Aloha will be the teacher next year In “Riptide," her glamorous new I r? »r ■ i W. A. Jones was pleasantly su r­ the northwest the n e w set-up M e tro H o ld » )ii Mayer tim in g ve I ' f i l l , I \ •IIHICllCV T ig a r d P u ts prised by neighbors and friends Miss Thelm a Sandy of Banks merely alnipllfltw calling out of the hiele which will be at the Venetian ‘ on Wednesday evening, il being his guard organiza! Ions In ease of a theatre Sunday. June 3. for three etghty-third birthday Cards were Queen Candidate 'n a t i o n a l emergency Governors ot I’S. o n P ro g ra m enjoyed Bride of M aurice T hom pson during the evening Present ..... , the several states still retail their Vandehey has authority over tin* troop: lor use were Messrs, and Mesdanies C. P. _ Miss l'helina Of of c a tiin ioni lin -e n M ountain i ' d“ <<- «••»....•« 't ,,," ,, " ¿ ‘,1 111 case ot civil disturbance« with­ ‘ d c n o I IS .1' c S in itin ’ M.-sdat lu n a Wl'.ex »at ks .svam o Ule bit ■ „ ot M Men,lax tre .n K in n e :, IVollord wdlh " a“' V t " r f o r S c h o lls jS ycrson Max B‘wr- --1 •er ontliiental b.nk- for the fourth ot July celebration in the states. • • • M artin Aarhaus. George Altistan. d - 1 hoiiihsoii of Keyport. Wash.. Hazel Wolford attended the high i r i s . I - bt't’l l Ito ti) i t i * t <’l | Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Meury and family at Tlmlor. Fred Hay you saw It In tlie Argus. tus ll l ] l |( V |l c u l l i l i - mu i ____ Ross Ward. Sabuia Whitehead. Miss- RCHOtJ Ft * nrogram was pre- es Mari G rand and Jean 'sm ith. s< HGI.LS a program was pre Mcssrs Hallock and Rob- ■fntel m o f Tkeafn Methnriixt I ert Cameron " chiirrh choir Sunday night with O Community club program of local I I s ih S S m an MI m C. E. Thursday evSnng was a de- ___ a director . x i and i . 1 Miss - vr»ien cldtxd success. G ilb ert was Helen elded success. Those Those taking taking part p a rt S ^ £ r X n u T M o i ^ t h T n l i a t- were John Black. Betty Jean G ird- S S d Jd M ^ M w e ^ p r S ^ n t from L»er. M arian Hagg. Betty Altlslan. Tigard. Marvin Kathleen reading. : •4 iss. ? * E. Finley. May -•»• wt 3 p. ni. at th e home of school graduation In FVivst Grove * __ U * b rid es parents. Pnday evening She spent the night I _ , , Hie ceremony took place on the with R uth I illy at G ales Creek. 'G r e a t P ic tu r e R o o k e d lawu> *htcto was beautiful with IUI M ra Davie« Prealdent V en etian A ttraction n atural shrubbery and large baskets The American l egion Auxiliary of of delphinium s and snapdragons Ranks held a special meeting i t l - "Viva Villa!" which Is featured 1,lc bilde wote a dross of white day afternoon and elected the foi- Thursday. Friday and Saturday at wore a dress ol white ¡¡.u afternoon and elect __ __ “ J“» « ld >»ce which was made low,ng officers Mrs F, d iu Davies, the Venetian theatre with W alla.e £ £ » II ? iUr MP ’ . . E v a ? Moore, vice- i Beery starred, takes its place among In Hillsboro. Mis Anione Meeuwsen mid son Fred motored to Lebanon Saturday to visit relatives M 's F ran k Herliickx h a s re tu rn e d 4 1,1 April gasoline sales In Oregon exceeded those lor the sam e m onth last year by 2.r- wcnt to Lois Rav Jack, June Jack. " “ ld “I L“ '« Truly." Mrs. Girdler. Helen Wetburg. F rank t f f ’ ' b n d a l “ i n n ,' Glllenwater; wheelbarrow race was din« m arch as tin- bridal party won L’c Joe and K atie S an to ro A lu-irchcd out the lront door to the l-’iune of high score roulette was rear ot th e lawn where th e cere- Plaved a » d winners were Ronald Perturmed by Rev Claude G raham for the school and Mrs. pc Sa^m pastor of the C hristian B. A. Glllenwater for the mothers cluuvh of Fores Grove before a I U ObsrV ... group Of I m m e d ia te fr ie n d s . n d ......