P age E ight THE ’I I L L S B O R O ARG US. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T hursday, .Inni' I I. | Is being made to arrange a dis­ them No work Is available f o i l cording Io figures compiled hy th<. cussion ol the chick sexmg prob- w anen .»r the white eollar work slate departm ent l.i » ' l l t h e pos ibillty ot Oregon ers Reeoi.ls show a registration oi hatchery men making arrangem ents (Hasytiis eligible for work ol 374 to sell this khut of clucks next II. W. Kay Sends S trin g C W l iome ol Aloha, uuiluor. spring H !•' I 'l . s i " . e v tc iis io ii Wilson E Bowlin 66 ol Wendell. explained Ala >ka . eoiulitIon Is tie; | h i a te if. Ills pail ot the work. H o rs e s N o r th w e s t M e e t p.iuliiMiian, makes the statem ent Idaho, native ot Hillsboro, died at creek at the foot of Chehalem T u a latin \ alley 1 rag u e (lurdner Poole, past president of th e result tii th e l«»liKsliiueineiih that public demand lor s i m M ' St Viueenl s hospital Hi Portland 11 W Hay 1» shipping a string K g 1 h i t |) 111. I H t| lip p i .1« M ountain. W Is 1 u 1 r. chicks S u n »el L eag u e (he Boston Rotary club, gave a U s not coming; it is here." at id a in Monday alter an illness erb o o rt 6 2 . 7h> Sherw ood i i ol nine l i n e horses from I lls llaw - W I. P et! W I. P c i. Miss Mildred Meyers, who has V , ol several weeks Funeral servtcixs brief talk lie Is here lor a short iit .tllv uU ' ll l p p t t l t f . u e t t i i t h i i g t o Ihorne S tu I near Hillsboro Io the her« 3 3 625 H ilM x u o 2 6 ’ >0 W ill« m u lle 9 1 .»ui» C o rn eliu s & Ù . a00 been teaching at the St. Helens New \ tity 5 3 6.'5 C a rlto n «• 25 1 were held Wednesday morning Iroin time as a reli igei at ion expert el 4’hail«‘.s \V ( ’.»’ it . t u n e i u l t l h e t 4 9 .4tX> 1 2 " . i; X T u a la tin tor ot Juneau. Al.i A h . v I ' with i Imnguere Hack al Heuttle for tho S « .333 hall in Portland. came home W ed­ H illsb o ro 1 3 .967 A loha ihe IXmelson .X Sewell ehaiwl with ihe Ray-Moling cannery. Hillsboro "Bears" were given a Mrs Curler iirrlvrtt s.rturtlay ior northwest meet, which begins June 2 s .200 nesday to spend her vacation wv.li real trouncing. 25 to 8. here S un­ G a s to n « 4 .<©0 1 «aurei Rev Charles M Reed ol the Metli- Playground plans were expiate d I 9 .100 her m other. Mi's. Lena Meyers. O re n c o & 6 .bim V erb o o rt )l my i 28 and la I s 6a days After the meet i odist church officiating liiterilleni by Mrs p L Patterson, geneial u visit with Di a n t Mi day by the tailend Carlton nine Eloise and Stanley Rockwell of and brought into a tie (or the eel- Hillsboro S unset league team Voting Mi ( ’alte r has been uttend- ' there Ihe hor.-.i'« will lie sent to was in Hillsboro cemetery chairm an. Mr llowlby was born here July trinunod Orenco 18 to 3 a t ath letic P ortland spent last week with their championship of the Tualatin . i o O F i • n J i . ' if . ('alllotnla or Texas lor Ila. lacing Rural Letter C artiers' association park here Sunday giandparents. Mr. and Mrs. tiran * valley league Carlton hammered ot Washington ce mty and Auxiliary 7. 