THE Page Ten H IL L S B O R O Pct Parade Planned During Happy Days "Bears” Lose to Sherwood ..4 City Water Users Seek Cut in Rate a I a y I t* a h ■ V. N R 8 to tu dt co 8i Yc eli is i wh fro wir F fat nat woi LY II Spo Of dow Ro Three Teams Tie for Second Place Tliunulny, June 21. 1934 OREGON represent district I was undertaken Monday in tlie districts comprising tlie area Although lull returns aic not available Flunk llalley of Buxton. iiiio |<| m > c d In (lie ballot, lias l a s 'l l conceded election, accord­ ing to O H Kraus, county school .superintendent The board will la' organized (or tlie coming year with­ in a short time Argus Brings Real Results June H U H ’ IT J«r» SI v II m Slrwl f o r eale. f»“ «' r»'ii»pklii», 1045 ♦!»»«••« N iiiil« U Junv 15 • You don't neeit to run in> tul any n»»»n* I've M»ld pu tty iicur cveryUdnK 1 cun let 40 Thut paper a sure u lor Mlhng thtnK.'iA*' Guardsmen Lind 1 torses Bit Jumpy (('«•ntiniiksl from i»»gw It called (he "Camp Recreation Cen­ I ter." Is equipped witli a modern movie with sound and vaudeville, etc Vile actorines go over big willi (lie soldiers. Hie horses are quite fractions this year l'lte writer, personally, <('«>nlltni«M l f i w i i i page 1> lelt Ins horse Involuntarily mukuig sen. and l 2 b Pepco 5 3 S10 T o n g u e B n » .. Eta'll Lee John and Norma M Hare. M c A le a r A P e te r*. H ill» ’ • r«» B ra n ch (C o n tin u e d fro m page 1 > P rice p er b ox o f 3 p air o f th e F ir a t N a tio n a l b a n k o f P o rtla n d , both of Vernonia. June 1122 children of school age. 575 Anderson and C o m m e rc ia l N a tio n a l bank. 16 O v e r >1 and un d e r >5 : A J H a r- boys and 547 girls. Albert Walter Srhappert a n d t ra m p f, P. L . P a tte rw n . K u r a t li A W ia- Other business of the board In­ m er. P o w e r*' G ro ce ry. C o lu m b ia Ft>u<1 cluded the awarding of a three- Chloe Corinne Llngman. both of U e»*< I t o n r o u t * 2. June 15. •to re . Im p e ria l fee«! A G ra in co m p a n y, H Nosier ;us Kenneth Bradlev Duvlson and Clem E a lin g e r, S ervice G arage. S e lfrid g e year contract to C B n » .. W e il’» D e p a rtm e n t »tore. M a c­ superintendent of the district and Dolne Christine Smith, both of K e nzie M o to r co m pany. <» P h e li* <’ <’ . the designation of the Commercial Hillsboro. June IK • • re. K ruchek*» Ka»h G ro c e ry . H ill»bon> Harold Hough Reynolds of Cherry National and Hillsboro branch of Meat co m p a n y. Wa«hingt<>n S a v in g ” A Loan asso cia tio n . P o rtla n d G eneral Elec­ the First National bank of Port­ Orove and Jennie Leola Grant of t r i c co m p a n y. D r J B. D inam ore. f red'* land as depositories f o r district Glenwood. June 20 S u p e rio r M a rk e t, H ills b o ro A rg u a , C u rry » funds. G roce ry. S prou»e-R eita com pany. P e rfe .- Improvements valued at approx­ tu rn B a ke ry. H U toboro P h a rm a cy. F re d H o lzrtag el. S afew ay »tore. D e lta D ru g imately ,5000 were obtained lor dis­ At- re. D r. D. E W ile y . P a lm D ru g »tore. trict buildings under the CWA pr<- • .,• M ’ ««r com pany, and H illd w r« » M o to r grani with an expenditure by tlie com pany. >1 and u n d e r: J. L . Ander»«>n J e w e lry district of about ,1000. it was re­ st« re, A. L . A m a ch e r, D r. W f. P it- ported. Improvements made under lin g e r . D r. A. O. P itm a n , W h a t-n o t. tiie program increased tlie build­ G o a r’» W om an'» «hop. D r C T S m ith . K etc ham '« D r y Cleaner», E ld r id g e F a rb e r ing value to the extent that under 'h o p . D r. J W . Peck. D r R a lph Dre-*»- tlie new appraisal for insurance un er. S m ith G roce ry. G r i f f i t h Real Estate. additional ,6500 of insurance was SEE BACK PAGE OF THIS M acD ow eil B a rb e r »hop. Oakes* G roce ry, Used C a r E xchange, f a y ra m P r in t »hop. required. PAPER NEXT WEEK! Work planned under the proposed C o rw in H a rd w a re . A. W. Haven». J im Peppard, S p icke r Harne»» »hop. H ill* , SERA project for the district will boro Feed com pany, f a r m e r * ' M u tu a l E ire include completion of the painting In s u ra n c e ” m p»ny. Ran«!'» M eat M a rk e t. Royal S«»»la W ork». an«l A b e n d ro th J e w e lry work at the David Hill school start­ ed under the