TH E P age Ten Pa or il m arried and not separated from husband or wife. If th e value of his or her property, together with th a t of such husband or wife exceeds $3000. "6 Tire claimant must not have deprived himself or herself, directly or indirectly, of any property for Hun art I.r a tu e Standings the purpose of qualifying for old W L Peti W L Tot « s .««4 1 age relief. W illa m e tte .8 1 .889 Cornelius 7 2 .77S Roy 4 s .444, "There are other restrictions and T n « l» tin 6 3 .667, Aloha ( lu t n n * - ÎS2 s qualifications of a minor character 5 3 .623 Laurel Hilli.hi.lM 6 4 .6M¡Verheert ... 7 1 ,77 all of which are set forth In a Orenco , . ' statem ent which Is mailed to every Hillsboro Sunset league lost a applicant to* end th e ' has been contended by many i Ä C ? Ä Ä Close Contest Lost by Locals mi ve pr cv K se T. A U w O lt L K si b & 1( h b o Í 8 » i 1 t 1 1 to H IL L S B O R O ARG US. There’s Your Purchase Power ! O R EG O N to A It and Isabel! Webb of T im ­ ber The land had been taken over tor taxes. H a r r y Day»" Council Approves Several Projects (Continued fry»in rag e 1) way of I he water company that already serves the city. Fire M anila! Wilbur Dillon and Fire Chief W alter l'ews were i l l - lowed funds to attend the state fire school at Corvallis this week. Mr. Dillon Is to speak on “Razing of Dilapidated Buildings.” Home restaurant was granted a beer license An am endm ent to the rebonding ordinance was also a p ­ proved. an erroneous idea. Tlte law provides th b -d ta a -J e H IL L S B O R O , "H ap p y Da»»" S ä ä A & T Ï S Ä Ä Â N a t i le ydnilnlsiialrik Seh.Mil Meel Set Estate of Barali C Rolibiiw. w Ilo Ä i m i i n i s e h .M il ........ liuu wlll I m ’ dled damiary 29. 19.14, has beoti ad held ai the I etsi ville scliool im ito 1 to piotiate and laitilsu A Momlav. Julie 18. at 8 p m Ciimmttis. a daughter. Itvlng inai ll« |.|.y l la y ," Gasimi has bceu lutmod admmls- trati Ix M u u l i t llo .M l T u a la tin \ a llry I »«cue Stam llng W I. I'.-tl w I. I’rt ■ lln e r y | i , y , " Almve the hllls ai tu lllght 1 3 2 .714 Nherwbod « I 37| I see a coral m o p i l t a n i rt'«* New Lei g 3 2 II L H illsboro 2 3 2srt Itirlhs l.tke perfeet rose, froni natina. A m ity I 3 . M l C a rlton l 6 143 1 a m i M i. .1 i; Cura l o M i A greut mnglclan ean devlse Newberg easily defeated Hillsboro Cura of Purest Grove. June 2. a It la a Symbol of eternlty, Bears" 11 to 3 at Newberg Io stay bov. , , i ,, (Io lor the league leaderslup Revrnled hv siniset llght Scott 'Po Mr ami Mrs Charles with Verboort which rem ained al Scott of Scoggins Valley. June 4. llefore its lovellnesa Is lil.lden In the Imnmu of the nlglil tile top bv .id e a l I l l g Aiuiiv 4 Io 3 a boy. at Verboort Ainu i s defeat d ro p -| P1II1.ENA W BENPI.EY. " Iia |i|i, il«»«" ta d them from a three-w ay tie for, Say you saw It 111 the Argus. llUlaboro, Ore. first place in the oilier league contest S h er­ wood defeated Carlton 9 to 8 at SherwiHkl In 12 innings Three home nuts were hit In (lie game I’hts makes four straight wins for Sherwixxl. C arlton will play here Sunday, SherwihHl at Amity, amt Newborn at Verboort The Newberg-Verlaiort game should bring out the crowds as these two teams are tied for tlie lead. Newberg Fakes Locals Sunday ANOTHER SALE Boy Scouts of D istrict “ C am p o ral” This W eek S Ç ^ h X T hursday, Ju n e 7. 