H IL L S B O R O THE p f AR G U S. H 1 L L» B O K O . Thunaluy, .luu»1 I I, 1934 OREGON Page Six D r. Y o u n g to Speak D inner » S M rs. Jensen Superintendent L. M. Miller. Mr. »ixl Miller and daughter Oleums, G race Miller. Mr. and Mrs Rueck (Ella May Miller' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller and granddaughter. Irm a Barr all of Scholls; Mr. and M rs l l r t l Miller and daughter ...k ‘2 ' ^ Banks 1/usssxu Sunday u/i. / School Group 1 Sundayvere burns on the bottoms of her Z “ . Z * “ ________ ________ ________ C c tla r M i" T e a m Ree,« Clean SIa.e Messrs J Jesse Foster. Paul a n d Jack Glasco». who tu« Wen In lS S O Ionio llusilek. Ivan and A in o .. Georgi» loi sevi ia ly « « * '« " * S É S S sW W Í aixt Mrs. I buck I BETHANY CEDAR M i t i . C édai M e lie r Jo h n Hansell. Bill Docili i '“ ;.,,.'.“ “« :.,,“.",'1 “ ook i several erales of »trawberr tie s a m i M ill ba seball te a m scored a n o th e r ol Hillsboro W aller Hliiekl. lle n rv F ra n c is R eichen l l e n r v victory Biuidav when It won from H i cherries as fruit i* scarce hi st ♦ A G ladys K u tu tll o f Ì Donclson & Sewell Ikiibalmeni »««I l.le e n M s t K rrw — r ïH Ï Ï» f u n f k a i . i m u - e r o i t u SCHOLLS- Hillsboro fath er a; Saturday the bene Francis Hesse have T here worn ei will H illsboro Phone 953 larg present. A program special music will be given. A "Boys' O rchestra" will furnish m u­ sic during th e evening. Jeanne T rask has been seriously ill with tonstlitis and w ith her m other. Mrs Clifford Trask, has been In P ortland at th e Willis P otter home the past wek. Mrs Jennie Farver spent last week in P ortland visiting Mrs. Lu- cla Binkley. . Rev. and Mrs. Tibbits. Mrs. Laura Baldwin and Mr Vass and Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel were Sunday guests a t the Ed Wohlschlegel home. .. , „o V Piini «t Mr. ________ and Mrs. ____ Joseph E Flinty - ----- „ at tended the wedding of Lester Rob- hula. Mi and Mi . . FARMINGTON—M eeting of the Farm ington Weliore club, which was to have been held at the home of Mrs Edgar Rehse June 21. has been postponed. .... . . . ....... — ... M. A. ia <---------- Mfs Dalby and daughter K athryn The silver tea which the Blue tlves liere spending the week with Mrs Bird club planned sometime age. R u w n of Elma. -- I o ... a c c o u n t o f Straw- . i • - T™ w Nelson Mr Mr and Portiand ^ j r and .»no. *-<* , ------------- -------- --- Mrs. Boland Is spending the week program of semgs wlU «lven few davs last week wlth Mrs Fred Clark Clark. v lte a _ w Mr and M ri B w with ! | Everyone is jn Invited. \ r rs S. S Dalbv and daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lilly and ,. spent Sunday at the A. m Hie ukl|M>rt . ... ____ ____ ... , ... ... ... M l . »11« ■ - pioneer reunion ..... . W a lte r F‘ s 1,1111 li.'im iiiu i jp ^ s e jj . G r u ftu n d c r a n d fa m ily tended the annual arrived here Saturday from Wls- Wash., vis- and picnic nt Birkenfeld Sunday .i..r..Pj ^ J Wolford an d S truthers o f Hlleon Wednesday H(. WM „ clieesemuker Uiere tor Mr. and _ . . made . many yrars. children and Miss Marie lBeben a t- ' night. ’ and Mrs A rthur Schuls G roveM oiiu’iv'event'iig" given by tiie “ biislness trip to Corvallis Wed- Ml#fi M,thl)|laIU, „( Portland Disgusted D ic k says, "The only A rm entrout pupils Of Miss IX-e " M rs Herman Schindler and Miss *',U' gU’,M secret a w o m a n keepn is the one H. Tliom p- home. Miss Hasel Wolloid played a Q WUmer oi the B ethany Presby- she c a n t re n u -m b e rl'' num ber._________________ terlan church attended tlx- c o n n - . . ■ , . p . ,.i, . . i i • ty cabinet meeting and wiener rou. t | . 0 $ l A U L D S . 