The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 07, 1934, Page 6, Image 6

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    T h u nulny. J '» " ' 7i 11,34
Page Six
of years, have rented the Arthur
Rankin place west of the schvxI a id
after repairs are made will occupy
I ' 1' e L. C ox attended the Cvxqx’r
m ountain cemetery association in>; t-
! mg at the church May 30. Mr. «.ox
■ is one of the officers.
Mrs J H. Aten president of tin
Ladies' Aid who are sponsoring a
I free traveling library. lumoutu»*
BFAVERTON Miss M artha Leh- P '1*L sl* ^ ’ind
J S T d S c d queen of the B ea- ^ a n j n i n d ,M ' , . “ :i, , !y ,,f
’«auxiliary of the Bethel Con-
gregatlonal church Of BeaserWi»
held its closing
U e -rg e
soil Thursday, with Mrs G torgt
Taylor of Went Slope aa
About 40 were in attendance Owing
to inclement weather th e program
was held in the home of Mrs \
S r - r f f SV aT
Loulse d. C arter gave th e
K. »• Mrs. H ansaker of
spoke on "Race Prejudices.
bounteous pot luck luncheon wa-
served buffet style in Mis la y -
lor's home. A business meeting fol-
'°M rs. J W. Sprague accompan­
ied by her sister. Mrs F Olms.ead
of Portland, left May 30 for Omaha,
Mr and Mrs K enneth Denney
and children spent several days th u
week with Mrs. Denney s sister m
Mrs LueUen
of George Haw n
o ,< « g
a ;eu da'
Contest Sponsored by Adraln VanKoeverlng of 7.«eland, Mich.
to printer's ink.
The community without its> « W , ^ ’“ ’¿"¿.'*",,¿“1" a 'm-igh-
not ill a r e a l s e n s e .»
w here a genuine
borhood without a eonununi.y
espr‘ :vSU,n as surely as a
community feeling exist.. It
P coinnuinlty spirit is
baby's hunger cries out for m *
Home-town paper
o r . » , , the
t h e local
local newspaper
newspaper prospers
u » splrl,
....... ,uw died.
f —
" u u BUCh
t ’¿ r . . r ? o
with her b ro th er
ed tor a i m
and si»U . B , deavor society Sun-
u i r u ai
u , ,,„;d the meet-
& s o t e a m onth d u rin g th e su m -
It will be th e last
Sund'.’v night
of each month,
Mini and Mrs J H Aten and
•«' visited friends in Sherwood
Mr and Mrs Josef T annler of
Junction Citv visited some of their
old neighbors here Sunday. I he
Tanniers were form er residents and
lived on what is now the Charles
Thompson place on Tile Flat road
Children s day will be observed at
the church June 17 m the morning
the Bible school
hour. in
d u ru v
beautifully or badly he m m y • • l>- ‘
the community to say^w hether t a g » «
living achievem ent or
the annual conference of the
e.,c.G churches of the state
held in
be held
m Corvaius,
Corvallis. cune
June 14
............... ....... inipson
will be in attendance, but will
n r^'vrh'June 24 at the usual time
^ U liy fS m here are' employed in
,j,e numerous berry
th at homely.
..f'th e m *Uiere will be a^ivm g In it for
kt c^nparable to the ^
^ f r Ä
equal to the g re a te s t-to cement
¿ osler
operation th at makes his p ap ti possible.
ter O. E. S.. and th eir wives and ries. There is a very gotai
husbands a n d several additio n al, year • of Iboth^
guests to a pot luck dinner Bun-
. „ M
prank Mills
^ ^ d ^ T
^ D
e ^ i e f f
Saturday morning by motor for the
Century’ of Progress fair at Chicago
Kn route they will visit relatives
of Mrs. Denney in K ansas and of
Mr. Denney in Indiana They will;
return by way of St. Paul and the
northern states.
Mrs F. E. Posson. accompanied
bv her sons Edward and Gilbert
and daughter Fay Louise, left last
week for California, where she will
loin Mr. Posson and her two other
daughters Jean and Helen. Mr.
and Mrs. Posson have purchased a
home near Bos Angeles.
Mrs Elmer Stipe entertained the
members of the Tuesday Bridge
ciub and the Friendship Bridge club
to a luncheon Friday a t Nendel s
on the Canyon road. High scores
were held by Mrs. F. H. Schoene
and Mrs. Otto Erickson.
---------- " H ap p y D ay»"-----------
Many Attend Meet
of Kinton Grange
„louuincnts to
£ * e p a rW splrlt.
