fhDr - M . ■ y "As I have aft<*n Mild, w i rosy III MUUMI IVM|*-« U» i I i 4 l i * r m rtln H l while (I m * «»bjtxllvr remuin« i h r MMiie. Tim« und rxj ♦•rl» »'.<•«• will «Ir termine."- President Koowcvrlt, i » t? . . ? “Let us akgresivrly and faithfully support the Blue Eagle; let ua bear the minor burden, impooed for the sake of the (renter benefits re­ ceived.''—General Johnson. W ith W l i i 'h is C om bine! the JI ill ,boro Independent HILLSBORO, OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , .JUNE 7, 1934 VOLUM E XI.I • ------------ County 4-H S ta te Cap. tol Boys, Girls N ews L etter M Go Monday h id i‘|icii(li*iil.s Jum p in U V A I. I l l> II l< K <¡overnnrsliip Ritve Since P rim ary l.n rge D eleg a tio n of Local Club Folk to A ttend XJAI.EM Early Indication.'- point to Sum m er Session ® a bounteous crop of Hal’ |ien-1' il l Business Group Selects Leaders Monday Session (io on Air June 14 Groups Vie Election of officer« will be held by tlie Hillsboro Ghutnber of Com­ merce Monday night 'Hie meeting has been called for H o'clock. Plan« in connection with the "Happy Day«’’ celebrutlon July 1, 2, 3 and four will also I n * considered. H earing officers are Lester Ire­ land, who ha« served two term s a.» president; M. P. Cady, vice-presi­ dent; L. J. Merrill, treasurer, and Morris Weil, director. Holdover members of the board are 11 L Mai K«nzi»* lor one more year and C. T Richardson for an- j other two years. Pre ,4 n t officers continue to d i­ rect tlie affairs of tlie chamber i through the summer monttis. Newly 1 elected officers will lx* installed at the annual meeting t h e second Tuesday in September. candidates lor governor Alreudy four impirunts lor the honor have signified their wUllngtiese to serve a» tlie standard bearer for tttose wild welt an outlet for tlirlr dis­ approval of the choice of the two G iven Many m ajor political parties. The list In­ Sch olarsh ip s cludes Abraham Silverman of P ort­ Due to G ood Work land. unsuccessful aspirant for a county post in the recent primary - — election. II E Wlrth, R u tlan d In- suruine m an. Peter Zimmerman, iU> J.»«»h Hei«n«.r, A»i e..,,nt» A»«it) state* 's'liator from Yamhill conn- Alsmt 40 hoys a n t girls will make ty ami Clureme W Cady of b a- up the Washington county di-legu- Je«n Hon a t tlir 20tli annual 4-11 club So far only Cady has put forth summer school at Corvallis. June u definite platform upon which lie 11 to 23 A s|wchil bus will leave pro|s>ws to seek support III h i s Hillsboro a t 0 41> a nt The bus will ambition to succeed Julius 1. Meier stop at Beaverton at i 05 to ph k iL. chief executive ol Oregon Cady up the club members who gather wants to cut taxes 111 two. provide there and will go direct to the for everybody , jobs ..... ................... ...... . llial ___ wants to union depot In Portland, where the . work and abolish the late lege.la- group »ill Iran Irr to lhe special C ity’s C itizen Soldiery to ture. substituting In Its stim i a train for Corvallis Round trip lares Entrain W ednesday t o iiiiiils s iu n ol II elrctlvr members from Hillsboro will Is- $2.35. from »ho would not only adm inister the Ib-averton $195. und from Portland — - laws, but who would ulso make the »1 60 HHLslx.ro s national guardsmen laws. Nrw Feature« Added »ill entrain lu re early Wednesday The Oregon plun has gone far number of new features for morning for Uie annual two weeks toward removing all obstacle» from 'l.itsop Local •i.e path of the isilltleallv Inclined and of i ____ First , soldiers under command d liu u __ f iia l who seek office by the Independent added tills yeur to the already com Lieutenant Arthur Kroeger make up route Two courses are open to ¡jreheii. ive progrum o i Instruction tin- headquarters company. 2nd Uiein. T hry can either assemble 100 mid recreation for the two weeks' battalion. 