•- — - 'Happy Days' July 1,2, 3, I "Happy Days' July 1,2, 3,4 ! W ith W hich in Com bined th<- IL J k b o ro Independent HILLSBORO, O R EG O N , 'I 11 I K~ I >A Y, J UNE 11, 1934 volume XI I Many Girls Candidates for Queen S ta te C apitol N ews L e tte r Il V A. L. I. I N 11 II K C K Poter Z im m o rin im May lie the C andidate ni’ ProgreHHÍven ÇALEM P i l li Zimini i m an - M an y ul G roup » Improvement of Park Here Given O. K. Wednesday Improvement of the Shute park providing for cleaning anUr th of July celebration The I’ortlaiul conference 1» aald h(.r<> 2 , Wld 4 u d ir e c t- to have been representative of the 3 followers of Holman. - - Brown - and lng county-wide in te r t at with . Mahoney hi tlw recent prim ary total of 24 candidates now noml- cam paign in which all three o f llatcd p y d lflcrrn t organizations thesi. candidate. went down to dc- llu. ^ „ „ . y fh ls Is the was seen this week by HERA of- flclals. who said th a t r>0 per cent of those a.u ignid to the Aloha-El- m onna road project had found oth - er work W J Mills, manager, said there was considerable seasonable employment now and suggests th a t those on relief keep th eir eyes op­ en for tills type of work Project» submitted and repair Si buildings, hniidinio on Alnhu-HulM'r school uuta liliiiiK u ditch n til ijii vvn yiuicvt back Illllng on i. CWA project at Dales Creek, painting exterior Cornelius city hall and painting ex- tcrior a n d kaLsomlnlng interior Cornelius .Choo, buBdlnJ. * uve • » opponent*. .................. .. Zim merm an. I t 1« understood, dors not particularly relish the no- lion of running on an independent ticket In fact lie was only recently quoted as saying th a t la- would not be a I andldate. but was expected to yield to the Hn|*»rtunlttea ol in d ep the e n d o en n t . man lenders who whom w t l.ic In him behind : ” approved for v ." m fo u r' wt.,.ks we,.ks four Forty-eight men In four crews of 12 will be worked on the Alolta- Flmonlca road Job Work started Tu( (uy Eleven men went to work on lh<, Beaverton school Job Mon- duy. which will liandle 22 In all llill boio d rainage lob look 13 *’ M on- , ....... b e , Of c h d k U U „"..I- m ated since the queen contests wert. fitu rtrd Method ol selection , a {alr ' " and equal chance Nominations can still be made Ncw candidates and their spon- ...................... io n ,.,I “ m Uns T Friday Last Day to Meet Quarter Tax •I,mi arc, ah , • work I'LM-whi-r»' lurgest n u m b er or canaiuaw .s nom - Fw est, P o ssib le by P a y in g NO. 17 Annual District School Sessions Set for Monday Hillsboro district and all other county school districts of the coun­ ty will hold their annual meetings j Monday Polls for the local meet- : tag will be open from 2 p m . until I 7 p. ni. at David Hill school. Two directors will be elected here ’ thn • -year term s R ichard E MacKenzie New Leader Civic Body Civic Leaders Co-op Case Settled by Agreement ___________ C h a m b e r o f C o m m erce Ha» S e t t le m e n t Wiley and Carl Russell have been nominated by petition Harry Mor­ E le c tio n ; P a tte rso n gan, district clerk, will make his of T axes D ue V ic e -P r e sid e n t annual report. Chairm an R Frank Peters and L. T M cPheeters are • ■■ ■ — - retiring board members. n» a a i Union high school meeting and j a x D e a d lin e M a d e election will be held a t 2 p. m C o -o p e ra tio n U r g e d June 25 F. L. Brown of Laurel Is ■ a candidate for re-election. Non-high school district board S o lic ita tio n o f P la y g r o u n d D e lin q u e n t la x r a y m er tl election will be held In connection M u st b e M a d e J u ly 1 with the annual school meetings E q u ip m en t A p p ro v e d --------- i of the districts comprising the non- ! ______ high gro^p Frank Bailey of Bux- Tomorrow ' Friday i Is the final item, director