1 Fa N THE Page Four rgus XTillsba W ith W hich is Combined the Hillwboro Independent H U labor«' Artru* e ’ »b. IS94 IWI k S ti Independent IS J M r K IN N K Y & M c K lN N B V . Publisher* Pub lieh t^d Thursday». Kntered as »erond-e!a»a m a tte r in the può lo ff ie * at Hillsboro, Oregon W nu ve pr ev V E R N E M cKTNN E d itor " * Eirat Audited Paper I.a r g ­ ent Au ifiteil W eekly Circula­ tion in Oregon Mem ber— Oregon State E d i­ to ria l Astu i int ion and N a ­ tion al E d ito ria l A tw e m tic n O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER w u s . e . c . M c K in n e y Aanociate E ditor OE W A S H IN G T O N COI NTY K W T A U w O 1( L H s| b • h li S ubaraption Kate« S tric tly Ca*h in Advance Per year ________ _ 11.50 V . S. Out» id * Oregon Six month« ________ .81 Foreign Countries »2.00 8.50 The Hillwboro Argue assumes no fin a n cia l responsibility for errors published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fa u lt w ill re p rin t that )>art of an advertisem ent in which the typographical m istake occurs. Good L eadership G reat H um anitarian AUG U S, Good Price on Hay Expected President Roosevelt in a message to congress again dem onstrates that he is a great hum anitarian, having the interest of the common people at heart and a desire growers to the number of to do everything possible to create a more . . . . Hu; ... |, I .s l W e ,I n .. I> , ... „ . , , , p nla> I abundant life for them. Decent homes, v " u U. ,i ” ,11‘;' ,H10'>»'>* productive work and safeguards against \iilx io i, that the outlook for a m isfortune were pointed to as needs of fair price tor the 1934 hay crop 1 more favorable Hum ninny think the American people. Figures subm itted by the growers Such a desire deserves public approval Indicated th a t tile carry-over of and the support of American citi ens old liny on the farm s is less th a n without regard to politics as is pointed out usual. Wlnle Hie new crop is heavy, ts not abnormally large ’ consistently in many normally republican it Growers present agreed, reports new spapers, who see in "new deal" pol­ County Agent Cyrus, that under icies good steps for improving the lot of existing circumstances, t a n n e r s need not be too anxious to unload the entire people. their m hay at low prices at tins .. Steps as outlined by the president such time. Market conditions ut present " not u i r n n i a high as unemployment insurance and old age do g ro w e 'rs m is x i t h a . ^Drux^^but or .pensions for action of the next congress the / I m. .*2, m 't 1 P . ‘‘ should uld b» dimandixt. For num ber should make for a greater lasting com­ one red closer. tne\ ugnx'd to itsk fo rt and happiness for all Am erican citi- Per ton baled in the Held with Zens. As pointed Ollt by the president they si more if It ts stored ill the burn. are rehabilitation m easures th at must go I'or vetch and out. luiy they agreed hand in hand with national recovery. It 01 *“ tu‘> is an ideal that the country can justly Eastern Oregon, it was reported. work tow ard. Safeguards must be pro­ does not have as large a crop as K' some While there may be vided against the sufferings of our peu­ ; usual. hay to be shipped from certain ple. there being little excuse for such con­ sections east of the mountains, there ditions in a land of such great wealth. are other sections there th a t have H. L. M ackenzie has been elected president, P. L. Patterson, vice-president, and Alf O. Johnson, treasurer, o f t h