The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 31, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Page Four
IT ills b n n ^ A rg u s
W ith W h ic h la C o m bined th e llilla h o r o In depen dent
B ' | l4 v»r,' z\rg u a « » ta h 1S94
H illa b o ro In depen dent e*tab. 1878
M r K IN N K Y
M r K IN N K Y . Publiahera
P o bliahed T hu rad ay*.
E n te re d a* aoeond-elaaa m a tte r in the
p o a to ffio e a t H ills b o ro . O reg on
w . V E R N E M c K IN N E Y
E d ito r
E ir» t A u d ite d Paper. L a r u -
e»t A tu fite d W e e k ly C irc u la ­
tio n in O regon
M r« "b *r—O re r ò » S ta te E d i-
to r ia l A.KK.'fiatH'n and N a ­
tio n a l E d ito r ia l A a a u ria tL n
M RS. E. C. M c K IN N E Y
AsstX 'iate E d ito r
S u b s c rip tio n Ratea S tr ic t ly Cash in Advance
U . S O utaide O regon
Il J
F o re ig n C o untries
P e r year ...
S t* months
1 2 .0 0
T h e H ills b o r o A ru u a aaaumee no f in a n c ia l r w p o n e ib ility fo r
e rro r» p u b lish e d in its colum n s. bu t in chm * w h e r e t h i a p a p e r
1« a t f a u lt w i ll r e p r in t th a t p a r t o f an a d v e rt it en t in w h ic h
th e ty p o g ra p h ic a l m is ta k e occur».
Special Privilege
Service Change
Analysis o f
Hand Proves
In te re s tin g
H IL L S B O R O ,
Thursday, Muy 31. 1934
Effective this week the Argus is re­
suming the old publication time of T hurs­
day noon and deliveries will be the same
as before postal set"« ice w a s curtailed.
Changes have been m ade by the postal
departm ent which perm its the resum ption l
la Analysis of V»ur Hand May
of the old service.
Mean Many Hollars to Vou
In order that the Argus may more easily
Serial Mo \
1 You like or dislike, love
comply with hourly regulations o f t h e
sight. This tend­
graphic arts code, correspondents a r e ency may lead at you
Into wrong
asked to please continue sending in their friendships which may have a m a­
life. Your
letters at the same time. Advertising must
personality t< nrdenl bi nature you
also be in at the same time.
love loyalty and need to be loved
Item s of news are solicited from sub­ m return
No 5 You prefer ix-.u-c. but will
scribers and others, who are asked to stand
up lor your rights if the oc­
mail or telephone them to the Argus im­ casion demands it. You are apt io
up toil impulsively and re ­
m ediately a lte r they occur. That is. if you
it afterw ard' Your type should
have a wedding, a death, an accident, vis­ gret
capital!,le on your personality as
itors, build a house or put on a program , you will make friends by the score
Serial No. Il
notify the Argus the day it happens or not
7 Your type is not obstinate
later than the next day as the wheels but No. you
will sometimes let yourself
must be kept turning every day in order Ik' imposed upon. You show u n ­
for coping with a d ­
to get out the paper.
verse circa instances.
The publishers are endeavoring to give
No. 5- You are mentally alert, a
mixer, quick witted and agree
you the best paper th a t is within then good
able, and your genial m anner and
pow er to do and they will appreciate the understanding endear you to
help and suggestions of subscribers and
advertisers. A dvertisers are a big force
in m aintaining and sending this county
new spaper to you regularly and they de-
pationage. A igus nuxeitiseis
tiim s that anyone u u i patronize with
<... i .......
McCabe, both of Compilila route 2.
May 22.
W alter II Tides and H elm M.
Bed. both of Yamhill, May 24
Humphrey Parry of North Piativi
and Flossie Berry of Portland. May
William E ilaani Rhinelander and
I'aiolvn Jean Bond, both ol i'oreat
Grove. Mav 28
Frank A Miller of lllllkhoro und
Laura Marie Coupe of Forcai Grove,
May 28
{. I inulina's Ail rice
Il fix
Tim nV«
lo Ih » i»r»l«t»n» uud»M “ f !»*•
¿rwii liH .lh .r . J
VS.illn» Hl \ irth li» iH p l« u
U ngalo. N
I m a trlu«i4'h«nl »»»»<
b I. ih k I i
The I m - j O ho nl w lil. ll
gi•ii>ltn«,ilip f H'« ' inni) ih I k I anil
w lih ’h ho
now g h i t > it x lll lo r hl« rm s i n la U ir
l ì i NlliHMil, I n o i l Oil • fM iiio iia nt<>nta> h •!> » -
r U l l i l ■ lrl|U«< a r llo n |.i«i».