from zone one. has H L. MacKenzie, proprietor of day ior paym ent of the second filed for re-election No other can- the MacKenzie Motor company, was Quarter of this year s taxes to or- didates liave filed. unanimously elected president of der to avoid - paying delinquency ln- the Hillsboro Chamber of Com- . . __ i merce a t the annual election of * r« * i T»1? * P ^ i «*»• ! officers Monday night. Mr. Mac- allow,’d on the second half of i Kcnzie is active In civic affairs “ ic taxes if paid by Friday, accora- and has served as a director for two years He will succeed Lester Ireland, who ha* served as presi­ A 4 two p er cent rebate on the dent for two years. New officers fourth quarter will be given If paid _____ , will be installed September 10 at 0,1 ° r before Septem ber 15. F ourth | M ayor annual meeting of the organ­ quarter is due on or before Decern- F orm er H ills b o r o ization. AU taxes or quarters of rv- • r- i- r ^ x e s r‘° t PttXl °n or before Decern-, D ie s in C a lifo r n ia P. L. Patterson was nam ed vice- president. a n d Ail O. Johnson, Per 15 sliall become delinquent. In - -------- treasurer. M - om s Well - was re-elected > rest »* charged and collected --------- ---------------- «•»* t ° ï r e quarter / ‘ J r4i a director for a three-year term a « “ Z »y l/Y ’ ^ Â of t h tax, i S not i „ .1_U o r . ’ 4e m e r _s ^ y io_ o i r . . g.?„“ohn and L. J. Rushlow was elected Last T h r e e Q u a rter» C o n tr o v e r ie s D a iry C o-op , J e r se y C om pany A rranged G ra n d D am age J u r y R e p o rts S u its F ile d R esu lt A c c id e n ts in C o u n ty Funeral Held Judge Dennis Settlem ent of all controversies be­ tween the Blue Ribbon Jersey Milk company and th e Dairy Co-opera­ tive together with certain dairy­ men of this county has been made out of court, according to William G. H are of the co-op counsel. Poor thousand dollars was paid to the co-operative in settlement. This ar­ rangem ent includes the case against the Jersey company in this coun­ ty and the action brought against the co-op and certain farm ers aris­ ing out of th e milk war. The suit against the Jersey com­ pany was to have started here Mon­ day before Judge Artie O. W alker and 21 days had been given over to it on the trial calendar. Order of voluntary non-suit in the dairy co-operative cases was signed Tuesday by Judge Walker. Three Indicted Three true and two not t r u e bills were returned by the grand jury Thursday. Next meeting of the grand Jurors will be July 5. Indictm ents were returned against George Madsen and Jack Powell on a charge of driving while ln - toxicated and Mayo tn d Ross H ay- den on assault and battery count. Two damage suits, one for <13,- 225 and the other for $15,414, have been filed in circuit court against the H udson-Duncan < y Company of Portland by Gladys H art and M ar- saret Drake as the result of in- juries sustained in a n automobile accident a t Reedville January 16, Include Anna Williams by flERA relief work today of one per cent per m onth or frac- j“ >d *1*0 of Torrance, Cal., were director lor one-year to fill the "true progressives ¡•an unite this WC ,eld at Torrance Friday, a C hris- unexpired term of Mr MacKenzie 1 ( i its ta II Parmer»' Union. Prances js j 99 lrM.n according to Leon Da- tion ol a m onth until paid fall with any hope of success ( ,m rt M ust Act ? an Sc“:“ <:e service being read. Mr R etiring officers besides Mr. Ire- Zim m erm an supported Sam Brown Dctrlck by R ik X Creek Orange, vis placement manager Payroll lor ' Dennis died June 6. land are M. P Cadv as vice-Dresi- ol Oervala tor governor in tlie p r l - ' Betty Soderland ol Hillsboro b y ,tl ic month, up to Saturday night The law specifies t foreclosure Torrance citizens giv- ; aent and L J Merrill as ‘reasurer proceedings must lx- th a taken by the