The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 21, 1934, Image 1

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    "Happy Days"
July 1,2, J, 4
With Which is Combined the I iillx h o ro Independent
N ew s L e tte r
I. I N D U R O «
Happy Days
“True I'rugressive.s" Set
to Nonunute Peter
Zini luennan
P r iz e s
governor Zim m erm an'.« form al nom -
Illation will probably b, •na.le a t a
con volition to In* held in S alem In
rv p rc h t n tn U v « -.
T o ta lin g
W ile y an d
C h ild r e n ’s E vent
I I I II 14
L I-11
im i I v
R a c e In te re st H ig h ;
nU ur visions planned unu eacn en n a en-
the parade with a pet will
Bank Opened
at Beaverton
. n
seined to the l-ortland caucus, th at " * 'v*’* 11
y .S ta te B an k D e p a r tm e n t H a s
of C. M Thomas. public utilities K°„£ u d
. .
» • i j a
commtooloner. who. however, has
T h e parade to plannod for 3 p
R estricted A c c o u n ts
lU f.nllely decUmxl to « w id e r the L’r . ^ ' L i d ^ c l S ^
reato u i
U“' lUdCPrnd' * U > " X k f « m D a m. t o T p
First Security bank a new bank-
^ t h e reactions of
the various [Mshtlcal groups to Uw
entry of u i Independent candidate
Into tlw field Ls Interesting Fol-
• lowers of Joe Dunne, republican
nominee, insist tliat it will nsure
thc election o f their candidate,
while tlie democrats are Just us In-
stotent th at an independent < andi-
date will bring about th e defeat
or D unn,, a n d th e election of G en-
eral M artin The "true progressives"
however are .„ u n d e n t of t ic sue-
tva* of th eir »UILN4- iuul the <•*«•< turn
m,u , r h'',Jm '|di i
dut<Ti of th« two m ajo r p o lltu a l
p a rtie s If. they point out. an in-
d e p en d e n t n m d ld a te ru n depend
upon t h e support o f who
i X y i ^ U i e '^ i i n l n e 's " ^ wii? h l?e
I!' i" '.«HMMI v,,(c» m
Sturt with or IMMMl m ure tlu in th,
com bined vote for D unne. MrAlex
muli r a n d Loticrgan, a » u m ln g th a t
all of th is following
vlng c an be relied
ujMHi by th e republican nomln«*«*
All of t h c a r aasumptlon». o f
cour.M«. must lx* taken with «rveral
g lam s of salt II to h ardly to be
. ............ c
Restrictad accounu ol th e Bank
aourcu ln I rum the («»llower.s of Mc-
Alexander and L o iie ig a n . L a i king
tin s additio n al su p p o rt M irtm is as
good an out of
Ol tlie
th e ru n n in g before
he »tar t-s
be innlled out as soon as prepared.
according to Searcy.
Liquidation of the assets of the
S h in e Savings bank of Hillsboro
will still be. un d er th e direction of
Seurcy a n d a schedule will be a n -
nounced la te r u» to office h o u rs a t
som ew hat tired and sleepy a fte r a
fa |rly active day And tom orrow to
ttnoU)er long day being th e day we
a r ,.
Held probit....
ving a a field
We have breakfast a t 6 a m and
m arc h at 7 a. m. We will have
d „ invr
lb(. n ,.ld pr0VltUn„ tll
(llow « ag o n d o , sin 'get loM No
mg h andled u n d e r th e plan w here­
by one deoutv h an d les m ore tlia n
nu n th a n
on<’ ‘“luidaiioii. T in s m ethod re-
su ,ts ,n k re n te r econom y ln liquid-
ation.s. S earcy poin ted out.
IV -trlc f
W /lv o re t-
,)f D istrict W llta t
M eetings Planned
W(nlld |a. p |(.|„ j
■ J as
a bout p noon
................. .. °<
fresh al] n u k es
Which. It must to- adm itted, pre- the Ixij , quite eager to don the
R e c e iv in g
im usi
Hefner and Miss Shlrlee Sm ith,
both of Hillsboro, are being provld- _
d (lllb t
................ of . willing
pull tieavtly from
th e following
• « • II
w a re h . e rs
!> ••« IX
p it
>« l l (
i l l l l l - 'l ,
City Water
Users Ask
Rate Slash
L ocal
C itiz e n s
F ile
P ro test
on S e r v ic e an d R a te s o f
L ocal U tility F irm
V ote M onday < <
•'■* “der th. ser a program, «c- Salem Set-uo
cording to Mrs P. L P atterson
Value H eld Excessive
general chairm an. Equipm ent for
j j ci
games has already been provided _
, ___ » „
B a ile y C o n c e d e d E l e c t i o n and a total of $233.25 has been S e v e r a l S E R A P r o je c ts to
raised for the purchase of play -I
to N o n -H ig h A r e a B oard
ground equipment. T his sum, w ith ( be S u b m itte d T h is W ee k
, the $200 to be given by the school,
-------- '
R Frank Peters, prom inent Hills­
R ich ard E Wiley and Carl R us-
^ 7 ™ ^ h c a tfT ’
n ‘quíry ín l° the Possib««y of
boro attorney, was named senior
sell were elected m em bers of dis- ,
money expected from or- obtalning » portable canning kltch-
grand warden of t h e Masonic
tr.I t 7 school board for term s of
a" d indRid^aLs n m v et en io r Washington county where
three year, Monday afternoon du r-
¿U eved to be ample ianuIles m ight can their own gar-
G rand lodge in Portland T hurs-
. , ..