W herever there is a im m u n ity with
re are
proud of, there will be n t s
tiuving there will be ad-
U i e n h a n u ^ w h o s e ^ w a r e . ^ (anUUeS d e ^ n urgt the nam e of
issued to r * As
A marriage license was issued j c
E1m°t’dM ^r<,Mn
Vancouver^ Wasn. is to
'. “ ■ a
Metolius river fishing.
, Ml^
r “
friends in , Seattle. _
St Joseph. Michigan
own because without its
to say and no way of
deaf-m ute community. It has n 1 k
y,u l lnt,.r.
hearing any .huig duxvtly eo«m ‘ U d * w
hxs only
esls W ithout r','l x"'-s'lblet
' ime the sewing circle and
such dumb gestures as L . P>
Iiwrt. eloquent th a n
^ . a ^ t b t\ie"woi»d th at it prefers grape-vine gossip
B ,d o liiis o n
;he hon,e
,n - sister. Mrs
Adams remain-
Every community ^tould liave
wiU e a c h ^ c S m m ^ deve'lop by nourishing its own medium
of expression, th e newspaper.
But more th an tl u s - n o nation ^ s^ \ « ^ 't o u u . m n h i e s .
more intelligent th an the sum of itsm m v u m ai
U the home-town newspaper serves mid
neighborhood it .serve.
w e read Uje
health and stability it
je what is gomg oil ui the world
R & r t Pomeroy.
ii«er> u u
's H o W t'F
D ilU t t« .!
C ’J - . . ,
D U X tO Il r r iQ iiy
f k lL C f lt n
BUXTON—A kitchen shower w-as
glven y.[r and Mrs. Willis Edwards
.Qladvs L aZ ott1 at the Grange
hajj p r idav night. The evening was
spent m dancing. Mr. and Mrs.
Edwards will leave this week for
Newport where they will reside,
Mr and Mrs Ciaudc Morgan of
M anzanita visited at the N. M oen1
home here last week.
W om ans Benefit association met
at the home of Mrs. Leila Leipold
May 31. Plans were made to a t­
tend the district rally in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Quier a t­
tended the graduation exercises for
th eir daughter Frances May at
Salem Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Davies of New­
port were Buxton visitors Friday
Mr and Mrs. Dale Edwards and
_____ one h u n d red 1 fam u'y of W hite Salmon. Wash..
were present at the special meeting were recent guests a t the H. Ed-
of Kinton Grange a t the hall .j,arci.s home near Vernonia. They
Thursday evening when officers and were Buxton visitors May 26.
members of Aloha Grange were
Mrs Arley H o isp eih of
guests of honor. Aloha degree staff Por;land visited at the Powell home
exemplified the th ird and fourth last week
degrees upon a class of eleven can-
Miss prances Quier was home
didates, ten from the local grange {rom Salem for th e week-end.
and one from Aloha. Among the
Bewley of Portland is
out-of-town guests present for the at
home of relatives here.
evening were S tate M aster and Mrs
H QUler was home for a few
Ray Gill and Dr. and Mrs. Slaugh- days last week returning to his
ter of Portland, a large delegation sheep snearing job in M ontana the
from Tigard, Mrs. Fred Brown of tat;e r part of the week
North Plains. Mr. GUI and Dr.
Mrs. Charles Johnstone of near
Slaughter gave addresses. Mr. GUI Newberg and Mr. and Mrs Oscar
of near Eugene visited at
told about his recent trip to the
New England States.
the Elwood null a day last week,
A num ber of form er residents
W. C. McKeU. maU carrier on
route one‘” i r ’having"“his- vacation were here for Memorial day
w ant to feel th a t we ourselves ‘" a tFt r '
im portance of our own we
th riv e in a small town nor read a small
W heeler
- H. ...........-
a t May0 moved
Tue-day They expect
th eir ca p
¿ re s e ttle d the logging com-
P»hJ■ « o£\ h eir pulp wood.
sh^ X ^ c V m o n d \ ^ n t Saturday
t t m b e r — T he
in rvicow
Forest a-**»*»*.
Mr. and M « L j A
r t L i n d
¿ r t n ’S * 'S . T S ‘5 r T o ^ «Sher and sp£ t’ th7 weeT-eMta Portland vis-
fishing trip in Eastern Oregon. The Harold and Irene and Elsie Meyers ltmg Mrs. G ilm ores parents
route is being handled by substitute drove to Mt. Calvary cemetery n ear
_ h Misses Cecelia Marchel and
carrier, Lester M. Dsvtes.