en ,,Few so generously of their have tlm e^to oT whom « v -’ mary campaign, but Is said to be Veterans ol Foreign Wars a n d a a s 5946.30 elitnely satlslaelory to tlie follow- Auxiliary, and Mabel Nelson and ; county court against owners of public service," according to the eral terms Ireland will continue ers of both ltu lu s Holman and Erma IxtVe of Forest Orove by C C D A Pr °Pprty th « ta x r’> on wh(cfc are Torrance Herald, "and certainly « t t e ^ w d « Willis Mahoney. K ansas City Farm ers' Union. Verna delinquent lor the year 1930 and none have contributed so unsel- presiden- H. L MacKenzie. above, elected The Portland conference Is un- Mae Walters by Farmer»' Union of prior and who have not made any fishjy and devotedly to the d e - „ president of Hillsboro Chamber derstoud to have discussed the ad - Cedar Mills, Wilina Schultz by •effo rt to protect them aelve. by velopmcnt of this community as D elegation .Named of Commerce, and Paul L. P at- visablhty of bringing out an en- ¡cham ber of commerce of Forest advantage of the five-year Judge“ j i h n ^ ' o e ^ . ' ^ ‘r‘l‘s u “ yearT terson, below, nam ed vice-presi- tire independent ticket and agreed drove / I p - - — Installm installm ent plan and make ihe '-he f froni rom April A nn, iq 1926 ? k to April Anni 1932 io - jo ? ,‘elPs' Secretary Ed. L. Moore. .»»ovie, 1 ¡r-e.y s«iirman studio upon such a course, but the group »Inner Thursday _____ first payment. John Dennis served as mayor of M r' MadKen3Ue and M r- Patterson th a t is in te n t upon draiu n g Z1111- complim entary dinner will be , All unpaid taxes of 1930 a n d this city without financial com- were delegated to attend the state m erm an o r whoever : the ultl- g |v, n ull the candidates by the S y m p a th e tic U n d e r sta n d in g previous years were grouped into pensation. devoting his entire time ^range sexton a t Roseburg yester day and extend Hillsboro's invita­ m ate choice will keep Itself fr#4 J ■ sP,‘t lai classification under the tax to cnqc affairs." from any entangling alliances and .sponsors, at the Rotary club meet- B u sin ess rolK A s k e d law o( 1933 an(j interest and penalty Mrs Dennis and her niece Miss tion for the state meeting here in confine Its eflorts to tile election a l t lie Veteran»' --------- waived -- until July from .uvvui Eva n McCormick of Hillsboro,’ D •_ _ _ a. • ........... hall .. Thursday -- - - — 1, 1933, ------ u ta ui nuiouviu, WtlC were 1935. This fr»»- Invitation thro --a - ... Jias been ex- of a governor. night, June 21. nt « 30 o clock T ills w k t o a n rn tzrn m which time the taxpayer had live present a t the family residence at for U S S >ears- « " " » >« "P . 8 » . u n . e e , “ “ to Incidentally it has become known ta oru,.r w K1>v u „. „ „ „ , n ,ain O the chamber to put on the program n o r a V ' ^ l ' ^ t i l n c . l ^ ^ U ^ a m “o ' ‘” >«x,rtun,t> W K'’1 “‘ QUAxlnt.xl mad(, „y R w Wel, taxes In ill health for two years. live self-starters so far »lie,m g T*“ ' PUhcesse-s wjU be C()umy chairm an, and members of It specially provided th a t when a John Dennls w « born August 13, a t a 2l R ^ otary a c c e meeting p t S BQ Thursday, u 4 ^ S e v e r a l T h e fts a re R ep o rted ^ « X n ' - D u ^ c a ^ n d ^ a s ^ e ? selected at 8;30 p in. June 30 at Ule ofilc<. s U f l ' a t the Hillsboro (l £ P “>e,r , / ec*®e d^ Q ' ae u t o n 1869, a t Otsian. Iowa, but moat ol ^ t e s wlU be g n S t e 'a T t t e dm - IhciiUM'lvei (or the hoiu r Mprakcr- th e Hluitc pink auditorium less and reckless in his driving, All R o u ry club J M. Person w a s the ten equal sem i-annual his boyhood days were spent a t '“ “ g T h r o u g h o u t C o u n ty xhip T he lu t includes George Win« Ihe complaint charges. Gladys H a rt •ll*' 1*^ *1 cwndkluta» must be present with a chairm an of the meeting. installm