. ___
ing tlie annual election a t the
be am ple den produce under the direction of
Jack Murton. also of Huis-
David Hill school, replacing R. “ J
lrauled experts Was StarUd thls
Erank Peters, former chairm an, and
d PP£
about foSr wreks week
members of the county re-
uty grand m aster for W ashington
I. T 1. mci-ueciero,
M cPheeters, u
of whom
w i u,
».iuin X - 7 «h7
• Uef
uei comm ittee as a phase
pnase of
oi the
arzl Yamhill counties.
have served two term s Hillsboro
Members of t h r ^ n S t ^ ^ h rehabilitation program W. J Mills,
union high school m eeting and a n -
, h„
county SERA manager, Mrs. Helen
nual election Is set for next M on- att*nd^
Hamilton, ezecutire secretary, and
day at 2 p m . with F. L Brown * ere
Frank Peters, president of .
Davis Dersonnel manager ln
ol Laurel as candidate for re-tlec- the school board, Mrs P atterson; ~ "g ^ d ; hT kitchen
n ~ rS "
c - H N06ler, elem entary school
, th e superintendent: Mr and Mrs. Nye S ’
lo c £ e l e m e ^ - X ^ l e?ectl£> ^ d .
Bristol. Mrs. R Frank Peters. S X ^ f ^ o ^ o S e ^ t ^ e '
ftnnors o f c o n te m p la te d
' couS « J t
np1 1
I 3K6 Monors
M (I III ills
If. ils MM’in.N to bo tin* cium «*, th© them niter rille report», and mvit-
ompletc sell, (lilies fo r t h e s e
»-•- • t o -
ame coim m ssion <-
to ----
u ,r a sw ln,
tb(, Ino(or m eetings Is as follows: Sherw ood.
mi leet Its con trib u tio n Io th e sla te piH,i r b l. bllll.,- p |a rc bs tb c arva school gym nasium . F riday. Ju n e 22.
dice lor e iifo rian ien t of th e gam e w here the tru ek s m e p arked am i 8 p 1,1 • Aloha. M onday. Ju n e 25.
laws how would It fin a n c e gam e n, ,,U| b - devoid ol sw m im ing f a n i-
law en fo rcem en t un d er th e old m,..s
gam e w arden .system? T h is ques-
-p ,,, b,,ys nre
re tu rn in g from
(Ion to raised by revelation of th e lb(. .show A large new building
F r e u d e n th a l,
H agg
C oun cil J o in s in C o m p la in t;
H e a rin g E x p e c te d S oon
Complaint protesting against the
sendee rendered and the r a t e s
tJ ? “ Ked? y lbe O regon-W ashi^ton
W ater Service company in HUls-
boro and a petition for relief were
flied Saturday with the state pub-
bc utilities commission over th e
signatures of 90 local consumers.
Hearing on the m atter will prob­
ably be set In the near future, ac­
cording to word received by city
officials, who Joined ln th e protest
and requested to be considered a
P“ 1*? to the complaint.
T hat the supply of w ater pro-
vided by the company was insuf-
D a ir ie s «?*?«•'
R ank H ig h in F a t T esta
Washington co u n ty d a ir y m e n
again ranked high ln tests con-
ducted by the Yamhill-W ashington
Herd ImDrovement association ac-
_n rd ,ncr
cordlng 5 ° th e M y re p o rt
Freudenthal of Hillsboro had the
high fat producing cow for the
m onth while David Hagg & Sons
th .
