THE Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARG US. Eastm an. Edith Higgle and Ethel Movers; second board. George Fish­ er. Vernon Strubb. Fay Mead. Dud- lev Sm ith, and Carl Teller D C ornutt was taken very ill at his home at the Elwood Mill tin ttrst of last week. Later in the week he was removed to a P o rt­ land hospital. Mrs. Lucinda Mead of Banks was a Buxton visitor election day. Mrs lone Justice of m a r Vei SCHOLLS -Miss Sophia Jackson of Scholls is one of Che Farm Union noma is picking straw oci lies a candidates for queen of the “H ap­ George K irk s place, driving back py Days celebration in Hillsboro. and lo rth daily Mr and Mrs George Kirk e n te r­ Scholls Epworth League will e n ­ tertain the Tigard League Sunday tained relatives from Portland this evening Special numbers u n i be week-end Miss Margie Hens.ey o. near Cornelius was also a week-exu. given oy the Tigard members. Mr and Mrs Ferd G roner. Miss guest there. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Fuller o. Wilma Herd and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Twice and children went to De- Sunset Camp visited relatives hen. Poe Hay Sunday tor several days. Saturday. „ „ , Raymond Jungnickel of Hillsbon Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Burge of Hills- boro and Steve Burge ot Portland spent last week at the George Fish- werc Sunday guests at tile S. A. er home Several from here attended tin G otter home. Mrs. B er.ha Lovegren and chil­ graduation exercises at Banks h.gli Friday night. Onlt one student. dren Mary and Ernest and Miss Dorothea Frewing went to Ione Harold Fisher, graduated with tilt Friday for a few days' visit. class from here. Buxton Farm ers' Union baseball Attend Contention Mrs. Lucille Flint is the dele­ team won a game of baseball with Farm ers' Union team from Blooni- R Frank Peters gate for Ruby Rebekah lodge at uie convention ai Tillamook this mg at Hillsboro Sunday afternoon, week a n l H T. Hesse will repre- the score being 9 10 7. Next Sun- sen t Lincoln I. O. O F. days game is scheduled Buxton Seventeen are employed weeding and West Union at W es. U n io n ., onions at the Rowell brothers place Miss Gladys LaZott and Wil.u tills week. Edwards of near Vernonia were Mrs. J. E Bennett, Misses Lor- m arried at Vancouver last week, alne Demmir. and Erm al Trask are The is a daughter ol Mr and ill this week. Mrs. Harry LaZott. The groom is A rthur Bogard went to Hood Riv- the youngest son of Mr mid Mrs er 'Tuesday for a n indefinite su y . Har.ey Eeiwarus. who formerly lived He has work in the woods. here. Mr. and Mrs. J W. R aynard en- Mr. and Mrs Bud Davies of tertained after graduation exercises Newport were Buxton visitors S at- Friday evening in honor of th eir urday night. son John, one of the graduates. Lewis Morgan of Goldson is driv- Buv Farm ing truck for his uncle. C. A Mur- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olhn Keith, gan. during straw berry season. Mrs. H Edwards and daughter who have been at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M ur­ Neva of near Vernonia and Mr ray. tor several weeks, have p u r­ and Mrs. B Atwood and family of chased a farm near the M aynard Scofie.d attended a nance h e r e £ _ \ place on the M ountain and will Saturday nigh:. • , • . I »• ' _ -Ä »' ? Johnnie Stowell of Ryderwood. move there soon. i . X - ■ j Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nason of Wash., visited relatives and friends Ny ■'It.’' .' ; P ortland were Wednesday guests at here this week-end. ' ; ; ; Mrs. Thelma M artin of Portland tne L. W. Guild home. Ashley Dixon Jr. spent the week- is pickutg straw berries at C. A. I end at the T. R. Moore home and Morgans. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodgdon of ► -X ■ . with Jam es and Wilour Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seiffert and Mr. and P ortland visited Mrs. Hodgdon s Mrs. J. H. Moore attended g rad u a­ mother. Mrs. William Hiddins. last tion exercises a t the lig a rd high week. school as guests of Leland Moore, J Mrs. Rhoda Watson entertained J. M. Vanderaanden J. O. Johnson relatives from Vancouver and P o rt­ a graduate. As a torecast of memorial S u n ­ land Friday. day Rev. H awthorne will speak on Mr. and Mrs. Earl "T n at fadeth not away." w itn speci­ set Camp near Timber al music by the choir. Saturday. They also Mrs. O. L. Hayen and Mrs. Tobey of n ear Banks. H D. K erkm an of Schettini, republican, county commissioner. Olsen of P ortland were guests at the Ed Benson home during the week-end and attended eighth grade Pranger Anna Bernards. Mary Seus. B a C C a la U tt 'a t e i l l and Fred Meeuwsen, Aloysius Van graduation exercises at K inton as guests ol Miss Mary E. Benson, one T ti il 1 ' i t I nilhpt* derzanden. Kaiph cop, Bill Blake. in ju r e U a t l u n u e r clarence Vanderzanden. Henry ] Van- oi tne graduates. Kemoael Store Front t t m r i r _Cavanaiieh P domelen. Raymond Herter. Law - -rw o store i e fro windows Va" d?!?e>' Vuicent K rleger' BEAVERTON— B a c c a l a u r e a t e P o .ter . X ^ r z a n d e n and fawhy. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Jesse and Dickman, and prayer and benedic­ ana Mrs. W nuam N utter and joe w h d e ^ w ^ i T a t ' S ^ S e t’ c a m J T ^ son Donald of Hillsboro visited Mrs. non by Rev. 6 N. Taylor Tay tion G Music a t r r jr . sp""-t M others Day with wane working at Sunset cam p last „ ~ t av w r s X Koeay m“ ht. y r e s w im m e r/ were served. The next meeting will be held as usual a t the R. B. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. Ted S attler and . M rs' A r/ li r Minn home, and will be the last Wild Cargo” Scheduled daughter of P ortland spent Friday 5Pent the week-end with Mrs. GU- ot the waaon. at Venetian Four Day* meeting a t the Ed Demmin home an d called m ores parents in Portland, Members of the Beaverton Ki- a t the H enry Reese home n e a r Mrs. Moreli and two children With a wild anim al h u n ter as Its wanis and Tigard Lions club in George Hinsboro. s. ar "a and attend « ¿ n d a v club ^ F U rry Reynolds and family spent spent Mr. Friday and Mrs. S tan to n and him s tbe nV dangers p1teT his which "'tasclnating O u lk " night deluded1 thV w‘u held a ^ booster at Tigard last Sunday on a trip to Bonneville and baby ¿on .J r - a rm e d Mon- trade. “Wild Cargo.” coming to the ‘ f t h e ' members and visitors in>n m s the Mt. Hood Loop. ¿ay from Ioledo to visit with Mr. Venetian theatre Sunday. Monday. portlandP Sid"sh Olio Holbert;, secre­ tary. and Mi-x- Ih’lat Huynes, tr> u urer Mis Ketfer itonuted a quill top to the club th ere were 24 members and eight visitors present Mrs Jack Bauman Is a new mem- >cr Next m isting will t»e June 20 at he home ot Mis O tto Kolbergcr. At the tanners Union dance al North Plains Ihursday night r.