ents, jh e county m ust it Mankato, Minn When in his early &low of TlUuinook, L xjwc asks $15.414 and M argaret D rake Is » ol L in n r,'l,n ''M‘n t“ t n e ir« ‘n o r6a n " The government spent fr of Porlluiul. Churltx Child.4 L. J. Reed of P ortland was ar- $15,225 izutum Pi introduce th em A ller OOH to $175.1X10 in tin. county and others, all ol whom rested here Monday night by Dep- Damages totaling $5,576.93 a r e llu - « lection of the queen and p n n - dt.r CWA proJects and are clanxed a* ultra-conservative» 's there will be 11 dam 1 .mil , lare(j Mr w the e com •d .Mr w ell, e l l , who wno said saio in com - . ¿ m an 0 of the general committee In uty Sheriff Harry Johnson on a asked of the O reg"r Electric by and at» trprv.M* tiling a school of irsN m an entertainm ent with u (irsi class n)ltu, reckless driving charge following an Marie Edwards and C. C. Edwards, é l l ñ ^ p l U ’of l ' Î Â S ^ n d 0 ’^ delüiquency will be a m r tc a n tS * « r í T í o / *36V e a rs ’ Ä e Chf ppr political llioiight entirely out of o rc h estra fu rn ish in g the Appreciation of the services ren - . accident at First and Lincoln streets. ^ n c e ^ ^ e a V ^ g 'T ’Î ^ h arm o n y w ith the- pohl cal ideals Adlmssiofi charge «1 2 5 ? SUJU. , m . Mam object of SERA .s to S e If^ ïn s U llX ’ £ £ P i d e n i H eland m ' ¿he Don o . O albreath^ has reported S S T « ol a large block of the house can- MnU wU1 (u lhls cvwn and G arden Home w ithout ilklales. e x ^ n e r 1 ”-6 ' m . ^ d ^ v ^ M ^ Ä “ C - l a b i e M. J. Haynes of Sher- < It Includes dancing. or warning and resulting C onsiderable Interest Is m a n ife s t­ xplained d an iered for "another six 'm o n th i ^ow^toca’e d 'h il h is T i tv " “3’' vote. Mr. Ireland said th a t - crashlne m to y ,. Ilie queen will be given a com ed here In tlie report th a t W illis 2 . ^ , ................. ^ a £ 5^ dldatc for congress, w.ll the dress, each I hot.;» of_al .h e ra n - _ „ — th „ ------ ---- „ y w ^ Qf any o th t,M .r July JuJy 1933 waa mayor. o > retlr^ £ £ ■ S t S k w d q u ^ l r h m i motSr ^ ds $5.101.93 for injuries M - _ enter ------ — er congressional race in th e wcond »mates will he on aupiay in some gOVernm ental subdivision and ex- ship. Secretary Moore said the last ____ _____ __— q u a rte r_________ . business here he was placed in taken. He also reported th e theft C€iyen M ueeus p|.un a gn *at benefit charge of the Oregon building at of 50 feet of rubber hose, an elec- Sentence was postponed T hurs- is out after the scalp of Jay Upton, ^al 1 and coronation ceremony will frOm the relief angle. He declared the S an Francisco fair and later tric plate and a half-horse motor day ior Rose Swnnt, who waived a the republican t.uidldutr Should o®« ln t *u‘ ™jute park audito- was a hfesaver for every engaged in the logging business. from the Cipole school. Rr“ >d indictm ent and plead tlie K lam ath Falls mayor enter th e Hum night of July 3 and will be coun^y view of the need for re ­ . ... .. u — j . l guilty to a charge of larceny In a On May 18. 1893. he was married race, It ts believed here, his candi- "tg social event ol the cele- j ucmg taxation and the huge de- A rthur M iltenberger reported the dwem nK. to M iss Esther Birdsell in Hillsboro. dacy would have the effect of de- oration. llnquency of taxes. It would have loss of a tire and wheel Monday. | Mayo Hayden, who was arrested Surviving, besides the widow of ng W a lta Pi® '• 'I..