H , W h produc'
herd in the class for more th an
20 cows and .....................
had high producing
cows in the two and four-year-old
The Hagg herd of 45 Jersey cows
of 786 and’
^ i k 'd t u an
i n g average
’t h e ’month’
pounds of fat. Honors in the divi-
sion for herds between 12 and 20
cows went to the Meadowvale farm
at Newberg with 19 Jerseys and
Holsteins producing an average of
1028 pounds cf milk and 47.62 pounds
Of fat In the division for herds
7 la t
tne aivvion ior neras
under 12. F rank F innicum s herd o t
tL f th
t h a a r t the
t h p h book
n n k v value
ahu» of
the plant and the operating ex­
penses were excessive were the prin ­
cipal allegations of the omplalnt.
Fending a valuation of the prop­
erty of the water company and a
thorough investigation of its a f­
fairs, the petitioners asked a tem ­
porary order and reduction of rates.
They - requested
a t water
- th
------ costs
------ - be
Put in line with wages and th e
othCT commodities,
Grievances Outlined
Inadequacy of the supply of water
at the Sain creek source7 for th e
urinc „ dry seasons was aJ-
. d ____
leged ln the complaint. I t also de-
dared th a t th e Intake is not prop-
erly patrolled and protected and
th a t the quantity and quality of
water supplied
u n sat-
hat, to
to inadequate
protection and improper operation,
large excesses of chlorine have been
added to the w ater a t times, m ak-
mg It unpalateable and objectlonal
for certain industrial uses" was
set forth among the specific al-
leged grievances
mseo Brer.aiices.
T hat the condition of th e pipe
source of supply to
such as to make it
provide proper serv-
1 that a num tier of M a r io n e o u n tv
“ “
u w u ' :“
« “ s tf “ o o u s ,
10 consumers was the contention
,c tnin u 2 ? n p°;.:I t l X . ) “ > pIated flr3t in the class for four- of the complaint. The consumers
Receipts totaling $46.485.46 re- be served a t 12:30. the committee
year-olds, producing 1233 pounds of signing the protest alleged th a t th e
ported Ior the year were: Cash on furnishing coffee and cream, guests
milk and 69 pounds of fat. In the pipe line was old. inadequate an d
two-year-old class. “Bell 14" of the subject to heavy leakage. They de­
sam e dairy produced 1078 pounds dared that, in addition to Hills-
of milk and 64.6 pounds of fat. boro, the w ater company to a t-
High fat producing cow for the tem pting to serve several o t h e r
m onth was Number 16 of the Freu- large consumers with the result
denthal herd with a record of 1674 th a t th e dem and is at times ln
$9350 A balance of cash on hand 1^ by Professor Robert H Down
First conviction to be returned
Pounds of milk and 83.7 pounds of excess of the supply. They asked
a t the end of the year of $46.23 was prlnc',pal Franklin high s c h o o l '
W ashington county under the
^or ^he month.
th a t the company b e restrained
Portland, an authority on Oregon new law perm itting 10 purors to
Thirty-seven herds w e r e tested irorn such service detrim ental to Its
d f lrlct' 7 history. H. C. Lieser of Vancouver. return a verdict In a crim inal case during the m onth with 889 cows en-
(c o n tinued on page i t , column 1)
to M organs
w vJi
«chooi t««rh«r at Rank» return
Census according
of the district
show s a n d o th er w e ? ^ rn W ^ h l n « o n ^ i t o occurred Tuesday when Jo h n W al- rolled, 103 of which were dry. To-
the• «riv^sevem U 'V "ofer of Hillsboro was found guilty U l production of milk for t h e
(C o n tin u ed on patfe 10, co lu m n 5)
ty centers in
“ will, Xvprai on » driving while drunk indict- period was 672.796 pounds, of fat
others1XS h o r^ ta lk s^ «.«,
wUl“ nw_S7-i_
ment" the verdict
by 30.203.4. Average production o f
_ ment.
verdict beul8
being signed
signed by
bv a n u £ ib £ of^llw o*dtim^rs
11 of the 12 Jurors' c h a r 8es
mllk was 756 8 and of fa t 33.97. A
lum txr of tin oldtimers.
from a n a cc i-je n t Which occurred total of 344 cows produced 40 or
Music will be furnished by
the ¡n Hillsboro April 14. Members of more pounds of fa t during t h e
Laurel-Scholls orchestra. A 'o cal the jury' were Archie F. Campbell, month. "Boarders" detected during
i? ,
by "
C' Bel- William F. Ziegler. John W. Gib- the m onth totaled 19.
Carl Broderson. prom inent F or­
knap of Portland.
son. George M. Bledsoe. Craig C.
est Grove Pythian, w a s elected
R F r a n k P e R r s w a s e l e c t e d »cn
aie mreie.-u-u m m e Condit. G race I. Busch, Robert H. f '
grand chancellor of the g r a n d
t rairri w ard en o t h t O r. on '
° f ° d <* eROn
Kelly. O B Bennett. August Kahle.
