THE P« N nu ve pr ev & sc T A U w O It L F si b » It li k o i » < C J t ] I Dewey Mercer, helping with the blackcap berry harvest Mrs. Carl Buchanan of P ortlan d is at tlie home of her lather. S. H O rnduif. helping her sister. Mrs Merle Dunliam. with the berry < picking and canning. Alfred MuUoy of Tualatin was a Sunday guest of Ins brother. E C. MuUov Mr. and Mrs Ed MuUoy and Mrs. TPm MuUoy were guests LAUREL The Children's day pro­ of J. W Mullov at the basket din­ and baseball game gram given a t the church Sunday ner Mis. H annah Dailey of Portland was well attended The church was was a Sunday guest of her p ar­ protusri) decorated with beautiful ents. Mr. and Mrs Adolf Kntseh- bouquets H ie program numbers were a hymn by the congregation; , man Mrs. Theodore Wells i Lassie praver by Rev Simpson; a chorus. Baker* and children of Redmond, "The Shepherd's C all;'' responsive who were guests of her mother, reading by the congregation: a Mrs. Flora Baker, left Sunday recitation "A Sincere Welcome. " by- morning return to their home Irene W hitmore; C larinet solo by- Mr. Wells to came down to lake them Billy McNay; recitation by Helen home. Bolma; exercise "Flower Folks;'' W alter Reese, who was quite ill recitation "Someone is Needing for sometime, is improving slowly You.' by Norma Meyers; vocal is now able to work some. quartet by Thelm a MuUoy, Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bolma and Rutschm an. Lillie and Bernice I children of Midway were Sunday Brown; recitation "Dad's R heum a­ I guests of her sister. Mrs. Rollin tism '' by M arjorie Will; vocal solo Meyers. Helen Bolma. who had by Howard Davis; exercise G ar­ at the Meyers home the past dens;" song by four little girls. He been two weeks, returned home with Lovingly C ares;’’ recitation “Closing her parents. Advise'' bv Jimmie Tews, chorus. “Back of the Clouds; rem arks by- Rev. Simpson: hymn by congre­ gation and closing benediction. The basket dinner in the grove followed th e program. Snake on Cow BEND—About five hundred Boy A snake measuring several feet in length was found wound around the Scouts from all over the state a r ­ neck of a young calf when Clarence rived last Friday evening for a O m duff went to the barn to feed vacation at the Fritz Eisner park the anim al some milk one evening where they camped and made m er­ last week. The snake was put into ry and Uned up for drill S atu r­ captivity and Mr. O m duff is send­ day They left Saturday evening. Mr. aiid Mrs Alberi Seott had ing it to Corvallis to have the as guests Sunday their son-in-law specie determined. daughtre. Mr. and Mi's. Archie Wild blackberries are quite ab u n ­ and Bernard, and three children. Audrey d ant this year. Blackcap berry pick­ Ann. Jam es Scott, Mary Lou ot ing Is a t its height this week. Con­ Eugene. The Bernards returned to tinuance of the hot days w ill lessen Oregon Sunday from a m onths th e crop to some extent in New York, where they Mr and Mrs H erm an Whitmore sojourn guests of Mr. Bernard s p ar­ came home from Portland Saturday were While in the East Mr. Ber­ w ith their infan t daughter. His ents. nard attended the convention of sister. Mrs. Marion Boge. accom­ the Q uarter Million Dollar club of panied them and later went to M utual Life of New York. En Cherry Grove to visit h er sister, the route home they stopped over in Mrs. Leslie Lee ! the Century of Pregress Exposition. School M e etin g M onday Mr. and Mrs. Amos Henderson Annual school meetings will be visited Sunday at th e homes of held at the school houses in Laurel Mr Henderson's two brothers, one and Laurelview school districts next I a t Cedar Mill and one at Tualatin Monday