182nd Infantry. Second oí their friends In a convention and period. These Include* a course In Lieutenant Nell FI St&ngel Is sec- have themselves nominated for the , ,, , «.Hire or they cm, circulate jx-tition» V ,101’*« “PPl>- d to rani, m a­ ond In command. lx-tailed orders covering e v e r y in whirl, event they must Secure < K-.uimg and testing, not less m ail 737« signatures Nom- J I * , ' “ .'d ! T w nu-U io^ of delall of tile Oregon troop move- Inaltna assemblies mat be held a t ment have been lasued bv Malar- ........... - N..... Z ^ J T t h e ^ ......... A WIT. ,..m- muting petitions may be filed up to tM’pti’iuber 21, but not before ....... . July 30 bnwdeiust o v er' KOAC “ a i 7*30 '"■'> h °">- est th an the Independent candi­ gon Cities to dates for governor, h o w e v e ry a re ington county delegation will broad- t , “ . K plana for the reorganization of the cast over this sam e .station. Each I ^ al*sop plains. Dieso " tram s will state organizations of th e two ma- the club member will have some part converge on Portland ‘ early “ on ’he jor parlies 111 preparation for H ie,. , , lU urottruIn morning of June 12 and all will h* fall campaign Curl lxm ough of in camp by m id-afternoon of th * at t Mrs Della Cypher, North Plains. day B rigadier-G eneral T hom as E v Portland has indicated his desire _____________ Rile» m m anrl uf i ’liit- to retire from the _____________r chairmanship of 1 Rdea will wlU m commaild at CWtrnn Okunp Clat- the democratic committee. As his Belanger, AMlst&nt county agent, auecessor a number of well-known *>H J*' « ‘‘h Hie delegation for the ivrsonnel of the HllLsboro guard p a rty worker« are being inentlonetL *•<* ». u..,.». dzum .*. list Of 4 11 rliib con> l>“ny follows Hugh MaH »• M.rKeant, lx)ren Rogers SUII Among them are George Wilbur of Following Is the hat of 4-H club J r ns louiuy who (lrst sergeant; Henry H arty, George Local Troops Attend Camp District Hoard Offers Help in Play Equipment Local Band NO. 16 Pension Act Reviewed by Offer to m atch all funds raised for playground equipment up to »200 lias been made by the Hills­ boro district No 7 school board, according Ui announcem ent Wed­ nesday by Mrs Paul Patterson, chairman of the general commit- “ H appy D a y s” C elebration tee. Equipment purchased will be Inability to M eet D em ands used under the proposed SERA ; A dds Music Event to D ue to A m ount Levied [ recreational program In Hillsboro, which was subm itted for approval, Fourth Program Cited by O fficials of the state director Wednesday. •------------- ' and will be the perm anent property i ,, . j of the school district on the two in C ontest C andidates Local Court N am ed Invited P atriotic to was the American Legion Auxiliary. Sponsor E xercises --------- A band contest for bands located w ithin W ashington county will be ,:.l,< x ,* New queen candidates filed with : ------------- P o litics of City Off to Long term outlook for business recovery is good, according to Blaine B. Coles of the First National bank of Portland, who spoke before the Hillsboro Rotary club Thursday. He had Just returned from the m eet­ ing of the American Bankers’ asso- ciation in the east. J. G arrett Enters R ace for Most of the people talked to In M ayor; O thers Seek the east were of the opinion th a t the country was coming out of the P la ce on Council depression and th a t Improvement was inevitable, the speaker declared. Real prosperity will come unless E arly Start entA P ro p e rty B u rdened » w g ------------- Legion Business Future Good in Opinion Potar y Speaker £ P h elp s W ill R etire ple who th elr Uvl -------------- X K S Z ' S V L egislature M ust P r o v id e to C ole, He ex- pressed the belief th a t much ac­ W iley and R ussell School .tom ^ M r s ' ^ i " ' O ther Incom e Source tivity would result from the home Board C andidates building plans of the government A rthur Kroeger from the A m erican' --------- and th a t the real forward move- Legion Auxiliary; Morris Well, Am- "E nactm ent of the old age pen- meI}t „„a ,» ™ , ___ _in-Construction would — come ------ Candidates in the local start political and' A j ' Ha r t,.am „ f from the sion by lhe 1933 * siio n of TV» 1x51 ,oplnlon' he said. an early In , M . ’ 1 the legislature Introduced to th i * a : ’ ' h ’~* « .« „ .h . . • » , » L o ~ fact three m onths ahead of the usu­ VLS„r ua‘ wu* B uptr sta te a n old age pension act, which bel?T tbe h i d i n g industry. al time for placing municipal tickets TllP playgrounds will be officially has been unsatisfactory both from Nos"fr chairm an of the In the running. Presentations of opened Friday. June 15. p ro .ram to the viewpoint of the real property ^ ^ g e * today ° * Tiday, June 15, program to nominating petitions for a complete taxpayer as well as from the view- «-naisc iouay. be announced next week. ticket for filing was made Tuesday piaiKround plans under the SERA p,-’in t oi lhose elderly people who morning. recreational iirovram call fi r three expected financial security f r o m J. H. G arrett, prom inent local hours a day antT four days a week such a law-" declared the Wash- m erchant and former