- ....... ........... Æ H ave Big Kusli War. it combines spectacle and Tlie big rush of the berry season hum an elements in a m anner rem l- lie KNEW Ml and Mrs p J Vaiiilerzan.len I bynj» Cronemtller. oecurred last week as the Hodle ntscent of that great classic ot all IT W A S N ’T Barreling company found It neces- lime. "Tlie Birth of a N ation." It and d a ughter Delores ami Mrs I sary to put on an extra shift at 18 m much the sam e vein, William Vandomeleu motored to M, l AI.I. Salem Sunday to visit Mr and Mi . night, beginning Thursday. A call Charles Karlick and Infant son for women to work th e belts w as' a , • . . . T 1 he Suni ls,. G ar,lei, arden elub club held a B on, to Mr and M r, i , , h,‘ Sw irls,. >.1« out to nearby communities and lO U U tilllK u U C ( . l l l l l Moore May 'M a U.v ’ J n><*t‘lig May ¡7 In Ihe evening to Forest Grove The extra ------ crew ----- Severn! inx'plé lio in ih» linv vi " 11 î.U^y ‘Hie next mort- A child's tastes are very was soon gathered Work la gan to Clnllv went to P o rtlan d Sunday to J m n ^ j " »1 7 p " m S‘ definite II usually knows slacken by the middle of this week what's gissl for It' flints a tte n d th e picnic at Colum bia M r " a n d Mrs Jim llavden am! so th at the one crow could handle MOUNTAINDAI F’ M r s t ... I,',......... the berries I Ma lu e ^ i e d c n u n i s l lY, ,ks ¿ o n ? U n l" ' rs“ ' why most babies refuse any two sons or Slrassel were Sunday Bert Fnibric one of the supervls- u,nU oilier milk. visitors al I he J It Hayden home n r s r e n o n s t h a t n n t o \ l „ n , l ,v iii.'h) •" 11,10 Wetfuesdav I ^lr ... . . . ... A,.'.ln H'lng, r and 10c quart and Mrs G ito H unger attem ltxl Orchardak Jersey M ilk Has a "500” Party Capitol News Letter th e d am ,- giv. n nt n „ . G ina s m e j (t'o iitin u o l frv m p « k * I) 34. Scholls daMr*X.e^ UMrsU rh o A L Havnea and JX" “nn- P ortland visited friends here last several days last week with Mr. Tuesday and spent a p art of the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Churchley Jr. ¿ ¿ V Mrs' Dwi«h t Sellers n ear Hills- day home. visitors a t the O W. McGraw- day caring for the graves of the C harles Adams family a t the Moun­ moved from Rosedale to their "home iX>r° ' Ed Clark Is moving Into the M any Veterans V eteran s Buried Buried ta in Side cemetery. at W nch Hiuel during to e week M'‘nT , house recently vacated by th e 'e 'v. sV dne^^Tonitol'lv"' n !m '7 ” ' v Mr ' M>r- . . ,l’ to i t '' ‘il ‘iuldoVk ' i'7 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. G ray of New mivA-Th c {jurclVey S r- h ave Twenty veterans are buried In G,0M2e>' family Mrs. L. Robertson donielen and Aiiiv and ttfron w” !" h|K*'»ay engineer l e s t congress York visited Mrs. Ida Kays. J. E moved back to th eir farm. toe Banks cemetery. Seventeen are Th« Dalles Is keeping house for lenbeck ‘ ' ° d H ,k n Hol‘ adopt the p r o v e d am endm ent to S utherland and the Rowell homes M ax Berger H onored N orthern Civil W ar veterans, one a ,um - The Frank A dana show t,u' n’easurereitin'ingthea[)|)roi)ri.i- la st Wednesday. Mrs. G ray was M m Berger was surprised last - " ^ I7an.'