e cham ber of commerce. They are consci­ entious and vigorous young men a n d should furnish good leadership for the lo­ cal civic organization. Morris Wei! and L. J. Rushlow have been re-elected to the board and have proven them selves in past efforts as has C. T. Richardson, holdover m em ber of the board. The retiring offi­ cers. Lester Ireland, M. P. Cady and L. J . M errill, have given valuable service to the nation first.” the comm unity and their work is thorough­ “ R ,,g .1 • ■■ , but ill addition to these imm ediate ly appreciated. tasks of relict and recovery we have prop- erly. necessarily and with overwhelm ing apiirova! determ ined to safeguard these i i u e i e r i n i i i t u to s . u e g u a i l l H U M A cts Quickly tasks oy rebuilding many ot the struc- A south and it tribution. leader uation th at would exist in the middle due to the most severe drouth in 40 and. before he was called upon, steps for the relief of these stricken pie. In this he dem onstrates th a t he is a family \ v i Hi ng "to work.' They- »re the ee- president for all the people. m e a su re s taken tow ard relief, recovery and rec eon- struction.” „ F athers will be honored throughout “ W’e have sought to put forw ard the the country Sunday, June 17, which is rule of fair play in finance and industry." se t aside each y ear th a t we may pav our ‘v e must dedicate ourselves anew to respects to dear old dad Dad is usually a recovery "of the' o id \m d 7 ^ c ^ d “ p o ^ e ^ a Patient, unassum ing fellow, who labors sive rights for which m ankind has consis- day a fte r day to provide the necessities tentiy struggled — homes, livelihood and P/ 5 ? t E ! A eJ k\ S0-me,t.imes individual security. The road to these tak en too much for granted, but alw ays values is the way to progress. N either vou the old dependable on whom the rest can nor I will rest content until w^ have done fall back on m a pinch._______ Our utmost to move fu rth e r on th at road.' S eptim us G ibson F u n e ra l F rid a y H IL L S B O R O sas City. Missouri, was introduced. There were also visitors from For- est Grove FOREST GROVE—Septimus Gib son. 77. died at his home here Tues day at 7 p. m. Funeral services will be held from the Forest Grove U ndertaking company chapel at 10 G R A ifn . n n r .F k n r F P., p sl m Friday w en Rev Alexander R O F. P ' XT WEEK G. B ennett’ officiating. Interm ent GRAND TEMPLE NEXT „.¡1, will in the Forest View at cemetery. Mrs P H R C hantler — — -1 repre i L UI " • M r be Gibson was born L ittle- hoenicia_ Temple will Pyd^mñ beck. Whitby. Y orkshiik "¿n g liS d . Sisters, at the G ran d 'T em p le »es- February 13, 18S7. came to the sion in Portland Monday and Tues- United States 76 years ago and to W. H. Dierdorff and G Rus- Oregon August 11 1908 He was Morgan are the delegates for m arried to Alice Sm ith February 3. Phoenix lodge. K nights of Pythias. 1891. in Omaha, Neb. Deceased is the G rand Lodge session. Open survived bv U.c widow and four house will be held at the Oregon- children: Mrs. Gladys Elizabeth W ashington Pythian home at Van- ----------- ------------- _ i couve£ o— ,— „ with ¡ . ^ ------ j and Coleman. Trenton, — Neb ; Mrs. Grace Sunday, grand G ertrude - Wahl. Banks . x -------- Dr. Guy ° fllc, T \ n a -tendance Gibson, and Miss Mary Evelyn Oib- P>. ^ la.lls a " d ,t h eir in en d s are ln- son. Forest Grove. The following ' lted attend. brothers and sisters also survive:! -------- Jo h n and George Gibson. Friend. TVALATIN' CHAPTER Neb.; Joseph Gibson. Caldwell. Kan.. DELEG i v p g r t i iv n and Tyreman Gibson Oktahoma .1 n ¿ ^ n o r e . ^ V e r o ê - ^ ^ O r n a r - F ^ d a n . . ffarizel Dr. A. Hinman. Orval H utchens Claud Wagner Don Parsons and ro p r^ e in m g " t u L T ^ c ^ t l r . a W. C. Schultz. 