0 1 l i l at Gaston of the Clirlstlan En- ’ ■ I. . / deavor. Next cabinet meeting will The secret o f fu tu re hap­ last I -j. \ 1. si 11 y f 11 |y 11 11 lie belli June -’-I anil 24 at H utch week a t th e Fischer farm , re - -s m other. Mrs. M artin. P ortland spent Sunday week d i I V I O U I l l i I I I l U . I l t cutU g,. m 1-acifn city. piness is fin a n e in l secu­ turning Friday to care for th eir Mr and Mrs Edgar Rehse and here picking wild blackberries on ftnd M fs John Hartwick v is -' Name Queen C andidate daughter Marie Camenzind. who is Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Bald M ountain. They also called on relatives in Portland Friday MOUNTAINDALE The w i l d ] rity . Let the C hiirles L. 111- Zimmerman. Esther Strum . Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eh G nndle Mrs Mae West of Ht Umts. Mo.. Alvena Parm lev Is spending this blackberry season Is a t Its peak In ' Farm ers' Union of C edar Mill I'm only 28 years old and Ervin B urkhalter Mr. a and Mrs. Reid W a lk e r Insurance Agency (halter and Helen Bag- » ag - mr. n a sirs. n n u Eldridge of Hillsboro with her grand- this community There ait- more Mrs. Taylor Has Fall t last Tuesday night A general write« picking Hillsboro visited relatives in Banks M r and Mr “ a J Fried- blackberries on the vines tills year n iu m ,, • of the state convention weighed 170 Ibe until taking oix- Mrs. Iowa Taylor is su fferin g 1 nell went _ wild blackberry ------- Ju n e 5 Oven by the secretary. Mrs box of your Kruschen Salts Just 4 show you how it cun he I th an for many seasons. from shock received In a fall Mon- Friday on Dixie Mountain. d™vnevem ngl and* is* under th e doc-1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Burchell a n d Q Nlrs. Cass Wilson visited at the Mrs. Thom as Robertson and Mrs * in n Ntuerer \ l l s s Verna Mae W a i- weeks ago 1 now weigh IW 11» 1 attained. Q u u ilt ilt E E x x h h ib ib it it P P la la n n n n e e d d - • -------«la ¡Children of Portland wyre Sunday W lkapi-N ahon Camp Fire G irls home of her son. Stanley Clark, Rose Whttzel of California, and lt,rs was elected as a candidate lor “I»0 have more energy anil furtlii r- tokfrsCau ic v llWolfe Miller of T aft guests a t the Charles Clark home_ are planning a quilt pageant to be ,nd family a t Glenwood June 6 Mrs. C • - I. — Williams aiul Ruby Rey- een ol o( the t more I've never had a hungry mo- , qU queen the "Happy Days" a — ,t Is s assisting with th e blackcap h n ar- ar- Mr. Mr. and ana Mrs. Mrs. Gordon owruvu Saluiow w ol * m given e n at a aaie date io to ue be anuvuuvcv announced Bridge Bridge club club met met Thursday 'Hiursaay after- alter-1 nolds nolds motore motored to PiUltsades. W ash. Hillsboro. nuni ’ * - home. Hillsboro were were guests guests of of Mr. Mr. and and ia later. Prizes will will be be given given for for pret- pret- noon wlth • Mr^ c - w .......... -- 1 Friday - • ■ to visit Mrs. T helm a Davis vest at the s P. G. Miller Hillsboro tcr . prizes Moore. Mrs. fo re st Jones visited his parents. H it folks should hike one-half H art Mrs. W. T. Putnam Jr. Sunday. uest. oldest, and best quilted quilts. y ern prickett won first prize and and family. They returned M o n -1 \ j rs k Join's over the teuspoonful of Kruschen Salta In a I.ra n « x m n u r Guests of Mr. and Mrs Ervin QUilt tops will also be exhibited Mrs William Moore secoiai. In - day. week-end He was in the hospital gla^s of hot water in the morning Mrs. Ida recen ea w ra BUr^halter Sunday were Mr. and iult Cal.. cal.. Sun- S un- ning. ltlng with For your health's Mike ask for covered from injuries received d > day t<) ___ to visit friends and relatives, teresting if owners of fine quilts Coffey and sons Mr and Mrs. Clyde Lincoln and Mrs. John Muercr last Monday. and get Kruschen a t the Delta Fire. Automobile», Civniwlty, falling from a tree. The fills a t the Farm ington wlj, :ak e an Interest and pride In Having is in full swing In t h i s 1 familv of North Plains visited at ” M artin"LuiM -n ’ and Miss Nellie Drug store and Hlllslxiro Pluirmaey i ...ibiiit\ Fidelity, S u n (y Mrs. Ida w illiam s spent tn ew ees- bridge were completed last week. showing them . community tins week. A bum per the W S Holm home Sunday. Larsen of P ortland were week-end or any drug store the