councilman, c o m m ittee' is anxious 't o know higton county court in a statem ent heads the ticket as a candidate for whether parents favor rnori ings or la8ued Tuesday and signed by Judge mayor. He is active in affairs of Donald T. Templeton and Commis- afternoons the community, being a past presi­ Funds on hand Include $57 rats- sioners H D Kerkman and Jam es dent of the Rotary club and a ed by a committee of the auxiliary Lewis- __ . -------- member of the chamber of com- and friends, a Coffee club donation , f r0^ . ° ,‘ „ , „ o Progress R eported E f f o r t s merce Couneil candidates include Dr. J. O. Robb in southeast Hills­ of »10 and Legion Auxiliary contri- nr Vh ? \ ? .h boro, J. J. Wismer in southwest ^ t l o n of »10. A. J. H artram pf C ollect Local F ees started the personal subscriptions legislature made no provision f o r 1 -------- Hillsboro and L. C. K ram ien In with »5. i funds with which to pay the pen- north Hillsboro. Kinns rvaccssH 4/1 Eliint? n liraf sions, Kut but passed to the ,’Qvimic various Filing C of )f an applications for con- county courts the duty of making tinuation of the airport project, Kf?nUen May j an additional levy on real property P ^'in g of two blocks on East Main .. ®“r '. K tam ^ n said Wednesday to meet this obligation. The result street and city repairs under SERA “ la t he probably would not sign has been th at in practically was ordered by the city council bls candidacy petition and wovdu r J every rr.....J r p m o i n r v ir t eon« m onen In lr a Te«. a. county in the state the desire ol Tuesday night. Airport project will Le.m? ln, the rac« ‘n c“ e Jak® V > county courts to protect the provide work for 20 men for eight ^ 5 4 J,oui 4 J 5e a t'alldidate to suc- taxpayer from a prohibitive a n d weeks and the city m ust furnish cee<3 himself. served confiscatory Increase in taxes nas has “ the • use of ■ a tractor and truex. truck. -------- cumiscaiory increase m “■« «• « e w ana 1 Mayor - Orange —- Phelps, who ______ SERA W ill H ave ,6 0 Men o n ' i n g ^ „ ^ K « Council Gives Projects O. K. New Projects I r \.‘ O tO O l reC tO r lbe 1 n m c h e l d e r ^ A m . “rt" can L^IO,! Aux’il ™ ^ d F ir m ' J,er canm dates X i „r ‘ 1 d r^ r/^ v im neu Aloha Pu ™ g c J uksoii l aun-l ¿ m o ilT ' F ^ m e r s K n L auru ocnoxiA ru n n e rs -------- "Administration of the law In this Question was raised in 1326 when candidate to succeed himself. Thia __RS‘Teatlonal e j e c t s f o r play- ^andi- the pavement was net laid on the 8rou"d activities in Hillsboro* and capped by an insufficient under- lin e 'o f the o rig in af su rv ey ."u n d er ?®veral d eferen t men for the office, Forest Orove wlU ** submitted this standing of th e provisions of the the contract M r Johnson will pay ,n° ^ H o n had been taken un- wcek to O D Adams of Salem law by Pension claimants, and m »1146. the cost of the paving and ul weel1' Councilman J. M. stat* director, by v C T m u I s , ^ “ to dispell this misunder- Interest from April « * * £ 3 “ “ Person. - — Person, R. W Wet, Weil and Dr. Robb ty SEHA ______ manager. This __ project standing certain salient features of time when the city recorded a deed had been mentioned as possible can u o ,, ih give $r«v« two recreational wxw .. w'orkeis'1 ~-u I the are hprein I to property which it w a s j. i di didates dates to to succeed succeed Mayor Phelps. would th^ act c t ,»fe herein f&t set forth forth. _ __ } ' 1,1 eacb city "o n ” a '"ro ta u o n ” l» s ls !, “The law. provides th a t there shall quired to obtain to’ allow "construe- ^ ot.1?_r5is? ? .anf i ^ eli._h^ P re.vlo! ^ _ c n 1 Fuller Hillsboro D aughters of oi tw'° wecks carh In"a'"l2“ w eek7' ** established ii cacn county o fltio n of sidewalks on e ith e i" s id e o i i ly / Wted, tiUU wou]d not con- r .$ r in r, iiiihsDoio u au g n F tt « r^» r»rr»<3r» ^*»r» from June $.