1-1__ ____ /-■« H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, June II, 15)34 City in puino recital th en ' Tuesday evenni;: ¡it (tie FliM Cungreiaitlonal church Miss H enrietta Krueger und Flunk Bli’l.e r oí 1 Mi t land were week end guest» nt Miks Krueger's parents. Mr und Mrs Henry Kroeger Mis John Hui . n who O O IIU . .'i'iior a n o i of oi W n l inchester l l l ' l l i ’s i e r 1,11.« n o has Isen Mailing her parcnls. Mr and Mrs K nxger. Is now n guesl o( p,,,. puri'iils-in-luu. Mr mid Mrs lini id Zeuor, ol lieur Connell station. Kenneth Llnklater of Eugene (suit Tuesday night nt I tie home oi his aunt Mrs li W Haines Mr an t Mi l> Franklin of Porl- land and Miss Isabel Tracy o l '•odineni California were g u e s t s Wednesday at the Hume.' home, '«'ii'iiig in .tic alteruoon with Ken- 11 ,or •s,,' ,'iaJ days stay at tlx Llnklater cabin at Meacham Mr a nd M rs l loin o i n I Ireland r e la n d M is Mi amt Mrs Mrs KaI^’h heland Junior Ireland. Mr. um t M rs George Thomas. Ira In , , ini E’‘ U lil>■> ot . G i u aston; C ’ h arle. Multile •. Have Family Iteunioii— ............. . u i e . . i u Mrs iH I I < D o r o t h e .i m id F d . .„ M m h es ol Portland were pn setil Io, n |sn A family reunion oi members ot ll>i'k dinner Sunday nl the home the John Berger taiiidy was iield 1 Mr amt Mrs C A l »ison and Buililuy at the lióme ol Mi and t.inidy ill G aston Mr and Mrs Mis Call Berger ol n e a r West Fester Jones (M argaret l.tciienowi Hillon 1'hiv.e present were Mr. and oi Ihllsboro and M l » Cornelia John Berger, and ML-.es Freda l.tebnow of IXirtland were present and M argaret Berger of Portland, in tin- late alteinoou amt evening Mr and Mis Islcr and soils ol Mrs c A Olson. Marilyn amt At' ' ixiudle, Mr mid Mis Drorbnugh ben «> on returned to Portland alld son of Heuvelton. Mr mid Mis with their aunt. Mrs Churlcs s l»mn Berger mid daughter. Mr Kinusi and Maltlies to visit this week ,am l Mrs Jaim linhrh*. ' ' Mr amt Mrs W t. Colton amt i 1' 1!1,1 lltl?''.1,' and the bust und daughter Agues ot Portland visit, d ' ''s 11 1,1,11 « »Il 1 ' u nn M l. ( G • < h .i « U v n l*u u t* r s 4>|»< r a h 't l Sul:'tai with Mrs c 4 Cha. e M Mr l ( i.len Powers Operated V /u rh e» / ! ‘ ‘i,hi Ml i (il, n >*“ "<'« ■ who was operated V ,*. M;‘. 1 ■ ’><«"' - n F r id a y a t M a t s o n s I m s p d a l by by / „ ,lu * ‘i.ise home during the eve |ii Man lb ..niton returned Imim IIK r luesday and is greatly Unproved Mrs t, c Lomax leit tilts morn • • • l»K wlt*> Miss Dorothy Parks for Eugene where she will visit her A I. Lomax, at Eugene, 11 V i i \ i i I i t i 11 i) 111 h i : and Mrs P. Hukhs a t One of the uhieat and on«» of the -nved^ S u n d a y ^ w .n fiisi il.ig.s down m Oregon, if not, the oaie.sl and Hist. L\ exhlblftxl hi, " ‘II be employed in the office of Ml and Mr H W Gale.'« Mi window display hi tlæ C arnation Milk company during anU Mrs Uordon O ates of B e rk -,,. (hi* M . a g Day" „„ n a t i o n time. Mrs. Mai teil is a ellA CaI ■ a n d Mr and Mrs John 1 h‘.\. 1 hc w‘us made by O ates J r marie _ a week-end tour I “ kioup of pioneer women whoeanie guesl of Mixs Marion Lytle en/ 01 on-tam bench,> from Sca.slde to 1,1 die ly lii.ti.