I I I pur
LMMIU I« I o lO’llI l *11*1' < »>«••»< m i l « o o l h » Mini
I ip a I H ip I ii B « iiu i | ab mm h lin in g am i «»«a»
P iin
4 ln ’ .ith M na» IPiiPt« p ra isin g Iho
I'd g a TioaiH H 'iit In»»« I ibpii rp« i'l»p«l flou»
»11*11111« of al> uw Il ill* er«, ai l.I ar.niai-h. In
• lig i a iii.n. h p a rttn irn . g«» pain« lo b lung am i
.•llu< «ymptoni« o i «•*.. »» a< b illy
U r lio
I dg». H u ili' «'S Foul Mi-tiulaa« lililg . Hl I ’a iiL
M inn fo r « frow «am alo
Tl»o ? »lay t i l » l
lm» o i I I*;« T ahlola I» ««»Id on • im .nojr-
ba»*k g laia.dvp <>r sa tis fa c tio n by
Ï .
I <laa
Ogden L. Mills, secretary of the tre a s­
ury during a part of the Hoover adm in­
I I . !!«<>.,,>
istration. and Bainbridge Colby, secre­
tary of state under the late President \\ ¡1-
son. assail the new deal and decry regi­
m entation and bureaucracy. These effete
New Yorkers, accustom ed to sitting in th
lap of luxury, don’t seem to tak e into ac
count the desires and feelings of the aver-
age Am erican, who in most cases, hopes
w ith all his heart for the success of the
Stationery Value
recovery policies. It seems particularly un­
fittin g "for a cabinet m em ber of the
adm inistration to do any com plaining .
Leading figures in the annual graduation exercises at O regon Slate College. Sunday and Monday. June 3 ami 4,
cause of recovery and when such great
and the scene of part of the ceremonies. Above, from left. l)r. H erm an Frank Swartz. Berkeley, commence­
m ent speaker; Bishop Titus Lowe. Portland, to preach baccalaureate setnion Sunday; Chancellor W. J.
strides have been m ade under Roosevelt.
K err, who will take part in his 27th O.S.C. com m encem ent; President George W. Peavy, to preside
Not Running Away
These gentlem en fail to take into consid­
over the exercises for the first time. Below, part o f last year's academic procession passing the Memorial
eration the possible results of continuation
T hat prices are not running away from
Union building to the assembly halt
under the policies th at resulted in the wages is shown in a nation-wide survey
g reat depression.
O R F G O N S T A T E C O L L EG E , its reunion together with a dozen C lum ber of Commerce »»
ju st released by the Standard Statistics
Corvallis.—Invitations are out for or more other classes to have spe- Members of ihr ■ tate board of high-
Co., the purpose of which was to "ascer­
___ ____
friend and stranger alike
Read- the 6Sth annual comm encement ex- cial gatherings. Sunday there will er education and o l l i e i late oftioals
tain w hether the net purchasing power of mesa
to believe Uie best of others, ercises here at which lime 400 dr- be the usual baccalaureate services will he guests of liunur
Voters Chose Wisely
.on Krees "'il'1 be conferred, 51 of which in which all Corv.i’h , churches will
This will Le the fust . uiiiuienrr
50 luH'ii-fiiHHh shi'ct.s on an
by his higher rem uneration," with special life, make you universally popular will be advanced degrees of m asters join and at which Bishop T itus m i nt Io he p -e led , te r by I'resi- viisy writing pud. 21 vnvel-
The voters of Oregon chose wisely in consideration for the result of the recent
No. lo -Y o 'tiT ’ioie of th e finer of arts or m asters of science. The I owe of Portland, head of the M. th- dent George W. Peavy, recently ap- opvs to mutch in u conven­
the selection of th eir candidates. General wave of wage increases.
things of life is well developed tentative list of those to receive o d i t Episcopal church in this area, pointed head of the , »Urge lie has ient pocket.