_5ne_a S.r<’uU Mer‘ Monday act was g i v « se ro m i ‘ "-¿ ¡j,)5 formerly Esteila Gerber. Saturday evening by a group of J e~ ran ° ne Scouts ure meeUnK every' nights ‘last week ‘at Buckley 'm id R h T t O “ W>ri”“ la t e ly »1,500.1 M ountain Home C hristian En friends who gathered to celebrate ,yVar „ eteraV,-,t . Monday evening in toe scout cabin Lowe mill From there the* show ?.U 7 ? J* r,'d uetion. according to' deavor held a business meeting a t his birthday. Five hundred was M ' I*a rr>' W hitfield of with th eir scoutmaster. A. C Wahl, i will go to Banks 1 * Haldock. would be disastrous to the .... th e Saunders home Monday evening. -------- . . . high honors awarded Estacada spent toe week-end with Fourteen members are enrolled. Perry Dumas returned b o m , hlgllw." program in thks stato. nec- with M inor Hesse graduated from P a­ played to Mrs. John Thompson and Wil­ % Pa*™15. Mr. and They are Raymond Dterickx. Roy Sunday after spending a week wdth PSJdti,,tuK' th<‘ discontinuation o f cific University Monday. Bn r » r o J ^ Gi U ila’ Ma£JOne G rii' “ oss, Donald Moore. Calvin T hat- his uncle L. R HarrK a t F.?resr Pr'“ '>rallv all n ew construction liam Heil. Guests included Messrs, Scholls Ladies' Aid will meet at and Mesdames John Thompson Joe I fin in re tu rn e d hnm*> o n them #— — ... — xiuris, ut rort'bt projects After July 1 and throw- returned home w with lor ehae cher. Donald Tucker, all of Banks. i « Grove. th e L. W. G uild home Friday. sonic JiXX) men out of work m e “ '»» Melvin Erdman. Delbert Wright, i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore and Bush, George Altisian, William a The M others' V club meet r F r ri- Nolan VanDomelen. Baldock points out th a t the high­ Heil, J. C. Smith, C. P. Syverson 4UO will meet l ‘ ;Noian vanuom elen. G erheart Erd- / \r < Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seiffert and W. A. Jones, John Black, and M r afternoon with Mrs. Eli man. and Jake Vandomelen On the I /X p p r e c ,f lt,o n for V ote way departm ent has no funds for daughter Mary Jane were Sunday Edna Wil^v list also also are arp two t a n members mAmK-ar« of the Wiley. ’ Grindle. . T list >n P rim aries E xpressed *?*’* construction and Ls depend- ^ je?^s ^be Chester Miller home Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Kaiser. Mrs. hnm q r h Jens^n returned former scout troop. They are Lyle ---- ------ ——w. oattioki, avxiG ---- y v ....v. ow-wzub ut MMp. a »icy ure luViei ‘My appreciation for rhn vnt.. * entirely on federal aid for this Newberg. J!7_ank_I?'ieJdJe Ann. and J u ld .c^ rgtLTh£m Pson -T h e accorded me in the primary »lection parl of t h c -s ta:c highway program Miss Evelyn Hesse and Minor Mr. attending college the scout c o m m it te e k o i R M K t o ^ can b ^ t " ‘be slmwn^ by my con and Mrs. W. C. Yoran of P ort­ Hesse, accompanied bv Marion G ro­ land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. rv™i„ , tv. z- B B. Tresham and Win Huges. tinued efforts to give to tS *people The Oregon National G uard is and , of u ver « Portland «„p u , ™ . Milton ™ , „ Johnson o s c I w P "Brook« or, a rT - s S an « d , of Mildred Elder Hillsboro, a t- 'V tT ve ¿ X n b a t o “ ^ ' . » ¿ s x a s g s a u ^ g g i s u w w s • w s ’w s s n i s s f c s , ‘“ itp u u m aji nominee »1 ................ mi-. s r s S S r s “ e" ■ » M ™ ^ p E a a W x s s for county commissioner T th in k 5Lonl natto,u‘l ffuard bureau at the many voters who expressed Wiyihln»?tx)n completed the federal- lzatlon of tlie organization started totueMrS' ** d Groner ga' e a trav e- ---------------- -------- bich and Jackson Dooley of Forest Thursday to attend toe county their faith in my policies. when tlie state troops were m uster­ xJro' or,H xt -.. v , ov, , tv . Grove visited Mrs. Dodds. council fire in Forest Grove next ed into «crvire for the World wa crrY 'xvi'S?, ^ FS' , EarL r^ fu?iey and P r o g r a m . P i c n i c J Che5t€r Frydendall and Tuesday evening. l e g M ^ d r o r B Y n g " ? ' th ° V " T° Ur A' ' ' ,''d ‘ng Vo m X ' X i ^.U W hite Kverv- Lee returned to M-anzan- fe cl r 1CI11C daughter Helen. Mrs. Jav P inkard Brooks Hanford of Hillsboro was gal a d vertisin g to the A rgus. in charge of all guard troops In lta Sunday after several days with T? J t T‘. t > and ¡ittle son and A. B McDarlane a Banks visitor Mondav relatives to re and m Hillsboro. L n u S I llt C O D T c r t l l sp®*Jt Saturday and Sunday with Sunday dinner guests a t the H . j A * o ^ S ^ a r n i . on H I T E O N - H ,^ .. . home of M r and M rl MillaM b S ! H I I tO N —Hl teon school closed PorU anÊ^speY t* t h e ' Ñevrt¿7g“ road.