THE T hunuluy, Juni- 11, 1934 H IL L S B O R O ARG US, H IL L S K o Kn Page » K e » , < f a ▲ f f ff A lo n a r o lk Seven ViuIlLU f vuiiiuiLll Plan a Program Mr. and Mrs. William VanderVcl- husband. M a r r- w~i Mrs Albert Brlil'Vfll, Burv’uy The id H al H IJrdabl, her husband, N O T H E OP F I N A L H F T T I.l M P.NT den of Oxnard Cal.; Mrs. Uppcn- nirri .»pent ttie afternoon fulling jo rle H u n t, D. I Bata' ...., w,„ Not h a ia hereby K|v»u th at the u n d e r-! kanip and daughter. Miss M argaret The Pizer family ha* returned V C lark, defendant*, aluiiMi. tha duly appolntad. q u alified and Uppenkamp, of Hillsboro. W ill end | To tha s ie v e named D efen dant Lloyd from a m onth's vacation spent vis­ acting Exe ulo r of On- l.aat Miss Patricia Moyer Is spending t lla r r y W. Zim m erm an . !»••- H u nt . Taatum ant iting the Scott family at Castle In th r Naum of tha H'at-e of Jrequn, ceased. haa filia l in tin' t ounty C o urt i 1. »nila wi'iil of P rm h ytarlan • burri» 1 tn Hilda left Monday for Newport children may be brought for bap- I here last week was well attended ir t fo r th r relief demanded In It* ual Account am i 1 Morn.zin are leaving this week for ng »I ni I . mi Kprin«vt!l*i mad. Bethany. IVp pl d com plaint, to -w it, ( 1 / T h a t tha c "* a month s visit with relatives and tlsm. and Intel tstlng. d for tha fin a l P°ulL# ,or a iew Il oh j tin K i t . I M I.I(E I> Par» Iw»on »talli«*»» narvna rir.1 ln « w ll„ „ . ( '• ' ,, «•nain, determ ine and adjudge th a t Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wler of I F. M. Wadsworth visited with ut i,I bret-ltag «hart. t o In -u ra standing, p la in tif f : friends In M l ourl C W. Florence vacation »el vi» e la»» than x»«’ ) id swing to lit i In |» h '*-*I thl« 17th liny of Ai«y Cieorge Johnson is p*lntlng the u , . Angeles, Cal .^ VLcited their sucking r 612.6'», |2 r,o down, »10 ____ n« d«»< rdxwi I will fiuvc charge of Morrison's m eat Interior n t tla oarn on the 'Irach - ncice, Mr W. H King last week, relatives In Newberg last Wednes- tin Kerb addtttaii ■ I I M r tini». JU JU N ,i< I IO I N H I KG. i.o » iit« .r of at foaling Headquartets Farm ers' Feed .n iib y th» wurrtMag« herein-, m arket during th eir absence. word I,.- I ., a W ill nmI *l«< lam en t of H a rry Mr. and Mrs. E kstrand and C iar­ lia n i, Hillsboro. Pimua MOI Y O I« than 26«) b»»i and a i*o on am o u n t «»f June Mklihi and hots Uunn are sel dairy farm (N n do Mr and Mrs. Adolph Zwlmpfer vtr w Zim m erm an, |ii< < .i,w | TI iom - H ’Io n i '*•• H Dalhy Pimua Mallolla lotot Hay balers are at work around ence Ekstrand. Mr and Mrs. C. and id o.» aum of I626O.QO w»th spending carnival week in Portland daughters Freda and Marie of l»-7 J r Attorney fo r Ex«auU>r. Mauler». Hu» . _ l , , z l , r ,J Portland w. re Sunday ^ ” ta ' Bar to™. C al" i,» rat«» or ! >/«- p»-r () grandfather. h>l OL*n A lo o a n . , h: ' o.,l ,g ol the ‘ (N«» service la»» Irian ***' > *m l frn»r* H'h e (A T I I I son waa done on the Vaiee Roberts gue.sU of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wood- *. . » week 27. I IN A I. A« I OU NT Ol N O T H I. y *ii» d /o 3 r«pr«a«nu I M r. and Mrs C J. B tlc k n e y spen* Count Word» H« n.l M-.m iv i'iilm fia i «uri .» I ward. _____ ’__________ ort of O.» Nuit» ut O r*- I Wo C. uni Your P ro fita In th» < mint ,„ L .I I . , the wink-end In eastern Oregon «at du« I ba I a «"•« uf interoat »1 . 1 ixm Bunkln of Luk< Grove 1« a Mr and Mrs W. S. Srtver and Oualltv lob nrlntlng—Armii I oo»y ..f Wu hilUfton, ymi. for > nb In- around Bend, returning twine Bun­ guest ol Walter K .att The two you;,.- on VLsited a t the W. F. . tb« fu rth e r «urn « Ilaadtlitfa Not per- l ’ p Ilia d i l» < « Probate !>«• ,t theremi a t the rat« of H>% P«*r d a y by way of the McKenzie Pass. »Hilad. boy.'i are fg.hlng a t Ltu.ry creek for H u m r home Sunday. m.-, ..... ... — — «— ^ — In the Mutt r tin» f a ta te of Ji»<»h Erl. ¿‘J, l'J .2 . th« fu rth e r II, Ir, Mrs. Fred HarshbM ger and son a few days. K leger. D-« . th r fu rth e r «urn of IBOEOO Cash alf'iild ai'i'oriipaiiy the otilar. W. J Taylor of Dufur, visited IS', I.atry ol .Springdale visited her th at th» 'im irr Daily Trips to Portland Not!»» 1« li. «, am i alao p la in tif f ’» coat* Enjoy Home Talent Mr and Mrs. W. H. Ring Sunday. O C. Mason, th l. r w ith W ill an d i>rnt« ii.,'urrr«l in tilt» autt . mother, Mrs Hill« O range m< eling 'I hur .day eye- A birthday party was given in O ut of fai rue»» lo nil no infumi»» A lia tili J».».h Khttfvr. «1» for u «!