CWA. cleaning, kalso- mlning and painting the inside of Civil Servire Examinations the David Hill school and painting The United States Civil Service the Inside of the gym. staining the commission has announced o p e n roofs of the David Hill school and competitive examinations as fol­ gym and Installation of new drains lows: Junior patent examiner. *2006 a Completion of the proposed tennis year patent office. Washington D court is also contemplated Election of a member of the non- C. Graduation f r o m acceptable four-year college course, with ma- high school board of directors to Handling Dainty Fabrics pvAINTY fabrics can be ruined as easily as spider’s webs, unless they are given the most expert attention in cleaning and dyeing. Sending such fabrics to inex­ perienced cleaners, or trying to do the work at home without proper equipment, is always risky. Oive us the task of handling dainty wearing apparel for you and you will be delighted with the results—and with the low cost. Phone 47 for rapid service. USED CARS Chrysler 4-door Sedan 1934 Terraplane Sedan Ford Roadster Dodge Delivery Ford Ton Truck 4-wheeI Trailer 2-wheel Trailer Home Laundry and Dry Cleaners Local Playgrounds Opened Monday Cady Named Head Local School Body $ 3 .5 0 NOTICE Big Event Coming W a tc h - W a it P ow ers G rocery Phone 47 "Happy Days.” Hillsboro July 1. 2, 3 and 4 Celebrate here! I do D E S I G N ARE YOU NEXT? THIS TIRE MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE G olden P ly p reven ts ¡treat cause ot b lo w -o u tsi To prevent blow-out trnffediea, Goodrich hu» into every ro w Silvertown Tire the amazing Saver Golden Ply. Thia invention reemta terrific heat inmdf the hrt — where blow-out* really atart. Rub­ ber ami fabric don't nepnrate. Thua, Milter:« don’t form. Blow-outa ore prevented by overcoming their gr« at, unaccn muir. AND NOW LULL and FREE INSURANCE AGAINST ALL ROAD HAZARDS ON Auto Ttrea for 1’.! Months Truck Tires for 6 Months on both Bilvertown and Cavalier brands Rc-tirc Today! G o o d r io li S ou» »a»f A /• > Cavalier PANCAKE :■ 2 for Other cars to choose from Gas - Oil - Accessories Ford and Chevrolet Tracks at your price. CAKE Cars Bought, Sold and Consigned See our NEW FENDER AND BODY REPAIR TOOLS M a r s h ’llo w s | Qp l-lb. Cellophane pkg JLtzKx Large size TOMATO SOUP FLOUR Red & White Red & White 25c a a T 1 M IL K 2 for ................. HC JAMEH WHITELAW. Manager Ä can" 26c Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good June 22 and 23 only. Olds and Chevrolet 3rd and Waih. Phone 441 DRESSES\YOU McCall Printed P 7876 after Anne Marie 25< C A N ’ T DO W IT H O U T (Hfilci If you want to bo smartly cool this year, you'll buy some of our wispy voiles and mako yoursolf an on- semblo and a couplo of extra shoor frocks. McCall has no end of sm art pattorns for voiles, the kind th a t have dainty flower touches an d oasy-to wear lines. And they can bo m ade in no time a t all . . . begin your voile frock one day . . . wear it the next . . . that's how it goes using McCall Pattornsl Sport Dresses Ribbed rayon in whites and pastel shades. All sizes. Special OLDSMOBILE “Style leader” 19c yd Red & White WZ’ $6.20 $5.40 Hillsboro MotorCo. STARCH 19C Red & White Bag C om m an d er LINIT Nash Special Sedan — Completely overhauled and refin- SQ C 1 T lshed, good throughout ’625 OLDSMOBILE “Style Leader” IHvorce Sulla I*ilrd Powell Vida II v» Ira <> Mar- ilcd Hlltaboio «Se ph’m he I 7 192(1 Vinton Dolore» vn (hile II This store will be open nights and a part of Sundays. FLOUR . . 19C 2nd and Wash. Phone 2641 Picnic Sunday Tigard locul. Putted Farmern* league, will, hold «in oH faahloiu*d hiusk« t picnic on t h e Hhumway place lower Hoone.N Fenv rouif, about a mile out of Tualatin, Holi­ day All farmet» me Invited ■fc Prompt Service 25c Olds and Chevrolet 3rd and Wash. Phone 441 in WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLV 2 dOO 1929 Chevrolet Coupe— Good one, reflnlshed .. 2wv 1931 Ford Roadster—Completely ov- verhauled and ’OQl? reflnlshed ................. Agency for Nash and Hudson and Terraplane W In* S ilv e r to w n MAIN STREET PHONE 81 Red & White JAMES WHITELAW, Manager W ll «'H N O W ONLY 1933 Plymouth 2-door Sedan—Lat­ est model IP Di with new car guarantee. Only ........................ Used Car Exchange Hillsboro MotorCo. Iv .ilp h HOLEPROOF FLOUR C an Washed and Polished Hpl.11 :ll , I n goliu* ItlU) DU >>* fO| In in .< I| Hr util move here the flr l of (h^ monili ultli M Durst The new manager hu** been 111 (h<> new mar- krl in Portland und I n n IlfetliiK' I c s ld e n t of < hegon lie h v< » | in ( hi.ston and a! tended guide .M-hoola 11 here Soon BISCUIT Quick - Satisfactory Willard of Portland I n the new i of (In* local HiUrway SHE ei Ì WE OFFER Willnt'd Dumi Mnnnger of Local Safeway Store County l-l I Group Large at School Specials for June 22 and 23 841(1 "1 tak< Kri. hen hi t viva B sak« tie llttl- at t bore li n first H IL L S B O R O , Triplets at Aloha Channing Girls Ing to the complaint and this was held to be excessive Petitioners requested that the e x -1 Isting rates to Hillsboro consumers be reduced and the entire i a t e structure adjusted to a figure which would give only a reasonable rate Snn»et League of return on the fair present mar­ u I . P e t. 1 ket value of tlie plant devoted to w L Pet I l .000 T u a la t in 2 0 1.000 Roy 0 2 .000 water service It was further re ­ W i l la m e tte 2 0 l.OnO V e rbxs-rt 0 2 .000 1 quested that tlie water company be A lo h n 2 0 1,0001 L a u re l 0 2 .000 required to render adequate domes­ C o rn e lia » 2 0 UHM) O ren co 0 2 .0o0 tic and ftre service and to make H ilto b c ro 1 1 500 G aaton Hlllsborc Sunset league t e a m such improvements as are neces­ dropped the second same ot the present series to Cornelius Sunday. sary to furnish such service. Tlie complaint was submitted to 9 to 5, after taking a 4 to 1 lead early in the game Willamette. T ual­ the state public utilities by tlie atin. Aloha and Roy turned in city council accompanied by a let­ victories for the day. The locals ter from tliat body stating that meet Aloha here Sunday aftei- it was the desire and purpose of noon. Cornelius, which has a record the city administration to Join in of six straight victories to its cred­ the protest of the service rendered it. opened the tilt m spectacular and be considered a party to the style when Dick Sutherland smash­ complaint. Tlie letter was signed by ed out a home run as the first Mayor O. Phelps and members of man to the plate The locals tallied the council. two runs in both the second and third frames, but were held score­ less until tlie eighth when they brought in a single score. Cornelius scored once in the first inning, four In the fourth, and two in both the sixth and eighth. (C o n tin u e d fro m page 1) Scores in the other two games at Shute park with tlie selection of were: Willamette 8. Gaston 7; the queen and four princesses from Alo.ia 13. Laurel 7. Games sched­ among the candidates nominated uled for Sunday are: Aloha a t by various county organizations. Hillsboro. Orenco at Laurel. Tual­ atin at Gaston. Willamette at Ver- Following this event a dance will be held with music furnished by the boort and Cornelius at Roy Two feature games are planned "Hi-Spot" eight - piece orchestra. by the local team during the Hap­ The roster of queen candidates was Aloha- Three charming little girls py Days" celebration Hillsboro will increased to 25 this week with the meet an all-star aggregation from nomination of Miss Jeane Jepson danced with glee "Can we put on our freshly ironed dresses?" they the Sunset league July 2 and »id by the Blooming local of tlie Farm ­ inquired excitedly. Tlie "Ewer trip­ play the Hillsboro • Bears." Tuala­ ers’ Union. lets." as they are known locally, tin valley league squad. July 4. Program of events for queen can­ were to have their pictures taken C. Vandehey local fielder, is will get under way to­ They had wanted to wear their leading local batter with an aver­ didates new dresses when they went out. age of 500 B. Strauss, first base- night (Thursday' when the girls and now they were getting their man. is a close second with an will be entertained by the chamber mothers good natured consent. of commerce at the Rotary club average of 444 So exactly alike in appearance dinner held in the Veterans' hall. Stores on games reported: that their school teachers had to A B R H E The next event, following the se­ H ilU b o ro — tie different colored ribbons In 5 0 1 0 Slwuucfc, It lection of the celebration ruler, will their hair to tell them apart. Flor­ 5 1 2 0 H e in r ic h . *» be the annual queens ball a n d .... 