evening. View. The “Loggers'' announce th a; William Black of Eugene visited they have made some changes in several days recently at the Welk's their orchestra an d expect to have ! home. improved music at the dance to be Mrs. Bert Meyer is visiting a few given a t th e community hall here days with friends in Portland and next Wednesday evening. attending the Rose Festival. The Charles G anne family of The former Bend orchestra. The P ortland were at the Coolidge place Rambling Mountaineers, m which last Friday to pick wild blackberries. two Bend men play. William Scot; Mr. and Mrs. Day -and daughter. Mr. Selander. played Wednes- Thelma, of Portland visited Mrs ! and day and Saturday night at Portland Day's cousin. Mrs. John McFee. and and Thursday night at Lafeyette. fam ily Sunday. DeLaunce Cady of Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Eisner ana Hillsboro is spending the summer children visitors June 3 a t with her grandparents. Mr. and i the Sniger were homes a t Aurora. Mrs. John McPee. Mrs. Gladys Pepion. who was a Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Vibbert and at the home of her niece. Mrs. daughter. Wilma, and Mrs H erbert | guest William has left for P o rt­ Taylor and daughter. Irene, of G ate­ land and. Scott, on to her home at B an­ way were Sunday callers at the don. homes of Mr Vibbert s aunt. Mrs. Mrs. Ed Johnson and daughter A. Naderer. and his cousin. Mrs Lucille visited friends in Portland Amos W atkins. The visitors had last week. been attending th e state Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herring and convention in Portland since Wed­ daughter of Cornelius visited S a t­ nesday Mrs Naderer went home urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. with them to visit her sister-in- H. L. Eisner and family. law. Mrs. Carrie Vibbert, and other Little Donald Cutting, son of relatives and friends. Ward C utting of Portland, vis­ Mrs. W. L. Stevens. Mrs. W. H iting for two weeks a t the is Bowne McNay and Miss Irene Stevens home. motored to Vernonia June 6 to visit Mr. and Mrs. Albert M otejat of In a Stevens and h er beauty salon visited Mrs. M otejat's Mrs. Alice T ronner and small Portland cousin. Will Hielman and familv son of San Francisco are visiting at Sunday. th e Ray Vorhees home. and Mrs. H arr of Portland Clem Muck of Portland was a are Mr. spending a few days at their guest at the Francis Coolidge home summer home. last Friday and Saturday. Nigren of Bandc.i visit­ Mr. and Mrs. Hines Hendrick­ ed William several days recently a t the son and baby son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed home of his sister. Mrs. O tto Meyer, Hendrickson and three children and Miss Nellie Rothstrom. all of P o rt­ and family. Mrs. Max M uralt of Sherwood land. were Sunday guests a t the visited Sunday at the nomes ol Mrs. Mary Rothstrom home. and Mrs. Amos Henderson and Elbert and Irene Stevens were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meyer. Sunday guests a t the Doward De- Mrs. J. B Bowne. m other of Viepeo home in Portland. visited a week with Max Behling of Portland was a Bruce Bowne. and relatives a t Milwaukie. Sunday visitor of his sister. Mrs. friends Charles Little of T urner is vis­ W . L. Stevens. for sometime with his sister Carl Coolidge and sons. Clarence iting Bruce Bowne. and family. H en­ and Stanley o f Klickitat. Wash, Mrs. ry Bowne of Scholls and Clarence came to the Mrs. M. Coolidge home Bowne Midway also visited their th e last of the week. Mr. Coolidge parents. of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bowne. returned home but the boys will and family Sunday. spend the sum mer with their