I ..I.111U w .irm n oi tilt o i ,..m vited and a very plea-stint reunion Ed King. W. C. B uchanan and Lola
lodge. K nights of Pythias,
cvni.’ig at 'i Tie' Mas’,inc temple in ? L ° ld „ i n f nds
n ? M unkers
E n t e r t a i n e d H e r e at 'the opening session of the SIM
I ' , . : , iid
M ii r t o r w a s an-
!? charge Officers of the
W alnofer was fined $200 a n d
annual convention of the order ln
ap .association aren Fred E. Cornelius, sentenced to serve 90 days in the
Colonel Russell C. M artin of Portland He will succeed W arren
Hillsboro members w to a t- Sent and Mre E C ' McKumey C° UtUy ^ r e i " ^ **
re " '1" h ” “ *,’ S ' B arnes
......... ..........------------------ ----- . dent, and .Mrs. b. C. M cK inney sentence Thursday morning The and Darwin B. Woolcott. national
h - - —,
sentence to to run concurrently with adjutant-general of the G rand Ar-
w escou 01 Gaston w a s
the term he is now serving on an mi’ of the Republic, were in Hills- named grand prelate,
assault and battery charge arising horo Monday as guests of H. V.
Charles W alter of North
from the sam e accident.
Gates, commander of th e Oregon was named grand inner guard.
Sentence of one year in th e c o u n - departm ent. O. B. Gates, son of
Mrs. Hazel Hollenbeck of N orth
ty jail w ith provision for parole H. V. Gates, took them on a trip Plains temple was elected g r a n d
fu-ers a n d E W. Plapp. H arry M or-
at the expiration of 60 days was UP the Columbia river highway.
senior. Mrs. B arbara Graves, P ort-
L. Auld, Carl Russell, and
k-u> J J. . L
imposed upon Fred Bisner, Treston
All thhree went to Astoria late < land, was named grand chieit. Mrs
ta l1 m odus .
Howe and Eddie Cummings, all of Monday to attend the Oregon state E. C. McKinney of Hillsboro wias
D ates for the 1934 W ashington Portland. Wednesday. The t r i o encampment and from there the ■ succeeded as supreme representa-
j I ¿ a | f ..I T - , .
county fair w rp set as August
30. plead guilty to a n inform ation three will go to Seattle for the tive by Mrs. Rose F arrington Ot
1 $$»l * l i l l l
J. »IA
31 and Septem ber 1 by members charging larceny of bronze and W ashington encam pm ent.
i Portland.
C ' ___ 1 of the county fair board who m et brass bushings from the old Wheel-
D e'etntec tz, th» ct»,»
w — u n <su
Wednesday evening a t th e local er mill near Cochrar.
of W oman's R e l ie f
t? '
ch am b er o f c o m m e rc e
T h e last
Postponed sentence w a s m e te d ° J . w o m a n s Relief Corps a t Astoria representative of Phoenicia temple.
Approximately 44 per rent of the
out to \Valter KnowlX, o f P o r t l a n d thls J eek are Mrs Arnie Dickason. Hillsboro, ln attendance at the 39th
n New Verdict
Measure Acts
Now there ore only two bources j Cltn gel havlng put nway a gen. Beaverton u n d Hillsboro Many
from w hich M a rtin can draw any ■roiu portion of chow anil feehiig liquidations in the state are be-
from th e ra n k s of th e true pn>-
gressive , of noth th e «lem.H ratie
a n d republican p a rties T h e o th er
Grand Officer
. . .
, ,
In v e stig a tio n P o rta b le
K ilc h e " T h is A r e .
u^lcltf'Cl ^U.nda.V
Jumpy Horses
G n e o f lh c .se
until 4 .) p ii. end all local ehtl-
drl.„ an. lnvlu.d
uk<! ,Mr, ln
^ T ^ e c t o r . , Miss Marly,.
votea to hla .standard If he Is
to m ake any .showing a t all ln
th e fall conti’.st a n d th ere are plenty
of politim i prognostic a to m who In ­
sist th a t M artin will not only m ake
«Hv l.t. A rth u r Kn«iti*ri
a .splendid show ing next Novem ber
C am p C latsop. J u n e IB E ditor of
b u t th n t Ills «•lection íun governor Ls y H, Argus Cu nip t.s h alf over a l-
iiN good as in th e hug.
