Millsbori Read A d ver Using LntvHt Store Nows Alwnyg A pp«uru in the Argua ous W ith Wlii< h is C om bine 1 the H illt b o r o Independent V O L U M E XL1 S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r fZ Good Printing The Argua Gives Q u a U ty Service a t F a ir Prices H IL L SB O R O , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 3 1 , 19.51 NO. 15 of Several Projects . ded This Week at SERA Office Tax Leagu? Backs Court Non-High District Director Election Planned June 18 Farm Union Group Ends Happy Day Event Program P la n s Near Completion People Pay Tributes to Local Relief Body Denies Heverul additional proposal* f o r , I Election of a director for the non- I Preparations for the a n n u a l HERA project* were subm itted this j high school district board for a Happy Days" celebration, to be week to W J Mills, county m an ­ five-year term to represent zone I held a t Shute park July 1, 2, 3 ager. following his request last week I Two M ajor P a rtie n one will be held June 18 during; and 4 under the auspices of the for more work programs to a s s ist, i annual meetings In the 53 districts j I>ig in for Big | local chamber of commerce, a r e , in the uttem pt to take men off of i comprising the non-high school j rapidly rounding in final shape, a c - ’ relief rolls and place them on work I area tra n k Bailey of Buxton has Push in En11 i cording to the committee In charge j F in d le y D e c la r e * E q u a liz in g projects Three projects, the Bea­ C o n c la v e R e -e le c ts O ffic e r s filed to succeed himself and to P a tr io tic G r o u p s J o i n ” “ yrec“ fX ’ « orga*ni- C o m m itte e S ta te m e n t S a y . verton ftchool Job. the Hillsboro date no other candidate has slg- drainage work and the A loha-El- o f lx*vi«*s M a jo r P u r p o se D u r in g C lo sin g S essio n I nifled hl« Intention of seeking the O b se r v a n c e M em o ria l CAI.EM zations for entries in the queen E m b e z z le m e n t C h a r g e s nionlca road project, were approved | I post The time for filing expires. contest and many more are antic- o f G rou p O b je c tiv e the lead e n <>t Ila* two major by the suite committee this week o f O r eg o n G ro u p Monday. D a y W e d n e sd a y ipated. a r e R id ic u lo u s parties hi Oregon art* devoting and work will htart toon a f te r 1 Decisions on allowances for tra n s­ their tliiu* to digging in. fctreiigth- June 1. -----------— Five more candidates for “Happy I portation of non-hlgh school dis­ enlng their position* and p repar­ . . Days' queen were nom inated and Projects ready for submission to trict students during the 1934-1935 x r ing for the big puah thbt fall. the state committee Include the «--ported «> the cham ber of com- year were reached Tuesday night T he republican party, *adly de­ merce this week, bringing th e total k llV U C U 53000 Huzeldale school Job, con­ ------------- i between the board and Banks, H ills -' moralized Alnce It* defeat by an —— — — now entered In the contest to 12. _________ tinuation of the CWA project for ' txiro and Forest Grove high schools.! lnd(*|M*ndent "bull frog" candidate C h a irm a n C ites A c t iv it ie s o f work a t the Hillsboro city library L iv esto ck C o m m issio n M art I'ro r .tlon allotment., for T i­ a o u j o • Miss Minerva Fuller of Hillsboro four years ago. experienced a re ­ . H ea d I r a ise s was nam ed as the second candidate G rou p R e lu c ta n t to D ig n ify and for a "municipal Inventory" gard, Tualatin and Beaverton schools birth at a gathering of tla* faith B o d y T o w a r d R e d u c tio n s P la n n e d in P o rtla n d D e fe n d e r s o f N a tio n i™ ® -‘h.eJ 0C*1..u nlt oi th e D augh­ tor Hillsboro, The Huzeldale work will be considered next Tuesday ful in Portland thl* week uml the S to r ies T h ro u g h D e n ia l ters of Union Veterans, while Miss Includes an addition to the one- evening. leaders of the deniixratlc bust* Eva Oakes of Hillsboro was re ­ room building, construction