-ther vaidman chosen o\ b u h o t to be iindidtttc tor “Happy Days” cclc- ration tor Ute West Union 1 i al. Miss Adred Meyer was honor .uest at a dinner Sundas at tin’ dome ot Dr Knox In Portland Miss k’arolitU' Lorch was hostess Helvetia Girl Scouts accompan led by Mr and Mis Adolph l.ep|)in, atteiu t the Girt Seoul par.» aid at the . ..r r Gardena Saturday. P A K M IN G VON I ai m u u t o n tu ule Sc hool piente wtll bv lu ut t i utuy ui Hu» b h u ic pui k m H tlb o o io t h o .s e kouitf w ut lu c e i u i th e st n tu htm ..e u i s i a lu t k.o in H o in ttie ie t ai m u is tiin Wi lt.u e t n io m et ut th e h o m e ol M i . H H litige th m s ilu y . p m a e r e ?.n > tluints »s H. D uioy. i.tigui E a w in l u u k n u u t i. imi u o g c , u rv u t u u iK n a h e r . imi k iî u m , i Pui u u n i .h . Musses Muutu* l ’a lte c . M e l­ u a K iu u s. (. a llie t in e u n u K u lit i Unge, u n ti the M is «Millit* K ing o i P o illu iu l i spt lu lu ig Hu* week w i«h lo i - i l e i . M i . N tlso ii. A-shlev D u k tn .o n o i G a s to n wu . a g u ts l t h u is d u y n ig h t ui Hu* H. H litige h o m e I'.nlpll Nelson of Scoggins Villli v M a rio n u n ti C ecil Boge s|>eiit viewing lhe n'mls Mon.l.iy ult- lio in l uestiay u n in H iin st tay sai ernoon tn tin-, vleuuty n a in i. nm»; a i T illu in o o k . U lu le George Upton oi kbrest Grove t i l t l e th e y w eie g u e s is a t Hu* K v u il lire tnspeetor vtslteil th e I h in -.n Bt>t.e noin e. ,X- Miller lo .mg cam p twice th is J Pt»wii is m th e G»»o(l Baniarl- week. lu n htkspitul in Pm Hutut w u h l i u o t II. I). Kerkman reading troni left to undulates for Johnson nissioner; I omist. who is conducting a series j of cooking schools ill Oregon, gave a dem onstration ot the labor sav­ ing kitchen devices and instruc­ tions in making new dishes Tues- day and Wednesday. T ile eookuig school was sponsored by the En- terprise-News. ------------------------- Helvetia-Rock Creek Schools Have Picnic HELVETIA—Helvetia and Rock Creek school picnic was attended by a record crowd Friday, several coming from a distance W eather being tine, games were played in the grove oy the school Luncheon, which included ice cream, was serv- ed under the trees In the utter- noon the boys and married men puijed baseball, the score being 29-22 in favor of the boys. Mr and Mrs Chester Mulkey and Mrs. L. D. Mulkey ot McMtnnvil.e ¡uld p r and Mrs S A Mulkey ot Portland spent the week-end visi.-' mg at tJu. lu)Ine o, w E Mulkey .1 near North Plains. Mr and Mrs. W alter Keffer and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis ot Portland visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper K el­ ler. Mr. and Mrs D. C. Hamer. Mr. and Mis J. o . Reisiuger. Mrs. Elsie Norton and Miss Mada W orthing­ ton of Portland were visitors at the Ralph Hamer home Friday lu‘‘y and ’ « i ? “ L? » • three d “ r’ n pnr,fnn? V ? ,tytt days In I ortland last week vis iting ^ » Uw s They a tte n d ’d1 concert . . ‘»‘-Lt iiuvu P it ? f xir*- S.UL’ ,a t c,re<'2" 11E A L F O R 1> S E R V IC E » ( lo w 4*ONt O UR shop is as clean nn«I sw c el-ru n n in g as th e new F o rd itself. I t is U(>-U>- dute in e q u ip m e n t and n iaiin nd by specialists in servicing and re p a irin g new o r o ld F o rd s . O u r Plymouth Ask for an p urpo se is to save you tim e and m o n ey here. G et o u r prices f o r re p a irs , p e rio d ic inspection ser­ vice, ueeessories, w ashing and p o lish in g . G e n u in e f o rd parts and flat rates, (airs always ready nt the a p p o in ted h o u r! DODGE PLYMOUTH