•-< rre f' r«t luainy th a t certain week. i . i i i It, U.V 1,1.11 f" r tim i ou lln» classified page w ill ntng was largely attended and a honor ol Junior Curtngton on ht-s1 fin a l a ro .u n t Ir H»lmll« 'r a p r «•«••<•*ted hy Sarah J ttlOMt r of The Aloha Monday visiting her parents, home talent program was enjoyed tenth birthday. Those present were ! laauad. bounty, am i that by everyone. Ernest Lochden. Donald and Robert I Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed- ereau * M ortgage « ‘unpany and a»- Mr and Mrs A. Nault. Iti Al. » SI r J n n r. IW34. Ml Lillian Journal of Orfrgon City Baughman. Stephen McEntee and la tu r t«* pia n l l f f . w h l«h vllle, Hillsboro, Cornelius and Opens Office In th r f», btrnins- U u l.o l UI..I f„s » «34 J.e.| M ay 21. M r a n d Mr» Flovd Brown of ***** “ Pltn,c lu n th a t Ule B L daughter P atricia Ann of Helvetia up fur « n June 21. 1934 tu l. >t la-» p u l.II. Lord am i .Slater *ub-di vision 1» Philip ton visited their daughter Baucom home Tuesday This group ur- spending the week with her th Plain« l . o s l ANI> KH'NI> dm ln lstrato r w it 4. JO HN h l . I (.1 It. IL irri» h L. C. No. F ifty -th re e (B3>. ,11 u t a a tn ilr uau,.liter, , ijm pr^, t ,.luo Mr Baucom b e - ' parent: Mr and Mrs. S W. BaUgh- Portland f " r ■« iE am i U rm-r. A tto rn ey 14 1 lownnhip O ne < i f Kou’ h. Rantt« Twt* W i II tu s I ,.| t ur h.kvhnuuo 4 it f «2, VS.nt, W ilJarnette M erid ian , m ore «na piare for heurinic object ,,n, v, »»i,i longed to In Portaind, which has man. and f»/r th« fin a l .«tti«- been meeting regularly for 24 years Mrs H enrietta B Anderson and p artic u larly d« , nh««d an follow * : B egin- " a' ' "unt, M i l II E O l I IS A I H K T T L E M k N T IIO I SI S i , i < i ' i The K latt family motored to grandchildren, Sarah, June and 1 lim it * t a stoi.e a t the interaection of " ‘ "*»d 39. h l th r County < ............ . h. _ day o f June. 1934. In- y.m . f.,i W .. ..n be .S* boll« and H iild .o ro Road w ith th« Oswego Sunday and enjoyed an Billy, enroute from Shelby, Ohio, to H O U S E and lot fo r «ala » H A N I ,|>— MK« r ll.u n ou.% 10. U 4tf In t h r M u t lr r 4 lb«- I ‘ o ' 1!‘ A ,C L M ,“ ¡ N S - A 'i " 'b i i « ‘ r * t d « o¿Ü ¿g''at th eT r ák » e i Lurm inuUm and P o rtlan d Road, fru ni Los Angeles. Cal., arrived in Orenco quir« (In n i C ar E x h a im « • • ..te «,Í «aid de« »-a-t-vl. H a r e . M c - loam w« Thatcher. I)«« n u r d I which «tone an oak 20 inchea in diam eter M i l t I II Pl»» , haarhall Home n»f A e , O r .. A lture«»» fu r A d m in i». _ _ l t $ n t < « rabel r» b Sunday morning for a few days vts- A l« e ui.dcr- Everything in Insurance I Notice ia h rrrby ylveu i that th Leur < South «ixty-«ix devr*«ai th ir ty m in ­ «n iiit * • aum loans D. F Almont and lamily. who It with her sister. Mrs S. L. Car- 42. t ra tr 16-20 »itfn«d a,lin in i« trato r , f tl.« - e «tat« <»f ute« 3 0 '/ W««t T h ir ty -e i* and on«- lllllatmri» ¿ I tam e here recently from South lyle. rx u> |.«U Hl« *'«»«™l I - » 1" 1 Norm an T h a tc b rr, d«r« »ml. hai file»! hi« half (3 6 % ) link« distant, and ru n n in g M arket (A H M 1332 W a s h in g to n Phone 1701 p*-««« lä r m * W A N I H > <•' l.« „ k II..w I , * . . , „ p l « fu i , ' I . IN »“ ' ' 'I 1" Dakota, have rented the Grabel Ui i* rt Mrs. Quaintance, Mr. and Mrs. fin a l arcount in the N U T If E T O C K E D IT O K S thence South eighty degree« and tw en ty- 16 « ^o.tlZ. Htllalm r». P I. « I I II. f a n n e r , a t 1 ' , ' . »' fo r W ashington I «ix minute« l» 0 * 26 / East Tw en ty- In 11.« , „unty C o urt o f lh« State o f O r« - home on Wheeler avenue. th e S ta te of Or«tfon, A. M Bobbitt and family and Mr .... ha. I.— I, 1„ Wa, L i n a i- » <'ounty, and that Satu r«lay, the 7th day 1 tw o am i «eventy-nine hundredths (22.79/ fo r W ashington County. and Mrs G ran t Bailey of Forest r.iu n ly fa m .i-ia 1.» Ih» Lank W rlU , — of July. IV34. at th r li m r of ten u’cha k chain« to an a l« in r>a*d ; thence South It. the M a tte r of the Estate of Sarah C. III-l.l WANTI l> 11 Grove went blackberry picking and y r n r i a l * ia li for particulars W aahingt the County (.’«»urt fb/bbin«, decea-.exl. a tn. of «aid d. •r « tri for • cventy-one dettrv«*» th ir ty -fiv e minute« W A N I 1.1» W . I O U I iatlon. enjoyed a picnic on Pumpkin ly Natn-nal kartu I»1 H o u re I». Hlttobon I ,7 1 * 35 / E^»t «even and ninety-three N 'fth e is her«.