of u „ . ___ Adjustment of the tuition allow-. have been called into conference In Declaring th at equalization o f basem ent and installation o f a ported as the P ythian Sister nom- Re-electing th e 1934 officer per- ance for Banks high school from '■ h e ^ i c ^ w l S ^ M d 0^ h T The "F. L' Persistent rum ors that Portland for early In July, when i taxes would be Hie m ajor objective hcutlng plant Through error the Minnel and d,-.signaling Albany a.s »72 t o '»75 per pGpd \L " a p p ^ v 7 < i L." ,Clui club Oi of Hillsboro the .stale committee will reorganize of the W ashington County Tax atlendani e ol the school was given the Siu- lor tlie next annual con- Tm ay evening 'Tin- Giange was dead and ol other loved ones was h th "ee Ioca^ Birls in the J»»e n fe in the county srnco M w Deorgenia Brown. Mis., last winter to the effect th a t th e for the cumpalgn Reduction and Equalization league a . five pupils when It should have vention. the tw enty-lourlh annual mad. n make the district conform paid Wednesday by u .? people of conclave o f t h e Mate Farm ers with the am ount a llo w S o U ie T w ^ community, w h o .in f e e i n g £ ele“ “ d , MUs JosePhine “ J ““1 >»* The "liuitdr ‘ story of the coup In the light of the fact th a t little been 52 with Americans in all ac tio n ? of ®tu arl- M us Thelm a Mulloy o f CWA iuid relief funds and which started the eleventh hour can be done in the way tax re- N,.w u subm ltted Union came to a close Thursday schools in the county candidate last surP|us Products furnished by the swing to Jo«* Dunne and landed duello,, III the county, members of ,ncht.1(. M.h(K>, >)bg Cor. alternoon at Hillsboro Resolution* The non-high school board w ill' the country paused in their daiiv LaU7 ' ' reP°rte carry celebration, th e go - as - you- be true or they would have been nom ination during Ute lust tw o Review of the tux reduction ac- according to Mill* On tlu- rotation spectively The only contest for * ■ U on. All patriotic organizations "of ? 0I? lan<1 to Hills- denied have been heard recently weeka of Ute cam paign there ure compllshnients of the league wus plan about 100 men will lx* l‘m - positions developed In the selection -------- the city participated in the ob- f ht d^,e£ iOr the Kamc c°m m ittee and caused the those who fed th a t llu n zrn should presented by If It Findley of Cedar ployed during each month. of tw'o members of tlie executive Error at T illa m o o k M a k es ^ ^ n c e which started with a are b e in ^ o f f e r ^ “ pn“ S , a f j ormal demal. renuiln In the background In th e | Mills, chairm an, a t the s ta rt of committee and ol the state dele- jiarade headed by the colors and f onered. | Prior to this tune the relief com- present campaign tluit while the the meeting called to consider the ; gate to the national convention C h a n g e J u d g e S et-u p the national guard from the Veter- Amusements in the midway will mittee was relunctant to "dignify support of the Meier adm inistra­ uffUlullon of the tax league with l*otts was named as delegate and a n s’ hall to the Venetian theatre weU taken care of this year, a the rumors by stooping to a denial.” tion will be welcomed by Dunne the the promised central council of Holt as alternate, while H e n r y - for the patriotic exercises. Lt Ar- contract having been signed with T*1« statem ent is as follows: farm groups. He cited savings in knowledge th a t the M eier-Hansen Thompson of C latskanie and H ---- L - — Roster of party nominees in W ash- thur Kroeger was In charge Jake 111 am usem ent company for their Group Denies Rumors m achine uu* buck of the rrpubll- state, county, school and road dis- McBee ul Dallas, ex-stute president, ington county as unofficially an- Weil and William H arris served tContmu«! on w e lo, columa 5) "To the Editor Hillsboro Arons can nominee m ight be harm ful to trict levies as a result of league were victorious over Eben Ray of nounced last week re m a in u n - as color bearers. ~ ------ Hillsboro Oregon. 