ready m i s seem s to be a s fur as
lu ld iti o n a l siip |H irt
Local Body
Opens Study
for Canning
‘S T S ,
e x ° ^
(.,.nU ^-st d e c o ra te ? C hicle with d ,y m“n "n g ln the south room ol 34 votes each and the nam e of
“'t c h ^ P e r e r e ^ t e l ^ ^ d summer, needy ^eA ons may come
,M.t tw„ dlvlUons OIU. for girU tne Beaverton bank building Earl Mcl>heeters one of the retiring ' * /;
' to the kitchen with their produce
lU)j onc for noy8 n an d 60 cents; , Bowman, formerly with the Com- nM*mkx‘rk °f
hoard wa3 w rit-
. J
and can it under expert supervision.
iargc^t fam ily of pets including ‘ ..jeicial N ational bank of H illsboro U n *n
lunkir hto-h
/ vkilhi - o k
a11 clients assigned to a particular
nloU, „ „ und M
" , 7
ta d y
1„ ^ , ? S 1 n’ Chf
children Uv- day
tinned dog, $1 and 50 o en u . beat *“ ld mor' rc,,‘ntly vice-president o f , * , Uowlng
canvass of votea
“ Uth of Baseline « re e ls are
an/ sugar for fruits up to 50
cnAnu tenzutlun o f well - k n o w n !
Citizens bank of Sherw ood.1 th e board was organized for the
.J 1® David Hui cans
individual are furnished
character with pet, two divuions. wlll be cashier.
com ing year with M. P. Cady os ;
th 7 P e is ? m T -s a -
oy the Rovernment. An additional
one io r glr|x a n d une for lxJy, g l
j unrestricted deposits of the l lutlrnlan and Harry M organ a s ,
Boscow school. The pom on oj each client's produce to
aud ;x)
m(lst c„ „ u ra J
111 clerk th e la tte r starting his elev e n th 1
em'lh“ l2e6‘he canned and retained by the can-
two divisions one for girls iuid one I!:,nk of B,‘,,v‘ rlon llave b,'«’n ai>- year of service as district clerk. A
Ch2 i ^ l n ^ der Wgh nery for use of the plant and is
, or
7;> luld 25 tx>I)U jarKril ,m.,ed by the new institution Beav- j Haxtrampf and Russell were ap-
* e‘C° m?d ;
used for direct relief purposes. The
75 an(j 05 cent»; amaUest j* t. »rton has been restricted ln its pointed to the buildings and ground»
* f
cann€rY is mounted on a trailer
28 " ' ,lUs'
h“ 1 Perforn>- tanking facilities for 15 months
comm ittee in order to obtain lm - '
the and moved w various communities
pet, 75 and 25 cent».
m ediate action on the SERA pro-
__________ '____
Plan Successful
Members of committee ln charge
A sta te n in t issued by the new Jecl whlcl,
district to prepar- _ .
_ Total
. . of - -------
97,800 cans of produce
ari. Mr.s M arie H offm an. Mrs Zola ' ‘toern says in pur:
W hen It be- m g to su b m it to th e county com -
(A r e V lr s z » « -
were packed under this plan last
M organ a n d M rs H elen BteUike
i.i.u e a p p are n t th a t re-o ig a n lz a lio n n ilttee M em bers of o th e r c o m m it-
IV zllC -C L 1 ’ J. v l L
sum m er in Marion county and it
ITrparallon., Speed
' eff0I G of th e B onk of B eaverton tees wlU be a p p o in ted U te r.
e-, j
aDtlclpa ted th a t approximately
- . ? to statistics
packed this
H1, , ¡, ! „ a ; 7 , 7 , '
M**l dtsoursi-mei»t.s as M M
u i o i v u U U I l U a j r summer,
July celebration, to be held a t the “>
L“ 1*“1 uI .....
tlle Gaston S tate bank 43923
......... «nd a reduction ln the war-
t* « « l by the county relief com-
mittee. Original cost of construct-
b x a l B hute p a rk Ju ly 1 2. 3 a n d , wus
taas approached regarding the pos- ranted mdebtedness of the district
tillty ol moving th a t In stitu tio n from $15.242 49 u, $9350 was a d o p t- N a tiv e S o n s a n d D a u g h t e r s ln8 the cannery was given a-s $9788
“ re r ',‘pldl>
*>‘a P<' s‘bl1»
b< iverton Thto bank h is been 1(1 D< tails of the disbursem ents1
.0 1
d -
and the cost ot bP ^^tion for the
th is week in u n tlcipution of onc of
Was as follows: G eneral control
o> C o u n ty E la n r ic n ic
season as $1525.26. Valuing the pack
the moRt o u tstan d in g und in te re s t­
at 10 cents per can. the program
i,<..^iui.> opciim , 1 m in«. MiniLi- >210072. instruction - s u p e r v is i o n
ing events ever sponsored here.
showed a profit of $6927.