Portland Memorial day
velda Mellinger. Everett R ^ndai
Many from here visited th e dif-
M r and Mm. E. C^Lynch enter-
Desmond Lalrd spent Sunday
f e ^ c S M s ' i n this , locality - e d r e ^ S i r n d a y . ^
^ F o re s t G r o v e .^
Hi li' Is what Marti* W tnchcl VV alk
ev M i)
,h^ r b ^ . * : m ¥:Ke‘,^ i; VZ , ; h e r
s lru e tu rr
mal llfe.
e v e ii
S e ria l
plani ami ani
ii s
Government Physi
Charier* Granted 4-H
Clubs in Ihr Counly
C h a lle ,, have
(‘' ‘“ " ^ « i r s
I.,H,„v,nu club
s u n s lin e •Se?»,;.
Dori» Parson, leader. Bank.
E s th e r «'
Kook Klim Ktllck
I'liklugion. leader, llganl
Winner Hewlnu club H arriett 1- rd.
leader. C ornelius route 1
ll>ri>r I»«»«"
Ask your allorm -v b> •,’" J ’' ,,ur
w,,,.,. reading
war. savs
In ] le g a l
lM>ok. U,u "ehuraelei
on chem U trv uncovers |*>tnt* not (
found m any o th e r system of a n a l­
No 2 You m e tiiipatleul. exelt- ysts.”
able alv i slioilld gu an i agallisi I h - uiu
so ehangeable Thtnk more beton
you speak and act You love ili
a d v e rtis in g
A rg u « .
"Ilappy l»aya”
ux Many Attend Roy
barin Union Meet
m y am t a re im pressed greatlv by
m atei i U w ealth You like praise
onlv it it comc> r ,oiii a ¡ m i -on
| )(irn optim ist, 'h e tw eltler, the P> - n e a r here again He has been U1
M,n who hnle • Ills own trouble- am i
retuse - to li- ic ti to those „1 o t h e r -
" H ap p y Day»
No pi You m ake up your mlml
I.lic e M a k e s lte|H»rt
ra th e r too quickly ami are a p t to
F»*es and ftne.s collected during
Mr and Mrs. N. P Johnson, and believe the best of otn. who do May in the countv clerk s office
not really have your interests at amounted to $.177 60. according to
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Walters.
T hose of th is six-tton a tte n d in g a
p a rty given bv M r anti Mrs Ed
K ruske o f B eaverton
S a tu rd a y
n ig h t were M r. a n d Mrs. A rth u r
Schulz. Mr a n d Mrs. Jo h n Muerer,
No 8
A few very pertinent questions carry
are asktM tlie local business men questioned
1 by the Tracy (C alJ Press:
Why send away from home
"H appy D ay*”
m aintalns a crew to which on an
average $ltXK) per month Is paid In
I wages This sam e money comes back
to you Several fam ili*. make their
livelihood in tills office and the
Snxm i'is'"^servi y ^ n ?our“p n m -
mg wants.
| m iD C r L o g g i n g
f n n m a n v M o V C ll
V ^ O llip a n y I
You never
Cedar Mill Team
Beats West Union
we are content.
Yes we m ust have a community newspaper, not only to
ourselves only what our neighbors believe and accept
things th a t the community newspaper tells us.
tllto excel
HOY Farmers' Union meeting wa.s
William F I'am pt’ell spent several wb e Judgment you trust
Huv ,m|| Wednesday night
N » 8 You are of the resiles, |h.|(,
days last week hi W ashington
tvpe It cramps vour style if you About seventy live |wople were
H mppv pH)*"
are too closely eonflnixl lo one s|*o, present
Mr and Mrs Harvey Jesse and
son IXtmdd and Arlene Wagner ol
Hillsboro visited Mrs C F Jesse
Miss Kivse Van ter/anden who lias
Mill baseball team won again Sun-
IhTll m the Good Sam aritan hos­
dav. defeating West Union. 8 to 9
pital the past week. reLurned home
TI,e team has ma le a gorxl record
so tar In baseball and Is expected
Miss Rena Hertel, who has been
to continue
Next Sunday Cedar
attending sellisi! in Portland, ho*
Mill will play at Buxton
to lli<' h o m e ol licr par­
Mrs Join, Zitzmiu, and Mrs A
ents. Mr. und Mrs Frank llertel,
Crawford attended the graduation
to spend the summer.
of Mrs Ztt.'jnan's nephew and Mi's
G tto Rieben, who has been In
Craw ford's grandson. William Craw
the Guymon hospital for soua'-
ford who was graduated f r o m
ts n'txirted to !*• reeovertng
Franklin high scliiwl Friday night.