cost for a iuul L tn end a t the Joseph F lint home Sunday guests a t the H. H. Boge Lam ar Sandy Is spending a few crup reported, especially of clover The K l-C l-D a-Pl Camp Fire girls guests of their father. M C L ar- Ix'ttli- that lasts 4 weeks is hut a H ione 1732 1161 3rd S t Mr. and Mrs. C. E. btretener, home were Mr. and Mrs. William weeks at th e home of his cousin. Hev E J. Tragllo and Robert held a business meeting at the ien and family trtlL- u n i if after Uu> first botlle Louis Hesse and Mrs. Jennie r a r - R Withycombe and family of G as- Orville Sandy, a t Mountaindale. Magín of B ethany visited the Banks home of Leora Williams Tuesday. m f alut Mrs Glen C arr visited vou are not Joyfully satisfied with ver were Sunday guests or m j . Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Thompson Sunday school Sunday morning. Many of the farm ers in this Mr a nd Mrs. Dave Oravellc of results money back Adv and Mrs. J. W. Tice a t their io\eiy Miss Vera W atkins of Jefferson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert, the son of the M E dis- vicinity are picking Royal Anne Borlng Sunday sum m er home near Rhododendron. ^ ited Miss Veva Boge last week Elmer Lyda at Glenwood tn c t superintendent, is an accom- cherries for the Hillsboro cannery B th d a y H o n o re d f .M r sn d Mrs E J. H o w ^ d and Mr ap d Mrs John Boge visited plcntiful phshed o rg a n S f w d gave a few and for the Bixlle barreling pl.uit ,U i r r,,u Berries Plentiful r ___ ____ _______ „____ _ C hristian Endeavor of the P res­ five children of Silver Creek, Neo.. a t Henry Boge home a t F ir- . .. Wild blackberries are very plenti- numbers Rev. Tragho spoke to a . t . Banks. byterian church have moved to the old Jo h n Rogers dale Sunday. ful in the logged Marvin floggess. --- - , gave R uth Wls- on gged off places’ places aiul and old I the children. Boggess. wno who nas h as oeen. been farm UIL p 11 a ' Lee < W T ’ /? Ut5 a cI returned h ®nie ^um s according to all reports from Albert Ateher. secretary of the staying a t the Orville Sandv home b‘irtluj u m m versarv last w«« k P ortland’ c o u ^ n s ^ i from the Good S am aritan hospital the m parties th a t nave been MulWomah county democratic com- for the past few months, left for ¡J,hocx>* prr‘M,nt Mi <«s Mur W estfall, of Portia d. aunday. picking the berries the past week, mittee. visited H enry Atlee Sunday California Monday. J u.rl DlcKnuin Aline B o s w e l l . th e Howards, M arries ------------------------- Nearly7 every family h a s picked evening. Nearly . ------ —---------;----_______ O n h e lm W Lsm er <>r Hillsboro M .u\ and c*nned }?rge ^u antitu'3 -of W. is driving wJ;:i'\7t*nhlm w T ithr h r ‘Spa7eiits be- T o ! ’. ¿-I. Irv n e H- ulmo H 7 ^ ilodle P lant CI om - s S ^ E i X n O regon' f f i d a y tl> = other southern points, after which Mr. and Mrs. P -ip . » Royal Ann cherry pack was _com- spend a few days fishing ln the places, drove to visited u n ti l) n i k S S ; - . " s . i ; " ^ r r i m f o r S u n d a v x ir. i w hi , »11 left Thursday m orning for her Sunday with relatives Mrs Mos» FEED— e v ^ i e is urged to be present * m « .' O tto Hunger and two sons ^ e r T w ^ ^ U ^ X r e * Ulf,D' ¿ ill o p e n 'w u h ^ p e G ? “ dn t w eeK ST i n ^ t l ^ d M r°aL dS Mrs" A.*B. Me- “and M rs.' R o b ^ " e t i t and Im p e ria l D eveloping Feed fo r B e tte r Pullets. M 'service A p ^ r a m w iT be »^!h Mrs H ^ n ^ 's m other IS d Mr P ^ a r d is connected little son of Rainier. Wash arrived FEED — riv ra r I ? H iw thorne willI con- sister m uuier a wRh . hc experlm ent s.atlon of ln Banlw Wednesday for a few days Im perial Lacto Milk Mash fo r < occidiosis. duct baptismal service with water Lucille K lann is in the hospital Wisconsin with Mre. P e tits parents. Mr. from the sea of Galilee, donated by in Forest Grove. A tte n d B a n 1 n f t ^nd Mrs. P. D. Dreeszen. and with W. L. Moore of Banks and John ’ other relatives. B rin g yo u r P o u ltry Problem s to