1934 A "camporal" for all lioy Scouts front Hillsboro. Forest Grove. G res­ ham. Oregon City. Tigard, T illa­ mook. Vancouver and Y anihl'l coun­ ty districts will be held dune 8 and 9 at Eisner's cam p on the T ualatin river The two days of cam p will be filled with competitions of vari­ ous types arranged by Portland scout executives * æ *‘LK fL ^/A iÄ b « \ ¿ a Iroin olher source. The amount close game from Aloha 3 to ~ o{ the penSiOn , 0 any indi- s s 1 vldual is discretionary with the H illsbo ro 3 Gaston 4 s o commission. B a tte rie » : Stans and Ziegler, Hanna. K " r h e law further provides th at New berg Neuenechwander and A llyn. II llllla b o r o R. H E. 9ie commission may require as a 8 s' o ! condition to the granting oi a pen- B a tte rie « K iin n i .k i « n ,| W o lg e iu u th , W illa m e tte — 3 M u llo ry . S tange l « in i l> e a v illr s o sion th a t all or any part of the B a tterie s: Kollerm eier a n d Wenner ; property R. II. F. of the applicant for a S herw ood L e v e re ttr and Saindon. Happy Day»” .-«.... u 14 3 be transferred to the com­ C a rlto n R. H. E. pension It 2 mission which then has the a u ­ A ttend Synodical M eet H a t t . 'r i o I 7 13 2 Brow n anti Day Stoutenber«r am i F ry e r T u a la tin 4 4 2 thority to manage the property in- at Seattle Next W eek B a tte rie s : Meeuwaen a n d B e rn a rd s ; eluding th e power to sell, lease or R. 1 Rev George Reule o I T rinity V«*rlH«>rt transfer such property. D a y , Schreiner and Reber. 4 Lutheran church of Hillsboro. Rev A tu ity R. H . E. .7 “The situation i n W ashington Batterie« Sahuu Cornelius 11 14 v county « m l M ille r . D P. H Schaus of Zion church of nti — .wiTzt'a Is perhaps typical of th at Oreneo 5 8 4 Schetflin and Rev E. W. Hlnrtclis an.l A U . «1. practically every B a tte rie a : Reynolds. Huson and T u rk ; which exists in of St. Peters church of Blooming li.pi.» I»«»." Bliss, Save and M eihoff. county in the state. When the bud- R. H . E. get for 1934 was drafted it was will attend the Lutheran Synodical ON OREGON PAKM8 tng the sum mer vacation in order convention a t Seattle, beginning1 ROSEBURO Tlie third annual 3 impossible for the budget commit­ L au re l —- — — -------- — IS 10 8 3 tee to make any accurate estim ate Verboort th at all children may be In good next Wednesday a n d lasting a Douglas county lamb show will be B a tte rie a : D ailey and Srhm eltxer ; V an- health at the beginning o f t h e week. of th e probable number of people I held at Roseburg June 15, sp.i|isored derxanden, K a u ffm an and K rieger. school term this fall. Co-operation j in this county who would be eligible "Happy Day«" - by the Douglas County Lin stock ---------- "H ap p y D ays"----------- of parents is asked In tills work. for an old age pension, and the Legion Meets hrlday Growers acconilng to J Roland fro m ra g e 1) A few cases of scarlet fever have sum of $40.000 was placed in the rick and (C ontinued Hillsboro post. American legion. Parker, county agent ami « c re ta ry Lloyd Anlcker. The G ar­ budget to cover the pension pay­ den Home 4-H clubs are sending been reported to the county h ealth will meet at V eterans’ hall Friday of the organization Premiums tot ments. Folowing the public h ear­ physician and it behooves all to be night. All veterans are urged to u t - ailing more than $t:il) are being of- ing on the budget this item was Donald Singletary and K eith Schulz. careful of contagion. tend. I fered for the various classes, with reduced by the county court t o D urham 4-H clubs a r e sending ii ...... ii.v,’* __ ' ' H»ppy I>«y»" - — the committee in charge authhorlz- Davis Makes Report ed to increase the premiums or Punching across a run in the $10.000 and a levy was made for Louis Goldhammer. n in th Inning with the score tied at that amount. This sum has proved Richard Hagg is paying his own Jam es H Davis, recorder. T h u rs- extend tlie awards If tlic immlier V" reported to th e county court and quality of exhibits Justifies. one all. the Shell Oil company of wholly inadequate for the reason way to Corvallis from proceeds the collection of $742 71 In ices for Sheepmen are being urged to ex­ P ortland defeated a picked team th at the number of applications from the sale of milk from the calf hibit only the highest quality fat of players from the local softball lias far exceeded all estim ates which on which he won first at the coun- ofH.