5 2 3 0 ence. Elizabeth and Laura Ewer, C. V a ndehey, 2b ._. 5 0 3 2 coronation ceremonies at the Shute daughters of Mr and Mrs H E d iia u k « , lb « 0 1 1 park auditorium, beginning at 9 p. Ewer, give one some idea ot what «.ics te r. e 4 0 0 1 m. July 3. This will be the social r.. V a ndehey. 3b 4 0 1 0 rf 4 1 2 0 feature of the gala event. Commit­ H- c f 1 2 0 tees from the local Business and S ta n s , p ............ Professional Women's club, which 40 5 15 4 louai are assisting in the coronation cere­ A B R H * ! '. C a m e lia » — monies are: Dress committee—Mrs. S u th e rla n d . »« Eva Downs and Miss Marion Lytle; H n e g a n . 2b T u a la tin V a lle y League H e dersen, I f queen s throne committee — Mrs. W L Pet | W L Pet. T u rk , c Howard Wells, Miss Patty Lomax.' V e rb o o rt 6 3 .66'. S herw ood 5 4 .555 Keynotda, p and Miss Margaret Pranger. A m ity 6 3 .667 C a rlto n S 6 .333 • lu .»eher, 3b N e w b e rg 5 4 .5*6 H ills b o ro 2 7 .222 Events planned for July 1, the tiia e y . l b — 1 (a h i. e f opening day of the celebration, in - ' Sherwood dumped the Hillsboro C la o n . r f ------ "Bears" into the cellar of the Tual­ I elude the pet parade and t h e atin Valley league Sunday by hand­ A complete pro­ ing them 40 9 13 è grocers’ picnic. lu ta i -------- a 12 to 7 defeat at the gram has been arranged by the Shute park field. Next Sunday a ft­ H. :. W illamette ........ - committee in charge of the latter ernoon the "Bears" clash with the G aaton event. A pot luck dinner is sched­ fast-traveling Carlton squad a n d B a tte rie « : K o lle rm e ie r. M cK e n x ie a n d uled, games and other entertain­ Manager Ray Dillon expects t o W enner ; D avi», N euensehw ande r and T u rk . ment with more than *50 in prizes have several new players In the R. H. E. to be given in the various con­ starting lineup. A kha 11 Mallory. Hillsboro third baseman, tests. L a u . el at bat for the locals by B u t te n e * : L e v e re tte and S * i n d o n ; The Fourth of July is planned as starred for three hits, one of S e h u lm e ric h . D a ile y and W ill» . the big day of the gala event. First connecting them a run in the fourth on the day s program will be patri- with two home on. The Sherwood second ' otic exercises at the park. Follow­ baseman. Harley, registered two ing this will be the finish of the doubles and a three-base hit. ■go-as-you-please" race from Port­ Verboort dropped back into a tie land and ending at the park. En­ with Amity for the league leader­ trants. now totaling 35, will leave ship bv losing to the latter 3 to 1. (C o n tin u e d fro m page 1 ► primary obligation to serve Hills­ Kellys restaurant in Portland at Newberg missed a chance to make 9 a. m. A display of fireworks is it a three-way tie for first when boro. Carlton blanked them 8 to 0. By Allegation was made th a t the planned in the evening while danc­ defeating Hillsboro. Sherwood ad­ size of the mains in the Hillsboro ing will be held in the afternoon vanced into a tie for second place. distribution system is generally too and evening. Jim Jennings, new "Bear hurler, Crew of men has been engaged at took the mound for the locals Sun­ small and that in times of heavy demand the pressure is reduced in the park this week putting the day and struck out 13 Sherwood some localities to practically noth­ park in shape for the event. The batters. Tony Bronson and Jack ing. making impossible proper serv­ midway, which in past years has Bohnson. recently signed infielders. ice to customers. The complaint been dusty, has been planted to are expected to be in the lineup as are two other new further contended th a t the small grass and this is expected to elim­ next Siuiday G e n e Schulte. "Oakie" size of the mains made delivery of inate t h e dust problem. Picnic players. Beeler. L Heinrich. P. Zimmerman adequate volumes of water to fire tables are being repaired, lavatories and Herb Zahnow were released this hydrants impossible making i t will be repainted and remodeled, week. necessary for the city to purchase a while the floor of the auditorium