Charles M artin for the dem ocrats and
Joe Dunne for the republicans. Dunne
garnered a lot of votes here because of
Limited (juuntity ul
his work fo r the milk control bill. M artin
___ ____ ______ ______
this low price.
is a particularly strong candidate and as thus fa r (to April 19. 1934), he has had
No. 4—
You enjoy the type of ver Jubilee class of 190Q w ll hold ligion a n d p r e s i d e n t o f th e B e r k e l e y
governor of Oregon would be a credit to to bear an insignificant p art of the high- muslc ‘J?31 u a
blRher; ,th,‘ *
Marriage IJcrnarw
the state. He has thoroughly exhibited his er cost burden. Food prices, where largest
Y oT ^nv-ve^r^ie'or hv Fire Department
Kay H Rlctiarctawi of W enat­
courage in congress and. if elected. Ore- gains in prices already have occurred, ac- considerate of the feelings of oth-
chee. Wash . and Stella lxxinr Herr
gon can look for a w orthw hile and com- count f or only 30 per’ cent of average ex- erS-
serial No d
Answers Two Calls Additional Scrip
Forest Grove. May 22.
petent adm inistration.
penses; the increase in clothing prices ef- ! No. 3— a . tendency to . impatience
is Redeemable of Fred
Pile of blazing clothes on the
A Ooetze Edith May
fects 1 2 per cent.”
Twenty more number» of
More than 50 per cent of the w orker's K X & Z ' M S f t tr£ ‘d£ 3
W ashington county scrip will
be redeemed In eivUi at the
Others may not be so ’* ell endowed dav evening at 9 o’clock Cause of
scrip office In t h e Well»
What Now?
Hillsboro fisherm en Headquarters
shelter, fuel, insurance, medical care, car
“ re‘s ^ c e L K u h Vhem thL hre U u"kn°*»
building This brings the num ­
Now th a t the sales tax has been voted fare, and other miscellany in which costs than impatience.
vented1* pM^bie’icrtmw’firrsun-
Scrip office will be open
Hportlng Gouda
down w hat do the opponents offer in the are relatively fixed or price increases are , n o i —You are » lover of action. lav aXtcrQoon When tin- carburetor
for the transaction of busi­
Compir te I.Ine I'lshlng Tackle
way of relief for property taxes, which "slow to p en etrate." Many of the price , u°“ c a ^ u T T g r m d out k“ ™ «
ness in connection with coun­
1152 Second SI.
ty scrip front !• a in to 12
cannot continue to carry such unbearable advance burdens already had been as- <¡*0 »orx cheerfully, and arc >«'- Gee had just started to drive away
,n S a ta lJ a >'s w the future,
loads. The tax league a few short years sumed prior to the wage changes, so th at
tlie blaze was discovered A fire cx-
endeavored to have the exemptions on in- the wage earner felt the benefit in an quarters.
An inferiority complex may be anKUlsher pul oul Ult. bl;vze before
;u . dama^ waa dl)UC other th an >»uv app.; ,r quite normal between
come tax cut down to include more peo- im m ediate increase in purchasing power,
you an inferiority complex? W atch a /vw burned wires
attack;. Ih cre may be three or
pie, but the people turned this down de-
These considerations lead to the con- for your serial number.
__________ ;______
lour attacks a day or they may
occur as frequently as every half
cisively. W h at now?
elusion as expressed in the survey th a t the 4*-------
__________ __
“expanding em ploym ent and increases in
* Commander Gates
During the third stage or period 1
industrial wages are building up a firm
We Sell for Cash Only!
H o e o e r . i i e c l D n c t 1,r 9eeluic the paroxysm become
n o n o r O l l i SI t OSl
. frequent and le ...
vere and
M n rp P ro ip rfq H p rp
background of increased buying power
We Buy in Car l.ols!
< »u
a „4.. ~ thv coughing gradually ceases
IVI Oft? T i O j e c t S r i e i e
for m oderate and sustained recovery.”
