • $ are ii. to have -«¿L ------- 1 I iPd^Hnitey, but Paulus indicates i S r r £% tii?o«.serV1L?e- Oregon's share in th e distribution th a t m ay even be necessary to people will have charge o* the of federal funds for highway con- return to a w arrant basis again musical program .S u n d a y morning . s t r u c t i o i T t h ^ u n S e r t £ V Hay- • • • Trinity L utheran Church Services begin O a t AR 10:30 m.; »2 .«T — i t ’' A< thJs v.ce the presen, c ^ ss of catechu- Srn w r i * received into member- Rermnn reree 'S 'i T S Then w ’th>Cf e ^ 9 5? a 22' diip£5sIIl'tn a>nr , WiU con" ducted at 8 p. m_ Announcements S 'S T S • '■ h l T S are co-diallv" welcomTri to L w ith CS amU> welcomed to worship forget the s e rrie d S u ^ y evening to be held A lii a v e re ^ n 8 s k s w S - « s I at 1 45 B ^ e . 0» m M m . ?«u No other household purchase is worth a$ much and costs as little as your water service. How little the cost really is con be seen from a comparison of the cost of water service with that of other principal items of your budget. USC G Ao to | ™ 1 W “ Cow o p & d tM S 1 ’3 ;h Wn W/ ^ / . The chart shows the disposition of the average fam ily's income. W ork out the data fo r your ■ own case and you'll be surprised at the small percentage of income required to obtain this most indispensable seivico. hour sert ice. No matter wkat HatLeFIto« xraaaraaav* “ combarSd to $10 - Secretary of S tate Stadelm on. Of year’ ?c5ordln[’ ^o R thus total $175,000 went to employes J S v ' S r “ S in- ¡n, h x n . ' . i ' . t o t t t m ? S ’ i “ , O R E G O N -W A S H IN G T O N WATER there it 1 e n te r heating appTance to writ ycxir needs txadlj! You will find that this appliance is low in cost, operates economically and can be quickly in­ stalled. Best of all, ¿¡as ho< water service begins at oocc. 3 “5 S £ “ » S ? provement of state highways. The tutions. Salaries of the state police SERVICE C O M P A N Y RICHARD E. WILEY. Manager c ah ^ - at »5 by i» * Ä S i S ¡ Rev. J. Taylor. H I L L S B O R O B U S IN E S S A N D ervation roads. The feature of the and other state administrativei de- Barendrecht? H ayden-Cartw right bill th a t has partm ents totaled $17----- ' ' Oregon highway officials worried, among 1434 employes. tople. "The Mind of C hrist on F ear and Worry.’' 8 o ^ ^ a ^ p X M ethodist Episcopal Church No preaching service will be held due to the meeting of the annual conference, F irst Church Portland. Sunday school 9:45; Rev Henry Young, superintendent. We have classes for all age groups undsr Fat Girls! Here’s A Tip For You All over the world Kruschen 8alts is appealing to girls and women who strive for an attractive, free from fa t figure th a t cannot fail to win adm iration. H ere's the recipe th a t banishes fat and brines Into blossom all the n atu ral attractiveness th a t every woman possesse., and does it SAFE­ LY a id HARMLESSLY. In the morning take one-half te a ­ spoon of K ruschen Salts In a glaas of hot w ater beiore breakfast—cut down on pastry and fatty m eats— go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar. " It's the little dally dose th a t takes off the fat" and “brings th a t Krii ehen feeling" o f energetic h e a 'th and activity th a t is reflected in bright eves, clear skin, cheerful j vivacity and charm ing figure. B ut be sure for your health's sake th a t you get Kruschen. A bot­ tle th a t lasts 4 weeks costs but little You can always get Kruschen | a t the D elta Drug store and Hills­ boro Pharm acy, and money back If not satisfied with results after first bottle.