8 ’ h u prospects 1 n otlu*r quarters activities und pointed out the econ­ Willamina for tlie executive board, chang'd with the completion of Women Praised * 1 "Dear Sir- where Uw adm inistration is not omies (*xercis4*d by the county court I • . u a I Ul ako unanimously nam - the official canvass of votes T hurs- H. V. Gates, departm ent com- L j O "For the past few m onths rum ors and engineer. held in particularly high regard. Limit« <1 R eso u rc es A v a ila b le ed as chairm an of the state legisla- day afternoon. Only slight d i s - m ander of the G rand Army of the have circulated quite generally in At any rale It can be said tluit Uve committee Equalisation l r- . - . j ot money from the CWA an d /o r re- prim ary election when It looked as bera H ilh i S c h o o l, D istr ic t M a d e hef tucd£, of surplus com- major objective of tlie group He tratlo n of W ashington county relief were as follows- 8 Tillamook county report on the patriotic women of the country, ir t J d import on though S tate T reasurer Holman pointed out tliat th e farm ers art lunds. the county court this week Reaffirm ing the stand n t t h e cl^ It -)ud®e r ,c e - who have sent their sons, husbands D e fe n d a n t in A c tio n modiUes furnished by the federal m ight be the republican standard now paying approxim ately 75 per i—ui-d a .statement explaining the state union'tn favor erf^the F T aier* H' T ' Botu? o{ Tillamook fathers and brothers to the de­ government. The committee h a s beam i pen tally to tin.-» tru e o< ol the taxes In the county an d < *l*Ung situation over the u g n a - Llmke bill and launching of a con" d . lhe °PP°nent oi R F rank ien“ of their country. I t is well, he , never desired to dignify these ru- Hanzen and William Elnzig. state cent th at 30 per cent ot tl„- wealth In Hires of County Judge Donald T certed drive to secure the enact- race lor 7 ‘d ' th a t ?'e dedlcate ourselves to. H earing of th e suit brought by mors °y stooping to a denial. purchasing agent, both of whom Oregon, principally reul « ta le was TempJelon and Commissioners H D m ent of th e bill the j "However, they have now become wuold walk the political plank If bearing 74 per cent of th e taxes K erkm an and Jam«-s Lewts. The Holman had anything to say about t a b l w i '^ a n u f o r 'u ^ m w u f a c t ^ ’ '**• .iollowin« ^ o v e r y o f ‘a n said it was an honor w die^for M , l ^ o m ^ nyB^ d ^ e v £ d w 2 h - 1 genera1’ “ d th0Se Wh° Were Proposed am endm ent to limit tlie comm unication deals solely w i t h Of all implem ents of war for the c ^ t y their fate. Dunne, however, is known 7?? th a t th ® ^ g to n a n T J L k a m a s county pro- strumenU1 m instigating th em h av e county relief funds und has no ref­ to be friendly to tlu* present regime am ount of tax«*« to be borne by erence to state or federal funds purpose oi taking the profit out of fo p 7 0 ° ^ . G raham of an«,«, been started the tim e-worn ducers of grade n B ™inr milk > has e-w orn erv cry th a t th e und would probably retain most, if reul estate und the Fruzler-Leinke jip z wi vov virove was a t first believed ers are dear to us. Tlie statem ent Is us follows: 11 in th e local V circuit charges U m lU ust T XI torvi j set for June C ** UVU1U tlUUS’-O àbU be IÆ5 true or they would not all of Meier * appointees in bill were favored by Hndley He to have been the second nominee Dr. R a t ^ e e x e r o l s l ^ ^ : A rlie 9 '- W alker of be demed. and M-«,re«l the deniund* of the Civil Demanding th a t a l l leirisl»tinn U ”.7 '“ OCT-U‘1« nominee —• - **■«-«*. irgiuu com m ana- "Upon several occasions within th e event of ills election. Of course in justice to t h e . . 2 n ? he pnm ary election, but the e r* Presided a t the exercises "Amer- Yamhill will h ear evidence *n the Emergency Fi delation of Oregon, tlie past six weeks lt has b e e n which would place a manaSSfro m andatory tax finding of an error of 90 votes in ‘« J . a_nd there is a strong possibility of the d< S tar Spangled B an- c ^ w W c h U e Z c t e d ^ U ^ a £ friends of th e committee and to such a s hlx total in ’Till.monk oi tlie u,<- on ™ governm ental u units, n in . sucn ner" wer» l.a h,. n d '” "",7 7.