Criticism of the treatm ent given
pneum onia and convulsions most
D ISTRICT MEET EKIDAY vet. rans under the new deal was fr^ u .in tiy '“ u ecu ? u m u u 'g '" ‘e hlldr.'u'i
We m anufacture Imperial Brand Feeds in our
SERA has cited the need for more
Labor disturbances, alw ays prevalent
W ashington county Artisans will
’I.? ..,,1 '.'ii. .. IV
* ll‘1 liri' •suffering Irom m alnutrl-
own modern plant.
projects to keep men employed and tak e *n the tedious restoration of norma! trade
them off the relief rolls. O thers th a t m ight conditions, the sur\'“v
«« g i
We sell our Feed direct to the consum er—
and should be presented here include im- tinue to be more
You save the dealer profit.
provem ent of Shute park and the build- ° f recovery from
uruKrail, uailL.1I1K , I1O
ing of a swimming pool, which m any per- s,l on- “ But- it concludes,” the fact th a t freshm enu wm follow the mectiiig. t nri nm^ ™ X n trheJ e^ ..? s ifc h ^ m unlrable disease and the young
Trade with Imperial — Pay Cash and Save!
ptxirly nourished should tx- j
sons have w anted here for years. Several these are occurring in a basic rising cycle 1 Junior Artisans oi W ashington d(.c!ared tiiat it w a s 'u m e for the and
protected In every wav from com ­
o ther cities have such projects on th e ir of business is generally of bullish signifi- , S c a t Jantzen b cach rsundaya June veterans to assert themselves.
ing In contact with tills Infection.
SERA list, why not Hillsboro?
cance to industry. — Ex.
3. The school bus will leave Forest
Com m ander G ates praised the
What Other Editors Say
A man in a m etropolitan new spaper
decries the “ new d e a l” and calls it a “raw
deal" and says the
. m a n ” b he
who has laid by for his old age. Sounds
fine in view of the fact th a t millions had
nothing and were starving. W here would
the -nest-egg have been now if things had
continued as they were a y ear ago.
Pete Zim m erm an, who served as jo in t
senator from Yam hill, Tillam ook a n d
^Washington counties until the legislature
changed the jo in t district, will be an in­
dependent candidate for governor. He
ap p arently received the “call” as have
o thers in our m ad politici scram ble in th is
state. W ith good candidates on b o t h
tic k e ts Mr. and Mrs. A verage V oter should
know how to act and keep the senator a t
his pre.sent duties.
Political partisanship is ju st about as
m uch in order today as it was back in
the troublous days of 1918, but some peo­
ple are so bitterly partisan th a t p arty
seem s to come above everything else. Some
republicans and some dem ocrats are so
partisan th a t they create the impression
th a t if the Lord himself were heading
the adm inistration on the opposite tick et
nothing could be right.
A sense of balance is neefled in the e
conduct of our affairs and on the p a rt of
n iv ic (rrn tin q A review of the tax leairue
CIVIC groups. A review oi ine t a x l e a g u e
m eeting Monday night w o u ld indicate lilat
these men have their feet on the ground
and are shooting square.
w as no
valley and
value of a trip east is, if for nothing else,
the increased reg ard for one’s own home
The hospitality of the Missouri people
is such th a t anyone entering their borders
for a ntional convention can t help but
enjoy them selves every m inute. They are
fine people and they have a splendid state
“ Conventions m ean little to President
Roosevelt,” w rites John W. Kelly in his
O regonian column from W ashington “ He
w ants results. And isn t th a t as I t snouia
be from our leader,
Millers of ({nalily Freds
Noutb Nceond
A Broader View
! Grove stage depot at 8:30 a. m and
Scout movement and said the
I’hone 01
-------------------------Hillsboro stage depot a t nine o'clock future of the country depends on
EUGENE Five farmer» of weat-
i Sunday morning.