1867. the son of the late Mr and . ason John Hlmpnon. trainer ta i mg at Bi Hingham Wash . a.s lire game was cut to seven In- vile Everest o u t a g r a n d t0 ta l o f 24 h its Mrs Theodore llowlby. early s e t­ a repie.H nt i* n«* ol Alaska . i it left In charge of tlie horuca. held their annual picnic in Sliute tlers in thus section He had been n in es in order to s ta rt th e T u ala- Mis. Jo h n W alker's mother. Mrs. Manager liav Dillon of the Hears park tlie tar north M u/ ’7 lie will re ­ Sunday, with about sixty In a m erchant at Wendell for la years. tin league game as early as possible. Thompkins, and brother Barclay | uls released flve players alter la-t All In Keeping turn north tta ¡toon a.s he 4 an gel E rnest Vandehey was th e h e r o of P ortland spent th e week-end su n d ai s game and has signed attendance Quite a num ber were lX-ccased is suryiyed by the widow a boat and Mis C arter will re- I "Walt a second, I want to rublier of the game with hom erun over th e here. Pitcher Will Jennings and Infielder present from outside the county, and the following children H e rr nuUu for the summer. ( l',»lll IIHUsl triMU PAW- I I ut th at girl." left field fence w ith th e bases load- An unusual snake episode oc- Tony Bronson of Estacada. He is including Mr mid Mrs J N Noble W and Jam es W llowlby. Mrs ed In th e fo u rth of Bend. Mr. and Mrs Fred Olson Helen M Abbot! and Miss Etliel ewal vs iximcideo Ravanesi. publi­ When Ihev left Alaska, supply of 1 "Well, muke It snappy " W illam ette and and Mr. and Mrs Dunton of Molal­ llowlby. all of Wendell lie was a cation ol summons. John C Avile tu s h vegetables was exhausted and ed the top tw la. Mr and Mrs Richardson of m other ol Fred and Randolph loti ys Florinda K nlghlen el al. the .supply <>r fre.sh meut would ham m ering out i< n n s to oeai n o , wnen inev ten m e cats, wnen m u x - (OT tlu , leadership bv defeating route three. Portland, Mr and llowlby south ol HllLslxno. Mrs publication ol sum mons. New York have been u.setl within a w e e k 9 to 4 and T u alatin edged out tng they noticed one of them acting Newberg 11 to 5 and went into the Mrs William Eberhardt ol McMinn­ Emilia Pitman. Portland. Mrs Lota I He Insurance I'o vs Austin Kim Alaska ileportatloii Average of 10 to U boat« i and flat oil th e bottom side like Carlton 24 3 more than forty years. W illa m e tte _ U 9 for next year were Robert N. Cole | Mr. llowlby's wile and all of Ills ston. default judgm ent. William a week arc needed in the .summer a flat tire, and left a slimy trail Hillsboro lì ‘ B a tte r ie s , S to u te n b erg an d F r y e r . B a tte rie « : K o lle rm eier a n d w enner , of Tigard, president; W. E. Brown, as it crawled like a snail. ! children were present at the fu­ Sm ith vs N latvoier. order. Ralph for conduct of Ahuskan commerce B row n. M allory. S ta n g e l an d Deaville. M eeuw >en. D ierick x a n d B e rn a rd . 're-elected' secretary-treasurer. Mrs B SHimlxmgh vs William Schroed­ neral. as well as all of the sisters and but a tew boats have been a l­ V m3 R ” K The Conimeielal lowed through, although efforts are V erb o o rt 11 10 2 L. E. IXirrow was re-elected pres­ la n d bryifhers. with the excepiion er el ux. order. __________ 9 12 2 T u a la tin National bank of Hillsboro vs lXm N ew berg 6 7 6 ident for the Auxiliary, Mrs. Mc- s i l B of Mrs Bohlson, who is visiting m L a u re l B atterie« : S ahnow a n d M iller. Kiniicki. Kell. vice-president, and Mrs. Ar­ Wisconsin. Cuinnuiigs. delimit and Judgment. belntf matte to free Alaskan bound B atterie« : D ay. S c h re in e r a n d R e b e r . “Style la-nder" B lyer. W in te r a n d W ah lg em u th . V estal. William Hlnehy ys ole N Mau- boats ami commerce. C oolidge. D ailey a n d W ill«. thur Miltenberger tre-electedl sec­ R. II. k*- R. H. E. sten et al. decree, Justic Faivre vs Annty ; 6 l retary-treasurer. h a ve in n d t* lib e r a l re d u c - _ __ _________19 1« 1 • A loha U A Anderson ami Len W Guild, HITEON—Miss Dorothea S tru th - Sherwood 5 9 14 4 Tlie next annual picnic will be Gaston tio n s iii s