grand­ mother. Probate Estate Sunday evening visitors a t the Estate of Mrs. Mary M. Green- John McFee home were Mr. and burg. who died May 26 a t h er home Mrs. William K err and two children of Oswego and Mr. and Mrs. Al­ a t Greenburg, is valued a t $12,500. Bert C. Rue of Tigard is executor. fred Olsen of Portland. G erald B uchanan of P ortland is at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Subscribe for the Argus. Program at L a u re l H as Big C ro w d Boy Scouts Meet at E isn e r P a rk H IL L S B O R O A RG U S, Mrs. Ray Shaw New President Cornelius Ladies' Aid Society CORNELIUS O fftG'.s w .reelect­ ed at the Ladies' Aid meeting in the parlors of the M E. church Wednesday afternoon as follows Mrs Rax Shaw, president; Mrs. F ail Smith, vice-president; Mrs John Burbank, secretary; Mrs. Dan B arrett. treasurer: Mrs Edith Bur­ bank chaplain. Bouquets of sweet peas prepared by Mrs. I ester Moo- berry, were presented to the new and retirm g officers. also a com­ plimentary one to Mrs. Charles Reed, the new pastor's wife A towel shower was given in hon­ or o f Mrs Edith Burbank, re­ tiring president, at which she re ­ ceived many lovely towels, R e­ freshm ents of cake, chocolate and punch were served. Mr. and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck and son Howard of Mountaindale \ '.sited Mr Hollenbeck's sister. Mrs A rthur Bishop, and family Monday evenuig. It was Mrs. Bishop's b irth­ day. Ernest Dunham of Lays Angeles. Cal . visited tor tlie past two weeks at the home of his nephew. Wil­ liam Dunham, and family ot south Cornelius. Mrs. D unham s triend. Mr. Davidson, also of Los Angeles, was a visitor at tlie Dimh. nr home. C .iitord Mapes, a student at O re­ gon State at Corvallis, is spending the vacation at the home of Ins mother. Mrs Henry Behrnian Miss Blanche Finegan was a guest Tuesday of Miss Helen Godfrey of Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dixon were Portland business callers Wednes­ day. Thursday and Friday. Mr and Mrs. Harry McKay of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs Alex McPherson Sunday. Dinner guests of Mrs. S. M. Mc- I ’.vaine Saturday were Mrs E. Proudfoot of Portland. Miss Helen Asehenbrenner of Wenatchee. Wash . Mr. and Mrs. C. Klirans and daughter of Beaverton. They visited Mrs Geneva RolMnette also. Mrs. Robert Wiedewitsch of Cor­ vallis visited Mrs. L. G Wiedewitsch and family last week. Miss Minerva Fuller of Hillsboro spent several days of this week with Miss Blanche Finegan. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dixon spent the week-end a t OJeneden. Children's Din Helen Milne, ex- ercise by the oovs class; "Choose," by the young women's class Rev Charles Reed used t h e subject "Getting the Right S tart" in a short talk to the children. George Milne and Raymond T rites took t i p a special children's day ottering. Miss Blanche Finegan was accom­ panist at the piano During church Rev Reed used "Co-Woikerx of God " as I l l s subject and the Bible lext the "Raising of Lazarus troin tile Dead Miss Gladys Brawn led the Epworth leag u e meeting, which was h e ll on the church lawn, using as her topic. " l’ersonal Growth " The president Miss Blanche Fuie- can appointed a nominating eom- nn.iee consisting of Miss Dorothy Cooke M rs Mattie Sm ith and Mrs. John Burbank to make nom ina­ tions for election to be held next Sunday evening. V a tin Social Sunday The Young Peoples s.x-tety of the St. Alexander church is planning a lawn social to bo held Sunday a fte r­ noon on the Mike Susbauer lawn There will be amusem ent for all and everyone is welcome. Rev Harvey Schcurm an of Ev­ erett. W ash, visited friends here Tuesday. Observe