p Page Ten THE Locals Down Verboort Nine « f» m ? « f p B sîi-iM axs*HSûût*2.2. S( Hillsboro's Sunset league team ad ­ vanced into third place in the loop Btandtng Sunday by taking t h e m easure of Verboort 7 to 1. T u ala­ tin, second place team, defeated W illamette, . . . . league leader. .. 15 . to . 2 H IL L S B O R O item for relief and when and If the taxpayers of th e county see fit to approve it, th en and not before will there be sufficient money avail­ able to meet th e demands th at are now being made upon tills court. "The court is st retelling the avail­ able funds in a n effort to make __ ______ ______ Hillsboro “B ears” lost a heart- them reach as far as possible, a n d ! breaking game Sunday at Sherwood a concentration is being made upon in the T ualatin Valiev league «hen those items not furnished by state ® free-hitting final inning left them or federal funds. Every effort is two runs short of tying the score. being made to assist all worthy ABl' r trailing 7 to 1 at the start Dears ' Lose Close Game ARGU S. H IL L S R O R O n n p n n u after He was born April 24. IINI2 Hits. h. seliolai ship and cooking. I and pioneering, and Hilly Allison, He Is survived by his widow. Mrs Inm llmnlerwc. woodworking and , Caroline Arnieutroiit. and iwo elill uieehanleiil drawing Troop 2111, 1 " dren. I l l s falli ii Jam vv ' J es ' and . . Evelyn Aloha Lloyd Miller, handferaft; II. H W Aj_m.nl I out of lank-., and lit nee Wheeler, woodwork, Frederick I Married Ilia Family a sister. Mr: . . Morgan «», Miller, personal health and leutlier- "I undervtnnd your wife came Manzanita i i i i a n u » m t . > .. i ' " ‘,l l ? ’*’p -- a »•"•«‘“»r'» ' ' “»I Ir- from a line, old family " No funeral mil lU iaiig .im n U , h a d win. swimming and cooking; Hon C a m e from hardly dcseillxs It been made at the tune of this llAinmer. personal health, cooking' lS|H. brought it with her ” writing A Drowning Man Usually Loses His Head! L ocal B oy S c o u ts G e t I io n o r A w a rd s The local team used a new line- PJMditures gieater th an th e amount runs m their half ot the eighth to up for the Verboort game and it allowed ui the county budget, for take the game 11 to 0 showed up to good advantage. Un- there falls upon the court a duty Hillsboro rapped out' 10 hits to der the- new set-up. Bill Strauss is to protect the taxpayer as well as II for the winners, but the hurling a t first; Bob K linger holds down a duty to care for the needy." of Shirley Brown. Sherwood pitcher second, Clarence Vandehey. 6hort- County court of W ashington coun- * h j «truck out 16 Hillsboro bats- stop, Frank Heinrich, th ird base. ty. Oregon, by Donald T. T em ple-1 m en- turned the tide One heme A rt H anna, rig h t field; S U an its., ton. county judge; H. D. Kerkm an. Fu?3 ° h each side. Schulte, local homer Centerfield, Don Shattuck, ...... t teft catcher; l e « f d t I ..Anhtv “ d £ Ä fielder, , , h getting one on a and W , in field; Bill Ziegler Lewis, county commissioner. •‘Cooney" Stang pitcher. Sherwood second baseman, h u t ms Results of other games in the a circuit clout in the fourth with S unset league were: Roy 11. Laurel one on. enlivened the contest 6; Cornelius 5. Aloha 2; and Or- F a rm U n io n G r o u p Newberg dum ped Amity, t h e enco 12, G aston 5 Schedule for league leader. 4 to 0 to go mto a Sunday: T ualatin a t Roy. Laurel tie with Amity for first place Ver­ E n d s S e ssio n H e r e a t Verboort. Oreneo at Cornelius. boort trim med C arlton 9 to 4 in Aloha at W illam ette and Hillsboro (Continued from page n the third game. a t G aston. property foreclosed at a price be Schedule for . ___ this Sunday is as Sunset Leame standings ! low the present value of th e prop- follows: Hillsboro at Newberg Amity W ilU m e tU " 1 .m 'jM o , V . 5?. * d e f lC le n « t *»<««- ^ erb ° ° rt C a r l “ >« 3 1 T u alatin —..7 1 .87S Cornelius H .b i Favoring th e «U te power bill >-«<«• st.ndin, H illsboro 5 2 .714 Aloha W I. I \ t | G aston .........6 3 . 6 3 3 .aurei — l 7 .125 which is to appear on the Novem- Amity 4 2 .667 Sherwood O renco ....... ...5 8 . 633. Verboort 17.125 per ballot and pledging co-opera- 4 2 .6 6 7{ H illsboro 4 2 .667 C arlton . is « tion with the f l o r a l governm ent Newb*r» T u alatin __ ______ _______ W illam ette 4 6 *° the end th a t the people may re- Sherwood jit .-«huí. If jaAwu't”« IWU j B atteries: Day. Schreiner and R eb er; C eiv e the benefits of public 0W U - H ll‘sb'-’rv ------- - M-v , ...