t i f i c d hv v o lu m e decree; R P Lnudauer and Ernest rie « : E. Wood a n d J . W ood; Brow n I held at Eisner's park B a tte rie « : L e v e re tte . J o h n s o n a p d S a in ers. daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. W. a n B d a tte Day. Johnson vs. Jam es Dixon, order p i'iid u c tin n don ; N e u n s c h w sn d e r, Davi« nd A llyn. S truthers became the bride of Les­ i M dei i wen Iven by < Jountj Bord' R. H. E ter Robinson of Portland at a Judge Templeton 1 1 1 the following (C o n tin u ed fro m p««« 11 pretty home wedding Rev George W IT H O U T High school .students riitcrlng C o rn eliu s Emma W Cox, order a d ­ Springer of Beaverton Christian money more efficiently on r o a d eases V erb o o rt m itting will to probate; Surah C Pacific univi'i'.sllv mid KtudcnU now R E D U C IN G B atterie« : R eynold«, H u so n a n d T u rk ; church performed the ceremony at work through elimination of w aste­ Robbins, order appointing apprais­ m college have lxx*n given Jobh G u isele r. V an L o o a n d E a rp . the home of the bride's parents ful and Inefficient hand labor. E Q U IP M E N T ers; Jam es D Robbins, order, es­ with SUmxon Lumber company near Beaverton. ,, GREEN MOUNTAIN—Sunday vis­ Sympathetic understanding arid tate of John H Dorland, appoint­ .selling fuel 'I7ie.se boy», working Proceeding the ceremony M rs.; f ^ ^ i i t t m g ’ gam e1 t o ‘‘sheU ^O U itors at the V. C. S trubb home co-operation of business men ln m ent of Eflte M Dorland us a d ­ for their chance, are picked and Y o u c a n 't m a k e a m is ta k e August sfionxored by th e co lleg e mid the ~ You1 arT™ iv^a a n d eI" ^ n Dawninir " con‘P“ n.v m Portland Friday 14 to were Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Reynolds the efforts of the relief and SERA m inistratrix. estate o f and son Kyle of Arcade. Mr. and agencies was urged by Mrs Helen 8pecht, order authorizing sale ot board of supervisor! of the county. by ge ttin g in the G eneral Mrs. C. P. Bovre of P ortland mid Hamilton ln charge of the relief personal property mid order au th o r­ S tlin so n L u m b e r c o m p a n y p ay s M otors fa m ily and s ta y in g ™ Z. ™ ~n aiso Pla-'M tn e »Adding the game with three hits in u r Mrs. L. L. Taylor of Ellendale N office. She explained th n t tlie work izing repair of property; Ernest th e m a cash conuntaolon mid for in fo four CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Pleas- march, D. Mrs Taylor is a sister of Mrs Hite appointed an appraiser of the superior achievement 1» offering (here. trips to the plate. a n t View is giving a social evening The bride, who was given in Davidson's Bakery of Portland Strubb mid they had not m et for could be helped out considerably estate of Raleigh S Robinson; es­ prise» toward scholarship« ut Pacif­ by the giving of odd Jobs to those tate of John 11 Dorland, appoint­ ic Harold A Miller of Hie s u m s o ti S aturday. June 16. Mr. Lieth of m arriage by her fat her. wore a » n handed anaea the the boys boys another defeat twenty-three years. O u r U S E D C A R S and Newberg will speak and a musical floor length gown of blue crepe and Tuesday in Portland 7 to 3. although Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolford and now on relief so as to supplem ent, ment of Frank Johnson. Roy T ruitt compmiy ta a P u ctflc su p e rv is o r T R U C K S a r e e q u a lly program. Buck Heaven and Pleasant carried a shower bouquet of cream the locals outhit Davidson's 12 to children of Banks and Lyle Wol­ their Incomes, particularly w h e n and Fred H Meyers as appraisers mid