THE P are Two Showman Grange Will Meet Kinton Hall June 6th H IL L S B O R O Tigard Backs Plan Cut Out Loss Leaders ARG U S. H IL L S B O R O . ' contributed most of the program with instrum ental and vocal solos i and orations. Vera Hicks spoke on Vision of llie Future," David Gault. Our Attitude" and Edith Vershuui, "Graduation." Recital Friday Miss Fiances Nash, teacher of piano and dramatics, will present a number ot pupils in recital Friday evening in the auditorium ot T i­ gard Methodist church at 8 o'clock, those taking pari are Betty Niva. Peggy Plait. Joyce Johnston. P a t­ ty l'avis. 1‘attv Anderson. C onine Rickert Marjorie and Otto Ualough. H’/iy u O R EGON Thursday, May 31, 1934 Community Newspaper? Contest ¿Sponsored by A train VunKoevcrlng of Zeeland. Mich. lb Win KlehnnLson, Metileni Detachment, Camp ( ’usier. Michigan (Third Place» tlonal church Bunday under auspices \ i: uid w R O B G l.iedy ot Tigardville again »¡enol m aster of .state grange nt Goivallt-. Goiiuty delegates a ir Mr and Mi s A r th u r It I lint of B« holls. Mr and Mrs .1 ( ’ Schulmei Icli of Hanks and Mi and Mis W H lloyd of Ih'averton I .co Bchwander. G 1» Kssner. ’I’ \ rowlc.s. 1-H‘d Bh iner and John are visiting their uncle, Jamei* p en ­ man. for three week«. Mr and M rs Ja c k J o h n s to n (eft Bal ill das afteriUMill (o r T h e D alle« to pick cheiTtr . Mis ’i’heresa Stowell ('Dieresa lloo.-o o| Portland, formerly of thLs community, I um daughter Jain*, and M r ZeU.ler of Rsd« i wood. W o«h, visit,xi Mi and Mi . W R H ud­ son Bunday evening Mr an. I Mis Virgil lllinu and dauglitei Dona ot Gaston. Mr and Mrs Charles Ol .on of o u hardale v isited Mr and Mrs o tto Tim - iiierinaii and Mrs Ixuiu Kidder Bunday I'eliel of M o u n la ln d a le ttie ui (teles TIGARD Tigard gran .e favors KINTON—K inton G range will Just a few words on behalf of that taken -for-granted In­ of in e o tp o ia iio n lo r E a s t D ally the prohibition of farm products as meet next Wednesday evening at stitution. the weekly newspaper, the community's mouthpiece, Union church. loss leaders by grocers and m er­ 8 o'clock Home Economic Comm it­ tin* reconciling medium of Its opinions, the coat-of-unnx of Its May graduate * of»or<> g ra d e chants in a resolution passed at tee will have charge of the pro­ respectability. and It there breathes a man so soulless that he school a r e«* W illi law. Id a E the last grange meeting. Because gram with Mrs. May Snider as has not held prldefully aloft hks community's newspupet. .Stewart, l<(idv Grau:. Jeanette Ku- other products are banned under chairm an All grangers are welcome boasted of its solid citizens, regretted its short-com ings and l“w. Arthui Gtiininln Iorcna ( ’. N’RA. m erchants are turning to to attend and the lecture hour is determined to elim inate them, to him. If indeed he exists, Eiun hs. Minnie Abbott. Elizabeth T farm products, it was brought out open to all T h e U n ited B t a t e . M arin e <’or|»s 1 »avis this otherwise unnecessary justification us addivssed. The state typing champions. Amo Many of the m others and others Ericda Zahler, 3. daughter of desires young men for enlistm ent K atherine Montes. Elsie D. Rup- interested in the school were pres­ to fill Vacancies which will occur ¿Sir. you have been heard to talk openly and often about \hruhain Zahler died ¿Saturday ot precht, D o n Raining and Betty e n t at the closing last Monday tlie months ,q June. July, the National Industrial Recovery Act; you seem to know it I burns r<‘eei\('d while playing with (fining lcedy of Tigard high school along with a picnic a t the school house and August |< i ; h a bonfire. by heart; you are well acquainted by your own word with the with their instructor. Mrs. Herbert A basket dinner was served at noon. G randm a Mary Ramsay W« hh I. Ehvert, were guests at the grange various Codes; and you ap|>ear to be perfectly satisfied