-t>y tfiven, th at the under- ft l(<«Mii in t h r ( I P < <«»k. lllilalio t ► 9tf Was Ridge. Oregon, ba« been ( hundredths (7.9 3/ ch a in « , thence South KiieKK MANII-U 12. erneut thereof, account and the oven hundredth« (13.47) chain»; thence •i Jy qualified as such. HELVETIA—Miss Lydia Scheldt George D. G arrett of Portland f ‘»r h«a T h irty -n in e degree« eleven m in - Now therefore, a ll persori» having claim » Hate of the fi publication Jun e 7. I South | t t ) \ want . w ork Telephone 643 and 642 Ph»»ne a fte r 193 4 h ate of It publication July B, I ut««« (39* 11') W a t T w e n ty -e ig h t and auainst «aid ealau* are hereby notified was hostess to the Phillips Ladies’ spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. ■ m all wu g.» N O TH E o f F IN A L At ( O l ST .... ....... I e ig h ty .n in e hundredth» (2«.b9/ chain»; ured U j present the bame, to- . Aid June 6 with the Helvetia Ladies’ Beach and Mrs. Carlyle. 193 4. In the « f unty U m rt »d the S -at.- ■ f O re Aid as guests. A large number were Mr. and Mrs Alden Barron and I K A N K IJ N T H A T C H E R . A d rn in U tra- ■ thence N o rth elgiity deirre«» and tw en- , . ,L. r w, I, proper „ . u .h e r . there',Jr. 13. HALE *»r 1 KAIll M lM -c lU n ro u i* g,,n> fo r the < ounty of W a J u n g t“ «». tor of the I -la te <»f N o rm al Thatch er, ty-m x minute« l «u 26 / W w t, th ir ty - the gn<-(J a t the law office» „f present. Among the guests were daughter Jean Ann of Beaverton ur fir w . hm I fur probate 1 »«-part rueiit. Iti IK A H I h e . **l I ’ 1. p a tte r ,on. A tto rn ey i- r two and eiuhty hundredths (32.HU) chain« M ar e»r & peter», m the s h u L e ' some of the older members in- visited Mr. and Mrs. Gall K arns W illia m « "" , N-- 4133 ohi *»r l»«w »»ay ».e A d m iln in istra to r. 16-2 I ,o the center of «aid Scholl» and H ills - Savi . . . . . . . k», In M , or«- c]utiing M r s Anna Hoffman of Friday evening n , In th« ,M«U«r .4 t h . W ill »n,I 1-1-1« uf II,.« Hm. lit E HUl«hu o ' boro Roa*i , thence N o rth fifte e n deareen ,.'ru.f “ m o n th . fr„ m th« d»te Hjli.sboro. Mrs L Alpanaip. who Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Alexander I n , JuI,l„M,n. I,« .« ...« I, N O T H I OP I IN A L AC< I ISA A. C U M M IN ’H, A d m in ia ira trix and Mrs. Marie Zybach of Long in Orenco They arrived from Lead- ,1... ’„ I r a »m l « .« .„ lu r , r « . g .. l- 1 KUU | hundred acre«, and decreeing th at »aid tate of «aid deceeaed. B a re . Me Beach. Cal. Mrs. Zybach told of ore. Idaho, where Mr. Alexander Thoughtful. Sympathetic Iu4ft la te uf E r lr J .hn.uN. lie- In th« Im i.p the uf Elizabeth I real property he »old in the m anner A fù I'c t r r ,, A tto rn e y . f.,r A d m in i»- her experience during the earth- has been teaching th e past year. 4». g.-Hl «• ,. «<«»<<<1. lieve fili •d th eir fin a l accuunl In Service” sci h a i ¡provided by law for tbe «ale of real prop­ llU U O Y M»u mutui» lii» I ______________________ 16-20 quake a t Long Beach. She intend- ------------------------- tbe t ounty t ourt t*f the aid ostate in l i ­ y Paul that the under- e rty upon execution ; th at p la in tiff be N oti IM. Milli HUH. S into of Oregun, . fo r the U.runty uf Waah- PHONE 972 HILLSBORO tim Ealate of wl. i allowed to hid at »aid »ale; th at the p u r- _ __ ______ l » H O P basset« I » and could not because of Hbueise *„uglon. i*«ut,Mie U e parlm cn t, am i that the E liia i »ed. haa filed M i . r » .„ „ I nL . i , , : in in,m« lI lflG r E ^ a r iy SU h. p »ratit unty til " . i . f : dun l ’l(.»ne t he » «»unty < .»f July. 19. it pro tunto of a il item » d«rterruined W aahingt.Mt hherw iaal. H t. from Kulm, N. D., were no rth P I - A I N S __ Mr and Mrs »f aaid day and the court in the foreti. l l t f • ‘ ..„ rt ||..u»e « a d ju d g e d to be due p la in tiff as here- )/, »meriteo Ravanesi. a »ingle m an. l*a>- family USI» h. Indi*. and place 'uuuty, t ) f w ,u. •urt lia» been appointed Nussbaumer entertained with txive f t o u t. th a t defendant«» above quale G iaeo m o ui, a single m an. Rob­ N e x t5 meetkip ^ w h ^ b ^ ^ w /th ^ M rs J ' J I« t< «Ulti rootn of » bi the tim e and place for aid . •! i 'd . .. b ■ { iLcm and all |»er- Next meeting will be with Mrs. a ¿¡nng,. pa rty Sunday. Those pres- ert E. L . W angem an and ai»*« all other •etlle n ic iit IS. (A U S AM» TIKES «„,1 fu r th« »util of I. jcction« thereto and the the In » claim ing by. through ur under „ere M r' and Mrs J o e Nuss- l*er»oti«, or partie» unknow n, i f any, Rosa Feuerstein July 11. and mem- tbt t here* settler m. ur any uf them , l»e forever barred , claim ing any rig h t, title , intereat o r bers from Phillips Ladies' Aid will baumer of Vancouver, Wash.. Mr. Ut.A J O H N S O N . E lt N l ST J o llN S O h 1 ublished M ay 31. 19 14 hated and foreriueed of a ll rig h t, title , interewt. estate, hen or interest in or to the real be guests 4 8 1 1 E a e c u lri* and E«ecut*»r and Mrs. Charles Lehman of Port- h a te J last blicati-in June 2 *. 1934. and «ajulty tn and to said property property herein after described. Defend 24. 1934. Last k i r . t publication Ma ;'I r-raJ, d Glen, Epl,er, ? i land. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Christener. E ir c u to r of said » t a t e . JO HN R A I every |M»rtiun thereof ; that exvcu- ante. u« publication June 21. 1934. est Grove were guests ot Mr. and Ofeller Mrs i i-" iv to enforce said judgm ent arid Tu Domen i( > Ravaneei, a I ell.- “ " i!: Elmer Batchelder Sunday eve- ^ [ ^ e Z y b », S S John Mr and W&s'. Carl Ralph C Zim m erm an. Odd N O T H I. t i l \ \ U Al St H IH II, r«Mj and fo r »uch o ther and fu rth e r Pasquale Jiacomoazi, a liidit . Canby. O w n . A ttorney fur tb« M ELI l\t. ef x* to the court may seem equit- Robert E. • I L. Wang«*man and also all n . I»,. C hristener and daughter Phyllis and •aid E aecutrta and E««*utor. I« her<3>y given to the legal ot her |>en ►nx. o r parti«« unknow n, if Jam es Davidson left M°nda> Frances Millet, all of N orth Plains. »f I m u n H igh Heh.«»! D iatrict any. Service of tin« lum ino >« ia made upon Mr and Mrs y £ Holm of Sven. mm« »„j riKht, tin«. ¡Nt«r«»i morning for Corvallis, where : ne wi.j n.l liam l Í « Nt» I K L (»E s i li R I I f S HAI.F. .d W . 1 . . , f j by publication thvrt jf in the H ill»* n ..f tbe State » f <>ro t«. lien m tereat m or nr to t„ the the attend sum m mer for two weexs. weeks ate. nen . , r r interest er school ior h been ' vbiitiM relatives In tl.. I that the Annual Hir. nxiu w rs, r . zwl aiiu QunHav i order made by the lio n - f .- m r h r«»un«l ««k virtu e of band and wife. Hank uf Beaverton, an «ALE I u it i ir. A. I» .hol« IL Bagley, Judge of tbe of Delin lent Tax numbered 2575, issued children and Miss Rose Badertscher % ? ! ! » £ Weine?ke left Sunday to Oregon C«.r|H»raiivn. Donald Bayley and ra In» y«e. and 4 l< led fo r the purpo««- tn. I W sa I nboxe entitles! court and e n te r« t in raid <>n the »th day o f A p ril. 1933. by the of lle ry l Bayley. hu«ba.»d and Wife. Jac. " >o«i Portland. Mrs. Will Alf. of «„„.mo- « ¡,h hi« ¿ „ n t lor i*»r a term <»f Court and cause on M ay 29, 19)4, »aid H h e n ff and Tax Ä iaa£d members ot the B aden- ^ n d vth|.. " S $ “s v ^ ’ O efm ger, and « redit Her v ice ’ «»mpany, transaction o f bu«i- |H*riod o f publication being tne perit*! " f Washington, an (J m i..l, I r|-.r« ln ,N . I N f . n . l . n l . teeting. pre . riln-d by aaid order. The < ‘ «te c f the amount of 69.79. same being the A group of young folks. Vera and l.y . Ir lu « -1 »n » « « .u ll,,,,. Ju .lk n .rn l. H E I. «econd and th ird IR. Xlr. and Mrs. Otto Schlack and ;he fir s t publication u f this »umuions ia am<»unt then due and delinquent fo r the |,« .|n r . »„.I O n lr r . ’f Sal« l*»U«»l „Ul *»< tall not be counted !»RY Nu 1 id grow th c i ry Aug«ke family. Fred Schlack and Miss Elnora Sanford. Robert Johnstone tin - 31»t »lay of M ay. 1934. and the date tax«w for the year 1928, together w ith the » I'.u e entillewl < - urt in the ab< *«• en- ihe tim e «et f<»r the He ce.Ur ( h •»ts, u, «each of the ix t! publication there >f is the title *! cauae and to »••• d»r««-ted and dated ' I rances c ° b e r of S u ter were guests Hood Sundav*'1 u z m i nt il the count be- Rt 2. Bank« 2»th »lay < f June. 1934. the l» th .lay of M «>. 1934. up. «» judg­ the Henry S'.athli home Sunday SFrances Moyer of tbe district »hall H E A S O N E l/ » «k and count H l N T IN G T O N . WlL»St»N A. H l N T 1N G - m ent rendere*! and entered I«» «aid t «»urt " ' » ......., a n d a tte n d e d the picnic at U ason R it tc h e l d e ^ M a r e a r e t * Ul»oti any bumi,«-«» T U N , A ttorney« fo r P la in tiff. F o rto ffic e Sawe*l any le , gth la-for» dell v* I ,...,«• Giaromoext, and th at the TJ*’ l T h n R r h l a n b h n v c o r p h r ,, T J a lc n e 1 a e r. M a r g a r e t on tlie Ib th day 1 N O T IC E Floyd Gibbon» on Ibe Jobns-Manville .on w ith interext ; aah. Ray l>» fu r the »uni " f Slkuu erk. 16-8 Go D 42 tf Notice of call of Un ion H igh School. thereon a t the rate ol 7% iw r annum 1U'T Radio program, with $1,000,000 to Mr. and Mrs. C a r te s Johnson WeekS at the SC h1 “ t I. ll«»»d- from the 27th «lay uf June. 1933. Ie«« D istrict No WuNhingtoii County. O re­ Beginning at a point 160 r<»ds ull. Geort D U S E I. and fuel NOTIC E O F A S M VI. St B O O L lend for home improvements and gon. of cho»d w arra n ts No. 1223 to a«»uth and 38 rods eust o f the I fo r the fu r* her F rc«t Grove ; the »urn uf I M E E I l N i. riek». fuel uli dealer. and daughter Betty visited at B at- and \,r«i W H Welnecke 8tf I «um *»f 6126 nt) w ith »nteiw t theranri at repairs . . . offering a free book, inclusive It M. t iO O D M \ N . Clerk. northwest corner of Sec 36. T. 2 1’hone 143 J Notice is hereby given to the legal tie Ground. Wash., over the week- M r' ana Airs -outh of Range 