has devised tills means of a i d ­ View orchestra will play. R efresh- rosebuds, sweetpeas and -lilies of 8. they failed to make the count ford of Multnomah Falls CCC the families are large. SERA, she ing ambitious mid energetic stu ­ sound v a lu e s . d e n ts m ents will be sold a t a very low the 'a l l e y . Herb Schulmerich. Hillsboro first camp visited a t the Frank Genzer said, attem pts to give work to fill All of these boys will carry with cost to raise money for the pro- Miss Elizabeth Struthers, who was sacker. led th e h itters with a double home Sunday. Vernon Wolford re­ I tlie budgetary needs of the family ducts show ln Newberg this fall, her sisters maid of honor, wore a ¡md two singles. mained for a few days' visit. them a signed statem ent from Dr { and in case of large families food E Everyone is cordially invited frock of pale green net and car- Donald Shultz of Tigard is spend­ relief Is given to fill the needs Mrs John F txibixs. president of Pacific, 7 Mre P eter T rum p visited last ried an arm bouquet of yellow Da»id»ons ... ing his summer vacation with Ids establishing their Identity and .. * Hamilton said relief cases and u n ­ week with h er son and daughter- rosebuds and sweetpeas. K enneth Hiiabon, aunt. Mrs. Joe Smejkal. JAMES WHITELAW. M anage, are urged by him to ask for Fred Sewell had a narrow escape people employed totaled 644 in-law . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Trum p Robinson of Portland attended his Ihe identification letter before plac- from death T hursday in a fall Olds and Chevrolet Lots of people were on CWA pro­ ; l u g their order Jr.. In Portland. br2ib er- , . . m il Th 24. 1931 Mr ^ n d ¿ X Ornduff. * S ? ersher daught€r’ C CWA two years had been very success- sizes, I I to 54. These s m a rt dresses Elliott — Elsie F. vs. Leslie F Marriage Licenses Numbers of relief cases are g reat­ H. Bacon was severly injured last ful and th at much credit was due M arried October 8. 1932, at Vale. Donald Ferney Helmick and Hel a re s e llin g in m a n y p la ce s a t ? 1.(15. er in the eastern end of the coun- M a “5 weelc when kicked in the head by President Ireland, en Barbara K apprl. both of Forest S P E C IA L , ty, declared Leon Davis, placement and picnic dinner a t Timber S un- a h Orse belonging to H Hudson Newly elected officers pledged Grove. June 12. Postpone Meet Hillsboro planning board meeting manager, who said th at skilled la ­ Albert C hrist IXwkter and Cor Miss Polly Brunson returned to J2? “ £ t L °r^ ? y d themselves to do their best in bor was plentiful ln th a t sectio n 1 nelhi M M W rsterkam p. both o t has been postponed from tonight P ortland Siw day night after sever- wRe h o m e d carrying on the work of th e o r­ and th a t It was difficult to place Sherwood route 4. June 13 to June 28. al weeks' vacation with h er p a r- and Mrs f n m i . em er ?anization. MacKeuzie said th at lie ents. Mr. and Mrs. Brimson. ta “ L t h e foUowungD fSjdT- was glad to do hU p art aR4 UrgCd W ith soft collars and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Skeie and Mr. dl!fnedr ' « „ n d a v M r 1 and u S tb e co-operation of the members. cu ffs in plains and fa n ­ e X d \ 7 a ^ ^ T l n J d HoHman A^rdeen " ----------- 7 cies. F a th e r’s Day spe- ' ^ “e d Mi-. and Mrs. Floyd H offm an Mr and Mrs G and iaml]y --------- 1- & now oi Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs Joseph he^L t a L P T v i ^ F llnt of Scholls and Mr. and Mrs. became the bride of Jake Trum p Robert Holland and sons of Beav- m ay o. erton daughter visited the O. I Morgans Sunset