C h ild re n ’s Bay Sunday, tlie Lutheran church ob­ served C hildrens day with tlie fol­ low mg program, with Rev. George Koehler in charge Reading, p ri­ mary class: readings by Violet Hieme. Dorothy Tilden. W 11 ni a Hamelman. and Betty Hulsnian; song. Helen Hulsnian. accom pan­ ied by her sister Betty, song. p ri­ mary and second class; readings, Billy Hamelman. Jack Hulsnian and W aiter Vent: congregation singing. Mrs George Koehler acconnyany- ing. Rev Koehler gave a talk on "The Meaning of Children's Day." and pronounced t l i e benediction. Following a picnic dinner was en­ joyed m Duncalf's woods. Miss Helen Oliver is staving in Hillsboro, where she is employed. Muss Vernita Irmler. who is ta k ­ ing nurse's training at the Gixxl Sam aritan hospital, spent tlie week­ end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs William VanLoni and family and Mr and Mrs W il­ liam Mann mid family attended M issionary Speaks the mail carriers' picnic at Hills­ A very unusual meeting was held boro Sunday. Friday afternoon at Bunnuig's hall Mrs Henrietta Morgan and Miss when Miss Prange, a missionary of Emily Young of Hillsboro w e r e the L uthem church, who for the guests Sunday evening of Mr. and past five years has been in active Mrs Lester Mix,berry service in India, gave a most in ­ Tile Sunday school workers' con­ teresting and challenging review of ference and church board held their her work and displayed articles of meetings at tlie church Monday th at country. Miss Prange. who ts evening. Rev. Charles Reed p re­ a trained nurse, home on a fu r­ sided. lough for a year, is spending the Miss Lucille Schultz, who 1s em ­ time at her home in Clucago and ployed in Portland, spent the week­ lecturing throughout t h e United end wr.h her parents. Mr. and Mrs. States. Rev. George Koehler, local R. Schultz, and son. Lutheran pastor, gave a talk, led Mr. and Mrs. E. Kroner ot P o rt­ in prayer and introduced the speak­ land and Mr. mid Mrs. Robert Bel­ er. From G reenland's Icy Moun­ linger of Forest Grove were guests tain." and "Spread. O Spread Thy of Mrs. M. Edson and daughter. Mighty Word ' were sung by the Mrs Edna Russell. Sunday. audience, with Mrs. George Koehler John Pidcock lias been visiting accompanying a; the piano.. Cake in Portland. and coffee were served by Mes- Mrs. Alma Spidel. who has been darnes Henry Jacobsmuhleh. Wil­ working here, has returned to her liam Hammelman. Fred Hering. A. home in Blame. Bunning. Ted Wilkins, and George Mr. and Mrs. William Bedortlia Feldman. This is the second m is­ visited relatives at St. Helens S un­ sionary speaker sponsored by the day. L utheran church this year, the Mrs. Ray Shaw. Mrs. Louise Coch­ former speaking in February and rane and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw spent showing pictures of the New Guinea Saturday at Dallas. Lloyd Shaw, mission. A large group attended who is employed there, returned the meeting. She left with her lis­ home with them for the week-end. teners the question. "Are we truly Sunday Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw- proud of our Christian heritage moved there for the summer. and civilization?' and a challenge Misses Caroline Hoffman a n d to greater accomplishments a n d Elizabeth R ittahler o f Portland ideals. spent Sunday at their homes here Observe Children's Day Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Jackson and Children's day was observed S u n ­ son Jimmy and Muss TUlie Hoff­ day a t the M E. church. The fol­ man and Paul Senko enjoyed a lowing program was given: Wel­ trip around Mt. Hood loop Sunday come. Laurel Shay; "Because TLs Mr and Mrs. W alter Newson and