- ii-m u 1 r ( ■‘ •| r .u n - i i.u im - d been Impoggiblg (or tho county to H. C. Gleaser was arrested in Ju n e 8 on an assault and battery the deceased, are a sister, Mrs. cratic candidate, and m aking the A pet parade is being plunned for have assumed tlie burden, accord- Forest Grove Tuesday by O fficer' charge, was fined $250 Saturday W ashington Savings aivj i r t a n Mary Wellman, Bakersfield. Cal.: a election of Upton doubly sure. Sunday afternoon, July 1. Details mg to tlie Judge, who said con- McGuire on a drunken driving | and paroled on paym ent of $50 • • • have not been worked out by the tinuation of the present relief pro- association of Hillsboro has dc half sister, Mrs Daisy Tone, Tilla- Investor', who nut th eir money committee but a great deal of en- gram by tlie federal governm ent Is ' “‘r,‘d Hs eighteenth consecutive niook two half brothers, Earl Den- company representative a t the lo- c^arge against Ross Hayden m iM.nd» of Oregon Irrigation dis- U»u»ta»n» la being exhibited by th e eeeentlal as long as tho need« are ' “ v.“l''n,;! at Sw M ;«a£ td /- RlCh^ d Den" c«■ P“™de may Include decorated allows the county to spend its June 6 from HUlsboro. X h» , trJ w 5 City camp. fine of $500 was meted out by Judge e n ib a r r a s a e f l n r o l e e t s I x a u a a o f a s WagOIUS. doll buggies, etc. A com- (C ontinued on pagr 8. colum n t>) mailed to Investors a t t h a t ------------------ - slid HUlsboro and the s S r t^ i m n g F ° Shay reported Thursday George R. Bagley to George Mad- « niDtiri ,i p r o je n s tx a s e s of a s -------- #----- u no.... ........ „ . j _________________ time. In addition to paying th is dl- T m uch .is llu |*'i cent a re going to ,n,1I,'c l! " " ’ th e B usiness und I’m - , territory were unioue in the worid :he thef: ° „ f K„ a , wal1 clock from “ “ of Saturday Porest Grove' vidend. the directors' ordered a JL/OCclI O O ld lP f*S be nccisssary If th e d istric ts a rc I c mn.il W omen s club Mi M arie J | p | j J |p \ \ IDS r e r r n o r y were unique in the world' guilty to a who charge Plead of I substantial am ount to be added to c y v o u iV l j for production of vegetables and ^ ern ^^1 school. to be refinanced through the use Hoffman Mrs. Zola Morgan and the reserve fund. fruits for frosted foods p ro cess'H e T Koski o f Nasoma. between of federal funds. Already tlie Ita- Mrs Helen Steinke, will be In S ta te G r a n g e M e e t In r who have never a t- rtio*U1?S 'd ^ c i^ le s of the mid- Yamhill county. cil went on record as favoring Hills­ dollar and those who have their Celebration Munager Ed. L. Moore attending the convention are Mr housing act now proposed bv con- fcntfed cam p before, so the work r 8 d “ j e.aSt are nOt suitable Circuit „ court _ , trial calendar: - , Ju _ ne money In bonds of the M ultnom ah announces th a t a splendid program and Mrs. M. F. Mills. Leroy Mills gress become effective, we will see was Quickly done, as all the rest ° F tile Bll'ds-eye quick freezing boro as the 1935 state grange con- • , o vention city a t the council m eet- J8’ ®bver Taylor vs. Jennld Tay Drainage district will get 70 cent« of fireworks bus been arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Janies Forsythe, Mr Ihe greatest activity in home con- know »'hat has to be done and how , t0 the sPcakcr, ing • — at ------- Aloha June 6. They also f_r ior; . June te n J° h ru,iKo^»— n W ahid- on Ihe dollar Acceptance of the th e night of July 4 o th e r enter- and Mrs. C, E Robertson. Mr and structlon and repair ever xeen in 10 d° it. " the frozen pack would —« j une 19’ 2o s ta an» u proferred RFC loans In each In- talnm enl m atures have been nr- Mrs. 1) B Burkhalter, Oscar Hagg tills country." Some of the boys have alread y ' w t ih* cooked foods due Passed a resolution f a v o r in g a L<,a , ned “ R -naoin’h Rnw^hu- stance ls up to the bondholders ranged for the four-day celebration, and Latne Stowell. W ashington Savings and L o a n madt’ the trip to the ocean to see difference in m arkets Problems change of state fair dates back j 9., qT.t Hpnrv ixnwory> o n e district thc T n eln l has del- — — association bca™ 7 i T m “ ? , n 3 ° it was still there, and m uf storage, transportation and re- to the old time because so many » • « » t e vs. Henry Mowery; asstx latlon bears the distinction of . ?