“ ?y'D.r .- market lambs, and to snow none isague. 2 to 1. on the Hillsboro dia- were made at the tune the county- ty fair two years ago and on which mond Tuesday night. budget was considered. Up to th e he again won first on it as a Emile Gaessler won first place in W ashington countv tlran.-rS conn- weighing over 90 pounds, as lambs over thus Height tire generally dis­ Locals opened the scoring in the present date 234 people have made heifer'"iast w a r . ¡'“J ™ “v-entog“ OranKe hiU We' 1' crim inated against by buyers at this er fast year, fourth inning when successive hits application to th e old age pension ntU O ther club members going t o at St. M ary's high school Monday time of the year. by Patterson. Schulmerich a n d commission for a pension, and each Corvallis a r e Pilkington. night. O ther winners were Jesse Schoen sent Patterson across the of these cases has been investi­ G race Hampton, Bettte Webb, second: Roger Kelleher, LaVelle Jackson. plate. A two-base hit, the only ex­ gated and carefully considered. Of third, and Robert Monson, fourth. tra base blow of the game, an in ­ this number 167 old age pensions Jeanette Freck, Betty Walls and Arrangements were in charge of field out and a fly to th e outfield have been allowed and 67 have been Rhoda Caroline Thyng. O ther club Rev. F ath er Hcesacker. enabled Shell Oil to tie it up in rejected. The am ount of the In members are planning to go but R. Frank Peters. H D K crkman the sixth. The two team s fought on dividual pensions vary from $4 per have not as vet made definite res­ and W. Verne McKinney w e r e even term s until th e n in th when month to $12 and the average ervations judges In making the presentation an error and two successive hits amount of each pension paid is A one-act play and a dance are of prizes W G. Hare complimented gave Shell Oil the winning run. s6 70 P " m onth per person. At the being given at t h e Cedar Mill the contestants on their talks. The local team gathered 10 h it s ’ P re ^ n t time the county is paying G range hall tomorrow night (F ri­ ---------- "H ap p y D a y ," ----------- to Shell Oil's seven, but couldn t *1118-90 each m onth for old age MAIN STREET tak e advantage of several scoring pensions and at this rate the $10.- day), to raise money to send dele­ Marriage Licenses opport unities. Batchelar. Hillsboro 000 budgeted for th e year 1934 gates. PHONE 81 Maurice A. Lynch. Redmond, and ■ ■ "H ap p y D ay»"---------- leftfielder, was th e hitting star of 'vl11 be consumed before the expir- Eva E Bailey. Hillsboro. June 6. th e game with four out of five atlon of the The payment of Frederick Alton Westwood and times a t bat. the maximum am ount of $30 per Mary C atherine Nicholson, both of Friday night th e locals journey to month to every pensioner of this Forest Grove. June 2. Portland for a return game with c°unty would cost the taxpayers in Harry C Schmelter Sherwood Shell Oil, and on the following «xcess of $60.000 a year and would This store will be open nights and a p art route 3. and Wilma F Baker. Tuesday tangle with the tough D a- increase the real property taxes by (Continued from r « s » i t Loren Cecil Sehhulm ertch a n d of Sundays. vidson Bakery team a t Portland. more th an two mills, which added I form ation booth, which has render- Emma Miller, both of Hillsboro, — The »core - H. F-. to the already existing taxes would ed such valuable service a t past June 2. R. Shell O il ................... ------------ Î 7 2 be confiscatory. celebrations a t taking care of lost Roy A Amundsen. Hillsboro, and Specials for June 8 and 9 H illsboro ........ ID 4 “The old age pension commission children and rendering first aid. Batteries : B o ttler and Penny ; Nelwn Amelia Elizabeth Canucl. Portland. realizes the insufficiency of a pen­ and Hammond. The l o c a l Business Women's Ju n e 4 sion of $5 or $6 per month, but club has been requested to conduct "H a rp y D a y » "- Thomas S Sholes. Cornelius, and the commission cannot close its a pet parade Sunday. July 1. Erma Grace Pasley, Hillsboro, June eyes to th e fact th a t there is but From the entries already received "• $10,000 budgeted to pay th e pen­ "H a p p y D »y>"— _________ _ _______________ sions for the ___ year 1934 and th a t in th e walking race this sporting the commission" canont exceed th a t Mature is expected to be as exciting Divorce Suits Filed Red & W hite Dessert sum. The prospect for an increase and thrilling as in previous years Campbell—Delora L. vs. William C ake Red & W hite Learue Standings in the old age pensions for th e y e a r, Browning Brothers' Amusement Austin. M arried June 20. 1911, at W LI W Assorted flavors 1935 is remote. I t is doubtful th a t company, who will have the m er- Condon there will be any m aterial increase ry-go-round glider tilt-a -w h lr l C ochran—Cora M. vs. Henrv H Each in the am ount oi individual pen- Ferris wheel and other rides have M arried Joplin. Mo., June 6, 1897. Ireland 's Soda W ork« 3 fo r » _ ! ? ? ? « _ th ? i unds P ^ : had their equipment repainted and ------- H . p p y D . y , " ---------- N atinal Guardsm en defeated the such pensions be Bakery 4 to 3 in a close game from the owners m ust reconstructed. Probate Estate of real property T hursday night to continue in the in this county. Estate of Emma W. Cox. who — -"H ap p y Days • - undisputed leadership of the local died at her home on Gales Creek "The solution of the old age p en ­ C hild H ealth Stressed diamond ball league. Ireland's, who sion problem lies in road May 24 1932. has been a d ­ the ability of upset th e G uards the week before th e legislature to provide D u rin g School Vacation m itted to probate. funds f o r , went down to a 14 to 8 defeat by the payment of pensions from ---------- "H a p p y D ay»"-------— some Miss Helen Fairley, who Is sub­ Red & W hite Pepco. Safeway kept the S o d a Lunch other th an a t a x levied stitutlng for Miss M argaret D ixon,1 Sliced Works a t the bottom of the heap source Countv Sells Land against real property.” Red & W hite county nurse, while she is on a with no wins. 12 to 10. ---------- "H ap p y D a ya"----------- Buffet. mu . d .,0» s s - Games schehduled tonight: Ire­ 2 for ................. We specialize In quality job p rin t­ wishes to concentrate on tubercul- erty in Hyde park near Beaverton lan d ’s vs. Saieway. and Bakerv vs 1 25 feet osis control and child welfare d ur- and arranged for Its sale for $1000 Pepco a t junior high, and Soda ing—Argus. Works vs. G uards a t union high. Delegation Club Folk Off Monday Hillsboro Stars Lose Close Game 50 N e w D r e s s e s Just Unpacked at W eil's D ep artm en t Store Cool stylish dresses of the new Eyelet Bnttistes. Silk Prints and Pastels a n <1 two piece flowered a n d ( p i s p, dot ted Voiles, sm art. new and sizes II Io $3.98 IS. F IG U R E YOURSELF FOR 2 FOR $7.00 THE COST OF M A K IN G A M c C A L L F R O C K O F O U R P R IN T S ! I 1 w V7* inner Viaessicr Elocution Contest,ljle nw“th Powers Grocery NRA Band Contest New July Fourth Event Prompt Service Flour National Guards Keep Leadership Call Wi Gelatine 27c --- 4 8 H F M c C a ll J iu ig n on t k , l« (l In k » . 