THE Thurnday, Muy 81, 1984 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H I L L â flÔ ftO . 1 subject Miase» Blanche OREGON Page Five Flnegan day Mrs. Holten (Lima Turpin* ■ t. "I'm Helvetia Girl Will Fmpey of Brlx comp, and Mr. and Helen Oliver sang a duet, California wliere »lie will visit lier Letters Presented Cornelius * Berry Season ’ was teacher at Ma,on Hm f„r A and Mrs John Davidson and son Saved by Grace, and at the clOM> motlier. Mia. W illiam Scott of i several terms Other dim,, i gie .,ts j of tlie service Ray Shaw led In , l.isli, C a l. ahd her sister Mrs were Mr and Mrs Fro-J W( nger Janies and Louis and the hostess. Wed Marine Officer and singing "God Be With You 'Till W<- Hansen, of Preano. T he SERA project at Helvetia fam ily of Portland, John W en­ Near Buxton I Geoige Students; Honor Rev. WaUcer Mcet Again.” as a farewell to Rev J It Wlllla lias been working oa vcliool has been approved and work HELVETIA—A dance , , given ger and daughter, Carol and Jean Walker ; the nlglit operator, relieving Mr Is expecied to start next week a t th e Ed Meier i.< B.iturday rile. CORNELIUS Red letters “C" fourth grade room of tlie Corneli­ Miss Blanche Flnegan attended night In honor of M as E.freida B M i'loii-m . who relum ed to Ida W est Union bnseball team play. A group from Portland had a pic­ us grade a I tool went to Msxlorle were given out last week at Hie a dinner party at Forest Orove Meyer, bride elect of W ihic Blel- In Turner Nearing End home ,l Buxton on the hom e grounds nic dinner at the home of Mrs. , Sunday M is A A Mra Percy school for baseball during the year McCormack, Clarence Woolfolk, B e t­ Bunday at which Mias Catherine Itzer, a marine officer of K < The score was 13 to 3 In and daughter Betty will leave for L ook m id Mt < .'mnpbell ul Portlaiwl spent S u n ­ lx'tlora were presented to Ivan Hmltli, Praia I t Hchullx, John Mun- BUXTON Hlruwbrriy picking will il. n in '1 inilier dorf, J a k VunDxn. Rudolph Haag. S t o p O p e r a tio n » aixill be finished Tin* crop 1» HuHt Albert Vuylstcke. I enter Peabody. Digging operations at the C. S In moat plui e» here Jam es Headrick Gene Henderson Vim o in d u ff »ml Mi mid Mr» W ind er ciunp have been closed due und Raymond Trite», le tte r s for (im d u ff of near 'lim ber mov­ I to a broken cable 'Hila lets cars declamation w er. received by Clyde ed lierc Unit week 'nicv are cutting down from the top of the m oun­ McCormack, David Edmonson. Het­ tain to lire railroad As soon as Jogs for the Elwood mill. ty Jo Gsborhc Marjorie McCor­ Mra Clarence Keunhausen »pent II has been replaced, logging oper- mack. Alice Wolfe. Goldie Weasel». Thursday with her m other In Fort- Utlong will be resumed and the Dora Dee Selfridge. Jean Gaboane. ,‘ io u th i i h Pui ifii bu'.lnr-,;, 1» expect­ buid. Dorothy Readruk. Violet lleln le. A dance and strawberry »upper ed to Increase considerably Gut of tlie large class of gradu­ Dorothy Tilden. Doris Spencer, W in­ wus given by llie grange u l the nie Rock, Esther Peabody and W il­ ates of Forest Grove Idgli school hull here Friday night Ramelman. Mr mid Mrs Victor W hite und three girls from lim b e r received ma Miss Prange of tlie m edical de­ daughter» vlalted relative» at Hun- their diploma». They were Mildred partm ent In India of tlie Lutheran Markee, Jessie Bell Pldlltpn and M't camp last week, church will give a lecture June • Mr. and Mr» Arthur Fisher and Irene Richmond. LuVerne KJ I burg. Anthony K ll- at 2 o'clock at Uunning’s hall. The Mr and Ml» Bill llu llm m i ol public 1» Invited. near Timber vlalted at the Fred burg. and Jessie Belle Phillip« have Budget com mittee of the Corne­ gone to Beuslda to spend the sum ­ Wutson hom e Balurduy lius grade school met Tuesday eve­ mer. Mr und Mra Waltci Fisher and Mina Gertrude Sm ith entertained ning wlUi Mrs Louise Cochrane to »on Howard ol Wheeler »pent, tire a group of young people after tile plan tlie budget for next year A week-end with relative» lu re repair pioject for the building was William Higgle and w>n D elm ar Furost Grove com m encem ent exer­ ilonned Members of ooinmttlee are inwl Hila Powell of Blrkenfeld »pent cises Friday evening 'Hie evening planned, __ it Ilium llum elm an. J. A. Irmler. wua spent in dancing. Those pres w • th e week end here. Lloyd Wledewltsch, V. F r e n c h . Buxton baseball team won 111 a cut were Ceceba Mari hid. Everett Merle IaiPolletle Mike Busbauer Rundell, Robert Holcomb. I x j L s H k li- game with Weal Union ul West Un- moiul, Lester Finch. Irene R ich ­ and Mrs. laiulse Coclirone. ion Bunduy Hl to 3. Delbert Henderllng, who spent Italan Thacker and fam ily and mond mid Robert Pollock tlie winter at tlie hom e of Mrs. Wilbur Thueker und lainiiy of Ver-I Louise Cochrane, has returned to nom a Vlalted here Bunday. the home of hl* parents in W ash­ Clarence Keunhausen wua 111 at I ington. hla home here anil wua unuble to H o n o r K e i W alker pitch lor Llie game Bunday. Huy Young People's Discussion group Robert» filled Ida place REEDVILLK Miss Gertrude B e­ gave a farewell supper Baturday Blilrley White la visiting rela­ atrice Churcbley, daughter of Mr evening for Rev Ix-roy W a lk e r tn tives nt Bunaet Camp the social room of the church. The George Biggie was home f r o n t and Mr» J M Churcldey, and I group presented Mr. Walker with Ralph Hctiappert. son of M i. and Blrkenfelil lor the week-end a leatlier billfold and key ring. Corbett Crowther and lam lly e n ­ Mrs M. Hchappert, were united In Tliose present were Rev Leroy joyed a picnic with relatives at marriage Thursday evening at a Walker. Mrs Mattle Sm ith, Misses ceremony solem nised at tlie home G ales Creek Bunday. Gladys Brown. Blanche F ln egan, Morris Watson 1» ill ul hla home of the bride's oldest brother. How­ Helen Oliver. Beth Cochrane, MU- ard Churchley. Rev. Mueller o f­ hi i e i dred Rock and Dorothy Cooke and Mr» Rhode Watson was visited ficiating The bride, wlio was given lu Franklin Oliver bv lier daughters Mrs Ihclsy Tevvn Mr and Mrs. J McNeil sn d son* of Seaside and Mr». Elly Hove of murrluge by her brotiier Howard, Bobby sn d Jimmy of Salem were wore a gown of silk crepe with long Vancouver, Bunday. sleeves Her veil of n et lace was guests Bunday at t i e Joseph F ln e­ held In place with orange blunsoms gan Ikome Seventh and eighth grades with and her court train was finished with luce Bhe carried a bouquet of : their teacher. W B. Barnes, en- white sweet peas, rosebuds and call* i Joyed a picnic at t i e city park in lilies Her niece, Miss Hazel Church- Portland Wednesday. H ie lower ley. was bridesmaid Bhe wore pink grades enjoyed a picnic Thursday In TIMBER Ernest Fart her of Wes. organdy with a large n et ruffled , the Cornelius park. Miss Mildred Rock left Sunday timber broke his right shoulder collar, mid a hat of net trimmed bhule when he fell I ruin a truck with blue. She carried a bouquet for W illamina to visit friend* and relative*. lust week of snapdragons and white carna­ C h u r c h P r e se n t« P r o g r a m V Mra. Flunk Shank of Bunsei tions. Mr Milton Hchappert of Port­ M E church people put on a pro­ cam p was called to Hillsboro be­ land ai led as best m an. l l i e ushers gram at Bunnlng's hall Wednesday cause of the serloua Illness of her were Homer und W illiam Church- evening. They wish to thank all motlier, Mr» Wllltum Uuaale, of ley u ir a wood During the reception M isses Ruth th u se w h o took part and aLso tlie James Brumles vlalted a t his home Zlnck and Gertrude and Lauretta l e a d e r s o f tlie local grade school In Washougal Wash . last week. Belts sang, Mrs H. J Churchley w h o furnlahed t i e number*. Mrs Ml»» J r u n W elter was taken to gave a reading. Rev Fred Mueller Lester Mooberry was In charge of Portland last week for an operation gave a talk, 'led Schappcrt and the program and Mrs. Edith Bur­ program: upon her eye. Harold Meier gave an Instrumental bank announced. T ie Or. and Mrs Mlnorgan of V an­ number Harry Johnson was toast­ m u sic , Virginia Erickson; duet, by couver. B C . visited Mr. and Mrs master The newly-weds arc »pend­ Misses Mildred Rock and Helen W E Gilmore last week. They re­ ing a short honeymoon at the O re­ Oliver; reading, Helen Milne; trio, Barali Lee Davis. Margaret Jans turned home by wuy of California gon coast. Dooher and Mary Lee Burbank, M tu Gertrude Sm ith of Forest G rove spent the week-end with Mrs Sarah Brown. Mr and Mrs. song. Vera French; reading Bobby Ixils and Irene Richmond. A Urownlwee and daughter Doris Headrick; song in negro costume, Mr. and Mrs George Blanton of siient llie week visiting irlends and 4rs Charles Lathen and Mrs Earl Toledo returned home after spend­ relatives ur B e a t tie and B-enierton. im lth; reading. Margaret Cooke; ing several dav» with Mr S ta n to n s Mrs C T Imlay tu.d children. jlayet. Junior deportm ent of the playet, primary parents. Mr and Mrs C O Btan- Marguret. Charles and Kicli.'