b o u n ty -w id e In terest in th e queen 1,1 ovci 25 years, und lias been 27i 74 n r w r a tm n „1 n u m iioggnu
Annual reunion and picnic of
- w ar
,, ,
,......... ................................... .
operation of p lan t »J9W j O 9.|
... ,
" e are P » « tne relief stage
“ n , *'s t ‘ . m t i n u e s to m ount .is the
t ‘" , r ‘'P i n o a c l . ,
lo r the selection
‘V™ cr
a" " " ‘g th‘‘ ' “*« 25
exported th a t any in d ep en d en t cun-
hold t h e e n t i r e f o l-
Ila- th
vlng of tlx*
re e "prog
cundUlnt«'.- o n tlie o th e r h a n d It rundidalc.N A large crew of n u n
L n Just its rl llculnu.N to suppose th a t is en g ag td cleaning the p a rk and
p u ttin g it in first dus» sh ap e for
gun votes in tlie p rim ary ele< Uon th e convenience a»¿d c om fort of
will .swing to D unne ln th e general the a n tic ip a te d crowds.
d l d a t e could
a 4
Two Playground
Programs Here
Started Monday
by 100 or more bund pick’ d dele­
P ark B e in g P r e p a r e d
gates. Announcement of ttu* meet­
M P Cady, who was elected chair-
ing was made Tueaday by Morton
inan of the lis al district n u m b er 7
Tompkins of Yamhill county, fol­
school board Monday night after
llctulls of the pet parade to be
lowing a meeting of a few of the
I conducted July 1 u t Hhute park
the annual election
Plana for nomination of the In ­ m connection with the “Huppy
dependent candidate were c o m Days" « leb ru tlo n were perfected
iia iiu . it is understood
’ \r .
i lilni
SI /« t
3 1 1
. . ...........
M onday atul u ttrn d e d Q u ee n
mary campaign
Happy Days'
July 1,2, 3,4
NO. 18
Supervised recreation prograrrw at
the David Hill and Peter Boscow
schools lor all local children up
to high school age were officially
opened Monday afternoon under
the direction of two playground
directors. The playgrounds will b
__________ .
open Monday, Thursday and F rl-
E le c te d da of each week from 1:30 p m. C o u n ty R e lie f G roup S ta rts
R u ssell
a s D ire cto rs at A n n u a l
D istrict B a llo t
A w a r d e d to W in n e rs in
stage seem» to •*'
the nom ination of
1’i-ter Zimmerman of Yamhill eoun-
» ty an mi inili'iM'iitlent candidate lor
10.20 a in
Cady Heads
Local Grade
School Body
all M*t for
th e
Heads Hoard
Pet Parade
Planned for
S ta te C a p ito l
8 p '» • W'-st Union schon.. T ues-
day. Ju n e 2b. 8 p. m : f orest G rove
I'h a m b e r of C om m erce. T h u rsd a y .
J u n c 28' 8 •’
; 1'au rP> community
Va«n UrUdCrSOn
Pythian Leader
Peters Elected
Senior Warden
G. A . R Leaders
appeared J?r
County Fair
Dates Slated
Collections G ood
hull. Friday, Ju n e 29. 8 p m.
fact (hat the game commission to
colum n 6)
now some $40.000 behind on Its
contributions to the state police.
The legislature of 1933 fixed the
dog racing make Jury indictm ent and plead guilty A W Walker and P i X Z :
morning by Miss Gladys Eisner
duct a county fair to a charge of larceny. He was
A? T
J. Peterson. day and Tuesday.
game commission's assessm ent for
an d
Representatives visited the P yth-
state police support a t $244,337 for
i r ° m M Mrs.
Î T j u Ora
^ J Laws,
« president,
tos Ju n ia Johnson went to As- ion home n ear Vancouver, Wash.,
the current biennium. Records of
Fred Faedersen was ordered dis- tplda M°uday as delegates for th e Sunday afternoon, where Tacoma
the game commission as published
T7l<i. ^a ir wiU be b e'd a t
Damage from weevil can be great- the field L ater in th e week three ^2
J2 lutve
llave been
been made.
made Tlie
Tlie latter
latter TíP'íVí10?'
the Shute Dark
th aiged in court Saturday wnen no ? ? ,
CPI' ventlon of D aughters of temple put on a program. A Joint
In Its biennial report for 1929-30
show th a t for th e 'tw o -y e a r period ly lessened In pea fields next year more will start, making four on figure contains approximately $8400
evidence was found to connect him Unlon veterans which is being held banquet of K nights and Sisters was
uncj 1° 1’ 4'‘th th a t of the G. held Monday evening a t the P ort-
ending Septem ber 30. 1939. enforce- If those field, th a t were in fx-as the Job for the tim e being. L ater |
A, K. iLIlCi W. R. C.
m ent „1 the game laws cost a total this year are plowed now or th o r- on. If It appears tliat more nre
‘“ «U'encies on th e 193- tax
1 1 land Pythian temple.