— " ‘“ « t “ expected io election of G eneral Martin, tlx* -«.aring th at they asked things of brought to the attention of PPWlz o'™ Ban with j u t s b 7 -2 .' ? t° r ' Proximately three weeks. the state officers and the federal dem ocratic candidate, in w h i c h tin* all.-ally bind« in d taxpayers county court tliat then- is certain eounties and school district.,, be re- ¿.low lto ttl which til, lull.I wen- unable to pro- dissatisfaction with tlie ad m ln islri- Iorr« l to the voters of the areas 7 ° ik l*5' transposition of fig- < * lU> Mrs Fred J. Sewell at com D laint filed hv -he eo-«n om clais to officials to whom whom we we owe owe our our ap- ap- 1 event there would probubly be a Iide for th.-u own fam ine l-'n. U.*y non ot c u n ty relief funds rjite a ff .u e d for their approval or re^ m?ed ’ t° tal to "In Flander0 « ^ ^ ' Morgan a s k s ^ t a t the "deftnd^nt"distributS P°lntnlent “ d upon whom dis- general house cleaning at tin* Capi­ de,Jared that h e antic,p.m-d a tax d,.„atusiactam u founded in a ll,"a - Jrctlon the laws b e [ - X rf <'li iOUnd F S e n jX e d d t c’eien'Y ^ l l e n t distributor tol. but ul least the prosper ta are light tuts winter I . I J >..- Ma.,- 1,? .s- turn-, that the c u r t is unn,*ecss„r,ly ' “ '« 7 ............................ vote, in ~ W1 iu c o n ta c t ^ h T o ^ l e h ' 1« committee desires to publbtl, a lot brighter for the ad m in istra­ the two counties and G ra- member of the G raM d- y ” u” rïy riS c u 7 o u s^ a U ? lutiue und urged league nu*iub«-rs niggardly in tlie dispensing of sucn Renewing the stand of the state ham" i«95 ' tion crowd th an they would have to O ther o 7 “r e c ^ * i t 19nuik ™ nts. The entire committee joins , la- prepared. funds. In oth er words tlie court Is union in favor of a state owned been with Holman as the republican A rthur M. S. Stook emerged vie- Kroups were represented ’by their ” *e>'*ing milk for others th a n in this statem statem ent, ent am and denial for. Purpose of tli<. proposed central being accused of being "hard boll- bunk nominee lor th a t would have m eant tor for both the republican and I5 aders 35 follows E. D. Hite ' United Ild 4130 “ U*“ t0 although the charges are directed S<*eking the repeal of the law democratic tlu* end for the present organiza­ counrll which would band together ed" In this respect nom inations for justice s Panl£h W ar Veterans; L. E F ur- ®nJoul ^ h e defendant producers t specifically spectfjcajiy named name committee ’»« Uils statem en t reference is which perm its the m ortgagee to bid Of the peace in th e Forest Grove Veterans of Foreign W ars; d! ? 3 n m iT * SPeClilCally tion regardless of which candidate t t“ lo r " u n n G n 'Z?'r“ O, ’!,.<,i tl,c c° u" - lContinued on pare to, column X) members, yet discredit is cast on ty r u n ltid «Ifort In regard to made only to those relict lu,id- won the fall election. district, defeating the incum bent Valen une Abadie. Disabled Ameri- Blue Rlbbou Jersey Milk com- all the members thereof, for such T he rem arkable allowing made by arm p r ie s ni.irkcttm: and legisla- which are budgeted In the\ o u n t v J W Vanti. rvrlden. by a wide mar-’ £?n Veterans; Mrs. C. E. Wells. Damages asked are to m e LndrK„ , impute e w lne charges the enure entire either per- Ham Broun, the Oervaia farmer, tlon * u . n outlined by Pet<*r Johnson, budget and • which are raised b) Bin N. J Skee received the demo- Daughters American Revolution; " o , “ J T ? 18 Of sonnel ot P the to committee in tile primary race lias raised th at luiuster of the C edar Mills O range (jjr ct taxation upon real property - ratlc nomination _ for J justice of the 1 Mrs* Arne Dickason. Woman's Re- miIk 301(1 the distributor which of the committee's — . . » Mr* » _ a u T b a u g h - XV5? C First m-l’o < rveve, «U.. rt/s M gross ignorance erstwhile "insignificant candidate ’ IP presen atlon on tin-council would ni tins county, and no ri lerence is peace in the B e a v e ^ n « ¿ t r i £ < Corps; O ra D co-op. a ™ lUful disregard of th eir to the level of a power to lx* reck­ ' I .