us. Mrs. Ferd Groner. and all wishing Robert Hunger is ¡per.d.ng a Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M cFarlane ’ baptism please notify the pastor be- week with Frankie Meury a t T im -! Thornburgh of Forest Grove a t- tended a bankers' banquet at Sher- have moved to Forest Grove. Mrs. T his service is free. fore Sunday. ber. wood Monday night. Mrs. Moore M cF arlanes two daughters Elma Mrs. Ferd Groner and guest, Mrs. ------------------------- spent the evening in Forest Grove, and Virginia G arngus will join Trade with Imperial — Pay Cash and Save! B F. Richardson of Seattle, a n d T T , : where she was a dinner guest of them later. Mesdames H. T. Hesse. A. B. Flint ! Mrs. Thornburgh. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Beard spent and J. M. Stretcher spent from / Gail Debolt returned to her home Sunday with their son Henry and Thursday until Sunday a t th e Rex Crawford of Hillsboro visited here Tuesday G roner beach home a t Depoe Bay. friends here Sunday afternoon. . _ from a Portland family on G reen M ountain. K enneth who graduated Misses Evelvn Hesse and Doris Mr and Mrs. John Tim merm an, hospital » here she recently under ---- - . Munford, -------- ------ S o u th S econd S t. Millers of Quality Freds Heaton accompanied them and vis- John J r . and Miss Olga Tim mer- went a mastoid operation. She is] from O. S. C. last week. Is spending ^ hon«‘ 01 ited their cousins the Charles an d man of O rchardale visited a t th e reS$y®rln£ m5 i h er- Mrs "HAPPY DAYS." Hillsboro. July 1, 2 .3 and ♦—O -lebrate here! Tonv Wesmski families Otto Tim m erm an home Saturday Mrs. E E. Nickerson has re- flo ra Munford. Elm Petter.wm. a Sunday guests a t th e Jackson evening. ceived announcem ent of th e m ar- friend from O 8. C accompanied ---------- r —-------------------------- — O M E day fro m the q u ii't o f a c o z v college room home were Mr and Mrs. Scott and Albert Forest is caretaker for Joe riage of her grandson Rona.d Powell Bim home for a few days' visit be- 5 5 ^ daughter Nancy of Gaston. Mr. and West while Mr. West and family are to Miss Beulah Edwards May 26 at y o u r hoy w ill w rite you a le tter. C lum sily M n t Art Johnson and sons Leo and staying a t Greenville during the Brownsville where th e couple will w orded, perhaps, fo r it w ill not he easy to put Roy of Portland and Mrs. Anna hay haivest. make th eir home. R onald visited G roff and daughters Rose Anna Mrs. Clarence Updike received his grandm other here last fall, onto paper the sudden proud a ffe c tio n lie feels and Josephine Francis, who left word Friday th a t her daughter., Feet Burned fo r you. But hy it you w ill know that y o u r fo re ­ Monday to join Mr. G raff a t H unt- Miss B eth Amell. had arrived at „ T h e Misses Eisie and G era dine sight o f years has been rew arded. For the steady, ington Park Cal the home of h er g randfather a t Kessler spent last week a t Nesko» - ( Millers Hold Familv Reunion St. Charles. Idaho. Jh. They were joined there Friday c a re fu l planning, the budgeting and saving h y The Miller clan held a family re- Mrs. Emil Dober of Gales Creek by th eir Parents, Mr and Mrs. John w hich you have been able to give him the privilege union picnic a t Bonneville Sunday, called at the F red Dober Sr. home Kessler, and Sheilah Hall Sunday Those present were F. G. Miller. I Thursday afternoon. morning Sheilah Hall suffered se- o f th a t college education w ill at last have been Many Blackberries In Just 4 Weeks Chas. L. Walker Orrhardale Orchardale Orcnaraale POULTRY Hayward FEEDS IMPERIAL FEED & GRAIN CO. S e m p e r e c/ /o r N Q N t SK.LD brought home to him . He w ill know w hat he has never fu lly know n b e fo re : T h a t he is a lucky hoy to he yo u r son. A nd you w ill bless that long-past day when you opened a savings account. "HAPPY DAYS." Hillsboro, July 1, 2. 