1 west of the W . M. I the rate uf t» , per annum fru ni the 16th v .d e r. of Srhool D istrict No. 7 «.f W ash­ cromired full of interesting thing« and family visited Sunday a t the end. N O T IC E TO < K E IH T O R S in W ashington County, State o f O re ­ I ilny of M ay, 1934. and the fu rth e r »um ington County. S tate of 1.1.1)4— I'l AN » « you can do to make your home more homes of C. F. and E. N. Grabel 19. gon ; thence m a t 29 ro d s: thence Mrs. Wenger Hostess ; of 614 26 (.e ta and doburwemenla and the An nual S-i» «*4 M eeiing •< ««id D l«triet In the D is tric t Court of the U nited States, Burbank am i * of Grabel. up-to-dote . . . more comfortable for the D U tric t of Oregon. north to the center uf the County M d t N I -MN Mrs. Fred Wenger of Portland John Loft»* cost >>f and upon tiii« W rit cutamaodlng w ill he held nt David H ill S« h «d ; to 1 •Otd uotatum Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stigum spent in the M a tte r of Jam«*« Leroy M a rlin , N r t t r r to R e a d ; thence west 2o ro d s ; thence make sale of the follow ing d»- . • . happier! ornchus rh«»»« 4 M m begin at the hour of 2 "" u’clo»k P. .M , entertained with a partv Friday for “ k » t h . h ™ » B ankrupt . No. B 19u72 in Bankruptcy. south to the place of beginning, con­ 1 real property Situated III the on the th ird M onday of June, being th e . her daughter Ellen and her niece. Sjmday m St Helens at the home 16-3 Listen in . . . then ask us for your Notice is hereby given to a ll creditor» tain in g 19 acre», more or leas, in N o rth Plain County of W ashington. S tale of Oregon, lHth »lay of June. A. D 193 4. copy of this amazing book. It's Helen Hershey. of Bacona. in honor ~ celila p f î thoui that on the 26th day uf M ay. A D. 1934. -aid W ashington County. State uf t o - w it : K A I E plant« This m eeting is called for the purpose | it. of their 14th birthday amuversary w i t h '^ m “ W nnar Scholl», Oregon. Jam«« Leroy M a rlin of Beaverton, O re ­ absolutely FREE! Lot number «even (7 ) of Berthold \\ .. i of electing tw»> Director» fo r a term of gon, the bankrupt above named, was I ay Addition Io Beaverton according to since «ne urne <« tne issuance ut x u uò e p r e s e n t i r u n i u i lS V i c i n it y f , _ . i «einet s en* I thr«**» year« and the rtMuitng <»f the Clerk'» duly adjudicated bankrupt ; and that the H i i i i i t r - t i ’ i urbani l& tf the duly recorded map and p lat thero- ani C e rtificate of Delinquent Tax this- were Jean Wenger and W alter s N o rth Plain» An nual Report and the transaction uf firs t m eeting of hts creditors w ill be Sanford Is spending the M ills Pb'tir 41 F d p la in tiff has paid »ub.-equent o r p rio r I H e r s h e y * Glen ’ * of. to grow »«**'! P” »« • j bu»in«ws usual at «uch ni«x*tmg. W A N T I I» <•« N'ow. therefore, hy virtue of said execu- bold in the County C o u rt r«»om in the laxe»» assessed against said property above Kr»-*i Klug 4»».. 62« • Mrs A lic e F lr o d a n d son T lovd w eek at the John Miller home in | D a to l th u 28th «lay of M ay. 1934. olMK Ä Ä a “ D v S a:tendln« the Rose house at Hillsboro, O re - deacribed. as follows ( ounty A . e . l'"rtl» N .I '• " lion. Judgm ent or O rder. Ih v re e and It I-R A N K P E T E R H . C hairm an Boaru City. Mo., are visiting ~o‘ “ ‘ On A p ril 6. 1933. fo r taxes fo r the | O rder *»f Sale and in compliance w it)\ of IhrtN-tom. A ttest : H. It. M rgun, l>t»*- gon, on the 23rd day of June, 1934. at year 1926 1' a. m.. at which tim e said cred.tom ,, the demand« of «aid W r it. 1 w ill, «n tbe tric t C lerk. 113.36 [ Mrs. Anna Donaldson a t the Mrs. 0117 “ ¡“ . r . * . : . 16-7 Lizzie R itter home. Mrs. Elrod, who nfDuf?f?.em^ d On A p ril 6, 1933, fo r taxes fo r the may attend, prove th e ir claims, appoint a IS tf 26th day of June. 1934. at 10:1)0 «»'clock ' V n l«n year 1926 A M at the ««a»t fro nt «lour uf tbe N O T H E O F S A L E O F R E A L E S T A T E trustee, exam ine the bankrupt, and trans­ H 'M . r inquire »1 arrived here Thursday, was in the t S 5hJ,ma' n f'th e ir arfnrinarent's ............................. «10.34 N ie I llu riia n k «end P " M County Court House in llilh l» »»», VS ash- O n A p ril 6, 1933, fo r taxes fo r the act such other bustnms ai» may properly train when the engine was derailed f t ' a 5 \ i rs ^ d ' A C h a m b e rin ' T H IR T Y Bad Nu. 16226 I. 1 year 1927 tugton County, Oregon, at public auction, In the C ircu it Court of the State uf O re ­ » »me Itefore said meeting. ,k D a iry, R*- ............................. 69.57 Uws Hoi»» by running into a landslide near ^ rd other re ^ trte s here I2 tf ■ul»)e«-t to O n Ju ly 6. 