is Schedule of games for Sunday is pumper and resulting in excessive being sanded and prepared f o r as follows: Hillsboro at Carlton. insurance rates. dancing. The park will be dec­ Verboort at Sherwood, and Amity at The franchise of the company orated with flags, banners and 2000 Newberg. That Verboort must forfeit the provides for the installation of a colored lights and searchlights. Fer­ pumping plant and the mainte­ ris wheel, ’ merry-go-round.'' ’’tUt- last three games played in the Tualatin Valley league as a penalty nance of a specified pressure for a-whirl." glider and other devices fire fighting, according to the com­ will be provided for entertainment. for playing a man signed with an ­ was the decision reached plaint. This has never been done Four baseball games are planned other a club league meeting Wednesday and water users and property own­ during the celebration. The local at night at Forest Verooort ers are thereby damaged, the com­ Sunset league team will probably was in a tie for Grove. first place with plainants allege. It was further de­ have a regular game on Sunday Amity, both teams having won six clared th a t the condition of the afternoon, the same team will p.av games and lost three. pipe now in use makes it question­ an all-star team from the Sunset Bleachers are being built at the able whether It would stand the league Monday, the H i l l s b o r o local ball park this week by SERA application of adequate pressures "Bears." local Tualatin Valley league workers. Lumber for the bleachers and makes it necessary to damage team, will play the Gaston "Farm­ • as furnished by the Tualatin Val­ streets and pavements to repair ers" on Tuesday, and the local Sun­ ley league club through the efforts of George Wick, manager Mayor leaks. set team and the Bears will play O. Phelps and City Manager George That the book value of the plant on the Fourth of July. McGee co-operated in the work. and operating expenses are exces­ The "Happy Days" celebration is R. H . E. 12 16 3 sive was the contention of t h e managed and sponsored by the of­ i ’ i.erw 'M xi b u ro 7 10 4 complaint presented by the con­ ficers and directors of the HLlsboro H ilU o a . t e r ie * : B r iw r i and D a y . J e n n in g s sumers. They pointed out that re­ Chamber o f Commerce, namely: ana DeaviJIe. ports of the company show a to­ Lester Ireland, president; M. P R. H. E. 1 2 tal fixed capital devoted to the Cady, vice-president; L. J. Merrill, A 'm t y Ve ix x jr t 1 6 2 Hillsboro plant of *365 525.59. The treasurer: Ed. L. Moore, secretary; b a tte r ie s : W ood and R o b b in s , Sahnuw actual value of the entire plant, H. L. MacKenzie. Morris Weil and >nu M ille r they alleged, is below *75.000 in its C. T. Richardson, directors; H. A. R. I I . E. 8 10 I present condition. It was a l s o Kuratli. past president; Paul L. C a rlto n pointed out in the complaint that Patterson, A. O. Johnson and L. J. B a tte rie s : S to u te n b e rg and f r y e r ; 1 K 4 i- total operating expenses shown by Rushlow. new oflicers. . k i. B la z e r and V e stal. reports of the company are listed as *14.443.62. These expenses are Divorce Granted excessive considering -.he condition Cochran—Cora M. Cochran from of the plant and include general Henry H. Cochran. office expenses which should not Campbell—Delora L. Campbell be charged against the consumers, from William Austin Campbell. National Guard team continued the complaining consumers con­ in the lead of the local diamond tended. Deduction of excessive op­ Licenses Available ball league this week while Pepco erating expenses would show a net Half-year license plates on trucks and the Bakery climbed Into a utility operating income for t h e are available now. according to three-way tie for second place with Hillsboro plant of *17,174.78. accord- the sheriffs office. Ireland's by defeating Safeway and Sunset Team to Play Aloha i I I » ARGUS. $ |9 8 McCall ' Printed Pattern 7861 after Agnes DrerolT White, Two-Tone Oxfords Higher grade shoes in straps, ties, san­ dals, oxfords. Special $1.98 When you Think of PR IN TIN G Think of Hillsboro Argus We have a fund of Interest- getting Idea» that we can fthape to your nelllng prob­ lem». May we place them at your disposal?