THE Page Two • |\11 t t'l’S guitars, UUttkEJ tl0n KA often Ll: an heard d Skull Injury at Chehalem r r I te ct cl L. O O te T M K re ■ D |4h> tc H -V aj la H e< Nasmyth in o steel ami S p an ish 1 ln jy, J.-Ul H IL L S B O R O A RG BS, Scene tor State Picnic lune 10 ,> < y ■ Portland theatre Dr. Goodrich Schauffler ami chil­ dren Allen. Julie and Christine of P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hoffman Sunday. North Bald Peak won the hall game from Flrdale Sunday 6 to 5. ■ The game was played on the Hills-! CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN F rank boro union high school diamond Lieble was taken to the Dr. Wilcox Arlen Jones i-.sited part ot last hospital last week with a fractured week In Newberg with his sister skull His lath er was driving the Mre. Oral Kiser. cows and threw a stick aim ing at M r and Mrs. Earl eu-orge and cows, but It caught in his shirt children of lAut.ati.l caileu at the tom e way causing the aim to go Delord nome Decora:ion Da\\ astray, hitting th e boy. 1 Mr. mid Mrs Qranvil.o Everest Xiarylta Moore of Newberg visited part of last week with h er aunt. cj,erry cro„ Arlksta Jones. Art w|10 ],as been working' MLss Beryl Deford, who teaches for Fiovd H odm an for several in Eugene, is home for the vacation months, loft June 1 to go to New with her parents. Mr. an d Mrs. oim . M inn to atten d th e turn-nil B. T. Deford. of his mother. H H. Niel was taken to the Dr. Happy hay. Wllcox hospital May :!8 a f t e r b e l l i w t j • attacked and badly injured bv li:> IN O r tll I Id lllS tO registered bull. Neighbors Ernie and Cecil Heaton rescued him. Mr. Niel risked some neighbors t o d e- horn the bull for hun. which they NORTH PLAINS—At the last did, and the bull died of rage by P arent-T eacher meeting plans were th e time they got the horns oft. made for a community tennis court. Mrs Ira McCormick, who has The P ytluan Sisters gave a domi- been quite ill, wen: to Heppner tlon ol Sid to the court fund. May 31 for an indefinite stay tor Miss Hila Cornelius left Sundav her health. Hodson McCormick and for her home in Corvallis Miss Cor'- Loren Haynes accompanied h er and nelius has taught in the primary returned the foUowmg Sunday. room of the N orth plains ichool Julian M acarthy of Newberg is tor the past three vears staying with lus uncle. Tom Jones. Charles Speiring, who recently and helping in the berry harvest, had an opera-ion at th e Jones Quite a large crowd enjoyed a hospital, is recovering nicely dance Saturday night a t th e E. V. Gues s at th e Jam es H. Davis H anson home home Sunday were Mrs. Maud Mil- Miss Helen Honim has returned ler and granddaughter. Betty Maltl- to her home in Laureiwood after er. and Bill Dietrich, all of Port- two weeks a t th e I. G. McCormick land DETROIT home. Elnter Mm J Jr. entertained a The Carl Wonlschlegei family of number of 1 friends Friday, it View in the Breitenbush-M t Jefferson recreational area where the sec­ Scholls visited XIother Wohlschiegcl being his e .g , ,-. '.•irh.-ia y. ond annual all-state picnic sponsored by Salem service clubs and Decoration Day a t the E. C. Wohl- Mr. and Mrs. E Nelson of M arion county, will be held. O utstanding speakers are to attend the 6chlegel home. Hillsboro were wee J guests of affair. The first picnic last year was enjoyed by more th an 8tXXl Born, to Mr. and Mrs H. C. Mr. and Mrs A I C hnstener. people. Map Indicates road for m otorists to take W hitmore Jr.. May 19, a girl. Mrs. Sadie H oi --eek entertained G uests a t Uie Wilbur Jones home the Past Chiefs :ub Thursday j up its hands and quit. While the Sunday were