with Miss M ableanna Oembella. who I who erlcbruted her 11711» birthday. dinner. Edward Schulmerlch. suc­ spent a few davs last week with her your own opinions on affairs of slate; but Can you name the May 20. entertained 37 ol her triends cessful Republican candidate tor aunt. Mrs Floyd Williams of candidates tor your city commission? Do you know their qual­ ( jo o p ain timó at dinner. state senate, appeared before grange Clakam as returned to the home of ifications? Are you satisfied with the present regime? It not. members and told of the legislation her grandparents. Mr and Mrs Fifteen ears Ago ALOHA The Civic Emergency W EATHER ? what do you Intend to do about it? You want a change, do he accomplished in previous ses­ Federation met May 23 at the H u­ Harry A Richards. Friday even.1.2. Argus. Mas 22. lino Eftorts made you? Pray, do you propose to play tle-tae-toe with your ballot sions. A short program was pre­ ber hall, l'here are now seven locals Mr and Mrs. W arren Wilson W dy MAN - to .secure In i ter road to Bald Peak or trust to your guardian angel to "X M It in the light places sented b> the lecturer. Mrs Daisy m W ashington county. Beaverton spent last Tuesday with Mrs Wil­ W ork ta rt., o n new W ell b u ild ­ beside the names of the best qualified candidates? Here. sir. Smith. son's sister. Mrs. Roberta G rau t of Local meets second, third and ing T h is will give Hillsboro a solid is the latest edition of your community newspaper. Read it. Dcwev Talent has been awarded fourth Wednesdays at Huber hall Portland who is quite ill. brick (rout on a 400-(<»o( hlmk Here are the statem ents of the ottlee-seekers and office-hold­ Mrs. Mabie Ixaehm au and son John Tucker, first baseman o n the Eagle merit badge of Bov Scouts Hillsboro meets first, second, third G G. Erick sells Palm eonteetlon- House of David team, which plays and is ttie first eagle award to be Clyde of Portland visited Mrs. ers them sehes Here, unbiased and uncolored, are their various fourth Fridays, place to be erv to Mr. Teague Hillsboro ' Bears'' here July 16. made in this district. O ther awards and L earhm an's mother. Mrs Louise pro,rains for the welfare of your city. Do you still ask. Why named later: Forest Grove, first, He is said to be the greatest made at the Tigard council Boy second. third and fourth S a tu r­ Haskell C’arpG iter sawmill a t VanKleek. during th e past week. a community new spaper?” showman in baseball and guar­ Scouts were five-year service plus days at t!ie Forest Grove Athletic Gherry Grove running lull tune Mr and Mrs. Earl C. Bell spent witli crew ot 7:». antees a laugh every minute to Clem Blakney. Tigard scoutm ast­ club. Durham, each Thursday at Sunday in Portland as guests of In your selfish Introversion you may have obeyed the Births To Mr. and Mrs Howard Mrs. Bell s parents. Mr. and Mrs. the Kinton calf club, whose lead­ er; Carl Hawks, scout master of the school house: Sherwood, cacli philosophical exhortation to know thy-seli/’ but how well do Erank Mas 18. a girl To Mr and Maplewood, hundred per cent uni­ Friday at the Legion hall, and T i­ R A. Williams. T heir son Paul re­ you know your neighbors? T’hosc new-comers across the way is Leland Flint. Mrs Plulip Hergert of Blooming. form troop, and to M Paul of gard. each Thursday at the T h u rs­ turned home with them after m ak­ er Mr. do you know them yet? IX» you know that the town's oldest and Mrs. S J. G Young of Mas 12. a boy ing his grandparents a short visit. Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sherwood for having a seventv-five day. June 7. at the school. J. F. resident celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday last week? And. Eorrest England aectdentallv shot J. T VanHorn went to California Tabor and children. Marjorie and per cent ratin g for file past year Murphy, lleavertun route 1 is coun­ by the way. have you seen the blessed event which visited Mrs. himself in the arm with a .22 rifle May 22 to visit in different parts Earl, of K lam ath Hills visited Mr. H o m e V isit P la n n e d ty organizer. W ed n esd ay . Jones Puesday? Or did you know about it all? Perhaps you of th e state. Most of the locals were repre­ A visitation to the Odd Fellows' and Mrs Robert Pomeroy Sunday Bam Johnson of Shady Brook buys did not know that Mr. Brown has retired as president ot the Mr. and Mrs. Blagg of Portland J. J. VanKleek had a load of home in Portland is being plan­ sented at the meeting and a W ash­ McAlcar rcstd< nee m North Hills National bank. And are you aware of the fact that the Rev. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hall lumber ned by local members and Rebekahs ington county centra! organization arrive the last of the week bor ixiro \ \ X. A Mr. Daley has accepted the pastorate of the C entral church May 22. some extensive re­ under the leadership of Marvin was formed with I,. O Webb of \ * ■ 'i i \ \ • Rev W. E. Simpson will preach and will make nth m G rand Rapids? Sir. is this really your town? IX» you really side of his barn. Gaarde. chairm an of the visita- Forest Grove as chairm an and Mrs \ \ \ \ I "X his last sermon for th is conference pairs to the J. F Murphy secretary-treasurer live here? Then get acquainted with your neighbors; read ‘ j i . committee. The little "Tom <’l II!' J W Volk (if Reclinile ’ , \ -, \S»«. E. L < >x Honored year Sunday All members of the A delegate from each local will about them; and by all means go and visit them personally lx» Thum b" wedding th at was given ol Mrs Will Balilra ol Hurl »k NP \ V Mr. and Mt - L I Cox en ter­ churches in this district are hop­ ui the local hall recently, will be act as temporary board of action. you still ponder the necessity of your neighbor, the community land, Mr* A B Flint ol Scholls, L ‘ \ ____________________ tained a few friend 'h eir home ing Rev. Simpson will be returned An old time dance will be given newspaper? Ml". I'nin lliiklii s cf ReedVlUe mid Saturday evening in or of Mr. re-enacted Sunday to residents of S a tu rd ay n ig h t at th e Huber liall to th is field for another year. the home. Members and friends I Jix'l mid John York. William Knittle. 77, who lived in Cox's birthday Music was enjoyed of the lodges of Tigard. Scholls. to help defray expenses. It has ever been your custom to view with apathy the John M R iiin of HIILsboro mid Mr. and Mrs Rene Meltebeke th is community for some time on Newberg. Sherwood. Wilsonville and things which are detrim ental to your city's welfare and reputa­ and family of Hil'- cro visited Mrs. ML« Mary M Overroeder of E l- th e place now owned by Charles Jeanne Sivard, Betty 'Buchanan. T ualatin will meet Friday evening tion. because it appears to have no bearing on your own. But tnonli'a married lu re Tuesday Kulbel. died at the home of his Metebeke's mother. Mrs. Lovina m the T ualatin high school audi­ Pearl Dudley. Dorothy Finnell. Jes­ do you know there were thirteen automobiles stolen last month? More than 400 attended slate sister in Greenburg May 23, where Wedeking. Sunday. sica Kinsey. Catherine and Doro­ torium for the "Double S ix ' m eet­ uranne session lu re tills week Josephine H attrem of W ashou­ Do you realise there was a property damage of nearly $7.000 he has made his home since mov­ NarwCr«' Delegates to Rebekah assem­ thy Markovitch. John Mitzel. Ros­ William Gray returns lu lus home resulting from tires? G et acquainted with H um * facts, lor ing from here. His wife died a gal. Wash., visited Mr and Mrs. ing. alie Reed. Willie Jean Riley, Joyce bly and G rand Lodge convention here a lte r active service In France J. J. VanKleek Saturday. On her num ber of years ago. assuredly they do affect you. Can you think of no way to Simonton mid Eva Wolf were g rad ­ last week, arrived Cost* I * * * por yard "O h D ick ." p re se n ttx l In H llh l K inton Ladies Aid will meet return she was accompanied bv in Tillamook correct them. Your newspaper has already expressed its opin­ Thursday evening. Mrs. S arah uated from the Beaverton high students, nets $142. Thursday afternoon a t th e home of Miss Helen VanKleek, who spent home ion. Do you agree? Do you still ask why u exists? this year Catherine Markovitch of surface VanKleek and Rosa Tigard repre­ Hgl Guy Eilson, one of tlie first its vice-president. Mrs. Everett the week-end with her. sented Tigardville Rebekah lodge was awarded the M arylhurst col­ volunteers, return* from long ser­ Cavar* tharaughly and wear* Wright. Cooper M ountain. All ladies Mrs. Sparks Honored People must wonder if you really are human. You take no lege scholarship and was also a and E. D Hite and A. Zwemer were vice m France. are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy representatives to G rand Lodge. member of the Torch honor society. interest even in the community schools, to which you consider lanf »*••" ar^inary pain, Mrs. R A. Williams and daugh­ and daughters spent Sunday at Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Moody entertained it your duty to send your children. Your neighbor's daughter Hilma G aarde was a page for baaaaaaa, It* ..... .. .. ter. Mrs. A. J. Brooks, of Portland the home of Mrs, Pomeroy's p ar­ the president of the assembly d u r­ a group of friends Sunday evening has the lead in the annual senior play at the high school, but visited Mrs. W illiam s daughter. ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sparks of ing the session. O ther visitors at in celebration of the birthday a n ­ th a t does not interest you. Your son has carried you en ­ BALANCED FORMULA Mrs. Inez Bell. Friday The after­ Portland. Mrs. Sparks was observing the convention were Mrs. Mamie niversary of A rthur Schwlnoff. Jim Noah of Manning and N H thusiastic and vivid accounts of a really good football team, noon was spent a t the home of her seventy-second birthday and a Erickscon. C. F. Tigard. Curtis T i­ Fred Ashford spent the week­ Nielsen have been falling timber but your lack of interest has so disheartened him that he no M rs Madge Pomeroy, where they family dinner was served. gard. H ans G aarde and Mrs. A. end with his family. for Fritz Btegman. who iuvs been longer mentions it. Why. you do not even seem to care th a t attended the Ladies' Aid silver tea. Annual meeting of the taxpayers Zwemer. Mr. and Mrs. R. T Shepherd. horse logging for Thomus Hansen W ilbert Anderson, son of Rev. of the school district will be a t the these same schools, which mean so much to the children of Mrs. Amelia Anderson and Mrs The log trucks stopped hauling Fowler President Anderson of Beaverton, has been school June 18. A new board mem­ the community and to your children, have Just weathered a George Stevenson w e r e Sunday logs tills week as the long bridge Thomas R. Fowler principal of visiting Mr and Mrs. W arren Wil­ ber and a clerk will be elected. The guests at the Norman home Mrs. very trying financial crisis. Your newspaper, whose utility you iN'tween here and Manning wasn't son during the past week or so. present board of directors of the Tigard union high school, has been E. A Johnson of San Francisco question, .saw that crisis coming and placed the m atter before sate for heavy load«. the Tigard and Mrs. Emmett Leonard of K a n ­ Carrol Parrott, also of Beaverton, school: J J. VanKleek. J ~ H ’ Aten I Flected , Presiden< its readers. Sir. if the schools of this community had been Mr and Mrs Tom Beveridge and and Everett D. W right T h e ’ clerk Llons club succeeding J. O John- sas City M o . visited the Norman was a guest during th e week. dependent upon you, they would be closed today. Miss Inez Dalpiaz of Helper. Utah. - — son. state representative. B. C Rue Ladies' Aid silver tea a t the home is