>ust of delegates troni the hub- made herein to slate o r federal w hile George Thyng will be the re- !f rs Union Veterans; Mrs. E. D. ? l0li0r? f05 chanBf of venue and dut or participation < rdinate grange*, Farnier.'»' Unions, in the alleged oned with by the republican pull- lunds which ure lianll.-d through publican standard bearer Offices B lte* United Spanish W ar V eterans’ '°,t7 ,ke. ? co®Pla“?t w«re , ° ver- misapproprii misappropriation. ticians and already, it 1% under­ dairy co-o|xs and otner farm groups. facilities provided by the state re- were not open in other districts. Auxiliary; Mrs. E rnest Helvogt. Vet- uled U st eek by udge w alker. p The program waa first proposed by "The absurdity of these charges stood. overtures are being made in lief committee. Much of this d u - P arty nom inations for constable erans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Hillsboro union high school dis- (.»range and later satisfaction artses from the fact an effort to suing B roun and his tlw C edar .Mil in file various open districts were and *^lrs- Emma McKinney Amer- tr ict was named as defendant in a would be apparent . , to any one who udopted by th< Thieves broke into two stores at Pomona Grange. "true progressives’• into line for the th a; many of ihe ccmplamanks do extreme opposite com ers of the B e-uerton-H aw ley Buck, 7 ° n Auxiliary. G. R. Stover T.uesday by United tlon Such T v m st.^ tio n The league voted to send dele- n o t realize th a t ther is an cml to countv s u p p irt of Dunne One rum or ha. it Monday night, according to dem ocratic; W F. Desinger, repub of Salem, departm ent comm ander States Fidelity and G uaranty com tion. Such an investigation would the fact tliat B roun Inn been tentatively gates to tlu* council over the op- public lunds They do not know reports to the sheriff's office Loot llcan Forest Grove N J. Griffin, of the Sons of Veterans, . was here Pany to recover S2123.60 alleged to disclose “ “ “ , 7 u *« ‘act th m a a t t tlie m e CWA c w a and an a slated for the post oi state direc­ position ot o . B. Ik n nett of C edar ° r do not care, th a t tlie resourt \ am ounting to ntwiit »2 was gained democratic; Mike Wirak. republi­ ,i i.tinuni on rug» r . eviumn 2. be due on a contract completed by reu ei . funds have teen, and now • the plaintiff. The com plaint a l­ are rilsTriDi;t<*rl aruH <*r*rir**_ are. diotnouted directly and entire­ tor of agriculture, to succeed Max Mllls and J M VTinderZsin« b'n of available to the county court at the Larson A * Peterson store at ... are can. Hillsboro—Jam es R. Peppard. ( tahlhar, should 1 >unne be t he next Roy, who declared th a t such ac­ nuined and th a t tlie am ount of re- Iialm Grove when intruders en­ both republican a n d democratic. leges th a t the plaintiff issued a ly from Portland by check to the governor, while another rum or ha» tion would place the league In tlie lief lunds provided ure measured by tered th e s’ore through an un­ S herw ood-M . J. Haynes, both re ­ bond for the W. H. Emerick cor­ various m erchants holding relief latched window and rifled the cash (Continued on pave 10. column 1) and in the case of the It th a t Brown Is hem.: gnwaned for category of a purely furm organiza­ poration poiauun on cn an electrical wiring 7 requisitions, 7 ;,. ” , ---- ,— publican and democratic. T igard_ register A quantity of meat and the post of chairm an of the re ­ tion. They contended th at t h e contract a t the high school in 19’8 CWA directly to the workers. T he R obert Twist. democratic; Elec approximately $3 in cash were taken league should include repr«*scntu- publican state central eommitt<*e. and th a t when Emerick defaulted