—Adv. P R O F E S S IO N A L D IR E C T O R Y RFAIITY SIIOrH SAFE! g A \E D E V E ’S B E A U T Y SHOP G eneral Heontjf Work P e rm a n e n t« « n ,l a ll hunuty w o rk . T e le p h o n « cia l N a tio n a l Bank. Safe because o f conservative ba n kin g policies th a t have protected our depositors fo r C om m ercial N a tio n a l Tank Heater 27 years. depositors 4 T b it ry jx rA ga« water h rater know this. T h a t is w hy there are so m any o f them . "HAPPY DAYS," Hillsboro, July 1, 2, 3 and 4— Celebrate 40 here! Commercial National Bank “The Largest Independent Bank in W ashington County.” H illsb o ro , Oregon »a vary eauly and quickly con­ nected with your prevent hot water tank. The advantage« o f a tank beater are low equipment cow and low maintenance coat. The operating com i t »mall due •o t l x reitricted uae o f hot water. H ow ever, a grx>d tank heater w ill aapp!? gallon» of hot water per hour. T h u type h e a t e r m u s t b e l i g h t e d as needed. Semi-Automatic Heater Storage Heater • Semi a u to m a tic g a t w a te r heater» consist o f a tank heater a n d to m e d e v ic e f o r a u t o maticelly »hutting off the gae. T b it device may he either a clock met bantam o r a therm o- rtaiically controlled valve. Semi­ automatic heater» are quite inea pen live to in tta ll They can l x «taried from epatatrs, and • hey eliminate the need o f re- memBering to turn the heetcr <4i. • Th»» k ind o f gat water heater is the best type for home u h at the h»x water can he draw n w ithout anticipating the de­ mand. Storage heater» are fully automatic, having therm ottatic control. T h e ir first coat is low ; t h e i r o p e r a t io n economical. T h ia type o f water heater re­ places your prevent hot water tank entirely. Standard ttaes ere SO atad 49 gallon capacities. '.service in 20, Instantaneous Heater < • In tta n ta n e o u s g a t w a te r heaters are unique in that there is no tank uved in connection w ith them. They heat the water a large coil only at is drawn. Thus ihe tupply o f hot water continuous, end there is no heat lot» at only tlx pilot light burnt when water is not living drawn. Model» range from one to gallon capac ities per minute. Fully automatic. in K in d e »it p riv a c y o f y o u r o w n b p m e . P R T fIC IA N X H a y C o m m e rc ia l I'h a r m e r y V teaaty W o rk Illd g . W ell, B u ild in g tki . rphonkh 2«R2 ltM il,l« n r « 2 IH I Garbage Collection AND CANS Commercial Ruildlng l„ 7 91 Z P h ysician an d Surgeon Dentlxt T - l- p h n n e R ra lile n c e CIARIIACIE collection I,It. R A L P H DRESSER H u n .In , Bank DR. D. E. W IL E Y , M. D. O f f ic e He hen del DENTISTS E v m iln ii« . RVRGKON N a tio n a l O f flee 8281 « a P«*claity T e le p h o n e 1471 W K II/H A P A R T M E N T S M n lx l and e n d P h y e lo -T h e ra p y T e l ep honee PERMANENT8 if is nf N IK G F O N A. O. P IT M A N , M. D. kind« nf S a nitnry Beauty Shop A ll a n il 188IX Ita lr n n y Illlla h o r o money is safe a t the Com m er­ P H Y SIC IA N D. P. CORRIERI 144 A itp n ln tm r n t INSURANCE Telephone 2325 RURRK R stamps See these models at gas appliance dealers’ or in any of our showrooms. Call our Hoc Water Service Department for advice as ro which of these appliances will best fit your requirements. N o obligation, of course! P ortland G as & C oke C ompany 1300 M A IN STREET H ILLSBO R O , OREGON GEORGE T. M eG R ATH W « .h ln „ t o n C n n n t r A /rrn rl« « IN H t IR A N C R H h n te H a n k Phon/» 2211 ntJY YOUR R UBBER S T A M I’S A K R V IC l from Ilu lM ln , H llla h o ro Vw h itw a u i «Wx,, radure « lu HILkSRORO ARGUS ah .„ , i ..„ Ti,. Ar, „ ; 81« I