I L,lese ho*8
No one opposed w ar more than ! crn Lane county have started dem-
i i n v . i wwir-iinxsme
through It ullStlntloil plots III CCX)|), raUon with
ito i.A L N EliilliiO K .s
but unpreparednea; means County A a n t G S Eletcher to
There Is a greater scope to th e NRA movement
compare Schoulinun oats With other
and It has a wider and move vital influence th an
Mrs- °
Cosiett Jr. and other rtex Jones, scoutmaster, said the varletites commonly grown on farm s
— . legion troop now rated
100 per hi this seetlon. C ertified seed was
we had ever thought. This was our feeling after : Ruyal Neighbors having birthdays
obtained from R. A. Jo h n so n of
« « « J « » • "»"«
•>, ,
" f _____________
t - L. P.uer™ . . ho Introduced route 2. Eugene. Farm ers making
It s not a c a s e o n lv of n u ttin ir m o r e r w . n l . h » e k 1 Tuesday, May 15. Those pre.sent Commander Gates, said he wax one the trials are H J Mens, and M a r -
»O work
1 n e e ^ c r ? »« g L
O.Coslett, A. But- of the must outstanding American
Un B roth., , A,la. E D. Herring.
k?T,'io rT’ vltaI*y necessary as is th a t angle of the terworth, J. Johansen, F. L. Hewitt, citizens th at it was possible to C ushm an; A 11 Henson. Florencr .
NRA. I t is an
infinitely greater thing th an tiding | j r . Peppard. H. Young, H. A. im agine
- and
- J ------
Peter S. R;ce, Mapleton. Siliool-
sarerp.'.r' V It
Tt n o lle
zaw o r o o t / . e
i-iu w
fp v n r . ,
r e—
over OTA
an r-m
calls Z for
greater v vision
an Wahner. J. i Nicodemus. A W.
1 m an outs are rust resistant, and
F or
even these. I t is th e beginning of a new order of mor. Wayne Bryson, Dave Ediger.
done well In rust nurserKs
G rade
living, a drastic change in the old haphazard m eth ­ J. Sorensen, T. Thomasson, P. A.
maintained In western L.uie by
____ J _______
___. L. A
... Wahner,
Whooping cough is a disease of County Agent Fletcher
E. Johnson.
ods of doing business. It means a well ordered, Qualls,
. . . '
scientifically conducted, economic order where legiti­ R. B. Frost M ane Workman J lh(> KPrlne and summer months. It .
a real problem In households
m ate business effort will be protected and in which Pearl Maier Mrs Qualls made hi-h wllere
there are a -lumber of very
ROSEBURG G rim and C anaal-
the chiseller and other destructive elements will be score a t "500' which was played voung chlldrer. Statistics show th a t an variegated alfalfas and stem -rut
literally kicked Into oblivion. It Is aimed to elimi­ during the afternoon
eases term inating fatally are great- resistant sweet ( lover made the Ixsst
n ate th e fear, th e uncertainty . of
a livelihood, __ for ,
__ ___________
_____ '
er am ong females th an among showing In the legume nurseries on
both the business man and the wage earner. It Is EVA OAKES PYTHIAN SISTERS males The younger the child when the Shambrook and Anderson farm s,
a new and finer system, with co-operation Instead
CHOICE FOR CANDIDATE attacked by whooping cough the according to J. Roland Parker, cuim-
of competition; with selfishness and greed dethroned
Miss Eva Oakes, daughter of Mr. « "'atcr the cause for alarm for Its D agent, who held h.rage irons
and with hum anity and charity and unselfish ef-
and Mrs. Lee Oakes, aad Btenog- ¡’ecovery. Babies, therefore should meet Hitts a t both pla.ea recently,
fo rt the dominating principles The day is past said rapher ini the county clerk's office, Je safeguarded and kept away from Lespedezas, the much advertised
M r
C re e l
when anv m an
a« „
n iTuZ.
was selected bv Phoen ciw
T o m n l e P* tsons known to have been ex- |xxir-land perennial legume, made
dead; he m ust consider his neighbor's business and
' a very mild disease, it u quite ncc- the meetings a t the exceptional
business as a whole.
The annual nut lurk dinner and c-ssary to the welfare o f young, growth made bv stem rot resistant
-S I familv
Hillsboru Past children tiia t they have com petent -sweet elover which had been drlll-
With this vivid picture sketched by Mr. Creel's
family nartv
party ol the Hillsboro
Inspiring im agination still before us. the NRA takes Noble G rands' club has been post- medlcal
Older children may >‘d In rows with limestone on up- B.
on the dignity and the majesty of a great forward ponc-d un 11 Sunday, June 10, It ¡PiPJS’
th e stonn "I MM acid aoua.
movement to make hum an life—the life of all ho- will be held a t the home of Miss *
but *5 is. a Bfcat- |
m w is-sa fe r. more livable, finer, more happy— Pacific Lucy H um phreys in Portland.
