} f P a g e E ig h t THE Graduation Ceremonies Kinton Hall * c tT ^ « m arched Into the hall led by th e eight teachers and took th eir places on a beautifully decorated platform, the processional m arch being play- cd by Mrs. Audrey Vandennost Program for the evening « as u published last week. Helen Schneld- «Hint y V. ï and Mt*' AUh' “ n -..f . Millard and \ erboort __. , . a ,r - a,1d •' r\ . . A r d ? 11Iard “ C o n n ell . . a“ d . ,, , A r m V \ Beaverton ... 'ai',d \.'U rt , , t ‘!n u '' . t , “',',,'. f ’" r s t . Forant G rove... and Mrs J lh b W ih l'lain« X F Forant Grove ' _ . S«ht'..s W itch Hazel School 9 36 27 25 1 1 ’ i I N o rth l'laine Gale» Creek Graduates 3 Pupils I Commencement exercises were 2 • 2ft s « x t, . Kendviiie 39 S3 20 28 40 18 S3 31 29 31 IS 3$ 17 31 28 29 IS IS 22 13 M 25 . i',„.„ u.ii- held at the Witch Hasel school on v .™ » Ifc»e Thursday evening The program con- Bicv'nung X. \\ Forant G rove.. ----- ------ Sbervi — -fte fo "— following numbers . ». ,.l slsted of S r £ t i S & * K to ¿ S T a la Rose also re d , highest Sannarv-’exan?™ st ■ average in the Jan u ary examinations Pearl Irene Pringle and Lorna Evelyn Beck w ere awarded American Penm an certii- icates for proficiency in penmansliip af the commencement exercisis. These certificates are awarded by The American Penm an in New York. N. Y These certificates are the last and highest awards given for Palm er method penm anship Pearl Irene Pringle and Lorna Beck also received the busi- anc* nigh school certificate tor Palm er method penmanship. Other Falrner method »lx.. penmanship awards m u x .'.' î t o vi»rt M rv«» âurèmgPU?he r ^ r M ^ '«. e k -I- under construction on Pleasant Vai- Hazel school during the past « ie k ley road. Mrs. Vandennost will visit 25? f°Uows: u first „ 5 “ iviuo«». rs i pin. Edward ta w a ra with her parents in «'-■>•• Elford: m erit n l n s M ir v E ii,>n On her return they their new home. I t Is understood to have a store. The be Alex Karpensteui. a store in Scholls past. The buddug struction on the A. w. v a rie s place M atzen ann Plam e r.-mrt«. ei^.i near the Gabbert place a t the certificates. G erhard B \ l a t i n ^ o i i s ° nFe°ivS r ^ l 00d’ H o w a r T ^ a n d ’ E d S ^ § ^ o e S ?erlr of Mr. and ^ X t c e ^ c - S 17 36 11 27 37 39 53 M • 9 • I 14 53 31 20 10 3 4 I 5 19 33 57 46 26 5 37 23 29 38 39 7 34 12 9 IS 19 14 28 S3 46 9 13 11 19 10 12 11 23 I 04 15 19 15 3 II SS 19 6 8 5 io 9 9 11 21 10 31 16 46 31 19 fl 29 9 24 1 I 10 1 j ’.2 25 4 28 ha __ Tu»:»t Xu...j Codling Moth Spray Advised This Time „ Ä and growers in the Willamette* valftv^shm uY 'h iv'e in- plied f i r s t cover c o v e r SDrav s n n v iiow n , ^or piled the first re . .. . -'Piay i - w j o r Joe Wenzel, who has been in - structor for a number of years of th e Helvetia school, and will teach th ere next year is spending the grade T h e ^ w a r d i-or íoüa?e a« weU as th e entire average " i n conduct wv?e «T,nh hi- sarfac,e every apPl e ---- --- ---- H elerf Elford of the h fth grade -’ hou-d be thoroughly covered with Award io r th ra te in' 5p^ y soluIlonJ d worm injury • ” • i ® s S “ w 2 £ l. t ^ m 11 S ^ S i S S a ^ e by McCormick £ ° rna BeCk will °f Misses Marilee Pomeroy an d Ro- t e i c Î T t ^ 'T p ^ r ^ r a 'd ^ ^ g “ ‘^ n e .x t ^ ri \ . ? - omí í ° 2 j - dau_82 1íí£?. ° l . 2i £ '|y e a r and Miss Amber Hastie of ^ Æ w e r ï ^ i ^ l e n h0M y ^ Mrs. A. W. Mooney (Mary Fluke, id two sons, sons. A rthur and Donald. and Mrs. Thompson of Portland an d Mrs guests S unday o f Mrs. Moonevs were parents, Mr. and Mrs. F rank C. arel fcluke. duke. Mr. and Mrs. W. Green, Mrs. T. iuuuuu aim in o m - A. Thomas and airs, Mrs. rayrue Myrtle Thom- of Portland were guests of Mr. , an d , Mrs. ,«r W. C. Hall it n Wednes-1 w eenes day IN S U R A N C E le r I j 4 _ in Portland. been ill 'pairo, a n-ptT'h a7 , S i i jOd al,ld son lU during the pa.