Inez Bell. family Thursday. of Mrs Madge Pomeroy Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. H Aten and son was re-elected vice-president. Glenn Ralph Cole spent the week-end at If you want an honest municipal government, if you wish afternoon was well attended. About and daughter attended the picnic ■ Linn retained the office of secre­ the beach. to love your neighbors, if you would reduce crime to the lowest 60 were present Mrs. Ferd Groner Sunday at the McMinnville golf and tary-treasurer. Thurlow Sm ith was Mr and Mrs. M att King were minimum possible, if you would build for a better community gave a talk on "Egypt" and show­ country club in McMinnville, given ‘ elected tail-tw ister and Harry Eli- Sunday guests a t the William H. and hence a better and more prosperous country, read your ed many of her pictures. Miss K ath ­ under the auspices of the American j ander as lion tamer. O L. Moore Anderson home in Portland. When you cun obuun and supply your family with body and E. B. Nedrv were re-elected local paper and become interested in the affairs of your city. ryn Pomeroy played a piano solo. Legion and Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs H. E. T urner of building load *uch as our brvacLs and pastrltw directors. Ben H. Hazen talked to Mill Why a community paper indeed! As well ask Receipts of the afternoon were more Why u rom- City visited his brother J. L. m unity?” members of the Beaverton Kiwanis T urner Sunday. th an $7. which will be used i n W EIK ENI» EE ATE RES and local Lions at a joint meeting connection with the church work. R alph K latt of Aloha is grad- j Try our asxortment of 8 to 9 varieUcn of a t the St. Anthony auditorium. He uating from the Benson Polytech- 1 A good representation was present Women's club will meet at the showed how closely lumbering is nic school of Portland Friday night from the Ladies' Aid of Scholls whlch is constructine a perm anent and other nearby towns and some home of Mrs. Jam es Bridgman in connected with the prosperity of Clarence Haueisen, mechanic for Oregon in th a t 2.463 industries In Sidwell. and R alph Snipes, spent CCC camp at Wcstimtx'r Aloha June 14. from Portland. Large «Ize. Binali aixe. Mrs. Joe Bush spent several (lavs Oregon. 608 of them deal with Mrs. Nettie Montgomery of P o rt­ Farm ers around here, who have tlie week-end at Net.irts. 2 dozen 3 dozen visiting friends in Portland While sheep, had them sheared last week land visited several days last week lumbering. It was pointed out th at A number of pickers are bus­ with her sister, Mrs. Dwight Pom ­ there is an estim ated shortage of ily engaged this week helping Frank there she also assisted in the pop­ by Mr. Lorenz of Hillsboro. I IU s l l BERRY a n d ( 1111(10 Thirty Years Ago ¡new houses to th e extent of 1 G aunt harvest his peas. He reports py sale. The young people around town eroy. E ach The Paul Dudley family and a Mr. and Mrs Roland Hornecker | million which demand has not a r ­ a splendid crop. recently organized a 4-H Cooking Argus. May 26. 11)04 Sixtieth a n ­ croup of relatives motored to south­ niversary of founding of West Union club. They held th eir first m eet­ of Pumpkin Ridge and Mr and Mrs. rived because of lack of marriages, Mr. Kellar. who Is employed in ID R YMII» CAKE, with rich (ream filling Oregon for a few days' vaca­ Baptist church celebrated at Wc.l ing and organized Thursday a fte r­ 1 John G ates Jr. were Sunday eve­ lack of births and condition of a sawmill a t Molalla, was home ern I 04 I, tion. huddling by families E B. Nedry, noon a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Union Sunday. C hurch organized over tile week-end. Mrs J H Hiatt, who leased an past president of the Lions club, ex­ J. H. Aten. Officers elected: Mrs. Stiff a t Reedville A rthur G aunt is employed as apartm ent building in Portland last May 25. 1844. a t home of David T ri