— o • " to A u ^ t th<* ta t* n o old ld iuzp m - the the nQ race. Mr. m Weil Un?on ;h e oi 7 Prt* ram lhe s sw te a an “«e npn&tor> Pension m com- ------ street as « Dart p >- of th«»ir uieir ngrrr a g re e -; sider said th entering a t he vihou v « i lajuim risener, -------- - . ----- mi**inn orvH thn Ammt». ment. |Wval N Neignboi\ M arjorie arlone 31' tor ^ " d * Provided and the county are courts of , IIlllsbor l"L «"**1 t«hbora, M clUej. would be w&g »487 e)[. - the respective counties desig­ sire for the office, but th a t he ap­ City Attorney Paul Patterson re­ preciated the offers of support ac­ H , ^ r o H G!X s : CO^ l 2 1UU 3 ? * * * * « « t ^ v a l w^uld“ ^ ' a . the old age .pension tU«|> «1 Rl «Jit ii' fXrttnteas* QF i I f I a . amtfU - _ ___ — __ _ ivm . k . ported progress in the city's efforts corded him. • . vmm * aaafewoMl aa-tx* omw I mm ■»* ' BvAK I J l OJld Walli^T ■ m t - - th ro u g h In to obtain payment of all monev Present candidates deny th a t th eir due on occupation licenses. In ac­ pen- cord with instructions of the coun­ candidacies have any connection conferred cil the city attorney is to take all , with th e Municipal Ownership such necessary steps to secure payment Iea«ue- although Dr. Robo and Mr. »•«h and he reported pledged co-oD era-! Kranu€n have been actively can- are tion of many th a t had been in cected wh h th a t organization. They sll.lllllc» for Hu- »late chairm an- M argaret Cypher. M arjorie M-ek “ "raid Abb. and Ray Tonklnson. " lo" tion. which will give'wJrk to'23~men neces&alT W « d ry out the provi- arrears T he'JDlan“ ''is to bn™ all do point out though th a t the fra n ­ ship U,«»e of Dr FI H BU-wart of yiU je r H arly. KlrBnor „ , . n d l ( . r . private. Each candidate ta required to ior Xour , w k s word sioru thereof. firmT up da “ o^d ^ h e n make chises of the water company and Roseburg, for year« uti active party George Barkley. Don Jossy, Henry Stories of the activities of the .. a > *^asJ tickets at cents received on the Hillsboro citv l i - 1 person, m an or woman. adjustm ents th a t have been found the power company will expire soon Woiker, and Ijtm ur Tboze of lkirt- Tews, Walu-r Flume». Ivan Bli-rly, Hillsboro citizen soldiery and vamp "U11 -' r tlie dance June 30 when brary and "municipal inventory"' m arricd or single, shall In th e dis- necessary for equalizing the fees. and th a t the interests of the people hind. " I 'Continued on page iv. column 1) Amos Bierly, la-Roy Mills, u n d life a ill be reported to the Arcus selection of queen and princesses projects must be safeguarded. Mr. G arrett will be made 1 Chamber of commerce was g ran t­ M ud, activity Is also being mani- ' Charles Kuy. by 1,1 Krueger. when questioned Tuesday had no Projects approved and those an- ed use of the auditorium and park comment to make except th a t if fest among those who aspire to County organizations o f f e r i n g Promotion» an nounrrd by Com- Coifee cJab hak b^ n nounced will use up oil labor on a for the Fourth of July celebration elected he would give his best serv- the gavel-wielding jobs In t h c l scholarahlps and the winners are puny L° lM th " if^ try . at* F ^ S ’t rutatlon »cc-ordmg* tL °M r toe h,aVe, eXi?W,d “ * • ices to the city and try to m atch house and senate at the next »ca- North Plains. Viola Westcott. J C Grove are lo rry Devlin, formerly <’"«l"uml on parr iu. column Mills. M. P C ad ^ and C ^ R i c ^ n ? 1’ “ “ ‘-in 'stra t.o n s, Mon of flu- stat.- legislature This Penin y vompuny. Jean Ann Con- first lu ulenont. | , now captain and ‘ ' O ne-hundred-sixty men will b e too. m spite of Hie luel tliut moll „ell.. W ell» D cp u rn ien t «lore. Con- adjutant of the regiment. Joseph placed and actually on SERA jobs appeared on behalf of the civic Terms Expire of Hie aspirant.', have ji to lu n a iie e Peterson, Safeway s t o r e Pur -'ii.- from se nd lieutenant to M_eV.lL by the first of next week. Leon S. group. E. J. McAiear suggested t h a t ! Terms of Councilmen Charles E. tlie gauntlet of the general election Frances Moyer, F anners' Union, llrst lieutenant and FY.uik Sprouse . . _ ° a' ds' Placement m anager, stated the homecoming feature of t h e Wells, Thomas Connell and Jake before being assured even of a seat Edna Sohler; Commercial National iron, sergeant to second lieutenant George Lockett of Forest _ Grove total of 28 with 12 _____ celebration be played up more and i Weil expire a t th e end of this year, In the session. George Winslow, who bank. Elmer lllerly; Imperial Feed _____________ ___ going on Monday will be required was found guilty on a charge of tha plans should be made for (Continu«i on page 4. column sj for some time has nursed an am - ,<• u ra ln Co. Hillsboro Peed Co . - , lor leveling and grading grounds assauIt a“ d battery in justice court . ----------- blUon to preside over the house is a„.| Farm ers' Cash store. John iY lt ir t llil L a t I I I R I I I -------- putting curbs around track and hf " . S aturday by a Jury composed additional seats, perhaps u n d e r ! alreudy circularizing all represents-1 Hansen; First National bank of _______ Earl Beit, about 20 _ years old, was kalsominlng _______ seven _____ rooms for He* » « 7 Connell, J. M. Person Presentation of --- a .