Mrs Tliomus M ediaseli of Roy.
M c Larsen. Carl Larsen, ami
Misses Theresa Meeuwsen. Betty and
Miss Dorotliy Bov spent Bunday
Anita Morgan ot Hillsboro spent
with Mr and Mrs Ed Hickey of
last week at Meacham's er,»slug
Mrs Minnie Solder and son
Mr and Mrs Henry C hantler of
Stanley of Portland s|>ent the week­
Hillsboro -pent Sunday with Mr.
at the J M Vunderxunden
| and Mrs Charles Hoy
Mr and Mrs Glenn C arr and You are Impulsive and alw ays w ill­ hottie
M t , T heresa Meeiiwsen. who U
Miss Lorell Bov spent Sunday at ing to take a chance You are best
Bioring with Mr and Mrs Dave In work which requires sliot^ ik - ii employed in Hillsboro, sp e n t tlie
1 vt.MllllK her parellU , Mr
C.ravelle and fam ily
, . e as you love change.
a n d .Mrs n io in a s Meeuw.sen
A card party and dance will be ods ot tim
Many jx'ople from th is vicinity
held at the Cedar Mill hall S atur- novelty J
Serial No. 11
a tte n d ed th e fu n eral of O tis Ar-
day night
No 2 Things look b rig h te r to m entrout S un d ay afternoon
Dr and Mrs. Douglas Anderson
P J Vaiulerzaiid«*n went to Mt
of Portland spent Friday evening everyone when you are uroum l. for
w ith Mr a n d M rs K B. A nderson , „ tl ,.m detect the -liver Imine, in Angel Sunday to get his .son E d­
M r and Ml.- Cleve Ow ens spent ,u „ situation no m a ile r low wi n m und. who a tte iu ts bchool there
J o h n P lato U h ill at hl* home
th e w eek-end a t Cloverdale beach
h idden it may be You are ,n e
Jar o„
of all th a t goes on in the world.
. . .
ful a n d useful g ills wen- presented
to her T he bow er was sponsored
by the in n s 'll Progressive club
Miss ix-rothea S tru th e rs a n d L es­
te r Hobtuson were liononxl at a
purtv Saturday evening given by
em ployes el S p rit» Flour Company
at the home ol Mr and Mrs \ \ il-
Uam lllaiitiis at West m o n la n d Ihev
were presented w ith a n end table
a n d niagn.’ine rack _
Ix'sier t>avtes lias Ix e n our m ail
e a r n e r tlie past week while M r
M« K d l was on a vacation.
‘¿ ‘1tUIUty newspSper.
present, we
i h m ^ UI b i u t Ut h , n ^ ^ n “ gene'r'M .»nd we feet
Io nut
Us work to la’
shirk wrliere th e n
Analysis o f
No 1 You like Io move around
a good deal U> vl-.h 11 anr.e
m id i Him* You push i hthi through
AlX’Ut tortv guest- honored M i"
oksiachv. and work vour wav » » »
D orothea S iru th c is w ith a lin.lal
marked .success, never doubting
show er A pre'grum ol m usic and
own capacity to meet touioi-
In te r e stin g your
gam es was enjoyed M any b e a u ti­
ix»w s problems as they arise
H’/iy a Community Newspaper.
Bv Elsie G lasier Jones. 1619 Fi'rres Ave
iFourth Place»
Lester of Portland were guests
Memorial day at <he S tiu th eis
M l" Elizabeth S truthers
who is employed m Portland, was
also home lor tlie day
— —
Miss Lehmiin
Float Queen
at Beaverton
H IL L S B O R O .
" H ap p y D ay*
P la n
, l l b c i . do. C r it ic a l r y e . e v ­
er» w h e re »re J u d g iii*
a p p e a ra n c e
u , even
r .,u r ninrd In t r ic a t e e le a n ln *
John .m d threw »ear, h ln < e y e .
e an t h e lp b u t g iv e a f a v o r ­
a b le v e rd ic t.