Siugeno place.
of $304,523 70 Thto expenditure. I oughly disked. Loss of pods fro m , needed to get th e job done in seas- r° b- now am ount t o 3 L 6 per cent,
Order dismissing the suit brought
which to $60,186 in excess of the the vines during the harvesting onal tim e then they will be added. - W J n x a te l y ^ »50.000 have b e e n
by H. T. G iltner, Forest Grove
a eurrent assessment, was for salaries I process was rath er heavy and In according to word from the director paid in during the last t h r e e
m erchant, appealing the action of
Wednesday has been set aside as the state liquor control board ln
and expenses of regular and spe- some fields where these are lying of the w heat control association,
clal wardens, patrol of th e Wiliam- on the ground checks made during ; Under th e requirem ents of the
cancelling his license to sell beer
and . Judge . Don was signed Wednesday by Circuit
ette river and launch expense, all I the past week Indicate th a t prob- w heat adm inistration It is necessary 085.16 has been paid.
.,, _ _
, .
of which are now taken care of by ably 25 per cent of the peas ln , to measure both the land th a t is ln '
i, lit T. Templeton asks the Argus Judge George R B a a le v G i l t n e r 's
to call nils to the attention of the license, which was revoked i n
OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Cor- arranged for each assembly. These
the state police. 77ic arrearage ln these pods carry weevil.
w heat and the contracted acreage G r P P t l I M o i I n t a i n
oc tvn
il Tn
tHrtcja cases
rnflAA w
H n rn f th
¡public. He says:
'M arch a few days after its issuance i™ ls' June 21—Among the nearly programs are broadcast for the
the game commission's contribution | Later in the season these little as
In those
e |
“Anyone wishing to see all mem- i has been restored by th e commto ’ ! 8?? c] ub members and 60 leaders benefit of parents anti friends of
to the state police to not a new I grubs all h atch out Into adults w heat acreage has all been aban-
°f the county court may do SjOn
attending the tw entieth annual 4-H clubbers and for th e thousands of
condltlon by any means. Records The ndult weevil fly around mor«' doned. only the contracted acreage
RernnH n . i , ,
. f0 by »IsKlng the court on Wed-
Sam Phillips of Hlltohn™ w . j club sum mer school on the campus members over the state who are
of the state departm ent show th a t or less through the summer and will be measured, according to pres­
Second prize in the grange ef- nesday of each week, whlch ls the ( fibedm, 50 and c X ™ e l £ ? w h e n ,h er? are 24
20 glrls and two ,mab* to P a l p a t e In summer
it has been continuous since the hibernate for th e winter ln the ent regulations.
fldency contest was awarded to regular court day Many people he p,eld gudVy S the & j ^ r e leaders from ................
W ashington county, school Each county delegation also
first of the present biennium, flue- crevices and cracks ln fence posts j
G reen M ountain G range of Buxton
considerable distance to s e e jof the peace court to an assault the fourth largest county delegation broadcasts over station KOAC be­
Uniting between a low or $19.618 a t! and on the bark of trees. Every qp
C J -o c
a t sum m er school. T his is the larg­ tween 7 and 7:45 o'clock in th e
tlie end of May, 1933, to a peak of 1 uneared for pea patch to a source I W O • I I « N IV4 | >OI I t 41
a t the T hursday afternoon session I, e . ™e,dhors of the court only to j
(Continued on page 4, column •)
est club summer school ever held evening a t some time during th e
$55,140 a t the end of M arch th i s ! of infestation for next year for a
, r -io«» ,
________i ’“1“ lllat ^ e y are absent from the!
---------— ------------
«- " « , K w 5 at
' hurtf Greci. office, and to accommodate the peo-
I in Oregon.
two weeks’ session .
year. S tate departm ent statisticians j distance of probably two miles j
M ountain had a ratin g of 14« pc, pie the court has established the
Ivan Bierly of Beaverton to chair -
are of tlie opinion th a t sum m er and ! around, according to A. O. Larson,
W ashington county club mem­
j man of the boys' executive com- bers preeent are M argaret B atchel­
E 're In the sawdust conveyor of (cent as against 221 per cent for practice of having all three mem-1
fall _______
revenues of the commission entomologist of the U
nit«! ...........
S tates
! m ittee a t summer school, and Don- der. Jean Person, Eleanor Bendler.
■ I • I I — ...1 • — . *
. . . .