sovernm ent commodities arc sent . •'Rlrab Bros, meat market Fearing, republican. T’he democrats, laboring under tives ol all taxpayers, farm ers and the surety company completed the W this county ln specified inven- Vote cast during t h e prim ary ” " erwtx*l t-lie same evening city property owners alike, a n d tlie handicap of a minority ¡sirty _____ _ work. The plaintiff claims t h a t toned am ounts and a verified order Entrance was gained bv opening a election totaled approxim ately 49 In this state, art» banking strongly urged that county commercial clubs Mrs. Cora H eaton was elected «123-60 is still due under the con- i° r distributed m ust screen door with a screw* driver. per cent of the total registration on the popularity of tin* national be invited to p.irtlcijxite In the ac­ he returned to the P ortland office, P art of an apparatus for testing *n county, according to figures vice-president of the Rebekah As- tract. W ashington countv Jersey breed­ adm inistration and its "new deal” tivities of tla* league. sembly of Oregon at .he m eetinc Injunction seeking to restrain the the 10131 oi wiuch m ust equal the blood pressure and a small piece of (Continuedon par« 10. columns) Donald T. Templeton, c o u n t y ers wall join with Yamhill for a denial gold were taken bv thieves _ policies to carry their candidates last week in Tillamook Mrs. G race heirs of A. Neppa'ch from en ter- am ount originally sent to this coun- ----------- ------------- into office Then too. G eneral Mar judge, ri port«*d on tlie recent ac­ mint picnic a t the W A Forest from tlie offices of Dr R s \\ •/ Chrixtenxen of Portland is presi- ing onto or cutting tim ber from a iJ ' ? ^ e only iund handled by the farm, one and one-half miles from ^ d oí tr a « o r“ £ n r t D£ ow” e r- 1 °-* fe a p e U y \ ^ h tin Is Just as ¡mpular among the tivities of the Civil Emergency F ed­ Whlteson Ju n e 8. according to W •nff?nd M rs' Selfridge. ? Q ^ n over a deed to tim ber in “These charges or accusations, i f G eneral himself into office, but the additional burdens on the taxpay­ speak. ' ■1 of Aloha w a.s' I S aturdiv a J i . lo U ^ i 1? ^ 0. , Rebekah _a?_d i h a ’* tim ber th en on they were true, would involve rest of the ticket us well. F urther ers. Investigation of a large list of held at Beaverton high school F ri- elected — a t » the m •» eeting the and not the land was violation of th é criminal laws of *— L . odge' . S luig A44VÖ— — — property All Jersey breeders and thusp in ­ uii ,i diunkeu driving choree while < Hn«» > 7iif l pinE« ___ ... I . be PVPnin K u b l. { T lm y e ^ h r o a t^ e d ",'0 . of ,he Beaverton ent£r. ■Votes ,ed / ^ ; e . 3 'T ll ls ^ r e ^ d " f e r t o " Wbv by county, court' The ' to 11,0 a ^ r n 7 y or t ? a n ? n Votes ' ieaye ' - S Hillsbot In th< s« veral districts. Of the keeping. Tlie two million fanners m an had eotnnletod a revision of nephew Guv qti«*nhl h i s a f re Issued - on the ■ basis v of ion ‘ votes ' bus — —* »x *v for the ;';S je r the nr union depot “n Portlat ----- ---------«CbHw— i — n o . ciun.n 1, state senators.seeking a return W ll-|w l,o hive signed contracts with the t j “ a « ''.¡’Ion o f , Ph. w Guy Stlenbeek 11?.» - i h.,_tPn’CPnt. P'."-‘ has... Voting where they will llaui F Woodward ol Portland w a s; federal government to limit pro- account '* book' whirl" b / f u r ' more . L I " ” wiI1 contin»e until 11 p. m. Friday 4-H club train mi. • o,ms ■ winen is far more /-« • • i t » * . • . 