Children's Day." Miss Doris Shay's daughter of Clatskanie were guests class; "Our Childrens Day.' Maxine Friday evening of Miss Gladys and Puffenberger; “What They Say.” Leslie Brown. Mrs. Lotta Fox and daughter Miss Dorothy Cooke's class; solo, by David Edmonston, accompanied H arriet are visiting in Tacoma. at piano by Miss Gladys Brown; , Mrs. Lillian Booth and son are "Summer Gifts." Beverly Trites; visiting at Toledo. "Jesus and t h e Children." R uth: Mrs M. D. Mann and Mrs. Mat- Price and Betty Delmonte; “I Like tie Smith were guests of Miss to Rem em ber.' Alice Delmonte; Frances Knos of Iowa Hill T hurs­ congregational singing; ' Purpose of day Miss Gnos is able to be about H IL L S B O R O , again after a fractured hip received In an accident Little t'ony Dooher was ring bearer and Margaiel Jane lXxihcr, tlower girl, at tile Coupe Miller KIN’PON Grange met th e night wedding at the St Anthony church of June <» with a gixid attendance i l l W rest Grove Tuesday Mrs Laura Jackson lell last week ot ineintx*rs and every off leer p ro - for a visit with her son and faintly ent I’lU’ lecture hour wa.s tn charge of the home economic eommutee at Freewater. Miss Rosamond Mnndort has re ­ amt a program wu.s presented In­ turned to her home from Htlls- cluding imusie by the 'l'tgard ateel guitar q u a it‘t. Mrs George Place. boio. where she was employed Mr. and Mrs Frank Sholes have Mrs Woll. Mrs Holmes ami Mt been visaing m e aste rn Oregon Meyers, song by all; rccltutlon. Me-, Margie lielisel. wlto attends«e Vankleek. Instrum ental duet, high seluxil in Portland. Is spend-1 piano ami hanm auea. Eutuee bidder ami Mablcanna Gemlxdla. readme. mg the summer here. Robert Cochrane. Jam es Harold Cutting; stunt by all; and Joe Gluts returned Friday troin music Tigard quartette, song by Oregon Normal at Monmouth to all During the business session, five spend the summer vacation at applications tor membership u«te ' read, an t one member reinstated their homes Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Gnos ot Dm* to tin* Eourih of July holiday, O rcliardalc were guests ot Mrs M the next meeting will t>e held riiursda> evening. July 12. w la n Gnos Thursday. Misses Helen Rc.ldig and M argie delegates to state grange will give llen-sel spent last week at Yamhill their reports The first and second Mrs tester Moobctiy. Mrs M I) degrees will lx* conferred on a Mann. Mrs. Mattie Sm ith and Miss ehtss of live after which there will Gladys Brown attended a 1» A R bv 'eats ‘ in the diningroom All meeting Monday at tlie Hollyrood ' grangers are InvlU'd to l»e present Haymond Aimker of Multnomah, farm near Hillsboro Delbert Hopkins and Bill C ar­ j sjxuu last week with Ids grand* ver of Tillamook visited at tlie paivnts Mr ami Mrs I-’retl Aldckcr Mi and Mrs Adolph AnUkei, I lls John Burbank home T hursday. parents spent June 6 at the Atdcker Club Meets Tuesday Civic club will meet Tuesday a tt- nonit*. l*at Bnx'ks of Waklport visited t rnixm at the home of Mrs Earl I l l s .sister. Mrs Everett Wright, Hobbs on the highway east of C or­ Cooper mountain. Thursday. nelius. Mrs Zaek Martin. Heedville road, Banns of matrimony were pub­ sutferi*d a stroke ot paralysis at lished ior the first time Sunday at her home Saturday At last re ­ the St Alexander eliurvh tor Al­ ports Mrs M arlin was doing as bert Vanacker of Cornelius and well a.s COUld be e\|x*eteil. lx lug Miss Esther Sm ith of E'oresi Orove able to get around a little Harold E'ineg.ui returned t r o u t Mrs J T. VanHorn left June ft Corvallis Friday a lte r completing tor a visit in California, where she ills college course lliere will meet Mr VanHorn who is vis­ iting friends In