£U1 ibere. and found t h e , been settled products are not m atured in time G- Sefton vs. J. H. lnltely refused to accept the loon being among the few institutions ‘^ , ‘2 be Pretty tor b a th -| en setUed under present arrangem ents. Hulett; June 26, Mrs. R c . Roles rath er than settle on th e basis of m th a t have continued regular dlvi- wlthout suits. , . ~~ -------- The county agent was asked In t i o n a ^ b u ^ o f N^oto27’ U' rw.N a* 35 cents on the dollar. In the othr dends through the depression, lt is Th^ , cainp has been greatly im - L e g l O l l C o n d u c t s a resolution to have a display of g ° districts negotiations arc still |>cnd- I methods for pest eradication at the Mnev vs neha'^Hndu.116 ,28’ Ing with Indications lluit most of Board of directors Include* George j * * 4, m ore things to add *to5the a n A e ria l D riv e county fair. They favored having j unp ’<» F.heian Hr iUer Ct a? L / nd the bondholders are ready to accept - , «-c G. Hancock, D. D. Bump of Fores' comforts and conveniences of this on th e theory th at even 20 or 30 Word has Just been received by th an they would have obtained be- Grove, and J. M Person Dr J O tented city. It Is quite a site es- eents in cold cash Ls better th an a Wiinlim p cvrus. county agent, fore this latter ruling. The com- Robb, E L. Johnson of Hillsboro P*-'CIally' a t night when all the tents dollar *.............. In an Irrigation district plete costs adm inistering the ........ ......... * bond. ¡ th a t farm - .. of ------------------ containing well over 3000 Oregon bershlp drive Ju n e 21, according to ®°t .. „f “ e to i them °PP°rtu - ing circuit court cases: J. F. M an- ers ’ having wheat con- ................... plan have not ns vet been worked, D z ’v • j men are lighted up. There ls a announcem ent made a t meeting of - ' 1 ^ e in g tnem. Ux>ntina«d on p »ge a, colum n s ) tracts may p lant forngc crops, ex- out nnd wlll no, h,, UI)tt] th(, fa rn , t ' a r t K ’S V / r g i t l l l Z e , buzz like a vast bee-hive. P la y g ro u n d s to cept corn anil grain sorghums, on inspections nre completed. These — ° z - w r r » • < ' I n _,a few “»‘notes "T aps'1 w i l l HUlsboro post Friday night. O ther C - I posts are to bring th eir new m em ­ any i»mu land vu covered by such contracts ------ (n n u — Inspections within z"v « ■ i r ------- will — , begin ....---- S e le c t O f f i n a ----- l s mi toi'nl rriv , and a11 w111 be Qoiet except berships into the county seat. I ---- he O p e n o n iv lo lld a v ‘»eluding rented n,,xt wcck S() ano and every evpn m t lu llin g ii in . a , or contracted ....... m i . u acres ........ th(, IU.X[ weeg or so a te Tonklnson’s m mntiertni.« for Private utterlngs nlane« aro ziu. i , . « ». « . « permission applies only to the farm covered by a wheat contract Co?*?}ty <* “ t»'al committees of the J8 be attem pts to keep his rotund Legion meetings w ll^ he ^hBui Sio * Z This permis: „ , Playgrounds , i nt in the i two Hillsboro .y e a r of 1934. 'lh ls m eans th a t H will be looked over and actual republican and democratic p a rtie s, iorm °h his bulging straw tick He once a m onth ih irin J | be d bUt sdKxil grounds will lx. officially op- a farm er desires to do so he may measurem ents made as to contract- have been completed nnd are In Pllt bales of straw in one tick No other ^s^inn»"8« ? s UnU?wr ' en.'d Monday, a cording to Mrs plant a crop th at Is going to be ed acreage and wheat acreage. readiness for the tall campaign saying, "I believe In a golS night's m onth a id to Jo v and a ± 6 (B y Wm. F. Cyrus, C ounty Agent) particularly Canadian thistle and Paul P a tte rso n , genera! ch airm a i. used for hay on his contracted ------- ----------------- Democratic ell editor? L S i 4 " 8 1 " ° " tb ..a" d win assemble^ «»d August Weed eradication by m eans of wUd morning glory, have been gathered h precinct e ^ ^ d . ' commit v m"]1“ to-men M'men rest." S i " r W Wel,t edl,° r ' beins *“ <>WI gionnaires t h / s e " le- Opening a t Peter Boseow wlll be at acreage i a I a 1 sodium chlorate is too expensive killed out by cultivation. Failure to -elected w p and n ‘m ’T ' Ca” UU him « « ond Friday of ea"" m onth 1:15 p m and David Hill a t 1:30' ThLs word r()nll. , r a ther late to D e l C g a t C S A t t e n d selected W. I . Fisk of Snerwood ns He will keep awake all night trv- Co-operative action of all veteran by to this the method ha* usually cliairn ian n im u irfi— r. . ..... .__ _ . ‘u gui n j - ----- . VLUcran, for practical use on farms. Where control due culUvat4on J ^UlV.'k L fOPrniil Rotary T opic tak‘n« Driving Count A DrinCTS /Arrest Savings Group Pays Dividend Rotary Clubs Hear of Pack 1 O 1 1« Go to Clatsop Hillsboro Favored for State Session Forage Crops May be Planted on Wheat Contract Acreages Cultivation Economical Way Farmer to Eradicate Weeds “V“ 1 so shallow th a t the weeds had op- PPrtPntty to sprout and develop were no new shix)t's a n d ‘eaves above th e r- . ground between cultivations If thia irnipa. Also, » lu re a contract irom i uesnny to Friday or inis committeeman, and M. K ‘“ ‘“ **“ 8 of some deviltry, no doubt crated on a t The" M nt,™ K“ “ u« Canadian occurs, eradication Is impossible signer has s.X'd.-d wheal to ex- we.-k nre Mr and Mrs. J. R For- Abraham of Forest Grove congres- “ > entertain the recruits to Portland hospital thistle or wild morning glory then To bp ,.ffPf.tiw , it might be practical lo u s e chlor- k e e p ^ t h e ^ X V e n S ^ d X - , 1M.r,.llBl. uni, sythe and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Burk- “‘ona^com w goeS "Taps" the 5' c v i i i m u itteem m m II1 an. H I1 . w v e". u , I there n e r t * i?O t*S ‘" T a » » * ’ and nnH I sllch whe#t crop lias failed, he halter. -»-'k _ I......... l a P-" q a“U Jack Anderson of ------- Forest Grove “ghts w ill go out pre!t£ iik V the so C ourt F rid la y A w a r d s ‘ Cost of eradicating the two men- 0,6 Ot th e i ,n |g h t use p art of his wheat acre- Rev. Claude Sabin of Forest Orove • e iiii< n.. t’ l'cUxi e h u irm an of t h e | * “ ‘ have lo close, expressing the n _ -i_ i „„„ u u contracted acreage and ‘ gave an Interesting talk on "The ‘*'P,1b“ i'an rounty central co m m it-' nnnual * ‘sh that you try a hitch , R ock H I a u lin g C o n tra c t tioned weed pests In W ashington | w here Kock the weeds are In fields , and E B- Sappington of For- ' yourself and forget your printer's \5 'unty court co»o contracted with E ' county by means of chemicals have I th a t are cultivated, a crop like oats ru t the same e for hay. T ills would Farm er of the Hour" a t the all- n case lie had seeded , day grange meeting here S ntur- Grove Ls vice-chairm an. O ther ‘“ k for -------™ a few days. L Ross Friday Friday for hauling rock and < varied from 10 or 15 cents per and vetch on the land aids In con- ,.. apply only In officers are E. A. G riffith, Hills­ P- S — D on't forget to send us a i ?raV«1 ir° m the HaZf,ldale quarry square rod to as high as 25 or 30 trol. This crop, being rath e r rank more th an his required acreage, day. O ther program numbers were: Dies of of the tho 4r„,,o i n . o___-. cubic -- — yard per — *' — Argus. We don't i for „ 6 '2 j cents » - per ------ The regulation th n t a particular Miss M arjorie Sewell, violin solos, boro. secretary, and C. C. Condii, few copies cents per --------- square rod. ---------- Present day ( in growth, draws heavily upon th e Dr. . F. . . T. j ml e and from Pehl quarry for 8 prices for farm products do not moisture and th e weeds usually