-rlne, Sunday school; t‘ >1) and Mrs George Imlay and her zoom of t i e grade school; play, Mr and Mra Henry Nelson are daughters. Helen. Jean and O en e._. "Stupid Witness. ' coached by Mrs. niovutg to Portland ltd» week. went to Nelscott and Depoe Bay G e o r g e Wilcox Th<*e taking part In t i e play were Roy T rie* . Oeorge Mr mid Mrs, J H Westcott »pent for the week-end. Memorial day at Buxton. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Snipes and , Milne and David Edmonson. MLss Gladys Frailer went to Port­ Mrs H L Arey left May 22 for friends from Portland went to an extended visit with friends nnd Netarts for tlie week-end. T h e y ’ land Friday to spend the summer vacation and Mis* Evelyn Reed will relatives in Falls City. Salem , D u f­ brought back some crab*. ur and Portland. Charles Imlay left Friday f o r , spend t i e vacation at her home In Corbett Miss Reed teaches t i e fifth Mr and Mrs H D. Wlllla will Walla Walla on business. leave Tuesday to spend a few daya Mr and Mrs Horry Hear and Mr. and sixth grades and Mis» Frailer at Estacada and Mrs Henry Hogg went to tile t i e first and second grades In the local school Mr l* R u e Brown was removed coast Sunday. Ruth and Sarah h v Davis had ♦ to the Hillsboro hospital Friday Mr and M ia H J. Churchley M arge Headrick and Esther P ea­ Mr and Mrs W W McDonald spent tlie week-end In Depo Bay. body as their gursts at a picnic were In Eugene Wednesday lunch Wednesday evening a t the A daughter was born to Mr. and Ir e la n d C o o k in g S c h o o l Jolui Rock home Mrs claren ce Gershberger May 14 Mr and Mrs C. K latt and ch il­ The buby has been nam ed Francine A ttra c ts C ro w d M o n d a y dren of Yam hill spent tlie week­ Marie Norge cooking school, conducted end at the W A Goodin home. Mtss Louise Kallsli. wlio gradu­ Mrs M. D. Mann and Mrs. M at- ated from nurses training at St ut tlie Lester Ireland Ar company V incents hospital last week. Is hardware store Monday under the tle Sm ith visited In Gervais. F ri­ spending u lew days with her par­ direction of Mias K atlierlne Slier, day Miss G ladys Brown, who was factory representative, a t t r a c t e d visiting there, returned home with ent». Mr and Mrs. John Kallsli. 11 C Llnebuugli, postal Inspector, good sized crowds for both t h e them. MLss Blanche Flnegan »a* ac­ spent Friday nt the Timber poet o f­ morning and afternoon sessions. Miss Hlxer. a home econom ics dem ­ companist and played the wedding fice. on .irator. showed tlie use of elec­ march at the wedding of Miss W ork C o m p le te d Work has been completed on the tric refrigerators hi "Cold Cook­ Alleen McOee to Rex Howell at Ben Hart rooming house which Is ing." giving recipes and explaining the M. E church In Hillsboro Fri­ day evening. located near Ills restaurant Tilts m ethods of using tlie refrigerator. Misses Mayme and Onleta Sus- building was formerly occupied by baucr are spending tlie week In "Well, Pst. do tlie twins make th e telephone office. Portland. Mr and Mrs W E. OUnmre, much noise?” Attendance Perfect "Faith, an they do that, but ye Mrs. Boyd Wright and two ch il­ Perfect attendance certificates tn can t hear thlm Each wan cries so dren. Betty Jean and Walter, drove Mrs Louise Cochrane's third a n d ' to Portland Monday. Mrs. Wright loud y e i can ’t hear the other.” Recdviile Couple Married Thursday Timber Man Breaks His Shoulder Blade l. G e r ­ ty Jo Osborne arid H elen Milne. Cannel was hostess. IJoyd Hhaw of D allas »pert the week-end here H il l s b o r o Y o u t h la iw n K e c lel S u n d a y m any M iss Meyer will leave for Germany about tlie middle o f June. Bhe Is tin daught. ■ of M r W ill and Mrs A H Meyer and was a Graduate at Linfield graduate of Hillsboro union (ugh school In 1832 Tl. , Ted Pfahl of Hillsboro will re­ ceive his bachelor of (science de- p r w n te d M. . Meyi .■ wi'r. . lovely 40-plt-re Ot Of gr