-t t he n r e S r '^ r iir i6 recuperatln8 ai 1 m -P xV?c ' tip , s „ „ s » n n 5 n ? IrS' - Ll0;'S ? IuIlend°re , nc th , . -- --- m K a n lli s h o i n J ? “ i. d to »L K ansas a lUn€fis short of tune ago due J« ° aue tt?e M r d» MulJen. d^ l 21 48 58 46 62 32 35 42 28 59 31 64 35 46 40 35 46 8 11 Ì 95 I ; 2 4 21 16 13 flfl 31 flfl 4 1 I 21 6 25 4 31 70 31 110 71 151 82 1 4 50 10 23 1 I 19 06 44 24 10 81 24 SI 1 1 U 42 12 65 63 34 54 57 136 37 167 53 A3 53 70 57 63 63 50 93 8 21 21 17 01 S5 45 30 64 52 101 21 25 17 41 20 32 31 45 33 47 19 M 3 ; 13 4 fl •> 2 •2 1 5 15 9 19 io IS 23 21 78 56 4 I 3 5 I fl 4 1 2 12 2 M 14 I » I I It 29 I I II 16 ft 1ft 1.’ t 1 1 3 I I 5 16 10 6 15 1& It 37 17 51 41 9 1 1 • 19 684 1327 153 93 63 4 14 31 It Si» 1 1 It 17 31 50 11 45 97 131 128 ft«» 184 65 213 100 i; 25 93 8 4 86 6s 17 4 11 10 I 12 1.1 15 3 1 Î 5 I 111 4.’ : |t 17 21 45 105 I 25 13 i. 13 3 1 4 20 2 8 0 I . 14 31 95 12 58 1,1 4 5 I 4 2 4 1 I 3 17 4 19 It 51 42 ti'9 51 Ii. A. G R IF F IT H I 1 15 Safew ay Io Celebrate Nineteenth Anniversary 84 16 2 4 All stores of the Safeway system in the Pacific Northwest will Jointly celebrate the nineteenth anniversary of the founding of the st«»res with a four-day ale starting Friday Hu ;• the fli t birthday ta le ” 'm id umineinorate the service and in»"tl, «»{ an idea c«»neelv«xl i lx M B Skaggs, who put It Into at American Falls. Idaho. 12 71 4 30 11 8 mdira‘t e ° t h « a, , i S 'i Ow m ilVe? ’‘;af8 l?y r a n d i t a m s ' ^ a b a o m Val7 Iey. conditlons calcium ar- uate is J sll8htIy less effective th an To? COdllng ni th con' :r0’ ä ' ä s s â æ rt £ e :n ^ r. V tree. « more ;1’ani ^ aK„oi. J he..iici:m.- m oth eggs are laid in the upper third of the - — ------------------------ - SlHlSet ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rebi'zke had as -aes-S Sunday Mr. Rebitske's broth- 7 and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rcbitzke. Shirley White of Buxton is visit- in? , at the Earl home. Mr. and Mrs. William Mizner took ■ .. LU, Ellly i ° . . ^ uut doctor at .V rnonia Sunday. Billy received badly playin(? sprained shoulder muscles uaa1» sprained sho while Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sparks and 15 a ib id e m of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peterson I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks and son o u t^ f d a n g ? ? ’ K ansas- He u now and S°P-S Vernon and Robert Vis- Clement, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. S teele, v ? 1 ?nriS\Trc vviin a te,d Mrs,' P etcrso n i brother and and son James, all of Portland, H?a tty apd sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs Clarence were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert n as? week f Th?v 2,lrS? bP7 er' and mece of West Tim- Pomeroy during the Dast week , e\ have lived in the her Sunday. Not as many votes cast a t the • ear h i0T th u past >-A d2 ? ghter was born 1« Mr. and prim ary electro A held last Friday as, S y K a n ^ i in th l in Harper Mrs. Clarence Girshberger of West reside there have been at other elections, M r s ’H a r S ^ E lM r ? ? i m n S r ♦ Timber. but of 188 there registered voti»r« in «5^ »iay-Mallng o Eliord u employed at th is out precinct were 113 vows cannery in Hills- th is precinct there were 113 votes born cast, 92 Republicans and 21 Demo- Mrs H a rre ll « * crats The boards wptp nn u M rs- H