Team of Chehalem Center Sunday Carlton Beats Mr and Mis. John Sm ith and children of Newberg visited the Fred M atteru family Sunday The Beats Orenco day '. was Bears Sunday spent pienieking by ihe Early Resident ol County Dies Strike Puls Alaska in Critical Shape Letter Carriers Hold Picnic on Sunday Dairy Co-op Case Settled Out Court ON PRICE REDUCTIONS LOOK OUT! OLDSMOBILE Miss Struthers Married June Two Meet After Locals Lose Two Years Separation Portland Games Rotarians Hear SERA O fficials Pacific Students Receiving Work Program Pleasant View Saturday Eve Sewell Receives Face Hurts in Fall Hillsboro MotorCo. Soldiers Continue Campbell Starts League Leadership New Auto Service WEIL'S JUNE SALE SHEER DRESSES MacKenzie Named C. of C. President Dress Shirts n---- * * oL iS 5 n S L T ' t o f w u k M i" a S S is attending state grange a t Rose- burg. Injured in Wreck Ben T rum p and Robert Vehr? h ad a head-on collision w ith th eir cars, on the horseshoe tu rn on the F lm gan hill. Ben T rum p received a broken rib and he and his father, P eter Trump, who was with him. received lacerations about th eir faces and necks. Mrs. E V. H anson underw ent a m inor operation and is still in the hospital, building up ln p rep ara­ tion for a m ajor operation. Mrs. M yrtle G erm an and children, Miss Viola. R obert and Jam es, of Sumas. W ash are spending th e sum m er with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Allen Mr. and Mrs. Orville H anson of P ortland visited the E. V. H anson hom e over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. P eter T rum p of P ortland visited his folks here over th e week-end Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fields of P o rtlan d visited Mrs. H enry Ver- steeg Sunday. Mrs. Anna Hayes of Salem is m aking an indefinite visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. E verett Morgan and “ 57s “ a o«« ™ « ««- _______________ Hand Made Copper Nail n - i j • vxz- j U is p la y e a in W in d o w A copper nail, hand made and probably 80 or more years old, Is on displav in the Argus window It was found eight years ago by Harvey B atchelar, local contractor, while raising th e house of Norman A tterbury a t Tigard. The house, he said, was 70 years old. P R IC E Powers Grocery .NRA, MAIN STREET PHONE 81 Prompt Service — This store will be open nights and a p art of Sundays. Specials for June 15 and 16 U SED CARS Ford Ton Truck Ford Coupe C hevrolet Roadster Ford Roadster Ford Touring 4-w h eel T railer 2-w h eel Trailer And several o th er cars to choose f ro m ! Ovaltine 6-ox. tin Cars W ashed and Polished Used Car Exchange A gency for Nash and Hudson and Terraplane 2nd and W ash. Phone 2641 39C Cookies Sunshine Nobility English Style i-ib . p k g............ DOMINO “ Let your taste be the }&•"...... 10c Cocoa H ershey’s 33c Beans Red & W hite Red Kidney 2, 10c 9c Tea Lipton’s Y ellow Label ■ , . i b . ........... ...39c TERRAPLANE Challenger Series 2-Passcnger Coupe »565 Coach ..................... $575 4-Passenger Coupe »610 Sedan ..................... $635 Special Series 2-Passengcr Coupe $600 Coach .................... $615 4-Passenger Coupe $645 Sedan ..................... . $675 Convertible Coupe $605 M ajor Scries 2-Passenger Coupe $665 Coach ..................... $680 4-Passenger Coupe $710 Sedan .................... $740 Convertible Coupe $750 Commercial Cars C h a s s is ................... $405 Chassis with Cab $480 Cab Pick Up ....... $,15 Utility Coach . . . . Sedan Delivery .. $595 6 Cylinders, 80 and 85 horsepower, 112" - 116'' wheelbase. At these new reducod T erraplane prices you get the BIGGEST car ln the lowest price field, 15 feet and 10 Inches, bumper to bumper—The only fully ad­ vanced styling ln the lowest price field —the most famous performance record of ANY stock car, backed by official A. A. A. certificates. On the Hudson eight, compare the price then compare the horsepower, the ruggedness, the economy, the style! 