“ 'w ¿ a ' - ^ erS- ° f - - - ’ " e and ^ a n t Bra-" i I n n i i j t u r i v r A y Monday £ .. e W . h . . « . S S S S?dp Y r f i a ^ a M ^ e ' A f n n d n t , when ¿¿red"'by" i___ a P V P r v in o r n n r ) n - __ , * ... r tile bull out cphr-Sii-lblte? ^Ii5s Esther Eli Hopkins of Wishram. Wash.. Baum gardner of Thompson N I) io , when it suddenly Schrader, wno has taught here and Miss G arth a Hall of Richmond a sister of the B ram ans T he Bra ™ked, lum - Su,? ng a deeP gash years' Wll! ** Beaverton Va„ spent last Wednesday and mans and BurneUs were n e i g h ^ G A S O L IN E S in one leg and bruising his bodv. schools next year. Thursday with Mrs E E H onkin' in N orth Dakota ¿ .fo r i Passing neighbors saw th a t he w is Miss M argaret Zimmerman of tots “ d «on Clyde. ' ' H Pldn5 Oregon FC C° ming tO R ichfield - G eneral - Shell - U nion - Gilm ore navm anim al Wn district Mr ; r Rov nf Y k e n g ^ N trouble e w to r g with 8^ ^ th - e He hlgh was a graduate of Beaver- f ^ Miss b / ^ Moxie aJ eWb Hopkins ^ v i l i left V ^ Wednes- t h t o i H Mr. ills b and o ro V n te ta X Srhuimprich J ^ „ " ‘f f o n T of READ THE IVORY SOAP ADV. and W IN A NEW Plymouth C A D Y M O TO R CO. DODGE PLYMOUTH . n Coslett S uper Service Station t v MKi! ¿ k f r hHon„rod „M r. and Mrs E. D. Hite visited ie7vf n e l , " lshr,am ' Wasil- s h e wiI1 the i£ u rth b irthday of their daugh- A bridal shower was held a t the Kray at the G erm an Old friends f o r ' T 1 ro?" 3 party 01 Betty Jean Sunday evenm : J o h n SchmGtSer horn“ Mmidav ¿ t h ° lks t omp- Sunday. He celebrated Umted S t a t e t i J P ,,around th e ™ ose pre -n t were Mr. and Mr Hi-Pressure Greasing Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs F irestone Tires, T ubes and A ccessories DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE » f f w a r s s A S R f f l : 5 s s „ c: s r were Mrs. W. D. Baker. Miss Erm a a£ th£ pl??,e “¿ “ h 0«1 Irene Coult- Mrs. Lucinda Mead snent Sun Baker, and Mrs. Neal Baker of ~ a„ ,E™est Hite. Daniel Bowers, day night with M an d M rC M anning, and Mrs. Belle B ennett H^ ' Olson and Henry Davies " ' — n M r- and Mrs z-« i Wash. . rtflV ??™ DdtoVrx _ has l_ v_ ° L B atp e Ground, About n ' u'L who. been quite "to ^ p e n d 'th e ^ u m - fifty attended. Miss Baker is a i!ie ?a sL weeh. is able to be up. m tr school teacher and is well known „ Hucker a n d Ira Pow- F ran k Rinrk kraoh» „ »„ ■ , j in Scholls, where toe family form er- ?!! of Buxton visited Monday eve- ______k Rinck bought a truck load ly lived. H arry Schmeltzer is m as- ninj. at th e C. W. S truthers home. ' te r of Scholls Grange. Miss Dorothea S tru th ers was a M r. and Mrs. J. E. B ennett have a7erek*ei d Kb“ 1 at the A. C Rob- moved to Blue Lake for th e sum - U3??n hon?e m Portland, m er. They have charge of to e re- -. Berry picking will begin on top sort. Handy ranch here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O tto Schultz of h A the farm ers here Bw.hany were guests Sunday eve- “ ““. t h e i r hay cut during the rain jn n y a t the John Sutherland home. ? .? past week, but it was only M is. J. W. R aynard has gone to s“ 8htly damaged. W arm Springs, Wash., for several w eeks’ treatm ent. Jo h n Hitchcock has employed 17 i pickers during toe past week h a r ­ vesting three and a half acres of peas. Scholls Berry Growers' association m et Saturday night and refused an offer of two cents on this year s crop. FEED H O D G EN -BR EW STER “R ip tid e” N ew Sunday F eature for V enetian W ith Robert Montgomery and H erbert M arshall sharing leading man honors, one of the mast im ­ assembled is e pressive .