ansen, accompanied by as follows; Day board, first clerif S S L Vay,, h er sUter’ spent T ^e annual school picnic was Gladys Hall; second, Everett W right’ xVrc ’ ®*k' end visiting her mother, he]d May 13 at Balm Grove this and third, Esther Gembelia, chair- Mx,f'i«E chinook' Wash. year the picnic lunch wa-s m an. S. H Pomeroy, judge J c fh'y^L v,F ?rau E' Moore, teacher in ^e rVed. tP!e 1? en played baseball Snider. Night board' first clerk Witch Hazel school for the against the boys. Several prizes I Alice Richards; second, Inez BeU ? ° n ?ay tO spena the iF n n i^ T S the smalIer children! third. Lyda Ward; chairm an, Floyd " v n ? ? h V x .i\ ’? r ' In~ aw' M rs- the i00t rai cs The day was Bierly; judge, John Boge E e,oi ^IcNImnvine. perfect, warm sunshine all day. Miss Helen SchneidCT and sister “ J?00} closed wlth a '^ r ' an d , M rs- ° « orKe Pritzlaff Miss Louise Schneider of Sellwood the ?ch001 grounds F ri- and son Junior of M ountaindale were guests of Mrs Melvin Vander- « t r o ^ ^ r « 00? ' ¥ ? ny ot the Parents were Wednesday evening callers at most Friday ' J’ Tf6 prescnt. Games and races the George W right home. Miss Blanche McCormick daueh- ed 11,6 picnlc ¿inner. Prizes . Mrs- George H. Church and ter of Mrs. Ethel McCormick was races ° l° tlW wuiaers of the e n ^ h?nd' M udred' W °r- one of the graduates from Hulsboro ’ _______________ few r ta « « y area a high school last week. Miss Grace o __ . 7 \ few days w th M r- aDd Mrs. Law- McCormick, her sister, will gradu- re n ta l« Sl rv,£e i* ^ " ned ate from Pacific University* next vii?^P? , ? 2.' L; 2 ? 11 ,o f McMinn- week. The McCormick sisters will Witch Hazel spend th e vacation a t Mrs. Lilly mornui8 a n d Bierly's home ’ aIs? conduct a vesper service Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gerig and 1 m 5 6 p - m - Everyone Invited, daughter Miss Mildred of near Cor­ All Saints' Mission (Episcopal) nelius and Mrs. Lydia Obrist and TYinity Sunday: Church school, sons of Gresham were guests S u n ­ day a t the home of Mr. and Mrs 9:45; morning prayer and sermon, 11 o clock. August H. Dallmann. Mrs. Ainsworth of Portland is vis­ t G u m M Wrong iting a t the home of Mrs, Louise I i „ T J urr,ed way 1 signalled, VanKleek. Mrs. J. H. Aten attended an all- indignantly said th e lady, after day meeting of the P. N. G. club a t c’’a5h- „ „ Sherwood last Wednesday. The day , Rnow sadly said the man was spent in quilting. tn at 8 wpat fooled me."—Ex. At th e in -i quarterly confi - of the Evangelical churches of this district at M ountain Home the fol­ DR. R. J. NICOL lowing officers for the Kinton church were re-elected for the DR. E. W. ALMQUIST coming year: trustees, S. H. Pom­ Veterinarians eroy, August H. Dallm ann and E. “ Eef I could only feed L. Cox; stewards, Everett D. Wright Telephone 643 and 642 B ertha Bierly and Josephine Cox.’ each of my men with The leader for the C hristian En- FIR GROVE DAIRY MILK— Buenos Noches — W h at an arm y I ’d h a v e !” is 33 27 ' “Famous for 30 Years” 50< »¡z© $1.00 siz e Tell Me Another - - - M RS I I 111 I I VI w AI.OHA Mrs I E D l l r i i l i i n d ie d (U y E»L Scheldt) suddenly Sunday night at the hou» Now th at the primary election Is o í her son-in-luw and e.augliter (T«x> late for last w eek) over with, all the candidates f e e l , xlr «»‘I M rs' Warrell Er« in. ot 8 15. •'Iav » Kroup bette better. Either tliev won or they Portland Ju st a «et'k ago her ir°m the Girls Reserves lost .i l t i d that s .1 deeision The v,,t- noiden «cddiii,: « a . celebrateli a t Attention Dairymen HILLSBORO CANNERY ¡1 V im families in O n t th at record. • If there are. let's hear them Well. now th at the schools are for the summer, tin *'?