Chancy. Doris. MUton The aiternoon was spent piaving commission has not resigned It has and Lorreen G eltm an of Newberg. "500. Mrs. M attie Jot» won first , zi . j . "adjourned until such tim e as funds C aptain and Mrs. S taton of P ort- and Mrs Eugenia C ip h er second V p n p t n n S c l l P i l l l l P are made available which amounts land are enjoying an enforced va- Mr and Mrs. Charles Lehm an ▼ t in . l i n n u v i i v u u i v ( i practically the same thing In cation on th eir farm, caused by of Portland en tertained Friday a d i n n p r e o m n iT n ,‘e n , i „ X Two big pictures are scheduled i resolutions adopted at a meeting th e longshoremen's strike in P o rt­ with Xllrie Z v tach i° r th e next tew days by the Yen- here Friday the commission ex- land. Hodson McCormick visited at the i t a n d Y to J o h ? ^ f e l ^ r M r \ etlan theatre. Clark Gable. William Pre-'scd its faith m the back-to- H o i^ ie home at L a ii^ w w d Xlav X te Andy C h ? S te S r Mra M « u Powc11 ;Uld L"-v a,e the-land-mov.-m cnt a.-, a parti,. me al mmrriwooa m aj aira* Anoy t .in ste m r. Mre Marie ..M an h attan Melodrama here solution to Oregon s unemployment Miss Alice M cInnis worked F ri- d au g h ter‘ p h v l ^ i N ? r d tonight. Friday and Saturday. This problem, but dec ared that there day a t x S te r i F ^ k heTpmg on S M a ^ t o J - ' P‘cture pIayed to ^ c r o w d s seem-s„no^poastblltty a W h is time everywhere , th a t funds will be available for th e ir anniversary sale. ' Nussbaumer. “ t and “ a Mrs. August K iutt ¡ ¡ M ig g ~ ~ 2 3 E S S M i “ « t e - s . Mr. s S f u ^ a v >Uited A' D> “ “ S ^ 7 ‘C^itow T ne V5 T ' t ? i i ^ 1Sl sh o w m 'h ere^u n ’d ar'M o n d ay . Tues-1 Journm ent of the commission iol- y &unaay. Following th e services a day and Wednesday The story j lowed long continued efforts to se- •? S 8 . t w a s s r X S K K " M s ™ i s , s '. Have Tennis Court a tl R 61 S a 2' X tl K X X a i' P I ■ d I ? t a i I Ì a I •J « t c Big Pictures on an d Dayton. i Sunday school superintendent and unity resulted in th eir s e n s a -, Stain. Two weeks ago the relief M r and Mrs. L. I. Hulit of ------- “Happy Day,"____ ' tional rise to wealth and power, i committee made public plans of its Newberg accompanied by Miss _ _ _ and provides for Arliss th e role of! own for a rural relief program. Beulah Cooper of Portland were F v P m n t i n n « in Mayer the founder and later, his hut at the same time rejected a guests a t th e E. C. Wohlschlegel 11 * P U O I lS 111 N athan, the head of the fam - program subm itted by tlu- rehab- home May 30. 1 son, Uy ilitation commission for a self-help D inner guests of Mrs. Clayton Melodrama." Is the project to be located ln L anecoun- W hitmore Sunday were Mr. a n d 1 , "M anhattan -----— - ---------------- Mrs. Chris Zinsh o f G resham - PORTLAND. May 31 — Construe- gripping story of metropolitan life 'X- Louis Carow. Mr and Mrs Grover Uon activities, wherever located, 111 » h ich M p n a Loy appears as Brown. Lois Stone of Hillsboro: must be conducted in conformity tht' wife of William Powell, as dis- -p^o Portlanders — F ranklin W. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lesley of Cher- ”'ith the provisions of the con- trict . attorney, and the form er p i(?rce and Dr Hugo N Miller— Grove and Floyd Whitmore. ¿truction code, and no exemptions ^ e e th h e a r t of Clark Gable, a big- sponsoring an initiative meas- Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Homer are allowed because projects are shot gambler and racketeer. ure providing for public ownership Earl. May 24. a boy. Airs. Earl is located in towns of under 2500 pop- ------- "Happy Day."