— « casts .« » ever assemoie< seen m support of Norma Shearer ---------------------------- Coslett Super Service Station COSI.ETTS TRUCK SERVICE First and Raseline Streets § AV I i^J O Phone 1263 COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q Open an Account Today She Doesn’t Know How You Do It! e«rot„ Commercial N ational Rank "Tlie Largest Independent Bank In Washington County." Hillsboro, Oregon ‘Tim e P ro v ed ” C hick and Rosedale Teacher Honored at Party T urkey F eeds are safe and econ om ical HAZELDALE— Miss Jean Sm ith . was guest of honor a t a surprise Our feeds and our service p arty a t Rosedale school May 22. , given by th e directors and parents W1H please you. of the district. Cards and games were enjoyed during the evening. „ ^ s e m e n t,6 and toV ^irector" present^ P a r t n e r s ’ C a s h S t o r e cd Miss Sm ith with a handsome six- piece desk set in appreciation of n e r past four years’ work at the school About seventy-five were pres- ent. Mrs. Sabina W hitehead of Feed, Seeds and Poultry Phone 3061 You feel a little embarrassed and sorry for her. She looks so admiring and helpless, so envious, and so—so—ineffective! Her clothes are always so bad, poor little thing. And she pays too much for them. Her home is furnished with all the wrong things. She seems to have a genius for wasting money. When she goes out to buy anything, soap or silverware, or lingerie or lamps, she’s sure to turn up with something nobody ever heard of before and doesn’t want to hear of again. HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SH O rS T E S T E D FO R 100 Y E A R S First Mortgages have stood the test for 100 years through hard times and good times. Our monthly payment Mortgage which is reduced a little each month is doubly secure. Invest with us today. Amounts of $100.00 and up accepted. HUBOKON A. O. PITMAN, M. D. O rnerai Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and HI1RGKON X-Ray and Phyalo-Therapy Permanents and all kinda of beauty work. Telephone 1ÎR1X Rairony ffillshoro Pharmary Sanitary Beauty Shop All Kinds of Beauty Work PERMANENTS Commercial National Rank lildy. Telephon ea Office J12.31 Hen It (cnee 7viZ DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon a specialty Telephone 1471 WEIL’B APARTMENTS Mabel Hchendel Wells Building DENTISTS garbage collection DR. RALPH DRESSER One really gets a little vexed with her— Dentist Commercial Building But let’s not waste too much time on her. It’s about time for you, dear lady, to have your weekly look through the advertisements. anti EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP — ______________ _____ She is that eager, but not very bright, little woman who, "my dear, doesn’t ever read advertisements.” Who doesn’t know what to buy, or where to find it, or what to pay for it. Who doesn’t know values and can’t compare them. Who doesn’t know that when a new style, or a new convenience, or a new anything arrives, one sees it first in the advertisements. PHYSICIAN Telephone 144 Evenings, Sunday by Appointment telephones Itralilenr« 2IIH1 Garbage Collection AND CANS d . p. Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATII BUY YOUR Washington County Ayenrlee INRIJRANCK HKRVICK Khiite Rank liulldiny RUBBER STAMPS Phone 2211 Hllleboro from HILLSBORO ARGUS Por Information about Directory or It « Advertiser* call The Anrue — llAI