-----—. plan for _ a g a r - ! istantly killed when an autom autum o- n- Beaverton public nnhin- school" tlve candidate», both republican and Portland. Jam es Davidson; Curry s v7<>e*t eos»« of » a im i$ a° ?ndl by M r- McAiear and the problem -ss . lartlin Lehman, daughter »«»v went into into m the e uitcu ditch and and turned turned men men Tuesday Tuesday c a n d s ’iv. 12 , ^ ¿ 2 ¿ “ i L P?2?Led turned over to the civic im- rrshlp Charles Childs i » o f f Linn Grange, Frances F ranc McDougall; F arm - and give work to 44 provided he pay the costs. “f “ r iuid *M rs Ernest Lehman of iW I “ m th25 the m onth provement committee. county Ls also said to be c harboring era' Union. Clayton Nyberg. Joseph Mohorich of Forest Grove ■is who arc Hlue Rlblx)11 c a lf club of K.nton »•">»«»'. Friday nig h t at the M r V ,^ d c ^ n d e n js c a p e d Slgus “ a similar ambition Othe without injuries. The body was Sl8ILi of people seeking workers p‘cai* guilty Tuesday on a count of Co-operation of the city in case! Suit of the Dairy Co-operative being mentioned in this connection I raised money to send four m e n - Beaverton h i g h school crowned t u *„^d 1' o '."jurt‘“ U ndertaker R. E. are poiit<‘d ui the hall outside the a2grH g without a license, was fin - scat® grange session is held here association against th e Blue Rib- •include J O. Johnson ... of W ashing- , bt-rs to the summer school. These to reign over the ......... Beaverton Burns a at t Forest Forest Grove. ------------------ ------ queen ■ . . ........... ........... Burns office. One calling for 15 berrv t1d *”5 and costs alld then paroled «? 1935 through granting use of bon Jersey Milk company and sev- t°n county. Hurvey Wells of Mult- f„ur members are Glen Pringle, entry ¡n~ the grand floral parade Tlie two young men according to plckcrs received little response it w" PaymePt' ° f 95 and costs. R C the auditorium and park was ap- eral W ashington and Clackamas nomali county and li H. Chlngren Eugene VanKlcck. Raymond Hem- of the Rose Festival. county producers of grade B milk ------ - on -------------- ■ --------------- *----------* — -------------- w'as said. ’ ?°.P*X__or Portland, charged, ------ with proved request of ‘ M r — Richard- Sheriff J. J W W. Connell and noniitvI Deputy was “ id , operating a truck without a chauf- son cnara will be held in circuit court here, of Clackamas county. In the sen- | (Xiuminuoila« paw m. rolum n i) Eight charm ing girls from the Coroner Eari Donelson who in - _______________ - | fer's license, plead guilty and was ate the choice for president seems ! --------------------- -— beginning Monday rooming. Judge Beaverton high school were in the vestlgated. had been in Portland t < « Little chance of Hillsboro obtain­ Arlie G. Walker of Yamhill county fined »5 and costs i Tuesday. Tu Allan to center In two aspirants. H L , « • I “.’.O. “L’.d no y.lsinng relatives and friends of Mr. B. Cathey of Pumpkin Ridge was ing PWA money for ''onstruction will hear the case. knew who would be queen until Belt mid had left P ortland about Corbett of M ultnom ah county mid fined $5 for operating a truck of water system was reported in a F M. Franelseovlch of Clatsop conn- «-•«-»ao-aaa u - « « « wxvt Judge Walker will also hear th e without a muffler when he plead letter from Engineer Cunningham, suit of H. T. G iltner against th e ty. Corbett served us president of the I ~ illty Tuesday. who Is representing the city a t Oregon Liquor Commision here senate In 1927. but Is »aid to h a v e ! Sandy Laughlin W ashington. D. C. Stum bling block Saturday. _ . Olson _ an d _ Earl ---------------- a very keen desire to repeat und j W arner Freeman, charged with “ r pl^3d U the eomPeUtive feature in the a very good prospect of having his j r t r r t f Q n \ ° & C^ a r ^e U sing (Continued on page 10. column 5) threatening commission of a felony, desire realised should he Insist up- j profane and abusive language near ___________ _____ f waived a grand jury indictm ent ’X 11’'”' ------- - a hi«fiway and were fined $25 Thursday, plead guilty and was 0,1 11 , • , I Difficult," will be presented tills Sti le accorduig to each Sain Koberstein of Gaston. T M F lS n n r M t f r .n Genevieve sentenced to serve a year in th e I G ™ d u £ i? ^ by,i? e S°llege May 25 on al1 and 1 r d n S P O r i a U o n O t ........ , . . . .. i evening (Thursday) a t the new were grouped around the ] U a n A r m c ir t/4 rvr» county jail. William Elnzlg. state purchasing. Q rnngp hall. Parts are taken by Tullclson L o h ;Iadllatcs,.‘iI?f1 the degrees r e - : battery count, waived prelim inary1 r»f • throne as Prime M inister Jannsen / b IL L N H . Cl O il agent, was tills week revealed Muiirlee Demi Miss Glades Me- placed the Jeweled diadem upon the Motion of non-suit was allowed S L d raiu L > ™ Ua,?v._RTgil.l ald. Rey- ! hearing Thursday and was bound! liaving provided a Job In his own I *T“ " ' „ , _ . ¿i!, A n t r v T lv o f# i «•»» ,Hj,Ilsboro. school of science; | over to the U grand jury in the case of John Clearwater an d departm ent for his sister at »90 a ['*.<,d' ?!don ’ head of Queen M artha ®*e^ d o rf Cornelius routo l.i William G. Beard of Portland, | T ransportation allowances for Tu- Eleanor Clearwater against Ernest m onth four days after having re­ l,eod, Miss Gloria Coulter. Miss rold Hubschwerlln was taken est ¿ r o t e ^ h S m " n ^ ™ tCd May 22< T a C0Uun t oi opc‘ - al£tin,' n g a rd and B« v"rton high Grandgeorge et ai. leased a »65 a m onth employe In Elaine Caldwell. Neil Slmigel, Adri­ Second Q uarterly T ax into custody at Gales Creek S atur- Elizabeth Nieisen> r,f°TH^?ian w iiug ' ^ ^ g a , cai ® wltched license j schools were made by the non- Joseph Powell was held on bond order to reduce expenses. The prac­ an Hornecker and Miss DcLaurlce dav on an auto tlieft churge for Jesse M athieson a n d ^fn n ?^ W£ l t' r pIaU ?; gul .ty Wednesday and h Jgb s ^ 00} district board Tuesday of $500. He was arrested a t Aloha tice of nepotism, once very preva- Bump. Mrs. H. H. S tannard Is d i­ P aym ent Due Ju n e 15 Portland police by State Office Aid n eth M u n to r^ o f ^S ?nv. X lJ S 6" ; imPd 35 and cosU' T ualatd' with one bus re- s. h lias been recting the production. May 26 on a drunken driving charge lent In slate departm ents, ^ S h ^ f R t^ j g a t ^ f î b e ^ » r Æ of c . , . ceives the same as last year, $630, Second quarter payment of the ard rath er frowned upon of recent years, Judge George R. Bagley held Little MLss B arbara Moore will be 1934 i and Tigard with two drew $3590. tux bill Is due and payable although some public officials In featured In lap dancing between court in Tillamook the first of th e F-red Goetze. who is moving on n e h t S ^ d Œ & i S t lis ^ p Beaverton's figure for last year week. high places will always be fouitd acts. Koeb's R hythm Rascals will by June 15 In order to avoid pay­ I was $7800. but savings of $600 were taking care of their relatives and be accompanists during the play. m ent of a penalty. A rebate Is the McCoy place near Balm Grove, of Tigard, school of agriculture Circuit court orders were issued ln-law s In soft Jobs, hum an n atu ie _ .. . . vaudcvU1„ w ill allowable on the second h alf If the reports the loss of a hay fork, rope J Betty Brown of Beaverton Rich- • p a ^ d on for next in the following cases C Swensson balance of th e tax bill Is paid by and other m aterials between M ay1 ard Thomas Thacker of T ualatin J 1“ 1*- year with an allowance of $6600. being wliat It Is. Btote Senator I , ,, “ 'f . tts vs. S B Pheister and Anna Phete- June 15. Woodward attem pted to bun t h e | fl>llow tl’e I’r,'M h L i L oii . _ . . 29 and June 3. and R uth W estcott H ajw en "‘'o f! A free surglcaI clinic will be held Election of a director for a five- ter; John and Eleanor Clearwater ......................... a t the Smith hospital In Hillsboro hbId Ju n ? « d u r - v s.’ Ernest Grandgeorge a n d 'O n a practice by law at. the bust legisla­ W. B. Chandlee was arrested near Oaston, m aster of science. tiv e session but Ills proposed reform Scholls Saturday by Deputy S h e r-, .C om m encem ent exercises w ere!011 Sunday. June 24. Tills clinic A1 I Bene Emmons, and Mark Jensen, iff. Harry Johnson and R ich ard ' _____ .. . | is solely for those who are unable | & t o su c c e ^ w L e i f Meehan “ P’ was doomed from the s ta rt with more th an 25 per cent of the law­ Busch and turned over to M u lt-1. Reginald Reynolds, the only Hills- [ to pay the regular surgeon's fee. makers themselves with a relative nomah county on a contem pt o i j boro Rraduate a t the college this All the surgeon's will donate their T"f * ff a a a w w < • _ on the legislative payroll. court cliarge. year. U a member of Alpha Tau services, the only charge being for Omega, social fraternity, and sig -jth e actual hospital expenses. “Enforcem ent of the food dealers' prizes, a