------ of all public utilities. The proposal, better known in this vicinity as ulation. according to an official z^1___ _ which involves a constitutional R uth Messinger. ruling received todav b v Edgar V jfC C n iV lO U ntR am endm ent, involves purchase by Lois Ingraham of Chehalem Cen- ? c e d . state NRA compliance d i- . spv. the state through condemnation te r is staying with her sister. Mrs. rector. Merle season Mrs. __ _______________ __ _ ___ ____ __ _____ up and around again, a f t e r 'h e r inKt°n ruling: General construction, isting banks' shall be 'superceded tong illness. architects, civil engineers, general pe‘^ rhood and ' ernonla f t t - |b y a slate bank which would be Mrs L. X. HiiUt of Newberg spent p° ^ trapt° rs- Painters, paperhangers 1 epdpd' R fh P . llpv nf M„nmou, h au th o ria l to issue bonds to fman- e of the utility prop, rib J b a tii Friday with Mrs E. and decorators, heating, piping and . . ¿V“ , C._ Wohlschlegel. air conditioning contractors, cement iK ™ ? g J S * aa>B* d 1 Administration of the utilities would Mountain Top and Buck Heaven bl^ d :n g g ra.Jte 1 Clifford Guriee of Cochran FDent Placed in charge of a board of won a bail game from Gibbs a t Plasterers tile and m antel Gudge of C o c h ra rs p e n t slx ^ lrectors balanre tt„uld M ountain Top 16 to 15 contractors, p.umbers elevator in- end at “ *e home 01 v - c - b,, limited to $5000 a year and an M rs X lu rra y an d son Carson of ®E1“ Ja n °n f ’ w k ers. roofing a n d “ “'Ubo. Rosencrans is i adm inistrator at a salary of not Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. John “ r t a l, »wlcers, masons, road m ‘ fdr th ? w m S r exceed »6000 a year The m e a - York of Reedvilie visited the D b“ddersz m etal furring and lathing P‘° ^ d m B a-'k- io r tlle su n u n ,r ure w uld also plaie all state, coun- M. M cInnis home Decoration Day contractors, asbestos contractors. ,a ca.ion. (y and c[ty elI1pjoyes under civil Chehalem M ountain entertained Duhcnng trades employees, builders Happy Days ¡service with retirem ent a t the age the Portland Audubon society S un- exc'hanges. and members of the Am- t .»f 45 vears on a pension day. They spent the day torn in g ' eri£2n construction council L^clpltO l INCWS L C ttC f . • • th e Mountain, studying the songs. The construction code provisions r , . ... foods and habitations of the m oun- are applicable to any work done e (Continued from page n Oregon s National G uard will go tain birds °n a building or structure or on oi the delinquent tax before July into intensive training for a period Mrs. Laura M urry spent Friday iixed structure or improvement r U 13 P o rte d out by members of of two weeks at Camp Clat-gjp and visiting in Portland ’ intended for use in industry com- the 3tate tax commission, fa ilu re Fort Stevens next week. Eight troop May Ego an d M argaret Niel are m erce- sanitation, transportation, of, PfPP«ty owners to avail them - trains will be required t . convey picking youngberries for Ferd G ron- communication, flood control power se''e s of the liberal provisions of the 308b men and officer., •r<,n' er a t Scholls and are driving to and development or reclamation act of 1933 providing for pay- their home stations to camp, whilt from work The construction industry- code m ent of those delinquent taxes in two long freight trains wiU carry Avery Deardorff of Portland vis- became effective February 31 ten sem i-annual installm ents leaves the heavy impediments of the guard ited his sister Mrs ies _____-H.nnvn-v •• ’ the sheriff no alternative but to According to p