F’ii l Mortgages have atnod the text for 100 year» Ihrcugh h aul times and good time» Our moti hly payment Mortgage which I» reduced a little eaeli innnth Ls doubly secure Invent with ua today. Amounts of tlOO.OO and up accepted % U .I V OS» M S - ■ Washington Savings S Loan Ass’n J. M. I’l.ltSO N, Manager GEM INE FOKD PARTS Saving*! «1 Loan Bldg. beautilully decorated by Mrs. G reen­ wood. who is an artist. Sunshine club m et at the home of Mrs. Jasper Keffer. May 16. Mrs John Tinker of Portland and Mr. A. H. Meyer were assistant hostess­ es. Election ot oflicers was the principal feature of the afternoon Mrs K. Sanford was elected pres- • THE DELTA DRUG STORE IlilHboro, Oregon o f TroubU i-Free Care-Free Drivers over the lori ¡d a y MAN'S HEART STOPPED, STOMACH GAS CAUSE W. L. Adams was bloated so with gas th a t his h eart often missed ea^ P K Adlerika n d him ?h,neat\ £ n y ’ rwu. “ it*4 h“ r ' ™ £y and The D elta Drug S to r e .- Adv. your troubles before you go D o n ’t lot b a d tire s spoil y o u r good tim e. T rav el in safety a n d com fort on new U . S. R oyals of Tempered Rubber— th e tires t h a t give you th o u sa n d s o f e x tra m iles o f w ear, a t no ex tra cost. B U Y N O W — save y ourself late r tro u b le a n d expense — get set for a whole sum m er o f care-free driving. è U. s. TIRES „/ TEMMIIKI) Kl HUER ose are mne p ric e d an Une un During a hot spell, turn on the hose each evening and give your lawn a "d rin k ." A freshly w atered lawn is a d e lig h t to the eye and makes even the most stifling day more bearable. W ater one part to n ig h t— another tomorrow. 30 X 3V2 $5.15 The service your w ater com pany renders makes it easy to keep your lawn in the best of condition. OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY RICHARD E. WILEY, M anager è TRADE IN APPOINTM ENT Rem em ber there is no o b ligatio n. CADY MOTOR CO. gg TESTED FOR 100 YEARS UOO "How s that?" She llie re s .o inuell ot you having a good tu n e " Ex. SPECIALIST will be a t our store all this week. PRICE LIST a p p ro v e d I layward Miss Anne Ginther and E ffe c tiv e May 24, 1934 93 50 Mtli Bim Slali, 1-IiMil 1 Igiit S lali ,V Kdglllgs. 4-ft. . 2.7a 1 0(1 Extra lleavy Hlub, 4 IiH>t . 1 00 Medium 4 I im ii m.vlde lleavy. -I-Iooi Inside 1.50 No 1 O ltiro w lIi Elr, 4-foot itlieeiu 5.50 No 2 o ld tirow th Elr. 4-foot illa lt punkyi 150 No 1 Hccnnd Orowllv E ir. 4-ft. 5 00 Biuall S ,, oial w th H r, 4 lo,,( 1.50 O ak . 4 Ha li and up. 4 i»M»t 7.00 o.ik. 4-mell and le«a. 4-foot . 0.00 Axh. 4-Iixvt 0.00 Aldei and Mapl»*, l-fixil. 5.50 Hawing before delivery 1 00 Axel IVdcrsen Is hauling h i s potsonuig tuu .v tl bv a serait ti limu Saw uisi |H-r unii May 2.00 strawberries to Banks to the liolle oaroetl wire o n tils tinger. June 2.25 barreling plant Mr and Mrs Jack «Mrs K e in u th K einu u am i e h ll- Joims.on. Miss Bertha laieiui'rinan, »treu ol i’oiilun d 1 ¡1 .ill' w< . k Hale beltiw Hv e established eoats Mrs W It Hud -on and Miss Vivian Willi tu r tn o u ic r. M in ('iiariea coiLstiluii .v violation of tiu» code. are picking ft’r linn Chu k All members must p v t prices und I'hree trucks are hauling logs Mi Rttzuuin is buikluiu a boat adhere to provUUoiks u - prescribed to the Elwood null at liuxtuu lor to use 111 the riv er Ulto hummt*r. by Code. Hansen ,v Miller. Sulu.lav a I the John Huge Mr and Mrs Nordt nt Portland home were Mr. ami M i. Ginille» < u-otUinalii»ii < onuulttrc for Vlsltetl Joe Seh