-, und , ^,r “ ,u* Mrs i w M ,,,t' iwitlth of Newport m HU x I hl Oregon I tty It flew over K - e n ii a i i u * — — ^ '‘sene spent the II \\l> M \l)l I X It I \ l> U n , / < « n ‘' “ 'i“’ iet’d « ‘» re this teed will tom e from no one at the present time Is able to Another favorable possibility is , s‘’ln‘’ betterment in butterfat prices • llland 111,1 nught uidicate a later de- lor w utam ette valley hay. Growers expressed themselves as Miss Helen Fiurtcv' Philip Mend unit Robert H m lrum if J r picnicked at the H artiam pt cabin at Meacham Sunday Mr. and Mrs. g h Leger und son Harlow of Helena. Montana, »re visiting tills week with his father, r A. Leger. and sister Mrs Pbrcnt.-- Mr mid Mrs H C Varner. during llielr vtiemion n,„l J r Is spending the week Tongue at Imine. He will leave next week for officer., training eamp at Vancouver, Wtu.li „ L., Mu» I.ueiUe K lann of lie. ir Hanks Plie window also coutmiLs a col­ lection of articles of Revolutionary day.’.. Hie properly ol M r. J f Hare M an ag er M cG ee N am ed on L e a g u e C o m m itte e (leorgc McOw, HULsboro c i t y moiuigvr. I lls been appoltit<*(l on the executive cliuinlttee of tin* I.eagut* of Oregon Ollie-. Mayor A E WiLsoti of B< a\(*rion is ulso a member of this committee. JoM*pn McCready, city attorney of Forest Grove, haa lx*en named on t h e legu lativc commit tec M t^raix.r park 8und*y after- Mr and Mr» n b p , nIld « » . ’•>' ( « ¿ M v . « « ton. Mr mid Mr- C f B eg , a i d „ ’V * ‘ ? rl“ ,ld vult, ‘‘ at the children Miss Jo h n ett a K i g ^ i n f K ^ ,lInott home during the •Mr. imd Mis^W' V Bergen of Port Iw‘* k-,,«ldi « r , ami Mrs H K land w r e ¿Bo¿there" Oi PorUand vUlted “*“u Ult're Sunday, gU^ ° o of f J Jack a ^ Doherty t e y “ a t T rout r, ? ’r ,and Mrs -J C H a r e of Holly- guest - farm - south of Hillsboro, und I ----- ------------- w ash. They went J on a fu ll- nxxl and“M W right of Port- » H an fo rt a W ’a M,s Fra,lk I,llbr“" ( n- a r ^ c m ’*1 __ ______ ____ _ — i »» -------- a guest of „ , „ 5 Ora L44*’* , ............. .. M .. lss J u n u her relatives, ra Mr and and is Mrs Koss w id Hall. Johnson of Alma Bennett Olden tent. D. U. V ___ _____ „ Mrs Frank Baker v i and -..Y“ !!!??. J '» '. Heuyrrton s it i n g two s e chil- í e “ i E “.1 ’ M dren have be«i weeks with Mrs. B akers m other guests at a pot luck luncheon K tnneth /Robb of Baker was a Mrs R uthrauff at Seaside Mr. Baker and Ju n Koellermeler went y11'?1 Tuesday evening at the home to Seaside Saturday afternoon and ,, C, a,‘d Masnntr Mrs. J izmnH o Robb He 1, Mr« n-ii/o- , r,,4 . u ..u.i i.. _ attendlncr bu«,».. , 011118011 L l a r i l i e S Marriage l.lrenxea Winston S piwil, Hillsboro and M aritila Duyck. Forest G r o v e m e d here Wedne.sdav abort route 2. June 13 sit **th with relatives v‘*tt rtJ«Uw» mi -‘“d friend» Mr. mid Mrs Arnie Anile nick.ison Dtekaxon am and um m: l e t the iidyertbeinent., help you »'■‘'i - m i d Vernon mid Hichard West colt spent th, week-end m G ,, mi make your shopping plans Mr and Mrs W H Treglown unlly am incili Short sh o rt and family mid Kenneth " ‘“'I' a trip to Mt Hood T hurs- d“>' bo. c . ” , V i /. C randall Is visiting ni.sin. MUs Marion M euler, of Beaverton this week Miss Margaret Hmxl Is spending the week at G aribaldi her ‘ » 'u .n b u r with V M lsi Park.s o f Eu(f„n.. spent s e v r a i day., this week with Mr anil Mrs Huperi K ennedy’ i , an o New sham md Willi mi M » a . m uuu ana wnmmi m convention at Portland Monday. GARDEN PESTS Use our improved Ever­ green. Black Leaf Id. and Arsenate o I Lead sprays. d F A Atx ndroth .iV* n la and VI / 4 W f v*e Mr A Adolph A 1 a 1, •Mr Mr.s Abendrot!) Art 1,111 aIld ha»y K <;f The Dalles were wi;’k ^ 7 ld''.:,n''ii. °f Mr. and Mrs. A W Lentz. Mr and h Koberstetn of Portland vlslted them Sunday Mrs A rthur Kroeger and children and Mrs J Asbahr left Tuesday If thp battery In your car for Seaside, where they will remain Is not giving proper serv­ " while Mr, Kroeger is a t Camp C lat- ice, If Its pep and power “ P can't be restored by re ­ Mr and Mrs L L Baker Jack charging. here's the place Bak. r and Miss Marlon Baker of to bring It for recondi­ Portland were guest, Thursday eve- tioning Defective p a r t s rung elhuilh home m ng at a t the the S S. W W M Melhuish home will be replaced Every­ Mrs J. R Morgan of Portland thing necessary will be returned home Monday after sev­ done to make It work ef­ eral days' visit a t the home of ficiently again . . . a t a “ L cost you’ll agree Is very « .“/m X t ^ t u ^ n £ M moderate. Open Evenings Mr and Mrs. S E. Olsen. "Happy Days," Hillsboro JAMES MADISON BRICKEY the local chapter, is head page a t lng. mg. bus. bus. trucking tnickYn- and transport, I ^ r - anb M rs' H H’ 8tannar' Oi Saginaw, Eugene. They attended the com- M M‘ch., is Visiting h er brother, U L ; niencement exercises, a t which her visit with her sister near Seattle ! G A S O L IN E S Me&cham, with a picnic McCool, and family. ' brother, Thomas, received his dl- Mrs. O scar H amburg and son dm ner in th e evening. Mrs Kjr0' of Bgnd yU_ ploma ............. Allan spent the week-end _ with her R ic h f ie ld - G e n e r a l - S h e ll - U n io n - G ilm o r e itrng Irienda and relatives here ov- Mrs. P. J. 8arsfleld and son and! Parcn ts- M r- and Mrs. Fred Rood Royal Neighbors held a pot luck ®r the week-end. She has been in daughter T M. and Miss Mary of Mr and Mrs W alter Frank of Mi-Pressure G reasing dinner party Tuesday at the home r m f“ a several weeks witn her ^ ortj‘. a ? d ^ y era! Spokane. Wash., were guests B atur- Newberg were Sunday guests of PAST GRANDS’ CLUB Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs HOID P lf N lf MFFTING G ,AH a Blalr Those pres- a whh0 “ treated in day of their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. E MacDowcll. HOLD PICNIC MEETINO ent were Mesdames Scott Wolfe. a Portland hospital. Mrs W H Wieber M attle Whitelaw of Seattle, Past Noble G rands' club of the Henry Young. Claud Cook. F. L „ M rs’ L- w Guild and Mrs. Ed Mr« n u v n ,.u,i W Mrs F ir e s to n e T ir e s , T u b e s a n d A c c e s s o rie s ash, is visiting this week with Hillsboro Rebekth lodge held the Hewitt. J. Nicodemus. W. F Lor- 860500 attended graduation ex- ‘ r G. H atliom and th ll- her cousin. Mrs. L J. Rushlow. annual picnic meeting Sunday a t mor Wayne Bryson Harley Sm ith 6rcl5es , at Pacific college in New- f 1? " OiI,rBen.da vlsi i ln?, p a r" DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE Mrs. W alter M. Campbell of T a­ — * Ennis. R. Peppard, P a tw Tu«5daZ _ . . .. . S? w’. the home of Miss Lucy Humphreys Fred and the Mr aod Mr5 Chester Miller of a t P ? “ 1 Jü r o ',e aod °th cr relatives coma, Wash., Is a guest this m onth in Portland. Lunch was served on Bryson, w . F. Lormo'r __ of Mrs. A. O. Pitm an Newberg visited Mr. and Mrs. T and i r '60^ a long table on th e lawn, and a hostess, Mrs. Blair. R. Moore Sunday Mrs. R. C. Vaught and Mrs Hcl- social time was enjoyed. ------- Mr., Alf