pot luck dinner will be R eturn of th e old system o f Gaf inia Epsilon, professional While the bulk of the work will y - ,.. _ _ matching federal aid for highway code and elimination o f unfair served nt noon, m i . i tV , " llnlng' geology and probably be th e removal of diseased construction with state funds, as is practices will help th e grocery and J General committee for th e ptc- nutallurgy. His campus activities tonsils and adenoids, preparations now indicated, will find Oregon In nieat business In tilts county." de- ntc Includes 8. N Buck, Aloha; Included house president, member be made for handling any type The unprecedented d o ith I th i an embarnisslng situation Recent clared several dealers hi atten d -j Otto Keele, Beaverton; Harold Olov- Sheets, newly appointed ore™, D„,r, Cou„e,l i r ‘” ' , £ " 2 , « economy moves have rixluced rev­ alice n t Hie meeting of the W ash- er. G aston; Harry Giltner, Louis drouth relief under the enues of the highway departm ent Ington County Local Food a n d ( Schultz and Ed Ahlgren. Forest for Improving the quality Sheets was formerly for to the point where there is little Grocery Distributors’ Code Author- Grove; F. M. Jeffries. Bethany, and butter will be considered a t n tty til tlie chamber of commerce W. B. Alice, Banks, and A. P. Tai- or nothing left for m atching pur­ meeting in tlie Forest Orove Cham - V - O l i n t y r a r i n C f S poses First there was the act of rooms here Tuesday night. Food eat. Tigard. A meeting of th e coin- her tend the clinic. An operation for Oregon State college. Not only is of agriculture. «apartm ent Commerce rooms ‘ 1931 throwing the m arket road sys­ dealers from alt parts of the conn- mittee will be held next week lo Th\n of s'dAv "Vime u 'V io Z at wmi” 8 ^ p ,‘ m h ty were present and Verne Curry make fu rth er arrangem ents. ■’* ‘ 1 y’.Jl,ne I,lla wl|I b» the tem into the lap of the state high­ MMtrau'd°f - - a- ,e - er WlU **-d<,m'I ^ L ® 1 **?* purchasing the lack beef of is only meeting of its kind in tin upon anyone suffering; the AAA being pressed into enter- necessary because of actual - ■ - ----- way departm ent and the more re ­ presided. gency relief service, but a d ju s t-: feed for stock u_ in • A. some of the drouth ' «nly io . I W ashington countv farm ers as from this disease. H. II Samuels, representative of , , cent act of 1923 reducing the auto­ m pnt nrnpruHic or./4 ovon ^ronc a. . » t " o m a k n an 11 ls necessary th a t all who wish [ ™“ ll r(P£?g^amsa2 ,ld 7 ' " c o n tra c t1 areas. The beef to be bought wtil Any milk or eream shipper is in- many as carp to go' y w mobile registration fee to a flat one of the largest liawaitan sugar John D ennis, r orm er .'em , t0 ta ke advantage of the clinic « « b e l n j rapidly be canned for relief purposes. H illsboro M ayor, Dies vlted and eream shippers are es-1 tour of the experiment »5 with a proportionate loss ill rev­ refineries, gave nil Interesting talk e n U ii Twelro ' , gLstl’r at some t tunc 10 meet the new condl' 1 - ™ e advisory committee of 25 on ' ' pcdallv requested to be present.: Corvallis Tuesday afternoon“ Twelve regtater at tlle the hosp‘L)l hospital some im e ly ^ “ enues A tentative highway budget on tlie sugar Industry. C. M. K ill-; J , , cattle adjustm ent plans appointed for 1935 Includes only »50(10 fur click reported on tlie attendance I John Dennis, mayor of Hillsboro improvement o f cream shipped| made the trip la it year and Countv i withln the next two weeks. Flexibility of adm inistration of a sub-committee of five which has dollars and cento to the Agent W. r. Cyrus savs th a t re- new construction or for m atching of several members at a meeting many years ago. died Wednesday means the various AAA activities makes been working out details of a plan of Portland grocers. ' a t Ills home nt Torrance, Cal., ac- shlptx-r It Is pointed out. Foresti quests for a tour this year are .. _ hsleral funds, A carry-over of $692,- passible im mediate a d j u s t m e n t which when completed, will be Meetlngs will be discontinued dur- cording to word received by E. L. Grove Creamery is paying a pre- three times In excess of last vear G eorge M cG ee Speaker (100 from former years, now held as where necessary, farm act leaders, submitted to the Industry in a a working balance, might be taken lug the summer m onths unless a McCormick from hts daughter. Miss “ CCntS “ p° luld i ‘>r ^o. I Local men are particularly inter- at P ortland M eeting point out, an example