; In d me “ cal »khl
P rin ter and Publisher.
¿¿UKh t that
Brim To M r- anil Mrs A u
! Past Noble G rands’ club will meet a v e rte d ” 1 c ^ ‘Plications may be j,run (>f near Oregon Clly May 17
______________ _
I Wednesday evening a t the I. O. O.
The dangerous m alady is sp re a d . ‘ b tn c h —To Mr. aud Mrs V. H.
F. parlors. Ail members are especl-
1 ally requested to attend.
through contact with the secre- Lynch, ol route 1 Hillsboro, May
tlons of t.lie nose and m outh, which , 28, a girl
may come from sneezing, 'die use 1
C ertain great m anufacturing concerns are stren ­
of contam inated handkerchiefs, toys, rj.
r « .
uously opposed to "government interlerence in private
0 0 L a ic
business," as they put It. They w ant th e government
AtFVxr.s.rxU 4t «
: j
» ,
W A N T L I ) hx|>«*rien<**«1 R irl fo r tf«-nerul
to step out and allow them to run industry to suit
Although th« period of incuha-
h„,iHework. Phon- 2571. »¡.11
O l.UGONSTA'IE COLLEGE, C o r-, U'.n : eem.s to vary in »hooping u u N i l In.-.,,. ,,k
|.u, .<•
: A r-
themselves. If our industrial czars were sane and
honest enough to conduct their business affairs on V9.UL;. May 3! Harold Jos< ph Fine- i 1'"JUgn. fourteen da.vs ha« been an
a basis of fairness to both m anufacturer and con­ gan. son of Joe Mnegan of C o r-1 a<'< p u d average. More r e c e n t ; Kilt s a i . i . - tr.-a ...w«, hair il„i t.-
»uUu r .. < imn . ..wt, itn <a, h
sum er there would be no necessity for th e govern- neiius. Is one of 39 wniors who w ill! studies reveal an Interval ranging I
graduated from the school of from seven tjo 14 days. All finding»
Ersnk Rin.k. iixi.ii-
m ent to step in and enforce regulatory action. B ut be
W ork ,»n fa rm by I
a t O S. C . a t the from clinical, laboratory and epl-
they are not. The one great object with them is to agriculture
hoy , e x p e rie n ru ii « t r u ilk in y ro w , p tr.
n r n ^ if p p r o f t h o
. lxty-fifth
ix ty - iu iii
a annual
c commencement
u m in e n c e m e n v demiologlcal n
i v . m h u l i u i x s j Indicate
h o n ir in nrpfi-rpiH»- o f h ii(h w agfu.
**pel? e of the, consumer, and this here Ju n e 4. when 366 students Will th a t the period of in.'ectlvi
?tlvlty In
7175 8. W.
D rive , l*ort|ftn< l.
° “ 2 1.De none by charging abnorm al prices which .receive bachelors or masters de- whooping cough, while variab
able, Is
si rn w h u i r iin ,
1 'X,r.
Y oh
the public can ill afford to pay
grees. G. W. Peavy, newly ap-.not, so extended as was for merly N E p W
ic k .
Government knows this, and Is endeavoring to pointed
al stagi —the
M oun t ttin d u l
, _____ president,
_________ will
__ take
___ ch
___ arg e, suign <d The catarrh
I ‘ hona
N o rth
P la in »
2 1 E21.
f*nd a solution th a t will be fair and ju st to all parties of the evt n t this year for the fir t period preceding die sharar.tcristlc
He has Invited Chancellor W. '•’■hoop which makes the clinical (,'Y * T J . y r in d e r fo r sulo. Mr
rned- i 10 such actlon can ** expected from ln- J time.
T o m p k in s , I.o45 N in t h Ht
K err, who has handed out "sheep- hagnosls possible—Is the most ln-
dustry as long as government allows the czars a
skins” to the las'. 26 graduating fcetloiii after which the rontagion
free hand
Just Plain Greed
Harold Finegan
O. S. C. Graduate
lal.-o taken an active part in stu ­
dent life on the campus, especially
I in the dairy and agricultural clubs,
and T heta Kappa Nu social fra ­
ternity, of which he was president
one year. He has also shown con-
; slderabie interest I n journalistic
work, being
being a a member
member c ol the staff
i oi lhe Da“ v Barometer.