different parts of ) the state. Rinton Grangers I lave Big Program Buxton D istric t Meet Monday Eve Bt'XTON Annual school metting for tlie district will be held at the school house Monday night One director and a clerk will be elected at Hits time W om ans Benefit Association was represented at tlie DLstrlct rally in Portland June 7 bv Juna Fisher, Leila Leipold and Elsie Kelly Mrs Esther Stum p of Eiwtxxl mill attended the graduation of her daughter at Lyle Wash.. June 8 Margaret C om utt assisted Vida Powell at the cook-house during her absence. Name Queen Candidate Kansas City unit of Farm ers' union met at Manning Six ial club hall June 4 Miss Mabel NcLson was chosen for queen of Happy Days'" celebration by this unit. Catholic Ladles* club met at the Grange hall June 7. Mr a n d Mrs. A B Edwards and Mr. and Mrs David Edwards of Wauneta. Neb , arrived here last week by auto The former Mrs. Edwards ts a sister of Mrs Elsie Kelly and Mrs Ethel M e e r’ - Lucille W hite, F ran cis Fu ller and Elsie Meyers were Hillsboro visitors Friday. Homer Hawes of near Eugene Is employed at tlie Elwood mill Mr Hawes was formerly employed there Buxton lost to Cedar Mill m baseball here Sunday. Mr and Mrs Robert Simpson >f Forest Orove were Buxton visitors Sunday. George and William Riggle of Birkenfeld were here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Alice E-iepp and Mrs Vela Cearly entertained out of town rel­ atives several days lxst week. Joe Ross of Portland was home one night last week. Mr. and Mrs Fred Higgle of Birkenfeld were overnight guests at It J Kelly home Saturday night enroute to Portland to visit Mrs Biggie's mother. Mrs. J Willis, who has Just returned from a trip to California Eleanor Powell spent the week­ end with her mother at the El-1 wood mill. Mr and Mrs A rthur Fisher i t Timber called at the George Fish-1 er home here Saturday. S p e c ia l F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y — VEAL Dry, lean, sugar cured 18c Back or side. 5c Chops and Steaks. 2 lbs. ........................ 9c Roast, shoulder. FISH Ling Cod. Lb.......................... Salmon Trout. Lb....................... 8C 9c PURE LARD 3 ,b..................23c LARD COMPOUND 3 a». 14c DILL PICKLES Quart ... 10c PO T ROAST HAMBURGER Lb 12c 19c Phone 6S1 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z 100 lbs. Cash $4.67 49-lb. sack 1.59 20c a sack under today’s market. IN B U Y I N G l O n ly N o rg e can give you P lan Program Sunday. June 17. will be observed as C hildrens Dav bv sp<*r mountain Plans ate being made to hold an tee cream social a little later m the season, time and place to lx* announced later Next regular monthly meeting will be in Id at the h o m e o f the pic ident. M r. Gladys Aten. Pl< asant Valley road. T hurs­ day afternoon. July 12 All ladies are mvit<4. Following 4 H club boys from Ktnton are attending the summer school in Corvallts. June 11 to 23 Amos Bierly. Ivan Bierly. Elmer Bu rly. (Penn Pringle Eu :m e Van- Kle< k. Haym nd llenu i< h, U< y I Anicker 1 hey left Monday m orn­ ing Thirteen girl reserves attracted quite a bit of attention as they rode through Kinton on their horses enroute to Camp M errlwether re­ sort Tuesday uiternoon on a five- day horsebuck trip The eamp ses­ sion will be from June 13 to Ju t.e2 t’> August H Dallmatin and Jake Paix made a business trip to Hills­ boro Thursday. Mrs Gl<' <'ie Wilson a n i o n M ar­ tin ■ •! i c.i! a n Ived .it tha h >rne of Mr Wil n'; parents. Mr and Mr Zaek M artin. Heedvil»- road Friday, and Mrs Wilson will take care of her mother, who ts ill School Meet Monday All voters are urged to lie present at the annual seluxil m<*cting at t he