1933, fo r taxes fo r the Claim s must be pnpeented in form re­ redemption, to »I h - lug inset gon, fo r M ultnom ah County. Probate Logan. Mont. Although the passen- p ri0Xh relatn es nere- J »hip- bidder fo r cash in hand all the rig ht. year 1929 quired sy the B a n kru p t Act and sworn U <• hate ................................ 69.87 of Crown W illam ette D epartm ent. W A N I E **. i \ , r f x .ur grain. W e pay the ,|,ic and Interrat which the w ith in named On Ju ly 5. 1933. fo r taxm fo r the to. gers were badly shaken up and \ Speiring it C athlam et spent outlet io r > • f,,r w ___ ite , defendant« / .... i .... *. h ..r .»...... , in the In ti»e M a tte r u f the Estate of Daniel heat. W VA h bite year 1939 of them The schedule filed discloses 63076.00 and ! Z n e d " 0 Sen0US inJUfleS Were ™d ^ t h his parents, Mr. the and week Mrs. ..... - ............................. -68.71 highest m arket price K ern , D«n*e«ae«l. O n Ju ly 5. 1933, fo r taxes fo r the n«l feed bar- mì > ovv enlltl««l had on the 27th day assets . 61003.73 liabilities. . i . i.rev »»at«, brewing Notice ia hereby given th at, pursuant year 1931 T H U S . H. T O N G U E J r.. Referee in _____ ________ 67.28 R uth Miller of P ortland is spend- CtiS.pjS ^ a ^ r h '^ ’of Lorn. Beach Bankruptcy, Hillsboro, Oregon. D a t e d On Ju ly 6, 1983. fo r taxes fo r fir s t 1011 Baseline Phone 2691 , m g g tw o.w eeks' vacation with her c ^ a r r h - ^ u e ^ a y ^ o " h a lf 1932 631 8 June 9. 1934. 17 i sister. Mrs. Victor Christensen. On Nov. 4. 1933, fo r taxes fo r last wife, who has been visiting rela­ "HAPPY DAYS." Hillsboro h a lf 1932 ....................... 63.12 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A LK Mrs. T. Moeller of Portland vis­ and friends here. July 1. 2, 3, 4—Celebrate here! On June 6, 1934, fo r taxes fo r the No. 10249 ited her mother. Mrs. Charlie tives Guests a t the home of Mr. and n the C ircu it Court of the State of O re ­ year 1933-4 67.13 _____ Woods. Woods c^hnni was Mrs. A. , G. K-rJtXh <5nnK»v ' w ire gon. fo r the County of W ashington. tn Sunday. t h Mrs. , Sunday“"schoc4 snndav Kroetch Sunday were Th*‘ *“ .*nA i.1“ abl^ to attend the" Justin F'aivre. P la in tiff, am ount fo r w hich the C e rtificate of De- * n ic n ie a t M a s o n h i l l hnquency waa ,„ u e d bear intereet fro m J pICnI I Buchanan, husband and w ife, end A lice j , herein, are hereby fu rth e r notified that o t Block 3 in the town of Forest Banka «aid Section 800 feet, and thence Delivery 6 Cords Charge for sale, table and W heeler, a widow and unm arried, de- | i the p la in tiff herein w ill app ly to the were Erwin Staffer, Edith Staffer. Grove, and ru n n in g thence West 100 B U R B A N K I>u4a South and p aralle l w ith said East east end O ak | f en,ia n te. fu r the »um o f 64»» HU costa • C irc u it Court o f the County and State Bernice W h ite f«>e(. thence N o rth 98 feet, thence Trachsel. Tony Trachsel, G. boundary line o f said Section 800 M gJ F 17p I and disbursement* and the fu rth e r »urn I aforesaid fo r a decree foreclosing the lien Dave Eaxt 100 feet, thence South 98 feet, Trachsel. Esther Trachsel? street. feet to the South boundary line of of said taxes and costs aginst the prop­ Amos and of 6l.ntiu.tiO w ith interest ther««»»ii from to th e place of h«*ginning. Helen Rich. Clarence said Section, and thence East along the 3Uth «lay o f M arch, 1933, a t the for the sum of 66509.00 w ith interest e rty above described and m entioned in said South boundary line of said Croeni, Clarence Zuercher and W il-; F o r . « « » - J rate of 7 per cent per annum , and for thereon at the rate o f 8 per cent from said certificate. Section 390 feet to the place of be­ ired Grossen. Ale» the fu rt h«*r «um of Attorney's And you a re hereby summoned to ap­ March 29. 1934, the sum of 693.60 for gin ning. 6716 f«we w ith Interest thereon fro m the 2 )tn insurance prem ium s advanced by plain­ pear w ith in sixty days a fte r the service Alfreida Mayer Intends to leave a j .- i ] R ,lrl in « id p b lo c k The N o rth h a lf o f the N ortheast 11 h,UI1, l n s i a e D10CK- »lay of A p ril. 1934. at the rate of 6 t if f . the sum o f 6350.00 attorney fee», of this summons upon you, exclusive of for New York about Ju n e 20. She - qu a rter of Section 31. in Tp. 3 N. FARM MACHINERY p«»r cent per annum , to me directed an«1 the day of service, and defend this action will Visit for a tim e w ith her sis-: and the fu rth e r sum o f 629.93 costs and 22. , R in P r It. 6 W . W . M . and that jx»rtion of in hinder. <*» delivere«l, commanding mo to make sale harvester gra I disbursements nnd the ciwts of and upon or pay the am ount due as shown above, ter. Mrs. G ertrude G rau, and will L u ll b l a h