M i l l s' IB t l s s f .S cleaned m >
liia t they Iturly b re ath e clean­
G ie a te s t of core and
decision taken with all fabrics,
I Ionic Laundry ant
Dry Cleaners
a report filed with hie county court
S e ria l N o . <
Your personality should by Clerk E C Luce
far. coupled with u n - (
mental capacity to delve,
understand the knowi-
make some warm friends bet*ause
of yom urn* S e iio
ria l N ». I>
welcome work. flan-
No -
Any well-laid plan you are quick
H o n o r C o u rt
Bov Scout court of honor for the m iLboro Fishermen Headquarter*
Hillsboro district will be continued
through the summer, according to ( CORW IN H A R D W A R E
Sporting floods
Jake Weil of the committee In!
th eir week-end guests Mrs. Willis previous years court was adjourned
Complete Line Fishing Tackle
brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and for the summer.
1152 Second SI.
Mrs. Eli View, ol Portland.
'H a p p y Pay»"
Say you saw It In the Argus.
J. R Willis has taken th e place
McGovern as night operator
for - the Southern Pacific In Tim -
„ „
Mr. and Mrs H P. Nelson will
niove to Portland soom Their houM
will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
r . e . Badger.
and Mfs Clyde Lindsay of
Is prim arily dependent on the
Portland were In Tim ber last Wed
use of feeds th a t combine the
nesday visiting with their sons.
elem ents of nutrition In correct­
Harry and David Lindsay. Accom-
panying them were Miss M argaret
ly-balanced proportions. O u »
s a y and Mrs D. Lindsay.,
feeds for cattle and poultry are
n av£ und-
selected with this thought In
drove fo Carlton last Friday to
mind and are offered with our
attend the commencement exercises
unqualified endorsement Every
of Ule hlgh school
" H ap p y D a y » ” - ------
wanted variety is included In
our large stock.
ES th e re m n ies an end lo d ay s
S O d M o in ETIM
g ; snug little (asks la k e th e place
b read -w in n in g — all ab so rb in g hobbies th a t
m ake a m an in d ep en d en t of th e w orld and its
w him s and b rin g declining y e a rs Ihe g re a te st
h ap p in ess of ¡ill.
If you w ould h ave the leisure of a mellow
old age, tin'll do only these tw o sim pl th in g s:
learn a hobby— anil open a sa« mgs account
now ¡it th is stro n g hank.
- R k tO V H .L t
Open an Account Today
N o more wearing friction
National Bank
"The Largest Independent Bunk In
W ashington County."
than in a
Hillnhoro, O regon
Donelson 8ó Sewell
„ need» repairing-never need« «pfr
cUI attention— i» permanently »ilenll
Thi» it virtually irue »1»° of i*1* new
Air-Cooled Electrolai Go. Refrigerator
—for it Dontaint no moving parttl
Electrolux la the only abwrplion.
type refrigerator made. It requirea no
machinery lo compreaa Ila »imple re­
frigerant A tiny g»* H“ " ( *nd
nary air do all the jroiJtL
Nothing waa Mcrificed in Electrolux
lo give you these important advent-
agea. I l contain», in addition, all the
allo w an c e on
ium hardware; interior lighting; ample
e», he.«rty ol deelgn; gleaming while
rtorage »pace; lr«y« that relea»e at the
trip of a trigger; »plil »helves thal ac­
Your old Radio towards
S in g in g
in th e b a th tu b
lighted engineer» could devi»«i »uch
easily-cleaned fini»h; «teinle« chrom­
be taeroOghly »athfied with Electrolux
thal they aland behind and willingly
and promptly service every one »old.
commodate l«rge bottle» and rea»t»|
Plan ,0 « e this unique refrigerator
temperature regulator that »peed» free»-
soon. On display at the Portland Gas
tag and defro»!» without »lopping.
& Coke Company—for sale by author-
Whether or nol you ere planning en
Convenient termit
to fit your budget
A l t - C a i Kitchen, which authorities
agree 1» the ideal kitchen, for it in­
Let's Talk it Over!
Lester Ireland & Co.
abundant hoi water besides carefree,
silent refrigeration, you should have
an Electrolux Gas Refrigerator.
Gat Company
la so certain that you’l l
Al pJ'3j
A turn of the faucet and in three min­
utes your bath is ready. It is your water
company which makes this great conve­
nience possible.