3 and 4 Ck-lebratc here! N o w the famous U. S. Cog­ Commercial N ational Rank LOOK AT THESE FEATURES: w h eel T re ad — the surest non -skid design kno w n — T r ip le T e m p t e d Rubbsu stands up for many more safe 'Tlie Irfirne.st Independent nmik ln W ashington County." to u g h n ess adds eta n y e a ire m iles o f n o n -skid life . m iles, because the 1 9 3 4 H illsboro, Oregon 2 H ig h e s t q u a lity co rd s and U.S. Royals are built of heat- live virg in ru b b er fo rm t h e resisting Triple TEM PERED Body. RUBBER — the toughest tire C o g w h e e l T re a d P a te n te d S o fe ty B o n d e d as freezing Arctic air! HE E T E R N A L zero-cold silene« trigger, split shelves that accommo­ date large bottles and roasts, tem­ o f polar regions has been dup­ licated in the new Air-Cooled Elec­ perature regulator that speeds fre e l­ ing and defrosts without stopping. tro lux Gaa R efrigerator! T E lectrolux is an absorption-type re frigerator requiring only a tiny gas flame and ordinary a ir in con­ nection with its refrigerant. There is no machinery in Electrolux be­ cause none is needed. Hence, there is nothing to make a noise o r wear out. Think how important this oper­ ating principle is! Electrolux contains a ll the refine­ ments modem designing and engi­ neering can provide. Y o u 'll like its beauty o f line, gleaming white fin ­ ish that is easy to keep immaculate, stainless chromium hardware, inter­ io r lightin g, ample storage space, trays that release at the trip o f a I f you now enjoy the services of a modem gas range and an auto­ matic ga» water heater, you need E le c tr o lu x to make your kitchen complete. But, whether or not you are planning an A ll-G a s Kitchen, which authorities claim is the ideal kitchen, you should consider the purchase o f this silent, c a re -fre t re frigerator. Y our Gas Company knows you w ill lie «-atisfied with Electrolux. That i t why they recom­ mend it so he artily —why they w ilb in gly and prom ptly service every one sold. Learn more about this superior re frigerator at your first opportun­ ity . E lectrolux is on display at the Portland Gas & G>ke Company — is fo r sale by authorized dealers. Convenient term» to fit you r budget & P rrm u N e n tly silen t Has no m o v in g parts T e m p e ra tu r e re g u la to r Free« you fro m eostly re p a irs Non-stop d e fro s tin g A m p le fo o d »pars P le n ty o f ice cubes / it G r /e r f ELECTROLUX P ortland G as & C oke C ompany HILLSBORO, OREGON 4 T h e sp ecial ” U . S.” Beod p ro ved th re e tim e s ae^er. are both extra mileage and HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY lUIVSK IAN BEAUTY SHOPS 5 longer-lasting safety— at no ia extra cost. a special a dd it »o net safety fa c to r. E V E ’S B E A U T Y SHOP G eneral Beauty Work P erm s,i.n tfl arid all kind« of braiitjr work. Come in and see the 1 9 3 4 d îftk ROYALS X • butti ciffttfle NllKUKON A. (). P IT M A N , M. D. rilY H IC IA N Ha Iron y II II Inborn Pharm acy 4.40-21 .$ ^ .9 5 4.50-21 $ rj.2 O 5.00-19 $ g .O 5 5.25-21 $ iy.3 O S a nitary Beauty Shop A ll Klnda o f flrau ly Work PERMANENTS a aporlnltg Telephone 1471 W EII/H A PA R TM EN TS Mnhel Hr hen tiri and HITRGKON X -Ray end Phyalo-Tharepy Com m errlel N ational Hank Bldg. Tolephone I3H1X Royals. yOC/PAY^O M 0M F0R and T h aln vected B re a k e r S trip O f Are 8281 Telephones Ftmldeace 701Z DR. I). E. W IL E Y , M. D. I'hyaiclan and Nargeoa Well*. Building TKLKPHONEfl O fflre 2flH2 Reahleaee 26R1 IICNTISTS nARIIAOE COLLECTION DR. R A LP H DRESSER Garbage C ollection Dentini TEMPERED RUBBER TUE StSVCL^^/kEiXICEKATOK 1300 MAIN STREET cip te known. tread ever developed! Here AND CANS Commercial Building —Ar« i new y u t it iie e th e su rest n o n skid p rm - <£ BUSCH’S SERVICE GARAGE 1152 Third Street Phone 501 D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 144 F ven In ira, Hundnjr hy Appointm ent INSURANCE KURIIER STAMPS GEORGE T. M cG R A T H W ashington C ounty A gen elee INHVIRANCK 8KRVICK Hhnte Hank Phone 2211 Telephone 2325 lleild ln g Hillsboro B U T TO UR RUBBER S T AM PS from H ILLS B O R O ARGUS