‘SS D,l’roV'y , OUon directed the schoolhouse's all over the country Play w lth 9 “ help of Mis® Jenkins, take on a forlorn appearanc \\ Ii> Mrs \ i arvln ,,nd , not have someone take earc of ter returned Vo Tacoma4 W is h ' " u these places during the sum mer Mr H , ~ J ? «W^ . : months? with Mr. Houston on May 8 They had been visiting a few s «‘eeks with . her parents, Mr. It's sure the bunk the way the Snode a t Hayward. weeds gro«'. I t seems us though the hoe can 't catch up. T hat's on.' , .. place where procrastination does Literal lo u n g I.ady not “Darling, you are the most beau time. pay. As though it paid at any­ ' ‘^ o h - “ Harold, .d" how h " quick " you are Here's to the F arm ers’ Union May they help the farm ers get a t noticing thing.,"—Ex. what is rightfully theirs. There Is | too much humbug in the difference Bobby's Theory T eacher— "Robert, explain w h a t ™ ldhe proiits ni“d and the prices are the functions of th e skin." * a' T» „ „ . . 7 7 77* Bobby— "The chief function o f ^ w ' ^ to k e e p i ^ ' ï - k u , g ly notify t À e ^ A r ^ d T r ^ T L ^ ^ a t -Ex. noe'___________ F R E E vivrd by • ne daughter. Mrs. C. A nnitage of G aston route one and live sisters and one brother. d e s in ON G arnet GRADE ß II A T I. 1 N G .SC OREGON I t lt M S < h ili P o t a t o e s G r o w n Oregon City Doris Young. Wl! sonville farmer, «ho began a po- tato selection program in 1929 in cooperation with County Agent J J. In. keep, this year harvested 18 lures ot eertilnxl G arnet Chill po- tatoe.s, which yieldcxi an average of 135 field sacks per acre In addition to furnishing many Clackamas c u n i­ ty potato growers with certified G arnet Chill seed. Mr Young ha., found an excellent market in C ali­ fornia. according to Inskeep Seed ( leaning Method Hi t Fed La G rande -When Lailak alfalfa setvl grown by J. II. Weaver of Union county was found t<> be so badly mixed with m ustard sixil that it was impossible to reclean tt, he called upon County Agi nt H G S a ^ * O 8 K 8 it ï" ï î FORD MEN’S SCHOOL his problem. With their help Mr — e n y o u -aUt.il n u y AN AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR you w ant >e Here they are! tt)E ft«t oie New For tllst reason F ft Inetpensrre hi Air-Cooled Electrolux is the B T L IE V E operate, has no moving parts to very best o f all automatic refrig- wear and need repairing, is perma­ eraiora. nently silent, and gives constant why. Aad we want to tell you steady eold. Electrolux operate? upon a d lf. ferent principle than the others . . J Only Electrolux can offer yon all those things. In additiem, the new a sim pler, more efficient principle^1 Air Cooled Electrolux has the mod­ < tiny gas flame circulates a simple refrigerant Ordinary air coola it. ern ronrenieners that women ap­ preciate so •much. fferw are a Tew o f them 7’ TiTf/Tio? f ig h t in g . Vegetable frcdiener. Rub-J Ford ftcrvicc men of this city have recently undergone extervslvo schooling in tlie service departm ent of the Ford Motor Company'» Portland brunch. H. I, MacKenzle, local dealer, reports T he scene be­ low shows the complete room In which the equipment for th eir inform a­ tion Is kept, while the car above Is one of thtrty-tw o Ford trucks throughout the country which contact the outlying centers of Ford territories cnrrylng a "school on wheels” to service men Inside tho true k Is ils complete as possible an as.'sirtment of the equipm ent seen In tlie service division of the Ford Motor Company, under the direction of C harles Ratcllfte, service departm ent. Adv. Ix-r ic e -c u b e grid. Temperature' regulator. Split