a n a B1OCH JO HNSTO N th«? Southeast q u a rte r of the N o rth ­ 6'- of ihe r««nl property hereinafter «bwerihe»!, this w rit, com m anding m e to make sale together w ith costs and accrued interest, foot «ul Nf«il« minor repair», . east qu a rter of Section 81 in T. 3 , , I have levied upon and pursuant U> »aid 'o f the hereinabove describe«! premise» and in case of your fa ilu re to do so, a sail for G ermany early in July. anting |»lg*. u ’ * . cash; •»»•<> w r* N. It. 6 W . W . M lying N o rth of A few from this vicinity joined B u r l \ \ O dd .......................... Exeeution, O rder and Decree «»f Sale. 1 and barrin g and foreclosing U . A. A n ­ «iecree w ill be rendered foreclosing the R. J. Gourd«nix Beaverton, Bt. ¿. I«»* the rig h t-o f-w a y of the Portland 17 w ill on Monday, the 18th day of June, derson, ow ner of said premises, and Len lien o f said taxes and c«Mts against the the crowd th a t attended tlie Coun- R ailw ay A N a vig ation Company, a land and premises above described. | W . Guild, th eir heirs, successors, assigns tv Farm ers’ Union meeting a t L aur­ F O R S A L E cheap. F»»nï*on tr m t o r . m u- 1934. at tb«* East d«a»r of the Court corporation. This summons is published by order | and personal representatives, and all per­ House in Hillsboro, W ashington County, d,or««*l. fully equipped » N Vnn night. The Laurei- 'The East h a lf o f th«* N«»rthea»t to r ret of the Honorable Geo. R. Bagley, judge Koreat Oregon, at the h«»ur of ten o’clock a. m. son» having and claim ing to have an 6 mile» north < qu a rter of Section 32, T . 3 N. R. 6 deraanden, IR-Hp of said day. «ell a t public auction to the , intertw t in and to said hereinbefore de­ of the C ircu it Court of the State o f Ore­ Scholls ladies served a lunch after W . of W M ., «’xcept 3.89 acre» con- the meeting. Grove. high«*»I bidder fo r ca»h in hand, a ll o f , scribed premises sub;»«?quent to the 30th gon. fo r the County of W ashington, and nil binde veygil to the Southern Pacific Com­ ra k «« Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Batchelder I day of June, 1929. o f and fro m all rig ht, said order was made and dated the 6th follow ing (l«wcrth«*| real p roperty, I CO . 1004 M ,.ln the pany hy deed recorded in Book 120 1 legal and equitable, in and to the here­ day of June. 1934. and the date of the and Mrs. B atchelder's parents. Mr. l i t i lying, being and situate in W ashington | page 329 o f th«» Deed Records of said firs t publication uf this summons is th» and Mrs. Jack Anderson, of P o rt­ ('«»unty. Oregon, am i more p artic u la rly i »tn—t. inbefore described premise» except the county and slat«’. 7th day «»f June. 1934. (le«crih"1 ••» ; I)al««i at Ililb b o ro , Oregon, this 14th in said buildings a n d /o r structures |.h„n- Iffift H'r"- In th«' County Court of the State «if O re ­ fixed thereto and which have become d . y , «111! !• rl.lav» lllia b — * H„n H » «h- ton County. (>r«’Kf»n. By M arie Schmidt, gon, fo r the County of W ashington, and are a part o f the realty. J. S M iddleton. A ttorney for , r y T..Hq.h„„e 311.2, 1611 «leputy. Probate Departm ent. The above described real «*»181» is Plaint iff . public Service Bldg.. Portland, Notice is hereby given th at the utuler- BARRED llo rk pullets for «ale, f r" ”‘ w hat i» com m only known as the signed E f f ie M. Dorland has been ap- l„.«vy Inylnit «train , 10, H and 6 wnnk» Oregon. "E agle Lum ber Company's Saw m ill pointwi A d m in is tra trix of the estate of „1,1 33« t'» 3,,<* f '« h . fm m l.l,«'d-l<.«tf'l P la n t” located nt W i’sUiubsr, Wa»b* John IL D orland , deceased, by the Coun­ ,t , ^ k Mr« l . i . / i n R itte r, lit . I,.,,11"» N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ington C ounty, Cregon. Tintai ty Court of the State of Oregon, fo r T h e price and term s o f sale w ill be M IA. H IIH bortk I'hnn» N o rth Notice in hereby given that the under­ Is primarily dependent on the ir.i- ¡4. ___________________ 16tf signed h a i been appointed ad m inistrator subject te the approval and c«»nfirm a - W ashington County, and has qualified. A ll persona having claims against said use of feeds th a t combine the W H I T E Lmfhorn pullet» for »til». w il,1. ’’® w ith the W ill annexed of the Estate of tion of said court. Dated this 24th «lay o f M ay, 1934. «Mtute are hereby notifie«! to present the it wm-k« dune 211. Sue e»eh. ( hrte Em ery Alpheus S te w a rt, deceased, hy an elements of nutrition In correct­ F irst publication M ay 31, 1934. l.r s t same, duly verified, as by law required, l.nelhe, K t. 2, P o rtla n d ; near n” "> O order made and entered in the (.ounty publication to the undersign«'«! at Hillsboro, O re­ June 28, 1934. ly-balanced proportions. O u t Court «»f ihe Slat«» of Oregon, for W ash­ achool. H a n 't eome Sunday. gon, Route No. 8, w ith in six months I'.M M A A. K E R N and G R A C E K E R N . W A N T E D I ’o llltry of nil k in d .. W rite. ington ( ’«»unty, on the 22nd day of M ay, feeds for cattle and poultry are from the date hereof. Executrices, and, A. D. K E R N . Execu­ W ill ra il nr h r ln , F rid ay, S aturday or 1934. and (h at he has been duly qualified Dated and firs' published June 14, 1934. to r of the E atate of D aniel K e rn , De- selected with this thought In to act an such adm inistrator. Monday heft,re anon. P ortland prlcM . D ate of last publication Ju ly 12. 