4 % ya rd * o f p rin t to r t i l , 16 ~th s o n , on ) k , loft to k ,» only 1% Fi ju r o fo r y o u rie lf Sow little it $ go ng to c o if you to m ak« on« of the»« itr a ig S t fro m Pari« fro c k l fo r your own Spring doing«. (r» m « m b « r to o d d a little fo r con- t r . n t l , O u r print« o ro tS« Itind t h a t m ake cSootm g d iffic u lt- th e y 're a ll »o d iffe re n t. A n d a« u iuol M e C a li Printed Pattern« d ire c t you to e ffic ie n tly , it's Itie h av .n y a tew ing ea p e rt a t your elbow . T McCALL PRINTED PATTERNS 14c Pineapple Wax Rolls 19c 19c -----------"H nppy D a y ," ----------- Soup Court Expiains Old Age Pension Red & W hite On Account of (Continued fro m page 1 > cretion of the commission, while residing in the state of Oregon be entitled to an old age pension sub­ ject to the restrictions and qualifi cations hereinafter noted- “1. An old age pension may be granted only to an applicant who has attained the age of 70 years or upwards "2. Has been a citizen and In­ habitant of the United States of America for 15 years, and of the state of Oregon for a t least 15 years, and of th e county in which such application for a pension is made, a t least two years lm m e-l, diately preceding the making of t h e ' application for a pension. "3. T h at during the period of 25 years immediately preceding such d ate of application he or she has not been convicted of any criminal offense Involving moral turpitude. "4. Has no child or other person responsible under the law of this state for his or her support and found by the board to be able to support him or her. "5. An old age pension shall not be granted to a person if the value of his or her property exceeds $3000 T om ato 2 for PLYMOUTH’S Tremendous Production 1928 Studebaker Sedan 2-w heel T ra ile r Ford Roadster 1-ton Ford T ru ck P R IC E S ON ALL Gas - O il - Accessories Cars Bought, Sold and Consigned Have Been Substantially icy fo r Nash and >n and T e rra p la n e 1 W ash. Phone 2641 18c W hites in ties and straps find low heel sport oxfords. Extra special i n our shoe dept. 26c M any other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good June 8 and 9 only. PAIR G reat Assortment of BATHING SUITS at WEIL’S ONLY! Bathing Slippers Jantzen a Bathing Suits Red & W hite Tall cans. 4 fo r $-| 39 Also blacks a n d browns in a big as­ sortm ent. Cannery and dress shoes — real savings! All wool for men, women and children. Also sep­ ara te trunks. G et in the swim — Buy them a t W eil’s. Special 98c $1.98 Protect your feet from the sand and rocks. We have all colors and nil sizes. Pair Divide Your Dollar W i t h Y o u r N e ig h b o rs! Everybody has a certain am ount of civic pride— th a t sort of pride which helps m ake a village a town, and a town a m etro­ politan city. Again we say The grow th of any community is dependent upon the sup­ L o o k A t A ll T h r e e p ort given its citizens. If you fail in your co-operation your town eith er stands still or goes hack. If you uphold your town by sustaining it w holeheartedly you help yourself and the community. T here is no substitute for F L O A T IN G PO W ER SA FETY A L L -S T E E L BODY H Y D R A U L IC The them e of this a d ­ vertisem ent is: "H elp Hillsboro; buy a t hom e!" Be neighborly BRAK ES w ith your dollar. Divide your dollars among your m erchants and others who have the interest of Hillsboro a t heart. Help them and they will help you to g reater values— for increased creased costs. Cars W ashed and Polished Used Car Exchange 33c Milk Whi hite Red & W Sale Stylish White Shoes Red & W hite 1-lb. jars OIŒGO.N M ODELS And other cars to choose from. And several other cars to choose from ! lie Catsup Large Size bottle I USED CARS Coffee m u s im i« ). CA D Y M O T O R CO. volume means de­ Hillsboro needs your support, and you need the support of the town. Let’s get together and share our dollars for a m utual prosperity. 25c