School hou it Monday < venlng, June 18. at 8 o'clock. A new direct­ or and clerk are to be elected, the budget to be voted on and other school m atters will be discussed. Mr and Mr C W PI ' m in W L. P ittm an and E M Cummings went to Aurora the first of the week, where they formerly resided. They are employed for the sea­ (lie p ow er am i e c o n o m y o f K ollator R efrigeration ami today N o r g e P r ic e s are the low est in history. T hat's w hy w e urge you “ If I w ere only hack in H illsboro! W ith a glass ot LI K ($ Kt I \ H DAIR1 to sec (he N o rg e helore you buy any relriger.Kor. MILK tucked $AVE tinder my belt I’d m ake th e old m asters l o o k like a hunch of s tu ­ dents. IN GRADE MODELS FOR II lin n it M IL K DAIRY w K w « « j c ä .« » ä j « rims "HAPPY DAYS." Hillsboro July 1. 2. 3. I Cel«4»rat<- here' Phone 4RX1 *. ■< H it flit Lester Ireland QC Co. F IR G R O V E Ï Í " 99 SB 55 U S I N G I * < » x jc U t OILATIR BEFBI6EIAT1DH • "* 7 * 3 • * ■ • ’ * “ • * • • • M•'■ • < w . < » < » j r a • ■ ra w « a a ■ a a a a a a a ■ 25c MEATS F or hot days. Large assort. 15c <. o. b. ) D a U v lt 25c 2 for CORN FLAKES or POST TOASTIES Rib Ford V *8 T u d o r Sedan T U E F O R I) V -n T U D O R . LUNCH Round i Sirloin r L f o r d V -8 econom y itd d th e m . Costa fo r gas an d o il are low , very lo w . A n d up -ke ep costs a re lig h t. F o rd co m fort »old th em . T h e co m fo rt o f transverse springs th a t net o n a ll fo u r wheels, o f de ep , soft cushions, and o f wide seats. W e nrge you to co m p are Ford V -8 perform an ce w ith th at o f cars costing tw ice its price, and m ore. O nce you have done so, yon, too, w ill say “ I t ’s g r e a t!” F o rd V -8 prices start at $ 3 1 3 , f.o .b . D e tro it. A tilh o riae d F o rd F in an ce Plans o f th e U niversal C re d it C om pany o ffe r convenient te rm s o f paym ent. Blue & W hite. Eastern. STEAKS U TA© um»atuynal V - 8 to ld th em . T h ia en gin e — th e o n ly V -ty p e 8 -eylin d e r en gin e selling u n d e r $ 2 3 0 0 —v develops m o re po w er than an y F o rd en gin e ev er b u ilt. It's fast. T h e fa rt I hat you can do over 8 0 m iles an h o u r m eans you ean drive 3 3 -6 0 -6 3 w ithou t en gin e strain. IT ie reserve p o w er is th ere. A nd it ’s sm ooth as o n ly th e in h eren tly balanced <1< sign o f the F o rd V -8 engine ean m ake it. A b e a n tlfn l, ro o m y ro m p lo to tn • v e r y d e ta il. (J e a r-v la lo n v e n tlla ti« « .Io ta I n fr o n t d o o r and re a r-e ju a rtrr wtndow a. T h e r e Is also a D a L « x e Todor Sedan a t • lig h tly h ig h e r cost. TUNA BACON .... 47c 10 lbs. Dalles. Q Prime steer beef. FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET $AVE TfTFBT! a lukewarm owner am ong tlie Yinndreda o f thousand» o f Ford V-8 owner». They’re all k‘»olpular place around hen* and many from other 1‘X‘ftlitlcs visit here each season Mi Anicker has made h i t piovement • ami plan» to make more, which will ad i mm h to llio eon- \entenee.s lor thata* win» come hen* tor a gixxl Him*. Melvin Vandermost has lust com­ pleted a contract lor about 4:»0 ronts ot wixxi. and dellvetixl it oil i ht* road in front of Ills place on Plea ant Valiev road where It was sold to a Portland wixxi dealer who had his own sawing out I it ami most of it was made into stove wood length The same dealer also bought about 100 cords from Hoy Bierly. Mi and Mrs H J Valentine and Mis Valentine's mother. Mrs A Hansen .|x*nt Btilidax at Nelscott. where Mr and Mi's A Hansen of Baker brothci ot Mrs Valentine, an* spending the .summer Mrs Hans *ii remained with her son and wile lor an extendfh lc 7c BEEF BOIL FREE DELIVERY PHONE 3131 >