shelf. New glean»-! tng white N ew lone finish. Trigger trar release. And many otliers- * Fuller food protection You buy more than a kitchen appfM once when yon buy an autom ata refrigerator. You buy fuller prrJ lection for foods . . . new pbasurt} In preparing saluds and drusen»] And remember. Your own gas' Company stands back o f Electrolux' — prom ptly and w illingly services every one sold. HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I)IRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS PHYSICIAN EV E’S BEAUTY SHOP G eneral Beauty Work QUICK FACTS TERMS Permanently s9< nt no moving ports Free« you from costly repair Temperature regulator Non stop d e f r o s t in g Ample Ituni space Plenty of ice cubes n» AT ALL DEAF.EKS flnlrony IlillHhoro I’hnrmnry Tin: stiiyit^fz/iitiitittH A T O R Wells Building aperinlly T. l. i-l.-.nc 1171 W EI1/H A PA R TM EN TS Mnhal Rchandel h O ffice 2682 HILLSBORO, OREGON T L L E I’llO N F.S Ranidanee 2«fil HKNTISTH OARRAGK COLLECTION I)R. RALPH DRESSER G arbage Collection AND CANS D. P. COItUIEHI Tolephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR WaNhinglon P ortland G a s & C oke C ompany DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Ffiyftifian and Surgeon PERMANENTS T elephone 144 G P .O V E Hldg. Telephones Keoldenra 791Z O f firs 8231 E ven in gs, Bunday by A ppointm ent ELECTROLUX nnd flCRGRON Commerrlnl N ntionnl Itnnk Tatrphona 1381X Commercial Building MILK SURGEON X-Hay nnd Physio-Therapy A ll Kind« o f llrnuty Work EASY and A. O. PITM AN, M. D. PIIVH fCIAN Parm ananta nnd nil klndn o f baauty work. Sanitary Beauty Shop D on't discard clothes ju st because they look shiny and soiled. , A visit to the clean- DAIRY V I N E S E «> R Dentist lease on life. Lnnilwrt’a Kli<*umntic Powders (16 IMwders) (3H Powders> « $ A t 1 O lir D r u g g i s t t»n-i,«I..BIm n.,uer I'rmik Drug Co. through Blumauei Portland. O rccm W rite to Lambert Chemical Corporation Exclusive M anufacturer and Distributor If you change your address kind­ ly notify the Argus direct and at l*ence llu.ldliiK i once. Minneapolis M innesota 19 10 29 2.4 2 Rheumatism I leadaclics - Colds 193 It 1 I 33 It 14 10 61 32 It 12 11 23 19 170 14 33 12 9 4 I 45 It » • 23 2 4 12 1 I 1 4 21 It 1 i ft 32 30 35 11» 117 31 20 101 13 19 95 ft 21 12 33 10 2 9 17 16 30 21 61 8 4 4 10 27 5 17 15 40 33 to 5 ?l 10 10 20 15 107 I 15 to 13 i 31 19 35 1«. ’ 1 II 2t> 16 23 rence Gnus. M r. C hurch rem ained nt home at Otts to look a fter the farm. 3 io 3 4 1 » It 33 13 H so 1287 1413 2177 1675 2529 1703 2072 2421 2187 27 1 J 45 69 I 60 17 9 12 45 19 ft 12 15 11 41 23 33 85 3 ? 25 48 il 52 l‘ E A garet McCarthy." Award for ‘t h e hlgest scholarship average for the ^ - 7 Of The fifth s i« h X i t h a^d eighth g ra d « h« ;J won b? Ver den Beck o ^ h e ^ e v e ^ th grade and thp h i a mouth, according to the annual K'l*'it fil.d by j. r lic k , county agent. «It h the cent nil extension I office. In addition. Mr Ileck vis­ ited 7«8 farm s during (he rear. Real Estate and BAKER It N Daniel of Haines. Insurance " h o bust yeur made »1 gross Income. Of $81 all acre Irom his Ill-acre f i „ ........ .. .. alsike clover s.s>d crop, this year 1 "IIU H 'e y o u r insiirtU IC O is plunlmg «2 acres of his 8l)-aere p ri'tlliu iii.s o n jj m onthly In u t to seed ero|vs He will h a le b asis. eight acres of Kulak alfalfa, eight 1 ti«ic.s of i*«*ti oiover, eight lie res I 1152 2nd St. Phone 171 i W '1.1'h ^ s e i H * . 