lan , announced by Sunday ' « .u i Z T - take over the property and to seU M ajor General White, the first mwu & Ineal for ° th troop train “ s ° m'! will 8thaU° begin ns moving n‘8ht out t h Blackcan ^ u ^ a n i irk S in ' & , h i a x . ^ e e ^ ^ b ^ -’»otnerhood l “ b S ^ *St«e' jt P° ;m U e t taxes, th e state officials fr° m thc of June 11. These will pick up the th an last year. -miss came in holding a doll minus Discouraged in their efforts to units from the fartherm ost points Don McInnis of Reedvilie has an arm and leg“ Sxd m uch the secure financial aid for their pro- such as Baker. LaGrande K lam ath been helping w ith the work on his ¡worse for wear generally gram, th e state self-help and re- Falls. Ashland and Medford. All p.ace since May 30 "How long have you had your Irs- Brownhill and children of baby?" asked the visitor. r o = ^ . 2 3re and Fred A INvtjxuhtl until June 17. because of doetze were married at Blooming the uncertain w eather hv Rev Heinrich Saturday evening Mr and Mrs j»v« ph Flnegan and The hitch' who wore a blue* frock, daughter Miss Blanche attended the was a graduate of IllUaboro high baccalaureate and graduation exei- this year 1 he young couple will cisej. at Oregon S tate college at make their home at O n haidale z ’zHL'i T he finest q u a lity — Corvallis over the week-end. where Sunday evening the friend» of the (he biggest value« — Harold Joseph Finegun received Ins young couple eh.uiv.u led them i n shoes I hat I II. Shoes degree in the school of agrleulture n„ lh al because they <|o Hie l-m egans were guests of Mr and Mis Hubert Cornelius and lam - fit. an* e a sie r on y o u r leel llv while ui Corvallis hold o ff fool fa tig u e - e n ­ M r. Herman Tides of Portland visited Cornelius lrlends over the ab le you Io really enioy week-end. In I he order hi uhleb they ripen, y o u rself. H ere they a re — 1 ittle Shirley Belle Brown of Gervais s|>ent a few days Hie first tlu* Naiet-A.i, Mar.-hall uiul Coivullb» • M Jr f l inr»t Ix-idint on th e * of the week with her aunt and stniwberrle.s an recommend« d for NHrkrt. uncle, Mi.-s Gladys a n d laslie home entininr. the latter probably being the mo t firm. >ay.s lau \ A Brown. Mr-. Elizabeth Morris and Robert i ’a.s«'. cxU 'iwan .»¡»eelallst hi Style« nt Pattern« Williams of Porllainl vtsitrxl B un­ at Oregon .state eollee«' In order day with Mrs Morris' parents. Mi­ to aid in retaining tlie -*< tape of ami Mrs W It Cooke, and family strawhcrrlc» when canned and to • M st Style« J ' «nJ $6 Miss Mildred Rock, who lias l«ecn prevent their shrinking and rblng in Willamina, spent th e t«> the top of the Jar. udd sugar and Eventually it will be each nation visiting let them «land over night. at her home here (or Itself with forts and planes week-end losing one-third to one-half cup Mis-a's Grave ami Irene DePrez. enough to drive awav any foe tluu who have been spending the winter of sugar ix*r box of beni«-». pluee might lx- snooping aroiuid. the hulled washed Iwnie» n. a lte r­ in Portland attending school, re- • • • nate layer« with the Migar in pre­ Of course the brothers and sis­ turned to tlielr home Friday. p aying kettles and let tlu m t»t md New Pastor In Pulpit ters on this earth are itoklng their twelve hours or over night. "Christ in Us" was Ila- suhjeet about noses into other lands lor possible tlu» proeexs of osuuihl». the ber­ used bv Rev. C harles Reisl the hew By exploitation. Sham e on them. ries are plumped losing part.» of their pas or of (lie M E church here, Juice absorbing p art of the " H a p p y B aya" tn Sunday morning service. Rev- sugar and he next morning can