acreage of crop cannot be b o th , accompanied by h er m other, Mrs. Forest Grove, treasurer. — . want to miss 'em _________________ cents Per cubic yard per mile until w arrant methods of this kind. The [ are more or less sapped Im m e- contracted acreage and w heat acre- F. J. Sewell; Robert. Kelly, vocal R,,‘‘ker of Sherwood was named r> . . . . . ' December 31. age ls still effective. solos, accompanied by Mrs Sewell, „ ‘f cointnltteem an, while Samuel m question then naturally arises as to jd la te ly after the hay ctod 1» tak- M an y P e r so n s W o r k in g -__________ _ how these weeds may be kept under en off the weed patch should be An additional ruling of Interest »“ <* MLss J >me Ireland, tap danc- B. Lawrence of Raleigh ls con­ control or eradicated. Cultivation is plowed and then replowed or disked R a y -M a lin g C a n n er y C o u n ty M en N a m e d on to W ashington county farm ers ls ‘»Of, accompanied by her mother, gressional committeeman. | the answer. Whenever weed con­ i i j a, th a t the w heat adm inistration Just Mrs. Harold Ireland. Approximately 450 persons a r e B la ck R a sp b er ry G ro u p trol by means of cultivation is men- deeply and then It may be left for Miss Marjorie 8ewell. grange queen ‘r c ' a n t > o n N o r th w e st or ten days before it would announces th a t the am ount of the employqed a t the Ray-M allng c a n - ' W. J. Dodson of Sherwood and tioned someone immediately re- j a be week necessary to cultivate" it’ again, Im p le m e n t A u th o r ity nery now. Packing of cherries and J. S Herd of Scholls were elected benefit paym ent to be received Will candidate, was presented with a be one cent larger th an was orig­ corsage bouquet by her sponsors. Lester Ireland has been appointed loganberries Is being finished up, j members of the control committee m arks th a t they cultivated a p a tc h 1 H the operator waits to see If th e inally announced. T his m eans that. J. E Lewton o I Oale Grange on the retail Implement code a u ­ red raspberries have Just b e e n of the O regon-W ashington cold- anywhere from a few times to an j weeds are going to come up be- W ashington county farm ers will talked on thc state banking bill. thority for Ihe north west along with started and the plant ls running pack black raspberry Industry a t excessive number of times and did I tween cultivations, he might as receive on their second paym ent Gale G range »'111 put on thc pro­ two men from Washington. The full blast on pears, black raspber- a meeting held In Salem Ju n e 8 not kill out the weeds. No o n e 1 well n o t s ta rt the control measure* on the 1935 crop, one cent per gram for th e local grange a t th e group met In P ortland Tuesday rles and youngberrles. Next pay- under the direction of Max Gehl- would dispute such statem ents as The patch m ust be cultivated be- they probably are correct. However, fore any weeds appear so th a t they night. bushel on th eir allotm ents more first meeting In July. day will be June 21. I har, state agricultural director. a lot of perennial noxious weeds, I will n o t appear Ufn r t h o will be continued this week nnd the first Ol next Each school will be equlpptd with . »' following apparatii i, providing a total of $509 Is raised. Including $200 from school, $100 on hand and $200 to be raised by private sub­ scription: Equipment for games, giant stride, set of six swings, set of traveling rings. If additional $100 ls obtained or If one or two firms make large donations a slide will be provided for each school. Additional subscriptions made in ­ clude $15 by Rotary and $25 by Individuals. Pool-G ardner Lumber company is donating the sand for thc sand pits. North Plain» W ant« Games Baseball games are wanted by the North P lains ball team, accord­ ing to word given the Argus by C. D. Chamberlain.