15 acres alsike I 125 tim e r and three acres of meadow 32 | foxtail. Mr Daniel's success last ( year has also stim ulated the intrrc.st of «»ther farm ers of this district In I ’ '■;'''d c ro p --, reixirt. County Agent 1» ' 1- I. Fortner. N u l ¡fv ter Miss Louise Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schneider of Seliwood. attended the graduating exercises a t the hall Tuesday eve­ ning. Mrs. R. A. Williams and son H u- bert of Portland were guests F ri- day a t the home of Mrs. Williams' daughter. Mrs. Inez Bell. Paul Bell a SS I 23 25 37 16 4 I neither absent entire school Beck Helen * zenbach \, Rose Mason Punfis the honor roU lor the Usi si-x w ee^ a 5 12 18 16 32 19 23 I 11 20 2 V 21 18 ll 16 13 0 27 10 ll : I 38 18 15 is 9 42 2 • 12 12 8 7 24 12 12 19 8 ll 31 7 44 29 19 2 19 9 12 I - - ■ 1343 1332 913 4i3 993 1669 3105 L eu y Cherry G reve_______ , E. A b K : 11 , ' ,‘r 14 59 30 26 11 34 26 SS 41 - S3 29 2 7 23 Mrs. Roy Bierly, graduated from th e eighth grade of the L utheran school near Sherwood last week. Kirk Hoover, who has been spend- ing most of the past year or so at his place in Sheridan, is a t his r ^ c h in K inton for an indefinite w N<\-nrtary o f Slat«» otnm ’r * Thursday, a t 8 o'clock. Degree .U ff of Aloha grange will exemplify the third and fourth degrees on a class of ten candidates. ............................. . , , Mrs. Lally M. Bierly spent a few days last week at her home, re- ... ■ .ii.i turning to u Hillsboro Thursday. Mrs. A. Jackson and son Harold and wife and family of Portland were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jack- son's sister. Mrs. George Studer, Mrs. Jackson remained with her sister for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Vandermost, who have had apartm em s during th e school year in Mrs. Lilly Bier- ly's . home, . vacated the first of the . . . s OREGON Primary Election Vote by Precincts on Contested Plac es VanKleek. Gienn Pringle.’ Eunice Matzen; presentation of diplom as’ or.'-.-." Snider Harry Ludwig and Ernest and awards by Harry Hoeffei. chair- > w t , Grow . Stassens. Tire other schools repre- hian of the school board. Dr. 11 s. n ,a rn ,'u sented were Chapman G rcn cr.. Vduug of Hillsboro addressed the — — Jacktown. Midway. Laurel Ridge, graduates. G raduates were Hina J. Mountain Side. Mountain Home. Maxine Elford, G erhard B. Matzen m . All grangers erancers are are .invited invited to to be and, Irene p ’‘'in* of Ie the sixth 'Manning N I'wiud ----- All ck Ella Pearl Rose Mason K ~ S ? grange S T b ^ heM a t 't h e W ^ c l ^ S ^ h ig h m avvr- v X b Wonn Stl w " e v J m .^ i ^ l l a • °3L h^i £ * * ~ ~ f f a H IL L S B O R O . ‘1 1 r r i ' ,;S u ,n ...a !!d Evelyn Hesse and Mary Sehmelt zer of the graduates, Mrs. Earl C Bell was chairm an of the decorat­ ing committee; ushers were K in­ ton school board. J. J. Vankleek. J. H Aten and Everett Wright J Mrs. Harry L Flint and Mrs Wil- liam Hesse made tire corsage bou- } - ARG US. Thursday, May 21, lim i ' deavor meeting this Sunday eve- : nlng will be Jam es Richards. Every­ body invited to be present. The time is 8 o'clock. A1 Boyles and «'lie were guests Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs. J R. Daniels. On their re ­ tu rn home to Molalla they were ac­ companied by Mr. Boyles' son and daughter Beulah and Freddie, «ho will make their home with them K inton—About 500 were present v ’*?rH a U , ,, a t the eighth grade graduation ex- - Mrs- Kobert V. Harris and . ercises held at the hall last Tuesday Leonard, and brother. Emil Dall- X-enmg: « hen 27 from eight* of the & H IL L S B O R O RUBBER ST A MI’S C ounty Ayrnrlaa INHIJKANCK HKRV1CR Shiite Hank P hone 2211 For Inform ation from Iluilrflnff Hlllnhnn» about D irectory or It « HILkSBORO ARGUS A 4r.rtlH .n l n il Th. Anrna — 11*1