them Reed oi Idaho is filling Hie charge by die I hot ON OREGON FARMS p.u k im tJunl. the oven Rev Leroy Walker, former method, or tRe COLTON Some 340 aeres of Inn- ami has oju n kettle method taken the pastorate of land composing 24 farm s in the pastor, By the hot pack method, the Colton vallev will soon have Irri­ Burley Idaho Next Sunday. C hil­ plumped h< 11U • .md Juice we dren's day will lx- observed by a gation water for Ladmo elover, red brought to a boll, nlot'etl in hot elover, gardens, filberts, berries and Sunday school program at 9:30. Jars, partially bcaled and lowered Mrs. M attle Sm ith ami M i s s into boiling water with rack under numerous o t li er crops brought through about 3000 feet of flume Gladys Brown visited places of his­ them, the water one Inch above and four miles of open ditch from torical Interest near Salem Decora­ the tops of tht» Jars After boiling 20 minute... remove with tongs and Canyon ereek, for a cash cost of tion Day- Mrs Evelyn W right and . in - < f complcteh seal Rolling Jars on their less than 50 cents an acre All the Marshfield are visiting wi n Mrs. skies helps to distribute the berries work of construction was done by farm ers tn the project and ln a d ­ A J Oliver and family evenly after cooling It suve« time Mr and Mrs John Rock a n d and products in many eax'.s. to U st dition Valdemur Hill furni'-hed the timber as his sluire of the cost and Floyd Cleveland of Willamimi spent certain tyix'.s of jars for leakage Better the members did the logging and the week-end at Vernonia vlsltuig Ix'fore packing, -ays .Miss Case, by E iperf n tir r x sawed It in a sm all mill owned by relatives. ¡»artially tilling with lun water. In­ Mr and Mrs Lester Mooberry verting and watching for leakage 11 II I bur«>', F ,elusive Shite S hirr Homer Rowen and Charley F iee­ and Mrs M 1> Mann were guescs man. also In the project. O ther methods of canning a n d . •bolw- 2‘Mi2 Sunday of Mr .end Mrs. J. C. H ale pre.M rving fixnl ore described In ex- —— "Happy - of South Hillsboro. Mr. ami Mm C. H art of Dilley fye .«nrr.wjrx ««<« >« ><>« •• • u’lrt IT S 70.000 TO ONE .a ... ....a .....« » . were Cornelius cullers Fnday. BOSTON. MASS The perfect a l­ C harles Xattlian and son M irlon ibi has ut last been found A sta- have rcturnnd from a trip to south­ tisieian has worked out the number ern Oregon. ( ’¿inning senson is of chances for m istakes in one col­ Donald Mundorf. and Georg" and h e re ! I’iggly W ig­ umn of print The num ber is 70 - Fred DePrez left May 15 liom 000 to 1. Seattle, Wasli.. lor Alaska, where gly c a rrie s a In an ordinary newspaper column they will be employed throughout there are 10.1XX) letters, there are the sum mer p lete line of seven wrong positions th a t a letter Miss Gwendolyn Metzgar of P ort­ a fi (I may be put in; there are TO.OfMJ land visited al the Joseph Euiegan chances to make an error, and mil­ home a few days. See ha first lions of chances for transpositions. Virginia C hartrey has been a XJ In the short sentence "To lx- or gi!C6t of her sister, Mrs. A rthur ¡¡J y o u r Heeds. not to be. ' by transposition alone Shurb of Gales Creek ¡¡v. it is possible to make 2,758.009 e r­ G uests Wednesday of Mrs. M D. rors. Mann were Mr. and Mrs. taiyal illy Kd S .