1984. censed. Jay llow erm an, and F. M . De- Now, therefore, all persons having claims mind and are offered with our I- |1 l l a r d m . C o rn e ll,,« * f > '’ E F F IE M D O R L A N D . A d m in istra trix. STARBARD TO U R W T 16-9 COACH aglnst said «*tate are hereby notified and N e ffe , A ttorneys fo r said catate. unqualified endorsement. Every ROUNDTRIP ROUNDTRIP ROUNDTRIP required to present them w ith the proper PIGH N O T IC E OP F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T wanted variety Is included In BS. SUMM ONS vouchers to the undersigned adm inistra­ In tha County Court of the State of O re - W h ite pi«». Al»„ to r at his home at our large stock. FO R H A L E (h e a te r Newberg. Oregon. In the C irc u it C o u rt of the State of Ore­ g«»n. fo r W ashington County. gon, fo r W ashington County. ehole, ( Pl,« A J. H nrneeker. Rt « . Route No. 1. or nt the law ofltae of P. L ife lnsuran«*e Company, a In the M a tte r of the E state of James D. L. Patterson In Ihe W ells buildnRr, H ills ­ New York near wireless tower. — Robbins, (iecease«t. corporation, p la in tiff, TW()-montha-«»l«l pig" lialoce«», m lta boro, Oregon, w ith in six months fro m the N«»tice is hereby given, th a t the under­ va. dste of the fir s t publication o f this northwest Jacktown «<•»«...•! signed A d m in is tra trix o f the above named T W O brood sows heavy w ith p ig *. / ' ,un* notice, to -w lt: W ith in six m«»nths from A ustin Sims as Executor of the Last W ill pwtate, ha« file«! In the ah«»ve entitled P M O N I Bf AVTRTON TMO and Testam en t of Harah J. Hirns, dc- aow for butchering. a n «1 register« M ay 24th, 1934. ( ’ourt and cause her fin a l account and R C E D V IL L E censed, Bernice H u n t a* c«>executrix Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, on thi* Poland C hina boar, fo r sale <»r w ill of the Last W ill and Testam ent of rep«»rt as such, and the Court has f ix c l trade fo r heifer. Jack H H Her, m ile 22nd day of M ay. 1934. Phone S21 L. C. HOLT the 14th day o f Ju ly. 1934. a t the hour Harnh J. Hints, deceased. A ustin Hirns, G E O R G E A. A L L IS O N . A d m inistrator »outh Cornelius. Phone Forest Grove in dividu ally and L orna Hirns, his w ife, of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day. and w ith W ill annexed of the Estate of Em ery 1718R. the Court room of the above entitled H e rn k e H u n t, Individu ally, and Lloyd Alpheus S te w a rt, Deceased. P. L . P a t­ l u l : S A L E 1 »«>w and hoar. A lbert C. H u n t, her husband, Mereedea U rdahl C o urt in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the tim e 14-8 l« tf terson, A tto rn ey fo r A dm inistrator. M eier. Rt. 2. Beaverton. —« - + C la s s ifie d A d v e r tis in g f to V a c a tio n in M i s s o u r i |40 i »arri Uuallty J°o Pnnting Argus H illsboro A uto F reight - RUSHLOW I- o Phillips Aid Has Meet at Helvetia Legal Notices DR. R. J. NICOL DR. E. W . ALM QUIST V eterinarian» Y O U N G ’S u F u n eral H o m e N orth Plains Folk W e buy a mi sell used gars. — Lseil Car E xch an ge. g«it- < “ a-i‘1 Bll“ ( WE buy and sell used earn. __M acKunziu M otor Co. \A/,II YOU O nr-rtO V CC© rk pT FREE book? Listen in Saturday n igh t at 8 o’clo ck on KGW POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. FUEL BI. E ffectiv e P ending S ettlem en t in P rices of F u el Code FARM I ■* $ 3 .5 0 $3.25 $3.00 ... 4 .0 0 3 .7 5 3 .5 0 1 4 .5 0 4 .2 5 4 .0 0 i. 4 .0 0 3 .7 5 3.50 ... 2.75 2 .5 0 2 .2 5 M ill Run Slab, 4-foot ft? M ill Run, inside, 4-foot £ E U WU,»-£n. I Screened S aw d u st and H o gged F u el, m ix., per unit $2.60 el Thursday 2 .6 0 Coarse H ogged F uel, per unit OUR SA LESM EN WILL CALL ON YOU STIMSON LUMBER CO. LIVESTOCK G R O W T H --- A FREE TICKET Ca/i^>ïnÛL OH y o u k WORLD’S FAIR TRIP! $5735 B. IM LA Y < SONS, INC I $6880 $86 Go East through San Francisco and Los Angeles. Return on a northern line for exactly the same rail fare as for a trip straight East and back ! STOPOVER ANYWHERE. S o u th e rn P a c ifie