------ er&hip on anj, hvdrtJ. electric de_ .........‘ K ollcrm eier, Me k e — n n t----- e and Wanner. H atten « . Bruwn and Harley A. Purdin irdin; Reedville. Jasper John- ??L| Ä I \ m m R. H. son; Ro\ J W Bernards; Scholls. I lc i p O V U i l V S I'k lllS 1 velopment in Oregon. . S tan gel and Paaville. j J. B _______ ____ ___ ... B artlett; Sherwood. W P 1 1 z z \ i s 4 1 Seeking the discontinuance of the Newbem , ,' ** Batterie» : S tang Fi>k. North rig;u*d. Bert C. Ha- l p in it f i M l l f i l i ' f 1$ m i _________ A m ity D i e nd Z iegler; Jensen p r o c e s s i n g tAX on grain SACkS. gen South T :aid. tie between O V O I I i p i C 11OI1 and Storey. R. H. E. * Protesting a g a in « the im porta- D. wX3“ M b "w !Li *"d w 'hl«*n' uth■ H Butler and Neal Orgon; Timber. (Continued from page i) Roy —--- ----------- 11 11 "a farm products into t h e R. H. E. B M Wright; Tualatin, tie between "m erry-go-round.” fe rn s w heel. Laurel 6 7 8 United States and declaring th at Verbocrt 9 14 Jam es Nokes, W. R H aunhurst, C. ’ glider. baby seaplane, "tilt-a-w hirl” Carlton li 4 9 s p U £ t . ^ A in “ - ^ . br h '\ m .m e Hermens’1' w S ¿ , ^ 7 L" Batterie» : Zimmerman d e r . French. S touten berv and llem ariU and V a n d e n an __ROt COn- Merle L K urtzh.il. H. E. sistent with the policy of allowing Republican- North Aloha. T A the im portation of farm products. T « .-.Ï-.. . , 4 I T Emerson; Southeast Aloha. Alfred n,an.v of which are now being raised L tlltl S LJ D S C t R ichard; Southwest Aloha. Georgia in sum liis nnantifw»c ir» ’ * in surplus quantities in th e United Schmid: Banks. William Moore StAtcâ L r a g u e L e a d e r s North Beaverton. E M arsh; South Beaverton, tie between Althea Haul. C o r n e li u s ...... ............ ............. ....... 1 A loha 6 B atteries : R eynolds and Turk ; Lev ,erî e t to and Saindon. xw R. H. E. O reneo ------------------ ---- -------- 12 a tL O T i • gartar-runs whan you stratch Gas - O il - Accessories W “ hed E X C IT IN G I • “ burst" knaat whan you knaal And several other cars to choose from ! Cars B o u g ht, Sold f suddenly Wednesday a t his home near Banks He had gone to the barn to feed stock and was found unconscious, passing away shortly , hs Bringing you naw comfort — and froodom from: 1929 M o d e l A F o rd C oupe 1929 M o d e l A F o rd C oach 1927 Ford R o a d s te r 1925 F o rd P ic k u p F o rd Bug 2 M o d e l I F o rd Coupes 4 -w h e e l T r a ile r 2 -w h e e l T r a ile r Wl USED CARS M a s te r o r S ta n d a r d CHEVROLET IT L C k o 4 d j2 A L ) USED CARS H A M BU RG ER , b j^ tm e o f t h ^ n , T k p i n Specials fo r S a tu rd a y th e repetition of such accioati^r.I’í í r o ' where ritualistic work of the King; Southeast Aloha Harry (V .n ? r.ders ln the ioll°wing clrci circuit ‘ WashingmEÍ d‘ff?rent organizations was given Southwest Aloha Thom as C? T u ' re lxsucd tee—R eu ten W W eil1 ™,and Army of the Henry J. A tl- : Bernard»“ « „ J * J ? h??°n-.et v' M M artin artin J the Republic Republic J* Sullivan: Banks. Banks. Henry J Atlee; ^ “" . i " aI V Vs flowers were North Beaverton. W C. Jackson- , dpn-vmg motion, Donald T. Tem pleton H- D ^ : ™reathS and flowe« placed there by the patriotic ground ? ° u.,th Beaverton. A lthea H aulen- am ? ir .n n n ,? Het * ° h io r receiver m an, p . w . Livermore Jr., Mrs Legionnaires gave th e G rand A ^ v ^eck; B1°oming. Mary L. H orner; ^ dnr e i n defendants two days Rex Wilson, Jam es Lewis. ritualistic work whii« i.r Arm> Buxton. Albert S. Ohlemiller Cedar 10 pres H e m s titc h in g and D re s s m a k in g Ami other cars to choose from. C ase S e t J u n e 11 O ffic ia l V o te C o u n t Sixteen Bov Scouts, reprcacntlng lluee troops, uppenred before the Hillsboro court oi honor Tliursduy evening to lake tests for udvanee'- meiii 111 rank mid merit badges bohow.iig il.e teats, two .vouts «t ie iul\mus'd tiial 14 otliers were aw ard­ ed 22 merit budges Billy Corwin amt Robert Allison, both of Hillsboro troop 22«. re ­ ceived atlvaneements to second class and first class scouts respectively Second class merit badges w e r e awarded to tile following- Harold Havis and Howard Hullt. tro, p 21« of Hillsboro, lealhereiatt Hilly 1'otid and llultl. troop 21# Hidsboro. H it - nuinslnp; ami liu-k Benjamin, in op 2IU Aloha, hnndlrraft 1-lr t t l.o . merit budges were h u arded us fol­ lows Troop 21« Hillsboro Hot litngue. reading und cooking; Keith FREE a t th e M iU s b o n O A r g u s