O. Johnson, who has Messrs. and Mesdames Arnold - Dan BaUs of Portland was a en G ardner went u> Hood River been very IE during the past week, Those attending were Mr. and UOSLETT'S TRUCK SERVICE Mrs. E. J. Ward., Mrs. Byrd, Dr. Jensen, b . Megargle, J. H. Murton. w’eek-end visitor a t the A. B. Flint Friday to visit Mr.s. V aught’s niece ts much Improved. Mrs. J. T. Deaville, who is very ill Nellie Byrd. Miss Humphreys, Mr. V W. G ardner. R F Peters Verne rancb Eirsl and Baseline Streets Phone 126.3 Miss Dorothy Rrxxl left Tuesdav J in the hospital there. and Mrs. John Humphreys. Miss Curry, and F C Holznagel attend- for Tacoma. Wash., to visit Miss C O S L E T T ’S B A R - B - Q ____ Pilgrim House Ì XX P /lllrin 1,5; c Humphreys. Mrs Caroline ed the grand lodge opening recep * Mr and Mr.s. E J. Underwood Dolores Theda. Xjfrc T^iic P o iic t KJiccoc t ir » , n n j l - ii .1 V» Wilkins. Mrs. Lois Faust. Misses tlon and' ball a t ”the Masonic* tern- Ju n „ ® 17: „ Chapel service 11 a of Portland are guests this week of ■ ,vlr and Mr.s. ._r!t . , G. , Bronlecwe Mr Virginia and Regina Rprtna F Faust, a u s t. and a n d p;e Jn p o rljand Monday evening m Pastor Pa-G-nr Henrv <5 Haller Mall .... Henry 8. will th eir daughters, Mrs. Lester Hewitt I and family were T. weeV end vi.io.r, preach on “The Struggle Toward and Miss Valene Underwood, and r n wo<*-cnd visitors Mrs. Minnie Bowman all of P o rt­ land; Messrs, and Mesdames A Perfection," 1 Peter 5: 10. This will other relatives. ; n nscou H. Bowman. Miss Madge Richmond left Sun-1 Helen Ireland ol Portland Is vuslt- McConnahay. E. M Bowman. O. O. I M inter b r id g e ^ S f o w m e d t o t r a f b ® t h ® service preparatory to the M Heaton, E. L McCormick. Ray fic Wednesday for the first tlmZ celebration of the Holy Communion day for her home near Woodburn 10« , her cousin, June Ireland, this Sinclair, Adolph Mohr, Rev. and since the December floods causedla P rayers of thanksgiving will be of- She expects to leave ln July to week. w Mrs K »nsr Young. Mesdames Jose- washout in the fill lereJ ln to® keeping summer with her - - ot f athers spend ---- the — — ........................ — sister Elmer Camcnzind. small son n t phine Case. Helen Delchman, Flor- ' _ . Cal. - . duY' oa . a . , a . a a ._ a t Eureka, Mr. and Mrs. C. Camenzlnd of ence Twlgg, Alberta Hargraves, Bes­ June 24. Adm inistration of the Mrs Erma Taylor Sparks pic- west of Hillsboro, broke his right Road Oiling Starts sie Barr. M arguerite Munson Misses sacram en t ol the L o rd s Supper "to sen.ed Miss Maxine Cady of Oregon leg Friday when hi’ Jum p'd down S tate m ent f i l l who v .'h f» love l n v p the t h n Lord." I / i r r i ” Baptism U a n t i c m and and ----- ----------------------------------------- o "„“.iw departm j ,ls ali Dorothy B arr and Grace Bowman. niittin,, n..7Hn5 in highway "‘.“ u®'ja rl" . 1®°1 W e a n n o u n c e a D iv id e n d a t th e R a te o f all of Hillslxtro and Mr and Mrs. finish '’oiUnirani^ratinn«r her® n today Confirmation will be given to any nnish oiling operations on second- who desire it Charles C arter of Juneau, Alaska. ary highways. The rain istcr may be consulted a t _ , . _ . A ’ the house office. 