being the | series of regional meetings before es.ed In forage, grasses and cereals advantage of for m atching purposes special session Ls called by the Eva McCormick, who Ls ill Call- t cream. cereals. designation of many counties In being put Into effect for tlie first year, but even that code authority. Members wen* n o tl- , lornla. Funeral services will be Joe Propstra. proprietor of the The .. group meet west v* of v*»v the . — ,— ...» «- will ........... George McGee, city miiriAger And, the affected area a.s drouth counties the west coast interest ls be­ would still leave Oregon almost fled Unit the new labor provision held nt Torrance Friday. He had creamery, will serve Ice cream a n d ; agricultural building a t 12:30 Tues- secretary Tualatin Valiev Drainage wherein contract signers will be ing On shown a public hearing on a $1,000,000 short of covering Uncle cards will be mailed out within j also served os mayor of Torrance. coffee to those attending. ¡day and have until dark to b e and Flood Control association, was released - - from - - restrictions proposed m in arketing certain ent for - ■- B am s ante, only a m aterial In­ Hie next ten days Nearly all mem- — —------------ - - shown th e station. one of the speakers a t the Port- on feed crop acreage or from graz­ B artlett pear industry agreem of California crease lu automobile license fees hers have received th eir code blue W orkm en Start R epair H il l s h o r n G r a n o e n t I o ’ '— — ——— - land Uptown association Wednes- ing restrictions on contracted acre­ Oregon and Washington. T here Is and gasoline taxes can save the n illsb o r o g r a n g e r s to W est lln ln n r i..k day. The program was given over age under the w heat or com con­ also interest In a move In the early Decision was made to hold a pic-j D am age on M inter Fill H old A ll-D ay M eet H ere un C‘u *> to a report on developments on tracts. Hlluiitloii. according to 11 H. Hal- potato states of the east coast for nlc a t Shute park Sunday, July 1,1 Work of opening the M inter bridge Rock, state highway engineer. The Rev. Claud Babin of Forest | P lans Session T u esd ay ya“ey dra‘" ^ ^ d Plans for an adjustm ent program a m arketing agreem ent covering « • • lo which all members together with ¡fill to traffic was started Monday flood control. Much of th e water, for beef cattle have been deferred West Union Rod and G un club surveys reveal. Is held up by rock to provide for possible coordination potatoes. The potato business b Oregon pro|x*rty owners whose their employes and families will and County Engineer J W. Barney Grove will speak a t an all-day threatened this year with a heavy taxes are delinquent, for 1930 and l>e Invited. There will be games ’ says the road will be opened wlth- meeting of Hillsboro Grange Bat- will meet a t 8 p m Tuesday at reefs and a bottle neck from Roam­ of th a t program with any necessary increase >n acreage planted, which and amusements with prizes offer- In two weeks. This road has been urday. HLs sublect will be "The the West Union school for con- er's Rest to the dam. K. E. Tlllot- removal of surplus cattle as a n prior years mav still protect them _ ____________ usually m eans dlstreas ____ prices. Wheth- ----- lass . .. ed for different events. A number closed to traffic since December Farm er of the Hour." O ther mini- slderatlon of Im portant m atters selves from of their -------- property son of Forest Orove, SERA en­ emergency drouth relief activity, e r potato m arketing"'agreem ents of wholesalers and m anufacturers when high waters washed out part bers will also be on the program .) Holding pens are completed and laying a t least one Installm ent gineer for the district, also a t ­ Relief buying of livestock is being I might be extended to the weat this by pay which ls open to the public. I the pheasants arc expected soon have already offered some attractive 1 of the fill. (Continued on pun« 2, column 3) tended. started a t once under the direction year Is not yet known. Justice Court Has Busy Time p L"lt4 R olf Llloc A-/<11.1 LelLS in ex Alltn ednesday- A ill Li IO W/m/’L VV icLK - W I^cIlFy GO" OJ5 Case Monday LOCxlI JVllISICill IA' . DlStriCtS Planned Z\UtO I nett Count Surgical CliniC Sunday. Tune 24th made and this M Fair Trade Practices, Code Enforcement Seen as a Help rle H X le A A A iVAxlCIllIlCry i IcaA -A lD IUIC StQ j-x « IjrO Ilfll ( V-iLTSISj flQIC* IVlOClIiy JVTrwLAr i lxlflS Improving Cream Subject of Meet p . «- to Visit Station /