QW of sa
aa^aVa a week.'
wcaaaat» • •
l aid Jossy, also of W ashington coun- Jean Ann Connell, Constance P eter­
I ncsda.v
wlll provide for the paym ent of j In the county this week.
Lumber compnny a t Midway result- county.
Incurring of indebtedness to tal- j ty, is one of the five members,
nrost. If not all, of the current a s - ! Flowing Uiese fields now w ill, . .
son, G race Bowman, Frances J t -
The boys a t summer school live
bury mnet of this stuff on th«' rd in a rail to tne local fire «le-
Jennie B. Haves o f Sherwood M rs. D e n n is to S erv e
| ground and ln th eir present stage p artm en t this morning a t 4:46 a
s T erm elementary school house was au-1 the girls occupy two women's halLs. H ^ r v ^ Z w T a i! of
ceive golden sheaf certificates iorj Mrs p i n H u aban d
Corporation C«>nunls.slon«'r Carey of development tlie weevil will not m. Tlie blaze was brought under Mi-years
Mrs. Esther Dennis, widow of th e thorlzed Monday evening by voters Waldo and Kidder They spend
i a
service in the grange,
w arns shareholders In Oregon build- survive. Disking would also b«'ne- control before th e fire equipment
oiutlon subm itted by W ash- I
JOhn J” U’e d b trlc t by a ^ ‘ot of 28 to their mornings attending c lo ses N«ith ^ la t™ ^ 1 ^ m L . ^ I a '
lng and loan and savings and loan fit and will probably elim inate a arrived.
ingtor County Pomona O range and (onneriv of ^tillstoi'rn
associations against signing away i l» r t of the weevil, but would not
<1 by the convention called o T th e ^ n e x n lr e d re™ o? her h , T S L'?b°
8, r « f,°r
¿ S ? * Pr°
V‘ded Under
th e ' and
daily their afternoons,
a« «pent
ln a th the
le t- , Velle
v a n L Jackson
kX k^ H
a dni
T T E Sohler
r r i n ’ H ifclen
th eir Interest In these associations be as effective as the plowing.
« «argon's senators and repre- band in »h»Pr ^ . o
CO,i? ty .SER,A Pro8rw n'
a " d other forms of supervised derickx Cornelius- X r i v W alk
to solicitors who are now active
Wide differences are apparent ln th e 8. W. Melhulsh shop on Wash
ab - -
throughout the state with promises the am ount of pods th a t were left lngton street was turn ed in Sun tiC m X is . . n u r w ^ s ; ^ n coouf ^ ^ ^ ? dn; v rap P r " :
of speedy setlem ent. Commissioner on tlie ground ln d«-fferent fields. dav aftemoon. No damage was done. l i l t ■
S S f J 5 K
the federal government to develop
Carey points out th a t these asso­ In some Instances the loss seems
Its own banks and aboltoh the Fed-
ciations, now ln tlie hands of th e excessive,
,, , r. JL 1934. and it to stated Hazeldale comm unity a fine school been added this year and are G lenn Pringle, Raymond Hemrick.
Dr. Talbert Re-elected
eral Reserve bank system.
corporation departm ent, are under­
th a t she will not be a candidate plant for its 40 to 45 pupils who ( meeting with great favor among Lloyd Anicker, and Eugene Van-
M easurement of land on those
Dr. J. R. T albert w a s elected
Mrs E dith Tozler W eatherred, for re-election. T he form
Kleek, Beaverton; Frances Detrtek.
going liquidation and tlia t no dis­
have previously >zvvil
been nVVVIlllUDUalcU
accommodated the clubbers.
---- er
- Hills-
— — ----
Linn ton; Groce Hampton, Bette
tribution of the assets will be pos- farm s In W ashington county under school director a t Beaverton for Mar.c.i county and formerly o f ooro woman ls the first woman in a one-room building according
slble until after the liquidation has j w heat allotm ent contracts began a three-year term, while Mrs. John ridtoboio, was named state chap­ Justice to serve in Los Angeles to O B. K raus, county'school su-
Pllklngton, and Louis Goldhammer,
ing some prom inent citizen or cit­ Tigard; Pauline Blatter, John Wan-
Tuesday morning with one crew ln Haulenbeck was re-elected clerk.
(Ceni linoni <m paire H. column 21
| perintendent.
izens of the state as speakers, are
lCon««»u»d an pa« 10, nulurnn 7)
Plowing Weevil Infested Fields
Advised to Cut Loss Next Year
W ednesday CoUft
D ay Court H ouse
County Delegation Ranks Fourth
in Size 4-H Club Summer School
Lir.lllOC Iion ored btrs
During Past Week
EiaZCIQaie UlStFlCt
rlailS Improvements
ii £,nd f