1 1 .. *•* — - - __ Ihe only one defeated T 'lliree house I «hirtloll or who liav * ---- " * - • • -------- -— _ . club hree 1 diietlon have applied for eoniplr S m em m bers S B won n Z schol- o i-1 leto and which will b«- avail- G i r l I I I flir t'd 111 a t th e coronation program. Some 4-H members went down to defeat in Roverment Ioans nre now keenly able at cost (25 cents) for | J 1 111 interesting program is plan- arshJps to the sum m er school at the primaries. They were Estes aWi*re of the value of having ae- who desire to begin with a more If 1V7 f ne<1, fo,Iow<'d by dancing to G reen- flle state fair last fall O thers won Bnedeeor of Portland. William II. curale accounts of past transac- inclusive set of records. Complete musle. A refreshm en; booth of.f ered by o r ^ n iz a - liehuett of Port Orford, nnd A rthur tlons. j ■ records include yearly hi-1 j . w111 be lr> charge of patronesses 1.VI1S alia ousiness firm s in the To meet demand th e record* ventories of ot livestock all farm oroDcrtv us aritan c Vandprzandcn 1* in the ti " Beaverton «. e . ; ’ -c pholii MePhllllps of McMinnville, a l l AAA ?.’,?,ty. « ^ h 5tl11 (By Wm. f . Cyrus. County Agent) W herever th e blight is present has made tew available He....... an (1 crop pro- L " .M o o d j S „R am hospital in Port- s c ite S d »hro...»; « l £ ..°tHprs ' f i ^ ^ are going on «leniiK iats. G ilo Paulus of Salem cost a farm account book for every diietlon. farm receipts farni ex- a ',,(, ns tbp result of an automobile 'x* _ 5 my Un II IUI - P? JJ.UN III 5 v . Itlltl S I^ L .Y »ill ai It ! l llto leL-{?r. ? I iS ? ? d on th e wood and there Is rain 1, , *?" a pordlal invitation pit , i,,h h nna d th y _ Hit e il lr-?w. n republican, who served In the house contract signer, these to be distrlb- penses, ileuses suniinarv s ,in o n „ r v analysis ¡collision a t the road In lrn n -ti,,,, 10 aH Hillsboro Jit tll4» llLSt. 1. < f«>,> I i.. ,1. ............................ «.A.............. at, the last, Sf.S.SlOll session, Uii«f was / defeated in uled I «1..........». through Ihe . associations. various county production control To w l'l^ki'ep'Y uei^reeords'1 , ',»-1 , te’" I ar,n ' ' a^ plaeë ’a" réallY*”¿0«titifül‘ X .w v tr „ o eororo n5 . a t .11,6 m" Guérber te s a o a y |nrl f 1 ’ * b 'I 1 **’1 ’ 9 '1* place a reallv beautiful m lfe covers .h» t he YYo “Î 1 £ m inunum —$12 L ;ng the EL Elmer Guerber place one-j o n e -, will usually always be some blight his attem p t to secure tin- nom ina­ « i s ™ r 1 r a " ■ i S ” ' b“ ' 4 • “ X A u X S J * . « X tion for slate senator from Marion j make sure I h at these liooks an* not says K uhlm an "The Inventorié" county. .Several other veterans will .m erely handed out. and forgotten, will require several nrldlttnn ni dditlonalj car were not in lured 1 nts 01 th c | _. " -* —------------ T hirteen grass varieties were seed- ° f. - C° n,t . to spray lie missing from the next ses­ G. W Kuhlman, a member of the hours nt the beginning and end of la r were not. Injured, I P .l f i p r « ) T ed ° n tllp Guerber farm last O c to -, tPPPS ln Ji}P la5® sum mer ju st as when two I C o u n ty C o u rts M ay F o r c e sion Among them are Senator* Joe farm managem ent stuff al O H. c.. the year. Estim ates of feed and la- Tllp appldpn t happened I G l L I11O11 ber 31. AU of these have made some 4000 as the crop is picked before by the extension î hot* C h ild r e n , to A id P a r ' e " n “ t. I Dunne of M ultnom ah county mill ' s has ' l been t ' v . assigned s s ê ; for s , each enterprise will re- par*s. one driven s by Fred Mceuwsen . O i kind of a start and some look very the fall rains begin and again as Kant lirown of Marlon county, and ^ r . blooming. Representative Frank Loncrgan of s s . a e ' ï ï i r ' r Æ K i . E ' „ æ showing some heads and can teadi- i T k his . 5huck5 m eans spraying before the .................... » Appreciation K uhlman says leaves are off with a Bordeaux best time, but . W 5 ■ “ « w - ï r « k “ s S s r ? ~ - W X I preparation. W ettable sulphur Is I'’-* .......... not going to be able to avoid •*--•- thrilr s» n n t e X convention ' ' w o » was Wa5 ext>res«d by be successfully grown here Re­ used for the spray after blooming. responsibility bv shunting them o f f , Rotti! °£ n ear Salem, turns from grass seed production A fter the fru it once shows the - . j aiTp pension rolls A re- YiLY...5[?.s do." t ' a t thp R°farv club are not always large but offer good « i b’v A U ^ ’G e Y e ^ S Ä l ^ o Ä » UeCUiOn