P ortland G as & C oke C ompany
r V M L M I lU
There's nothing like a good bath to make
one feel 100% fit. Singing in the bath­
tub is a natural accompaniment to that
feeling o f freshness that a bath brings.
lied dealer».
clude» quick, economical cooking and
;‘:’, " ')U1. ' " " M.llush ouil.»>k on Ute
Memorial day to
week in P ortland brtng treated for A ^ ta " F r id a y “ m ght a tù n d e jl^ h e
l»rm r n ^ deCeaSed “ emDerS OI UIt“ th re a t" ‘trouble7 ’ '
“ ,
^ a d u a r i o n ^ f K m i y e r ' s nephew. T Willoughby was taken back to
Mabie Rhym er and G lenn Jone^ nonaln Hefner, from G ran t high thp „ hospital
„ ___ last week with his
Mr. and Mre. Jacob Falx returned Qf p o rt;and spent the week-end ;n P ortiand. Donald formerly at- lniecte(j ankle,
home May 29 from th eir trip to
-ended high school in Forest Grove.
o dd Fellows and Rebekalis from
some of the eastern states
R alph H annan and family of - _ d Wrlgm returned home S at- her(, went
t he j o . O. F. old
they visited relatives of both Dali- Portiand and Mrs. A. K ostur of
* evening alter having spent
home Sunday afternoon as
■ w r m v t OTA/4 P V i 1 V f a m i l l P S
lllF V
W C 7C
L n rr,
Y fo ,'
A I »V, r -ri I o —
I f»
t iK *
. 1.
1 ,. „ _ J
lr tr lr r o
il i f
manti and Faix families. They were n j^ b o r o visited here May 30.
several days a t Wheeler in the ^Llldren 0( t he ef-v Tigard
lodge T put
away about six weeks, m aking the
Saturday night guests at R. J- emnioymem of ihe Southern P a u l- on the Tom Thumb wedding there
trip by auto.
___ ___
elly home were
Mr. and Mrs.
Mr and Mrs A Robinson and sor
Mrs. Bari C. Bell was a P ortland FredJ Rjggie and Mrs Jessie Till ic Mrs.
no o ert Goodwin and —
visitor Thursday.
Her sister. Mrs. m a n of
-------------- -
- i Birkenfeld
( vn a n rirv a n d Mrs. Smead were m
A. J . Brooks,
- L aZott
accompanied h er on
M us Thclma
of P ortland
her return.
. attended the shower and iareweU
Peterson spent last week in
Mrs. Florence Larkin who is party for her sister, Mrs. Wdhs ■ p t ,and
stopping at the home of Mr. and EdwardS> Friday night. Mr. and Mrs.
J a^nce will be given in the Tim -
Mrs. Schultz of near Bethany, spent H A w a rd s and daughter Neva of , " ¿ ^ “ pFViday" night oy Marion
a few days last week a t the home near v ernonia also attended.
anQ Emnia i'nomas. Mtuic
of her sister, Mrs. J- C. Snider.
Oscar Cearley and Jesse Meyers
' ’ ju rn isn tu oy tne N ,gnim -
Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly. and daugh- .
potau / planting Monday.
lurnu>1‘ u
ter, Mrs Ethel McCormick, and
which is a m onth earlier,
Lester Brown drove to Hillsboro
family, who made th eir home In nas ^ ¿ u n
Saturday to visit his son UaKue,
Hillsboro during th e school year.
w eek-end visitors a t th e Jesse wno has been confined to a hospital
moved back to their K inton home Meyers h ome were William Riggle there the past week.
May 29 to spend the summer.
Delmar and Gilbert Frost
Mrs C. P- Easley of Enright
Mrs. Adelia W. K indt and sons Qf Birkenieid.
spent several days in Portland last
Victor K indt and family and Hillis
Buxton baseball bays defeated the week visiting friends.
K indt and Jam es Waggener, all of m arried men in a game by a large
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Willis had as
Portland, visited May 30 with Mr.
here s unday afternoon,
and Mrs E. L. Cox. The K indt
A jarge crowd attended a benefit
family resided for many years on danee a t M anning Saturday night,
what Is now the H. J. Valentine
Mr and Mrs Joe prydendall of
. Tule Lake, Cal., visited Mrs. Ella
The 4-H cooking club held their
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Licensed Embalmers and
regular meeting Thursday after-
at M anning th is week-end.
noon a- the home of Miss Eunice
Mr and Mrs A M artin of Port-
... .
land were here Friday night.
H illsboro
Mr. and Mrs. W L. VanHorn
Phone 953
--------- " H a p p y D a y » ”
and daughters, who have been liv­
SHADOW never wear» oui-never
ing In Portland for t h e past couple
Sensational O ffe r
fo r 10 days o n ly