1352 Jackson LOCAL REBEKAHS HONOR THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTES FOR Probate Estate - j street, a a < T *>vA\.vv, mornings »»»*-*» ****«^b> from »»i^»»» 10 »xr o’clock vii/x-n STATE VICE-PRESIDENT --------- ------------------------- - M .» aV R- Stephenson, until noon, or any time after 5 p. Hillsboro Rebekah lodge adm itted ^ J iwa S 0^4 and xU? e 12’ has m Pllgrlm Guild each Thursday three new members Tuesday eve- j V lS « 10 probab® and 15 afternoon a t 2 Young people's n i n e - M l « F v x n e e l in c P u ll e r n n rf v a ju e o a t » is u o . meetings as per schedule. nlng; Miss Evangeline Fuller and P a y a b le J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 3 4 George Selfridge by Initiation, and and Mrs. Anna Donaldson, formerly of Checks will be mailed June 30th to all paid up North Dakota, by transfer. Certificate Holders and earnings will be milled to Mrs. Cora Heaton, recently elect­ all other accounts. Fires, Accidents, and ed vice-president of tpe Rebekah Prospective customers are cordially invited to Assembly, was presented with a gift Sickness investigate our C ertificates for their July 1st from the lodge. Investment. Mrs. Elrod, a visitor from K an- All come w ithout w arn- as used on Under S tate Supervision with legal Reserve ing. Fund. For 65 to 80-acre B Lost $ 5 0 0 No better investm ent available. Hix monthn delay co«l H N. Van Vlaet, G rade dairy farm . / • Is Your Battery Below Par? Ços le It Super Service Station Scholls Fraternal Econom y H ealth Satisfaction Why face the hot summer day» to comr without CROSLEY R e f r ig e r a t io n Talk It over with um today! Easy Terms BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY N eil door to V rnrtlan T h ra trr Phone 761 II ILLS 1(011«), OREGON Coslett Super Service Station A n n o u n cem en t Safety Steel Bodies b ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Did you L E N T Z A U T O PARTS 1 f Birth» A o i l wa.. limn .Sunday at Smlth'n Im pilai III Mi and Mrs Earl Muoio ol Pumpkin Itldge It wa , a Cm . ai Ian blrlh. with Hr C T Sindh O|N i al lug Mm phi To Mr and Mrs Wll ham I Murphy, rout, J. I I i U.I miio , June II. a girl H A V E CA SH BUYERS Rockford, III., a total of |5U0, according tc hl« own report. He had Hpparently spent that much for relief of stoma« h suffering before he heard of L’dga. Today for the first tim e ,n five years he says he can eat any­ thing. He now gives credit fo r hla recovery to the Udga Treatm ent, based on a famous stomach specialist's triple-action prescrip­ tion. Its purpose la to neutralize excess acid, soothe nnd heal the Inflamed stomach lining and st pain. Already 54.16» letters praising the 1 iga Treatm ent have been re­ ceived from victims of stomach ulcers, sold stomach, Indigestion, heartburn, gas pains, belching and other symptoms of excess acid­ ity W rite Udga, Suite 6T, Foot Schulse Hldg., St. Paul, M inn , for a free sample. The 7-day tria l box of l?dga Tablets la sold on a money-back guarantee of satisfaction by H illsbo ro Ph arm acy A d r. C hrysler H y d rau lic Brakes P R O T E C T IO N List now. your • property from all these r i s k s costs only a few cents a day. Insure with TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone »41 SAFE CADY MOTOR CO. HILLSBORO, OREGON W. G . I D E 1314 Main Street DODGE and PLYMOUTH Hillsboro, Oregon DODGE PLYMOUTH Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n Finishing Daily Service New Univcx CAMERA 39c Spociiil til tent ion given to out-of-town orders. PALM DRUG STORE Phone 266 J. M. PERSON, Manager Saving» & lawn Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon "HAPPY DAYS," Hillsboro, July 1, 2, 3 and 4 Celebrate llerel P h o to -■ "Happy Days," Hillsboro July 1. 2, 3 and 4 Celebrate here!