Bv AH nrnov crop possibilities on certain soil spots, all th a t can be done Is to Van Winkle rules th a t ccuïitvl ™uniy was about types ______________________ under some conditions. There th in off as much of the affected Job in tlu* form of secretary of says Kiihlninn. ‘'Recent developments to°'mniL ".V5''*; whn( co,lld bp dunp eourts have recourse to civil action 1? ,h p a ta t p . Ail are certain areas on m mant any W ash- fruit as possible Thorough coverage individual stales anil also In 4 -H C lu h I e«H »r to make the intersection safer. slate .Should Jay Upton succeed In In federal circles point to an agri- , ' ' L . ' .G r o u P . lo conip ho ‘u Brass. ations. Every bud and twig needs to r r id a y N ig h t shown th a t they 'were In a ™‘siti™ u,roOIiL,of foste.rlnK a hc’ter fellow-' the second district over W alter rath er th an on a haphazard pro- to be covered in the fall spray and Mrs. F rank Connell, president of T h r e e S E R A P ro jec t* P in j i r>. _ 10 do so. The ruling it is believed .i?Ct? eerl tl’e business people Pierce, Incumbent, anotner veteran eedure. F arm rerords, through pro- Jhp W ashington county 4-11 club a careful coverage m ade in the U n n n e d b y C ity B oard will reduce the am ount of old « r b i t o h n fa{"’| P°puIatlon was v o l^ d Peach growers have been discus­ spring with the wettable sulfur. senator will step out of the picture. vldlng the Information as Io yields tra d e rs ' association, has called a pensions paid out by the c o u n t l e ^ ' ^ e n t of the • • • sing the problem of controlling Preparation of SER A applications I of crops. Income from individual ujeeltng of the 4-H leaders Friday Several growers are planning this W ashington County F arm Union peach blight. Tills trouble appears — ~ = — — ------- - Three times will be out for aspir­ enterprises and farm organization, M » In the court house Plans for for a municipal survey work on i season on using sulfur dust to con­ He expressed appreciation oi the TyWo ,,u r t ,n Cr»®h a n ts to the Oregon bar under new should ai<| m aterially ln th e de- t,lp 4-11 club sum m er school will the baseball park and continuation trol brown rot. W ettable sulfur can Bjronsoti of Hillsboro co-operation given by the commu­ on the fruit as little red spots. be used as well as the dust. Where ' 1,p discussed. Developments In eon- n t thc CWA Project nt the e ltv ' Y11? rules Just made public by the stale velopment of these plans." nity and the cham ber of c o m - Sometimes they are quite numerous, ned hpad lr»Juries and A. E. merce. K uhlnian jxilnts out th a t the ¡?PPtl0" , with the county fair this library was planned Wednesday bv I suprem e court. Under these rules dusting equipm ent Is not available usually there are only a few. On the and th e owner nas a sprayer, the an applicant, who has failed in two books being distributed by th e gov- j faI‘ will be up for discussion. The members of the Hillsboro planning *, i? o? Ranks was injured about W. Verne M cKinney told of hts tree, dead areas appear on twigs liquid head and shoulders In an auto- recent exam inations, will be given a third ernm ent are not complete account ( Prr,kram will be of Interest to all eoJYl,yj*s®l°n - A special meeting was 1 Is probably more economical trip to St. Louis, where he chance only after a lnpse of two books, but th a t they will serve as I cll*b leaders but will have special called to study the law regarding I m°bile accident n e a r Beaverton 2,2?. 2 ,delpKatp to t h e National and shoots with some of these la t­ W here dusting Is feasible this ter together with affected buds, m ethod of ecntrol Is quicker and a beginning by affording a basis fo r' vablp for new leaders. the planning commission’s duties. I Monday. (Continued on pair« K, column 6) Editorial association convention. eventually dying. Just as effective. U nder Federal A djustm ent Plan Pasture and Seed Production Grass to be Shown Saturday Grc envillc Wreck "a!d? nf ^peak at Rotary '