108 and 113 horsepower! Performance th a t challenges all other eights! Economy th a t challenges ANY eight to deliver more power from less gas! O et the most for your money with a new T erraplane or Hudson! Don’t take our word for It. Don't take the word of thousands of satisfied T erraplane and Hudson owners. The wheel Is waiting for you—You be the Judge! Rod & W hite Green & W hite Golden Sw eet Ground 29c 3 for OC/Vz Many o th er item s specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good June 15 and 16 only. Belt Sets Ideal g ifts packed in a ttra c tiv e box B la c k a n d brow n leat hers w ith buckle and clasp 75c H undreds to pick from . A ll shades and weights. F e a tu rin g tw o special F a th e r’s Day lots M a rx G IV E H O LEPRO O F H O SE F a th e r’» D a y G ift Box 3 5 ^ to 8 5^ pair F W.MONTH S um m er w e ig h ts i n lig h t colors. Some w ith tw o pants. Y o u r style and size in this lot $19.85 New Low Prices HUDSON Challenger Series 2-Passenger Coupe »685 Coach ...................... *70i 4-Passenger Coupe »7.35 Sedan .......................»765 Special Series 2-Passcngcr Coupe »725 Coach ......................$745 4-Passenger Coupe $775 Sedan ......................$805 Convertible Coupe $835 lie Luxe Series 2-Passcngcr Coupe »815 Coach ..................... $835 4-Passenger Coupe »855 Sedan ....................... $895 M ajor Series Club Sedan .......... $1070 Brougham ..............$1145 8 Cylinders, 108 and 11.3 horsepower, 110” - 123" wheelbase. “ B la c k S a d d le ” White Oxfords W edge H eel F or women and g ro w ­ ing g irls. R egular $3. s’,",. $2.49 reunis Shoes For men and hoys. V a l­ ues to $1.50 pair. Rrolc- ■n lots, m ostly a ll sizes. is r 49c Work Shoes For men. Leather up­ per “ Seoul B als" w ith w m irfle x soles. T h e long we,a ,ng sum m er tl'v $1.69 Women’s Hats Special YOU CAN NOW BUY A 685 At factory USED CAR EXCHANGE Hillsboro Actual 65c value 49c this month on lyl W ith light »ummor clothe» thi» airy now cloctod »ock it sure to bo a prime favorito. Made of a very fino tilk mixture, in whito end paslol thadoi, with con- tratting ombroidorod c lo c k » . Choico o f half-hoto and Auto- gart Short style. 50c— for Juno only. 98c White Purses HUDSON by HOLEPROOF 100 new ones in straw s md knits. For ch ild re n . R egular 15c values. Every young miss w ill Or» Corner Second and W ashington Streets n 79c All prices at factory. Subject to change without notice. TERRAPLANE X , At ’565 - Factory ta ie in o u r s p e c ia l New Ties Men’s Suits HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. Chocolate Corn 79c ,,„,i 98c H a r t S c h n ffn e r & NOTHING CHANGED BUT THE PRICES ' J ’HE Identical Terraplane and Hudson models th at have swept ahead of the automobile Industry In sales gains this year can be bought today a t sharply re ­ duced prices. FATHER’S DAY 49c REDUCED $ UP TO 50 N e w L o w P ric e s Cigaret’s »/g-ib................... Gat. - Oil - A ccessories Cars Bought, Sold and Consigned HUDSON AND TERRAPLANE n /- w ant one “JA N T Z E N ” Bathing Suits For men, women and children. in your foot troubles, l oot Comfort Bring we have experts th a t will Week Ju n e 16-23 relieve and correct same. Dr. Scholls appliances used.