-h n .I tl Marvin Woolfolk. nephew of Abe Yungen of Helvetia, takes the prize for a straight slwoier. l'lie lust time Marvin shot a .22 rifle he aimed at a humm ing bud a n d killed it. • • • T hat's better than some experts could do It s quite a trick io lilt a restless bird like the humming bird It gives a fellow a pain in the neck trying to get a good look at that bird, leave alone aiming a t It. • • • Well, the way the war clouds are looming around the political Held both ill Europe an.I the tai east 11 seems us though the world will soon be st rapping again and then we 11 need some straight th in k ­ ing. • • • Scrapping about w hat? The last war was to have made the world sale for demo, raev and hx>k at the mess we got That was nothing com­ pared tl' What well get if wc let those shrewd Enropeon nations talk us mlo another pow-pow. • * • The whole thing revolves around this point. Nations w ith a growing population naturally expand a n d tliev 11 take what they can. The white race is a real tvroof ol that they have their lingers m every lk>rt m the world. I lie Sumrtcst SI l()E STYLE S IS? Atlvice on Canning Strawberries Given 'F ri K imy " IH LE S SATURDAY FEATURES— June 9, 1931 CAKE S - - NUT 25c LOAF— EACH DATE M T ( I PS— I)uz«*n 25c 18c 12c PIC NIC’ B I NS— Duzen SC HOEN’S SLIC ED BREAD— I < tf Specials for Fri., Sat., and Mon.— June 8, SUGAR 10,h. PERFECTION BAKERY PIIONE 451 \\ I PARO W AX 48c 2 pkga. W HEAT Ice Cream in bulk, Cunex. Britkx, ete. 25c pkgs. NOW A COMPLETE FOOD STORE SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY June 8th and 9tb MARGARINE Del Monte 1 ■ ■ size lin D inner Bell 15c Each 20c pkgs. TUNA CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET 15c K ello g g ’s Q u a k e r ’« June Wedding Cakes $3.00 and up for CORN-FLAKES Puffed H I I IV I R 3,„. . for 23c DEVILED MEAT, i ,s . 3 for i 3c I LAI JACK FLOUR, Albers, l.'irge. Each DOG FOOD. Calo. 3 cans for 23c 25c PIMEN TOES. Dromedary. Each I kn 9C WHOLE BRAN. P ost’s. 2 pkgs. for 23c CHOCOLATE. B aker's Premium. Vg-lb. cake 23c Pot Roast SOAP Steer Beef 9 c a. Rib Boiling Gov. Inspected Reef GC lb. Crystal W hite 9 b... 27c Palm Olive 3 b... 14c Pork Chops GELATINE Red & W hite Lean find ten d e r for F resh F ish 25c H-O OATS. Small. 2 for .................. 27c Lipt on § TEA 71c 39c 33c 1 c 1-lb. 1 ¡-1I,. 1 -lb. And 1 for Orange Label Green l.aliel LIFEBUOY SOAP. 3 bars for RINSO. Large pkg. 2 for CRISCO. 3-lb. enn CAMAY. Per bar T om atoes G r a p e fr u it F resh 2 14c 100 size 15c ibs. * KJt-w Ä X j t 4 for 15c xjr k n j» 5Cxx5P irjr* jTM X X a c n i OATS T riangle Quick or R egular 2 1 c a. Pure Lard 25c I.A F RANCE. Best for washing. 3 for Assorted Flavors 1 8 c is. H alf or whole PURE LARD , ............... 2 3 c LARD COMPOUND 3 1 4 c DILL PICKLES Qu„, 10c tension bulletin 450. “Home Food Preservation ” Recipe« suggesting (he use of NliawlM i i lea and htuC kissel lain ar«> given In a mimeo­ graph. HE 133. ’ Strawberry liee|- , m . I'll«.»«' publication.*« can In* ob­ tained (n s1 of charge from your Manti of l\> (»rove. Mr a n d county extension agent or ov w ilt­ Mis j Mann and Barbara Jan« ing l«» tlu* home economics division ol Portland and Mr and Mrs 1. <’ of (hi* i xlrli ln. I Ifly U ftr W ash, spent the week end in Coi Lucille But inv father doean’t nehu.s Fttuuu Joan Russell of SaU in lx Ilk«* you very well.” a guest of her grandm other. Mrs Harold “Gosh, that'« nothing. Edna Ruasell. My whole family object« to you ” Mrs Charles I at ban Is Njwnd mg a week tn Portland ! units will tie til cam p by noon of | June 12 Thirty Oregon cities will be represented at the camps. Br. Bacon .............. T h u rsd a y , J u n e 7, 1931 OREGON 9 lb. sack 35c Pork&Beans Van G am p ’s E D ’S M A R K E T In rear of Piggly W iggly Store _________Q u a l i t y m e a t BEEF ROAST . . . HAMBURGER, lb......... ~ BULK 0 < n t........ 13c Ï | (|C mayonnaise Quart 25c SIRLOIN SU iA K , lb.............. J5C ' FREE DELIVERY PHONE 313.