U H‘
I,r S l
65 to 80-acre B
dairy farm .
1314 Main Street
All come w ithout w arn-
from all these r i s k s
costs only a few cents
a day.
Insure with
W. G • I D E
Pitone 811
her. by r iv e n
1 h a t 1 ho im . k r
4' o r b . .1 ;t;c;e are Imllar to tin-
■-i. ,, i .. ,i,„- ..r u„ i .„i, ,,r
ordinary .•old, with an a tten d an t i . i .«,, i , . . | i Mnurxr, .i-v.-n-.••i, in... t,i,-.i
COUgh. During this stage there Is ,l"
I..','.lin t. In tl.n C o u n ty C o u rt
th»‘ Hint«*
4 ' " llretfun, for
W tuhington
seldom fever; the duration is from C f ' o u ““
“ mih ' I >
M o m ln y , th e 2nd day
cine to two weeks, but It may be as <»f J u ly . I9.T4, t h n a t t (he
h o u r o f 10 «/rlo e k
In spite of the disparity between th e smallest
and the largest of American newspapers, the puo-
lishcr of the small country weekly need not be
, in th e fo re n ixm «»f »aid «lay and th e c o u rt
by the has
size a of D iace
his in
rival. The
of whooping arrives. If the trouble
. „ i . i , „ „ r i
]0Caj newspaper
t h » l i i / n f I ts «im
Cy «"i«l <e n rt x , th e lim e s n .l |,li..... for
mUnity which the great? c ta S i£
n o t usurp if t h i
WOrSe in .s tc n c l <
>1 bi tter ILS in an I
b e a rin g o f o b je ctio n « th e re to a m i Hie
ordinary cold The spasmodic or
ih c r u . c
local publisher u alive to his opportunities and p i c ,
,r'M .
,""1 M"» :l1- l', !'
makes the most of them.
eak stra w b e rry Canning
th e e r r ,w in ,,
P " " ' " r 1,1 •' li ii li ll . nl i, „ i J in ,,. t’ M, I',:’. !
h .x a series of roughs. Usually
“ I ? 1 ? n flS
J O f l N I t A I I I I I . I . , , , ........r e f
. . . | I, m u
Now, as always, th e hometown newspaper is th e j
Passed a t Local Cannery in
best and cleanest exponent of constructive Journal- | Peak of th e straw berry canning arc 10 t0 20 short coughs in which
Ism. Ex.
season is practically passed a t the j
child becomes qiilte breathless
I Ray-Mallng cannery and this week- , ° P 'V «° he relieved by ttie term ln-
end will probably see the end of atln R whoop The expulsion of inu­
crop, according to cannery of- ; r:o,,s or vomiting very commonly
l.lcenscd Embalmers nnrl
No doubt most nt us would vote It a pleasing tile
flclals. The cannery will continue ends the attack of coughing. Dur-
address if it was delivered in ten m
inutes, to but think
the handllng peas, black and red ra s p -1 lnK the attack the face becomes
berries. Payroll during the p a s t, llvl<I a n d the eyes and veins stand
the audience is enjoying It as much as the speaker, week Included approximately 350 !out from congestion. Except for Phone 953
wiuch, of course, is n o t true.—Ex.
| weakness and emaciation the child
Donelson ÖC Sewell
Ililhhoro, Oregon
For Perfect Compression—
the power you need
fur satisfactory driving
gnixl piston rings are In­
dispensable. T he kind wo
offer and recommend are
made w i t h mlerom eter-
llke precision. In fact, nil
of our standard auto parts
for every make of ixipulnr
car are designed to give
the utm ost 111 value. Cull
and let us know YOUR
to Classify
r u i. s r r l
Fires, Accidents, And
Second and Baseline Streets
Phone 591
Is primarily dependent on the
use of feeds tiia t combine the
elem ents of nutrition In correct­
ly-balanced proporl Ions. O u r
feeds for rattle and poultry are
selected with (ills thought In
mind and are offered with our
unqualified endorsement. Every
wanted variety is Included In
our large stock.
»ggPVILtl ,